tv Cross Talk RT October 15, 2017 11:29pm-12:01am EDT
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scandal takes a bizarre turn it's almost impossible to believe. talking some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have extra leverage he is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and of course we have dimitri bobbitt she's a political analyst with sputnik international regimen as always cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciated i want to continue because we've talked about it last week donald trump has started the move to walk away from the iran deal none of us are surprised by that it was widely expected but did you how he did it did surprise me a little bit. on social media e-mail as some of this is while the president was speaking i was receiving amazing number of my. so you saying peter how is it
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possible that the president of the united states is saying what he's saying because factually speaking it is odd odds with reality because you know we're moving towards a new two thousand and three moment when europe russia other nations including the middle east are opposed to a conflagration that the u.s. is building towards and there are very very few countries that support the israel. some countries and the persian goes real saudi arabia the united arab and to the speech to the actually it was. four cities you think he. supports al qaeda you know what what is the thing that i see is these are. radical. sunni ridiculous really and to them iran and the sheer are not just bust it's.
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enemy is have to be destroyed in the interesting thing that you think we look at you know when you bring up the issue of. fighting isis and all that i mean in iran wouldn't be doing this in iraq if it hadn't been for the illegal invasion of iraq in two thousand and three going back to your point in this moment is two thousand and three women want to know is this this asked the obvious question here is this the drive to war i think it is indeed a a first baby step in that direction softening everybody first of what has to be said that this refusal to certify what is the iranian nuclear agency review i mean this is an american this is american legislation passed by congress in order to support and to check to put a leverage on obama's negotiation of this deal with the p five plus
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one has inherited yes. i think it's a first step towards war and one of the first indications of that to me is the usual neo cons in the commentary in the think tanks immediately perked up their heads and said oh maybe it's a pretty low bar but everything trump said seems incredibly reasonable on this to me this was shouting at me. as soon as that was the first whiff of possible. neocon trotted out and suddenly discover this reality is they're saying they go to say with reason on foreign policy that's when i worry here the the the problem with this is of course. and it happens with american presidents it's always the domestic audience here but there are other signatories to this agreement and the iranians have made it very clear that they're not going to renegotiate this at all and the european american european allies or they actually went to washington
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and petitioned trump and his functionaries not to start walking up with the european union is not even petitioning they just said the united states can't destroy this agreement because it was an agreement between iran and you know we need a new seems that they want to do the same changes ok this is going to be the strategy isn't that the u.s. walks away from it and then any other country including iran because it would be a different set of sanctions they would start sanctioning european companies do you mean with an absolutely very very counterproductive for the u.s. in a number of ways first of all the relations that there is that ship is not in the past shape anyway so stern came to power in the us second of all their willingness for the us to. come away from expected agreements and attempt to change them by force you know it seriously impacts on american reputation for their future and
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their protection of american diplomacy. if you give some fish a washington and scroll to his official washington actually care about that the moving the goalposts changing the rules in the middle of the game well i mean if you take care american diplomats have to care about because american power is not in a session anymore they understand the understand that their power is declining in that even now right now it's nothing nothing ten years twenty years right now it's in decline in they have to understand that they do understand that the reputation of these states as a broker is a diplomatic broker in the world aware that it concerns the far east and the future of the korean peninsula whether it concerns others of the middle east of which there. are doing this walk makes a deal with north korea almost. exactly what i think it's a good thing what is going on strangely because the stupidity of this is so astounding that finally it can bring a good result because what's going on is indeed every petition or the iraq story
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but on a much greater scale i mean the incompetence over george bush jr is nothing compared to the incompetence or trump so in that sense i'm not a bad actor but through much a debatable point you're going to have small going from the big lebowski you know i think it goes well for our literary and i will hear this over because they thought he was in court but and that time which didn't need it they were right there some of the. all that great can't get probably right politico is cut came out and said that nikki haley had her fingerprints on this speech what do you think my life may be nikki haley speech for new york and speechwriters had a finger in it but i seriously doubt whether nikki haley the former real estate account zelman the whole said to r t the nikki haley's experience in foreign affairs was a few visits to the international house of pancakes as i might use for i wish i had said. that's
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a great that might be stretching it but this speech was obvious. bellicosity it does more than just question the u.s. is reliability as a partner europe had an eight year honeymoon with obama and to be fair if this was hillary clinton leading this decertification they would probably be getting in line for it but if trump and they need to be rove they're reminded again after george bush now again with trump that every four years they face the prospect of being. stuck with a us that they simply can't at least values wise align with but more than that this is a big threat once again the us is the world's biggest problem with anti-proliferation nuclear proliferation efforts around the world they keep sabotaging this again we saw libya we saw iraq saddam hussein we're seeing this occur with north korea and now with iran iran comes to the deal with a civilian nuclear program and under blackmail from the obama regime it agrees to
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this this nuclear deal but they came to the table now what are other countries going to draw from this that if you even try to enter into negotiations the u.s. has no good faith in these negotiations with with the p five plus one with with the u.n. security council the international atomic energy agency germany france the u.k. china and russia all agreeing that iran is in full compliance ok with the. markets absolutely but who benefits from what trump said. is there any beneficiary is really going to ok first of all but to your question politico that the politicos of that next to can go it's well known that is not. tillerson and he has criticized him openly said that he is. and he haley's
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position here so to take those. a seat at the state of the state of perth likely to pay and. she's looking for you know any sort of more being used as a wedge and so it's a way of promoting here for this position doesn't mean she's going to get it it doesn't mean that she gets computers as mark said but this is this is a way to two. way of promoting here now as far as beneficiaries of term again it's some several countries in the middle east first and foremost as though it's saudi arabia and some other go from other kids. to see iran as their main adversary of their dejan and certainly have some parts of the american national security establishment and they're either tied to those to the interests of those countries and let's remember some are tied to the interests of foreign.
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nations for and allies of the u.s. and some that we're going to benefit from for them from the war itself from the arms that would be made the interesting thing is looking at cable television in the u.s. is that it's another stick to beat russia radians will be backed up by the russians i kept hearing that over and over again well that's true. to what degree is it true russia signed the agreement like the europeans did in the americans and the iranians i mean they're they're respecting the parallel with russia is that they have no evidence on iran just like they have no evidence about russia getting involved in the american elections they have no evidence that iran has ever supported terrorist strikes including strikes against these so i'm not even sure israel would benefit from these kind of think that the israeli in a.z. right here in the chaos at least rein i think that's a big point more than anything stablish meant you know these radio hawks might benefit people like net and yup all but israel wants to be
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a dominant military force in the region. that's true ok but you know that is not the strongest one that was not created famous or you don't dismiss them you know that you have iraq now that is strongly aligned with iran syria also i mean all the way up to israel's border all the way up to the goal of the occupied golan heights here i really started he was just a complete mystery to me and always fails easy i mean we're going to go to a short break i made a few people can you were discussion on some little state. what
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what we want is to put in her. to nuclear testing and then to move towards a world free of nuclear weapons and to do that we have to bring countries who seek or who are of this ambition to understand that their national security doesn't depend on the possession of nuclear weapons. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around corporations corporations washington washington media the media the voters elected to businessman to run this country business because. you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before .
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welcome back to crossfire where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok gentlemen well into the year of investigative investigations and reports and suspicions and allegations and i could go on and on about russia gate here we have a new twist to c.n.n. is breaking new ground here mark this pokémon go which i really don't have a great idea what that is but apparently. this is a a game that you can play an app and the russians about captured and controlled it
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in flipped elections apparently yeah this is this is where russia gate jumps the shark just concerning news dot com i think that yeah it's what we have here out of this report actually originated in c.n.n. money of of all places which has been kind of a breeding ground for these refer these ridiculous russia gate stories and what we literally have quote russian linked poky mongo quote tentacles unquote out of a quote whose shadowy troll mark knew yeah you know i mean this has of course this is blown up in their faces entirely the internet just. you know reacted with complete mockery meems goal or putin riding on the back to be could sue with his shirt off and everything. does it actually discredit the whole russia gates
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norrie has been tremendously deceptively tells me again i'm sick and tired of this because i'm tired tired of talking about allegations and there are no facts to talk about but picture this is the state of journalism this is the sad state of journalism here where you know the alternative media is criticized for click bait and trying to get eyeballs and i mean this is the model of companies like c.n.n. i mean just click bait mindless stories that have no basis in reality or meaningful reality there's another angle to it. been you know one of the reasons they're saying this and they've connected this book in my story to racial strife in the u.s. to. my answer to why the great so what are they trying to do with us. they're trying to see. still it is in the us still is between the. ages and that partly it's. because not so much by issues but because the
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russians or the chinese or somebody else is stalking it but the. people there are coming out in their thousands in washington d.c. and baltimore in new york in l.a. in others american cities they know full well they're there not because we're not sure somebody else is going on them to do so they're not doing it because somebody is using book a month at this. town do it to get them there it's not just a ridiculous it's it's a terrorist well it's not to say that it's nothing new in the nineteenth sixty's the f.b.i. smeared the civil rights movement and martin luther king as communist agents this is an old cold war and there are two there was actually. this is this is an old cold war card replayed for that matter who idea but the interesting thing is is that you know the these ridiculous conspiracy theories. this is the explanation for the failure. of the western political elites it is the failure of mainstream media
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is that you know the entire approach neo liberalism of the last forty years has created the conditions that we have on the great ground right now they just don't want to take responsibility for it it must be somebody else's fault well the problem is that they have to go further and further they can't get back i mean the expression in that washington post. that might help the senate can make it to get to the. front in the rush inquiry and of course have to do with the russian. it has nothing to do with the elections and what that shows how it's my job defending experience of the. expression for you bought them i think bought them of their action when there was no russian involvement you know what imo it is that they're. simply americans now they have to go through something that serbs and many other nations have gone through before serbs were told me that you could meet
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the gripes your are the criminal side of the ball but prove us show us the video that's no the senator said the senator said that you are criminals because i will media says it so now americans have to go through the same ordeal that the serbs and. clinton says it's true there isn't going to be a shift in my or subcommittee of the coast and they are just. doing this to say for years and. go to the board. of the switch gears a little bit. unesco the united states announced that it's going to be leaving this culture organization israel as well here and it seems to me again looking at their rationale for it i'm not a big fan of an organization that spent a lot of money ok i'm not but this is one of the. more but they do better than most things you know if you could see the evidence of their work i've seen a lot of the stuff around the world that they invested money and protected but it
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seems it seems to me that the u.s. and israel withdrawing from it because you know sco respects the rule of law and international law and i think it's very very clear it's this is it's kind of exceptionalism meets international law and this is where the breakdown yeah it is it is pretty much just contempt for international law and it has to be said one of the better aspects of international law that is you know something that you can hardly find fault with it's pretty hard to understand even the rationale what it can only be celebrated this is this the u.s. and israel pulling out of this and it has to be said that the day after they did the first jewish french jewish was elected the head of your nasco so that you know that brings in the question there but this only decreases the u.s. standing it shows their contempt for dealing with any international body it's not as it was always i see only hard to think actually is normally part of the only
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part of the of the media angle and to make sure that they could spin that i was i was at the you know sco headquarters and that was the only they showed up one person. to keep an eye on the show with all the other issues the culture with the u.s. in already withdrawn from so it was there for political reasons will come to this is all because of unesco support of palestine right after. this past week could be called you know the ultimate i mean because really friendship week it started with . the revolutionary guards corps the iranian revolutionary guards corps a terrorist organization it's part of the iranian army by doing that it would be calling the ring and i mean officially a terrorist organization it proceeded with a synchronized the exit of the u.s. and israel from going to ask and it ended with three. speech. against iran israel saudi arabia i mean. this is of a knowledge of twelve of epic proportions i think i think it's very welcome i'm
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going to talk about it. let's not forget the united states supports the ukrainian regime which destroys cultural corp between ukraine and russia the but i don't fall of the books actually all the books from russia that brays what they call aggressive country russia what kind of cultural co-operation can you talk about if they let the states and the e.u. will support such a regime how israel supports cultural. peroration with the arabs we all know specially in gaza that places like that so i think it would be you were being you know awful to believe that they're going to because if they support the regime which imports cultural sanctions what we're seeing right now what we see what was sore against serbia what was sore against syria these are in fact cultural sanctions they are like they're mad men believe me all of the cultural things that have been destroyed in syria with the lax six years there are gentlemen organizations look at the. money that was spent or had gentlemen i want to i want
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to move on with. what what's on your mind moment your story from each one of you in the time we have left the in syria the implementation of this austin our agreement turkey has moved military forces into al qaeda occupied. under escort of al qaeda i mean it's a little bit on the b.b.c. and c.n.n. right now no they're not reporting it very well but i mean you do you will find references to it this is and certainly all the experts in the area the journalists tweeting amongst themselves or commenting on it this is all. this is the latest alias of al qaeda they're firmly in control of italy a province that it's a jihadi paradise there and turkey which has illegally armed trained in south you know these these and other jihadi proxies for the last six years the end. not to fight al qaeda but under al qaeda escort to take up positions against the kurdish
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canton afrin this is a complete violation of the austin argument the syrian government has called for turkey to get out turkey meanwhile in the other area they control in north central syria is setting up turkish government post offices urging doesn't play well he needs a serious stake in the tribes you know one of the things that you know again looking at the me. cheering on trump defeating isis in syria and iraq i find it is really just down doing. the heavy lifting that russia has been involved in the last couple of years gets no airtime at all it's all the credit is given to the i think sort of weeks ago it took to this that every time there is a war and the u.s. centers at some point down the united states declares itself the victor and we are seeing that today again so we could predict that several years when the crisis in syria is going to end and. you know articles books are going to be written about it people are going to find stuff about it in textbooks what are they going to eat in
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the u.s. where are they going to eat in london or in canada or in or in france they're going to eat there was the week in the kenyan. free money and they see it in the saved everyone goes through my says in the film it's insidious you know system says that the iran supports this well it was from isis and from iran and from other but then they will not really is that isis would never have been in iraq or in syria without iranian help. well for me the most astounding you will suppose the announcement by the russian defense ministry that while everyone was afraid of russian troops participating in the military exercise and i wish to lead you to a. two thousand and seventeen. point the united states increased that brigade that is stationed in. and basically it was the size of it thank you division in russian troops which means hundreds of u.s.
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tanks from colorado in the steps oh off poland trade next to the russian border if we will look at that at the number we actually have a boat down thousand nato troops right on the border with russia don't forget four thousand nato troops now stationed in the black sea and also. but the story line is that russia is being aggressive towards nato russia is being aggressive towards native by moving to within its own data that's threatening to general russia it's not very. many thanks my guest here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching is he an arche see you next time and remember across. we all willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but not
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signed up to be poisoned by our own people that was nuclear biological and chemical products said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between pets and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from their exposure from the burn pits would really literally send a be a broke and they don't want to pay it so the waiting decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they won't have to pay. to get the middle finger to be used to model the. delayed american people are.
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good politicians do you sometimes we do. we put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or interim. wanted. you to go right to be pros this is what will befall three of them or can't be good good. i'm interested always in the waters and. there should. be a. little. bit. on the. by then coffee session on the nod. by then is assess the on.
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the clean audience i don't. want. them you know so it was you'd be ok with the multiple injuries or more coming up to soak them to yourself you hope the robot shows real your mars on the. ball if you can be a complete fool so this is a you're welcome to it's a book in a moral sense what a month. hanumant of nothing of. a flood moved. somethin on the sidewalk or on long enough something not set it. aside and lived a hundred miles look ma says that's what i can now maybe i maybe. let me pull it up .
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in the stories that shaped the week the syrian army liberated the city of myatt in one of his legs to its final strongholds in the east of the country we have the story of two girls from the region and their fight for survival amid the devastation. very bad get. a little i don't know my. failed expectations and growing uncertainty cuts alone as president gives i'm big u.s. signals about the region's independence as madrid demands he clarified his position . the leader.
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