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tv   Russia Today Programming  RT  October 19, 2017 4:00am-6:01am EDT

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controls the media the media control over voters elected to businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. headline. kills forty three. just. leaves. the president. with. a female soldier who as you can see right here.
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a very warm welcome to you from all of us here. we have. we continue with our breaking news and updates. a military base in. forty three. killed just suicide bombers. killing seventy and injuring two hundred the u.n. security council condemned the quote in the strongest terms possible to the. government now the taliban is still controls a huge portion of the country's territory despite efforts by the american military to neutralize them. so the group.
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parliament has adopted a call for a bill to increased powers to the security services of a new law has drawn criticism from rights advocates who fear it might civil liberties police will not be able to such houses and have a greater ability to conduct stop and search operations on the streets the law also allows the wiretapping of communications including telephone and e-mail officers will also be free to close places of worship if they believe someone is preaching terror related ideology is that the architect of the lower as president himself who says this is an alternative to the current state of emergency closure to a hopeful sona secure the anti terror draw flow on the reinforcement of internal
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security has been adopted by parliament three majority and will come into power on november the first when the state of emergency expires the state of emergency was effective however we've seen in recent months that it unfortunately doesn't protect us from the reality of certain attacks because any state of emergency can protect us and totally reduce the threat from since a state of emergency is due to be lifted on the first of november it was issued following a number of deadly terror attacks in the country let's take a quick look back at the times.
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we gauge their reaction to the new law on the streets of paris. you know more soon with the product no i don't agree with it and i'm sure we can do things differently i don't think it is the way to solve the problem of terrorism. i think that when you look for something to have real reasons for doing so me personally am not against it. but i really don't think it will help to fight any terrorists it will only harm personal freedoms and i believe it is designed more to control the people normally the more your point i think we were to have the means to control people there are already laws in place we know we are under control and i phones are being monitored if they were now able to get into our apartments i don't believe the goal is fighting terror. the united nations also raised objections over the anti terror bill and said the measures if implemented would limit freedoms in french society and want to possible repercussions we discuss the new and old with political
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analyst diet plays book and former m i five intelligence officer i mean national. the state of emergency was passed because of the appalling attacks but that was only seem to be for a limited time what nikon is doing is now codifying the same terms and putting it forever into french law i think they've expanded the stop and search powers around major transport hubs and also this idea that they can close down centers mosques places religious worship if there's hints of radicalization but there's no proof required for that closure and that is quite concerning as well because of course what is radicalization at the moment of course everyone in france is focused on the concept of islamic radicalization but what if that term spreads what if there is mission creep so that someone who protests against the government is deemed to be a radical and you know their work may close down if you don't deal with the root causes which is the brutal foreign policy on the one hand and then the alienation
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of entire communities due to your systematic institutional discrimination and racism on the other hand if you're not going to deal with those even the most vicious police state will not be able to stop. being some people who decide to lash out unfortunately you're never going to be able to keep your population one hundred percent safe because your whole foreign policy is about certain fire to two other countries. and some other breaking news for you this hour of the cattle and leader has confirmed the suspension of the region's declaration of independence saying it's still in force in a letter to the spanish prime minister meanwhile thousands of a pro unity supporters took to the streets of barcelona on wednesday night with a deadline imposed by madrid looming as spain had demanded that the cattle and leader clarifies the region's position over independence by monday that did not happen and now another deadline for the cattle and leader to proclaim whether the region is to break away from madrid expires on thursday the spanish prime minister
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perhaps getting a little impatient waiting for a response. it's not difficult to staunch the simple question have you declared be independence of catalonia or knots. we discussed the issue with a professor william mallinson a former british diplomat he believes or the standoff between madrid and the region is just a war of words the central spanish government is being too heavy handed this sort of game of semantic poker and it's charged with emotion and that's dangerous what is independence what is a declaration and that's also very much a legal question now when you've got such flexibility then the madrid government should be extremely careful about bringing down the guillotine and then in a sense threatening the whole population of catalonia with. harder methods which would be very dangerous because that would lead to
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a knock on effect if you like to me to affect in other parts of europe the need to understand the beauty of diplomacy. russian a t.v. personality and fashion a magazine editor. has left some structure scratching their heads by announcing her decision to run for the presidency in the election of twenty eight tina let's get details on this artist nikki aron now joining me live this judio nikki what do we know about this new presidential hopeful well chris any a subject is quite the modern day media darling she's a reality t.v. presenter a socialite a fashion magazine editor she's even model for playboy so i think over the russian paris hilton if you like and she has quite a loyal following here she is very popular and now she wants to extend that influence into the world of politics has her campaign video yes i woke. up shock and thirty six and now like any other russian citizen i have the right to run for president and i decided to use this right because i'm against the people
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who've been using this right so far whatever they promise whatever they're calling for we are against it against them all of them. now subtext says that she wants to be allowed to speak of the people in russia who are fed up with the lies the corruption the theft of their leaders seemingly taking cues from the playbook of one opposition figure electing novell in the queue she said she respects and also looks up to quite a lot now this is totally constitutional any russian citizen not backed by a political party has the right to register as an independent presidential candidate as long as they collect more than three hundred thousand signatures and that's very possible given her loyal following a legion of fans here in russia so. connection to politics would be well if she happens to be the daughter of the former of st petersburg now he's a man that once gave a job to a man we know as lattimer putin in fact he was described as the mentor of putin in
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those early days and now given that subject is seen as quite rebellious she's never shied away from airing her political views in fact in two thousand and twelve she even attended opposition rallies. protests against president putin's but unsurprisingly her family's connection to vladimir putin has brought much skepticism to her decision to run for the presidency and i guess in a valley himself is called subject a kremlin stooge brought in to simply lend legitimacy to what would otherwise be. also school interest just you know as should be celebrity trying to profile trying to get more media likes more facebook likes and follow as so this is something that has denied she said that she would even step down if nirvana himself can run for presidency for the presidency now for commentators like ourselves this is added a little bit more intriguing excitement into the coming elections in march because she would of course be the first female to run for president in fourteen years and
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also we still get to find out whether vladimir putin himself will decide to run for another term so at this point you know it's not totally outlandish to say that a former playboy model could be the next leader of russia. thank you. it isn't international thanks for joining us so far less minutes past the hour now fifty eight people reportedly arrested in israel during a series of anti drop demonstrations organized by an ultra orthodox jewish group has been protesting the jailing of two students accused of being draft dodgers one female officer was even forced to push back an angry crowd all by herself was was i was was was i was
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i was i. i was i was members of the jewish hardline minority are exempt by lol from so being in the israeli army but in september the country's supreme court struck down this legislation making it more difficult for the ultra orthodox to evade conscription and leaders of this group say that those eligible for and this went on in particular students studying religious texts should focus instead on preserving jewish religion archibald what headlines are back here on our team international in just a moment. the big difference between. president obama. president
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was. gauging iran and the regional issues he was gauging be the iran. iran to international negotiations and see the. president trauma. patient confrontation with the in the region. when the. project.
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international thanks for joining us florida's governor has declared a state of emergency ahead of a white nationalist on thursday among the speakers at the event will be richard spencer who was one of the organizers of august. which saw one person killed and nineteen injured now at florida university where the rally is taking place to spend well about half a million bucks on additional security measures bus routes have also been changed and various neighboring buildings closed as well counseling is also being offered to any of those who might be worried about their. itself well almost three thousand people have signed up for an anti spencer event posted on facebook activists also launched a petition to ban the rally with several thousand signing it the state is on
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a show for potential violence between supporters and protesters and the event has again raised the issue of social divisions in us society american media linking the rise of these divisions on hate crimes to donald trump's presidency with several research groups reporting a spike since his inauguration however in some cases so-called hate crimes have turned out to be due to deliberate provocation as my girlfriend says santiago investigates seems like there's been a lot of talk about hate crime in america i mean it's just pop culture these days to be a victim isn't it in new york a jewish man reported to the police that swastikas were spray painted on his home i was horrified i thought to myself well go ahead go do something crazy like this and guess what it was fake according to local jewish leaders mr king wasn't even jewish himself local authorities didn't know that he falsely reported a hate crime is just as bad as a real crime but it doesn't end there
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a professor at the indiana state university claimed he was receiving an time muslim threats via e-mail he also told the police that at university he was physically assaulted now this sparked a frenzy throughout the campus the university doesn't tolerate intolerance if someone has experienced an intolerance act either in person or by e-mail or by phone we encourage them to report it to law enforcement but oh no they all wound up over nothing but another hoax the investigation didn't find any witnesses to the u.s. attack and later the cyber department found out the professor himself sent out those muslim hate mails. based upon the investigation there is no belief that hussein was trying to gain sympathy by becoming a victim of unseen muslim threats which he had created himself playing the victim way anomie hind bars and here is one more case for you joshua witt called the police to report a stabbing because the attacker and his own words mistook him for
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a neo nazi so apparently i look like a near nazi and got stabbed for it lucky i put my hands up to stop it so he only stabbed my hand. but what really happened is joshua bore a pocket knife at a nearby store and accidentally stabbed himself in the arm so he came up with the way to hide the embarrassing situation by playing the victim of a hate crime and sometimes it gets as weird as this earlier this month a michigan state university student found a new saying on her door and immediately thought it was an act of intimidation and reported to the campus authorities i want to be clear this type of behavior is not tolerated on our campus and noose is a symbol of intimidation and threat that has a horrendous history in america well it turned out to be a tad more innocent turns out the news that was found hanging outside a dorm room was actually just a leather shoes lace and messy says the shoelace and its match found outside the dorm were packaged in a way that someone could perceive them to look similar to
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a noose one of the most powerful of emotions one of the most powerful and frankly one of the most destructive emotions is the idea of victimhood certainly there are ways to even get money from the government for being a victim there are ways to get other benefits for being a victim and so they gather there's definitely something to that and i think that is incredibly destructive i would say that the first answer a wiser or such a rising fake a crimes is that they want to scrap it dollars there's whole they're invested in this narrative that donald trump is responsible for creating this wave of hate crimes because he's emboldening the racist he's a racist himself he's a white supremacist according to this narrative by the left so therefore they want to show that he's a bold in these races so therefore they want to publish that crimes to make it seem like that's the case. thousands rallied in mogadishu on wednesday to decry the perpetrators of the worst terror
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a tragedy in somalia's history of police fired rubber bullets to keep protesters away from the site of the bombing. the. guy was i was. it was. more than three hundred people were killed and some four hundred more injured in saturday's explosion of two truck bombs in mogadishu officials believe an al qaeda affiliated group that of al shabaab was responsible for the attack they say it might have been carried out in retaliation for u.s. led operations in the country as well for the last twenty five years the pentagon has rotated upwards of twenty five thousand soldiers all through that region some members of the somali community in the u.s. have responded to the mogadishu tragedy criticizing the white house words lack of
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response i call it our nine eleven nine eleven also many people we are also today questioning our own president trump's. lack of response if this attack has targeted people of other feet or other races we believe he would have made an immediate comment on his social media or in the others for my statement one well known politician reacted promptly though addressing last week's deadly explosion in the u.k. foreign secretary. had this to say about the battle ravaged city of mogadishu speedier the whole house we wish to join me in condemning the atrocity in mogadishu on saturday which claimed at least two hundred eighty one lives those who inflicted this hemostat of terrorism in a thriving capital city achieve nothing except to demonstrate their own we could miss so some straight comments there from boris johnson although some of his recent remarks have certainly been considered by some to be outright gaffes his latest
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comments on libya even prompting some to call for his resignation. but johnson isn't the fust politician to infer that recent war zones and investment shouldn't be a profitable combination africa has tremendous business potential have so many friends going to your country is trying to get rich i congratulate you they're spending a lot of money in south sudan for example documents leaked to the guardian newspaper over the summer revealed that cigarette giant british american tobacco may plans to launch itself that just two days before south sudan gained independence from the north off to years of civil
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war and millions killed the u.k. serious fraud office is now looking into a form of b. eighty employees allegations that the company was involved in bribery and corruption in africa tech companies use africa as a supplier of mind minerals like gold and titanium there will vital to the production of small phones but in the democratic republic of congo these minerals are sometimes sold by groups on the u.s. government's now changing the law in order to make it easier for companies to buy so-called conflict minerals and holiday for consumers to trace the. and although may not quite be the next dubai libyan oil fields are slowly beginning to swing back into action with some help from abroad back in april
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italy's state oil company teamed up with libya's to reopen the l. fields site in the west of the war torn country its elite just happened to be part of the coalition that intervened to overthrow moammar gadhafi government in two thousand and eleven amongst all this first johnson's comments as a reminder that war can be horrific for some and lucrative for others. the russian resort of sochi has been welcoming young people from all around the globe with the world festival of youth and students now in full swing organizers say that more than twenty five thousand people from more than one hundred countries are involved now it's the fifth day of the festival week and so far the students have enjoyed a number of events covering culture sports science as well as discussing various world issues for the festival in russia was first held in one nine hundred fifty seven and now sixty years later the first participants of the event recalled their
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memories of what it was like ok in those days. now with. the. ideas that. she might move through. i. think it's. going to be what willacy and she had asked of jordan. which is certainly a good move when the business just did you. can see that let's see. it.
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comes. the week if you ask me she said to her. students. you should. stress nick. she said has missed that meeting. received the leap. now of our breaking news story from cottle. house confirmed in a letter to the spanish prime minister that the region's declaration of independence remains suspended. and told today to make clear whether it was intending to break away or not. international your world. in about thirty three minutes.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around corporations corporations from washington to washington. voters elected to businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. thank you. but still. it is a. lot of media. in .
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the united states. counting on the. typical relationship over the past four decades. anything extraordinary. to discuss that i'm now joined by. a former new. negotiator for iran and now a nuclear policy specialist at princeton university mr mousavi and it's good to talk to you thank you very much for your time thank you and you first of all let me congratulate you on the accuracy of your forecast in an interview earlier this year you predicted the ministration would attempt to undermine iran by all means possible without directly with drawing from the nuclear deal and i think that's what what is going on right now the question is why now trump has already certified
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the iranian compliance twice refusing to do that again is that a sign of him easing into his new job or perhaps on the contrary he feeling the pressure. during his election campaign he would promise that he would withdraw from the deal he would tear up the deal. after. the election as you have seen he has done everything to on their mind and damaged. his decision was fair only to redraw to decertify and to withdraw from the deal presto world the international pressure on he was one reason the second reason many former politicians current politicians congress members. including his national security advisor the security of
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defense general mathis even the security of a state. they all advised him not to be draw because the international atomic energy agency for two years at least a tire has confirmed iran has fully complied with all its commitments and there is a failure on the iranian side absolutely there is no argument about the fact that iran is indeed compliance complying with the deal at these dads the russian position but. i think many people in not only in this country but in the european countries as well are analyzing terms behavior from a political point of view what he's really trying to achieve here and he's an outstanding glee unusual person i think it's hard to understand his pattern of thinking would you risk to trying to predict what he's likely to do now that this
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issue has essentially been handed over to the congress look president trump unfortunately rather than a lawyer himself with the majority of the. public opinion and u.s. politicians alarming the over velleman majority of international community unfortunately he has allied himself on a levy to three countries which is israel saudi arabia and imrie that's why trump has totally isolated the u.s. on the nuclear deal what he would do i believe he would continue his most to damage to undo and to undermine the deal to prevent iran from economic benefits of the deal this is number one what he would look number two is he would do his best to bring international con
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consensus and international unity to far and iran in the region because now the regional issues the big issue the u.s. allies saudi arabia is losing very badly after two years of bombing and killing destroying them and killing thousands of people they have to related their warst humanitarian crisis in this war and unfortunately the us have been allied soldier arabia in this militarists right well mr must have been in all fairly is the american support for the saudi campaign in yemen didn't start with president trump present obama was also quite comfortable with that but that leads me to my next question mr trump is explicitly opposed to everything associated with his predecessor president obama and yet this nuclear deal maneuver and the ratcheting up of tensions with iran have some similarities with what obama did on syria when he essentially threw that politically difficult decision to the
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congress what do you think the congress is going to do now because back on the syrian both it shared their responsibility do you. it will have the guts to kill the deal now there is a big difference between strong policy and president obama policy president obama was engaging iran on the regional issues though even during president trump he was supporting. the rebels in syria or supporting saudi arabia invasion of your man however. he was after in gauging with iran like inviting iran to come to international negotiations and syria but president trump is total confrontation of all old confrontation with iran in the region do you think the congress is going to
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support him in this endeavor no i believe he would weaken the us position in the region more and more by confronting iran in the region because first the world iran is not alone iran russia this syrian government iraqi government hizbollah law they are the most powerful forces fighting isis in the region and that's why they say they are playing a big role in syria or iraq or in the region and the u.s. coalition has proved to be too frayed for the last five six yeah i'm sorry for interrupting you perhaps too often but again i want to bring you back to the question that i pose do you think the u.s. congress is likely to support. mr trump in his endeavor as you said to raise the stakes and pick up the battle with iran do you think the u.s. congress is going to play along when i said trump because after full confrontation
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with iran in the region i believe the u.s. congress with the majority of republicans they are in line with trump administration in order to. the iran in the region they have the same alignment it's old the arabia emirate israel therefore i believe the us congress would go as much as they can to bring new sanctions and pressures on iran under the umbrella of regional issue terrorism human rights and destabilizing the region they would find such a excuses to fight iran in the region i think the us administration trying but this ration and the congress they are in freule alliance together to fight iran in the region on the regional issues the difference is about whether there's the u.s. should withdraw from the subpoena or not many in the congress they believe this would totally isolate the us here is there is there is
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a little bit difference about the nuclear deal now in what way do you thing add the rainy and should respond because we just heard the uranium foreign minister muhammad have ads that are you saying that the other day that he this is indeed what attack iran is considering at the moment withdrawing from the deal itself do you think the arena's should give it. to charm that easily iranians they have. the deal up to now i believe they would continue to comply iran would keep its full commit bindweed the deal as long as the deal is alive if the us is going to withdraw the deal you should be sure this would be a huge damage to the credibility of the deal because many countries in the war they would be afraid to do business with iran if the congress is going to reimpose the
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nuclear related sanctions therefore practically if if trump redraws practically the nuclear deal would be dead because iran would not be able to benefit from. economic relation between the national community and iran would remain alone only with the commitment and. limitations on its nuclear program therefore in that case i don't believe iran will. would remain in the deal however what your own should do i think there is a great sympathy internationally supporting the nuclear deal iran should. shake hands with the international community to support the d. to put pressure on trump administration not to violate the deal because this is not a bilateral this is international deal it has u.n. resolution supporting the based on the u.n.
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charter all members are. responsible it is mandated for all members to implement the united nations security council resolution therefore it is an obligation for trump administration to implement the deal well mr mousavi and i would agree with you that iran has substantial international support on its side especially coming from the european countries but the europeans are also highly oppressions if of trump they believe him to be capable of reckless act and they would certainly want to prevent that don't you think that because of that international sympathy that you mentioned the europeans would be much more likely to put pressure not on the americans but on the rainy and accommodate chum simply because they see tax run as the only adult in the room. on the regional issues i think still there is a huge potential for iran and other members of international community to cooperate
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look today detroit angle of tory key turkey's member of nato russia and iran they are the most. powerful the most influential international coalition supporting peaceful management for syrian crisis. therefore this is something iran and the international community iran and europeans they can do i believe there are a lot of rules common interest between iran and europe iran russia iran china fighting isis definitely is one of the most important issues and their war powers are there than the u.s. they recognize on the ground iranians are extremely helpful to support. their integrity and sovereignty of iraq and syrian government. second and preventing the expansion of terrorism to our their original countries is not their point of
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interest peaceful management of the crisis in the region is another common interest well mr mousavi and we have to take a short break now but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. the us economy is dead because competition is dead because free markets are dead because free money is being given to the lords and oligarchs and there is no small to medium enterprise arriving in america to create the jobs and real wages in g.d.p. growth would pay down the debt and or increase success and failure of a thriving economy and we see that in the volatility index. but
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also. did to the ship between. it was suggested. and a fairly strong one there were two thousand. volt in the study it's a very extensive study done by a well respected scientist. do chemicals that down the appetizing really increase the risk of cancer and i chose the means are known to infuse damage in the last intestine as she had skepticism they do not believe that this is is true by independent scientists so did the need industry p. and you for this i received some compensation for my time as was the others why is that the meat lobby definitely didn't like what we were doing and if you want to learn more you'll get a definite on the flop. you're not back.
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is it big business against health. as you're starting to show. how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as in. there is one business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like a video visitation i don't know what comes in and what we don't want to sarge and many more is cost effective. they don't give a damn if. there are actually paying us to put them back into. the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the u.s.n. breach what secret is behind such success.
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welcome back to worlds apart we say yes for saying with savvy and a form a new clinical shader for iran and a nuclear policy specialist at princeton. mr mousavi you mansion before that the europeans see the value in cooperating with iran both economically and security wise and i'm not going to argue about but i wonder if you believe that the europeans have enough at stake to either contradict our openly break with the
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trumps policy on iran the french for example they have been investing billions of dollars into the iranian economy do you think they have spent enough money to be on your side when the push comes to shop i am sure europeans they would continue to support the nuclear deal because it is initially a european initiative there started nuclear negotiation in two thousand and three with iran it took twelve years until they have reached to a solution therefore your of can show they have played extremely valuable role for peaceful management or one of the most difficult crisis internationally however europeans they are showing sympathy to trom in order to to to discuss the regional issues because they say they are also against the iranian regional behavior but if this is the case if europeans they come to see it with iran to
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start negotiations with iran on the regional issues they would find iran cooperative like when towards your started to negotiate with iran. is cooperating with iran and russia i believe that would be another positive international movement because then you also would. join the attempts of russia iran turkey to bring. peaceful settlement for the crisis in the region like yemen like iraq like syria however at that point freight again trump would be an problem because as long as president trump is going to stay with saudi arabia which is the source the main source of funding and supporting the terrorists everyone knows that the source of ideology of all this group isis are there because our arm from jupiter north they are all coming from wahhabi them
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reach the motherland is saudi arabia many u.s. officials they have said events from badness range from himself before election said saudi arabia is the source number one but he changed his position after the election because he made a deal for selling three hundred fifty billion dollars arms the saudi arabia that's why he is trying to be quiet about saudi arabia however if the europeans are going to join iran or russia. for such initiative already experience by triangle of russia toward iran i believe the europeans they would have positive guests to cooperate most i've been i think it's pretty clear that europe at this point of time is acting really carefully so i.
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asked the state wide required monthly test of the emergency alert system originating from the pennsylvania emergency management agency harrisburg there are terrorists. the. alliance between europe and the us is extremely powerful and historical they are not going to break with the us because of iran however. while the europeans are in favor of nuclear the while there is the un security council or the international atomic energy agency is fully satisfied while there are there are members of the international community from nonaligned movement from african union from european union from russia to
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china everybody is happy with the deal and the compliance of iran therefore i think europeans they are in a well position to put pressure on the u.s. congress and the u.s. administration not to break the deal i didn't say europeans they would break with the u.s. up to now they have been really successful because i believe they have been a very influential to convince the u.s. congress not to reimpose their nuclear related sanctions. what i said. they would support the. are you see this opportunity the international community or all last year rupee and raul. a positive impact to trying. to break the. dispute between europe and iran and the us would come to the regional issues more
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in this case if europeans are ready to start negotiations with iran they would find . positive constructive reaction can i can i ask a specific question on that because i think this is an important point and this is a point it was also raised by one of your colleagues professor joshua landis a prominent expert on that part of the world from the university of oklahoma he recently wrote that he agrees with your. idea that the main goal of this. time but mr ations new policy on the run is to hobble the iranian economy but he also says that for the first time in almost a century iran iraq syria and lebanon are on friendly terms in part thanks to iran and that in and of itself theoretically at least represents new possibilities for peace and prosperity in the middle east do you personally believe that that chance
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could be realized and is that something that could perhaps entice the european partners to your look more favorably at the what you call the rhenium behavior in the region. i think even many americans they also understand sixty years the middle east has been totally dominated by the u.s. and the support dictators corrupted regime from shahr to mubarak to men. we are the dictators today in the region and they all understand the source of instability in the region. was the us attacking iraq the us attacking libya. the us attacking of coniston the us soldier attacks on your man everybody and many many of the understand even in the us and europe that wars initiated by dilemmas i mean i didn't ask you about the american behavior i ask you about the of raney and
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behavior do you think the iranian behavior could be more productive in their region because the rain and influence the increasing your brain influence is looked at negatively it could be a force for good. what i am saying saying many in the us in europe in the international community the end wristband the past sixty years of u.s. policy have created such a problems for the middle east and they understand today is at the forefront iran is at the forefront fighting isis and the understand iran is one of the raid various stable powerful countries in the region that are their us allies are there they have collapsed or they are very vulnerable therefore they understand the importance of cooperation with iran in the region and. are completely sure their amiens ruled have open hand. for for cooperating with europe cooperating with russia and turkey to bring peace and stability in the region
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that's why i am optimistic if europeans are ready to start dialogue original with iran there would be a huge progress now while we are talking about the prospects for peace and stability in the region there is another potentially explosive situation unfolding in and around the city of kirkuk where the central iraqi government is hoping to regain the control of the city they have been already reports that america for says abandoned the city do you think the deal of work here cork has already. been made behind closed doors or will it still have to be decided on the battlefield i think both i think. battlefield is very important at the same time they are negotiating i believe the iraqi government would be able to manage to cook because and it is the constitution of iraq should be respected by barzani.
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core they are member of iraq's constitution breaking iraq a constitution and the international community is fully supporting iraq the constitution except israel israel has been the only country who is supporting the disintegration of iraq israel is totally isolated and i believe this is going to be perhaps a problem in order to manage the core of the iraqi government dispute. more optimistic the integrity of iraq would be. and the rocky government would be able to resolve. it in the framework of constitution which means they like to go and rent would have to recognize the. rights for quorums in the core of the stone province of iraq however it is not going to be managed very soon
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now there is a theory that the united states is deliberately agang at the kurds both in syria add in iraq to gain control over all of gas fields joshua landis from i mentioned before road that washington recently warned syrian forces not to come north of the your freydis bieber even to fight isis specifically for the purpose of denying the assad government the cluster of gas facilities there. apparently the idea the theory here is that they had the americans want to increase the regional library and economic leverage of the kurds as a counterbalance against the iranians and the spreading iranian influence do you think that plan may work could the kurds be an effective counter balancing force against the iranians there are many suspicious is about the theory that iranians are very much suspicious also it is not only some american expertise like what you
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mentioned from my friend at oklahoma university there are many others are writing and saying about this however this is not a leverage against iran this would be the biggest damage to stability of iraq to integrity of iraq. if if if the u.s. is going to support isis or iraqi. corps to dominate. or oil. sources of iraq there for iraq to go are meant would be completely distracted from the main source of income and this would be did beginning of the total collapse in iraq. everybody would lose it is not only the u.s. therefore i think the u.s. also should be very careful not to weaken in iraq a government iraq really needs a very central powerful government because iraq is fighting with isis because are
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making a big big mistake raising the election dependence of course the stand during the time which iraq is already occupied by terrorist groups and iraq is at the forefront fighting isis this is not the time to weaken the central government in baghdad well mr muskerry and unfortunately this is a time to and this. i really appreciate your being here and i'm sorry for interrupting your. a lot of issues to discuss to our viewers please share your comments on twitter facebook pages. same place same time here on worlds apart.
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thank you. to. them to the extent. that it will. you go google have made a. little bit the. only. one or you'll.
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get. some of the. here's what people have been saying about redacted in the night to us exactly just full on author of the only show i go out of my way to talk to you know we live in the really packed a punch how to please yap is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than blue. sea people you never heard of love redacted tonight was the president of the world bank girl paid to put the woman at a seriously he sent us an email. to colin is still exist. as a rico's treated as one visitor no economy calls on the hind fulsom alito and then
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will confront him only on the puerto rico i see little can i do a lot of seats and they can be seen at the time the island is controlled by the us government and some puerto rican screw even dependents gentlemen will see it oh my god you know me. good at either way but i'm going to sort out i mean we're taking a game a game last year obviously. still many do wish to join the u.s. hundreds more leave every day. with the country at a crossroads for anger on the island is on the rise. whenever you buy a russian product you're not just get a good quality. but
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a little bit of function so this will. look.
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the president. thank you. we do start with breaking news the spanish government is planning to discuss. the. fifty five which revoked. the statement follows the confirmation in a letter today to the spanish prime minister that the region's declaration of independence was not. suspended. this is pensioned remains in place if the government insists on preventing dialogue continues its repression the catalan parliament may go ahead if appropriate with a formal vote on the declaration of independence this came after spain demanded
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that the cattle and leader clarifies the region's position of independence by monday something that did not happen now another deadline for the cattle and leader to proclaim whether the region will break away from madrid expired today a spanish prime minister has demanded numerous times we formally require the catalan government to confirm if it has declared the independence of catalonia after the deliberate confusion created over whether it has come into a fashion implement it's not difficult it's just to answer a simple question have you declared the independence of catalonia or not meanwhile the state remains divided with internal tensions rising thousands of pro unity supporters took to the streets of barcelona just overnight. and the referendum on independence has been held on the first of october with overwhelming majority of voting in favor of secession we discussed the issue with professor william alanson a former british diplomat he believes the standoff between madrid in the region is
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just a war of words the central spanish government is being too heavy handed sort of game of semantic poker and it's charged with emotion and that's dangerous what is independence waters a declaration and that's also very much a legal question now when you've got such flexibility then the madrid government should be extremely careful about bringing down the guillotine and then in a sense threatening the whole population of catalonia with. harder methods which would be very dangerous because that would lead to a knock on effect if you like to me to affect in other parts of europe the need to understand the meaning of diplomacy. to afghanistan now where two suicide bombers targeted a military base in kandahar province the country's ministry of defense has
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confirmed forty three afghan soldiers were killed and nine injured with ten militants eliminated afghan based journalist a bill outside of what has the latest the ministry of defense has issued a statement saying last night around two fifty attackers targeted base in the district of my one killing at least forty three soldiers wounding nine six of them are missing and clearly this sort of attacks or a huge blow to the morale of the afghan national security forces if these attacks are only increasing this is the third attack this week in which the taliban have used onward have vs packing them with explosives and driving them. against major military bases i think what we're seeing is a very deliberate shift of strategy and part of the militants almost for a year or so now where they're taking the fight to cities in creating another
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headache another front for the afghan government and its international are lies. just this year. over nine hundred people. killed forty three. two hundred fifty six were killed. and days ago. injuring two hundred. military police facilities. of the country's territory. in sixteen years the group. this is a developing story here. you get the. president
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. decision with. well can see any a subject is quite the modern day media darling she's a reality t.v. presenter a socialite of fashion magazine editor she's even modeled for playboy so i think that the russian paris hilton if you like and she has quite a loyal following here she is very popular and now she wants to extend that influence into the world of politics has her campaign video and yes i will see. and now like any other russian citizen with have the right to run for president and i decided to use this right because i'm against the people who've been using this right so far whatever they promised sort of whatever they're calling for we are against it that was there against exam. now some talk says that she wants to be allowed to speak of the people in russia who are fed up with the lies the corruption the theft of their leaders seemingly taking cues from the playbook of
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one opposition figure electing novell in the queue she said she respects and also looks up to quite a lot it's now this is totally constitutional any russian citizen not backed by a political party has the right to register as an independent presidential candidate as long as they collect more than three hundred thousand signatures and that's very possible given her loyal following a legion of fans here in russia so. connection to politics would be well if she happens to be the daughter of the former mayor of st petersburg you know he's a man that once gave a job to a man and you know as lattimer putin in fact he was described as the mentor of putin in those early days and now given that it's a subject is seen as quite rebellious she's never shied away from airing her political views in fact in two thousand and twelve she even attended opposition rallies but unsurprisingly her family's connection to have landed near putin has brought much skepticism to her decision to run for the presidency alexina valley
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himself is called subject a kremlin stooge bought into simply lend legitimacy to what would otherwise be a sham vote he's also school interest just you know a show. celebrity trying to profile trying to get more media likes more facebook likes and follow as so this is something that has denied she said that she would even step down if nirvana himself can run for presidency now for commentators like ourselves as i did a little bit more intriguing excitements into the coming elections in march because she would of course be the first female to run for president in fourteen years and also with still get to find out whether vladimir putin himself will decide to run for another term so at this point you know it's not totally outlandish to say that a former playboy model could be the next leader of russia. the french parliament has adopted a controversial anti terror of bail handing increased powers to security services
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the new law has drawn criticism from various rights advocates who fair it'll cobe civil liberties police will now be allowed to search houses and have a greater ability to conduct stop and search operations on the streets of the law also allows the wiretapping of communications including telephone and e-mail officers will also be free to close places of worship if they believe someone's preaching tirade ideology is that the architect of the lower as president himself who says this is an alternative to the current state of emergency because you do a hopeful sign to secure the anti terror draw flow on the reinforcement of internal security has been adopted by parliament three majority and will come into power on november the first when the state of emergency expires the state of emergency was effective however we've seen in recent months that it unfortunately doesn't protect us from the reality of certain attacks because any state of emergency can't protect
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us and totally reduce the threat crosses a state of emergency is to to be lifted on the first of november it was issued following a number of deadly terror attacks in the country just for a moment here let's take a quick look back at those. we gave to reaction to this new law on the streets of paris. you know more if you mean with the product no i don't agree with it and i'm sure we can do things differently i don't think it is the way to solve the problem of terrorism. i think that when you look for something to have real reasons for doing so me personally i'm not
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against it. but i really don't think it will help to fight any terrorists it will only harm personal freedoms and i believe it is designed more to control the people and only the more your point where i think we were to have the means to control people there are already laws in place we know we are in the control and i phones are being monitored if they were now able to get into our apartments i don't believe the goal is fighting terror earlier the united nations also raised objections over the anti terror bill and said the measures if implemented would limit freedoms in french society and warned of possible repercussions and we discussed the new law with political analyst dan glazebrook and former m i five intelligence officer. the state of emergency was passed because of the appalling attacks but that was only seem to be for a limited time what nikon is doing is now codifying the same terms and putting it forever into french law i think they've expanded the stop and search powers around
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major transport hubs and also this idea that they can close down centers mosques places religious worship if there's hints of radicalization but there's no proof required for that closure and that is quite concerning as well because of course what is radicalization at the moment of course everyone in france is focused on the concept of islamic radicalization but what if that term spreads what if there is mission creep so that someone who protests against the government is deemed to be a radical and you know their work may close down if you don't deal with the root causes which is the brutal foreign policy on the one hand and then the alienation of entire communities due to your system out against discrimination and racism on the other hand if you're not going to deal with those even the most vicious police state will not be able to stop there being some people who decide to lash out unfortunately at the you're never going to be able to keep your population one
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hundred percent safe because your whole farm policy is about certain fire to two other countries. fifty eight people who have reportedly been arrested in israel during a series of anti draft demonstrations organized by an ultra orthodox jewish group they've been protesting the jailing of two students accused of being draft dodgers i wonder female officer was even forced to push back on an angry crowd all by herself. was was was was was was was i was was i was i. i was i
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was members of the jewish hotline minority are exempt by law from the suffering in the israeli army was in september the country's supreme court struck down this legislation making it more difficult for the ultra orthodox to evade conscription leaders of this group say that those eligible for a list and in particular students studying religious texts should focus instead on preserving jewish religion. artists busy day for news who are not international and your program continues in a moment. us economy is dead because competition is dead because free markets are dead because free money is being given to the lords and oligarchs and there is no small to
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medium enterprise thriving in america to create the jobs and real wages in g.d.p. growth that would pay down the debt. or increase success and failure of a thriving economy and we see that in the volatility and. good to have you with us today for your news florida's governor has declared
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a state of emergency ahead of a rally of white nationalists on thursday among the speakers at the event will be richard spencer who was one of the organizers of all crist's far right rally in charlottesville virginia which saw one person killed and nineteen were injured now at florida university where the rally is taking place plans to spend about half a million bucks right there for additional security measures also the bus routes have been changed and various neighboring buildings have all being closed as well in fact counseling is now being offered to those who might even be worried by the rally well almost three thousand people have signed up for an anti spencer vent posted on facebook activists also launched a petition to ban the rally with several thousand signing it at the state is on the edge of a potential violence between supporters and protesters the event has also again raised the issue of social divisions in us society american media is linking the rise of these divisions and hate crimes to trump's presidency with several research
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groups reporting a spike since his inauguration however in some cases so-called hate crimes about to be turned out to be deliberate forms of provocation as miguel frost santiago now investigates. seems like there's been a lot of talk about hate crime in america i mean it's just pop culture these days to be a victim isn't it in new york a jewish man reported to the police that swastikas were spray painted on his home i was horrified i thought to myself what i had to do something crazy like this and guess what it was fake according to local jewish leaders mr king wasn't even jewish himself local authorities did know that a falsely reported hate crime is just as bad as a real crime but it doesn't end there a professor at the indiana state university claimed he was receiving and a muslim threats via e-mail he also told the police that at university he was physically assaulted now this sparked
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a frenzy throughout the campus the university doesn't tolerate intolerance if someone has experienced an intolerance act either in person or by e-mail or by thrown we encourage them to report it to law enforcement but oh no they all wound up over nothing but another hoax the investigation didn't find any witnesses to the alleged attack and later the cyber department found out the professor himself sent out those muslim hate mails based upon the investigation there is no belief that hussein was trying to gain sympathy by becoming a victim of ons in muslim threats which he has created himself playing the victim when in the me hind bars and here is one more case for you joshua with call the police to report a stabbing because the attacker in his own words mistook him for a neo nazi. party i looked like a neo nazi and got stabbed for it luckily i got my hands up to stop it so he only
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stabbed my hand. but what really happened is joshua bought a pocket knife at a nearby store and accidently stabbed himself in the arm so he came up with the way to hide the embarrassing situation by playing the victim of a hate crime and sometimes it gets as weird as this earlier this month a michigan state university student found a new saying on her door and immediately thought it was an act of intimidation and reported to the campus authorities i want to be clear this type of behavior is not tolerated on our campus and noose is a symbol of intimidation and threat that has a horrendous history in america well it turned out to be a tad more innocent turns out the news that was found hanging outside a dorm room was actually just a leather shoes lace and messy says the shoe lace and its match found outside the dorm were packaged in a way that someone could perceive them to look similar to a noose one of the most powerful of emotions one of the most powerful and frankly one of the most destructive emotions is the idea of victimhood certainly there are
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ways to even get money from the government for being a victim there are ways to get other benefits for being a victim and so they gather there's definitely something to that and i think that is incredibly destructive i would say that the first answer a wiser or such a rising fake a crimes is that they want to scrap it there's home they're invested in this narrative that donald trump is responsible for creating this wave of hate crimes because he's emboldening the racist he's a racist himself he's a white supremacist according to this narrative by the left so therefore they want to show that he's a bold in these races so therefore they want to publish that crimes to make it seem like that's the case. by turning our attention back to afghanistan two suicide bombers and a number of gunman targeted a military base in kandahar province afghanistan's ministry of defense confirming forty three afghan soldiers killed nine injured with ten militants eliminated let's
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bring in now professor of history and international relations specialist and jamal joining us here in our international thanks for coming on the program today this is the third deadly attack in the space of a week is the taliban of resurging know across afghanistan. i believe so because. unlike other terrorist groups it was for a time a political party and it was the ruling party in afghanistan that the whole country . enjoys good us troop support from mainly the. ethnicities which are mainly the majority of the. afghanis on one hand and they are concentrated in the southern and western part of the country. unlike the northern part which is mainly a predominantly. it was big so i believe that. they are
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targeting. afghani police. road or thought it did that was imposed by american occupation and i'm going to stand and this of course undermines american control of this country so as you say as you say some of the taliban militants and other groups have been targeting of the afghan security forces there but obviously you know the u.s. and its nato coalition this western coalition have been in the region now for what nearly sixteen years approximately sixteen years is a strategy by the west in afghanistan just not working. i believe that it's not working because of kind of stun it's a complicated case it has always been the crossroad or. trade routes and made communication lines and the heart of asia and no empire was able to control this country in the modern history. the british empire late to the soviet
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union and now the united states which are the major empires in your asian continent they were not capable of controlling this country because it's a very complicated matter and. these empires have waged wars by proxy one against the other afghani fairly fairly so this makes it complicated for any power to control it or certainly perhaps no surprise to some that afghanistan is known as the graveyard of empires now according to the latest u.n. report the civilian death toll from air strikes in afghanistan has actually risen by fifty two percent this year do you think the afghan government and coalition forces are doing enough to try and avoid casualties. i don't believe so and i don't believe the coalition led by the united states cares much about civilian casualties we've seen this in iraq we've seen this also in syria and know enough to understand. because. the united states
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is so desperate to control the country it has been intruding heavy losses and it's trying to avoid. military losses. life losses among soldiers that's why they are relying much more on air strikes and these strikes i'm not that i could and that's why civilian casualties are rising mr watt came very quickly i'm running very low on time here my last question to you though very very quickly sixteen odd years of the western led coalition there in afghanistan trying to implement its new ideology of democracy and freedom by your telling me that this western policy hasn't really worked if the war on terror in afghanistan hasn't really been effective is that perhaps another reason why this western coalition is still in afghanistan. definitely because i'm gonna stop is the. critical region that lives on that section of major communication lines.
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of a controlled afghanistan mainly the united states is right to control afghanistan to thought good to weak points in the national security of china the northwestern part of the country. russia mainly central asia iran because throughout history major invasions came from central asia that were capable of controlling china russia and iran so the united states is playing on this god in order to undermine its own ends and that's why they are so keen on controlling the country in spite of the losses. certainly something you don't tend to hear in the mainstream media professor of history and international relations specialist jamal wakim joining us here on r.t. thank you very much for your time thank you. thank you for your time as well this is r.t. international live from moscow we are back in half an hour. still
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exist. rico's treated as one. of the islanders controlled by the u.s. government and some puerto ricans crave independence. even. still many do wish to join the u.s. hundreds more leave every day. with the country at a crossroads anger on the island is on the rise. how
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does it feel to be a sheriff the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is what business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like us is no b.t.o. visitation i don't know one comes anymore we don't have to sarge them anymore is cost effective this will be on. that loan they don't give a damn if you do the charge on that they're vastly paying us to put it back and. the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the u.s.n. bridge what secret is behind such success. i don't know. her this is the report there only michigan and chicago
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will. station. again remember we are in the windy city which apparently was just propaganda it had something to do with the the world was that world's fair sort of thing and the new york observer called this the politicians and the promoters of chicago full of hot air so they called the windy they were a windy city but that's ironic when ironically during this wind in my face it's just all hot as you know white caps on lake michigan blowing in twenty knots yeah we had to insert a cut of that the white caps out there isn't it has moved all. sheep then look at the sheep the white caps on the tone it's very clever we you know it also happens here in chicago people just there was. no no no
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there's a lot of trading that happens here commodities trading and the volatility index is traded here in chicago and despite the volatility in the weather. it is very clear that the volatility index and this is i know something that you as a former options trader know a lot about but i'm going to read the headline first and this is from chad locke normally here in chicago but he's not here in chicago today so he's not with us on kaiser report but here's the headline volatility nowhere in sight vix posts record low quarter the c b o e volatility index or vix just finished its calmest quarter in his. averaging just ten point nine four over the past three months to gauge has fallen for three consecutive quarters its longest streak of declines since two thousand and eleven according to the journal's market data group the vix
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uses options prices on the s. and p. five hundred index to produce a measure of expected stock screens over the next month it tends to fall when stocks are rising and vice versa so max a lot of that if you tune in to any cable news if you turn into even the mainstream news what you see is chaos it's as if america is going through the most chaotic creasy scary time and yet the volatility index is saying this is the the calmest time in u.s. stock market history but it's priced propaganda. it's using prices to give people a false sense of security the volatility is low because corporations are buying back their own stock with free money from the central government essentially plan central planning of the federal reserve bank and as such there is no penalty for making any mistakes of any corporation out there if they make a mistake they get bailed out instantly if they want to manufacture earnings that
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are higher this quarter of the last quarter they buy back their own stock using free money given to them from the central government so another way to look at this is two ways one would be that the only time we've seen volatility this slow in any major economy would be the soviet union there was very little volatility in the soviet union prices were stable. and then they collapsed. and another time when you see this type of low volatility is in the more. dead people there's very little volatility going on very little activity happening in the market because people are dead the u.s. economy is dead because competition is dead because free markets are dead because free money is being given to the lords and oligarchs and there is no small to medium enterprise thriving in america to create the jobs and real wages and g.d.p. growth that would pay down the debt and or increase the success and
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failure of a thriving economy and we see that in the volatility index it's like if you want the hospital and the e.k.g. machine was flat and the nurse said is there great the patient is showing no pulse . fantastic and you know that leaves are dead right the big no no not this hospital because for every dead person we kill we get a bill from the government we're just buying back shares in our own hospital and it doesn't matter if everyone's dead we're still making tons of money that's the american economy by the way there's also like a public toilet right here a kind of stings but you'll see you might hear some cottaging happening in the background of toilet harvesting well just like skip that i was going to skip over that we're going to go on to with the next bit of this and all the good this is so the volatility index vix index is trading at all time lows it however is the volume of bets on it has hit it's hitting all time highs there is a hedge fund billionaire at least people suspected guns lock but they he is
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investing he's buying. he's betting big that volatility is going to increase but the absence of volatility hasn't tapered volatility trading itself even as the gauge capped off its quietest quarter ever last week one trader pushed through one of the biggest vix bets in history and drove the total number of vix options treated to a new daily high of over two point six million contracts so these contracts all expire by december if the volatility index is not increased to about twenty then this person loses big time on these bets right ok as you pointed out i was a professional optimist trader for many years. oppenheimer paine webber alex brown and i'll tell you a few things first of all the bet that's being made there on the long side
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volatility will increase expires in december if the payoff is not forthcoming from . the trader can roll that option forward to a forward months and effectively they would cost them money it's going to cost money to keep rolling this is what now seem to leave would talk about this all the time the black swan the suit i seem to only basically his whole. you know great strategy is to play volatility he has straddles and that would profit under volatility situations those straddles you're playing both long and short they cost money you have to keep rolling them in till you have a volatility event and then you get a big payoff the hope is you don't run out of money before there's a huge volatility event so there's traders often there will be a huge volatility event that markets will be volatile soon if they're not going to have to keep ponying up more money another way to look at this which is what i want
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to get to here the martin gail strategy of investing. strategy at the rule that we'll if you keep playing read into all you read pops you know as a winner you just have to make sure you don't run out of money before you lose before read pops up on wall street this is acceptable because they have an unlimited amount of money at their disposal from the federal reserve bank at zero percent interest rate that's why goldman sachs can report thirty sixty ninety one hundred days of street profits because they never take risk because they are always have unlimited free money and they can always put on the same strategy again and again and again and again so this trader they know that even if they're underwater come december they have access to unlimited funds i mean they think that at some point there will be a volatility event but my my problem with all this is that this is not available to the average joe you know this is a guy's going to make a billions of dollars on the straight eventually this should be available for
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everybody i should be able to go to my local bank and say put put to straddle on the vix index indefinitely and finance it for free i should be able to do that too right welcome all the exxon guy could do that i could molly the central bank as enabling the central guys to do that you know there's two tier economy in america. right obviously well while this trader they mention is betting that volatility winning will increase but not too much just up to twenty but others don't. see the calm ending volatility has fallen so low this year that the chicago board up sions exchange the c b o e has had to introduce a new lower strike prices or the level at which contracts can be executed and vessels can now wager that the vix could sink as low as nine so again volatility declining down down down all is calm at least on the surface so i want to turn to another headline because this is not a very it's
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a parabolic line this is looking bad and that is the number of opioid deaths in america because believe it or not twenty sixteen it looks like the official numbers are not out yet but the new york times has looked at the data and it looks like heroin and opioid and drug overdoses even cocaine overdoses are up about fifteen percent some states like ohio are up as high as twenty five percent. and this is the headline drug deaths in america are rising faster than ever drug overdose deaths in twenty sixteen most likely exceeded fifty nine thousand the largest annual jump ever recorded in the united states according to preliminary data compiled by the new york times the death count is the latest consequence of an escalating public health crisis opioid addiction now made more deadly by an influx
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of illicitly manufactured fenton oh and similar drugs drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among americans under fifty so i think this ties in well what you were saying earlier about the soviet union was the soviet union collapse once the economic system in which people lived disappeared overnight i think stephen f. cohen professor of russian history at n.y.u. in princeton said just. when it just disappears the state disappears the economic system disappears. we saw a massive increase in mortality rates due to alcoholism here we see a similar situation the similar sort of spike in deaths if you look at the chart that hopefully is up on screen you see that's a huge mortality incident well francis fukuyama said when the berlin wall came down this is the end of history and what he didn't count on was massive alcohol poisoning in russia and soviet union that almost wiped out
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a tire generation in america its stone wall that was the glass steagall that was separating the speck of activity from the banking activities on wall street that was torn down by bill clinton and as a result entered into their own financialization which is now creating a soviet union type playing opiate addiction and to die off a mass die off in america yeah i mean the chart you see is you know it's flat two thousand instead of a number you know from night late ninety's to. two thousand and two thousand and one then the financial collapse happened and this whole plunder started then the plunder happened in the post soviet era as well during the yeltsin era the dark yeltsin era you saw the plunder and and people were just left to their own devices but had to figure out how to operate in this new system of plunder here in america we have a system of plunder that has happened since the commodity futures modernization act
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since the glass steagall came down it's been a free for all plunder but people have been just like startled into like waiting for regulators to do something to help them what how do we operate in this new system and they've just been plundered and i think that could be this sort of what you're seeing i don't know i'm not a sociologist but it seems quite remarkable that there seems to be some sort of correlation there between these events back and bamma is like the boris yeltsin equivalent somebody who oversaw the rise of the oligarchs on wall street and across the corporate america and the whole generation getting strung out on opiates and a massive die off and then bleeding into trying to trump could possibly be you know . somebody has somebody has to end it but you know because this is intolerable i think we have to go to the second half yes like radical bamma is the boris yeltsin equivalent anyway they don't want to break don't go away so they're at their.
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thank you. but. it will. take. you to.
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have. one or you'll. need to. be. paid. by then. by then is a system. not.
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going to want. so it. was no surprise was if you have people multiple injuries among countrymen to sew them to yourself you. shows you what you know most of them to the. people the people from the c.d.c. say but in the book i was in. my. own image but i'm not going to laugh a lot on the process look how i think something to do. something. else and to put my. own what i can now maybe maybe maybe pull it off.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm nice guys are going to continue our conversation on march eleventh mark welcome back thank you good to be here it really carved out an excellent space for yourself in the financial journalism been following you ever since the m.f. global kind of transition from a a to a post rules based economy as well we have in america unfortunately today and just to reiterate an important point that a recent investigative piece in the nation magazine found that j.p. morgan had a four billion in fines for mortgage fraud was more mortgage fraud that's how they paid their fine it offered financial relief on mortgages they didn't actually hold
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. so to pay the fine for the fraud they commit more fraud that's what i've been saying now for five six seven years. and nobody i've been saying this many many times. but nobody seems to really want to take this on board they don't really want to admit that jamie dimon commits fraud and to pay the fines for the fraud he commits more fraud that's a serial fraudster and he's undermining america and he's on par with the opiate overdose addiction problem and deaths but nobody why does he get a pass like this i mean if the devil showed up is it because he is the devil and people are mesmerized by the devil. i can't speak to bad but i can say that you know in a world where the board of directors takes very little action is very slow to act i mean wells fargo how long does it take them to look at a situation and buffer even reprimand the executives were in an environment where wall street wants profits they want continued stock price appreciation you know
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that better than anyone else jamie dimon has delivered on a relative basis there's analysis that says you could carve up j.p. morgan and it's worth more in parts than it is as a whole but j.p. morgan. dispute that so on the one hand you know investors think jamie dimon has delivered the promise land of the other hand people who are looking at the criminality the documented criminality and wondering where the board of directors but even the paul tudor jones who's got to be one of the red meat eating carnivores in the hedge fund space capitalism through and through capitalist kind of transformed the hedge fund industry back of the early eighty's one of my personal favorites in the space of walter jones is one as a legend he is even commented that the wealth disparity in america caused by we're sort of this. serial criminality by the likes of jamie diamond is destroying the
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country why why is jamie dimon not care that he's killing his country well i think you're raising a great point here and it's really insightful because there are. our a lot of hedge fund managers who look at income inequality who look at the criminality that's taken hold on wall street i've had recorded conversations with senior bank executives who helped me out considerably during m.f. global who are horrid by the criminality so i think the level of dissatisfaction with the criminality that is tolerated throughout the financial system is not just among radicals it is now in my opinion i've seen the establishment elite sort of make their case that criminality has gone a little too far so at what point is a condo building going to come in on wall street i don't know but i've seen a lot of people ask for this is it like the harvey weinstein situation or area of it alleged serial rapist who is abusing women because he's
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a gatekeeper to the hollywood industry nobody will tell on him they won't report is alleged raping is that so in the financial industry because jamie dimon such a big player in the industry he's like the harvey weinstein of finance the hedge funds are getting kind of abused in a lot of ways but they don't report on him because he's a gatekeeper so mark. you could draw definitely drop parallels and i think that there is. there is a concern that if you speak out in the financial industry you will not get employed your employment prospects diminish greatly if you tell the truth well that's going to whistle blowers get penalized now to want to go to jail now look at the j.p. morgan whistle blower who blew the whistle on the c.d.o. she couldn't get a job on wall street she you know she had an ivy league education how is that not like harvey weinstein allegedly raping everybody and it wasn't reported so there are two components to this when i look at the wall street i look at blocked
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investigations block prosecutions but the power is so significant they can also block public discussion of criminality you know when you can block. discussion and public debates of an important issue and then block the justice system from working why isn't this being addressed well it's true that they block the public domain from discussing these issues by censoring some going on may stream media and openly discussing these topics we talk about them on our take and our see is giving journalistic truthful analysis of these issues and so we're aided. it's really a shame because the way a democracy is designed to work the media has to bring the truth into the general public that's a lot of ways how policy leaders learn about policy leaders learn about corruption in a lot of cases through the media you can document points where the media has spoken
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out and then positive reactions have occurred in washington d.c. then of global there are media superstars and very little known journalists both of whom really contributed greatly and when m.f. global customers got their money back you know i think they can bank programs like our capital accounts there are also some major journalist you know a huge list william cohen was talking to the obama administration ruled in some things the chicago journalist here who's done some things that no one knows about there are a lot of people in the world of journalism who came to the aid of m.f. global customers and no one knows that that happened right i said for years that j.p. morgan is paying the fines for committing fraud by committing more fraud and now that it's been put in the public record and it's been shown now publicly exactly accepted i get nothing but. i'm i don't feel i don't want anyone else with us the
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troops to see f.t.c. commodity futures trading commission has just reversed course on the obama era regulations regarding high frequency trading tell us about it. well i can tell you that the market macon systems are completely different you know you've been inside the markets so you know. the high frequency traders right now there are there is a different standard in order to play that game you have to pay technology fees that are just astronomical so they have created a game we used to be a system where market makers people like you and i who had knowledge in the financial system we could we could go down to the exchanges we could make markets the exchanges used to be income equalizers there people from the south side of chicago who never would have made six figures go on in the exchange make six figures terry duffy is a great example of a guy who the exchanges have made millions so you can't do that anymore it's
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all very elite game of high frequency trading pay millions and millions of dollars in order to play in that in that way i love that phrase income equalizer you know when i started last in one thousand eighties it was very much the income equalisation was very much a part of the mix so you had guys coming in to shine boys you know guys from backgrounds working class backgrounds who were shining guys is who got a license that became multimillionaires but it's just not there anymore for this high tech driven high frequency trading and high frequency trading must be different than sticking it's front running but on an extremely rapid pace so it's not different than me sticking a hose of my neighbors car gas tank in siphoning off money siphoning off gas that's a high frequency trading does business siphoning cash you're not adding not making a market you're stealing liquidity you're not adding market making that's a misnomer that's false i hope people don't think that they're adding some attribute to markets they're stealing and they're stealing in
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a high frequency way this rapid stealing they've made stealing on steroids yes or no. that's a sweeping statement and that. i've got to say i mean there are a lot of issues with high frequency trading but all batted around the big issue us i always say that because in two thousand and eight during the crisis where was the liquidity where were the high frequency traders there was complete credit freeze and they had to go to the fed and get twenty trillion dollars if they were doing an honest man's work and honest business they would have stepped in and provided the liquidity and the market making to keep markets functioning but where were they they were in the back telling their money helping the fed james cramer on c. and b. c. . the ball did get make money with that free money from the fed. because they're not because it's not honest it's not a sweeping statement as you have characterized it it's fricken honest analysis all those crooks mark. well i'll tell you what i've been involved in the markets i
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don't want to be on the other side of a market crash a lot of people put their hands in pockets i've seen it happen during market crashes so these are independents firms that are involved in market making and high frequency trading used to be able to set the machines to poll orders when there was potential for a crash to occur in electronic i that's what happened during the two thousand and ten flash crash and then they figured out how to manipulate. you know and that's that's where you get your spoofing and i know from personal experience my patents all the specialists that number one five zero one seven six is a technology to increase or decrease the amount of balance required to create an uptick or downtick using algorithms now i invented that and i can tell you that j.p. morgan and goldman sachs abused that pakistan along by cantor fitzgerald to manipulate prices i know that for a fact they manipulate markets because they use my technology and they've made the
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use my technology and i talked to somebody from c m b c fast one about this recently who confirmed that cantor fitzgerald and others abused the technology to manipulate my. it's those are the facts that words affected regulators on that mark . and that answer for the regulators out of a mention another scenario is short selling the banks and the way they are minute there's a huge lawsuit it's got no coverage whatsoever there's a trillion dollar lawsuit pension funds are suing the banks for how they borrow stock and then allow it for short sales so there are a number of issues and hopefully they get straight now to hope the courts straighten him out and i hope that we as a society can start to look at blocked investigations can look at manipulating prosecutions and in these practices because they're destructive crack was told by short sellers or it's be a rule book called the top to the the the top to the to the rule that you can't short sell you can only short sale on a on an uptick. rule and they got rid of that so that opens up abuse and short
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selling and again the the the repeal glass steagall the high tech top to the high tech rule. role in the nation the commodity futures modernization act which. point in history born in my appears brooksley born futures modernization act and just goes downhill from there thanks mark for being on the kaiser report my pleasure max that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report. i would like to thank our guest mark mcclellan just on twitter as a record castro on you tube it makes kaiser t.v. until next time. is a big difference between. president obama. president obama was
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. gaging beat the iran like inviting you on to come to international negotiations and see the. president trump he's. on the front they should all both come from the station before you go into the region. politicians to. put themselves on the lawn. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express injury. or somehow want to. have to go right to be for us this is what will befall us three of them all can't be good that i'm interested always in the water. for six.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself in taking your last bang turn. your out to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker.
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colin is still exist. jericho's treated as one bizarre annoying calling course an online possibly dull moment and then milk and thrown him along on the portal three call us you know little can i know a lot of it doesn't break loose in a town the island is controlled by the us government and some border regions crave independence joe it was the only god you know it was getting a ride on our local bike does it work daughter either like it but i'm going to sort of randomly go over that again again waiting in pointless areas to go by the law still many do wish to join the us hundreds more leave every day knowing. that i'm a long way from mania. beings there want to go with the country at a crossroads anger of the island is on the rise.
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preparing. me. for the president. election.


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