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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  October 19, 2017 10:01pm-10:30pm EDT

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stream media coverage however so many of heard of him and he's saying some interesting stuff having a candidate who it's understandable though that he's that he's been blocked out because having a candidate who is left of the incumbent democrat bill de blasio. that really good good for the democratic party so why not block him out of the supposedly open election system mike tolkin has a lot of good ideas for the biggest city in america and it was a pleasure to have him here and let you hear some of them even if the corporate media doesn't think you should here's my conversation with my talking like thanks for joining me thanks for having me so you're running for mayor in new york city the election is a few weeks away on november seventh it seems to me that the mainstream media and the people running the debates there in new york are. terrified of voters you know terrified they might actually hear about you hear about your campaign can
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you talk about what's happened to you so far with your efforts to get in the primary debates and then again in the general election debates sure i mean it certainly seems that way that there is a concerted effort to keep us out of the process in the primaries the democratic primary some registered democrat we were kept out of two debates both debates that are officially sanctioned by the new york campaign finance or an arm of the government both times the campaign finance or qualified us and then new york one and then c.b.s. arbitrarily kept us out and this is never happened before you've never had a candidate that's qualified that has been proactively kept out of the process given the kind of media they give you a. no reason the first time they broadcast live on t.v. just a single statement that said we're not inviting michael told him because he's not part of the campaign finance matching program was that it which essentially means that i didn't take government dollars i fundraised myself and then they added some
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arbitrary statement about not having a visible presence on the campaign trail which is both factually incorrect if you look at our website in the events that we participated in throughout the campaign but also in arbitrary require mitt i mean we've gone about this campaign in tire lee unconventionally by design because we know that we need to change the way we do things we need fresh approach is we need big ideas and so our campaign is about leveraging new media social media digital media which has by far the greatest reach and by far the greatest return on our investment in terms of time effort and capital and and we've taken a a content focused approach meaning it's less about paying for advertising and more about creating content that captures our policy proposals in very digestible short form video content all of which is on our website in our social handles and that
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way we don't need to make a syndicate out our message people will do that for us because we have really compelling ideas and ideas travel much farther and much faster than any sort of paid advertising and then most recently we were kept out of the first general election debate with mayor de blasio and two of his opponents one of which is in the exact same situation that i am in he is names bodo and he. was not part of the campaign finance matching program either and they they invited him to participate so again it's unprecedented in terms of not allowing someone into the debate arbitrarily and without any sort of reason or rationale but then on top of that they violated their own rules their own arbitrary rule. and so a lot of this is going to start coming to the surface in the next couple of weeks yeah and i watched a few minutes of that debate it was you you almost seem lucky to have not been there it was fun madness now let's go to the closet thank you very much you know
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sometimes. if i had my head in the potato field like today this is the year i say i will do what we got. promised everything. i write down would be rid of the don't we should these guys want a big box guys given the money there's a lot. going on but this town elections here for one more second you know we saw lot of these kind of games these are. the debates but with the actual election with bernie sanders this election fraud that went down one hundred thousand likely berner of bernie voters were purged from the rolls and in brooklyn alone alternately people were fired over that do you have much faith faith in the in the n.y.c. election system and if you were elected how do you think you'd change it. i have very little faith it's not no faith i have very little faith because the entire
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system is corrupt it's designed to protect itself and everyone in it from the mainstream media that is has an endless list of of conflicts of interest in terms of having a profit motive having other arrangements with the city. so i think the establishment media the establishment and government has a stranglehold on the process and you know i i came into this pretty ignorant about the degree to which the corruption existed i think a lot of other people many of which you know i have been in government warned me about this process warned me that the democratic machine would crush me and i went into this thinking you know we're going to do everything right we're going to play by the rules we're going to focus on ideas and substance i'm not going to criticize my opponents in fact i was defending de blasio often throughout the trail and and so it's been an incredibly eyeopening experience and
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a very unfortunate way that said the one thing that i do believe is is is still intact is the voting itself and while many people are completely disenfranchised from the process those that are able to vote those that cast a vote i do believe that their votes are being counted that they're being counted accurately and fairly. and so from that standpoint it's really important that regardless of what you hear in the press in the media regard list of the narrative that's been set by the people who claim to know more than we do who claim to you know to have this insider access to information and that's why they're sort of framing the viable candidacies rather than listen to those people i think it's really important that people make up their own minds do their own research to the extent they're able to there's plenty of content and get into the voting booths on november seventh because that vote does matter. absolutely and speaking of social
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injustice another factor of that is the the police the police state island of new york for twelve years the comps are pretty awful even though the racist practice of stop and frisk has been been tapered off how would you say the police the police state still needs to change the new york. well i think it starts from the top i'm not going to criticize any individual because i think it's the problems are systemic and cultural and institutional and so if we're serious about addressing this issue we need an entire cultural shift we should be policing ourselves or policing our own people we should be protecting we should be focused on in the criminal justice system rehabilitation we should be focused on identifying what are the drivers of crime and in most cases it is economic injustice it is the fact that people are so desperate for for for food or for shelter or for a pack of cigarettes that they're forced to go and commit
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a crime and then you know they're they're pushed into the criminal justice system in a very unfortunate way you know rikers island is obviously a tremendous blemish on our city and. i'm hopeful that we will will shut down rikers within our first term actually within the first four years but we do need to be reorienting our systems around empathy and compassion and if you're looking at someone on the street and you're not able to see what their life is like in its entirety if you're just looking at a moment in time i think you're doing injustice to the situation because nobody acts i don't think anyone is born evil i think people have mental health issues i think that they've been hurt in a variety of ways i think they've been kept back economically i think they've. they haven't been afforded an opportunity to elevate themselves out of poverty and so when you look at all these things in aggregate it becomes a lot clearer what our problem is and again it's an economic problem but you know to go back to your specific question about sort of this police state and the
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culture of the n.y.p.d. again we need much greater compassion we need community elected officers people should be true seeing the people that are representing them and protecting them we need to integrate new technology like body can switch. no the mayor is in support of as well as a variety of other tools and techniques and i think the broadest point here is that we need to be experimenting with new approaches to the ways we've been doing things in terms of policing ourselves are not working there are too many people that are unfairly victimized through no fault of their own and we have to deal with our reality the reality is people are being shot unnecessarily and that's preventing us actually from getting to the heart of the problem which as i said is an economic one. largely agree with the almost everything you said although you said no one is born evil i've met some babies that i'm pretty sure were born evil. will agree to
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disagree with. you you were talking about you know where all these evil babies are talking about. babies and babies are the worst. they're going to team up and take over i swear to god but you talk about you know seeing the world out of someone else's eyes and you know living in there in their shoes and understanding where they're coming from you lived and slept on the street for a week you said to better understand the plight of the homeless what's a little bit tell us a little bit about what you learned and did you invite the other candidates was blasio out on the on the park bench with you. who was not with me and i did reach out to met so unfortunately i think it was a missed opportunity on his part to elevate the issue with me just clarify i actually did this twice the first time was earlier in the year when i first started our campaign and i didn't mention it to anyone i didn't even tell my family i did it as authentically as i could again it's
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a simulation so i don't pretend to have the complete experience that you know somebody who's genuinely homeless is going through but i wanted to like any other i come from the private sector i start companies and like any other. the program that i've started i throw myself into my research to try and get the the closest possible first hand experience and so i slept on the streets i jumped from couch to couch friends acquaintances and got a lot of information it really did help to understand the psychology of people going through. through this this crisis. i was able to inform more comprehensive robust plans which we published on our site in terms of addressing our homelessness crisis and again the underlying issues of economic injustice and most important it gave me the opportunity to meet new yorkers
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directly to hear their stories to be able to humanize the problem and so the second time i did this was with a very clear objective to elevate the issue i wanted the media to cover it i wanted people to be aware of how massive this crisis is sixty thousand people sleeping on our streets twenty three thousand of which are children children who were just born into this do no fault of their own about a third of our of our homeless population has some form of a mental illness and so as we start to talk about the problems in a much more humanized way i think it's easier for the public to realize how devastating this problem what it was something concrete you think can be done. well the first thing is we need to abolish our entire shelter system which is unsafe an addict with and and ultimately perpetuating the problem and we need to replace it with end to end rehabilitation program we call that program and y.c.
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life and basically we're going to be creating safe interim housing with comprehensive health care including mental health care for those who need it with child care you know all parents are getting themselves back on their feet and most important with job and vocational training so that we're not just getting folks off the street but we're actually helping them to rebuild their lives to get a skill that's you know monetize all in the job market place and to ultimately get their family to a point of stability so that they are financially independent that's what everyone wants nobody wants to be dependent on the city or on the state people want their independence and in every way including financially and so it's our job as a society to help them get there you know i'm basically i'm impressed with anyone who takes it upon themselves to run for office without the massive corporate democrat or republican machines behind them i think we need more people like
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yourselves getting involved in the system whether they have that that corporate backing or not but i represent a much larger audience of people that for the most part been invisible to our government and to the people that are leading our city and i think it's about time that those voices are heard and with social media and digital media with people feeling young people being mobilized and for the first time in their lives sort of rolling up their sleeves and becoming very civically engaged now is the time for this sort of generational shift in terms of mindset in terms of the people that come into government and i just happen to be fortunate to be in this position right now but i. as you can probably tell i'm not a politician i don't enjoy the process of politics but i do enjoy government i do enjoy problem solving and i think that's that's what this is should be all about well that's really great if there are people out there watching right now who want
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to help out your campaign in these last couple weeks what's the best way to do that . you can come to our site tolt in for mayor doc on c o l k i n and we have a sign up form there we have over two hundred volunteers now so we are we're looking to build the broadest possible embassador program and if people want to participate and join and have their voice heard please please please come to our site if for nothing else let us know what government's doing wrong so that we can help solve it all right my token thank you so much for joining us thank you for if you go to a quick break but i have a live comedy shows coming up in richmond virginia berlin germany portland oregon and washington d.c. you can get tickets or vote for your own city at redacted tor dot com i'll be right back with a lot more. news
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companies. partners are. often. heard. many ways the news landscape just like to eat real food fake news good actors bad actors and in the end you could never hear on. so much car company for all the world's a stage all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely a player. our culture is awash in lives dominated by streams of never ending electronic hallucinations that murdoch fiction until they are indistinguishable we have become
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the most deluded society on politics as a species of endless and needless to little computer politicians have morphed into celebrity are two ruling parties are in reality one part of the corporate and those who attempt to puncture this. breathless universe of fake news to sign the push through the cruelty and exploitation of the neo liberal or are pushed so far to the margins of society including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche of squeak we must move. still exist. rico's treated as one. as. the island is controlled by the us government.
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crew even dependents. either. there are. still many do wish to join the us hundreds more leave every day. beings. with the country at a crossroads for anger on the island is on the rise. welcome back i want to go now to some standard c.n.n. coverage of what's going on in north korea and how we need to protect our national security but before i can i can play that clip i have to show you which cut more commercial played white before the c.n.n. clip as part of the c.n.n.
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clip when i tried to watch it online you. know. you can start with an ad for shell oil and then talk about how we need national security you know other business has caused more death and destruction and measuring in this world both the humans and dolphins then the oil and gas business they are. the worst so to have to take a little c.n.n. clip on how north korea is threatening a missile strike just after an ad for shell oil is. like having
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a segment on how important it is to just be genuine and be yourself and just just below you are just after an ad for plastic surgery and botox and limp implants. spray on tan or maybe a strap on dildo. polar opposite. anyway now play the c.n.n. clip the u.s. and south korea will be kicking off with yet another round of joint military exercises these are naval drills and we know the north korea has been very unhappy lately because the u.s. deployed a nuclear submarine to the region they've deployed an aircraft carrier to the region these naval drills kick off yes north korea has been on a happy. they've also been a happy because our president is a lunatic and some like c.n.n. doesn't know that they talk about they don't know what an uninformed man-boy trump
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is that's what c.n.n. is made of that's all they do that is the beans in their beanie baby that is all they are like like how much can they trash trump a lot of it rightfully so and then and not then go maybe north koreans go out points maybe they're justified in not understanding what the this guy is doing you can see it and you can't have it both ways you can't you can't point out how drama trump is and then also be allies but north korea is just listen to him and do what he said as because he leaves a great nation around and also he lies blatantly all the time i mean did you say the last but days to. go back to him you can have a vote away. and speaking of trump. i want to i want to move on to his secretary
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of exxon mobil rex tillerson who was on jake tapper's show on c.n.n. and i had a problem from just immediately secretary thompson thanks so much for joining us we appreciate it a pleasure joe we appreciate it i think the beginning of this interview should be i am sitting across from vomitus pottle of filth in a nag tie a former c.e.o. of one of the largest most destructive criminal code balls in the world exxon mobil a sickens me mr tillerson to be in the same room as you the smell alone is on fire a ball and thanks for taking the time dad should be the beginning of that interview and so ok so now jake tapper's about to ask a question think about all of the problems in the world that you could ask the
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secretary of state about everything from from from questioned about our global military had gemini to to our ship to africa to where all our soldiers are now being killed their habit to climate change and the devastation of our cities due to the heating up of the planet and exxon mobil is one of the biggest culprits of why out there were tons of things to press the secretary of state on go for it tapper b.b.c. news reporter that you were frustrated with president trump over the summer and you called him a moron is it true did you call them or did you call him a moron that had soon question. it's like having george soros or robert mercer in front of you the people funding our oligarchy of oppression having them sit down with you and then go and
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do you like pop tarts a lot of people have speculated you do know and you know your diet is very important to us just we need more into the strawberry like them around sugar when we get to the bottom of this who. if television called trouble moron first of all if he did it we all know he's right of course trump is a moron and if he didn't then he's at least thinking moron and if he's not thinking he's a moron then we really have a problem because that means the secretary of state is a bit so-so teller's it dodges the question which who gives it to who we've got the question again and finally tapper moves on to the next question maybe it may be about. the fact that five people now have the same amount of wealth as the
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bottom fifty percent of the world and does such breathtaking inequality perhaps add to armed conflict around the world do you think that plays a part as that maybe throw a little lighter fluid on the fire stall little louvel on the penetration does it take it away taps i want to ask about senator bob corker who said something about you he said the president has quote castrated you before the world stage that's his word not mine what's your response to that senator corker said you didn't have. how do you respond to that you asked three questions about calling someone a moron and now you are asking him how it feels to be called a you nick. is this like the blooper reel for access hollywood is no not ok one more chance one more chance jake tapper for the fly in la fly and ask an
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important question and you don't want to say anything about the senate senator calling sit beside us and you've been dealt it before the world and that's not anything that bothers you a chicken fully intact you watched it again i did three questions about moron and two questions about judo not. this is possibly the most put static display of journalism i think i've ever seen and although rex tillerson is acting just made at this line of questioning this is actually why the ruling elite love c.n.n. and all the corporate media they know they won't be asked anything important they know that that even if pressed even they have pushed even if you dodged the question it will still be something completely lacking in substance it will be the grand charade of nothingness nonsense and a nonevent vapid useless bread and circuses and pop tarts
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smeared across the screen like a dog but scooting across a carpet to cover any issue of students as long as america is arguing about whether roxy called donny a mean name as long as we're we're brought down to this juvenile trivia no one is talking about the continued pillaging of the world by wall street by bankers by big pharma by the military industrial complex it's all just covered over with bull. that's all the time i have. as you know there is a kind of google and facebook waging war against anti-establishment al lead so if you want to actually get all of our content text the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine it'll get you signed up to our e-mail list it's free and quick also you can now watch your back and i have direct t.v.
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channel three two one good night keep fighting. mark twain said it's easier to fool people than to complain to them they've been fooled that could be why america is so divided because people have been fed a fake news feed for by corporate interests.


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