tv Headline News RT October 20, 2017 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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your version was better than nothing. you see people you've never heard of loan down the. road to the world thank you very. seriously send us an e-mail. coming up on r t it's lights out for florida light and power is nearly fifteen million dollars bid to build a new nuclear energy. then a deadly blast kills thirty people and injures at least another forty five at a kabul mosque late friday night. and finally come back the regional government passed a religious neutrality log keeping women from veiling while enjoying public services . it's friday october twentieth four pm in washington d.c. i'm military and you're watching r.t.
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america florida's largest utility company will no longer be allowed to charge customers for a postponed construction project at the turkey point nuclear power plant this comes after florida power and light has already collected two hundred eighty two million dollars from customers for that project for more let's go live now over to our viewers we're in a port and i am in miami marina. now manila the public agency that regulates utilities has denied florida power and light the ability to continue recovering costs for its nuclear reactor expansion project in south florida the four to one decision by the florida public service commission follows months of hearings in which urged regulators to let them charge customers an additional forty nine million dollars for the cost of planning their turkey point facility project now i use the word planning loosely because f.p.o. hasn't even filed a feasibility analysis showing if and when they intend to build two new nuclear
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reactors at their turkey point facility f.b.o. has been planning the addition of the power units at the site on biscayne bay since two thousand and eight under the nuclear cost recovery law if help push through the legislature in two thousand and six the company is allowed to charge customers in advance of the project's construction feel customers have already paid more than two hundred eighty two million dollars for a project with no assurances if it will ever be completed p.-l. initially promised at least one next generator reactor would be on line by next year in filings before the public commissioned the company pushed the date back to twenty thirty in the meantime existing nuclear reactors at turkey point have been plagued with problems from overheating cooling canals to salt water intrusion into the biscayne bay has reportedly been ordered to return seven point three million dollars to customers that's a mere three percent of what the company has already charged customers for
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a project with no moving parts manila while marina sounds like they are getting a free loan here thank you so much for filing that report. in miami thank you. now over to new york where a hurricane service center opened yesterday to assist residents and evacuees impacted by response the. series of hurricanes that devastated regions of texas florida puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands this instant commissioner for community outreach at the julia de burgos latino cultural center says the largest influx of people they have seen so far has come from puerto rico. very standard practice after emergency typically this is done if liberty happened here in new york city but she should be seeing so many people we go we want to be able to help those families. government agencies nonprofits and community based organizations are all on site to help connect families and individuals to services during their time of dire need we're trying to
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lessen the burden for those individuals who are caring for the peace corps coming from new york city but also the people we services being provided to those in need include and roman and public benefits health insurance food assistance and mental health counseling. well the swath of wildfires that devastated northern california is not only the deadliest in the state's history but could also end up becoming the most expensive r.v.'s natasha sweet is live for us in los angeles with those latest figures hi there natasha. i'm in l.a. you know early estimates are showing that the damage from these wildfires that plague one in california have exceeded one billion dollars and officials say they do expect that number to rise well now california's insurance commissioner is talking insured property here authorities say these wildfires that stretched eight counties in northern california destroyed nearly seven thousand homes and other
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buildings and if you dozen homes and structures were also burned in southern california that's all stands out forty two making it the deadliest series of fires in the state's history bots this is far from over officials count at least fifteen thousand still under evacuation down from one hundred thousand this past weekend. at this juncture we know that some number of people have not been able to get into areas where they formerly lived and where the fires may have destroyed their homes and so i think we don't know what percentage of overall claims this represents but suffice it to say that these are big numbers very early and given a number of the challenges that people are having with getting into areas and also given the enormous scope of these fires i wouldnt to support these numbers will rise significantly late wednesday governor jerry brown issued an executive order to
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speed up recovery efforts and this provides any type of price gouging during emergencies through april of twenty eight but manila firefighters can't seem to catch or break they also found a charred body and los angeles that was at a fire at milton about wilson and another fire is burning in santa cruz which has injured several firefighters at this point manila all right thank you so much for that parties that hotshot sweep that is tragic stuff thank you. and this week race in america segment host ashley banks discusses the controversy over a column capper nick and the alleged remarks president trump made to the widow of the green beret killed in action over in is year jessica can you tell us a little bit about your website and why of preserving the african-american legacy is very important to you yes founded our legacy back in two thousand and nine to
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tell the african-american story this my historical framework that's who i am but as a pan african is is very important to preserve the cultural legacy of all african people and people of african descent around the world because so many lies and false narrative have been told about one of my favorite martin luther king jr quotes is somebody told a lie one day and they couched it in language and those lies are built on euro centrism and anti blackness and they've been used as an excuse for racism for economic suppression for police brutality and overall violence against black people i want to switch gears a bit let's talk about. why a lot of people by his actions in the actions of other n.f.l. players who are protesting during the national anthem i want to talk about the united states code it doesn't even require us to stand during the national anthem so what do you say to those who are people so upset. i think people are upset because in this instance here is
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a black man taking control of the narrative and is very creative ingenious this silent little peaceful protest causes so much alarm because he's not allowing america to in ignore injustices against black people he's essentially saying yes you will watch your favorite pastime but we're not going to let you be comfortable and we're not going to let you forget it was happening to black people across america vice president mike pence he walked out of an n.f.l. game when about twelve members of the san francisco forty nine ers they took in media and president trompe also called on the n.f.l. commissioner to do something about it even fire and if players who are taking during the national anthem. the commissioner came out recently and he said that he wants all members all in f.l. players to stand but they are not required to do so so what's your take on the reaction of the president and the vice president. is
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a plan to walk out is another form of anti black propaganda trying to take control of the narrative and say it's about disrespecting the country and the national anthem but what's more dispersed respectful to your country then disrespecting its citizens and the millions of black people that live here every day in fear of police brutality and saying that can you tell us what the message is that these n.f.l. players including coal and copper nick are trying to push forward and are these protests are the essentially making the desired impact i'm not sure if it's making the desired impact but i think essentially they're saying is black lives matter our lives matter we are not going to let anyone be comfortable in silence over police brutality and injustices against black people and i think that way it is a. affective just like the civil rights movement took advantage of the new media of
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the time television showcasing the marches the marches weren't just there for one symbol or moment but because they knew that the cameras were rolling and people around the world would see how black people are being treated the simply the same thing is happening here is in f.l. players knowing that the cameras are watching and we are going to take this moment and our little moments of shine on television to showcase what's happening to black people across america i want to now take a look at the niger and bush that took place earlier this month now four soldiers were killed on the niger border one of them was an african-american sergeant named david johnson allegedly trumpy made remarks to his widow saying he knew what he signed up for what's your response to that. the anti blackness and the euro sutras truism that have been a part of these lives that have been told about black people facilitate this
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perception that it's ok to capitalize off of black bodies and that our bodies are meant to be used perpetually by someone else for someone else's profit or gain and that just lines right up with what he said with his widow to. widow that he signed up for it no since of regret no sins of genuine kier no no actual. feeling of sadness over his death as if it's just a regular thing it doesn't matter because he was a black soldier and trump has since tonight those remarks and as you saw it took him about twelve days before he even acknowledge the depths of david and the other three soldiers in the attack thank you so much for your time i was jessica and mitchell year founder of legacy pratt's that's a race in america follow me on twitter and actually banks underscore r t back to manila. and knife wielding man attack shoppers at
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a mall in southeastern poland eight people have been injured and one person is reportedly dead the attacker turns out to be a twenty seven year old resident of that town the regional police spokeswoman and clean said this quote he was attacking people from behind hitting them with a knife the attacker was detained by shoppers and held until police could arrive according to police spokesman andrea where's the attacker has refused to speak and his motive is still unclear. the canadian province of quebec has introduced what many are calling a burqa ban officials insist the bill targets all face coverings and does not discriminate against any particular religion but many believe it's directly aimed at muslim women who wear face veils artie's alex is joining us now in toronto with the latest on this so alex what can you tell us about this new law. bill c. six nazi ish so the bill sixty two it's
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a callback law this has been in the works for many years the quebec government has tried to do this time and time again and now they have succeeded basically they pushed through a ban on face veils if you're using public services you can't use them with a face veil or any face covering so no riding the subway no riding the bus no taking out a book at your local library and if you work for the government there's no face veils allowed there either now the government saying you know what this is an all encompassing type of law this has nothing to do with the muslim religion or with muslim women but you know it's pretty much everybody's figured this is exactly what it's about it falls in the steps of countries in europe such as france and switzerland and belgium exciter and also countries in africa many have banned the face veil it was banned in turkey up till two thousand and thirteen but at this stage with quebec what we're looking at is that they really don't know what the next step is how are they going to enforce that so if they follow in the footsteps of let's say france or belgium there could be fines in the thousands of euros or
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also short jail time like in belgium which will be up to week in jail but there's another flipside to this which is kind of interesting that when somebody is forced to wear a veil let's say a husband or a boyfriend somebody forces a woman to wear a veil in france that's a thirty thousand euro fine i think that's what most canadians are actually concerned about is that something is being forced to wear these veils the burkas are new cobbs not that it's a woman's choice but the back of the bill definitely doesn't cover it from that aspect it seems to be all encompassing that is certainly a very pervasive law and of course many people are now criticizing how prime minister turned out has reacted to this comeback trail what did he have to say about it but we have a tweet from prime minister trudeau and this is basically the essence of everything that he's saying the tweet says when it comes to what people can and cannot wear my position has always been known and it's where all where it's always. so is he basically said in the past he's been very much against anybody's talking against
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veils or burka bans he went head to head against our former prime minister harper who said the veil or knit cap or the burka should be banned at citizen secure ship ceremonies and justin trudeau at the time said that's absurd we can't do that that's just that's against our constitution etc well guess what this time around he's pretty much staying silent he's now saying when did the quebec legislature passed a racist law sorry would you say that when this law was passed it's actually bringing up a healthy debate but this law as many as i was just mentioning it's a racist law and i think you know you can call a spade a spade here this is one way it's working it's not up to several government to challenge this according to prime minister trudeau but many people are calling it out for what it is it is a law that's directed directly at the burka in the cab but one thing again a lot of canadians are thinking about this and a lot of muslim citizens as well the niqab or the burqa these face coverings are not a part of the muslim religion mohammad never said anything about these things he just
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told people to dress modestly this is more cultural so this is sort of where the hate is going out there saying it's not about islam it's about some cultural practices that are not common in candidates or in france about two thousand women wear burkas at the time prior to the law being passed out of five hundred or so out of five million muslims so it's a small fraction of the community it's the same thing here in canada but it's a work back is doing is for the rest of canada right now it seems to be pushing the envelope a little bit and what the prime minister's doing is pretty much nothing about it because there's a lot of boats coming out of combat how you know i am actually a little surprised to hear this coming out of justin trudeau thank you so much for filing that report alex lyla get your point for us from toronto. thank you. spanish pm marianna says he will return catalonia to law and order as his government readies to take measures against the cattle on independence crisis today speaking
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at an e.u. summit in brussels he said he had two goals in mind and those are to return the observance of laws and return to institutional normality and this after he confirmed that article one fifty five of the spanish constitution would be invoked that the move to suspend elements of catalonia is self rule ruling party is now calling on the catalan president to put an end to spain's worst political crisis in forty years. and a suicide bomber killed at least fifty people inside a mosque in kabul afghanistan the attack occurred on friday night in the western part of out of the afghan capital during the night prayers an armed man walked into the building and opened fire on worshippers then detonated his explosives at least forty five people were injured that exact number of casualties still yet to be confirmed meanwhile local media reported that another mosque in afghanistan's western province was targeted also in
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a suicide bombing which claimed the lives of at least thirty three people at this point and eye witness says that women and children were among the victims of that mosque attack no organization yet has claimed responsibility for either attacks according to a united nations report though released last week quote at least eighty four people killed in one hundred ninety four wounded in attacks on shia mosques and religious ceremonies this year also the u.n. reports that ninety four percent of the roughly one thousand casualties in kabul resulted from suicide bombings. as the rhetoric between the u.s. and north korea continue to escalate both sides are preparing their troops for any eventuality this week the cia director my pump a.o. warned of the potential hot war at hand and recently artie's on your part until travel to south korea for an in-depth look at the history of how we got here and how things appear now and she's joining me now to discuss her upcoming special and
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the trip so i know you spent like a whole week in south korea and you've been working on the special for say about a month now what does all this been like what have you discovered wow well it is a huge responsibility and honor to be tasked with. excuse me traveling to. a new country and digesting the history there and trying to put it together in a way that i think represents an alternative to the way the mainstream has packed. the way they talk about this conflict and impending war there. you said exactly i was there for a week it certainly wasn't enough i would have loved to spend more time but we had a very rigorous shooting schedule speaking to his many south koreans every day as i could and the product i think is something a little bit different from what we're used to hearing about about korea we're used to hearing a lot of fear mongering but what i wanted to do is let the history and the people
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speak for themselves i have a little teaser in fact i think we'll play it for viewers to take a little look at are you taught critical of the korean war it's been critical to north korea basically so war that north korea invaded south korea and it's a kind of the war this communist to try to dominate the korean peninsula initiated this war and things like that i nothing that is not true or dead is not the party to and character of this war but i think we should have more holistic perspective to see why this war happened during the cold war era and what was the international dynamics to create this war instead of just blaming north korea as a main soul and any south korean government museums are usually exhibitions of history but here at the korean war museum wonder minded that a war which began over five decades ago never really ended the war thrust the peninsula into a state of perpetual conflict and left koreans on both sides wondering if they'd be
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utterly annihilated during the war seoul was burnt to the ground and up to a third of the population in the north was killed meaning even korea today extermination is not an abstract concept. this is pyongyang the capital of the democratic people's republic of korea today the fact it stands so tall is somewhat of a miracle and after the chinese pusher. u.s. just bombed north korea you know until it was nothing but sand. over the top it's bombs away throughout the war the u.s. dropped six hundred thirty five thousand tons of explosives on north korea including over thirty two tons of napalm for comparison and that's more than the around half a million tons of bombs dropped on the entire pacific theater during world war two in fact american generals modeled their bombing of the north off the devastating
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fire bombing of tokyo and dresden and that's left a terrible scar in memory in north korea that they've never forgotten and it's really why they you know build weapons systems and nuclear weapons to defend themselves. i mean i'm really glad that you take a little bit of time to cover the history of obviously how we got to this point that that's going to be really important for people to see and so for you what was your take away from making the stock and in fact what do you hope for the viewers to take away from it after watching it as you said i take a pretty deep look at history starting centrally with the japanese colonial period so at the beginning of the one thousand nine hundred one japan comes in and takes over through world war two and that immediately brings us to the imposed division on korea which separated north and south. basically through the lens of the cold war and the purpose of this documentary i would say is to really consider how that
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history and how it's played out since it has brought us directly to the point of conflict today you'll hear me say in the opening of the documentary in the mainstream media this conflict is often talked about in very black and white terms the crazy communist hermit country in the north and the free american ally in the south and that's. drastic oversimplification of the conflict i hope after people watch this will see this situation is a direct result of the legacy of colonialism imperialism and war that has played out on this peninsula for over one hundred years that certainly can be great to see a totally fresh perspective on this whole north korean problem that the u.s. is facing right now thank you so much we're looking forward to watching it later today which you can catch at five pm eastern right here on r.t.e. america on your part phil thank you so much. all right that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we just covered go to youtube dot com forward slash our
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for decades the american middle class so it's been railroaded by washington politics. that body for forty years throws out a lot of force that's how we use the lives culture in this country. that's where our economy. i bet it still is on our to you america i'll make sure you don't get railroaded you'll get the straight talk and the straight. parts of. vanity fair just ran an article called breaking news trump resigned well not yet and it aide prominent t.v. in screenwriters come up with scenarios of how trump will leave office supposed to be funny or something modern family's danny zuko writes
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a scenario where trump just quits because he found out the job's too hard there are all these people who accuse trump of having the biggest ego ever but then also say he's going to quit being the leader of the free world they can't see how those ideas don't go together anyway the career mansions trump just announcing he quits and then jumping on the back of a motorcycle behind sarah palin who drives him off to where every writer megan am ram just has i'm quitting after a secret russian sex tape surfaces involving his daughter and then putting himself writer and barbara says trump will rename impeachment and resignation and that trump will go on acting like he's president even though he's not or something honestly i don't even know what he was mentioning i couldn't even follow his story even though he's supposed to be a top t.v. writer writer robin meade kind of does the same thing he imagines trump getting so paranoid he leaks damaging information against himself so that he can declare government illegitimate right or. had fallen man imagines that trump will resign
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behind his desk with a v.c.r. heads that on being fed liquid kentucky fried chicken but then the desk is actually somewhere on a barge and he's not really being president he just thinks he is just ignores the whole idea of imagining resignation entirely right or does copeland imagine the trump resigning because everyone showed up at the white house wearing pencil skirts and for some reason trump can't handle that and flies off to scotland there are a few more but honestly they're just as bad all of the resignations than areas in the article are so poorly written and unimaginative they're just filled with like bleep that all trump bashers are using right now instead of you know using actual creativity they all clearly had so much fun vomiting out this nonsensical crap congratulating each other on having the same stupid jokes they all of the love to hate him it's so disgusting seriously if these are our best t.v. and screenwriters right now no wonder hollywood info much trouble.
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what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put those for. your wife. now i did give you due to the symbol. people have got to know whether or not fair present or support american people deserve. at this point. guard against the military industrial complex. we shall never know gold. or old and. yet we do what we must with a. future. i'm going to just look at your watch it's hard to see.
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