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tv   Going Underground  RT  October 25, 2017 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT

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jack facing each other across the battlefield in iraq we've got brits on both sides fighting in iraq in syria right now potentially with terrorist organizations i just think we need to have the rule of law this is an idea that we just because people are muslim or fighting for one side or another that we suddenly brush aside any kind of rule of law any kind of trial any kind of hearing an evidence i think that's unconscionable i think his parents are being very strong to use this issue but their hunger striking at outside some polls they're protesting out there we need to hear what the evidence is. but the evidence is clear this individual abandon the united kingdom he joined islamic state and therefore he made his bed with islamic state that it's really that simple the notion that the u.k. should have any obligation to any such individual is bizarre and to furthermore to the point it's just been made you know we have these individuals leaving the u.k. to fight abroad none of them want to join the british army to fight abroad it's not
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strange if they if they have a desire to make a statement on the world stage why not fight for the british armed forces or as we've seen with so many of them fight against them i'm afraid if you take up arms against our country and our interests abroad then you abandon any possibility of ever getting back to the united kingdom the rule of law must always prevail i'm not means we do not appear and facilitate terrorists it's really very simple what you think of u.k. minister. that fight for all should be executed in syria that was a statement backed by the defense. correct. let's let's talk about what a great and interesting topic of conversation the reason is he was the i think it's the governor designit during the iraq illegal iraq war where two million people
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have subsequently died in fallujah and for anybody who knows anything about fallujah knows that the british and american armed forces decided to and it was policy to raid the city to the ground now fallujah was a city of a thousand mosques and when the allied forces went to fallujah they said the elders and the religious leaders in the most enlightened of cities in iraq by the way outside of baghdad going back to antiquity they said to the right we want to meet with the elders in the community we want to talk with you and understand what to do the elders in the community representing all of the different religious factions and sects so they came as a united front and they said we don't want the americans here we don't want brits here we're asking you to leave and in response the a large force they decided to raise that place to the ground commit heinous war crimes out there killing every man woman and child and there are there's a fantastic documentary by some italian filmmakers who were out there who showed the extent of the ethnic cleansing and the genocide the war crimes that happen at fallujah so i'm not sure we want to listen to anything that comes out as mouth so
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can i have a say yeah however i would simply point out that rory stewart was absolutely correct of course we should hunt dion and exterminate every terrorist in syria he was agreeing with the american general who started to do that and i would take it one stage further actually i would simply say this if we believe that it's right to hunt down and kill islamic terrorists in syria and we know according to our own security services he's going to use a law mcleroy if there's really nothing about terrorism backs. sorry please don't interrupt so if we believe we could three and a half thousand of them here in the u.k. surely on the same logic that must also prevail at the end of the day you only went to war if you defeat the enemy and this is something that i'm afraid mo seems quite unable to comprehend those who fight for islamic state it be they in the u.k.
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be the answer you be there forever or the enemy and therefore the our obligation must be to kill them no you want to respond. yeah absolutely and i couldn't quite hear a lot of those utterings from david about i hope you didn't suggest there's any kind of support for me for the islamic state because i have all of my writing all of my articles and all of my interviews have been vehemently against islamic state and unlike david i've worked with the government on counterterrorism counter extremism programs and i've been doing so for probably the best past ten years so let's just be clear about one thing we are clear about who are terrorists and who are not terrorists the didn't know we have not what we fighting and ununiformed when we're fighting an ununiformed combat force out there and they are embedded within communities and supported by all kinds of people it's very difficult to know i mean in fact the u.s. and nato have had a policy for the longest time and i i raised the issue when we were doing the
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commons debate on whether we should support bombing in syria which was this we don't do the body count we don't count the numbers of innocent men women and children the we kill and using words like exterminate these are human beings they have families regardless of what side of the divide they're on in the in the theater of war in the theater of war on the battlefield there are rules of engagement but outside that if we are carpet bombing and. i'm just going into place and killing people why because you're a muslim you're hanging about with the wrong crowd the collateral damage has been horrific journey and and rory stewart and his ilk how can i just finish my point i'll be very brief i promise i'll be david please don't interrupt you are the same rory stewart and his ilk tony blair alastair campbell george bush all of these guys and the neo conservative lobby which david finds as very closely affiliated to and further than that the anti muslim the anti islam lobby they're not coming to iraq
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wholesale they are now ok i am is now to go into syria so to have a partition to create kurdistan place and i think just exterminating human being. he's talking about them like they're. all like this subhuman i think is they're telling it like i'm fine thank you. these are the people these human beings have decapitated fellow human beings who have burnt fellow human human beings a life who have girls who have tortured who have indulged in the most grotesque things we've seen probably since the nazis maybe ever these people are not deserving of anything other than their just reward which as rory stewart said should be they should be killed we should hunt each one of them dying in a matter of where they come from it doesn't matter what their fifth is but ten mo if they fight for islamic state that's maybe a clue even you should be able to understand bob we should sit on david like a debit card and question what's not to look great with. you and can ask not really
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but if you must you know you have to question which is this what what what do you what it's just a really quick question why are we supporting president assad where he is a genocidal murdering maniac. well the fact of the matter is the choice in syria is between a genocidal murdering maniac. savages who burned people alive it's hobson's choice imo but at the end of the day if you support the stay at the elective office area then i'm afraid you have to go with the least worst option on next you fail the head choppers will illuminate the humanity of syria personally i don't think maybe you do. bring up a point. there is an issue here and additional point is that out of the each hundred isis militants from britain that went to fight for ice all around huff are bach according to
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a report this week four hundred twenty five do use do you trust the the u.k. government mechanisms in place to to ensure that they are being properly tracked these four hundred plus people who have killed people out of the country and come back what's your take on that low. i think we have had some difficulty and i we had a part of a tree select committee hearing which was chaired by keith about the jihadi brides or the isis brides or whatever they're called the teenage girls from bethnal green who ended up going out to syria sensibly to join isis or to become isis brides presumably david and she would like to bomb them to death too i think part of the difficulty i have is this that when we then later found out that these girls were. radicalized at the school gate by intelligence officers and their transport out there was facilitated by a canadian intelligence officer who was then arrested in turkey and then released
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to the canadian government there's some weird something going weird and i'm going on about who's out there now we now down now they're up there are nations in europe like the nordic states who are reintroducing people and tracking and monitoring and have a far better counter extremism and reintegration programs where they're working with communities closely with the muslim communities the british government has decided to disenfranchise of muslim communities to follow new conservative groups like the energy actually are running out of time and others who don't represent in a few minutes a day if i think that we've literally got thirty seconds left you get the final word in this debate. funks at the end of the day no idea of no confidence that our government can successfully track leads individuals on fortunately we will see more body by xander streets if we continue to let bike than very theme terrorists that no answer seem to do nothing but find excuses for it's time to fight back stop them returning it's a simple message works social commentator more ones our political comedy should be
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. both for a spirited debate always good to have you both on the program thank you thanks very much for the thanks you very much ok short break r.t. international journalists in ninety seconds for more. what's happening with iraq is very close to genocide. and it's unforgiving and it should be immediately rectified and remedied where i think he she stands at the
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moment is that if she would condemn it she would be alex and immediately she would be put on a plane and. the hopes that people have placed in would be. back with our international rex tillerson surprise visit to afghanistan this week not only signaled a significant shift in washington's often chewed towards the taliban it also left reporters a little puzzled let's take a look at the official picture that was released by the u.s.
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state department following the president's meeting with rex tillerson later the afghan government also put out a photo of the meeting we've just put out but i'm sure you could spot it yourself the difference in the two in the version on the left the large clock on the fire bell has been raised in the state department thinks the photo was altered to make it more attractive. i think if the afghan government had changed those photos probably to make it aesthetically more pleasing we never like doctored photos but i also understand that perhaps they wanted to present a better image than having that bob graham but again that's that's really all i have for you on that well the u.s. earlier said the two men met in code pool but the u.s. state department afterwards published an official statement in which the location was corrected to the u.s. military base. field her base has been constantly attacked by the taliban mostly by suicide bombers on the other verse three of the nine eleven
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attacks a suicide bomber attacked an american military convoy near the compound at leaving five servicemen injured a number of days before that a suicide bomber tried to enter the your base but was stopped he detonated his explosives injuring one u.s. soldier former pentagon official michael maloof to list if there was a serious reason for doctoring the photo we showed you that there well i think it was done for security reasons. what was taken out was a clock with zulu time and that indicates a military base i think what president rouhani was trying to show was that he held the meeting actually in his presidential palace but that was not the case it was actually at a very secure military facility and barbara does underscore how fragile the security is. if not throughout all of afghanistan. a professor in the u.s.
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has london had herself in trouble for calling mathematics racially discriminating rachele look at her is from illinois university has published a book in which she claims that aspects of the subject are all near and privilege of white people. on many levels mathematics itself operates as whiteness who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics who is capable in mathematics and here is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as white. to terrorise the scribes what she calls the use of quote political knowledge to teach mathematics she argues that studying the subject perpetuates white privilege because its laws are largely ascribed to europeans like python tourists but the idea house and sat well with some of her students here some of the negative reviews she got on the website rate my professors some students accuse her of racism claiming she said there's no white privilege in her classes and that she makes
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assumptions up by languages spoken by ethnic minorities we spoke to a marketing professor who told us it's important the students get equal access to learning but we can't expect everyone to achieve the same. i think it really comes from this idea of identity politics so truth becomes said to protecting so-called marginalized people's right so in that case to the extent that say mathematics is dominated by one racial group more so than another then there is something wrong with it and we need to address it you should have equality of access but that doesn't mean that we have equality of outcomes and that's the problem with identity politics is it wants that the outcome be equal and that simply is not in line with the meritocracy my rebuttal to this is if you look at the one hundred meters olympic champions in the olympics over the past thirty years
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you'll notice that there are no more overweight middle aged lebanese jews i happen to be lebanese jew none of them are the winners on the podium right yet i don't complain that i feel marginalized because it would appear that the winners of the hundred meters olympic tend to come from one racial group. there are some changes off the top in the world's second largest economy which i know unveiling its leadership team for the next five years president xi i know it's the new lineup to the politburo standing committee the party and the country's ruling body it's generally perceived that one of the members of the committee traditionally will take over the reins as the next chinese leader but none of the new strongman appear as an obvious successor to sheikh all of them are in their sixty's for a start which means in five years they will be considered to all the chinese society for the nation's top job. by the end of the european also plans to
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pay for all of that using its own currency undermining the supremacy of the u.s. petro dollar on the energy markets trucking food has more. up till now the u.s. dollar has been the only currency with which large scale purchases of oil work conducted hence the term petro dollar but now it's the idea of the picture you won that's being introduced which would of course mark a significant dent in the u.s. dollars global dominance now the move will allow china's trading partners to pay with either gold or to convert the one into gold cutting the u.s. dollar out of question altogether and frankly it's a logical move for china because they're of course the world's largest oil importer for example just last year china spent over one hundred billion u.s. dollars on oil so in theory if they managed to make those purchases in you won in the future that would mean a huge chunk of u.s. change completely off the financial markets and one can only wonder what sort of effect that will have and of course it's a rather ambitious undertaking and there is some doubts that trading partners will
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get on board to make that possible and of course it goes without saying that after four decades of the u.s. dollar priced oil it's not a change that will happen overnight let's pick up on some of the issues with our report. reward in the us will fight back against the initiative. the trees around the world are tired of funding america's military adventurism by being a party to the empire of debt as a stone around the world the us dollar and they want to split off they want their autonomy and china wants autonomy russia wants autonomy iran wants autonomy they want they don't want to be ruled over by the us dollar anymore the countries that are resistant to america's financial cartel are russia china iran so now they figured out you know what we're going to split off from the dollar they can do so with this new contract and they're also they're embracing crypto
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currency crypto currencies in this context is another way to deed dollar rise they will fight back they will start a war they although stop at nothing because this is the basis of the us empire it's not land based not based on material goods it's based on rent seeking it's based on lending dollars getting that income and then when countries can't pay they dismantle the assets and take them over we saw in latin america south america this is how america build the sample there is a huge split between the saudi in america right now the petro dollar which got started one nine hundred seventy nine hundred seventy one that's coming to an end. light damascus the direct order so to really be allegedly sent to syrian opposition forces in twenty thirteen providing them with literally tons of weapons for an assault that is the revelation in unverified documents leaked by n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden with more than that your sim your account. according
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to an n.s.a. document leaked by edward snowden the syrian armed opposition was under the direct command of foreign governments from the start of the war which has now claimed over half a million lives the document reveals that the march two thousand and thirteen attacks in damascus were directly ordered by saudi prince bin sultan who reportedly provided one hundred twenty tons of explosives and other weapons to anti assad forces under the free syrian army umbrella giving them instructions to quote light up damascus and quote flatten the airport the memo also says that u.s. intelligence had prior knowledge of the attack three days beforehand to be precise and not only that but the report states that the saudi government was quote very pleased with the outcome these attacks resulted in heavy clashes between the two sides. oh. thank you. thank.
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god. it's also worth mentioning that the u.s. already had its own program to train and assist rebels and these attacks prompted heavy clashes between the two sides now we haven't been able to independently verify these documents but if proven true the top secret u.s. intelligence memo will confirm that saudi arabia aided insurgency that launched massive attacks on civilians civilian infrastructure and military targets for the eventual goal of regime change. well the editor of the defense and foreign affairs magazine greg recall police say these foreign governments and saudi arabia in particular played an important role in fueling the conflict in syria. there's no question that the this so-called civil war in syria began with some genuine. and restore unhappiness with the government but it was
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a mediately funded and solid down the photos five armed governments particularly the governments of jokey and saudi arabia and the us bomber who stray ssion actively supported that action to unseat president assad they provided opinions of my opinions to the terrorist groups which they could. claim here. if it goes by the syrian government really tacky me in the damascus suburb twenty today for example we knew involved chemical weapons maybe in saudi arabia and chipped in to the terrorist group or we are saudi arabia for a comment on this island if riyadh responds we will bring to us soon as it comes to . nothing all miss our cuts alone as push for independence is dividing
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families not only in spain but further afield as well a former french prime minister who has roots in the breakaway region is concerned about the repercussions are crossed in europe while his sister has more immediate concern. to dismember a state like spain this beginning gradually to dismember europe it is also progressively weakening europe. box to the collapse of europe. former french prime minister well files that mincing no words when it comes to catalonia independence he was one of the most staunch supporters of course you are of spanish unity and he was actually born into a catalan family well given his heritage some might say that val's should be on the other side of the argument well that's at least what his sister thinks she's feeling and let rip it's him on twitter. for god's sake for
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the sake of grandfather mcgee this is non-democratic and neither is article one fifty five since when has there been such a horrible thing as the suspension of freedoms bulbs isn't the only one he's been put into a somewhat embarrassing situation by close relatives but catalonia got along the president himself was also left red faced after his cousin chose to make not very pro independence move in the wake of the referendum. is moving the headquarters of her company ridge citing political uncertainty. dear client due to the current political situation invacare would like to inform you that we will soon be changing the location of our headquarters well we all know that nobody can quite squabble like your own family and when politics gets involved
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as well it may lead to some rather awkward dinners it seems that somehow the vowels and the pooch could end up. in skiing azzi. with all the nations to play. at the twenty eighteen football world cup in russia close to being confirmed to r.t.e. is readying to launch a new sports show host and former england international studies cullimore and meet some of football's great sun looks at what to expect from the showpiece tournament in a brand new series starting here on friday november the third. simple regularly rushers a great country. many times before joining the world cup was announced in russia. a sense to look at russian cities in the cold. life in russia so we did this is a droid run really before the confederations cup which was so much
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a scrawny very very well out of funtastic so i mean. so we thought we'd do it again we sat down with people in their own homes. in environments that i felt comfortable in and with the contacts that i have in the guy we've interviewed by all people of the greatest players who have applied the guy another now with the mainland or you looking forward to the world cup in russia. i think will be very important. to do through this who hooked up. in the world cup with france now a manager in new york what function she gave. also about the burden of being hong we might have to turn the pressure. as a motivation and they would have to do that because it's not going to be easy because of the expectation most football shows the technical football shows how
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long the game was he played well they know messi scored three goals christiane i rebelled i scored four goals this is the stories beyond the guy so for example the syrian national team we follow. to play malaysia syria at the moment is going through a civil strife we go on the same bus after they won and they would dance and sing game we go into a team meeting before the game those are all little things that all the holy grail of football you don't usually get to say some kind of behind the scenes look at the game look at various issues there's a great story from the silly islands in the u.k. which play for the world's smallest trophy which is the same size as my little finger so lots of big names talking about the major issues of the day because it could be cultural issues. same stories. some absolute football legends what we are doing a ton of filming and we hope to really enjoy the show.
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yeah there's no denying that the world cup twentieth scene is edging closer. to in three minutes time with more global you stay with us. how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is one business model helps to run a prison now we just do it on like a nobody you know visitation i don't know one comes anymore we don't have to sarge and many more is defective that's what they want to do that's known they don't give a damn if you didn't charge or not they're actually paying us to put it back into. the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what she could is behind such success.
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with make this manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes to protect themselves. in the final clearing go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. easing is a home it's a job it's debt monetization it's a prelude to hyper inflationary currency that is the u.s.
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dollar collapsing. it. here's what people have been saying about rejected in the us in the long austin the only show i go out of my way to lunch you know is that really packs a punch. yam is the john oliver of marty americans do the same we are apparently
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better than. the c. people you've never heard of love to the night president of the world bank he. sent us an email. this hour's headlines stories china lays its leadership clones for the next year or cementing president she's power and outlining plans to replace the u.s. petro dollar with its own currency. also in the latest shocking revelation from whistleblower edward snowden saudi arabia ordered rebels to quote light all. of that during the syrian civil war supporting them with literally weapons. he fully feuds over cuts alone the independence stunned all felt.


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