tv Headline News RT October 26, 2017 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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on oliver of are two americans doing the same we are apparently better than. the sea people you've never heard of low down to the next president of the world so very. seriously send us an e-mail. coming up on our team america a classified government documents around the j.f.k. assassination are about to be disclosed but will we learn anything new. then president called the opioid epidemic a national health emergency find out what that means for federal policy on opioid medication. and a ban by twitter are now affecting this network all of this and more coming up on our team america. it's thursday october twenty sixth four pm here in washington d.c.
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i'm ashley banks and you're watching our team america we begin with remembering it's been fifty four years since president john fitzgerald kennedy known as j.f.k. was assassinated in dallas texas and today is the day nearly three thousand documents will finally be released regarding the thirty fifth president's debt and talk this week is waiting to dig through the documents and has more natasha. yeah i certainly am ashley and as you know i mean the fascination of president kennedy has long been a mystery and it's something that fascinated so many for decades but the question remains once these documents are released or really know the truth of what happened it's all americans are still seeking the truth about president j.f.k.'s assassination on a member twenty second one thousand nine hundred sixty three did lee harvey oswald acted alone as the warren commission arbitrated the following year or congress form the assassination records review board requiring the government to release all of its files on the assassination in twenty five years however the president would
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have authority and blocking its release of president trump announced that he walk on the release of the files even tweeting wednesday a long anticipated release of the j.f.k. files will take place tomorrow so interesting so today is supposed to be the day but we're still waiting even before these files were supposed to be release judge john to hire who served as the chairman of the board that compiled many of the documents about the president's death said while he fully supports these documents being released he wasn't sure if the national archives truly has all the documents now that is for files that may have been destroyed years ago long before we took office to research destroyed after we began or were believed. identical copies so nothing was destroyed during the late ninety's as for whether for example the central intelligence agency is found files if they did not disclose to us. i
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suspect there is nothing to reveal which of the actual arcade celine might be. it could still be missing. interestingly enough according to one of the president's advisers roger stone cia director mike pump aoe has asked for further delay in releasing these documents a twenty thirteen gallup poll shows that only thirty percent of americans believe that oswald acted alone the other seventy percent point to other theories ranging from the cia the mafia to fidel castro and that's why judge ciarán hinds thought releasing the records was so vital to the american public and everyone abroad any time there is still records that are here is needed particularly when so. interesting to people and so concerning to be. so long after the fact you're going to leave a little question that there is something important that speak from the people. and
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so the question remains if these documents are released well it puts a bit in the theory as against oswald acted alone well only the public can decide ashley moser t. america's natasha sweeney los angeles thank you so much natasha and for more on the j.f.k. documents getting released from the white house we turn to andrew krag an investigative reporter organize a conference of top experts on this matter at the national press club andrew thank you so much for joining us today let's get into why now why are these records now being relieved because it was mandated by congress in effect by a unanimous vote in one nine hundred ninety two by both the house and the senate to answer questions about what many people consider the crime of the century and the you just said judge who headed the board that evaluated these time commence in the one nine hundred ninety s. and a twenty five year extension on the release of the document it expires today her rape
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and so far the documents have not been released what do you say to that well i've been following that very closely and till just a couple minutes before our broadcasts today it appears that this could partly be explained by. confusion in the white house pressure by the agencies and maybe just some normal bureaucratic. incompetence or inexperience speaking of that according to trump advisor roger stone cia director mark mike pompei oh he's been arguing for a further delay of the release of these documents and the washington post reported a national security council official said government agencies were urging trump to block some of the files from being revealed leaks no in your opinion why do you think the. it well it's not that there's any what we call smoking gun evidence
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that it's not as if anyone ever wrote a memo talking about assassinations that would be clear cut evidence but in law and i'm an attorney who's followed this circumstantial evidence or context can be very important in both crime solving but also to citizens to understand what's going on and it's likely that experts and scholars can connect many dots that are quite embarrassing to. not only government agencies but those that they worked with in the private sector now if the government is to really if these documents today do you believe they will release all of the documents the rounding j.f.k. the fast and probably not because there's an exception in this law and others for national security reasons which is. often invoked
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and typically in this kind of case to remove some areas that may affect arguably national security but also just pure and bare or spent so we can look for a lot of blacked out and other redactions do you think any think that stanchion will come from this really well i do if the documents are released we will further fit in the jigsaw puzzle. where we pretty much know the outlines already from four million pages of previously released documents over two thousand five hundred books and many witness accounts so if you think of it as a puzzle we know most of what's going on but these missing sensitive pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will be very revealing. and i'm sad to say that if significant parts
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of them are kept back that will be excruciating lee revealing that there are so lows who want to thwart. our system of government congress ordered these documents released does the u.s. government over the american people the truth about what took place during j.f.k. the fascination i have absolutely. it's a murder case and an emerging case. all of the evidence is supposed to come out and this is a pivotal really. pivot solely important historic murder case because the suspicion is. many people wanted him to because he was reaching out for peace in the world specifically in vietnam and with cuba and with the soviet union and there's
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a larger historical context you mentioned that in the opening that even people who appear as guests on your shows on our t.v. are now being criticized and i've thought about that in coming here but i think that just says the release of documents is vindication of our american values american should not feel pressures not to appear on a new show and say what we say any other place in our more than happy that you joined us we're going to have to leave it right there thank you so much for your and say that with andrew krag investigative reporter organize a conference of top experts on this matter at the national press club up press club thank you so much thank you. today president donald trump officially declared the opioid epidemic a national public health families a commute since a group circuitry are currently dealing with the worst drug crisis in american history and even if you really think about it world history however critics say
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this move fall short of recommendations he received from his commission but that the ration will reportedly last for ninety days but will not provide additional funds needed to fight the cranes that's according to the department of health and human services the public health emergency fund currently has a balance of just fifty seven thousand dollars since one thousand nine hundred nine the nationwide opioid problem was quadrupled or has quadrupled the number of overdose with deaths resulting from prescription pain killers and heroin the c.d.c. reports overdoses claim more than ninety lives a day and that's not all pharmaceutical companies are raking and record profits to the tune of billions of dollars a year meanwhile several lawsuits have been filed against the very pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and distribute prescription opioids for more on this we're now joined by dr andrew to her ski and addiction psychologist and clinical
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advisor for the office of alcoholism and substance abuse service of new york state and founder and director of the center for optimal living and new york city is also the author of the book harm reduction psychotherapy a new treatment for drug and alcohol problems thank you so much for joining us now and given your extensive background and treating people with serious substance abuse issues why do we have such a widespread opioid crisis. first of all i think it's really important for us to consider that they're black and brown and poor communities have been struggling with problematic substance use for decades and unfortunately it's taken this problem to you know seep into white middle class and working class communities for the nation to wake up and recognize that there is a problem i think that the problem is multiple determined i certainly think that availability of opioids is one contributor but i also think that we as
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a nation have oversimplified view of addiction we tend to look for like the magic bullet or the you know the demon cause so in this case we're looking at the drug the availability of the drugs and i think that we need a much more comprehensive complex understanding of addiction the nature of addiction that considers that you know social context decline. you know economic status the in these communities is a major contributor to suffering and we need to take adopt what i call a psycho bio social understanding of addiction that considers that psychology you know of suffering the biology of the substance and social context all come together to express themselves in addiction and so not only do we have an inadequate understanding i think we have an inadequate treatment approach which by and large
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dumb downs over simplifies the problem and we need you know a much more comprehensive approach to treatment. you know to address this problem and your president trompe is acknowledge the u.s. faces an opioid crisis but he doesn't plan to allocate new funds to combat it even when state officials say it's critical to respond to the drug app and to make it in that way so what's your response to that. my response is that this you know on the one hand his gesture or is potentially a valuable symbolic gesture to acknowledge that this is a serious problem that needs serious attention but the inadequate funding is a major major contributor to the problem that we have and we do not have enough treatment in this country we need to make a total shift in our allocation of funds to make treatment available to that is
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comprehensive treatment along the lines of what i was talking about available to everyone who wants it regardless of their ability to pay and you know i think another dominant part of the problem is the the misunderstanding of why people use drugs and get into trouble with drugs that is kind of infused by stigma the stigma maybe you know contributes to an inadequate response in adequate emphasis on comprehensive compassionate treatment for all who need it i can't really speak to president trump's motivations but just his response is completely inadequate to address the comprehensive you know needs that this huge population of suffering people and their families have across this nation and your ads you have said treatment is inadequate and not a commissioner of the f.d.a. has even criticize insurance companies saying that they don't have full coverage to
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cover people who are dealing with the opioid crisis i want to jump in to advocate their concerned an emergency declaration it could give the trump administration a greater leverage to push congress for more drug enforcement funding which can bring about a harsher sentencing laws so what do you say to that. i think that we all need to recognize that it's in the midst of a catastrophic drug war prohibition that has decimated communities and in adequate response to treatment that we've had this escalation mushrooming opioid and overdose crisis so it's kind of bizarre to me to think that more of the same is going to stem the tide of this crisis it seems to me that we need to accept once and for all that prohibition and the drug war has not done anything to reduce the availability of drugs or to address and protect you know vulnerable
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people from drug use we need to stop the drug war we need to end prohibition moving toward a kind of decriminalization such as we see in. portugal and other places and take those funds and allocate them to comprehensive treatment that actually works and what i mean by that is you know reflecting what i was saying before about this complex psycho bio social understanding of addiction we need a treatment system that addresses you know the psychology the suffering the biology with medication assisted treatment and other medications that can address the biological piece and comprehensive social programs that address the social needs of people that contribute to their vulnerability and you're going to leave it right there thank you so much for your and faith that was dr andrew tarski founder of the association for harm reduction therapy and clinical advisor to the office of alcoholism and alcohol abuse the rest of the new york state thank you so much thank
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you. only if one worker nearly twenty percent of american families is earning less money than it would take to sustain one person the government accountability office concluded the seven dollars twenty five cents an hour federal minimum wage is not a living wage they report cites the reliance on social programs to make up for the large gap that seven dollars twenty five cents minimum wage or leaves between what the g.a.o. determined more suitable for someone working and twenty six thousand dollars congress hasn't raised the federal minimum wage since two thousand and nine according to the bureau of labor statistics the federal minimum wage in two thousand and nine was worth around eight dollars an eighteenth cents and twenty seven thousand dollars. on any given day approximately fifty thousand trip children in the u.s. are held and correctional facilities according to the a.c.l.u. america has the world's highest rate of juvenile incarceration now a new report shows the state of florida is both succeeding and failing at diverting
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kids from jails are taking a reporter niobe report for six years morris copeland has been at the forefront of miami's juvenile justice reform what you don't want to do it is children with arrest records for the rest of their life in the last fiscal year miami dade county has reportedly seen a twelve percent decrease in juvenile crime and the largest decrease in youth arrests in the state of florida copeland credits the county's civil citation initiative apply to those under eighteen who commit mr minor offenses taking the arrest record away but also making sure those children are held accountable for what they were doing may be playing a restitution maybe do apologise to victims or doing whatever needs to be done going to. a treatment mental health treatment experts say replacing jail time with community service and counseling has successfully kept first time child offenders from cycling back into trouble while miami has become
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a national. leader of using civil citations to divert kids from jail the same cannot be said about the entire state of florida according to a new study three quarters of florida's sixty seven counties are failing at issuing juvenile civil citations while only two counties earn and a grade while florida's rate of issuing citations reportedly increased ten percent in twenty sixteen the majority of law enforcement agencies in the state continue to rely on arresting kids for low level crimes like underage drinking and disorderly conduct florida's sheriff's association and prosecution attorneys association have fiercely objected to a statewide juvenile civil citation mandate arguing it would tie the hands of law enforcement in the meantime advocates say counties implementing civil citations as an alternative to jailing juveniles should receive increased funding for her
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rehabilitating america's most vulnerable population marina r.t. miami today twitter made a major decision regarding the ferry network and as a band r t and websites but not from advertising on its platform hawkins tells us more. this is a story which has a plot that thickens and develops almost on a daily basis that i received notice from twitter which began positively that twitter believes in freedom of expression and in speaking truth to power and ironically ended with the news that r t all related accounts are now banned from advertising any content whatsoever on the twitter social media platform the justification according to twitter was artie's inclusion in that january twenty seventh team u.s. intelligence report on allegations of russian interference in the us presidential election there were no clear accusations of wrongdoing no proof of misconduct or
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breach of policy now this turn of events is even more ironic given twitter's previous relationship with r.t. this channel has decided to release some information just to dispel some of those. allegations of misconduct against the channel now back in twenty sixteen in the run up to the election twitter offered r.t. an exclusive package specifically for that event had the aim of delivering an unbiased point of view of the u.s. election now this exclusive special offer included many features from customize the mode you hashtags to analytics research solutions even a whole dedicated team of twitter specialists to help with media strategy now this according to twitter had the specific aim of reaching a wider american audience or viewers and voters to deliver artie's coverage of the elections now why would twitter have offered this to a kremlin propaganda tool seeking to somehow manipulate or control the election i
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guess that's a question for twitter now after the gauche asians r.t. didn't actually take this offer up the price tag for the all these exclusive features was simply too high it went over all the budgets forty social media strategy what happened over the last year and a half when r.t. went from valued meade. partner to being equated put on par with bots and trolls which by the way the channel has never used or had any gauge with what so ever if you had been involved in violating terms of use or spreading misinformation or taking part in misconduct it would have simply been banned from social media platforms a long time ago now we've seen a wave of thinly veiled accusations on his theory against both russia and r.t. over the last eighteen months or so twitter action included some of these in their september report which they titled. russian interference in the twenty six the elections. misinformation again and no actual proof or evidence of misconduct or
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engagements of r.t. in using these sorts of bots and all these sorts of tactics now in november twitter officials will go before congress to testify on russian meddling in the u.s. election no doubt r.t. will get a mention there as well part of the wider pressure that the shuttle has faced over the last few months as described by our editor in chief margarita simonyan honestly i didn't believe that twitter was controlled by american security services it looked like a conspiracy theory to me but tweeter has just come fast it's a bt especially because american news outlets operated in russia will now feel the tenderness of russian t.v. for talk measures. that was the scandal takes new twists and turns it will be certainly very interesting to see what the twitter representatives do say in their testimony before congress and if indeed they will mention their previous offers of collaboration to this channel in the lead up to the u.s. presidential election. boom bust is coming up next here in our t.
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america ellen de france joins us for a quick preview hi there lindsey the former head of currency trading at h.s.b.c. is set for extradition to the united states from england to face wire fraud charges and the votes are in and we have a budget now it's time for tax reform steve malzberg joins me from new york for that and we'll bring you the latest on the clashes in spain's catalonia region all right sounds good thanks so much one day well that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t. america also check out our website r.t. dot com forward slash america you can also follow me on twitter and actually banks underscore are here and don't forget to question why are. people who got to know whether or not fair presenter said there are two people deserve to know your difference at this point does it make you must guard against the military industrial. we shall never go. to war and. or should know that there is no yes we do but we.
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subscribing to old school news outlets in record numbers more so than any other age group they cite figures from the new yorker as evidence they've seen more than double the number of new millennial subscribers this year as compared to before trump got elected they have one hundred six percent more new subscribers from eighteen to thirty four and one hundred twenty nine percent more new subscribers aged twenty five to thirty four politico also cites numbers from the atlantic reporting that they've seen one hundred thirty percent jump in millennial subscribers not to mention a boost of gen xers to even the wall street journal reported that its student subscribers doubled in the last year the economist also said they're seeing millennial drive new subscriptions and political also talk to representatives from the washington post and the new york times who also said there's the growth in millennial subscribers so millennial are actually paying these old school news outlets for subscriptions more now in the trump era these are young people who are
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supposed to be internet savvy i mean you'd think they'd be able to figure out that you can read all the way people you want you just click the little x. in the address bar festa or you think they go to new places for news since these are such new times but nope they're actually paying these old school outlets instead in fact according to a reuters institute report the u.s. is the only country in thirty six that saw a major increase in people willing to pay for online news this was true across all age group. with millennial being the biggest driver and of course another common factor among new subscribers was that they lean left so while the media continues to bash the heck out of the president he is clearly saving their business he gives them analyst material for them to use to vent their pent up misplaced rage and hate which terrifies the kids today right into paying to read their biased shot at least stores to get into it's so obvious that the media is profiting off their hate and
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fear mongering right now in a feeding frenzy trump is literally saving their businesses right now taking the phrase love to hate to a whole new pretty shameless level. global war hawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that don't. produce talks preditor tell you that what we gossip and tabloid biased files of the most important news today. i'm off the bat doesn't tell me you are not cool enough and that's why their product.
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leaves are the hawks that we along with our loved ones. mark twain said it's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been for that could be why america is so divided because people have been fed fake news paid for by corporate interests they beat you down until you believe their fairy tales well here's a story for you it's called the big bang and it's full of facts not fiction it's just. you know what no easy street good looks like. this would be analyzed to the bottom. line. like you know i got this.
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