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tv   Larry King Now  RT  October 27, 2017 6:29pm-7:01pm EDT

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i'm going to write a seriously send us an e-mail. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around corporation operations from washington the washington post media the media is over and voters elected the businessman to run this country business equals power boom bust it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. all the food we don't need to go to. everyone in the world should in theory of flu go there you'll get all the old world. the world according to just. the bad world cup i am sure there are. correct.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. your act got up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there were no other takers. who claimed that mainstream media has met its maker.
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on larry king now the one and only with the company the funny emerged actually when i interned at n.b.c. local news in washington d.c. with barbara harrison and i got to read the prompter of like the local stories and you know local news is always like horrific lead in the water kids being kidnapped and i was reading the news to get like a demo reel and i could not stop laughing and i realized i can't be serious comedy is how i process pain i was so worried that if i got healthy. i would just be boring i am more boring i want to go and say i'm my life is way more boring i'm not in this same like chaotic concert is too funny state of adrenaline i think so. we were how do you think he handled that my he was enjoying him so i think it. will take kind of any kind of attention i think he thrives on negative attention to us i always said samaras and the favorite show and. he called me and he said you know
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when. we played roseanne back and i was like that's a game changer and i'd be honored to be involved all next on larry king. was going to lead it came out today special guest is comedian actor writer producer and director whitney cummings whitney of course created and starred in the n.b.c. series with me also the co-creator and co-writer of the c.b.s. comedy hit two broke girls hope popular standup specials available on h.b.o. on comedy central and this summer she made her directorial debut in the female brain and the. new book and all of the law is is available no we were together on that from her who could forget that i'm trying to every day you said about this book i'm not sure what else to say except that you should totally
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read this if you want to stop being crazy and doing it and you call it a self-help book i hope who with what great. you know it's interesting you knew me during this time and i knew you would mean you had many away in more ways than one. in my late twenty's that kind of dawned on me i had an epiphany that i was a little bit crazy and i had kind of a premonition that being crazy it's not cute in your thirty's. like you can get away with it in your twenty's you now like everyone wants like rescue you and fix you but like crying in public in your thirty's is not a good look so i went on this journey of going to therapist and reading self-help books and and all the self-help books kind of bummed me out i was like why can't these be funny and entertaining and why do they all have to make me more depressed than i already am i really wanted to write the kind of book that i wish had been
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available to me when i was suffering so those lays it all out when there's lays it all out i was diagnosed with something called co-dependence which i didn't know was a real thing it's kind of a word we throw around. codependents co-dependence it's basically. a layman's terms it's i can't tolerate your discomfort i'm really interested in what you think about me. stay in relationships too long you have to please basically you want them to like you you're way more concerned with their feelings than having your own boundaries and your own standards and i stayed in toxic relationships years too long because i didn't want to hurt the other person's feelings and i did affect your work you know it's interesting the craziest part is i think that in a sick way being codependent helped my work. a workaholic you know i didn't want to disappoint anyone comedian essentially your job is to make people like you want to love you yes no matter what time you don rickles want to love them yes it may seem
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like he didn't even though he was insulting them of course the motive was i need your love you know every single night every twenty seconds but then the second i got on stage i couldn't turn that off codependents of low self-esteem and brother so that these are voters in the room. to be themselves because they're more concerned with appeasing others and avoiding rejection than with what they want to do are you better no i think i am i did a lot of rewiring a lot of. studying in of neurology and reading neurology books and going to neurologists and learning that it takes twenty eight days to form a new habit to break an old one and so i went into this really hard core therapy to work on my self-esteem and figure out what my motives were and the decisions that i was making. its way healthier now i did people i actually like it used to be like if someone wanted to date me it was like i guess we're going to date but now it's mutual consensual
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a lot of people have this without even knowing it you know it's such a pernicious mindset because i think it's so rewarded socially it kind of presents itself as just being nice everyone just thought i was really nice and charming and outgoing when in reality i was doing things because i felt obligated to and i wanted people to like me which is she would do to break it. you know i outline sort of the stuff i did in. therapy what she was like in her child at work which sounds a little bit creepy creepy and crazy but you essentially reconnect with what a five year old version of yourself would want to do on any given day because adults are like i have to go to work i have to meet this person for lunch i have to the gym i have to go spinning and we have all these obligations whereas our like source kind of just wants to like eat and nap and hang out and play and i had no concept of play as he changed it you know it's so interesting because i was so
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worried that if i got mentally healthy i wouldn't be as funny because being sick and twisted is funny getting up on stage and broadcasting my mistakes and my bad my bad sexual experiences like that's all i knew how to do so i was so worried that if i got healthy i would just be boring and i am. going to go and say my life is way more boring i'm not in the same like chaotic you know concert is the state of adrenaline i think so it's you know to me my favorite comedians for prior your. where george carlin don rickles all these guys had a vulnerability to them that was just so magnetic and charismatic and i think that i'm finally getting to the point where i have that vulnerability would be. i want people to. understand something that i didn't understand before this journey which is that it's ok to have flaws and to make mistakes and that the way we were conditioned as children can change the way that the world has been socially
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constructed for us we can rewrite that told me about the female brain will. when i was in my late twenty's and had decided or realize like i feel very crazy why am i always crying and men had no problem telling me i was crazy and psycho and all that stuff and i was like what is all this can't all be me and i read this book called the female brain by lou and risen dion and it was all about how our brains are wired and how our basically primal brain sabotage our modern day relationships you know jealousy it's like that served a very important purpose in tribal times you know it was i had to keep you so the own you i own you in such a day there were lions and we didn't have alarm systems and door locks on doors in grocery stores so it was like our survival was very ten us so i needed to keep you to help me care for this child in a coma doing movies so i basically was reading and i felt so much relief of like ok a lot of my life is choice and i can fix a lot of things but
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a lot of this is our rep telling in brain and these neural chemicals that are being released explains so much adrenaline and cortisol in my main goal is activated and gave me a tremendous amount of patience and compassion for myself and for the people i dated because we both seem to agree that the other person was crazy and it was. i do like directing it's very tiring but i had an amazing cast and you know but i am going to take a little bit of a break mr standup. is that your favorite and the dentist my favorite because it's the most connected you can be to people i like instant feedback a movie make a movie have to wait a year to find out what people think of it stand up is joke you laugh or you don't same with reading a book same with reading a book i got to wait a year to see if people like this you like writing. cool creative writing two broke girls when i was a cancel it had been six years which is i think
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a long time and you know way more about this and i do but there's all this politics of people owning shows and so many people are watching shows on computers now and you know so i don't even really know what i did to work i think it worked because we talked about money at a time where lots of t.v. shows were basically just about a bunch of rich people who didn't have financial problems and these were girls in their twenty's who were dealing with the minutia of paying bills and getting by and they want to start a business and i think people really locked into that because you know i was watching the shows about girls in their twenty's and all they cared about was if the guy was going to text them back and i was like that's not how my girlfriends are they all want to start businesses and write books and get blogs you know women are delaying marriage and they're delaying you know having kids let's talk about girls who have ambitions and i think that a lockdown you recently tweeted you know the news is starting to feel like a big. breakup with. mr trump you know every morning
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i look at the news and i just feel very overwhelmed to get addicted you know those relationships that you can't get enough but you know you have to get out and that's i just feel every time i turn on the news i feel hopeless and helpless and adrenalized and we were two of his room or how do you think he handled it that night he laughed but i never have so. he was really enjoying it really. enjoying him so he said leave i get paid a million dollars for which is how he sees the world just business deal business deal i think that he. will take kind of any kind of attention i think he thrives on negative attention to i think as long as i don't think he's discriminates against the kind of attention i mean we were saying this is things about him and his pain as sorry i don't want to add words the the flacid nature of it i mean what we were talking about was insane and i i think we would have left or just never done it i
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think his ego is so strong and acts as a shield against any negative thing from. his presidency. i mean i think so many people are focused on him i'm more concerned about the state our country is then that so many people thought it was a good idea to vote for him i'm more concerned with that i'm more concerned about the millions of people who said yes to him and how much pain and fear they must be end to think that this is a good idea or you know more than any one about television networks about what they're reading and what they believe. that's really what scares me the most the gaslighting and the like groups i like roasts more when i was in my twenty's and a little more shut down emotionally i mean now that i have taken off the armor and all of the survival mechanisms i developed as a child and i am i allowed myself to feel more it's harder for me washington d.c.
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you know. that's right i do know that a legitimate claim well i lived in potomac maryland coal hole look at us. you know it's interesting everybody thinks that i come from money can buy a little there you may claim they're pretty fancy but we lived we did not live in a very fancy area we were evicted many times that was not ok did not fit in with you for the day he worked in finance it's unclear i try to ask a lot of questions there's a lot of vagaries. you always for me know i was very serious as a kid i had to be the adult very young i was the youngest in the chaotic environment i was i was the one cooking dinner and packing lunches and getting ready for school and doing the laundry so i had to be a precocious and went to the funny emerged the funny emerged actually when i interned at n.b.c. local news in washington d.c. with barbara harrison and more bad no you do and i got to read the prompter of like
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the local stories and you know local news is always like horrific lead in the water kids being kidnapped and i was reading the news to get like a demo reel and i can start making jokes about really horrific things because the comedians are all yeah and all these horrible news stories were coming up and i could not stop laughing and i realized i can't be serious comedy is how i process pain you do fourteen minutes of fires. horrific and there will be got to be moving forward news of the war and the a.m.a. like to tease you they'll be like is lead in you're killing your children we'll let you know into the break you think i think i have to i mean i have children and i need to tune in and yeah poison right. now it's all breaking news and then they have learned monkeys are being rescued it's everything is breaking news everything is breaking and i think we're just so desensitized to what's actually important i don't i look to the news and i just i mean no one i'm so sorry i'm so overwhelmed
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it's like a video game which this bridge when we were children who will step into the if you only knew how to seat close watch out about her executive producer duties on the reboot of roseanne breaking news stay with us. there's a real irony going. there are always well that's what started out. always. dealing more area now wholesale surveillance you feel you have already while others and two sides in less than trump has used social media well i always thought the story goes it's garbage in real.
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to. watch the hawks founded by three young americans who love their country but we have to constantly question our government watching the hawks brings the stories the give voice to the voice. we dig a little deeper we get the stories that the average one else is afraid to touch is afraid to talk about because they don't want to upset their corporate sponsors or interrupt their government access now is the time for that are we to question more
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. we're in this post truth world or world words have to matter to about educating people and giving them contacts instead of telling them what to make dialogue is far more valuable than debate. look think of things the book gives i'm fine another law is she has to lift it we're going to play a little game of this you only know who was your childhood celebrity crush mae west . i think talent. dog training person you'd trade places with for a day. riata. guilty pleasure. donating to hummus companies on kickstarter. if
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you still crazy. there's this kid who makes hummus and you donate money and it helps his homeless less time you were star struck. i know the answer to this because it just happened who was that. this aware that even as he was star struck i was star struck no but i remember being like this is the person i was he an actor. comedian president who. started started by our president and maybe you'll think of it will go on this compliment the other got. mitzi shore told me that i reminded her of roseanne barr when i she first saw me perform well yeah she was and was a great scandal phenomenal still is weird as job you're the head weirdest job i ever had i used to do focus groups where i would test out products and i used to pretend that i had clinical depression to do clinical trials to make money in
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college favor advice. from marijuana. something you wish you were better at everything. self-esteem strangers fan encounter i had a girl come up to me the other day a millennium obviously and she said to me hey my phone is charging so can you take a picture for me and just e-mail it to me she just a friend yeah i just had to start working for her was a luxury you can't live without. rescue horses something you long believed to be true and real was worse and. that all adults have it together told me something people don't know about you. i feel like i reveal everything about myself though you don't remember who. else
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was awful. you know what this is what it was the costume designer for. i met the costume designer you were going to say and i was like oh my god hi how are you like i'm going to get that you're executive producer of the eight at the showed reboot of roseanne yeah as it started we started writing we've been writing for three months and we start shooting in a couple weeks it's going to be a. network a.b.c. . the original run tom warner and i had worked together you know tom i'm sure well and we did a pilot together at h.b.o. and when all this trump stuff started happening we were talking and i always said to him roseanne was my favorite show and he just he called me and he said you know when trump got to like to bring roseanne back and i was like that's a game changer i'd be honored to be involved in a good many good men. laurie metcalf he did but we're going to scratch the last season yes he will be there all the original original baccy everyone so it is going
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to be the season the kitchen and everything same seeing wild same house same everything is true in that we'll have to tune in to find out but what i will say is that we are putting a working class family on television the kind that changed the course of history forever to the door with. rizana is so unbelievably smart boy with smart incisive and it's so funny because i think i would have been starstruck by her i had met her a couple times in comedy clubs but she comes in the writers' room and she's just like chime in and has a brilliant stories we did some additional. she was in the auditions and we were crying i mean shaking crying laughing so hard she was going run for president she was she ran and she ran you know she ran as she did. she's own john goodman alpert you know tell me something tell me john goodman is one of the best actors a lot of hands down hands down at the close of his build maybe we don't think of it
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that i grew up with john goodman basically thinking he was my dad fantasizing about it i remember i grew up with not a lot of money in potomac maryland and that was the first show that i ever saw them paying bills and having paper cups and a couch and i was like oh my god that's what my life is like and it gave me so much comfort as a child and so very regularly i start crying in the writers' room when i'm writing jokes for dan what is the show call rules. and the six episodes will say they are going to do an hour half an hour we're going to half an hour multi-cam the same way it was we're trying to replicate the look exactly we don't know yet next year we're going to do it right and not rushed we have some social media questions. that coup leader two thousand and three on twitter would you consider stopping with the vagina joke. oh my. you know i thought i kind of did.
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but not just because they're vagina doubts any of thing where every time i talk about sex i always try to have some subtext that it's about power it's about what's going on in our culture or it's about fear about feminism sexism something so i never like to do a gratuitous vagina joke. but funny. some of them are mean you've seen a couple in their day there's always a little bit of humor around sex because it's so uncomfortable and where we're most vulnerable and i don't want to try away from that. oh luke radio on twitter do you believe in reincarnation and if so would a of history do you feel a strong connection with what an amazing question and i am kind of obsessed with the one nine hundred twenty s. . yes i don't know why some time is precious i sort of some during twenty the roaring twenty's may west flop or dress evasion yes that's me do you see that's.
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the pole yes that's my bed those are my people do believe in rooms and that's my vibe at the moment i'm a i'm a pretty big science person but is there proof on reincarnation i don't think so you know ok. lang on facebook what was it like working with chris. chris is unbelievable chris played my boyfriend in my t.v. show on n.b.c. i wrote the part for him with him in mind we were to open my cars at the comedy store and i said to him hey wrote a t.v. show for russia and he's incredibly talented. and just comic genius and i fought really hard for him and working with what he's like family to me and that felt very safe and and i always felt held by him and also when you do a show with a live audience you want comedians in there so he really just you know lights up in front of an audience at the java arena on twitter wants to know are you free said.
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i'm not i'm sorry i'm doing a stand up tour but you can come to my mother's side is there not do you dying to write for oh great question t.j. you know rozanne bar and john goodman are. pretty good and laurie metcalf big fan of laurie metcalf and i get to write those the matola on facebook would comedies you should do you what oh great question i really like a show called it's always sunny in philadelphia i love those guys and it's just the perfect blend of silly and you know how do you explain there's i've never got to watch them because. at nine o'clock every night on c.n.n. seinfeld seinfeld unbelievable seinfeld not only is it i believe it gets better when you go back and watch it again watch it again how is it getting funnier it's insane i watched his new special it was brilliant he's just and i listen to him on an interview recently geragos said he was never good at any of the cast helped him
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something else that was so interesting that he said he had that role on the show no hugging you know like there's no emotion this is just for comedy we're not going to let somebody comedies now they try to be funny and then they want to have a poignant moment at the end and then they want to learn a lesson his whole thing was no hugging and no learning i'm just going to make you laugh which i'm using game together and he's going to stay in my lane and just be funny that show is so brilliant and i also love the larry sanders show i still watch it. you know still watch and he was wonderful and the comeback was phenomenal with lisa kudrow means you soon zone the larry king blog power. for the reboot rozerem pretty hands on i'm running it are producing it with first helford who did the original we have a bunch of the original writers on roseanne so i'm sort of like the new person in the fan who's going to that room nine seasons this is going to be the tenth season of roseanne while institutions also as well as hollywood still fixated on the reboot of late you know i think that there are so many new shows out and there's so
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many people you're expected to fall in love with you now you know all these new characters all these new actors i think there's just something nice about the stuff right now we have this person in office who every day is throwing new curve balls at us and i think there's something really warm and cozy about for a million or faces that we know i think we're all just craving a warm comfortable place right now we needed little wait. until depended to show. you like i love you and i don't want you to read doesn't get better because i want you to. co-dependent so that we could be crazy to get yes. thanks to my guess would make some things we should have to. find another law is available well as always you can find me on twitter at kings things i'll see you next time.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works now the economy is built around corporate corporations from washington washington media the media folks voters elected businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before . all the food we don't need. everyone in the room should experience fleas and you'll get it on the open rolls. the old according to just.
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come along for the ride. rejected tonight is a comedy show that not defect by the corporate media. would you go after the corporations that just more your life profit over people at every turn. redact it's not for me it's like medicine it's like a cancer joke from all the stress that the news puts you under redacted tonight is a show where you can go to cry from laughing about the stuff that's going on in the world as opposed to just regular crying we're going to find out what the corporate mainstream media is not telling you about how we're going to filter it through some
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satirical comedic lenses to make it more digestible that's what we do every week hard hitting radical comedy news like redacted tonight is where it's. clearly we are a nation divided between those who fret that the president just is crazy and undaunted supporters who reckon he's crazy like a fox i'm holland cook in washington this is the big picture on r t america. this past week as president trump and senator corker swapped twitter insults on route to the g.o.p. unity luncheon the last his press secretary declared that is.


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