tv Headline News RT October 28, 2017 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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i. i i. will cry says his boiling point his catalonia proclaims independence while madrid moves in the sand the government and seize direct control also this talk u.s. senator demands that twitter disclose his account data from wiki leaks and groups linked to it the social network testified before congress in the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the presidential election. process the french president's visit to an impoverished south american territory after he moves out of state aid saying he's not the christmas.
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just turned two o'clock here in moscow you're watching r.t. international. now there has been a dramatic escalation in the independence crisis that's rocking spain the prime minister sachs catalonians government and put his deputy prime minister in charge a regional election is now being called for late december and in the meantime ministries are being closed and police powers revoked madrid seize control a scuffle and leaders finally proclaimed independence a month after the disputed referendum today in parliament the parliament of our country illegitimate parliament largely expected step and largely for four step. citizens of cattle or any other comes a time when it is up to all of us to maintain the pulse of our country our peace
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was a shot at defense he has been following developments in the capital and capital. the spanish government in madrid says it is now taken full control of catalonia it says it has dismissed the catalonian government as well as high ranking officials and the president call us and it also says it has dismissed some senior police officers including the chief of the police force in catalonia the most who is already under investigation for sedition now in addition to that these pronouncements by the government in madrid just came hours after the catalan parliament actually voted for independence and declared independence to catalonia a republic here now i was in a crowd of pro independent schools this round in the parliament at the national guard suggested they were up to twelve thousand people there and it really was like a sea of people they screamed in delight yes yes yes or c c c
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in catalan and spanish when they heard that result we spoke to some people just after it came through to get a feeling of what moment meant for them this is what they told us it's very exciting this moment and the day started got a moment for us years and years and years and years dreaming about leaving the spring which is not to them across we are finally in catalonia a new member of the international community a republic a good trilling. to so that. peaceful pre-board can win. by all and all our lives our parents around parents they are waiting for the saying well spain says that the powers of catalonia will not be exercised by the spanish vice president but the pro independent supporters i've spoken to here in barcelona say they will not recognize the authority in spain as far as they're concerned they
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have no seceded from spain and this is an independent republic in. that is something that remains to be said because madrid says that within the legal framework of the spanish constitution its ability to take control of what it sees as being a spanish region is illegal and it is very likely that if this goes to the courts the courts will side with the spanish government on this one so in just less than a day since catalonia declared independence it's not yet clear whether they will be able to retain that independence a tool and a stand that the some of the pro independence lobby are actually trying to draft a document which they're hoping to release within forty eight hours which will show how they plan to secede from spain but it's not clear if they will be able to implement that more is clear though is that this crisis is an everyday thing and this remains a highly divisive issue in the society. reporting there what we did discuss the constitutional crisis in spain with a political analyst and also
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a former catholic and they did have very different views on what's happened. what they are trying to do is to demolition our regional government institutions. and take control of. social movement the problem right now is there and nationalist movement independent movement is living in a part of war in another war because they have people in the radio and they want to keep remain in a spain you can say that these are democratic to to to listen the voice of the people and what we have been trying to do hearing about one year is always not really like do that all. the point is that you go one people be express their. opinion and what we've been trying to do
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two years ago is to find the possibility for a couple in society to express and this was on the first of all over the business and did these movements and in this terrible time where he did not a question. of which crisis democracy and right now the story but this is not a question of companies and business what you have in madrid this is a question of democracy and you should listen what people have got on people. who they won for for the future anybody in the international sphere is going to give a recognition to the sustained right now this plan is going to mean is walking to restore their constitution there in the region and we. do protect their heart of the card balance they want to keep their rights they want to keep it remain
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a spanish. it's very sad really in that you are just saying that you want to save fifty percent of cars. in society you should care about one hundred percent of problems either they are not getting violent at all or hitting the headlines today has been the broader reaction from around the world and there has been overwhelming support for madrid and warnings about similar independence movements to in the european union and is it looks at who is and who isn't backing a united. there's plenty of reaction coming in given these major developments happening in catalonia albeit with very few surprises we have heard from the president of the european council donald to school has said that nothing changes and that the e.u. will continue to speak directly with madrid we've seen reaction from germany of course the german government said they do not recognize this unilateral declaration of independence we've heard from of course the french president also showing his support and full support to the spanish prime minister mario honor of here in the
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u.k. of course also plenty of reaction we've heard from downing street saying the does not and will not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence because this vote the referendum on october first was deemed illegal by spanish courts that was a reaction from to recent but from scotland's nicholas sturgeon we have seen a reaction of seeing the people of catalonia should have the ability to determine their own future so supporting what has happened in catalonia given scotland's own sort of plight when it comes to this issue we've heard from the u.s. as well the u.s. state department has the support keeping strong and united spain together also similarly from nato so as all of these reactions are continuing to come in it's important to really remember that despite the fact that political leaders throughout the european union have consistently said they don't want catalonia to break away from spain to really keep the european union and tax the pro
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independence movement in catalonia has repeatedly said that despite the fact that they want to leave spain they don't necessarily want to leave the european union whereas throughout the year we've heard them say that if catalonia doesn't fact leave spain they're going to have to essentially get at the back of the line to get back into the european union but we spoke to the independence party m.e.p. david coburn and he believes madrid's decision and this from brussels is the looks to tighten its grip on its member states. i know but from chatting with present you i spoke with a couple of weeks ago the new european union have no intention of interfering in spanish affairs internal affairs i think they've now got the idea with the problems though taking part in spain that maybe is for a good idea of the actually key posts of internal affairs of the various countries because it's just the first of many other countries in europe who have problems with the central administration spain doesn't govern itself anymore it's governed
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by the european union decisions are no longer made in but they're made in brussels maybe this is the european union has brought this to a head and it's not just the. brain problems with the boxy to the front of the the the the floodwalls in belgium various parts of europe but are there problems people want to secede because people don't want to be ruled by faceless bureaucracy in brussels they want to make their own decisions locally and then have a national government as well catalonia as of the richest well the richer parts of spain so that they are that's why they're feeling very upset you're watching r.c.u. course we'll be keeping a close eye on developments in spain throughout the day. now then a senior u.s.
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senator is demanding that twisted disclose his account details relating to wiki leaks and its founder julian assange releasing a direct message conversations than feinstein listed her demands in a letter to twitter twitter is founder and c.e.o. jack dorsey and it's a pretty big list as we can see here as you can see there are quite a lot of demands and among them she wants to know whether twitter has identified the camps linked to the alleged russian meddling investigation and also. it's methods for doing so also there of course r.t. gets a mention to you too they want to know about twitter accounts there and they're also under suspicion back to wiki leaks we can bring a person list of some of the accounts linked to that and the senator thinks their message history could prove vital to the investigation is. feinstein the u.s. senator from california is requesting that the direct messages on twitter sent by
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wiki leaks be turned over and given to the congress for their investigation you know they're asking for the direct messages of wiki leaks the direct messages of julian a songe as well as the direct messages of the hacker known as good for to who is reported to have been the person who turned over the e-mails of the democratic national committee to to wiki leaks now it's important to note that dianne feinstein who's requesting these direct messages on behalf of congress that she is certainly no fan of julian aside this is what she said about julian assange in the past well mr sun just one of my most unfavorite people in the world i believe he's done a great discredit to this nation now dianne feinstein is not the only figure within the us political establishment who has voiced opposition and hatred for julian assad many figures within the u.s.
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government many senators congressmen leaders of the military have spoken of julian a sonnet accused him of being a russian agent called for prosecution of julian assad called for wiki leaks to be shut down this is a widespread sentiment in washington d.c. i mean he's a tool of russian intelligence and if he's such a you know martyr of free speech why doesn't wiki leaks ever publish anything coming out of russia you should be treated as an enemy combatant we should be closed down permanently and decides we wiki leaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like russia ignorance or misplaced idealism is no longer an acceptable excuse for lionizing these demons but saunders a narcissist who has created nothing of value you relies on the dirty work of others to make himself famous he's a fraud a coward hiding behind a screen this guy's a traitor a treasonous and i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death penalty i want to do it. illegally shoot the son of a as we know on november first the owners of twitter will be testifying before the
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u.s. congress and this is all part of the investigation of alleged russian meddling in the us presidential elections in twenty sixteen and now we see this additional request being given to twitter just a few days before they're set to testify so one wonders is any new information going to be determined from these direct messages or is this the government of the united states in particular the congressional committee putting additional pressure on twitter in the lead up to their testimony because of journalist dave lindorff believes that the u.s. senate his request violates free speach. there is no indication that wiki leaks is a tool of russia wiki leaks has been major source for american journalism and british journalism for a long time but now feinstein's trying to imply that we can leaks is somehow in league with this alleged russian effort to swing the election in the united states
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in two thousand and sixteen even if you took the worst case scenario and you said that russia was behind an effort to skew people's perspectives about one candidate or the another in the election that is not so to me and that is private communications on twitter when there isn't any criminality being even alleged is over the top and a terrible threat to first amendment rights in the united states still ahead feet president says that he's not father christmas and that he. gifts as he visits french guyana we'll tell you what reaction that go after the break. the warhawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles. that you stopped by to tell you
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that will be gossiping tablet but. i'm telling you on the whole and i like. all the hops that we along. with one. there who are describing day to day is basically this big company trying to be demagogued screaming this is what's fueling the gap. you know you see and this is. then this is becoming more and more a fundamental challenge generalization. no exclusion in nature you feel. they come together in a very negative we each of you in your world. again
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now the french president's visit to the territory of french guiana in south america has been met by farland protests five people were arrested and two police officers injured as clashes did break out with groups against emanuel macron strip the demonstrations against macro came after he said he would not be giving additional funding to the impoverished region he explained on twitter that he was not father christmas and some french politicians were far from impressed by those comments but we spoke to the editor in chief of three of the people magazine about macro lens latest. is very sure of himself in a bit of good to eat showed it recently and we are saying that he's not santa claus the people who are poor and have problems but he did it also in france recently using words that i wouldn't use on on the new scene or
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a very vulgar the french left or right it's not a matter of politics consider him as out of control ie now after several cases like that the government of course should not give away public money without really looking at what they do he was right in saying of course that a lot of money is being spent and we are not that that are real problems but it's not a recent to to show his exasperate nor to show his norns at the fact that people come back with their own problems so in this case now it's small for the unpleasantness of seeing the elite. talk talking count in a condescending way to to the people. one has made a series of other remarks to that have not sat well in the past here are some of the.
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to receive support. from nine hundred fifty nine until two thousand and eight. different groups and human rights organizations and even some women into entering relationships with. trust while working on the cover. forced to compensate some and apologized for their actions but campaign. will continue more. what i haven't got yet is any information at all not one single scrap of detail about why these people were targeting them why they had their life simple trade to this extent and why they found themselves
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sometimes in an intimate relationship with somebody who was being paid to spy on them the reason i feel the forty's so to spy on the west in general is because they consider the left afraid to. portably. against national security we don't actually know whether they still live for treating him whether they continue to do that and of course there is now the digital spy the. there's the digital spy. eavesdropping the big data stuff so dave you may say that they maybe don't need it anymore but i do think they're still doing. now a billionaire founder of a drug company has been arrested for his alleged role in persuading doctors to miss prescribe patients and kill pain killer john kapoor has been charged with bribery racketeering and also fraud while the highly addictive medication is part of
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a nationwide crisis in the u.s. at the moment the main components of these synthetic painkillers called fenton il it is only supposed to be prescribed to patients in severe pain from cancer and is one hundred times stronger than morphine were cases of the drug reportedly being misplaced drives and given to non cancer patients were brought to light by one of kapoor's former employees. if there was something going on there i started doing some research i realized that i wasn't there to help people that i was actually hurting people medical workers have leaked similar schemes of distributing illegal drugs in the past however it's rare that those implicated go right to the top the very top of major drug companies the pools lawyer however says his client denies any involvement but former white house spokesperson bob wiener believes that such abuse is widespread practice in the industry. this is vast it is a vast conspiracy in each company the same as the tobacco lobby did for so many
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years and got away with it it's not a matter of regulations it's a matter of and force mint and the lack of will for enforcement they have let these companies and the doctors who illegally prescribe the drugs that are supposed to be just for severe cancer and they get everybody else addicted it's not even just a matter of the of the suffering because some of the addicted people like getting high it's a matter of it's illegal and dangerous what they're doing and yes there isn't force meant you watching out international thanks when with a softer they will have more news at the top of their.
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thanks. liz. thank. you. thank you to the gang this is how it works now the economy is built around cooperation. from washington washington media the. voters elected to businessman to run this country business because. you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before.
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thank you god thank you well i know i'm really good. to know right what you are being told about the opioid crisis but first let me get the basic info out of the way and then we'll get to the center part because you know you better to get a little warm up connel time before you reveal the full frontal like the old wart ridden scarred up undercarriage of the situation you can leave with that the whole day to night story has everything illicit drugs villain is billionaires whistleblowers dead bodies so i'm calling it all rex drugs and rock n roll. and really since that also means drugs it says drugs drugs and rock n roll and also there's no rock n roll. and prescription meds like it have caused the overdose deaths of two hundred thousand people since one nine hundred ninety six when it was
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first put on the market by purdue pharma a branch of sackler pharmaceuticals that two hundred thousand doesn't even include the countless deaths from people who got hoped on oxy and o.d.d. on harder drugs like heroin the sackler family is worth fourteen billion dollars and they've plastered their name all over our institutions so between the cokes and the sac lers there's hardly a museum university hospital or theater without their call over it. it's like a nation fell asleep at a frat party and woke up with just a drawing on our forehead. so here's the story in ninety ninety per do started work on a pill containing oxy kowtowed a chemical similar to morphine and was not perdue the chicken poop. people because that would be weird you know cause guys for all your opium based on convicts and
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chicken wing glitz so purdue pharma puts out oxy cold tone and although it was fifty percent stronger than morphine many doctors believe that wrongly that it was substantially less powerful this was good for purdue because it made doctors last frightened to prescribe it so this was this is literally big pharma going doctors are confused about our new product and some people are dying. what good fortune but that's not enough greed in order to increase the number of doctors prescribing it the company's brief landed pain relief as a sacred right or universal narcotic in title meant available not only to the terminally ill but to every american and sure some people have debilitating pain and need help i get that but when you have ads that just say do you feel pain the entire row barracking population goes.
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