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tv   News  RT  November 8, 2017 7:00am-7:29am EST

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full of systemic deficiencies russia's clown's an investigation into a chemical attack in syria accusing it of bias against the assad government. it's a day of general strike in council lonia these are live pictures of a pro independence rally in barcelona meanwhile in drona activists and blocked main roads and stopped commuter trains in protest over the recent jailing of the regional leaders. do not underestimate. and do not try donald trump sends a stark warning to north korea during his asia tours which now sees him in china where he hopes to get in beijing to take a burma starts with pyongyang. and russia's investigative committee rejects the
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conclusions of the mclaren report on alleged russian state sponsored doping saying there is no proof that athletes and violated doping rules on much. a warm welcome you're watching r.t. international broadcasting to you live from our moscow studio and they care. now russia has slammed a joint report by the un and the chemical watchdog i deadly sarin gas attack in syria in april saying it's full of systemic deficiencies moscow warns that if nothing changes the work of the joint investigative mechanism will turn into an anti assad tool. is the work of existing international structures. deficiencies as regards to syrian chemical weapons reports the results
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of their investigation over. the use of substances a deeply disappointing the report issued two weeks ago concluded assad's government was behind the attack which left over eighty dead it also stated that the sarin gas used can be traced to government stockpiles the mandate of the joint investigative mechanism will expire in a week now both russia and the us are calling for its extension but on different terms as artie's caleb maupin explains. the russian ambassador spoke to the meeting of the un security council and he was less than enthusiastic about the report pointed out to many problems with the report in many aspects of the way the investigation was done relying on third parties as being rather on satisfactory studies the. investigators carried out their work remotely the report of a missions inconsistency was in discrepancies of very mediocre quality there's
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a question of the samples collected. from syria so it is unclear how the sarin most. visits. would be crucial to the proof of sarin was and on who's responsible for that in other words in that it was the jews so far in the south. well immediately after hearing the report from the o.p.c. w. we heard from nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the united nations now when she spoke she praised the joint investigative mechanism or the gem of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons the o.p.c. w for their report and then she went on to urge the council to pass a new resolution prolonging their work investigating chemical weapons in syria the gym's report not only identifies those behind the chemical attack it also explains how it reached its conclusion it makes note of any irregularities it found in the
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information obtained from the investigation and then even serve in the works others talk of a new resolution russia and china working together with the united states to draft a new resolution but as of yet it's not clear what's next for the o.p.c. w. or the joint investigative mechanism as they continue their work in syria. the head of the joint investigative mechanisms that even if experts have visited the site of the it wouldn't have it would have changed nothing in their findings and conclusions and also said that the body takes great care to ensure its methodology is technically sound however earlier russian military experts presented their own conclusions saying that the attack could not have been carried out by a syrian jets as none were within range also no aerial bomb fragments were found russian explosives experts sounded that the chemical attack was likely improvised
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and that a bomb had been placed on the pavements despite russia's concerns the west was quick to point the finger at damascus alleging its carried out the attack long before both the report and its conclusions we spoke to investigative journalist stirling who says the report has major flaws. they've got a bit of pollution and even their report indicates that the number of various irregularities. that lead understatement the report it's knowledge that there were. five different hospitals before the attack even now. so how do you have a big that actually that us regular trip ot the us president has areas for those rounded up including princes ministers and business people who had to make do with sleeping on the floor in the five star hotel.
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it's all part of an unprecedented anti-corruption purge decreed by the king and put into motion by thirty two year old prince mohammad the sweeping arrests are thought to be the young saudi heirs gamble to stamp out political rivals and clear his way to power and on that way he is ready to shatter decades of royal traditions by breaking saudi arabia's addiction to oil we will not allow a country of a to be at the mercy of commodity price volatility or external markets we have developed a case of oil addiction in saudi arabia and his rise to power principal hammad has also forged a close relationship with the trump administration. so it perhaps came as no surprise when trump gave his backing to the so-called corruption purge on twitter i have great confidence in king salmon and the crown
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prince of saudi arabia they know exactly what they are doing. some of those they are harshly treating have been milking that country for years so who exactly is as donald trump claims milking saudi arabia dry one person is sixty two year old prince all what we'd been told all an internationally known businessman holding shares in several u.s. companies like apple twitter citigroup and time warner funding early enough trump himself has ties to bin talal who reportedly helped bail out the tycoon turned president twice in the ninety's but their relationship seemingly fell apart in two thousand and fifteen you are a disgrace not only to the g.o.p. but to all america withdraw from the us presidential race as you will never win don't be prince our will lead to lower ones to control us politicians with daddy's money can do it when i get elected fairly that doesn't always apply to saudis pouring money into america trump is now pleading for the gulf states national oil
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company to float its shares on the new york stock exchange so while term criticizes those arrested for milking saudi arabia it would seem the us president has nothing against milking riyadh's coffers to fill washington's. now it's a day of general strike in castle lonia where probably independence activists have blocked main roads and stopped commuter trains in protest over the recent jailing of regional leaders which read accuses them of rebellion and sedition and deems the catalan declaration of independence illegal what we're showing now on your screen is live pictures from the demonstration in fast alone where people are waving have fallen flags earlier protests cut off one of the main motorways of the region in jerome know the one that connects france and spain also the pictures are emerging online of hundreds of people breaking through a police cordon into jerome railway station.
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and the u.s. and north korea have traded insults again pyongyang says that the u.s. is not fit to acts like a human rights judge that's off the president trump addressing the south korean national assembly described north korea as a hell that no one deserves he also issued a stock warning to its leader. when i say to the north do not underestimate. and do not try. we will defend our common security our shared prosperity and our sacred liberty president trump has now landed in china for the next the much anticipated leg of
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his trip and the visit has already proved fruitful it's been reported that the u.s. and china have signed some twenty trade deals worth nine billion dollars r.t.s. american looks back at trump and shays previous meeting as donald trump arrives in china on his five nation asia tour it's now the chinese president's turn to roll out the red carpet just six months ago the chinese leader came to washington and the two hit it off bonding over chocolate cake but trump couldn't help but be a bit seattle called during the dinner topping the magnificent dessert with a show of washington's military might we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen and president she was enjoying it so what happens is they said we've just launched. missiles. heading to iraq and what were you headed to syria yes heading toward syria trump loves his weapons so much he thinks they're the solution to every problem and when the threat is as serious as north korea all
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the other countries in the region must be armed to the teeth and prepared to respond well that's the idea he's been trying to sell on his asia trip so far in both japan and south korea prime minister. and he's going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment as he should south korea will be ordering billions of dollars of that equipment we make the best military equipment by far we make the greatest military equipment in the world the f. thirty five fighter which is the greatest in the world the greatest in the world missiles of many different kinds whether it's planes whether it's missiles we make the best the greatest military equipment by far in the world be purchasing it from the united states. now trump is counting on the chinese president to back him up as he puts pressure on pyongyang president where we will be tomorrow china has been very helpful
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we'll find out how helpful so on but he really has been very very helpful well it's often said that diplomacy is merely seduction in another guys so the question is will trump's efforts to seduce the chinese leader carry over and will he be able to strike a sweet deal for the u.s. so marathon r.t. washington d.c. international relations expert rick to gal say is china needs to take trump seriously. president of the trump is. a very controversial president i think from the chinese perspective we need to deal with the presidency of the united states very seriously so whatever rhetorics or other things which president obama trump may resolve to china need to stand firm on its own principle and do the right thing president on trial has been normal in recent months for using very
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inflammatory rhetoric about d p r k and i personally believe rather rigs very threatening in nature threatening war warmongering for example is not helpful at all ever since president donald trump need to know why allows the united states has been selling a huge amount of military weapons to many countries in different parts of the world selling more weapons this may actually make whatever military confrontation which may happen even more bloody causing more loss of lives and that's the wrong thing to do at this very particular moment when peace at stake. now r.t. is going underground has spoken to willem dafoe the star of a new movie called the florida project which the critics have called a deeply moving and an unforgettable poignant look at childhood here's a quick preview for you.
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you know having a honk should be a basic right these people don't have that. they struggle and that's the world that we're talking about in this movie sony's second week of the summer and there's already been a dead fish in the pool. water becomes strong that tourists. found those above them only you. can there's something joyous about its portrait of childhood but at the same time always in the shadow you see the adults who are struggling and you recognize if these kids don't have different opportunities and if they continue to grow up this way though and. facing the same challenges sister parents. they can watch the full interview like this is very own nazi now still to come russia has lashed out at longer and rejected claims of state sponsored the only
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thing they train for that story coming up after the break. in terms of foreign policy donald trump has already earned himself the title the low expectations president this title is now being put to the test during his tour of asia because the us a status quo power in the asia pacific region. for oil challenging china. like for many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money killian erroneous and spending to do the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else only because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game
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a great one more chance for. going to. welcome back russia's investigative committee has rejected claims of a russian state sponsored doping program and said the wild anti doping agency have provided no proof of the allegations made in a report by canadian lawyer which mclaren well it is more gas to have joins me live with more details on this now more on what exactly has the committee said. well they carried out an extensive in-depth investigation involving more than seven
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hundred athletes their coaches various medical personnel and they question them about the allegations in the mclaren report and a number of them they rejected firstly they rejected the claim that some of the some pills was switched and this claim was made in the mclaren report it says it's said that some of them are normal or some of the samples indicating that perhaps they were mixed with salt and distilled water in order to hide banned chemical substances in the samples while the investigators stage their own experiments and they found that depending on how intensely an athlete trained what he had drunk his unique physiological exchange process as well many samples could be found as anomalous the second claim that they rejected was that the urine sample bottles themselves were tampered with were opened them manufactured by a swiss company and they're made to be incredibly difficult to open if not
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impossible to open and close without leaving any sort of mark and back in march there was an experiment that investigation which found that these a urine bottles can't be opened without damaging the integrity of the bottles themselves or even destroying them so that claim doesn't fly either the other claim that they rejected was that there was a state sponsored massive national doping program in russia investigators say the evidence that they have is that there is no evidence the mclaren report hasn't offered any of a mass duping mass doping system but the investigators did say that they don't deny that there may have been individual cases of athletes using banned substances but on the topic of athletes. those seven hundred question many of them said that they did indeed buy performance enhancing drugs which they believed to be illegal
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from grigori he's the former head of the russian anti doping agency the man on whose testimony much of the mclaren report was was made and here's what they had to say matthew that's what caught our docking while taking the drugs i'd bought from roche and give it said the tests would always been negative if we used these drugs later he took them off me and never gave them back my athletes was disqualified for two years even though we deny using prohibited drugs later i remembered i bought some drugs from rob chink of during the testing period now i suspect the drugs he sold me were banned grigori rajan of allegedly claimed that he was getting these drugs performance enhancing drugs directly from the united states and he demanded payment in dollars he claimed to the athletes that these were illegal substances but as after they found out after doping test they were marked as
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they were marked as positives nevertheless grigori watching of himself investigators claim and they have they have this phone call on record on tape he called the current head of the russian anti-doping agency and offered money a bribe in return for a database of all russian athletes doping results. still he was going clued it is watching who is now in the us and works with professor mclaren telephone to form a new site ahead and ask her to sell him the database of russian athletes test results the former senator had told russian investigators about this and now the committee has records of their conversations. earlier this month of course two russian athletes skiers both were banned for life from competing in the olympics due to positive result. in doping tests but the question being asked here now is
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that if the investigation is still ongoing why are athletes already being banned for life. ok thanks for those details are sought is more i guess thank you. now to just university in germany has banned certain religious practices after reportedly receiving complaints about students praying loudly in the library and using the bathrooms to wash their feet certain events have raised questions regarding how to deal with religion in study teaching research and everyday life at the university to clarify the issue we've consulted the expertise of scientists from various disciplines the university of hamburg bound religious celebrations on its premises its new code stresses that rituals should not disrupt other students wearing religious symbols though is permitted unless they impede communication we recently spoke with students at the university and they had mixed reactions to the new code the reason
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a class leaves of religious freedom is permitted i think the statement is clear for everyone and this shouldn't be in doubt it's basically on my say that regarding the full body covering i don't really stand by it in my opinion it's a restriction for women and often it can be a question for corrosion. personally i don't think it's problematic to wear a full covering because i think there is the other extreme. or young student shows watch much skiing a muslim living in germany in a christian democratic country and i think it's good that i'm able to practice my religion. the university of hamburg stressed that it is against any discrimination in a series on day chairman of the vice bond and i kind of integrations says that each case should be addressed separately and that there should be room for dialogue. the aim of this contact context is that. to bring religious
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activities just in one small room out of the real life of the students what religion is for those students who are christian jewish or muslim is one part of the best identity so if this is one part of their identity need to have it also in their normal life i think the right way to handle this situation is to have more india look to talk really with those people. were there are misunderstandings with that get to get in such and share your views on the day stories by following us on facebook and twitter and i'll be back in about half an hour with the latest headlines.
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i. think is going to be. easy at. the time and. i think.
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same wrong but old rules just don't know all. the bells yet to shape our this day you can stick up to it and in games read it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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you. greetings and salutations. for anyone paying attention to their daily diet of news consumption hawk watchers i think it's fairly easy to see the right now there is a war taking place in newsrooms across the united states now there are many front lines to this war but at its very heart are two of journalism's biggest corruptors and greatest adversaries money and popularity money just one another major battle with the news that the billionaire owner of local news websites d.n.a. info and new york's the gothamist of joe ricketts was shutting the doors on the new sites in a move that looks directly motivated by as journalists having the audacity the awed
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death yesterday to join a union and a letter rickets announced the end of the publication saying quote d.n.a. info is at the end of the day a business and businesses need to be economically successful if they are to endure and according to ricketts they also had better not be unionized in september he penned a blog a very subtly entitled why i'm against union. was at businesses i create in when she waxes poetic leave that i believe unions promote a corrosive us against them dynamic that the strong is the spirit decor businesses need to succeed so while more and more news outlets are failing due to the whims of billionaires and not enough advertising dollars a journalist popularity and politics is winning the fight over truth and credibility thanks to social media platforms like twitter as glenn greenwald of the intercept points out that one of the least talked about ways social media is
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harming democracy is the way they are used by american journalists to endorse factually false claims that quickly spread and become viral and thus can never be adequately corrected. the quest for money and popularity are probably going to suddenly bring about the death of the first amendment long before any tyrannical government takes over which is why we are and always will be watching the hawks. this week. as the politics if you. like you know that i got. this. week's. welcome or were watching the fox i am a robot and that's happened
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a while asked. and have to ask. how dangerous among the many things that can corrupt a good journalist soul and how dangerous is that kind of is money and popularity you know the quest for popularity and the need to make your paper money or your news outlet money how dangerous of those to do well i think that's just human nature it's pretty dangerous in general when you're.


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