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tv   Boom Bust  RT  November 8, 2017 8:30am-8:59am EST

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atlee islands china and several other southeast asian nations are at odds over control of territory in the maritime corridor which sees more than three trillion dollars worth of goods pass through every year to exert greater dominance the chinese have built islands and even snapped up those considered either international or controlled by other countries brunei malaysia the philippines taiwan and vietnam have responded in kind building islands and military installments of their own satellite images now show china's vessels surrounding t two president trump has pushed for u.s. military presence in the south china sea to keep the waters open to trade well from denial to outright defiance by many people named in the paradise papers the latest tax evasion data leak are addressing the allegations that they're not contributing their fair share to government coffers the documents show that some of the world's wealthiest people have cheated their governments out of billions in tax revenues
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leaving the rest of their citizenry to pay those bills our kids out to high ledges and toronto with more alex what's the latest on the paradise papers. well look we have the aristocrats and business moguls all stashing their cash away in offshore accounts while meanwhile they're making millions of billions of dollars at home record revenue and the rest of us what we're doing we're paying taxes as usual so it seems like these guys are getting away with a lot let's keep this in mind this is legal and we'll be talking about this whole through the story this is the funny part of it all and also keep in mind if you look at the mainstream media today we're not talking about there's so much of how i just dropped off the map that we're paying taxes and super rich people aren't but the bottom line is there's a lot of people involved in this in the top ten countries we have the u.k. we have the u.s. we have canada the u.s. beating out everybody number one thirty one thousand people as well as addresses which means business in the u.s. named in these files canada comes out three thousand when if you look at our per
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capita type of thing we're pretty much of the same as the u.s. three prime ministers of ours are named in there so that's a biggie as well as the financial guy for our active prime minister justin trudeau so there are some big names in there but look at this we're going to move away to spiegel that are not on that mega list of names that came out today an interesting one here turkish prime minister banally you'll drop his family is mentioned two of his sons are involved alleged to have offshore investments and multiple which is a nice haven if you haven't heard of it also japan which is eighteenth on the list has a thousand individuals on your former prime minister there as well yukio hatoyama he is also on the list and even that are not left out of this list let me tell you if you'll ever like the band by the name of in excess you know the singer michael hutchence well his lawyer is on the list looks like he tried to stash michael's anything that michael did during his life basically to try to take everything from
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posters to music to anything written by this man basically any intellectual property and run with it and he has an account stashed in the riches so these urges a lot of people that. you know or femaleness a lot of people that are politicians we have about one hundred twenty politicians named at this list and it's a war of money it's literally billions of billions and billions of dollars of revenue that countries are making from this small percentage of individuals to things interest saying that justin trudeau and liberals like him are cheering the people out of taxes and as hutchens would say the devil inside very interesting about that franchise money what are some of the alleged attacks in legend tax evader saying. well we have you know very thick list of tax evaders and let's start with the top of the lot of all the people there i would say that would be the the queen of italy queen elizabeth the second who now here's a statement from of course her people saying everything is legal everything we're
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doing here is legal which it is but there you are the queen and you're not paying your taxes well there's been some high taxes over there come on our behaviors know that you know your i know you know the boy the queen's don't usually pay taxes they take your taxes right but i think it's. a very but i mean really let's let's be honest about this the queen probably doesn't know much about her finance and she's too busy cleaning i guess or doing whatever queens do but that's bondo you know the philanthropist everybody loves except for me really but bono everybody loves he also is in this and he had a business that was in a project and he was an investor in it but he was a passive investor a minority investor so there that's his excuse for it and of course john curtin here in canada was a former prime minister and liberal and he also also said well you know i had a business doing something with you know madagascar and i just i overlooked this
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and i didn't see this but i was involved in a business i was doing stuff like that so friend of trudeau he's a big one and this is stephen bronfman stephen bronfman is right active as a fundraiser for justin trudeau and this guy's saying i don't know but it turns out that his family has businesses that have offshore accounts so yeah a lot of people involved here while helping the public lot of those you know we're talking about liberals hiding money started skewering but maybe that's why they're not getting much mainstream media play thank you so much for outlining how these famous people are talking about it but it's been a couple of days and we need to talk about government's reaction to these links they have to have said. something what is it they have the c.r.a. which is the canada revenue agency here in canada and here is a statement from them almost two thirds of serious audit fiscal impact of twenty five billion over the last two years was from god is of international large business in aggressive tax planning activities the series currently has more than
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nine hundred ninety office more than forty two criminal investigations related to shore underway that's a lot of investigations that means there's a lot of money offshore billions of dollars literally the e.u. there of finance ministers are saying we've got to nip this in the bud while we still have the chance france is actually saying cutting international funding for countries involved and then in the states of course not talking too much there are some big republican donors and then on the democratic side there's a guy by the name of george soros i've heard of him before the rules of the oh yeah they're all on that list too i want to see how this plays out thank you so much alex we have it coming at us from toronto asked thank you for the fight is on democrats and republicans are fighting it out on capitol hill of course combing through the fine print and making changes to the tax reform bill the lobbyists are out in force we've got a child tax credit some people are calling a welfare check and obamacare mandate unlikely to be a repeal of california new jersey screaming about the tax what is going on they're
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supposed to pass something before the holidays here to sound off it's conservative t.v. and radio host steve niles park what's got you hot under the collar today first things first. well you know we've talked a great to be back lindsey we've talked about this bubble tax which it's a it's a tax against millionaires once you hit a million dollars as a single file a one to one point two is a couple you get a tax an extra six percent tax on the next two hundred thousand dollars wall street journal editorial yesterday ripped this apart it doesn't represent conservative values it doesn't represent republican values paul ryan defends it saying well we want to make it fair we want to bring revenue in it that the whole concept stinks that's what's really got me angry and as a jersey resident i'm not thrilled about losing the state and local tax deduction and only keeping ten thousand dollars of the property tax deduction that that's
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problematic also my son's going to be starting college i'm not thrilled about student loan interest not being deductible any more medical deduction so going to be severely affected so everybody's got something to scream about but i heard paul ryan today on the rush limbaugh show and he stressed how imperative it is for republicans to get this done for a couple of reasons one they made a promise to their constituents and they have to deliver on this promise he didn't mention we failed on on obamacare repeal of the house did pass it was the senate and true we need to stimulate the economy we need consistent growth economic growth of three percent and over and they feel by giving the corporate tax rate down from thirty five to twenty and all the advantages they're giving corporations they will stimulate an economy that will then benefit i hate to say trickle down but trickle down to american families who will benefit from the economy and the corporations
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doing well. i want to i want to get your take on something when we're talking about the salt taxes a perfect example. the joint committee on taxation says the g.o.p. plan what effectively raise taxes on a pretty large portion of the middle class over time white house budget chief mick mulvaney has said the president won't sign a g.o.p. tax plan if it raises taxes on the middle class salt affects the middle class trumpets and asia not exactly focused on this when he gets back there will have been more infighting and a tax cut in the first year and ten years out in two thousand and twenty seven you're going to have of forty say only forty six percent will i think the president will be on board the president needs a legislative victory like this and i think that there will be on board to that end the senate tomorrow will reveal supposedly its version of the plan so the president has sent gary cohn his top economic adviser and mark short his top legislative
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director to capitol hill today to meet with some democratic senators who are up for reelection next year from states like north dakota and and west virginia where guess what donald trump won easily and indiana and these people are up so he's hoping to get some democrats on board especially in the senate as a safeguard just in case a couple of republicans defect so i don't think trump is going to be the impediment here whatever they agree on i believe he will sign he needs that picture and he's going to stay onside thank you so much conservative t.v. and radio steve malzberg always a pleasure pleasure. we're going to go to break now but stick around because when we return saudi arabia is the point of no return for the kingdom as numerous officials and members of the royal family are rounded up and arrested we take a look at oil prices and war talk with iran as we go to break here the numbers the closing bell.
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a little. imax keyser one more of my guide to financial survival this is fun it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to the. totally destabilize the global economy you need a protector so get in for a while because we're. a little.
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here's what people have been saying about redacted in the navy do exactly just pull on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know really what it is that really packs a punch to leave yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans do the same thing we are apparently better than food. and see people you never heard of love redacted tonight my president of the world bank go. on camera many seriously send us an e-mail. with cole make this manufactured sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round listen to the one percent.
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with no middle of the room sick news. good. news. in terms of foreign policy donald trump has already earned himself the title the low expectations president this title is now being put to the test during his tour of asia because the us a status quo collar in the asia pacific region for oil challenging china. you. just have to keep it as i believe you'd hear. yourself then.
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again. we have other things in this world and this isn't you know for everyone and why doom some people's minds so take our thinking all the power just for themselves. you know. last week venezuelan president nicolas maduro announced a plan to restructure the country's one hundred twenty billion dollars in debt but some say it's just a political ploy and investors have lots of questions on how what can actually be
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done skepticism over that grew this summer after the u.s. imposed sanctions on venezuela one issue is that material appointed vice president to rock ally l i saw me as lead negotiator of that the problem with that is that he was sanctioned by the u.s. as an alleged drug trafficker and that means u.s. investment groups which are some of the biggest holders of venezuelan debt can all meet with him meanwhile no one really knows how much debt the central bank of venezuela has if you ask the bank it's ninety billion dollars in foreign debt but most analysts. claims it's actually much higher in addition to materials and government this spells trouble for cuba which is reliance on oil from venezuela cuba now receives about fifty five thousand barrels of it per day down from one hundred thousand about five years ago that figure continues to decline it could intensify the financial burden on cuba's government. tensions are growing in the
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arabian peninsula saudi arabia is now accusing lebannon of declaring war following a missile fired at the capitol meanwhile lebanese prime minister saad hariri shocks the country with an abrupt resignation artie's trinity chavez has more saudi arabia has accused the lebanese government of declaring war against it following attacks on the kingdom by the lebanese shiite group hezbollah saudi gulf affairs minister some air also been told all a ruby a t.v. that lebanese prime minister saad hariri had been told that acts of quote aggression by is below were quotes considered acts of declaration of war against saudi arabia by lebanon and by the lebanese party of the devil saad hariri who was the son of former prime minister of lebanon refeed career who was assassinated in two thousand and five abruptly resigned from his post in a television addressed from riyadh he went on to say a vicious rant against iran and the hezbollah group for what he said was their
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meddling in arab affairs however hassan nasrallah hezbollah's secretary general accused saudi arabia of drafting hariri resignation text and forcing him to read it on saudi t.v. and even questioned whether hariri is being held against his will only he said the there is ignition was dictated on prime minister saad and how did he end that is ignition was not his well no desire no decision the announcement was done in saudi arabia why was the man not allowed to go back to lebanon and to announce his resignation from lebanon this is another question mark even the written text where we the lebanese we know that switch up between ourselves and we know the wars that how did he use to say and his speeches this text was not lebanese this text was written by saudi and the letter chill is saudi and the prime minister has to read it in turn iran's foreign minister has said on monday that u.s. president donald trump's a senior adviser and son in law jerry kirshner was responsible for. the surprise
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resignation of hariri. meanwhile after the interception of a missile fired from yemen toward riyadh the capital of saudi arabia on saturday the saudi led military coalition. said it was cold air land and sea ports to the arabian peninsula country to stem the flow of arms to the who these from iran u.n. officials say that the move is likely to worsen the humanitarian crisis in yemen between eighty and ninety percent of our food imports are coming in. through through these poach prior to the crisis and the. line for launch on not open. so it is. kind of struck for people who are already involved we have already built the world's worst humanitarian crisis at the moment so this is. an axis problem off colossal i mentioned right now the u.n. is also greatly concerned about the frequent airstrikes causing civilian deaths and
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say that in order to find a solution to yemen's catastrophic humanitarian crisis a peace process and political solution is required reporting in new york today the charges are to. the arrest of eleven princes foreign ministers and dozens of acts ministers and businessmen in saudi arabia over the previous days was launched by a decrease from thirty two year old heir to the throne crown prince mohammed bin solomon it solidifies his power as he enters the world stage to a greater degree and it's just the start this palace purge has investors reacting and we're seeing it in the oil markets but other foreign investors are eyeing the change with optimism sam zell the chairman of equity group investments a real estate firm says he is more likely to pour money into new projects there he
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said of the arrest that they were long overdue for a country resistant to modernization and plagued by graft i want to bring in jerrold selenski founder of the trends research institute to dig deeper on what we're seeing coming out of saudi arabia let's start with your political take on this purge those are a stablish ments and status quo pillars of the country on top of that we know the saudi military intercepted a ballistic missile near riyadh fired by who fighters in yemen the crown prince calls it an act of aggression by iran and then you've got that questionable helicopter crashed killing one prince and three government officials what's your reaction to all of this breaking out in just the last few days. well you know tracking trends does it on the standing of where we are how we got here and where we're going and how we got here you could see this coming for a long time and we've been speaking about it for a long time you know this is
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a build up as we see it with the war with iraq and the crown prince you know how people become princes you know a princes kisses a frog in the guy becomes a prince i mean enough with these labels really i mean it's a gang that's running the show and what happened is his father is very ill from a lot of reports and this guy is thirty years old let us not forget launch the war against yemen the poorest nation in the middle east killed over ten thousand people a great humanitarian crisis a cholera epidemic and this isn't in the news at all this guy launched it what is doing is solidifying power to get rid of everybody else as his father's getting closer to the deathbed from a lot of reports that are coming in so this is very disturbing in the sense that anybody would support this considering their track record but i guess that zealots a good investment opportunity have been let's look at the modernization he's given
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women more right he's opening up the country and he's obviously from a younger generation and he's cleaning house i mean is there anything redeemable needs actions while you have what are they letting women allowed to allowing them to drive well but that it's not as they fought for for a long time at least at something don't you think it's a symptom of a future modernization. i think it's a symptom of some modernization but not that much again let's look at the track record and let's look what he said last may the crown prince is that we won't wait for the battle with iran to be in saudi arabia instead they are going to take the battle to iran i mean this is what he's talking about list may and so what we're looking at is a buildup to the war you're accusing lebanon on iran of declaring war against iran saudi arabia nobody declared war so what we're seeing is this
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is much bigger we also saw the prince but also there's reports that he's been in israel and israel's been very anti iran as we all know you remember netanyahu we think there's an axis tension there's an existential argument happening there as well these are strong words from both sides but there is iran has said we want to annihilate israel you know they say it's real right to exist because. for a lot of people that say it doesn't in the sense that who created this and when was it created and what's happened to the to the palestinians in this well you know that's also a slacker an argument but ok let's keep going keep going where it's actions right ok obviously very very drastic a lot of people have a lot of questions it's a lot to unfold in just days and we have seen the change in oil we have not seen a spike like this since june two thousand and fifteen brant crude has closed
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yesterday at above sixty four dollars a barrel west texas intermediate settling over fifty seven dollars. what does this mean going forward in your opinion if you could read the tea leaves and look forward to this in investors are eyeing this with a lot of questions let's look at saudi arabia go back when oil started going down in two thousand and fourteen their plan was to keep pumping more and they would put the fractures out of business that didn't work so now what they've done they've made an agreement with other opec members of russia to cut back on production now with this is done is really jacked up the prices because of the fear that's going on there also their own rest in iraq kurdistan so now with the kurdistan region so now what we're looking at is in is that oil prices could spike if this goes out of control saudi arabia needs oil at one hundred dollars
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a barrel for their economy to break even so they're way down the issuing bonds as well as we know right so now if we see that happening this could end up also doing great damage to the equity markets and in the united states people what seventy eight percent of the people according to studies are living paycheck to paycheck what's going to happen with the christmas holiday and oil prices going up all right let's talk about gas prices what we see retail aaa says gas prices jumped six cents last week thirty one cents over last year last week in california twelve cent gas tax increase in california average prices illinois indiana michigan ohio cover a spectrum from two sixty two to seventy two going into the holidays what do you have to say about this again if this breaks out into a war and they are talking war talk they're saying that countries are declaring war
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and you are hearing president trump also supporting the post the prince and the king. so this happens we're going to see oil prices spike probably above one hundred dollars a barrel if this thing starts on folding and it can it will bring down the equity markets and also we're seeing retail already in the states that announced in black friday sales this will put a big damper on christmas sales thank you so much for employ gerald plenty found out the trends in research and detail and thank you. thanks for watching be sure to catch on direct t.v. in the united states you can find us on the arche channel three to one and if you miss us on directv has been best when you go to youtube dot com slash the last r.t. thanks for watching the next time.
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what politicians do sometimes you can. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more some want to but with no loopholes signed up to be friggin poisoned by our own people i've seen stuff that was nuclear biological and chemical products the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam old polystyrene batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between burn pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining
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about illnesses from exposure from the burn pits would really literally send a be a broke and they don't want to pay it so the way to the decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they will have to pay and. cultural to get the middle finger that they've used in the final days. delayed a no no peter. new for you the russian program. you're not just going to get closer. to the little bit of.
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full of systemic deficiencies at the u.n. security council russia's plans a probe into a chemical attack in syria. underestimated. and do not try donald trump sends a stark warning to north korea on his aged school he's now in china he's pushing beijing to take the toughest dogs against well known. chaos in council lonia as a general strike brings the areas to hold almost feet fifty key roads are blocked across the region in protest over the jailing of top politicians. and russia's investigates.


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