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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  November 9, 2017 4:30am-5:00am EST

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our legacy oh of course. to sacrifice part of our work time and i mean really the first. would be the prize and these are our families our friends but this is why we decided to to serve in our organization and in the red cross red crescent. volunteers based four out of the volunteers out of the core action the local level and do my best to bring the volunteers voice. please of the ward because this is where this will be my my role in the next four years now mr ok i know you rely on volunteers but you also have to work with local actors including local governments and i may be too pessimistic but it's a common view here in moscow that the south called the international community has no problem coming together to create problems like the ones we observe in the middle east or north africa but it's very very rarely joins hands in order to solve the am i being too negative look if i look at the capacity of. the
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international community and they go on to fix the problems that are causing so many suffering of course there is nothing to be optimistic but if we look of the capacity of humanity of each human beings to do. to be even empathy to other human beings. every day so the problem is that we have to speak up we have to do. to call to the government to improve the. life of those in need to protect the life of those. risk especially in the war zone those are leading the consequences of climate change as an example but mr olcott i assume that this is what you have been doing in your capacity. while working in many positions for the italian. right crossed at
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a time when your country was facing the influx of challenges of refugees from multiple wars and demand the region and that it was a challenge that italy by and large had to face on its own didn't die experience undermined your face in solidarity in. this period that i had in this year of course that we found a lot of solidarity of the beginning but because the lack of vision of our of our policies created the perfect environment to make the xenophobia and the rushes to increase because originally this wasn't up and they didn't up any immediately and. there was a lot of solidarity then when the discussion come to better distribute to relocate people and we found that there was this kind of the world where.
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these us created this. phenomenon of. if this didn't up and. maybe we couldn't work a bit better you know what communities is up and it's for a very long time but to mr ok and to be fair. hasn't been created out of nowhere i mean if you look at the number of refugees around the world it increased by seventy percent in the last than a decade so if you only focus on response do you really thing you can. see any results coming up here after because it seems that even if you try to how those in need there will always be more and more significantly more people coming. for how to later on i fully agree with you on the spot about this is not the this is. this is the failure of the lack of vision of the of the international community because of course it's not about. about to take care of and about to fix the causes
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of migration yes i think when i started to be a volunteer in ninety eight. we were receiving in italy the migrants. coming from the horn of africa thirty years later we are still receiving people coming from this same zone and not seeing us changed so this is a complete failure of the international community we should put. far from from the disposition of the people so the problem for us as humans i don't envision is to take care of the people but when you are confronting the communities you have to explain the reason why even about the failure of the politics of the failure of the policies that has been set up to avoid people flee their homes and their houses because no one that is escaping most of europe is happy to do it or no one is to try to cross the mediterranean with these rubber boats and i see that many
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of the people the syrians are not happy to do to escape from their country they were not migrants before the war saw this is that this is their wages that we have to do us to ourselves and to our governments and politicians but mr ok it sounds as if you're asking the ordinary people to clear out of damascus the politicians have created which is fair but only to a certain extent the u.n. high commissioner for refugees philippa grandy an italian like yourself recently spoke before the security council urgently calling for the need and what he called cataclysmic conflicts drive a mass displacement and it's interesting because italy was a very active participant in both the iraqi i believe be an intervention is it also played on the side of the west in the syrian conflict i appreciate your call the your appeal to the ordinary people i also appreciate so many italian humanitarians taking on the international leadership roles but do you think dov may change the
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view of the political or even elite in italy on the advise ability of military intervention. yeah look this is something that we did and we tried and. politics is not so different from the their rest of the war so the problem is that . our party these politicians sometime are looking for today and. for the future i'm not selling that. the government didn't make any mistake i'm telling you that. responsibility that we don't have to focus when we when we talk about. these kind of phenomena is something that. involve the international community not only a single county then in this single country we have to advocate for to stop the causes of migration on the and to our government and our communities understand
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that we have we have to fix because of migration talking about immigration just on his own as an example mr rock i don't want to be too argumentative here but when you talk about the international community it's too general of a time because as you know perhaps russia or china wasn't dot and c.z. asked the american or the western lot after it's in iraq or he in libya or in syria so let's be more specific here do you see the western i fully understand your point and i would try to answer the best they can. when they when they talk i don't want to be naive. and i'm not i if i can assure you when we talk about international community of course we are talking about. the count trees that have the power and that many of the causes and this is something that involve a lot of countries so it's up to them to discuss i mean you money have to take care
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of people and when i call. and when they could too. all of the people we need this is part of my duty is but then at the same time i had to advocate and to call for action so i will calm any initiative that brings to the dialogue or bring to new policies included the rush owing to the usa this is i don't make anything of this variances on this aspect because when that when the people is suffering any person involved in the international dialogue and is an international actor is responsible for the for the suffering is causing these lack of dialogue a huge lack of action in fixing the causes of of migration well some may be more responsible than others to be honest i don't think the people are. suffering always is stuck in the detention center the libya is one that if the thirty percent of the
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responsibilities of coming from one country to seventy one or the seventy percent is coming from another i think that both parties must see and discuss how to alleviate the offers of these people and this is this is the point i'm not i'm not pointing anyone please i am i am telling that there is a common responsibility when we talk about only one county i mean on the right side of the truck this is this is our mistake starter i think that we have to see that we have to discuss how to improve our capacity to alleviate this offer and some of the human being or a tool to avoid the what causes so for instance to the human beings well mr rock i fully agree with you my point was that as you consider possible ways of dealing with the current crisis you he should also be aware of the same consequences if you apply the same method say in the future that's that's my only point i think there and then there is a pattern of intervention and leaving out the consequences for the people on the
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ground that this is something that surely has to be remedied and i know that you offered actually a solution for that you are in favor of craig. these so-called illegal groups particularly out of libya which you believe would be critical for closing this rainy and human smuggling highway why do you think this idea is so far matched with so little enthusiasm from the countries involved look. even more clear and more tough gauging or as a president of the italian across in gauging my government on this just to be very clear because of course i talk about legal rules i've also said that this is a very important a good location for for the government or for the italian government and for the e.u. to engage the libyan authorities to do sign of the geneva convention and improve the capacity to protect the life of those the needs of those that. are fleeing the
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violence and war and this could be a good sign because in my experience and around the libyan authorities was to sign an agreement about all this and not about human rights and about the protection of the dignity or to subscribe to the geneva convention of the fifty one about jesus and this is something that. is an occasion that my my government as a president of the italian the across as mr and i spoke out very very clearly and of course if there is someone who is fleeing violence of course i speak about. a call for a legal route because they must be protected this is my duty from the day on which i took the office two days to go through as a president of the international federation everywhere i will have the opportunity to speak out on beyond four of those they came not the most vulnerable it's and this is will be my need and we will meet i hope in the future and you will see that
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. i don't mean any kind of discount to anyone mr speaking about the legal routes given the and control tower of the. in libya and the fact that there are already many thousands if not millions of migrants and refugees from all over africa gathered in doc country many of them without proper documentation. why do you believe that the establishment of several processing centers is going to change anything imaginable way look technically talking. is a country in war so in this moment who have. cannot be. brought big. libya so this is. a point on my point of view you are talking about the media shows that the role of the media show this is not my world or maybe or is about the level of human suffering and the
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convention and talking about the protection of the people is fleeing the country. again i think that everyone in this moment in a country war is escaping or cannot be brought in that count so this was the point that they raised several times i. honestly cannot i go about to the media shows like because i am not aware i'll bow to always making the violence we know only that there is a lot of violence in this county but i know and this is we have because we have to prove and the evidence is the volunteers of the car you have across yesterday i received twenty six body of a women that died during crossing the media to run and this is not set the ball on a set of what we don't know we don't want to see any more bodies of people of people who are currently in war being on the coast well mr rockwood we have to take a short break now but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. i've
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played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance for. peace this minute.
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league sure is a conduit to be pursued as i live it hear hear yourself then. fine. no. need. to be done. we have other things in this world alex this isn't you know for everyone and why don't some peoples also take our thing all the power just for themselves and to see whether. we.
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are on fire. i. are. welcome back to worlds apart with francesca rocca president of the international federation of the rat cross and the red crescent society mr rocca just before the
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break we touched upon the issue of how the european countries. process people from africa or the middle east who are knocking on their doors and i'm going to ask you about the situation in myanmar later on in the program but i want to use it as a point of comparison is not that i personally have to uncork but there are six hundred thousand desperate people was stranded. like in a city of six hundred thousand people but without electricity without water without proper assistance and this is our this is our role and that we are trying to provide to rite aid your your question should be. directed to the head though you each other maybe is more competent than me on answering on this question for me you know only that there are disparate people in need then and this is what they what they see in these people is telling us that is freeing violence then it's not me i'm not an investigator or
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a stop to either read out or it is to verify if it's true or not but we have a lot of dispersion we see a lot of consequences from violence and we have to protect these people and this is what we are trying to do there all of the money on these not all of the states we take care of the people this is. our role and then there are the government they set up policies and it's up to us to engage them to verify if the policies are good or not organ. of the people but we protect and we try to give dignity to issue mum because we don't we don't make the difference between refugees are they going to me or my grandson alone but mr roker you are one of the very few organizations with the practical experience on the ground because the governments when they make policies than not very well informed in my if least in my experience about what is actually happening on the ground in libya in syria and in sierra leone you also want to use with actually no doubt that that's why i think that you know some sort of expertise of from your side would be very welcome don't you think so yes of
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course of and when we. we provide you all the information that we have about the their life condition then there's a separation the these people these people are living in but we have not we don't make that look. because when we talk about our role in this. operation the it's very it's very daily we don't want to be involved in some political issue you know we know that there are six hundred thousand people of the three in my and i am are arriving in bangladesh and. to try to take care of them it's up to our movement of course to open a dialogue to verify if it's possible that they come back safe in their houses. which they are fleeing but this is this is our all then there is then you come there to sponsor a bit of the international community don't put on the issue that they are there it's kind of responsibility which there is not let me ask you one more question
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about this intersection between politics and humanitarian use because the syrian war in particular has dramatically changed the humanitarian field it gave rise to many organizations which combine humanitarian activities with political or even geo political activism. talents would be one of them but there are many similarities ations originating in turkey even in russia and i want to ask you what do you think about these kind of partisan humanitarian is more humanitarian pile of partisanship or whatever you call it does it make your work on the ground easier or harder. become harder because a. this is a very she uses sure and they think of it you raise this because. of the you might think that he's a he's putting a risk the life of the volunteers and the you money to give you money that you're next on the field and the humanitarian action that would never politicize look i
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would. i want to answer i want to answer you with a very simple towards two q. for a fairly old brother so this is the motto that they're going you know our founders at least and i did so for you know more than one hundred fifty years ago so after a very very poor bottle because the. war of the independence in italy was a really a terrible war and tens of thousands were lying on the ground with the table suffering and they were. strung that were enemies but the ladies also for you know the women of self-regulating spiders and they said to all brothers because when a people is suffering that is not not belong anymore to a party you. must see as a human being. brothers this is the way in which you neutrality because you are not taking by luck to you care of everyone now add this syrian conflict has
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been now somewhat overtaken in the media by the refugee crisis in myanmar you alluded to it a couple of times already and it's be puzzling to me because the this situation in myanmar has been deteriorating not just for years but for decades and all of a sudden everybody woke up to it even though it was pretty evident where it was going for quite some time i know you visited the area i think you visited bangladesh last month what impression did it make on you. look it was a maybe there was a situation that i.e. a ever seen in my money to an experience. because six hundred thousand people in five weeks. i think no no one is this b. and c. is a good level of this pressure no was in was immense. when i well when. i was really good through friday i was. without
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a enough. wars' to explain the level of suffering of the children thousands of children without parents without their relatives and. this is something that shouldn't up and to anyone i visited syria. i've been in god's eye view that's all you can imagine the level of suffering that i've seen in my experience the ninety after the earthquake in georgia i've been in many places but what they've seen in that context and of course you said this is. i agree with you the problem is that we say that this is not the olympic games of this predation unfortunately this is something that happened every day and this is the crisis but this doesn't mean that as you money we are not present everywhere there is a need because we are still in syria because we saw the problem is not about the humanitarian the problem is maybe and i maybe i understand even the reason why the
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media i'm not following always follow we are still in the know what he's talking about we are in the horn of africa and no one is talking anymore about on an obvious only if you will say all this when three hundred people died while we spend the. day and so i was talking about. the one single there was a parka in europe which another kind of very strange competition so this is something that again the responsibility is not of the human he thought and when he and i in silence are doing their part that when their requests we are ready to rove idea formation to the media but then it's up to the media to cover their krises it's not up to us well mr ok let me put one final question and i don't know if it's good or not i don't want to sound too cynical but this situation in myanmar reminds me a little bit of the situation with the refugees in your nature of a country in italy when everybody was agreeing on decided that the refugees and
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migrants had to be treated humanely but there were very few. entries or actors who were eager to come for very time actually shared the burden do you think that is a valid comparison maybe maybe maybe let me tell you even an even war study goes easily. maybe we have more opportunities and then bangladesh or which every year phase variable not two of the faster floods and. then this year the phase the low and now to another well disaster and but they see a lot of stories out of the migration of call us fully agree with you. this should be more of. story that if you coming from from either either countries but this is the this is this is the reality on the ground and. look i'm very proud about what i've seen about the role that the bangladesh requests and the british were and the bangladesh people are. doing or because there
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is a level of silly there and immense a little silly that it is and i saw in that part of the war this very stage but in the part of the war where there may be more difficulties you find mostly that if you need to like this part of the world well anderson i see you have to land on the positive note but i still hold that the amount of solidarity would somehow catch up with the extent of needs present there on the ground anyway we have to leave it there i really appreciate you being with us today and job viewers please share your comments about twitter facebook and you to pages and i hope to see you again same place same time here on worlds apart.
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we all willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but noone signed up to the flag and poisoned by our own the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between burn pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from their exposure from the burn pits would really literally send a v.a. broke and they don't want to pay it so the waiting decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they will have to pay a. call for help and get the middle finger to be used to model the slow. delayed and i hope you don't. prescribe
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medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life like everything with ashes my family was literally coming unglued i had planned. to commit some sight watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. was was literally all to what i did was done on a cocktail of lethal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's saying. yes i've got a very wide grin on life because that sadie friend. may tell the.
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so tell the middle. of the caliphate in syria four major military forces have reportedly retaken the last significant city held the. iranian president warns saudi arabia that it will achieve nothing by making threats we look at how the middle east has become a chessboard for the advice or is. cia director michael come under fire for a meeting with the n.s.a. whistleblower william binney who believes the d.n.c. could not have been carried out from abroad on the program we speak to. but i don't
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buy that mindless dribble without any factual living.


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