tv Watching the Hawks RT November 9, 2017 7:30am-7:57am EST
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we are here in the united states are well we're still standing the world hasn't ended and thankfully thankfully there are still those of us out there in the darkness watching the hawks. you get the. real deal with. the bottom. like you know that i got. this. week so. welcome everyone to watching the harks i am so i roll ventura at the top of the wall and so one year later we are going to. make it we've made it you know it now yeah. well i think once it was probably the most hilarious about
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that is every single person and they're crying and talking about how all my got to be awful for everyone is white the. end of all this and then which you know oh i have to go and get my abortions you're probably not the person that has to really worry about that you're not the person who doesn't have the money or the access or is hours and hours and hours away from it in their own state so i think it's a little bit to be like there's going to be what is around the people you're going to happen to not be the one half of privileged elites complaining about another half of privileged elites it while everybody else on the bottom is like you both have kind of come as others over over and over again you know our choices were terrible this year heard last year but what you're tell want to ask you though what what are your thoughts now on the one year anniversary of the election like you were at the job at sunderland you know when hillary failed to come out. is going to be thin margin today that dick mummy you know kind of has this idea as a business. and that's not how the business of the give away then you got
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everything you sling you're writing about maybe a bit of a planet of discourse and the democrats are basically pulled by a two thirds vote in congress but all makers there have made was contact on our balanced budget amendment fortunately our nation's founders gave us the means to me in the constitution through action of state legislatures according to the balanced budget amendment task force in two thousand and seventeen the gross national debt for our nation was one hundred seven percent of the g.d.p. and during the height of world war two the national debt reached. now after the war because the reduction of government spending and the growing economy the national debt did drop to thirty six percent of the g.d.p. and one thousand nine hundred eighty eight on the b.b. for usa website for the last sixty years the world's richest nation borrowed money to fund the cost of this national government as the national debt has increased each year since one nine hundred fifty six william h. truthy president polly column corporation and economic research firm claims that
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congress or the virus thirty years spent more each year than it has received in revenue borrowed money from foreign entities which had given them significant influence over foreign and trade policies looted all the federal trust and pension funds to pay for its deficit's also in starting the federal reserve bank to print money to pay for our government on june eleventh of two thousand and nine the economist magazine warned the world of the mounting u.s. debt on that day is today the eleven point five trillion dollars today the seven point seven trillion more than according to be before us a dot org since two thousand the gross national debt has increased fourteen trillion dollars and congress will borrow at least another nine trillion from two thousand and seventeen to two thousand and twenty five in order to change the constitution process for ratification the constitution would have to amended be.
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the convention doesn't have the power to them in a constitution only to propose in a minute and then limit the states across the country are now calling for and now with the president and the congress they cannot agree on anything from health care to gun reform control many are questioning whether they can agree to a balanced budget and the balanced budget that many are calling a threat to national security in washington d.c. david miller r t america. who i understand why people look at the u.s. deal the magical bit and say this is a threat to national security that is the reason we should be running this but we have got you know wonderful generations now politicians of kind of kick the can down the road with somebody had it's like you know you can't fight terrorism and. with that money you put it on the old debit card i have already been jerk for having student loans my credit terrible because i try to get an education the u.s. goes to war and we're like. yeah but at the same time tab i don't know if
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it's really that. realistic or good about idea to say oh we're going to have a constitutional convention. change the amendment of the constitution we're going to do about it when there's no money oh it's unconstitutional that you don't have about that you haven't ballots balance the deficit. what if there's no money what if something's happening or you're going to run this like it's unconstitutional it doesn't see the place for it and a lot of opponents have that they have the feeling that they make a really interesting point is that if they have control of the white house only because of the congress how is the whole thing why do you need a congressional why do you need a constitutional amendment just to do your job congress should just do its job and balance the budget that is their job they shouldn't needed to be a constitutional issue just to do it looks also remember that let's say look bill we need to see if there are twenty six more potential states that they can bring in they're going to get the two they can ask to have you know let's say that let's say
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all that happened right there yes we will have all let's also remember that then every single amendment in the constitution basically becomes wide open for change show you have that it isn't just oh we're just going to have this convention and talk about the one thing no no no it's going to open the door which means every far right and far left. you know what i really is going to come out in the open to be like no i want my six hours let's talk about really trust was a grandmother and i had cruz with being able to lie and rewrite the constitution at will essentially do we really want this cast of character it would be written by a lobbyist what i mean i remember right and you know i want to just throw in one quick thing just to printed off too they don't respect the constitutional amendments as they are they don't respect the first amendment or the second a member or a fourth the fifth amendment as it is so why would they were respect an amendment saying they are budget all right as a kind of break card watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered a facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are tea dot com coming up tabitha
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was gives us her report of the most controversial new books of the year she breaks down brazil's home and then we bring you the second part of the stones new interview with jenny my on her new documentary on human trafficking stay true to the whole. prescribe medication is widespread on the u.s. market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything was ash and my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit some site want all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects . was literally all to what i did was done on the cocktail
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in the illegal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's saying. i don't think i did it said the people are always suffering always is stuck in the detention center he's one that he gave the center of the. responsibilities of coming from one come to the seventy one or the seventy percent is coming from an idea i think that we have to see that we have to discuss how to improve our capacity to alleviate that this offer and so the human being to . thank. the results and to feel. about that thanks to all that there will. be the world. will show the move through thank. her that.
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evolution zillow don't. know how our. thanks. and the last twelve months we've been inundated with books about twenty sixteen presidential election from hillary clinton herself to alec baldwin it seems everyone has something to say and while this is normal and hardly something the thing to consider a reason for criticism we are once again as we did with hillary just months ago
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seeing a woman told that she should have just gotten an learn and shut her mouth that woman is donna brazil the first african-american in the u.s. to direct a major presidential campaign in her long political career she has was almost out of seven presidential campaigns was a strategist for fifty. six house and senate seats and by the year two thousand had helped elect democrats in forty nine states but it was her job as interim chair of the d.n.c. following debbie wassermann schultz exit in the wake of the alleged russian spy and possible theft of emails later published by wiki leaks that truly makes her story worth hearing in hacks her new book donna brazil describes an incredibly toxic environment where she a thirty year political veteran faced sexism one would not expect from a hillary supporter much less her team according to hacks robbie moog seen was almost exclusively young inexperienced males who were obsessed with data and power above all else brazil had numerous run it with moves team who were often blatantly
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disrespectful of ideas she brought to the table. on monday morning of this week rob told c.n.n. quote we certainly don't recognize the campaign she describes we also don't work on some of these that she said happened which is interesting because also admitted in that interview that a point he had not even read the book which came out on tuesday meaning by his own admission he has no factual basis to even make the judgment call but he chose to also enhance brazil describes her discovering upon begrudgingly taking the job as interim chair of the d.n.c. is that the party was not only financially broke but that all power necessary for the d.n.c. to ensure fair and democratic elections took place was now in the hands of hillary clinton campaign and had been for quite some time result discovered that a standard joint fundraising agreement made with the clinton campaign was not so standard after all in a memo describing it robbie move states that the campaign will take over all
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financial responsibilities of the d.n.c. would pay off their debts and make money available as needed to the d.n.c. it also revealed a barely legal money laundering scheme that allowed the campaign to use the d.n.c. as a cover for f.e.c. rules on donation cops brazil describes the powerful ego in the hearts of the campaign which ultimately worked as a detriment to the hillary campaign and its fundraising see in mid august two thousand and sixteen just days after taking the job brazil writes about how the trump campaign was erroneous lee claiming that a majority of the people protesting his campaign were paid protesters. sadly he was right in the case of the duck it turns out that the hillary campaign with the permission of hillary herself went out and hired actors in donald duck costumes to protest trump ducking the release of his taxes but brazil didn't care what trump thought it turned out that dizzy was upset and asked her to make them stop hillary's campaign chose to blame the d.n.c.
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for the stunt acts also details the discovery of financial and ethical problems within the d.n.c. during every wasserman schultz's tenure from consultants getting paid for nothing to the fact that the board of the d.n.c. was never informed of things like loans taken out which could be why donna brazil might be taking this so seriously and speaking so honestly the see the board members of the d.n.c. are personally liable for not only the personal information donors that was leaked but for any legal action taken against the d n c as well crowds frick interesting lea enough we find out it hacks wiped every single file on all of the guest d.n.c. office computers in the d.c. office the weekend after the convention however despite the russians coming being held battle cry her team refused to give the d.n.c. any money to deal with cyber security but many will try and focus on the conspiracy theory that this book is about throwing people under the bus or just save donna
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brazils career the truth of hats is that it's a story of a true believer someone who had given her entire life up to carry water for a party she believed it but was dragged into a sexist and toxic work environment where she was expected to be the oh token black woman silently supported hillary at the expense of the party's future today the loyalists are working hard to discredit and discourage brazil from telling her side of things they're pointing fingers at the one person in the whole party use seems to have taken the time to do a fearless moral inventory of themselves and their party donna brazil doesn't think she's perfect. but she thought she was the last person who should take the job but she did it for free no lies and merely allowed the twenty sixteen election just to destroy her entire life and acts might be the most uncomfortable and necessary read of the twenty six team election. and the ams. and speaking of the d.n.c. hacks and former. pacs former n.s.a.
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whistleblower bill benny's sat down with our own ad scholtz that was good to discuss the recent findings that the d.n.c. hacks may have not really actually been hacks at all but potentially a direct computer to thumb drive download let's take a listing our evidence is it came down locally ok so that's the evidence i mean it's not a question of saying who did it locally we don't know but there are people who are saying certain things that the f.b.i. knows who did it already and they're not telling the president and n.s.a. and f.b.i. together no a lot more than they're telling the president. be sure to check out the rest of the interview on our to use of the news with ed schultz awesome awesome interview but wow you got the book five hours buried into it fire and it was more a virus it was till five until buried into the book clearly a good book. it's a necessary i think of you going to read i mean i you know i i read hillary's book
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. a good portion of it i actually heard in her own words because i thought that was really important and then when when this book came available i really did want to see that other perspective of someone who wasn't i mean donna brazil is not some kid out political powerhouse that was running around she was something you called who got the job done who knew everyone in the state level who knew how to get things done for a campaign and it's interesting when you were speaking earlier to about the you know the old the now controversial memo about the come again troll of the d.n.c. party the target and then get his hands and yeah and we're like i don't i don't know how to kind of take it but when you read it it's very odd it's clearly somebody who doesn't understand how government works how these things work and party not just politics but just basic decorum and how things work because when you look at this. in that memo that probably move sent out to people in the d.n.c.
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what he said is if you look at the states if asked by a state party the d.n.c. will encourage this state party to become a participant in the victory i now remember the victory fund is what you were what they were sort of washing money through i'm all about money almost all of it would end up going straight back to the to clinton campaign in brooklyn and also it what it seems to be an odd way to run a political party the whole agreement which was hidden from d.n.c. board members by the way we find out in the book says if this memorandum correctly summarizes your agreement please reply but please reply by email with the tax agreed by d.m.c. you don't agree. from reading the book that nobody cared that the d.n.c. was ancillary to this campaign and it didn't matter while all that mattered was getting hillary locked up while wow it's also interesting because you know as your as you were telling me that she made you know everybody was making moves to kind of like push the russia thing on from like eric holder or susan rice and what not to
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do or not it seems that it's. they were saying that the d.n.c. they were confused by the fact that the d.n.c. and debbie wasserman schultz just didn't seem to care about it while they were talking about it in the news of the russians are coming the russians are coming they're saying you know you had. a number of things actually at obama's fifty fifth birthday she tells a story about one moment was just the poor girl's just trying to get to the dance floor before beyond saying it's the stage and eric holder and susan rice came up here and said the d.n.c. is not not getting back to us i need to take an area fascinating stuff definitely thank you for giving us the dynamic book report to overcome. the human trafficking crisis is unique in that it sits at the crossroads of so many different issues clearly a matter of basic human rights but also one of law and criminal justice that has its roots in both historic cultural background as well as the modern global economy some have set out to tackle the problem no matter how complex it may really be
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including t.v. personality and activist judy my executive producer of the documentary stopping traffic sean stone recently sat down with gina need to learn more about the economic engine driving human trafficking so it starts there right cheap labor is a quick way for every person whether it's to fix your house to mow their lawn and now moving over to taking care of your children nannies are trafficked here and are the easiest quickest way for us to take care of our children so that we can go and work our jobs and it goes on a greater level to companies you know a lot of companies are selling clothing for such a cheap amount of. money and you wonder how are you buying this t. shirt for eight dollars not realizing that somewhere in a factory in india that children are working to make that that clothing for you and you're buying it you're supporting that supply chain of slavery you know so when it comes to the global economy we need to make money we are broke and cheap labor is available out there and those people are getting trafficked to fill that need it's
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of a cycle is happening but of course the next question is why is it happening why are we not stopping it well like i mentioned trafficking has only become apparent to us in the last ten years. the word modern day slavery we only know slavery as of you know back in you know african americans being so slaves and being brought here now to understand that it's a huge it's a much greater problem people are just learning i can easily walk down the street and ask if anybody knows about human trafficking and find that more than fifty percent of those people won't know what i'm talking about and know either be holding a cup of coffee that has come from some type of. slave victims that are you know. working to get those coffee beans to us to wearing a t. shirt from a store that might have come from a and in slaved factory so it just comes down to against films like mine or this
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conversation that's taking place for us to understand breakdown where trafficking takes place you know. it's a lot it's a bigger problem that takes a lot of time for us to break out the knowledge and then touch into our government officials to then make the changes that we need to put legislative lied to action you know there's an assumption of male predation when it comes to human trafficking in the traffickers involved but what is the female role in the traffic and no a lot of times we blame the males and they are a big part of it are the males that are involved but women happen to also be involved because women play a different role that male men can't do for example when i talk about the brothels that i lived in all brothels are headed by a mama son you know there are seventeen different brothels here on sunset boulevard by the way so don't get it twisted that it's only overseas there are brussels strip clubs. prostitution houses chop houses that are led by women because women are. they have they are able to hold
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a different type of conversation with women to learn them in women trust other women there's a sisterhood so immediately you trust the moms on to be able you're to be your caretaker and nurture and then there's a muslim manipulation that takes place that only women can do that are different from men also kids listen to women differently so when a woman takes on a child whether the child has been sold or returned the the child just innately trust a woman differently because we want that mother figure so women are either hosted by the traffic agents that are usually men and can't break out of it they're being trafficked themselves to do their job of what they know well to house these homes or these children and the cycle just continues. to be remembered. told you a low blow would tell you all of you are older and on top of the while actually watching those hawks in every group that was what it.
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we all willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but noone was signed up to be friggin poisoned by our own people of seeing stuff that was nuclear biological and chemical products the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between berm pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from their exposure from the berm pits would really literally send a b.a. broke and they don't want to pay it so the waiting and decades a lot of those soldiers will die and time and they will have to pay and. call for
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help and get the middle finger to move using the model is. delayed and i hope you don't. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each of killian erroneous and spending silly didn't twenty million one play a. book it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so will transfer. and thinks it's going to take. even. as i live eat here good for yourself then.
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russian product you're not just getting excellent quality. little bits of. it's so the syrian army and its allies say they've liberated the town of all blue kemal boat to be the last i saw a stronghold in the country which is what comes next mysterio once the caliphates completely gone home. iran's president warns saudi arabia is the chief nothing through threats and the latest escalation between the sides will look at
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