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tv   News  RT  November 10, 2017 3:00am-3:17am EST

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you know in september you give us a final mistaken and we expressed point of view voiced on music us and defend and defend and clearly we were not quiet and the gym was a perfectly informed it boat almost dumped. me. a russia is not against the extension known all day among diete crowd why didn't. the require me. to provide it. to the. works in the state compliance with high standards chemical come well and so. resolutions will be in their technicians and previous decisions was the executive council. football legends including french superstar don and lionel messi and have gathered in moscow for the fischel unveiling of the ball for next
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year's world cup in russia. the ball a telstar eighteen will be used at every single game during the upcoming championship it is named after the first adidas ball used in a world cup back in the late one nine hundred sixty s. for the first time and year as a brand new panel shape is being used in the ball following months of testing the first one. to check the ball out for the cameras was one of the world's best
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players lionel messi and this will be the first time for russia to host the world's biggest football event determent kicks off next year. parties and sports news editor danny armstrong was one of the lucky few to get his hands on the coveted new ball but here we are in moscow at the official launch of the official russia two thousand and eight so you will couple by it is now you can see there it says russia two thousand eight hundred eighty four world cup so we know it's official who best present the ball and we you know messi the world's best now what did we and i'm going to say about the ball he said he liked the colors he said he liked the way it felt going to go back to that retro feel that he just trying to get with the kids for the world cup what else to say about it well he's good enough for the world's best it's going to go for us see you next year. meanwhile are to host to stan collymore discussed another football symbol with the curator of the fee for world football museum in the latest episode of his show here's a preview the history of the drug free is quite incredible in england it was
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pickles the dog famous the founders again going to ninety three it was. so such a quite traumatic history when it was stolen in one thousand nine hundred sixty six it was they tried to get a ransom for what they did was they stole they took off the top that little bit at the top comes off and that's what they sent to the football association with the with the ransom note luckily it was found a week afterwards so you know but then it was ironic because the brazilians said well that would never happen in our country we value the trade they're not yours and then they spoke too soon and it was stolen from. and there it is you watch now to international be back in about thirty five minutes with your headlines there woods.
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rigs politics that's what many are saying after the d.n.c. is acting chair donna brazil claimed bernie sanders was cheated in the primary but the rigging goes further the g.o.p. establishment didn't embrace trump then nor now. parties at war with them selfs. put in plenty. we have seen several funerals usually like oh well all.
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the buzz and defend you know if you cycle but all. the survives. from. it's been said that donald trump is a gift from the comedy gods but is there a danger in making fun of him too much to talk about that and more with the great jim jefferies host of the jim jeffries show on tommy central on this edition. of. kids welcome to the jim jefferies actual news club these are little things in life that the bible will not take when you get married always but the house and you and i very. many things will tell you if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything that's what i call
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a law i many of you will never achieve greatness because greatness is an inside success will not make you happy very successful and are miserable as well going to politicking on larry king that was a clip from the jim jeffords show on comedy central jim is an australian comedian actor and writer who takes on american culture religion politics and more in this program and it's a pleasure to welcome him into our studio ok jim first is there tommy in everything is that any topic to you awful of us no i don't believe there's any topic that's off limits but you do have to be definitely careful with certain topics i believe the more risky the topic the funny of the joke us to bait you can tip toe around if you do a joke about cancer or something it's going to be a real funny joke about cancer and benefit but you. better be killing because otherwise it's just offensive how do you consider when you touch touchy subject. i
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go into the idea that. you know it's like being an athlete you know you know you're going to run every time you know so if you make a mistake you have to go i don't believe in ever apologizing for a joke i feel like that's the wrong way to go but sometimes you have to say you know misfired on that one but you have to take a shot at it so yeah more friends of the better. i don't know if i answer that question rather are we too sensitive. i believe would say sensibly we're just as sensitive as we've always blamed it's just that everyone now gets to voice an opinion and used to be before the internet you were offended by a joke and un objects offensive along words like i again and i go oh i was upset because really that's the only difference we've always been this sensitive and everybody's a blogger everybody's a reporter everyone's a blogger everyone's opinion matters and everyone gets to voice it and yes no or i
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do is i don't read the internet anymore way from that yeah but i look at the comments because if you look at the comments that would drive you insane you said donald trump's actions breed hate in america yes would you break that down for me. i believe travel bans on going to make people not get into our country is going to radicalize people who are already here you know if you're a young muslim boyle go and you feel like you're american your whole life and then . president's telling you people like you should be in a register or should be banned from coming into the country and how quickly can that great height how do you explain what apparently thirty five percent of america . will he wants that i didn't shoot someone on fifth avenue yeah. yeah it's what does it say about us who says that there's
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a lot of hide out there you know i mean it's not bringing people together it's dividing it's like i'll give an example the moment. they're voting on gay marriage and a few gay friends of mine of been speaking to a mistrial said it's actually made things worse because they thought that everyone was tolerant of them i felt like there weren't that many heim of us and say rove yeah but now there's a void and people started protesting now they go wow a lot of people don't like us and so that whole thing that we thought maybe there wasn't that much rises i'm in america and then trump in my mind is given these people a voice where they can light up their taking torch and stop marching where before these people were in the closet with the racism or the homophobia whatever it is bring the words that people and in australia it was surprising to you it's very surprising to me i don't know by now that actually solve the vide i always thought that a strike it was an extraordinarily guy tolerant society that sydney that i grew up
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in is like san francisco is a it's a real guy city and you know i didn't know the so many people were angry about that you know i think that people guy bill being married is a no brainer i think that's just the easiest thing in the world like who case. if you want to if you don't agree with gay marriage to marry a guy person that's the easiest thing you stick with had your sexual marriage before and then you overdo trump on t.v. one hundred percent every die when we go into the rod is room for the show and there's trump jokes if they're not message. harry i don't want to because we can just sit back xing tromp all die all die or die and that will actually i like a night people even more you know they'll feel set upon so you try to do but then they will go what do you make no hillary jokes and she didn't win so. if you want to be making a lot more here hillary jokes you know and i'm sure the comics in the ninety's had
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a field day with bill clinton but i wasn't a comic during the ninety's you think when you kid someone a lot. and almost all comes he becomes less threatening. in a way i think it desensitizes it completely i think if you you make him out to be a bit more of a joy the judge that i don't like about trump is when people just go he has a karma and he skins are ange and he needs to have fried chickens that's not and he likes the world on steak and it's like a bouquet you know and like george bush used to fumble on woods and whatever. i like the jokes about his policy all the jokes about mistakes that he's my or the jokes about how we got to this point and that's what turns me on a lot more than just the obvious all him and his wife are getting along so that i still don't know i know that thirty five years i was part of the roast on comedy central rush on. i don't know of i don't know if he has essentially room you
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never seen live like he starts to laugh he gets a point where he like might laugh and he sometimes uses small where he goes he never actually laughs i've never seen him belly laugh but he think he would have a sense of humor he's got it isn't that self knowing in the left of his roast he didn't know where and. you think he has a sense to you whether you think she has to have a. proper probably does have a sense of humor she has to be right she she's been put in a position that i don't think she ever imagined she'd be put in i went and visited the town that she was born for the show i went to visit it yeah it was like just a whole lot of people who were just like she was the nicest girl in school and she was very sweet sweet no one had a bad word to say about adoniah i think she's probably all right i know she's wearing a. bushel talks on culture and politics give an example of like religion
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. is that we did just a field based on the good news club and i'm an idealist i used to be a militant atheist in my own ways and yes i used to be and i think is that tried to convert people die theism and i thought it was important to religion too and then i realized i was as bad as any religion i was in the sign but i was trying to push my beliefs on the people. look i don't believe there's a god. there's no one's going to convince me that there's a god in the same way the that i'm not going to have to convince then there isn't a god. you know. as for doing jokes and stuff our look part of my atheism came from watching george collins he wasn't the reason i became an ideas but he was the last little push and it was humor that actually brought me over the line on that and you know if i can joke about there not being a god or whatever or. what he question one of us are truly just people
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they hate you don't call and say hey bill maher i think they do that how weird is it to hide and i think is the white house tonight the is someone who believes in nothing i hate that i hate that whole theory that people have when they start going well if you are and i used why don't you just write people want you killed why don't you just do your book because i'm not a right but i'm not a murderer and i believe in being good to people that's why i don't do it i don't do it because religion gives me this punishment but if i'm a bad person i go to hell but if i'm a good person i go to heaven like the idea for me is. if there was a god let's say there is a good god there's no doubt about it there's a god and he created everything but there's no heaven would you still worship him if there was no prize at the end and the fact is you probably should he created everything but probably people would use the hypocrisy in atheism i don't think. there is
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a park or see when people stop preaching it too much or i started performing at a lot of religious conventions there's a thing as can well there's several of them all when i did several of them that were paying me like thirty forty thousand dollars to do a ten minute set always trying to think like this money so good that even if i find god i want to admit it to me so i play and the weird thing about all these professors and the richard dawkins and all these type of people they don't half dress like god they're always got long white hair and a wide beard and they're like there's no god and then they're getting a bit preachy i think many ideas have a god complex about themselves we're now going to show you a clip from the jim jeffries show watch everyone the big corporations love marketing to kids and the young guy the better you want to get kids when they're young they want to get them having some kind of emotional feeling about the brand and one of them are just powerful groups ty getting kids isn't a corporation it's religion churches losing market share because millennial is on
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showing up so i christians are going after the next generation of kids even jellicoe christian groups operate programs inside public schools across the u.s. for kids as young as five and one of the biggest groups is going to good use club i met with reverend bryant graham to discuss or is this guy just some obvious by man tonight stories with jake i'd really want to buy some time do you believe that jesus will come back to visit if he's going to return and that's that will be the end don't you believe that all animals come from. two animals being on a boat. you know he's going to be you know how do we know he's a he says that god has a painless right well yes he does in the in the sense of jesus christ but jesus definitely had a pay as you don't talk like that i just honestly talk about genitals and think and say. i am who i am i am what god.
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how does he take that i don't know how he took it afterwards.


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