tv Documentary RT November 12, 2017 9:30pm-9:59pm EST
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for reasons often related to profit margins was disposing of dangerous toxins in a way that directly impacted the health of serving troops. saying stuff that was nuclear biological and chemical products the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene batteries trucks quite a bit of different stuff. that should have been segregated out it was mine it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you're k.b.r. employee and you're throwing. biological medical waste into the. into the burn pit tires and anything else. that that is known to be a toxin. then you're you're careless and you're you're putting people's health in jeopardy and that's exactly what a lot of these k.b.r. contractors were doing. for me to accept. is.
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working for k.b.r. and they have knowledge of. hazardous chemicals on the ground to cause cancer. here and i'll. just put in my family and i had. that if necessary. i'm. very upset over that. today. very very upset. that they did. the military exercise regular daily oversight and supervision and periodically issued evaluation reports of k.b.r. performance not just on waste disposal but across all the many functions that k.b.r. performed in the war theaters so the military was aware of what k.b.r. was doing and if they thought that k.b.r. was doing those kind of things then they were. have been in position to make those
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practices change to halt very little government oversight that i know of so you have the major personnel in directory that actually work force for kellogg brown and root personnel. i've seen time and time again k.b.r. claim that the reason why they didn't do what they were supposed to do is they were allegedly being told to do something or working in the military supervision my experience has been and what i've seen in sworn testimony is that too often k.b.r. personnel were more or less directing the military about what was going to be done rather than the right way. when i noted the violations of corrections and improper actions not to long run a route i reported him to management roads ports and showed up so if they would make the shut up that they would make the decisions about the management decisions . the case or rick lambert and what k.b.r. tried to do with him when he tried to expose what was going on in reveals some of
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the misconduct really points to an attitude that that i've seen before or k.b.r. is more concerned about keeping the truth down than fixing the problem. we know from the g.a.o. report that have come out odd since you know late two thousand and nine two thousand and ten that both the d.o.d. and k.b.r. were not operating these burn pits within their own regulations they were burning as or that materials all over iraq and afghanistan you know that not only from the veterans but through g.a.o. reports the g.a.o. also found that many of these parapet were still operating as late as two thousand and thirteen and this is at least two years after they were told to shut them down they would have been a lot. better off using incinerators incinerators use the last.
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few alive believe they're more energy efficient and they release less toxins and so that means that any military personnel soldiers and others that are in the area aren't going to be exposed to toxic chemicals toxic fumes that kind of thing to operate the burn pits was much cheaper of them to do to put in high temperature incinerators cost would have been national. in. many veterans i've only that k.b.r. was merely cutting corners. to save money my understanding is they were given the money to do the incinerators and so it wasn't a budgetary issue this may have been a cheaper way to go this may have been an easier way to go but it certainly wasn't what was best for our soldiers so far in addition to that to the congressional
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inspector general investigations that have documented the misconduct there's been hundreds of decorations sworn statements by former employees military officers documenting how the operation of the burn pits was exposing troops to the worst toxins known to man rather than properly disposing of these things like they promised. easy. and i come to find out that board where i was for about six months was built on a chemical weapons manufacturing storage facility that we bomb a lot of during the war and then we went to build a base there with my understanding to debunk it in with a new grand samples is what was already in the ground or contaminated and they found that the most severe illnesses. we're coming from five different bases in
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iraq these bases used to be former chemical weapons facilities saddam hussein operated it was actually told to me by a former k.b.r. employee that they knew the ground was hot meaning it was contaminated. i'm speechless i'm flabbergasted i'm an inquiry i want to talk about these claims that are being served by plaintiff's lawyers who effectively are saying we don't agree with the decisions that were made by the military there were we think there were safer ways as we said ten years later five years later we think there were safer ways of disposing of waste and somebody should be accountable for not doing it the way that we think was safer or as often suggested that and try to wrap themselves in military and so all this is about is second guessing military decisions about how to dispose of. waste where dispose of waste the problem with
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that argument that i've seen is that in most cases in fact across the board k.b.r. was wrong in making decisions often can see knowing what they were doing from the military they were derelict they know it i believe all these illnesses could have been prevented and in part because they couldn't hear incinerators most of which were offline if they were to found out. in i mean if they would have realized. what we did in the fog of war we got to fix this and they took action to fix it. that's that's good if they didn't. now it turns out there was something else in the contract because all that wasn't good they had an indemnity folks so if they screw anything up they don't have to pay for the bill gets stuck on the american taxpayer there will be an indemnification or negligence or you. your managers agents simple if they fell within the definition of what is
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covered even if they cause injury or death to third parties. that under the provisions of this clause that is correct even if they cause injury or death to civilian employees. under the provisions of the cost that's correct even if they cause injury or death to american soldiers. does not and does not carve out an exception for civilians are soldiers which means that means that if in fact the activities fall within the definition of the clause thing k.b.r. could could apply for reimbursement that's correct even for death or injury to an american soldier that is correct even for death or injury to a british servicemen. that's correct even death or injury to iraqi national or other for world national working on a cave your project. that's correct they were going to get fully reimbursed for
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every single legal penny they spent as well as any damages found against them and probably one of the biggest bailouts of government contractor that's been documented so far. indemnification is is absolutely criminal if we have over one hundred thousand soldiers ill it just shows it's a good example of how much our government really cares about or soldiers are just pawns. they're angry they're frustrated they feel as though they gave. everything they had to the us government. they believe doubtless sam had their back when they sent them over to iraq and afghanistan to fight the war they believe when they came back to be taken care of. the military the v.a. are are supposed to take care of their veterans. and are supposed to provide. good
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health here and i'm good transition out of the military and the military and v.a. has failed miserably on doing this and not only on the burn pit issue but you know a lot of mental health issues and everything else there are many people who are working with the v.a. who feel that that studies have been either mendip related have been prone to bias in favor of. results that my error or that's having psychosomatic problems instead of physical problems. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the funnel school it's about the
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passion from the families it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game migrate to will transfer. and thinks it's minute. and i'm. not. kidding. around.
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does she don't. know that it equals on its own citizens or what equals this tells me that. this would all be done still in denial. to those off putting as the sun is a downside of the us it all took the sitting on. one hundred years ago russia was consumed by revolution and unprecedented violence is not an understatement to say the russian revolution. was a defining moment of the twentieth century how did it change russia. they all. tell.
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guard from. the office of public health conducts large studies of the health of american veterans however if the studies produce results that cannot support the office of public health and written policy they don't release them. this applies to data regarding adverse health consequences of environmental exposures such just burn pits in iraq and afghanistan and toxics exposures in the gulf or on the rare occasions when. study results are released are manipulated to make them unintelligible so there seems to be an ongoing struggle between the truth seekers and the government when it to. sort of getting to the
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bottom of the exposure and health a fact that veterans are now experiencing. been an awful terrible experience. for the claim itself to the v.a. to. either compensated or to get medical treatment. is going to home. there no matter what the city. most of their employees are angry and surly. i don't want to go in there i always thought that they would have the best care and areality. down it depends on who you get is a provider but the bureaucracy at the v.a. for me is what has been a nightmare to deal with getting bills from the labs for
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a thousand two thousand dollars for blood work in staff call in the v.a. tell them i'm cheap get nice bills call in the lab company tell me the v.a. supposed to pay these bills and they don't and you're already sick with chemo and radiation also and all these bills are coming at you nobody is paying them. i mean i mean right now we're quarter million dollars in debt from cancer cos we're bankrupt. and the v.a. still denies my claim that it's not this is not a. exposures. the politicians the congressional people that we sought to help us unfortunate drop is like a hot potato swims we make sen. so we have no resolution right now the v.a. still do not honor cases we have attorneys for sure. there are no contumacy were jews were we are are you know i just hope we can make it to
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a lot. of time so i can make with the ten year golden rule the v.a. system itself. about for ten years or for me it's no benefits that's why after ten years i don't get the benefits because or i think the v.a. should take more. be more responsible with these guys because they have already put their lives on the line for us why would we. not give them the proper medical attention that they need why give them an appointment three months out and then. send it you know prolong it even more to maybe. eight months nine months a year and then even fighting for their benefits if they don't. then book person twelve months of them coming back and he doesn't get a diagnosis forget it they're screwed because they don't see it at its service related service connected the burden of proof is on the veteran they have to be
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able to service connected it doesn't matter whether you have it or not or the condition can did it happen during the day you enter to the left that's the big window that you have to fight. iraq afghanistan war injury is our generation's engine orange. if you look at the historical precedents with agent orange for decades it was not acknowledged and then after decades in his study. and then finally soldiers were training. so to go with iraq afghanistan were longing for we can't wait that long poor the burn pits to reckon it's not the pay's that the guys are in the females are dying from the burn pits it's on my fast the illnesses are showing up in the sometimes a lot sooner he put in his time he sacrificed he
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gave everything that it was possible to get. and. and more proud of that and we don't regret that and he doesn't regret that and we would serve again our sons have enlisted so it's not the service that's a problem and then things happen in war and we understand that there's a cost and and we will carry with that because there are some things that are worth the cost. but the other side of that is that at the end of it they take care of you and every single time there's a war we do this some good do you know with the government where they say no no it wasn't us no it wasn't that it's just you it's you know i don't know what it was it's just the look and it's not every single time. and when is it the last time when is it that they just say ok. this is was it and you did your part.
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what does that time come where you're not fighting afterwards the fight should be done i don't see no way at this because with the agent orange the vietnam veteran still suffering still fighting to be recognized the top of that gulf war veterans fighting to be recognized now you're adding another million or so iraq and afghanistan. and veterans fighting to be recognized that's two generations at least of the men and women who are sick. and they have overwhelmed a v.a. system that was not prepare to handle that to compensate every. soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about their exposures illnesses from their exposure from the burn pits. would break would
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bring literally send the v.a. broke and. the waiting in the decades a lot of those soldiers. there comes the book for. the simple things that. we take for granted here. that it doesn't have. our heart. what it took on a big leg but does that hold. it's just going to get worse. i'd like to think the future is bright. but that's my optimistic guy trying to i think a lot of times go on myself because if i read about the disease that i know. it just gets to dress or worse. so i don't know i mean maybe i get
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a miracle and god heals me and my wife is wonderful and she and a trifle on like nothing is ever let up in. bed right now it's too much take care of my husband take care of every other. woman's has friend and. man's wife who served who did their duty because they believed in it because they believe that it was the right thing to do. that's all we're asking. there's absolutely a moral obligation to fix it when these veterans come home and they're saying no matter what they're saying we have an obligation as the american public to take care of these men and women who are sacrifice themselves for us i. i hope that. this will have an ending where they jump on this and really story.
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aggressively treating the soldiers at the v.a. and but i don't see this ending well at all. the outcome is is going to be gloom and doom. you can't believe i'm. here everything i can or can't i don't believe no wonder. he. wrecked the fight is going to continue on. and we're going to. take what you have. and what you have been bought for. to
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a mistake of the west especially by the americans but also on the other side. i fear that we may see the iranians taking the first steps towards restarting the new fearful ground which will only further ratchet up tensions and further increase the risk of one big danger here this is not just about to. this is automatically putting the united states on the wars in the nation. one hundred years ago russia was consumed by revolution and unprecedented violence is not an understatement you see the russian revolution. was a defining moment of the twentieth century how did it change russia.
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a proxy war between two of the biggest powers in the middle east iran and saudi arabia has escalated directly affecting other countries in the region. hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets of barcelona are outraged at madrid's crackdown on former leaders who were behind the region's independence that liberation. also this hour a highly anticipated formal meeting between donald trump and to me a putin fails to materialize. on the sidelines of the apec summit and agreed to cooperate on syria. and the u.s. justice department demands that america register as a foreign agent by monday if it fails to comply the channels could be frozen.
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