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tv   News  RT  November 15, 2017 12:00am-12:11am EST

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the self-appointed guardians of global press freedom stay unusually quiet so in the united states and president pressure against r.t. america which has been forced to register as a foreign agent will tell you all about that. u.s. agencies are pressed against russian software giant casper failed to find any conclusive evidence to suggest the firm was involved in cyber espionage. un rahm's of the european union for jets and refugees but it's also revealed that volunteers now trying to help would be considered criminals we hear from one of those guards. it was quite obvious i didn't do it for you know any political gain purely did it out of a humanitarian desire to help this little girl. wednesday
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morning the fifteenth of november live from moscow this is r.t. international with me kevin zero in this morning for good morning jim welcome so when governments tighten the thumbscrews on the media there are a number of international agencies and groups geared up you know to defend free speech but we've been in touch with many of them in the wake of america or our system channel being forced to register as a foreign agent in the united states and there's been a strangely muted reaction as morgue as you have explained. washington has had enough of see russia today a russian propaganda arm why have you not shut down r t on you tube it's a propaganda machine mr walker r t push what we might call fake news it's can't just shut it down but making life miserable that it's caton by law
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america will now have to put this disclaimer on all of its work if we show you a video of a fireman in texas rescuing a kitten well that's brought to you by the russian government every twitter account of america over its correspondents has to have that disclaimer in its bio problemi is that it doesn't fit into the bio which means that america can't be on twitter. we'll also have to send copies of everything that publishes to the us government reports videos and even tweets within forty eight hours everything must be ready for inspection at any time. so how is journalists reacting freedom of speech groups and all that well here is how outraged
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they are i'm afraid i'm not we'll enough informed about this particular topic to report anything of substance to your viewers well that's surprising and here i thought it was all over the news for weeks ok next response the office of the or a c. representative in freedom of media has just received an official less room this is she we cannot provide a comment for the time being not sure where the u.s.c. have been but they say they just got the letter obviously had no idea about what was going on vacation maybe next. as this is an issue about washington and then it's not appropriate for us to comment on the details. that explains it the national union of journalists only comment about things in the u.k. and china and the rock island syria canada russia iran israel turkey
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and so on. their response has been left one thing the president this sets is huge it's enormous but hey doesn't concern them yet russia has been so effectively vilified by the press by the u.s. government by the u.k. government that organisations who should be speaking out for free speech who should be condemning these attacks against r.t. are either too afraid to do so or they see they are actually lined with the attacks and so i find that incredibly disappointing i think people whether they like r.t. or they don't like r.t. should defend artie's right to exist to broadcast in the united states to say what it wants to say to interview or wants to interview i think the right to free speech
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the right to free inquiry is now greatly under attack in the united states in the land of the free you better watch what you say or i'll put you on a list. now it could turn into one of america's most popular websites is getting caught up in this whole campaign against r.t. the drudge report which links to hundreds of news sites is under fire from the washington post no showing stories from r.t. the site's accused of linking to russian propaganda even though it's only a fraction of what drudge post from the newspaper itself is matt drudge reacted to that. i've linked to washington post over ten thousand times in twenty five years of doing drudge report i currently give them thirty seven percent of their referral traffic is a brutal business not even a thank you instead you are a russian operative. bigtime review of u.s. government agencies using russian antivirus software has found no conclusive
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evidence that the developer was involved in cyber spying. are you aware of any breaches to our national security that have been pursued by the cares perske products so we're still working through the process to identify i've heard that phrase several times a day working through the process is just better is not sufficient answer so it's not conclusive at this time you don't know whether or not systems have been breached by cares perske products you heard we do not currently have evidence that conclusive evidence that they have been breached. two months earlier homeland security ordered agencies under its umbrella to identify cause perske software on their computers and remove it on the grounds of the alleged espionage threat now that's after the moscow based company was accused of leaking classified information to the russian secret services. there escaped the russian government by their action and so on but in collaboration with conspiracy could capitalize on access
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provided by kaspersky products to compromise federal information and information systems directly implicates u.s. national security. denies the allegations stressing that it's never sisted any government with cyber espionage efforts and in another twist the claims against the computer security giant wiki leaks has revealed in the last week that the cia has created a hostile program that imitate casper's software according to the whistle blowing group it uses computer viruses to send back information to the cia defense and foreign affairs analyst gregory copley told us the allegations against us perske here likely had no grow these actions based on political machinery which which they should perhaps be in africa an outrage and he hit the headlines back in for two miles for myself and i decided to you know with you know a little bit of thoughts of what would i decided to try and get all her family is
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quite obvious that you know i didn't do it for money it was quite obvious i didn't do it for you know any political gain or anything out there it was quite will be purely did it out of the humanitarian. desire to help this little girl the french government the three judges in the call so all this for what it was they viewed it as a stupid act by an ex soldier. that almost live in five years in prison far before his punishment was reduced to a one thousand euro fine and called a crime of compassion by the media rob laurie again spoke to us about a possible agenda now from the french authorities. i could only presume their agenda would be that if they were to stop aid workers are humanitarians going to hell then that would force refugees in the back off force him away
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unless you've actually lived among refugees and heard some of the stories you can't really understand why they would want to come over you know two european shows refugees watch these. you know these are escaping. you know real was let's look at what's happening with governments around the world at the moment let's take donald trump's america showing donald trump is trying to internalize america with itself caught with the fact that donald trump is completely out of his depths with any kind of knowledge of refugees around the world the situation is going to grow and it's going to grow we realize that for defense or responded to james mattis the syrian government again says it sees america's presence as hostile . the presence of american forces in syria without syrian government consent is aggression and a violation of syrian sovereignty and the u.n.
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charter military analysts come out alan explain to us why he thinks the u.s. presence in syria has no legal basis in terms of american intervention in syria it needs legitimate backing by the syrian government and does not have so so as far as international law goes it's a clear violation i think also it's a reflection of u.s. frustration they are more or less locked out of the syrian war as by the u.n. they are within their the public health concerning the poisonous high levels of lead were found in the city's drinking water well i'm open reports from new york. it's been revealed that in certain areas of new york city the water supply is contaminated with the lads now according to two separate investigations one by reuters news agency the other by local officials it appears that the problem could be. just six with dangerous levels of lead in their blood now at this point it's not getting as much gnashing recoveries
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everybody's responsibility. to it celebrate getting a new thing affected now people living in the gentrified capital of his.


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