tv News RT November 15, 2017 1:00pm-1:25pm EST
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only a fraction of the three hundred suspected militants were detained as they left. no isis fighters leave the cities and go somewhere else can you say that they can't say with one hundred percent certainty that. russian lawmakers vote in favor of giving moscow the power to classify media outlets as foreign agents it is a move similar to the one made against in the united states and a u.k. think tank feels that volunteers attempting to help refugees crossed international borders are being treated as criminals by the e.u. we hear from one humanitarian aid worker who fell foul of the authorities it's quite obvious that you don't do it for money i surely did it out of the humanitarian desire to help this little girl.
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i welcome you with r.t. international now suspected that hundreds of islamic state fighters may have been given free free passes they left the now liberated syrian city of rocket has been reported that they were able to leave in convoys as part of a deal brokered to bring and then to the fighting in the area is how a pentagon spokesperson responded to their claims. there were four foreign fighters that were identified and were detained by the syrian democratic forces out of the rest of the out of the three thousand five hundred civilians approximately three hundred were identified and screened as potential isis fighters. ok well let's get more details now and he joins us from the united states. is there any
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more information than what happened to those three hundred potential i still find says well right now as we see there were four detained but two hundred ninety six are missing now the colonel didn't go into detail when he was speaking however it is possible that they posed as civilians that's a common tactic used by the ice all fighters they tend to pose as civilians they've done this in the past however there's also been video surfaced of coalition forces there's been video that surfaced of civilians fleeing the city with heavy ammunition in their trucks and the spokesperson for the u.s. led coalition is actually he was he was asked about that like what is what's going on with these civilians that are leaving with trucks this is how he responded. we followed these buses as they departed if in opportunities presented themselves
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to conduct strikes against any potential isis fighters that were had decided to flee then we would have we would have provided strikes that did not present itself and there were many civilian representatives. some have left i still terrorists leave rocker with their weapons instead of eliminating them from the cd is this your strategic tactical corp now we see the results this kid deisel members will be the reason for the deaths of innocent people in every corner of the world including turkey europe and america now at this point we have the united states declaring victory in the city of raka but it's looking like quite a few isis fighters may have potentially escaped from rocka and begin setting up shop somewhere else as the fight continues. ok thanks kind of that was column open for us in the united states. because in russia's lower house of
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parliament voted in favor forcing media outlets which are funded from abroad to register as foreign agencies in response to similar pressure being placed on america in the united states as the details first of all we wouldn't be hearing this news from the russian parliament if it wasn't for the american department of justice which forced r.t. america to register as a foreign agent in the us the russian government promised to fight back and we can see that it's happening but to make similar demands for foreign media in this country to register as foreign agents russia's all legislation required amendments and they have just been approved by the russian duma and now the draft bill will be moved on to the upper chamber of the russian parliament for a final vote the amendment has it that a media outlet may find itself on the list of foreign agents in russia if it receives money from foreign countries i.e.
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their governments international organizations or for an organization's foreign individuals as well as russian legal entities which are funded from any of the sources that i mentioned above if a media organization becomes a foreign agent whatever it publishes has to come with a disclaimer plus it has to provide the russian authorities with regular reports on their finances something that was also discussed at the same duma session was a recent buzz feed piece titled secret finding sixty russian payments to finance the election campaign of twenty sixteen but the first thing that comes up on your mind if you're reading this headline is that it's a groundbreaking investigative report on russian meddling in the us election the article tells you about. citibank money transfers intended for russian embassies abroad wow the problem is though that russia also had its parliamentary election
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back in september twenty sixth staying and there were polling stations opened at russian embassies around the world for russian citizens who couldn't vote at home and that required some money russian officials did confirm that the cash in these transfers was spent on that but to read about this in the original buzz feed article you really have to scroll down and scroll down a lot so this bit of quality investigative journalism by buzz feed or maybe not was also brought up at the dumas session earlier this wednesday in the prank reporting now one of america's most popular news websites is getting caught up in the campaign against r.t. to the drudge report here which does link to hundreds of nice sites is under fire from the washington post for sharing stories from this channel the site's accused of publishing links to quote russian propaganda although that's only
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a small number of articles compared to the washington post article was that drudge links to his had the websites bosses reacted. i've linked to washington post save its and thousands times a foreign agent now but it is it a surprise that other u.s. agencies are getting stigmatized for even referencing stories from ati. unfortunately it is not a surprise this is completely out of control and that article in the washington post about drudge is delusional the one from buzz feed is a joke. they don't see that the it's written from the point of view that it's a given that russian television r.t. and sputnik are propaganda well i think that russian media like r.t.d. is simply giving the russian perspective on the news the way c.n.n. and the new york times gives an american perspective on the news and b.b.c. a british perspective of course american journalist don't think that when they think they're giving a universal truth they don't see that they are speaking from within their own
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national perspective so to call r.t. propaganda sputnik is a joke in my opinion and worse than that is to lump them both of them in sputnik and archie wouldn't win for this but you've also worked for the wall street journal with a new strain would that be a danger that journalists might actually subconsciously shy white knight from r.t. stories because they just don't want the hassle. well not might it's been going on for years as a process of self-censorship you know what's expected and when you cannot report why do i speak on r.t. costs a lot of stories that i've pitched to major publications in the united states are rejected and these stories then i go on r.t. and i will speak about them and they reject it because they're critical of us foreign policy generally and this is suppressed keenly in the us so by speaking our tea about it they've got a two for a first date they suppress it and then of comes out emerges on our t.v. they call it propaganda they don't want this critical information out there and i've tried to get stuff into the mainstream and the most recent example is in the
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earlier this month i wrote an article on russia gate for the huffington post it was posted by myself for twenty four hours and then i was it was taken down it was i was never given a reason why before afterward and i can all conclude even though i don't like the word or really use it but in this is censorship political censorship because my story explained essentially that the the the basis of the entire russia gate story is are two discredited. in packets of information paid for by the democrats the steel memo the m i six for agent paid for by the d.n.c. the clinton campaign which has been unfair a fight in largely discredited and the crowd strike analysis of the d.n.c. computer after the d.n.c. would not let the f.b.i. look at the computer they brought in this company and then later that company had to admit that the software they used was wrong too to determine that russia had hacked the computer and had to rewrite the software so we've got a very very scary situation going on inside the u.s. where people are more and more afraid to say anything that's critical of that story
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that orthodoxy and also to appear on our t.v. we saw john kiriakou of the cia whistleblower was kicked off a panel in europe a couple of days ago because someone of bernie sanders supporter claimed that he had to go he has a show a radio show a co-host on sputnik radio so he was not allowed to speak this thing is growing and it's frightening and i don't see where it's going to end in a child why do you think it is like it's going to be very good wherever it does yet why do you think it is growing so fast why are we at this level of hysteria do you think what will mean. what's the main issue here boy people i believe that the. i believe it's been a geo strategic interest of the united states since. president putin came to power and put an end to the u.s. dominance of russia under yeltsin and there's been an effort in an interest to get back to that kind of to have someone friendly again and powers they could have these alliances with all the guards of wall street to clean up as they actually stripped russia during the one nine hundred ninety s. so this russia gate story for example fits right into that and they want to stop
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russia from blocking and as china as well blocking us to teach it interest on the world to have told global dominance and so i think that this russia gate story has been very convenient to discredit trump and talked about detente although nobody knows how often syria's and this was very dangerous to those interests in as well as the armed manufacturers but i think it's larger than just that i don't think it's about money i think it's about power so the rich a gate story is one that's very convenient to rile up the american population against russia to discredit trump to excuse and splaying away clinton's defeat and to censor that in my case any stories in that seep into the mainstream that strongly factually question that russia gate orthodoxy and i want to say that i have a petition out on change dot org to get my story restored tell they have from the post put to my story censored article i urge your viewers to sign that ok well great hopefully they might say go into that we were not it's i'm really appreciated
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are you coming on to say tonight that joe doria independent judiciary and also a former wall street journal correspondent thank you. the lebanese president is accusing saudi arabia of a hostile act it does concern the lebanese prime minister who flew to the saudi capital and abruptly resigned in riyadh on saturday. nothing just defies that hariri did not return after twelve days we consider it to be custody and detention violating the vienna convention and the convention of human rights and a hundred women look how look i'm free in thirty arabia if i wanted to leave tomorrow i would leave tomorrow all lebanese people need to know that i did resign i know it's not an ordinary way of resigning by any prime minister i know that but i did it because i wanted to send them into shock positive shock so lebanese people would realize that our country is in danger the amount of attention that the
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present here michel own is losing some patience with the situation with the stand here while mr hariri has been prime minister in lebanon there was a great deal of pressure and expectation on him from the saudis in particular new crown prince mohammed bin salman to redress and we negotiate the power balance in the region both in lebanon and outside lebanon critical to this deal with the haass the crux of this entire to buckler is now become if he comes back to lebanon and most people suspect he will next few days he would have a lot more leverage on his side to negotiate a deal hezbollah meanwhile the french president many macron has invited her and his family to france it is unclear though whether he is likely to take up the offer you watching r.t. we're going to take a quick break but when we come back we've got the story of one aid worker who found that rescuing a small child from living in a sewer would seem less is commendable than criminal by the year.
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here's what people have been saying about rejected. the only show i go out of my way to watch is the really. john oliver of marty americans do. better than. the sea people you've never heard of. the next president of the world bank very. seriously send us an e-mail. minute there's a new drug for some fat like shaky legs. then they get a grant from the corrupt congressmen in america billions of dollars and the side effect is always make. me. what you know. because you look at that you say oh it's a farmer cocker say. hello
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again now a report from a u.k. based think tank claims that the european union is effectively criminalising those helping refugees to cross international borders it says in europe they fail to distinguish between people trafficking which by definition is exploitative smuggling which may not be one person mentioned in the document is a fifteen year old former u.k. soldier rob. he hit the headlines back in january twenty sixth when french authorities rounded on him for trying to help a four year old and her father illegally cross into the u.k. he found them living in
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a sewer pipe. jungle camp here's his story. years ago i went over to help in in france in the notorious jungle and i was building shelters that. i befriended a young afghan girl and their father and she decided to you know with with you know a little bit short of what we had i decided to try and get you know i didn't do it for money it was quite a beauty and the desire to help this little girl the french government the three judges in the cos so all this for what it was they viewed it as a stupid act by next soldier well that benevolence could have landed he landed him five years in prison before his punishment was reduced to a one thousand you are a fine and or say court a crime of compassion by the media his robe again on the french authorities i could
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only presume that agenda would be that if they were to stop aid workers are humanitarians going to hell then that would force refugees in the back of force in a way unless you've actually why they would want to come over you know could other news now in america is putting the really deuce how is this school many facilities going the first place that the u.s. dropped in this village the second time they drop small bombs the blue and white plastic covered bombs which burn all the bamboos that was the second place during the third phase when all of the people fled they drop bigger bombs such as b. fifty two. that we thought she was just born with that condition as we know now it was from those chemical weapons in the past were only trying quater from the small pockets.
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or are you going to school was not really developed in the arm didn't for developed . before i didn't really get into the us embassy announced that it was because of the take us then i got mine. there is a paper in the southern african country of zimbabwe where the military has seized power and detained a long time president robert mugabe earlier on wednesday there were reports of heavy gunfire and explosions being heard in the capital tanks have been stationed at key points across her every after the military took over the state broadcaster that move has prompted speculation about a possible coup although the military says it is targeting corrupt individuals around the president the army also said that the guard he's been in power for almost forty years is safe. with our say thanks for watching us tonight we'll have
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morning news for you in just over half an hour don't forget that you can keep cross all the stories to go at r.t. dock. according to the department of justice r t the channel you're watching now is an agent of before and even hostile power all the while the d.o.j. refuses to explain why this is the case critics warn r.t. is a test case for the campaign of media suppression. with.
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a scene years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with that i don't i think it's fair and hurting whenever my my baby's says my book was published in the year two thousand more than half a million americans have been killed by fans in the us side how does thought to me as i did this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves some real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit by the gun i just saw i did to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who i'd met and photographed those years ago. but we are not.
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i. this is boom bust broadcast around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton filling in for lindsay friends coming up we're going to talk climate change and the paris party that u.s. president donald trump has not been invited to attend this one with his eiffel tower dinner pel president and french boy wonder emanuel mccrone plus over one hundred other world leaders that it's been ten days since saudi government officials and business leaders were thrown into jail related to corruption charges what are the current ramifications for geopolitics and oil will begin to do it plus president donald trump is back from his whirlwind asia trip what did he actually accomplish we'll find out but before we get to those stories let's go to boom bust
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bianca sheedy for some stories than today's financial and business headlines bianca a notable pro brecht's that leader in the u.k. is under fire for telling investors to take their money out of britain and pay john redwood penned a column in the financial times titled time to look further afield as u.k. economy hits the brakes and he wrote it is strange to watch the u.k. authorities out of step with the rest of the world all central banks in japan the euro area and the u.s. are all pressing the pedal to the metal to get faster growth the bank of england has been gripped by a fashionable british pessimism the calm received backlash from from some lawmakers like labor's peter dowd who said redwoods comments show his apoc receipt after voting to leave the e.u. . standard and poor's has declared that venezuela is in default after missing two interest payments the ratings agency made the announcement after the government failed to pay two hundred million dollars and coupon payments for global bonds due
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in two thousand and nineteen and two thousand and twenty four it also followed a meeting in caracas that ended with bondholders having little idea if at all and how a default could be avoided but if you ask venezuela the talk went well in a statement on monday night the government said the process of refinancing venezuela's foreign debt began with resoundingly success the start of this refinancing of our debt ratifies our full intention to comply as we have always done with all our obligations leaders in lebanon are fearing the crisis if the country doesn't abide by demands from saudi arabia the concerns follow lebanon's prime lebanon's prime minister stepping down earlier in november and what was widely seen as a result of pressure from the saudi government on sunday he warned of possible sanctions if hezbollah the main political power in levanon doesn't stop meddling in conflicts like the civil war an estimated four hundred thousand lebanese people work in the gulf region which brings nearly seventy eight billion dollars
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a year in remittances back to lebanon and therefore any sort of blockade is imposed lebanon's economy could be in big trouble and bankers think it could create a situation much worse than ours and for a quick markets update the new york stock exchange closed down thirty points or twenty three for zero nine on crude oil brant crude closed down sixty one ninety nine while west texas intermediate finished at fifty five fifty six. bianca that spread between w.t.r. and brant has really been growing of late well for the most part the year the spread has really been around five dollars but it's been growing since hurricane charley just six dollars and today we see that it's about out six dollars and fifty cents yeah that's right you know the big difference there is a delivery point for dead.
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