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tv   Boom Bust  RT  November 15, 2017 1:30pm-1:53pm EST

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anon doesn't stop meddling in conflicts like the yemen civil war an estimated four hundred thousand lebanese people work in the gulf region which brings nearly seventy eight billion dollars a year in remittances back to lebanon therefore any sort of blockade is imposed lebanon's economy could be in big trouble and bankers think it could create a situation much worse than cathars and for a quick markets update the new york stock exchange closed down thirty points or twenty three for zero nine on crude oil brant crude closed down to sixty one ninety nine while west texas intermediate finished at fifty five fifty six the arc of that spread between w. and brant has really been growing of late while for the most part of the year the spread has really been around five dollars but it's been growing since hurricane harvey to six dollars and today we see that it's about out six dollars and fifty cents yeah that's right you know the big difference there is a delivery point for w.t.r.
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years and cushing oklahoma you know it's hundreds of miles away from the refineries that are along the gulf coast if you look at those refineries along the coast nora loans and used to mix the two of those prices are actually mirroring the international benchmark the brant price more we'll hear more from bianca later in the show thank you bianca. during last year's u.s. presidential election donald trump pledged to withdraw from the global private agreement known as the paris accord has continued to move down that road the very large majority of world leaders however think mr trump is on the wrong side of not only environment but of history those world leaders are meeting in december in france the paris party host french emmanuelle mccrone has not seen fit to apparently invite president trump here to discuss it is one of the world's foremost
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energy and climate experts tyson slocum of public citizen tyson welcome it's great to have you here it's great to be here bart trouper you know it seems to me that not a lot of people even understand why we need to deal with climate change i mean what is it why is it a problem well actually not even the trump administration can deny how real it is because earlier this month the congressionally mandated national climate assessment came out and it showed conclusively that global warming is being caused by the burning of fossil fuels we've got higher than ever concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that's playing a huge role and eventually all of these all the horrible effects i mean you know famine and disease and rising sea levels and i don't readily absolutely and so no one country can unilaterally address the crisis global climate change requires a global solution and so that's why for years the world has been meeting on
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a regular basis to try and hash out agreements to figure out how to collaborate together in order to address the climate crisis so at the end of the obama astray sion that was the paris agreement named because of the town in which it was negotiated and the thing about the paris agreement part is that it was too. totally non-binding you know right all it did was it said countries were going to come up with some sort of commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over some period of time and there was going to be no third party binding enforcement of that as then secretary of state john kerry said it would rely on naming and shaming meaning if countries failed to live up to the commitments under the paris agreement they would be shamed in public speaking of that you know who would be shamed the most to me who are the biggest polluters i mean the united states is one of them but who else while china is far and away the largest active greenhouse gas submitter in the world then comes the united states and then india and then the combined european
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union and it is a big difference was that a big difference between emerging countries that you know might not have the resources to deal with it and in a global economic country like like the u.s. were those non-binding commitments tyson where those different levels of compliance for different countries every country had to come up with some sort of commitment and so in this sense the paris agreement differed very much from the kyoto protocol which only developed kind of the redirection right exactly which only developed countries had to do emission reductions and it specifically exempted developing countries like china and india but again kyoto had binding agreements for those countries that that went into it again with paris there was no binding commitment so when donald trump and other members of his administration like scott pruett the
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administrator of the environmental protection agency said we need to withdraw from paris climate agreement because it's going to hurt jobs it was a bunch of nonsense because paris did not obligate the united states into anything it simply was a voluntary agreement b. do you think this was. just political at the the time. dealt with coal mining jobs you didn't want to get out of the water to support clean coal technology as opposed to climate change yeah i think so i mean when i look at a number of different trump initiatives i see him really catering towards some regional extractive industries sometimes alienating global multinationals like you see that it is weird and so it's kind of this steve bannan strategy of going after certain types of demographics and certain geographic areas that appear to coincide with the regional extractive industries the fact of the matter is that trump is pursuing a losing strategy here because when you look at where the energy industry is moving
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it is moving towards de carbon ization because right now we're new a bowls are increasingly the least cost option in the power generation sector and when you look at what's going on in the transportation sector there's a revolution going on right more and more countries and automakers are pledging to have all electric vehicles and when the electrification of the transportation sector is mirrored matched with a renewable energy electric production sector you're going to have a dominance of renewables i mean i'm put into it that i know what respected leader that i know in the country is saying do away with every single type of energy source and we talk about the focus on renewables but hydro and other things but we talk about it as a diversified energy portfolio it and certainly reducing that our carbon footprint makes some sense but we're trying to do it in a diversified way in
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a way that makes sense for consumers right yeah absolutely and if you look at what the obama distraction put together for our domestic climate agenda it really was framed around something that was called the clean power plan you know and that was obama's plan through the environmental protection agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants. which is a big deal but when you look at the details of that clean power plan it to furred almost entirely to the states right all fifty states come up with their own plans and we talk a good or bad right and you talk to you till executives and they were all like you know what we can work with this so trump is really diverging from where the mainstream of the energy industry is on this and what he has done by threatening to withdraw us from the climate agreement remember he can't technically do it until we go ahead and tell us about that so he says he's withdrawing and it was the bait when he was actually going to stick to his word but he did in this case and is pulling out but what logistically does that mean what happens well because we
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already are a party to the agreement according to the details of that agreement we actually cannot technically withdraw for another four years so after another presidential election absolutely but of course was president trump can do and what he's going to be doing is just slow walking us is is not participating in things trying to derail things and so i think what you're going to see is an absence of u.s. leadership but let me ask you something though i mean is it beyond hope that others in the country california others will actually pick up the mantle and continue down the road of reducing our carbon footprint that's a great point barton and that they have sort of yes is that state local and municipal officials as well as a host of companies are already filling in that vacuum left by president trump's withdrawal we just saw in this. small climate conference in bonn germany where a whole bunch of state officials along with lower government it's called sub
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national governments attended that and were pledging to other countries action on climate and so when you look at big states in terms of population and energy production and energy consumption states like california. new york are saying we are going to be leaving on addressing climate change and their states have already enacted or or are going to be enacting sweeping climate rules and so you're going to see that's going to a cascading effect a bunch of mayors of major u.s. cities are doing the same thing and companies are doing it one of the biggest growth. of renewables has been in corporate procurement to go right where you've got not just the tech sector like apple and microsoft and google pledging to run all of their data centers on renewable energy but some of the old brick and mortar stores wal-mart i justified before congress last month wal-mart was was sitting
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next to me saying we're buying renewable energy not because it's the moral thing to do because it saves us money i mean well you know so it's sort of for those that are really concerned about you know the global you know environment and climate control there's a lot of negatives but those are some positive things so thank you so much tyson slocum director of public citizens energy program and one of the world's real experts on climate change. time for our for a quick break but stick around hang with us because when we return we'll find out how corruption charges against saudi businesses and government leaders will affect geopolitics and oil prices plus we'll examine what president donald trump accomplished or maybe didn't so much on his asian tour as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell.
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peppers financial survival guide i don't buy any i caught up with futures. almost friday as of last summer my x. from the future tracker was kaiser. with lawmakers manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling classes some protect themselves. with the financial merry go round listen to the one percent.
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we can all middle of the room six. million more you really. feel. the boss at. all. thank you there so. yes this is how the. solo. or. thank.
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her for. her. or her it's the saudi shake up after a government officials and business leaders were rounded up and arrested related to corporate corruption charges there's a sense of unease how might that impact geopolitics oil prices and some of the long awaited social reforms in the saudi arabian kingdom let's bring in gerald celente founder of the trends research institute gerald welcome oh thank you well i you know has the dust really settled on this thing that took place less than two weeks ago in saudi arabia where everybody was rounded up and arrested. no no this is as we see it this is just the beginning of the for all of the house of.
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cards right there it's the saudi house that's collapsing you know it seems to me that there's three really sort of key things that people are looking at whether or not they're still on these there's there's oil there's the saudi aramco sale and then there are these social social reforms let's take them one at a time you know how might this sort of whatever the moving shifts in the sand in the desert over there occur and how might it impact oil and the upcoming opec meeting well they need to bring oil price desire in as we're speaking oil prices are going down and they had about a two and a half year high and mainly because of the cuts from opec the one point eight million dollars a barrel along with russia but now more supplies coming back up it's a very simple equation the higher the prices go the more production comes online
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and you're seeing in the u.s. with the rig count going up in production going up so it's very important that they come to some kind of agreement to not only keep the one point eight million barrel a day cut but they're probably going to have to expand it is well real quick so before we get to a ramp it should be and also people talking about warmer temperatures where so of is even less supply and less demand rather they're going to have to do a lot more to cut supply do you think investors are going to be looking at the as this i.p.o. either kind of there's a lot of dissent going on and sell back and to us this is a mark of desperation you know they're blowing it up like a lookout great you know we're putting our our greatest resource now into the private sector because we need the money saudi arabia needs all. oyo and you pointed out part the the problems that they're having economically they need or
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a little hundred dollars a barrel to break even and this prince just loves to throw out the buzzwords to make everything look like it's going to be great like vision twenty thirty five hundred billion dollars city and you know now we're going to take out a prized possession and go public with it you know it's sort of nutty in a lot of regards i mean i understand why they're doing it it is only five five percent and when they do i.p.o.'s you know and you know president trump is urged to saudis to do it at the new york stock exchange rather than in london but when they do these things there's a lot of transparency required and i think some investors may they may not have a comfort level with the transparency bits provided by saudi aramco last thing if we're running out of time gerald what about these social reforms i mean you know they had toby keith there when president trump was there in may they've had a jazz festival heck the blue man group has been there and they are talking about
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not talking about next summer they will allow women drivers are those important social reforms that are taking place in the kingdom. well this summer before it's mostly you know glitzy distraction i mean it's easiest one to go with you know and we're going to let women drive or you get a lot of travel by themselves to someday. or things again this prince is a prince of really knowing how to use the media and he does it well and he plays all the buzzwords and one of the things that you alert and the trends business be where are the buzzwords and that's where we see a lot of thank you gerald and you know just as a final note it before women get a driver's license they need to get approval from their male guardian so maybe changing the idea of having a male guardian guardian that would be a good reform thank you jerrold we really appreciate you being with us one thing we
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knows about the royal families and us we will never be royals we don't got that in us in our blood as they sing thank you jerrold thank you. president trump is going to really not only deal. at least three hundred billion dollars more in the fields but that will be i think we triple that number in a fairly sure. but one thing. you know be a relationships are important although we wearing those no no no you know the bottom line is people will be filling up catch boom bust on direct t.v. channel three twenty one or on you tube at youtube dot com back slash boom bust r t m bart chilton thanks for watching see you next time.
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it'll. be alligators on at least twelve members of my family close. of street racing in the heat of the night orleans. the best place in the world. corning to the department of justice r t the channel you're watching now is an agent of before and even hostile power all the while the d.o.j. refuses to explain why this is the case critics warn r.t. is a test case for
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a wider campaign of media suppression. welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report. that. kid was. not. going on in. those you don't. think and talking to. dealing with the stand up on the voice on
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that equal distance is also mentally ill just tells me i'm going to. go we don't sell him dual. booting as this all is this is. here's will people been saying about rejected a night with you i suspect it's full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch. yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than food let's see people you've never heard of love jack the night president of the world bank will hate you because we're going to. send us an e-mail you seem years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's
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deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with that better and i think it's fair and hurting whatever my my baby's says my book was published in the year two thousand more than half a million americans have been killed by firearms in the us i only had a thought. yes we did yes this is a middle school we go through drills and we. will .
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grow that hundreds of islamic state fighters may have been able to flee even a great syrian city of rocket the pentagon says only a fraction of three hundred suspected militants were detained as they left the can you say that you know isis fighters leave the city and go somewhere else can you say that they can't say with the one hundred percent certainty of. russian or make his vote in favor of giving moscow the power to classify media outlets as foreign agents it is a move similar to the one made against spain in the united states and the u.k. think tank reveals that volunteers attempting to help refugees across international borders are being treated as criminals by the e.u. we hear from one humanitarian aid worker who fell foul of the authorities is quite obviously.
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