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tv   News  RT  November 19, 2017 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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allegations of russian meddling reach new levels as prime britain's prime minister calls for unity against moscow while accusations fly from spain and even from a stop trying to act. after washington on monday for faulty america to register as a foreign agent russia's parliament passed counter measures on western outlets working in russia. and the u.k. think tank claims volunteers helping refugees cross borders are being treated like criminals by fossils we hear from a pedal soldier who fell off a authorities. saying
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the weekly here on r.t. international live from moscow studio with me in a day or two to. our top stories of the last seven days and the latest update news welcome to the program the u.k. prime minister pointed the finger at russia in a speech on monday accusing moscow of military aggression and election meddling but she offered very few details and apparently the stalled talks are far less pressing chief among those today of course is russia but it is russia's actions russia's illegal onix ation of crimea so i have a very simple message for russia because we know there's a strong and prosperous russia russia has the reach of the responsibility russia can russia does not to secure the best possible brics it. the day after may's attack a group of researchers allowed to russia had set up hundreds of accounts to influence the briggs vote our london correspondent looks at the facts behind the allegations
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in recent weeks and days the british media has been heavily focused on the lack of progress at the braggs it talks and the problems facing to raise their maize government the russian interference story has drawn the fire away from all that and now media outlets can pour over the question of how many trolls does it take to incite a revolution not many according to everyone we approached to discuss this story in london do you think four hundred twitter accounts from from russia was enough to change the outcome of the referendum here in the u.k. well i think it could i think it could sort of and the could be a lot more yeah i believe there is some of the worst movies and i'm being very careful with my own. where there's smoke there's fire. if russia did use.
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the idea about four hundred twitter people will affect. as it were mostly mostly people who don't read anything on twitter is absolutely laughable the prime minister's spokesperson has said that downing street didn't have any evidence of successful interference in british electoral systems and this was the way the foreign secretary put it. a little. but that doesn't matter because if you ask a member of the public care if russia did magill the answer is most likely to be done. to these or me and other leaders are doing across the west is trying to divert attention from their own responsibility for for the envelop increases
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political crises are taking place at all and abroad too in this context they don't need evidence russia is seen as an easy target. this week spanish officials also accused russia of meddling this time regarding catalonia separatist movement. many messages and many interventions that have occurred through social networks come from russian territory and they use the expression russian territory but does not necessarily mean that you have confirmed that it is the russian government the international media took up the story accusing russia of destabilizing spain the spanish prime minister played down those claims. i have no data which can be used as evidence on the involvement of the russian government nothing. the blame russia card has also been played in the deepening scandal over sexual misconduct in the us entertainment industry star trak actor george takei was last week accused of
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behaving inappropriately with a male model in the early eighty's he denies the allegations in a now deleted tweet takei said russian bots were amplifying the allegations against him he attached a chart which claimed to show he was targeted by russian trolls however he didn't seem to win over the backing of social media. he should have said the cling on may have done it no says russian box so let me get this straight they're going to get back at you by repeating something which
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apparently may or may not be true they're not making this up they're not lying they're not crafting some story of you having been and all they're doing is repeating all according to you allegations made by someone else who benefits from this there's absolutely specious idea that somebody is going to go through all of this work to make some sort of strange and some cryptic association with some has been star trek actor or an accusation there's forty years old i mean it doesn't make any sense but it's great commentary. after months of growing pressure from washington this week all to america registered as a foreign agent in the us so as to be able to continue broadcasting the channel when i have to abide by a long first set up to combat nazi propaganda before the second world war it will
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have to regularly disclose full details of its broadcasts and stuff into the us government plus it must maintain a transparent financial structure and be ready for a full inspection at any time here's ati's and lisa now we are. let's talk about the first amendment more american than apple pie freedom fries and gun violence the first amendment is supposed to protect the freedom of speech right right it allows anyone to have a voice in till you speak too loud r.t. america was forced to register as a foreign agent wife forced because the other option was legal action and accounts frozen so let's say you're an american journalist and you want to cover stories the mainstream media will never talk about and then all of a sudden your employer is labeled a foreign agent that makes you a spy the o.j. is using a law from one thousand nine hundred thirty eight created to fight nazi propaganda
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against america but the law doesn't apply to any other foreign broadcasters kept are the u.k. france and many other countries can have their say as long as they don't say too much remember when al-jazeera was a t.v. that real quick as soon as they started walking washington's line they became respected journalists you are not a respected journalist if you cover imperialism nato expansion israeli occupation if you talk saudi arabia straight up if you go inside guantanamo to reveal human rights abuses and they say spying currency wars exorbitant military spending manmade interventions and soft coup you are not a respected journalist if you go on live t.v. call out the country that funds your network but keep your job you are not a respected journalist if you risk your life to cover proxy wars violent protests police brutality and coverage without corporate censorship you are not
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a respected journalist if you win multiple prestigious awards an emmy nominations you are not a respected journalist if you only work for r.t. because it's one of the larger outlets that will actually let you say what no other . will and touch topics you would be fired for anywhere else you are a spy a foreign agent it's official the u.s. government now decides what is journalism and what is not but this is just the beginning it starts with russia and it will end abhorrent right in the heart of america in a follow up the russian state duma responded to the treatment of r.t. america voted in favor of making it possible to require u.s. funded media outlets to register as foreign agents the russian justice ministry subsequently released a list of the organizations that could be affected by the law when it comes into force failure to register will lead to prosecution could be banned and just like
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with anti america or by the channels will have to be mocked as a product released by foreign funded media we sounded at british journalist neil clark and former london ken livingstone on this issue. i think there's a more more of attempt over the years to come to try and suppress what the american people get here because if you merican people could see the truth about a lot of what's happening around the world they would be questioning what their government is doing behind all of that and so on the result of this is going to be more people now finding out are when he was on our t.v. i mean there be people out there never heard r.t. exist now that want to know what run from it was going or i would be a total surprise to find foreign listeners of r.t. will be more in a few weeks time than they are now when we heard last week that r.t. had until the following monday to register as a foreign agent in america there was silence from groups like amnesty and other groups that are supposed to be defending free speech and free media and yet when
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russia very reasonably announces reciprocal measures in response to these measures from the us then all of a sudden these so-called impartial western pro human rights organizations come out and say this is outrageous this is terrible russia is clamping down on free speech so i think everybody can see now very clearly the hypocrisy that underpins so much of this western organizations. scotland's former first minister has just experienced some of the pressure that working for arthel can put you under and examined it was slammed in the press after signing up to host a show on this channel with headlines that like things but he's confident he made the right decision are you not afraid of been hosts in the russia today programme taking into consideration all their publications on the kind of anticipated question i thought may be from the son of the daily mail but
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a bit on the other side the other adequate scan back through the. russia today broadcasting and i counted fifty only but m.p.'s thirty eight tory m.p.'s fourteen s m b m p seven liberals friesian seen today you'd be in the green of all appear on russia today programs so you know. if it's good enough for john mcdonnell jeremy corbin di and john redwood crispin blunt liam forks in black for vince cable and cullen look at this that i can probably. stand there the criticism that the they experienced as well. in his first show alex simon spoke exclusively to the ousted president who was sacked in october and is now facing charges of sedition and rebellion spain issued an international arrest warrant after he fled to belgium where he's currently on bail speaking on r.t. collis recalled the region's referendum day and related his vision of the future of
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catalonia you can watch the full programme on. them. now thousands of people took to the streets of paris on saturday to voice their anger at president across social policies the crowd was blocked by police as it moved towards the columns official residence the elisei palace protesters rallied against growing presidential powers and his labor reforms which he claims will spur growth and cut unemployment earlier one hundred letters of my own party on lush announce that they were going to quit because of his betrayal of democracy these events were the latest in a string of protests across france against the president's decisions charlotte reports what we have with thousands of people who have decided to join this small church was set up by the trade union summit in the e.u. the biggest trade unions are problems called on their members for day of national action and this is one of a number of protests taking place across france. a
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nice some of the damage to the shops that we're seeing along the street where this protest is going on this is a chance for western union shops and this is one of a number of shops that we've seen this small group of individuals taking part in this protest trying to break and smash what they're using around them is not just rocks on the street but it's when you take a look down here these are the great they're pulling up from around the trees and they've actually been trying to use this to ram into the shops to cool some of this damage. it was seemed to be very targeted very angry stopping the crowds and in fact when they saw that we were trying to film they actually blocked our camera and threatened us and said you know you're not allowed to film us doing this because they concerned about the police being able to work out what their identity is well apart from that we've
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been speaking to some of the protesters about what this protest was really about because it is all good at this thing that the way mccrone passed the law by executive order is an attack of democracy one that this is. where very angry because this law is not for employees they simply lose all of their rights. even micro months to liberalize to most and destroy all the security of workers he wants labor costs to be at a minimum and we are here to denounce this policy which is not in the interests of workers they also want to school measure the people here are hopeful that the fact that the code to divide and the fact that although my point has signed this and given his approval it still needs to be debated by the parliament here in france and they're hoping that by holding protests like this by showing how many people are unhappy and concerned about these changes that they might be able to get parliamentarians in france to change their mind. they is being accused of current
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people who try to help migrants cross borders story still to come. manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is to protect themselves.
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don't want. nor middle of the room. back to the weekly u.k. think tank claims the e.u. is criminalizing people who help refugees cross borders it says laws fail to distinguish between people traffickers who exploit migrants and activists who might be acting in the interests of refugees one person mentioned in the document is former british soldier rob lowry he made headlines last year when french authorities rounded on him for trying to help a four year old girl illegally come to the k.
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he found her living in the tory a skull a jungle camp has his story. years ago i went over to help in in france in the notorious jungle and i was building shelters there. and i befriended a young afghan girl and her father and she used to help me for many weeks and you know months building shelters until one day i found out she had a family who lived literally two miles from myself and i decided to you know with with you know a little bit of thought of what we had i decided to try and get still her family it was quite obvious that you know i didn't do it for money it was quite obvious i didn't do it for you know any political gain or anything like that it was quite will be she had a purely did it out of a humanitarian. desire to help this little girl the french
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government the three judges in the car so all this for what it was they viewed it as a stupid act by next soldier from a pretty solitary face five years in prison before his punishment was written as to a frazzle refined and his actions were a court a crime of compassion by the rule. on the front authorities. i could only presume that agenda would be that if they were to stop aid workers are humanitarians going to hell then that would force refugees either back off awesome away unless you've actually lived among refugees and heard some of the stories you can't really understand why they would want to come over you know two european shows refugees about which i've met these. you know these are escaping you know be you
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know real wast blacks look at what's happening with governments around the world at the moment but take donald trump's american show donald trump is trying to internalize america with it is sell coupled with the fact that donald trump is completely out of his depth with any kind of knowledge of refugees around the world so i think governments think by restricting humanitarian aid workers other volunteers are charities to help on the ground that kind of kid him selves and it kind of trying to sweep you know the issues under the under the cappy so to speak the situation is going to grow while we realize that you know something has to be done. at his school teacher has been suspended for praising his students just graduated as class by saying well done kills but that upset one hundred people who identifies as male teacher insists he apologized for it we'll.
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the student in question. came in did very well and i said well done girls you started really well and i was met with a fierce rebuttal. and i sincerely apologize. i then found out six weeks later that i was going to be under investigation for a missed gendering. within the community and initially for one day that transpired to be two days and then three days and then it's now been six days of been sat in the in an office not being able to teach my math lessons. joshua believes he's being singled out over his religious beliefs i think i've been bullied really for. for who i am within the school setting up a bible club and then it being shut down with an iron fist really having so many people coming along to the bible club and being interested in the bible i feel like
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i've been discriminated against within the community and i think that's a trend. nationwide is that christians are able to. live out their faith in a professional setting the incident has provoked debate over whether the school is overreacting. it was not intentional he hadn't meant to cause offense so i think that his suspension is disproportionate i think that the school should obviously the point out to him that he made a mistake which of course he doesn't recognise and then get his assurance that it won't happen again i think that is the end of the matter transgender agenda he's getting much much too much influence in the british media and embrace society there are very small minority i feel sorry for anyone who thinks they are trapped in the wrong body they should be treated with respect and tolerance but where is the
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tolerance for this man he's a christian but of course you're not allowed to be a christian anymore are you in modern britain ah i don't see that he's done anything wrong actual and the majority of people in the u.k. i'm sure will agree with me. he'd be watching the weekly hair on. don't forget you know when i was social media and in the meantime we've got more programs coming up . at the top of the hour so stay with us. it's the cradle of jazz. is america is the america we have. to mold this just feeling. a city of climatic contrast
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a feast of alligators on the loose of poverty and crime are used by the at least twelve members of mob family close most. of street racing in the heat of the night this is new orleans itself and the best place in the world. cup. kind of financial survival job that it was all about money laundering first to visit this cash into three different. oh good the good stuff well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands it will pull these banks are complicit in their tough talk received us up to date mccoll and say hey i'm ready to do some serious muhlenberg ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about.
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luxury on a bill again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal thank you so much guys of course. hey everybody i'm stephen baldwin russian town hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different honest. or not no no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the brood have fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people.
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look you seem years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better life better and i think they are and hurting whenever my my babies says my book was published in the year two thousand called inhofe a million americans have been killed by phones in the u.s. side how to saute me and so did i miss this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit. and i just saw i did to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who i'd met and photographed those years of god i don't know this but we are not.
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going to feel. yes. that sunday. has. told. me yes. michelle that means a. five am. a daily training session. this is just in just a couple of months she'll graduate she and her twenty seven close mates are all
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running to start the day with a warm up. there. in the dark we somehow managed to lose john in the crowd. if you don't. know. the view of that. which. was a. number of. banks that. were to the one i'm going to mamma. so it's always a millennial with me. here for what you. will mom i own time and see all that men you. know in that intense i sound as
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a whole. heinz it's on there is the one that was there then the. jurors are offensive when they this is it will wash it out of fear we'll go. thirty percent off the cups. president was a little boy. there boys with their trouble but mostly you understand that it all been a you go from boy leader. to assure my about once a month just a little bit of all months to prepare to sit. there for the lows as he wishes it only. uses simple beer shoulder and gives us soon will not. do the. solving pull we've yet day also that through almost. a
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month. how do you do without yourself. there's a question of the. knowledge so yes this email is out there should. we can call you. to say good. this is also high just as well be the one that's a sure thing. that. you feel the song. things are going to be tough to. eat. off. a shower without drama and those she may have fallen through who all send us all the way on top of those found signs foods that will sit on her face on the shelf. come in just thirty dollars or so goal without a bum without telling them to have a. good time to miss it.


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