tv Documentary RT November 20, 2017 12:30pm-12:56pm EST
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and. relaxed. that i want to take our guns away to me is so ludicrous because the bad guys thugs the murderous the ripest are always going to take them away from the good guys since people in this country huddle in their houses and throw their dead belts but i want not succumb to this gown that is out there. we were at our church last sunday and our sunday school teacher mike asked the class how many people had a gun permits in i would say over two thirds of the members raised their hands. this is a thirty eight taurus and it five so and. it's a concealed hammer. and it is conceals at that way and as think it
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tangled are stuck on anything when you try to pull out i've your pocket or your purse if a bad guy tried to. get to one of my family member is he would have better luck with that better now i think it's a grizzly bear and herding when i have my babies. close is. in this neighborhood were i would venture a guess everybody in this very odd out anybody does not have a go. this is a great sarah. oh absolutely i can promise you that's the reason they're not coming it stay away from a it's they were morrow we will have that problem. well this is one of my favorite things to do. myself. with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other we can make this country one nation under god once again. in the
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name of the founding fathers of this great country don't you ever acquiesce don't ever turn your weapons of war and safety don't ever turn those over to your government it is the great equalizer if two people have a gun their equal or whoever has the gun they are superior. every time they pass another gun control law they promise a safety do you know who did the same thing adolf hitler now there's already three hundred fifty million guns in america what are you going to do you go confiscate a will. you're going to make it more difficult for the criminals to get them they already have them they can get them faster than you can the problem with crime in america is recidivism the repeat offender if you want to go after criminals who misuse guns the first time you arrest him. go after him keep them
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second make sure that the law abiding citizen is ready capable and prepared to shoot back. you know my motto comes right from the movie cinderella last year is my favorite movie really the motto is in a really was have courage and be kind. of. god. i want my daughters armed i want my wife armed i want my sons armed and i want them to be able to defend their families we never hurt anybody we don't want to. but it's the same time we're not going to just make ourselves an easy target for those who would. rape robin plunder no no way.
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they have six machine guns in the house ten thousand rounds of ammunition in a closet with a license i have i could get on the phone today and get i could order one hundred machine guns and here in two weeks if i could get anything you know i have a tank you know it is no and you know. two hundred guns is what i sell the a k forty seven s n e a r fifteen and i got everybody beat in time with the prices because i buy so many of the news people come in and they always blame the gun you know de asked me you know what happened why do you sell guns to kill people. for you so what do i tell him i said all these guns are on the wall last night i walked in this morning and nobody was dead. you know it's stupid you know gun us to kill a people look at the people kill the people and they just used a gun to kill the people that i use a fork and knife a hammer a screwdriver you know i keep blaming it on the gun or ok just give me
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a just give me forty dollars for. the safety off sorry if you started your finger thomas cloyd mr griffin yes go off the field here you carry that order. for i don't know where you. are. it's my birthday and i got a gun for my very basic life so i'm going to shoot it for the first time in your tank. please seen just about everything m. sixteen assault rifles a ar fifteen some models hunting rifles with homemade silencers these guns could
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have been used by anyone thank you the menus and robbers the mystics and also homicides yeah it was nineteen years ago those words steel rain. since that time the laws in the state of tennessee of chinese substantially you're allowed to carry guns in parks. guns in bars you know guns in your car so from a police chief's perspective i would definitely say that person to prefer if we do not have guns in bars. i got a fourteen inch shotgun from santa cause last year. right now our best selling rifle is at the west end it's just you know a fun and issue. you know we have them all you know.
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it's movie guns ever they saw in a movie i got one of our most popular shootings take place in domestic situations the presence or absence of guns in a home was innocent of the gun was more likely because the absence of a good enough. light for many clubs over the years so i know the guy even so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the ages and spending two to twenty mil i want to share what i think what i know. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying
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the protests held against the n.r.a. convention to place ten days after columbine shooting there went to a library that's where they killed and injured the most students and that's that's where my son was it went worse as the day went on. no word from him being asked by the police if we could provide a description of him and what he was wearing at one point asking for dental records and being told one point there was one last school bus bringing students. back from. when you're waiting for forty five minutes for a bus that should have only taken a couple of minutes i then began to realize that there was no last school bus.
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that over. no i'm able to do it and i know i would do it. protect my rights. the rights of my friends the rights of my loved ones the rights of this country. yeah but you mean struggle. or i don't think so. either of you or i would let it go easily and probably not while i'm living. i feel like there are a lot of gun owners out there who don't take the responsibility of owning guns carrying guns storing guns i don't think they take it seriously enough why the resistance to regulation. because it leads to more regulation. that's too slippery of a slope we can have laws to protect people from their own stupidity. one
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hundred eighty degrees backus guys he's a word sexy when they talk about guns i'm not going to but they're all mantic. they're emotional. you know when. you don't know you. know one of them. you don't know. you don't know are you in. a well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state comma the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. the second amendment in every state constitution guarantees my right to keep and bear arms why for my personal safety and to
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preserve liberty that's why it's called america. i run the solution i've heard him say you need to look simple i think for somebody shooting in here. in america have become almost commonplace but the sandy hook school massacre where six and seven year olds were targeted by gunman reached a new level of horror and cops the rules of the american gun debate. today cause me to want to strengthen and absolutely not i think if one of those teachers the principal had ever had had a gun that young man possibly would not have killed anyone or. do you think it's he. owed. the soul life i think a properly trained teacher can and can and just the need to deal with
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i think is friggin fantastic that's turned school districts are trying their teachers so they can carry a weapon. and school. we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see how fast we get on the buses how fast we do this who actually got hit by the paintball gun. straight cool but pretty. scary to the swat team comes in her room and they're like ok everybody out you know put your hands up and we're all put our hands up we're terrified and takes us out so. we had a thought to him yes i did. yes this is a middle school. so. that possibility of oh yeah we can be prepared.
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what do every single mass shooting have in common gun free zones i mean i was afraid it was a color blind. from my cold dead. you know i think that part of the problem is that that the gun lobby has been very successful in getting their message out much more so than those who want to see reasonable gun laws they control the narrative that you're either for the second amendment or against it you're either for freedom or against freedom there's surest way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good way that guy. you're
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after these mass shootings gun sales do tend to go up just because people start getting freaked out people think that the government is gonna take our guns i mean i hate seeing the shootings happen but it is definitely always good for business. this is a smith and wesson m.m.p. fifteen it is our best selling weapon right now and it pretty tough. here. and. as. a sole weapon seem to control the city. what is that this is a semiautomatic rifle. is it is it not an assault weapon no one else. semiautomatic one pull the trigger one shot and that is what differentiates is it
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in your eyes the fight the ones fully automatic and the other isn't right why are they called survivor so that. because the media and the left wing politicians one meg bogeyman out as. a tool. bullies assault rifle i mean this is a fight even about what it is i know i know and i should even call them an assault rifle we're going to it's a military style weapon that's what they want me to say a sporting gun you know you know different names but it's the same thing it's a military style weapon. not a reason to buy an assault rifle is if you're going to make an assault on an enemy position and you need a lot of bullets because you've got a lot of people in the position you're attacking the assault rifle was mere barn solves it seems to me you don't need an assault rifle to kill a deer this this ongoing debates that some people have about whether. things
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like the a case when our so weapons are not that whole discussion is absurd that the s.t. greatest friend of a mass shooter could have. been planning on one. day on one of the. right up. to two killers. went out in search of guns they were under eighteen they got an eighteen year old to go to the gun show to a gun show with them to make the purchase they purposely sought out a private seller that's the so-called gun show loophole where you can go to a gun show you know one table for it's a licensed dealer you have to go through a background check table of a private seller no background check. his guns and i sold and everybody sells every gun dealer that a found all around the united states in crimes they should have you know mandatory
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registration nationwide everybody owns a gun it should be registered and i am and they're responsible for that weapon why should you let some kid walk into a gun store buy fifteen guns and be able to give them to fifteen of his friends with no receipt even sold them and everything's legal that means guns could be shipped in from the east coast in the west coast and sold in a newspaper to it to anybody that kick the can pass a background check that's how the criminals get guns. about forty percent. of all gun sales are private sales they don't go through a background check and these are not going through a licensed dealer imagine going to an airport and have to go through security and they said ok we're have sixty percent of the people go through security and forty percent can bypass it when you get onto that airplane. i think.
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i can take you right now thirty three miles from here and buy you anything you want on the side of the road in the black market dealers it's out there facebook for example you can buy guns although. you know bud just prior they properly and that is still legal in tennessee you can as of now you can still be product sales in tennessee but without without a background check you can't so you can so that any one yes so to sort of introduce the law. that shouldn't be. without about prince philip do you should. you know what. after are not. well there needs to be some things done to people where they're back to working again and not being given money by the government to run around and do
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whatever they want there's a lot of things we could address maybe that's not the only problem could be some mental health issues could be drugs cause of this problem i don't know that but we are not the problem. it's. tended to be. should anything be done. now. the natural selection take its course. young.
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yes. she'll be even begin. but still have been mugged for most. depends on both. of the danger because. i went up at a meeting there. i. didn't the make or the here now with j.m. we had one corner of the room is. now at the palladium only but that never. see let him make the one we have made for the in the mail room have.
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a batch or sudden passing i've only just learned taken your last wrong turn. to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feelings started to change you talked about more like it was a case still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters my mind gets consumed with death this one might just. speech you know because there are no other takers. claimed that
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mainstream media has met its make. everybody i'm stephen ball. hollywood guy usual suspects. proud american first of all i'm just struck in our view this is my buddy famous financial guru well she's a little bit different. to the owner window with all the drama happening in our country on the road have to. meet every day americans. and be sure to bridge that gap this is the great american people. but. says she'd prefer snap elections to forming a minority government soft
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a coalition between mughals party and the free democrats break down over their differences. president trying to take. sponsors of terrorists. present trying takes a new hit against north korea putting the country all the list of state sponsors of terrorism. and the chief advisor to the turkish president calls on pollen to reconsider the country's nato membership tensions between the lines escalated dramatically after president obama was depicted as an enemy during recent nato troops.
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