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tv   News  RT  November 21, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the headline. the fight against terrorism in syria. made during a meeting with president bush. in the past twenty four hours. she is ready. if needed after the collapse of coalition. and the worst political crisis in the country's history. making it harder for them to reach wide audiences despite the. previously admitted . popularity.
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of the international criminal court and. u.s. involvement. in afghanistan. very well welcome to you from all of us here at the international in moscow we have your latest tuesday world news the kremlin has revealed details of an unannounced meeting between the russian and syrian presidents on monday it took place in the black sea resort of sochi and lasted for hours. now this meeting had been kept well under wraps and it was a quick one of all over in just four hours but the two leaders had plenty of time to talk business the two confirmed that the military operations in syria looks to
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be coming to an end which would of course be a historical turning point in the conflict in syria at this stage especially after victories against terrorism we are of course interested in advancing the political process. because you just mentioned the conclusion of the military operation i think that the problem of terrorism is global with globally when it comes to our operation against terrorists in syria the military operation is indeed concluding now just two years ago syria was overrun by eisel but at this point they've been out of from all major towns and cities and really are just clinging to a few small villages at this point and so the focus is really turning towards the future this was of course the second time that assad has visited russia to sit down and talk with putin about the conflict in the course of the country six year civil war now the first visit came in two thousand and fifteen just after russia was asked to help in the anti terror efforts in the country assad stated that he is now
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ready and willing to work with anyone and everyone whose goal in the country is peace and settlement the recent creation of deescalation zones in the country was again hailed as the first steps towards getting to beginning a conversation with the opposition groups and the country which of course is pivotal to ending the conflict but it also said that russia is counting on the u.n. to actively participate in the final steps of settlement of the settlement of syria he also said that he'd be on the phone later to donald trump and other regional leaders to update them on what was discussed with president assad and of course it's also important to note that to moscow will be hosting a syrian summit in sochi tomorrow with officials from both iran and turkey who of course spearheaded those ever more important deescalation zones in syria that's as moscow will continue to play a key figure in mediating a way forward in syria. it has been an unsettled start to the week for germany it's after talks on forming a coalition government collapsed chancellor merkel forced to seek advice from the
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country's president and while he advised parties to rethink their disagreements merkel herself says she is ready to head back to the polls if necessary. if it isn't for time both parties elected to the bundestag have a share juicy to serve their country i expect from all parties a willingness to make possible the formation of a government in the foreseeable future if you elections come i should say that's not something i'm afraid of during the election campaign i thought for a four year mandate my point of view is that new elections would be the better path . the president will now try to persuade the members of a failed coalition to rethink that assertion and return to talks our correspondent peter all of are now breaking down developments the day after the bundestag election in september angola merkel said that she was confident that by christmas she would have a ruling coalition government in place or fast forward through weeks of torture
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a sit tight as negotiations with the green party and the pro-business free democrats while the wheels of that coalition health fell off well and truly with christie and of the free democrats delivering the killer blow we have the other one is that we will not abandon our voters for a policy with which we are not convinced it is better not to govern than to govern badly ingrained differences between the parties on key issues such as climate change refugees and the budget saw the so-called jamaica coalition break down.
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just hours after coalition talks with the free democrats in the greens collapsed under merkel was turned down by another coalition suitor this time the social democrats martin schulze saying there would be no return to a grand coalition if you. on september the twenty fourth the grand coalition lost fourteen percent so it's clear we were shown the red card in view of the election results we are not available to join a grand coalition. without off the table one other option available to angola merkel would be to rule over a minority government most likely with the green party. but a minority government would be unstable at best and would certainly require horse trading on gargantuan proportions with the other four parties in parliament if the
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government was to well pass anything more than just time in the chamber it's also worth noting that this would be a first in modern german history and wouldn't exactly fit the profile of the german voters who do love stabilises so where does this leave us the other option would be we go back to the polls for fresh elections. so back to the polls we go well step forward german president frank vaulted steinmeyer it's predominantly a ceremonial role but when it comes to installing a government that's where the german presidency has executive power it will be up to mr steinmeier whether he decides that he accepts angle or merkel as the head of a minority government or whether he dissolves parliament triggering elections and for the long serving leader mrs merkel that could well prove to be a storm she doesn't whether it's keep that's if somebody has got to be responsible
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for that the federal chancellor created the situation she's been in power for what feels like a hundred years and now she should be asking herself maybe i have something to do with this situation. mrs merkel has failed it's time for now to take a step back. that night at the end of the merkel iraq began europe's biggest economy is heading into uncharted territory with current polling suggesting that a new ballot wouldn't return any results too different from what we had in september it does seem that there is no immediate solution to the current instability germany is facing and of course the implications that has for the why do european union peter all of a r.t. berlin we talked to various political analysts about the uncertain future that anglo merkel is currently facing. she's between a rock and a hard place anywhere she going to go her days are numbered and it's becoming more
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and more apparent to other observers that her days are numbered. she will probably if she if they have to go through another election i would guess hazard a number something like twenty nine to thirty percent is about all they will do in other words it's she's going to be in even a weaker position than she is right now i mean ideally the c.d.u. before they go into election should have a new candidate and start it with a fresh face but they're not going to be able to do that very quickly i was surprised that she actually called for fresh elections because i think she will lose i mean i think she's lost a prime she should step aside she hasn't recognized the call of the time and some time now or later reality will hit about that should resign she's probably for you . this is a this is the receipt for it in the end the jamaica coalition agree the f.t.p. the c.s.u. the c.d.u. was a very very unlikely construct a very strange construct that of course cannot work and we can see that the country
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is in turmoil here and that this is due to the unprecedented situation we don't know if there's going to be new elections but if there are going to be new elections i'm pretty certain the f.t.p. and probably also the eye of the opposition party that came into the parliament with thirteen point six percent of the votes will gain because this. is quite a silent significant part of the population that wants a change in the immigration policy so i would be surprised if we had fresh elections but apparently stated that we are going to have them. the executive chairman of google's parent company alphabet has vowed to do you rank c. and the news agency sputnik in order to make it harder for the outlets to reach wider audiences his comments came at a security forum in canada when asked about auntie's use of google's ad sense
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service. i had a subscription for google alerts in german language and getting them every day out of ten results between five and ten every day we have sputnik news which is some russian german program that and when i clicked on them they wanted to rise to it since this is really necessary to monitor the rise russian propaganda outlets would google its and so we're well aware of this one and we are working on detecting this kind of scenario you're describing and again the ranking the ranking those kinds of sites it's basically put net are the two and there's a whole bunch of coverage about what we're doing there but we're well aware of it we're trying to engineer the systems to prevent it we don't want to ban the sites. tease editor in chief has to move saying google's own congressional report found no evidence that channel violated or manipulated their policies good to have google in very good as defined all logic and reason facts aren't allowed if they come from
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r.t. because of russia even though we have google on congressional brokered thing they found no manipulation of their platform all policy violations by. well under pressure from the us authorities the tech giant launched an investigation into alleged russian meddling but i found no evidence of manipulated youtube in any way to get its status of the most viewed news network despite that google dropped us from its you to prime list in the united states without any immediate notice or explanation that only came later at a congressional hearing whether was grilled on why it hadn't actually carried out the move soon. mr cell gado why did gould google get preferred status to russia today a russian propaganda arm on youtube. there was a period of time where russia today qualified really because of algorithms to participate in a an advertising program why didn't you revert artie's preferred status after the
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i.c.a. came out in january two thousand and seventeen it took you to september of two thousand and seventeen to do it the removal of r t from the program was actually a result of the as as i understand it is a reason result of some of the drop in viewership not as a result of any action otherwise so there was there was nothing about r.t.e. or is its content that. meant that it stayed interstate out. again these explanations were initially given to our channel when we were dropped from your troops prime list in the united states as you heard the reason given by google's representative it was a drop in viewership even though our channel remains the most viewed news network on you tube now the unprecedented pressure on our channel began after the us intelligence community had mentioned us in its report on alleged russian meddling
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after that we faced a tax from both us all authorities on tech giants aside from google twitter and all of our votes on its platform despite earlier offering us the option of spending millions on political ads so ahead of the presidential election last week america was forced by the u.s. justice department to register as a foreign agent we discussed the pressure on china was faced with political commentator steve malzberg. there's been nothing found in the whole russian collusion investigation so far and there's really no meat here when it comes to r t and the ferry is still wings and dealings but that doesn't stop them this is all about the fact that russia is right now the enemy russia has been made the enemy by the left the democrats and by definition the media the media has been nonstop for a year now about evil russia and they want to concentrate on the real problem they
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certainly have every opportunity to look at what i call propaganda from the leftist mainstream news media you could go to outlets in my opinion like c.n.n. and m.s.n. b c and a.b.c. news and n.b.c. news and c.b.s. news and you could find what i consider to be fake news taking things out of context leaving out pertinent facts that misrepresent the stories happens all the time every day i see it russia is the quote unquote bogeyman right now and this is all part of that deal quarter past the hour here in moscow this year alone the us congress has used nearly one million dollars of taxpayers' money to settle discrimination suits with its own employees details to the right. what politicians do you should. put themselves on the line. they did accept the
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reject. so when you were the new president. some wanted us. to going for us this is what the three of them will be good for. i'm interested in the. question. hillary clinton democrats they have a problem putting all their efforts into chasing. rush again hoax and they're not therefore they don't have the resources to go field new candidates that might have a chance of twenty. if they were to drop the rush to get home and focus on just finding candidates running twenty eight they might have a chance but at this rate they don't have a chance which means that they're probably. to investigate alleged war crimes committed during the war in afghanistan but that could be difficult
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a samir khan investigates court is developing a case on allegedly seeks a formal investigation the reasonable basis on crimes against humanity have been committed in connection with the conflict in afghanistan the main focus of the i.c.c. is cases the taliban the afghan government and the u.s. military as for the last of these the prosecutor's office has revealed dozens of instances of torture and ill treatment allegedly carried out by u.s. forces. members of u.s. armed forces appeared to have subjected at least sixty one detained persons to torture cruel treatment outrages upon personal dignity one site notorious for abuse in afghanistan is the cia salt pit prison described by the media as a sadistic dungeon with barbaric conditions where torture reigns with little oversight while the evidence has been available to the public ever since secret cia documents were declassified by the u.s. government the cia actually refer to it as enhanced interrogation techniques which
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included sleep deprivation isolation cold showers and rough treatment but here's one case. so what are the chances the i.c.c. will eventually bring the u.s. military u.s.
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officials or the cia to justice actually zero the i.c.c. was created in one nine hundred ninety eight by the rome statute with the us among signatories but in two thousand and two a year after the u.s. invaded afghanistan the bush administration with the true from the treaty senior diplomat john bolton who finalized the withdrawal later described the move as his happiest moment in government service i signed a letter that removed america's signature from the rome statute described it in my book is my happiest moment of government service in my life i think the court is fundamentally illegitimate so no matter what comes out of the i.c.c. is prob the international criminal court just doesn't have the jurisdiction to bring those responsible to justice in fact the law goes so far as to say that the u.s. would use military action to forcibly take americans who were arrested out of the hague if they were arrested by the i.c.c.
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so i think we can certainly predict that any real. all in prison mentor any remediation against americans for crimes against humanity or war crimes is probably unlikely but i still think the process of going through an indictment of attempting to try americans for these types of crimes is a great advance. of the instability in afghanistan has led to a drastic increase in opium production this year that's according to the un areas on the poppy cultivation increasing by more than a half since twenty sixteen and opium production is nearly doubled over the same period we spoke with angela min from the united nations office on drugs and crime even after all this huge increase in afghanistan we decided to hold all of the world from anybody in countries of afghanistan and we have huge amount of that we
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will be trafficked it's those in this additional countries where probably the sweetie could own more you know every member not only was aware enough. as we mentioned political instability as named by the u.n. as one of the main reasons for the alarming change riaz to angela me again why the afghan government's counter measures on twerking. best damn government and the strongest of the activities to fight the. terrorists groups or the other groups that had to teach we knew that he had sold millions we are the articulation nineties police and it is we are at least forty seven and more at the present and those who supported and supported the somme and served in the south once. president trump those reed designated north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism trying yang had been removed from the list by george w. bush almost
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a decade ago in an attempt to salvage nuclear talks but change means one of the most sanctioned countries in the world will now face an even more restrictions today the united states is designating north korea as a state sponsor of terrorists. should have happened a long time ago should happened years ago. this designation will impose further sanctions and penalties on north korea and related persons and supports our maximum pressure campaign to isolate the murderous regime tomorrow the treasury department will be announcing an additional saying shit and a very large one on north korea and this will be going on over the next two weeks it will be the highest level of sanctions by the time it's finished over two week period north korea joins iran and syria on the us a blacklist of countries claim to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism although many of these restrictions were already in place
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now it does hand washington more power to punish third party countries for engaging in trade with pyongyang and we spoke with the co-founder of lawyers for peace and demilitarization in korea who believes the new sanctions will be futile they banter about the term terrorism a lot because it gets people afraid it is the buzzword since the cold war to justify certain military actions and other actions but frankly the designation violates the very law that it's set to be based upon the united states is frustrated that it can't affect to wait to change it wants to see a north korea with military action that military action isn't an option and so it wants to appear like it's taking further actions but this idea of additional sanctions is probably a bit hollow because there are so many sanctions now in place that i don't see it
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adding that much more to the debt to make a difference. almost a million dollars of taxpayers' money has been paid out in harassment settlements by the u.s. congress this year that is the highest figure in a decade a report released by the office of compliance reveals complaints range from sexual harassment to racial discrimination. has details. for almost a month now the us public has been facing an avalanche of allegations of sexual harassment leveled against men in the public eye on an almost daily basis well it turns out that members of congress are no exception a person basically offered me. an opportunity to flirt with him in order to to excel in my career this member asked a staffer to bring them over some materials to the residents. and the young staffers a young woman went there and was greeted with a member in a towel and this talk it sort of happened over and over and over and finally one
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day i said you know what knock it off this is just not appropriate it's not right and it's not cool now there's actually a special body on capitol hill set up to deal with the allegations but you might be surprised to learn that some people think this body is actually part of the problem we have a system in place that allows for the harasser to go unchecked doesn't pay for the settlement himself and is never identified so the office of compliance to which a victim must apply or complain is a place that has really been and then able or of sexual harassment it's the american taxpayers who end up footing the bill it's already cost them over seventeen million dollars in awards and settlements since the office of compliance was established in the one nine hundred ninety s. on top of that the u.s. public doesn't even know what they're paying something the person behind the scheme has admitted needs to change is the taxpayer is basically being charged for the
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activities of someone stuff a person or a member of congress it should be made available to the public so how does this scheme sit with the people who end up paying for it i don't want to pay for it i think that the that the that the set whoever the perpetrator is should be paying not the taxpayer. to pay for their own defense really i don't think the economy no taxpayer should pay for that they should pay their own way. so who says we have to pay but i don't think they should be sued i think they should be prosecuted congress is attempting to rectify this situation with a bipartisan bill so in the future when taxpayers have to cough up the bill they'll at least know who's transgressions it is that they're funding caleb mop and r.t. washington d.c. and we are back very soon with more of your tuesday world headlines.
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we owe. it to. my host oh. hey everybody i'm stephen ball. hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush in our view to say this is my buddy max
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famous financial guru a little bit different. you know windows up with all the drama happening in our country and i'm hitting the road to have fun every day americans. to please start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max are coming to you from pensacola florida where we're going to hear some blues later on this evening and mix and kind of get involved in some of the interesting things happening here in pensacola lot of guys
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with dark glasses of baseball hats seems almost like a cia contractor or something so i think you'll find it's and i say down here if anything it's interesting because we're in the seville quarter of pensacola it's like one hundred years old this building is one hundred years old where in a bar you might hear some noise behind us because we've been here for about half an hour and it's been super quiet and suddenly as soon as we start recording everybody starts working behind us so you'll hear some noise around us but like hopefully we'll have some b. roll to show you the ceiling the walls how amazing the structure is we have these giant heads on the wall and that's relevant to this first headline here construction. how solid this foundation is how so verse it is tell us everything a fifty eight story skyscraper in san francisco is tilting and sinking
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and residents say they're multi-million dollar condos are nearly worthless millennium tower is a luxury residential high rise that has sunk seventeen inches in tilted fourteen inches since it was completed in two thousand and eight though in a spectrum by the city showed it's safe to occupy the situation and sparked an exodus from the building residents say they are selling multimillion dollar condos at a loss with the value of their homes tumbling by three hundred twenty thousand dollars .


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