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tv   News  RT  November 21, 2017 3:00pm-3:29pm EST

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president vladimir putin and donald trump just held a telephone conversation the topics discussed syria iran and north korea. google open leave to deal rank are making it harder for them to reach why diligences that's despite the fact the tech giant itself previously admitted it found no violations when it investigated artie's popularity on you tube. and palestine has frozen ties with the u.s. after the palestine liberation organization office in washington loses its license . you're watching r t international live from our moscow studio with me and welcome
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to the program the russian president vladimir putin has spoken over the phone with donald trump the conversation lasted almost an hour. reports on what was discussed . after quite a few reports some of them came from d.c. from across the atlantic some of them were from tsotsi we finally got the confirmation from kremlin which makes it official president putin and president trump have been on the phone the kremlin says that the two leaders were quite happy about how it went although we don't find out that much from the statement on mr putin's website but here's a couple of things they did bring up north korea syria russia still the nuclear deal to hold and syria and every time i talk about some sort of communication between and russia i always mention these names but let me tell you why syria is most important it was
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a surprise trip he doesn't leave the country that all indeed islamic state only controls a few villages in the country they've almost been completely thrown out but it still leaves damascus and the opposition at war the civil war in syria is still ongoing as sad though told putin that he is ready for reforms and compromises and mr putin must have tried to send this message across and make it more convincing during that phone call also mr putin and mr trump have previously said many times that they want the deescalation zones in syria to work so the two presidents could have talked about further steps and that anyway as you can see there is loads going on and there was a chance that we will find out more very very soon tsotsi as hosting the russia iran turkey summit on wednesday the three countries as you may remember are behind
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the syria peace talks and asked an up and we are expecting vladimir putin to speak here and saw that she just after the. tosk conclude. the executive chairman of google's parent company alphabet has vowed to day run quality in the news agencies but in order to make it harder for the outlets to reach why the audiences his comments came as a security forum in canada when asked about use of google's absence absence. i had a subscription for google alerts in german language and getting them every day out of ten results between five and ten every day we have sputnik news which is a russian german program no outlet and when i clicked on them they will monitor rise to that sense is it really necessary to monitor. russian propaganda outlets with google it's and so we're well aware of this one and we're working on detecting
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this kind of scenario you're describing and again the ranking the ranking those kinds of sites it's basically artie and sputnik are the two and there's a whole bunch of coverage about what we're doing there but we're well aware of it we're trying to engineer the systems to prevent it we don't want to ban the sites. eric schmidt who you just heard there has a long time relationship with the democratic party leadership which lost last year's presidential election in the u.s. he was reportedly a donor and informal adviser to the a bomb a campaign later becoming an advisor to the bomber administration according to documents revealed by wiki leaks schmidt also donated to the clinton foundation and he's believed to be the tech mastermind behind the campaign of defeated democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton he has not confirmed any of these allegations artie's editor in chief has slammed the remarks made by schmidt saying
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google's own congressional report found no evidence the child had violated or manipulated its policies under pressure from u.s. authorities google launched an investigation into alleged russian meddling but it found no evidence r.t. had manipulated you tube in any way to get its status of the most news network despite that google dropped us from its you tube prime list in the u.s. without any notice or explanation it only later explained to congress hearing where the firm was grilled on why it hadn't carried out the move before mr sell gado why did google get preferred status to russia today a russian propaganda arm on youtube. there was a period of time where russia today qualified really because of algorithms to participate in a an advertising program why didn't you revert artie's preferred status after the
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i.c.a. came out in january two thousand and seventeen it took you to september of two thousand and seventeen to do it the removal of r t from the program was actually a result of the as as i understand it is a or is a result of some of the drop in viewership not as a result of any action otherwise so there was there was nothing about our team or its content that. the entity stayed interstate out. media consultant neil wallis a certain google factions against a politically motivated i do think it censorship you don't have to like the stories that russia today covers you don't have to want to read the material coming from sputnik but i really do not believe it is in any way except simple that a bunch of politically correct. democratic party supporting people certainly in silicon valley should decide what i should or should not read i think
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it's the height of arrogance where does this start and where does it stop who decides that google today will attack r.t. but tomorrow the same sort of pressure may get may make them decide to attack the daily mail here in britain another political viewpoint they might not like this is suppression this is censorship i think that i am quite capable of watching r.t. reading sputnik and deciding what i do or do not want to take from it what i do or do not believe i think this is extremely sinister as i say. meanwhile eric schmidt's remarks have been contradicted by a google representative who said no concrete plans to dirang russia media including r.t. were in place. and on the topic of google whistleblower julian aside from has alleged on twitter that the firm gave the metter data of journalists working for wiki leaks
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to investigators into his case back in twenty fifteen. the palestinian national authority is freezing ties with the u.s. after it refused to renew the license of the palestine liberation organizations office in washington the palestinian presidential spokesman slammed the us decision this us measure is unprecedented in the history of us palestinian relations it could have serious consequences is going to serve as a blow to peacemaking efforts and as a reward to israel. the palestine liberation organization was founded in one thousand nine hundred sixty four since then it's been recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the people of palestine by some one hundred states it also enjoys observer status at the un we spoke to did we treat dylan e a revolution council member he says the u.s. is backing israel's actions against palestine by not renewing the license. that is
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further assurance to state of israel that the state of israel can continue to rally the human rights laws the international laws. and get away with it and on top of that get even more support the united states is given a green light to destroy israel to keep on committing the atrocities and the war crimes that it's been committing since the first day of occupation that was supposed to be ending after all small agreement in five years and that did not happen and one of the reason why didn't happen because the united states policies have been inconsistent with its own. set of expressed believes about equality and human rights. it's been an unsettled start to the week for germany after talks on forming a coalition government collapsed chancellor angela merkel attempted to seek advice
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from the country's president however their views seem to differ as merkel's declared she is ready to head back to polls if necessary while the president urged the parties to reconsider their disagreements it isn't but time party is elected to the bundestag have a share juicy to serve their country i expect for all parties a willingness to make possible the formation of a government in the foreseeable future if you elections come i should see that's not something i'm afraid of during the election campaign i fought for a four year mandate my point of view is that a new election. would be the better path. and struggling to find a way out to oliver breaks down the recent developments. the day after the bundestag election in september angela merkel said that she was confident that by christmas she would have a ruling coalition government in place or fast forward through weeks of torture a sit times negotiations with the green party and the pro-business free democrats
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while the wheels of that coalition health fail off well and truly with christie and lynn of the free democrats delivering the killer blow we have the other one is that we will not abandon our voters for a policy with which we are not convinced it is better not to govern than to govern badly ingrained differences between the parties on key issues such as climate change refugees and the budget saw the so-called jamaica coalition break down.
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just hours after coalition talks with the free democrats and the greens collapsed under merkel was turned down by another coalition suitor this time the social democrats martin schultz saying there would be no return to a grand coalition if. on september the twenty fourth the grand coalition lost fourteen percent so it's clear we were shown the red card in view of the election results we are not available to join a grand coalition without off the table one other option available to angola merkel would be to rule over in my. north sea government most likely with the green party . but a minority government would be unstable at best and would certainly require horse trading on gargantuan proportions with the other four parties in parliament if the government was to well pass anything more than just time in the chamber it's also worth noting that this would be a first in modern german history and wouldn't exactly fit the profile of the german
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voters who do love stabilises so where does this leave us the other option would be we go back to the polls for fresh elections. so back to the polls we go well step forward german president frank voltage steinmeyer it's predominantly a ceremonial role but when it comes to installing a government that's where the german presidency has executive power it will be up to mr steinmeier whether he decides that he accepts angle or merkel as the head of a minority government or whether he dissolves parliament triggering elections and for the long serving leader mrs merkel that could well prove to be a storm she doesn't whether it's keep that's really fun for somebody has got to be responsible for that the federal chancellor created this situation she's been in power for what feels like a hundred years and now she should be asking herself maybe i have something to do
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with this situation. mrs merkel has failed it's time for now to take a step back. that night the end of the merkel era began europe's biggest economy is heading into uncharted territory with current polling suggesting that a new ballot wouldn't return any results too different from what we had in september it does seem that there is no immediate solution to the current instability germany is facing and of course the implications that has for the why do european union piece or all of a r.t. berlin we discuss the issue with hugh bronson a member of the f.t. he says merkel's time at how ms over there how migration policy having proved the last nail in the coffin. this is definitely the beginning of the end merkel knows that this is the last time she will be chancellor in the next period or the next four years there will be a point when she resigns and
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a new person will take over she has no policies at all she is a woman without principles she betrayed so many conservative core values. abolishing subscription making putting the end to nuclear power. abandoning the traditional schooling system she does all she can to stay in power it's not her lack of ability the it's not that she cannot compromise she has no principles the fault lies with the other parties who cannot agree on common grounds and it is no surprise the idea of open borders no borders no nation everything free to everybody for everyone and without any cost is ridiculous why that was the only the that. people were absolutely against not looking at another one million one point five million people to come to this country the next year people are strongly opposed to that she got the worst result she had ever since she was in power and her party
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also suffered heavy heavy blows this is because she did not listen to what people really wanted to do or wanted to be done and now she is paying the price for. the lebanese army is prepared to counter any possible act of israeli aggression last according to an official statement by the army's chief it comes as arab nations led by saudi arabia need to crack down on lebanon's hezbollah militia the ongoing crisis began when the lebanese prime minister hariri announced his resignation in saudi arabia he's since been to france and egypt meeting with the country's president and is now on his way to lebanon. picks up the story of this announcement by joseph he's the head of the lebanese military telling the army to be in full readiness. along the border with israel saying that israel daily commits violations of lebanon's sovereignty and so the country must be ready to face any aggression
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from the southern neighbor and of course it all comes in the background of these increasing tensions in the region we've seen the head of the israeli defense force the chief of staff gul eyes in court saying very openly actually that he's ready to have complete cooperation with saudi arabia and to share intelligence with them on what they both see as their common foe iran and by extension iran's allies in the region groups like hezbollah course we've seen all of this coming in the wake of the arab league meeting over the weekend convened by saudi arabia to condemn iran and of course again there are allies like hezbollah like the who sees and other groups which are fighting in resisting against saudi arabia in yemen as well so all of that coming together in that sense that meeting didn't go exactly to plan there were several arab countries which didn't vote for saudis motion against iran and
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that day were expected to see the return of the lebanese prime minister saad hariri it follows his resignation live on when he was still in saudi arabia his resignation as prime minister he then over the weekend went to paris and will return later today in time for lebanon's independence day celebrations but it remains to be seen exactly what will happen he is expected to meet with lebanese president michel the whole country quite tense actually that's the atmosphere here as they all wait to see what will happen not just in the domestic politics of lebanon but also regionally. almost a million dollars of taxpayers' money has been paid out in harassment settlements by the u.s. congress this year that's the highest in a decade report released by the office of compliance reveals complaints range from sexual harassment to racial discrimination artie's can have more than has more details. for almost
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a month now the us public has been facing an avalanche of allegations of sexual harassment leveled against men in the public eye on an almost daily basis well it turns out that members of congress are no exception a person basically offered me. an opportunity to flirt with him in order to access to excel in my career this member asked a staffer to bring them over some materials to the residents. and the young staffers a young woman went there and was greeted with a member in a towel and this talk it sort of happened over and over and over and finally one day i said you know it knock it off this is just not appropriate it's not right and it's not cool now there's actually a special body on capitol hill set up to deal with the allegations but you might be surprised to learn that some people think this body is actually part of the problem we have a system in place that allows for the harasser to go unchecked doesn't pay for the settlement himself and is never identified so the office of compliance to which
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a victim must apply or complain is a place that has really been and then abler of sexual harassment it's the american taxpayers who end up footing the bill it's already cost them over seventeen million dollars in awards and settlements since the office of compliance was established in the one nine hundred ninety s. on top of that the us public doesn't even know what they're paying something the person behind the scheme has admitted needs to change is the taxpayer basically being charged for the activities of someone stuff person or a member of congress it should be made available to the public so how does this scheme sit with the people who end up paying for it i don't want to pay for it i think that the that the that the set whoever the perpetrator is should be paying not the taxpayer. to pay for their own defense really i don't think the economy taxpayer should pay for that they should pay their own way. so who says we have to
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pay but i don't think they should be sued i think they should be prosecuted congress is attempting to rectify this situation with a bipartisan bill so in the future when taxpayers have to cough up the bill they'll at least know who's transgressions it is that they're funding kaleb mop and r. t. washington d.c. . the controversial measure expected to be unveiled doing tomorrow as u.k. budget has. angered many in the british capital human rights associations and engineers have come out against the plan to roll out a benefit scheme that could plunge over four hundred thousand fundable citizens into poverty they've delivered tons of food bank donations outside downing street as a symbolic gesture. with explains why this is a pretty rare meeting thousands and thousands of people actually million or more and they're relying on food banks on a regular basis the rollout of things like universal credit has already been widely criticized by by campaign is politicians in areas it's been rolled out they've seen
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a thirty percent increase already in food bank usage which just about hit the winter looks like food bank use going to be a lot higher and we think it is one of the richest countries in the planet it's a disgrace that people are having to be forced to use to fleece in the use of food banks this winter is a figure that comes from the trussell trust chicken little credit either that the people's assembly is saying or get out. of the news for now don't get to check it out on social media on facebook twitter on you tube i'll be back at the top of the hour with more of the latest stories so do stay with us.
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in america a college degree requires a great deal. a decades long dead. study so hard it requires trying to. go through humiliation to enter an elite society. paci dead sometimes quite literally. wants other true colors of universities in the u.s. . the village of collect she has been nicknamed sleepy hollow because for some unknown reason its local residents have formed victim to sleep. there was a stand which. would use
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a future how do you think your issue. can have some that sympathy mostly issuing a sort of but i'm also going on with the question are still talking. to go back there more deeply the shipment of sweet. smell. gradually grass from where did you do what we have are doing. this with. my feeling there did you have both styles throughout the. first. here's what people have been saying about rejected a night with the sixties full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch oh please yeah mr john oliver of harvey americans do the same we are
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apparently better than blue nothing. to see people you never heard of love redacted tonight president of the world bank very. private seriously you sent us an e-mail. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max are coming to you from pensacola florida where we're going to hear some blues later on this evening and mix and kind of get involved in some of the interesting things happening here in pensacola lot of guys with dark glasses of baseball hats seems almost like a cia contractor or something so i think you'll find it's and i say down here if anything it's interesting because we're in the seville quarter of pensacola it's
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like one hundred years old this building is one hundred years old where in a bar you might hear some noise behind us because we've been here for about half an hour and it's been super quiet and suddenly as soon as we start recording everybody starts working behind us so you'll hear some noise around us but like hopefully we'll have some b. roll to show you the ceiling the walls how amazing the structure is we have these giant heads on the wall and that's relevant to this first headline here construction. how solid this foundation is how slow verse it is tell us everything a fifty eight story skyscraper in san francisco is tilting and sinking and residents say they're multi-million dollar condos are nearly worthless millennium tower is a luxury residential high rise that has sunk seventeen inches in tilted fourteen inches since it was completed in two thousand and eight though when
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a spectrum by the city showed it's safe to occupy the situation of sparked an exodus from the building residents say they are selling multimillion dollar condos at a loss with the value of their homes tumbling by three hundred twenty thousand dollars on average is the city's fourth highest skyscraper. one of these luxury condos that has gone up in san francisco i believe we've talked about this with what will for a few like two three years ago at that time was only four inches that's fourteen inches and they say it's a both the leaning tower of geeks. the leaning tower of nerds over there in san francisco i will these are the tourists over there with those photos and what their relationship shots of them push keeping the tower up and no got a lot of people doing those photos it's a money maker though luke make money on the leaning tower of geeks in san francisco i've heard it so well let's go over some of the points that business insider points out here it was completed in two thousand and eight and the first five weeks of
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sales millennium tower sold one hundred million dollars worth of condos the san francisco chronicle reported the units range in price from one point six million to ten million dollars and the developer is a millennium tower millennium partings argue that construction nearby is to blame for any sinking or tilting a city transportation hub the transit bay transit center broke ground next door and twenty ten they call it a process of de watering so when they were building this transportation hub next door what they had to do is they had to drain all the water out of they. ground in order to make sure that the ground under transportation hub was stable subsidence as they call it in the retail trade in san francisco's nine eleven this is the good apocalypse there are five million dollars condos are tilting and falling into the bay area oh my god well the important thing is actually san
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francisco sits on the san andreas fault which is known to have massive earthquakes and the fact that the next door neighbor the neighboring building had to water suggest that this is ground prone to the liquefaction.


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