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tv   News  RT  November 22, 2017 2:00am-2:30am EST

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as a dramatic shift from a minute tree to a political solution to the war. today. it's following president surprise visit. provided a special day for u.s. intelligence. with the state. after the failure to form a coalition government in germany we look at one issue that's proven to block a negotiation climate change and what critics say. should. be done as a country we think we can become under way. this
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is not easy even for germany. mid-morning on wednesday here in moscow thanks for joining us on our international latest world news headlines and with the tide now against the islamic state in syria there is renewed hope that a political solution could finally bring peace. to the russian city of sochi hosting the talks that could bring around an end to this ongoing. joining us good morning to you many countries keeping a close watch on today's potential developments for syria what the expectations. tory good morning well let's say that there is hope for
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a few promising opportunities what if the name sought she eventually gets associated with some kind of accord or agreement because the people who really have a say in trying to get to the point when we will be able to say no civil war and syria are all here and now is the time because ice will last it's a last city in syria now they are in control only of a few villages in some parts of the desert ok that is thanks to the syrian army along with the russian air force on the one hand and on the other hand the kurds some elements of the syrian opposition backed by the u.s. but who has been here and tsotsi this week already syrian president bashar assad that was quite a surprise the visit was kept a secret for a long time we haven't seen the u.s. president donald trump but mr putin was on the phone with him for an hour and on
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wednesday we're having quite a company here hassan rouhani type air dawn and vladimir putin and i'll tell you what if it wasn't for these men we wouldn't have seen the past and peace talks happening. so we keep hearing the acid up peace process the syria talks an astronaut but why
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are they so important and why is turkey russia and iran important here they are the guarantors of the four deescalation zones that have become the main outcome of the negotiations in the kazak capital and what they were able to bring about is a significant reduction of violence on the ground and humanitarian aid finally being delivered to parts of syria where it's needed most and that brings us to the issue of whether the u.s. is somehow involved in this or not i can tell you that asked and began under the obama administration he was still in office back then and his officials were asked questions about the u.s. involvement in this because you can doesn't see it in the snub. no the secretary doesn't see this as a snub at all does he not at least feel the u.s. is being sidelined if not excluded from what was something the u.s. was needing we are not excluded we are not being sidelined you know they already do
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it is quite different than we his role before and we are still leading right now this leadership that you're speaking of is all past tense is that not true i would disagree. while things are different twelve months later vladimir putin as i've said has been updating donald trump on the phone about his talks with bashar al assad and again he is welcoming the presidents of turkey and iran so this kind of involvement of so many saw is from washington to iran iran sorry really gives us the reason to say that there are some promising opportunities and it is all happening here and sought after and all eyes will stay on softer so they are trying to live on what could be the latest developments for syria thanks very much . the u.s. intelligence community has struck a deal with amazon for the company to provide data storage the online giants
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develop a special project exactly to the government's needs as jacqueline vuguru explains. the line between political business and commercial business is getting thinner by the day especially when it comes to internet and tech giants let's start with amazon which has just announced a new deal to provide a tailored cloud service to the u.s. intelligence community this secret region yes that's really its name comes on top of amazon's existing six hundred million dollar contract with the cia and other agencies and the cia's chief information officer couldn't be more excited about the partnership that we named it commercial club services issue to us for a reason because we want to be like commercial would want to be like government we want to the best of breed as well we partner with amazon and they aren't alone just last month microsoft announced a similar partnership over a dedicated cloud for the u.s. government and their partners microsoft is partnering with the u.s. government in the journey to the cloud providing both infrastructure and platform offerings to digital transformation meanwhile
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a treasure trove of connections were uncovered between us politics and internet heavyweights after last year's presidential election in which some of them seem to have sided with hillary clinton now take google clinton's campaign chair john podesta had his emails hacked and published at the end of two thousand and sixteen they contain several references to eric schmidt the executive chairman of alphabet google's parent company and schmidt seemed eager to help with that which made tonight he's ready to fund it rise the recruitment etc clearly wants to be had outside advisor but didn't seem like he wanted to push others out one of clinton's digital advisors noted that schmidt had a team working on important products for the campaign and a memo which also mentioned that discrete conversations had been initiated with google facebook and apple to understand their priorities when it came to the election and their priorities were quickly made obvious especially when it comes to facebook there was a sense of deja vu when facebook's chief operating officer was also revealed to be
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in communication with protest expressing her hope and willingness to assist clinton in the race for the presidency i still want hillary clinton to win badly i'm still here to help us i can. look forward to working with you to elect the first woman president of the united state with such an intricate web of partnerships between internet giants politicians and the government perhaps it's time to worry about our online freedoms getting tangled up in them well it should be mentioned perhaps that hillary clinton's former campaign chair suggested some of the leaked e-mails could have been doctored professor piers robinson gave us his take on the situation is something to worry about. notionally government and business supposed to function in a way that they're independent of each other. i think the reality is that there are overlapping interests and influence is exercised and this is a problem it's
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a problem for democracy those platforms then become extremely useful tools for governments to try to exercise influence and power and it is a real danger this is not a new form collusion sense that it's been there before historically with mainstream corporate media and government is certainly new in terms of the global reach and i think that you have these corporations that are continued to be appear to be acting on the behest of the u.s. government i don't know increasing drive people to to leave them go to other platforms which aren't under the same kind of influence or cyber security has become a major issue for the u.s. government but it seems there may not be other people to deal with it with key posts remaining unfilled i will explain more a bit later in the program. now the german president has so far failed to unite three parties that were supposed to form a coalition government aside from the refugee influx a major stumbling block was said to have been thought of climate change policy and
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now anglo merkel's title climate chancellor is being brought into question our environmental policy has long depended on reducing coal burning emissions which brought her the support of the green party but as time has gone by merkel stance has been shifting we don't as a country and we think we can become pioneers on the way to creating the age of renewable energy business we need deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions and therefore we have committed ourselves to de carbonite seen in the global economy the one where complaining called free energy supply and our doesn't starve and die just is not easy even for germany we have set targets for twenty twenty twenty thirty and subsequently twenty fifty years from now at the end of twenty seven she still have quite a way to go in the wake of japan's twenty eleven fukushima nuclear meltdown germany valve two and the use of nuclear energy one of merkel's key plans was
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a shut down all nuclear plants in the country by twenty twenty two and that put pressure on the country's use of coal something that she had vowed to reduce to win over the greens and merkel promised to reduce greenhouse gas emissions forty percent by twenty twenty and more by twenty thirty as it now turns out the maximum reduction by twenty twenty may only reach four percent we discussed this issue with peter best drawn from the alternative for germany party he believes the promises made by angela merkel will be broken. there was no strategy behind it it was a complete nonsense to to leave the nuclear power you see all our neighbors are still using nuclear power this is a very clean energy this is a typical typical sign of america's policy. and that she is
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moving towards the whole political spectrum to left. and she is a one time serving the voters of the socialist and the other time the voters of the greens she has no of a shape profile which are all the other chancellor of former chancellors of c.d.u. of the conservatives used to have she will definitely not be able to fulfill the promises and now we will see. how to public will react on it. is our international an antique purchase in a moscow market gave one french woman more than she bargained for it was only when she got her soviet camera home the she made an interesting discovery.
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sixteen beautiful pictures black and white pictures which were all about of boy. apparently an important moment of his life so i've got found it find him to to give is photos back to him. yeah i was at the airport when my friend sent me a photo of a little boy who looked very much like me with a caption saying looking for a russian boy there were so many questions where do these photos come from and why is someone looking for me who is this elizabeth and how did she get those photos. well he found me really. i got her what's up with sage from dimitri saying i am the russian boy you are looking for. in the end i decided to call her
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via skype and we talked for two hours about everything she turned out to be a very nice woman. but it turned out that my uncle had given it to his friend to sell at the market but he had forgotten to remove the film. elizabeth is planning to come here in february to visit all those places in the photos she has written an amazing film script for the story that's going to be turned into a documentary i will do my best to help or the idea would be to use a camera illiterate camera which is a key object in order story and use it as a character and really follow in the past of the camera and go back to the places where the picture was taken. i'm not looking for fame i just want to share this amazing story with other people
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so that others might realize that our life is not just about politics and death but includes room for small everyday pleasures. we are back and just about.
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anyone else still seems wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to shape our. attic and engagement because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just a look for common ground. it is good to have you with us today for your world news there are still six months until hungry go to the polls and parliamentary elections but things are already getting heated the government is claiming the billionaire george soros is trying to
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interfere in the country's internal policies and soros who was born in that country is fighting back a severe economy points billionaire george soros versus hungary and prime minister viktor orban well the two seem to be at war. much too large bodied predator so swimming here in the water as the children's juices the trans one order import of george soros tons of money and international heavier till its. care and education systems in distress and corruption are rife the current government has sought to create an outside enemy to distract citizens the government selected george soros for this purpose. well orban once received a soros grant to study at oxford so what made him turn against the billionaire and why can't the open society foundation's founder and the hungry and leader stand each other. first soros funded
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n.g.o.s in two thousand and sixteen alone his organization spent three point six million dollars on forty six different groups in hungary and here are the findings of a few of those groups stated quite clearly in their reports now the refugee crisis is another reason why urban dislike soros the billionaire has called on europe to accept a million refugees annually something the prime minister believes will only make things worse organs party has even accuse soros of masterminding the e.u.'s entire refugee policy disease before a recent immigration decision in the european parliament service was meeting with a rap on the subject as well as five different e.u. commission is i'm not a conspiracy theorist but this holds some clues now soros denies the allegation calling it a deliberate lie and the third reason soros has been very outspoken in his
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criticism of the hungry and government. courageously john kerry and people have resisted. and corruption of the mafia state that awed by as much because of all that orbit has a personal battle against soros launching a nationwide television and billboard campaign against him back in july and his opponent was quick to respond accusing the hungry and prime minister of anti-semitism. the campaign is rym in this interview ups darkest hour was the n.g.o.s there are
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some good ones but there are very many of them that act as a fifth column to undermine the stability and integrity of the countries they act as sort of an internal intelligence agency that it is always there when the time comes to overthrow a government you can count on it that there will be an immense amount of money that will be spent against prime minister or bond and against his party well the feud between orban and soros seems to be turning increasingly ugly as hungry as april general election edges even closer. after a never ending hysteria over election hacking along with continued leaks of supposedly secure information it's no surprise that cyber security has become a major issue in america nevertheless key positions in the department of defense to
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tackle this problem remain empty. reports over the past year we've heard cybersecurity touted time and time again as a top priority for the united states democrats and republicans must work together and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber attacks counterterrorism and cyber security must be top priorities in keeping our home once a d.o.j. has made cyber security a top priority i'd like to take this opportunity emphasize the importance of improving cybersecurity and working related issues across public and private sectors now given how much importance has been attached to this issue it seems like very little is actually being done key vacancies such as department of homeland security cyber security chief or department of defense chief of information as well as numerous low level positions remain empty so why is the united states failing to
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appoint these oh so important cyber security chiefs. it's not an intentional into news today and not an intentional decision to keep those empting going forward it's more stacking up the nominations and clearing the decks of the senior most leaders and ambassadors we've got to get through so the white house has been complaining that one key dimension of government is missing key appointments is it a health care b. trade c. military or d. cyber security is pretty easy. health care health care cybersecurity what do you make of that that i mean it's been a year since the presidential election we still don't have all these key appointments in cyber security mostly because congress is blocking most of the appointments i know that there are other powers pretty heavy and the fact that the white house hasn't done anything about its kind of troubling we're just a slow system and simple as. the bureaucracy of course
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i'm a lot of corporations you know it's it's it's not a micro problem it's a macro problem it's kind of funny because they were speculating that we got hired by russia all that b.s. and still we having got nobody to take care of sabers now the white house seems to be filling the positions at a rather slow pace it's been over a year since the u.s. presidential election and so far we only have two hundred forty nine out of the four hundred sixty nine posts that have been filled they tend to react when a threat has become evident as we saw with the snowden hacking the wiki leaks there's no question that politically because of the divisive nature of politics in washington today that cybersecurity and the threat to databases not being sufficiently addressed the the priorities are on other pressing political issues such as the preservation of political positions now both democrats and republicans as well as the president agree that cyber security is
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a top priority it's just not a priority that you actually do something about tabletop and r.t. washington d.c. . the u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson violated a u.s. floor on the use of child soldiers now that is according to a confidential memo by a group of us state department officials tell us in his claim to have breached the child soldiers prevention act when he removed iraq afghanistan and me in amman from a list of countries that use child soldiers in their militaries and the decision was taken to spite the state department's own report acknowledging these countries as a uses of children fight is although worth mentioning perhaps removal from the list now allows the u.s. to provide the countries with various forms of military assistance in a memo the state department officials say that the decision of compromises u.s. credibility and undermines its work they claim the move also harms children the
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very thing though was that to prevent nevertheless one state department spokesperson defended the move. big human rights report issued by the city to prove it to him the trafficking we believe. that they do use we always try to change yours to do what i can to securing the border and israelis institution to forge lacking credibility in this regard there are countries that use lots and lots of children there are countries where maybe one source might say that they heard a child had been a border guard i'm just making that up but we can't back up that information if it is a report that only lists you know one or two of the belief was on the secretary's to part to not put those types of countries on this list and too many. to the question that's a fair question rex tillerson has an obligation to listen to a new the lies that people within the state department that have been there and to
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adhere to their reports and to what they've said so unfortunately it seems like he's kind of going rogue on this and just thinks he can do better and you know this is a guy who was a businessman he works for exxon and he's done all kinds of deals a nation so if rex tillerson is somebody who's only looking at money and who cares more about money whether that be us military contracts or other things with these countries then human rights children that are being forced to become child soldiers to take part in these violent battles then we have a real problem when the leader of foreign policy cares more about these military or financial deals than he does the human rights of these people we were talking with the rest of your worldwide headlines very certain.
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they call me a useful idiot i mean you called me a useful idiot a useful idiot useful idiots go expressing my opinions on t.v. there are thousands of us doing it behind his record is the same strategy we attack persons instead of talking about the org what's next why stop me from getting this close to the white house i'm with a group code pink why not ban the color pink one hour stretch beyond the right i should be sent to the town because i want to try to break me on the wheel but out with a long time of this sort of nonsense you don't scare me and i'll continue to voice my opinion i'll continue to speak out in good company i'm in good company you're going to lose me you want to us because we're freezing cold. the political crisis inflicted upon lebanon by saudi arabia appears to receded at
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least for now is this a sign of things to come as a saudi royal family changes so to saudi arabia and the region is it time to buckle up for a stream. everybody i'm stephen both in the past hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and honored to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different i'm not. going to. go with those up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road to have fun every day americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american.
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greetings and salutation. politicians on their mouthpieces in the media are always asking us to trust them to believe in their values i just this to stop being so cynical lass it's about the opposing party but sometimes that blind faith that they are always asking us to have gets tested when we as a public see headlines that read like this she said a powerful congressman harassed her here's why you didn't hear her story house and senate are among the worst for harassment representatives says over the past twenty years congress has paid seventeen point two million in settlements. yes it would appear that our own united states congress is the next great reservoir of sexual harassment now by lee bursting in the aftermath of hurricane harvey weinstein and i
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say it's a bow tie for too low we've been told over and over again on the campaign trail about family values while jokes about new bile young in terms fresh off the bus were bandied about the bars and back rooms on capitol hill not only have we seen roy moore an outbreak and face accusations of sexual misconduct and harassment and some in recent weeks but now it's come to light that the longest serving member of the house of representatives michigan democrat john conyers seek really settled a sexual harassment claim by an aide which should we really be surprised by this when according to the office of compliance since one thousand nine hundred ninety seven they have paid out more than seventeen million taxpayer dollars to bedroom boys for violations of various employment rules including sexual harassment seventeen million more reasons that we must all.


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