tv Watching the Hawks RT November 22, 2017 2:30am-2:56am EST
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miley bursting in the aftermath of hurricane harvey weinstein and i say it's about time for too low we've been told over and over again on the campaign trail about family values while jokes about new bile young in terms fresh off the bus were bandied about the bars and back rooms on capitol hill not only have we seen roy moore an outbreak and face accusations of sexual misconduct and harassment and some in recent weeks but now it's come to light that the longest serving member of the house of representatives michigan democrat john conyers seek really settled a sexual harassment claim by an aide which should we really be surprised by this when according to the office of compliance since one thousand nine hundred ninety seven they have paid out more than seventeen million taxpayer dollars to bedroom boys for violations of various employment rules including sexual harassment seventeen million more reasons that we must always be watching the hawks.
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if that's. the bottom. like you know that i got. within three. weeks. welcome aboard to watch the hawks i am tyrrel butter and that capital while. i read your own shots and i know i mean well yes i am shocked in the sense that i'm shocked that it's it's taken this long now because look at this i did sort of come out as a as a normal everyday and look it's a boy's club over there we all know it's a boy's quote i'm going to look at the look at the rose. of old generally white
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ways and white male faces and you know every time the president gives up with the state of the union. it's so it's not that shocking at the end of the day but it hurts and it's hypocritical because how many campaigns have you seen all the campaign for all here's look badly here's the family values lose vote for me i wouldn't do a thing i wouldn't be you know grabbing girls under the table yeah i guess you are . more than you want to have and then anybody wants to really admit it but this is a thing of this isn't new this isn't something that's like magically happened in the last it's not a democrat issue it's not a republican issue it's not an independent a libertarian i don't care what party you belong to or don't belong to it's an issue and it's something that we have to take care of now two major years where there's a really bad really really disturbing in two thousand and seven and two thousand and twelve about four million was paid each of those years four million dollars in taxpayer money so in two thousand and twelve that stood out as four million dollars
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were divided amongst twelve cases which is a lot of money this isn't like oh we'll give you a couple weeks pay this is a large amount of money in two thousand and seven it was four million was divided between twenty five different settlements still a lot of money and now the numbers have gone up so you have more people doing this but the report doesn't break down the amount paid to each person in. the type of claim so it's kind of makes it impossible to determine which is why they do things like this so you don't know what it is or makes them possible to determine exactly how much money was spent pacifically search for sexual harassment or misconduct and what was just general disgusting misconduct of any variety what's interesting and yeah that's what's interesting is that the executive director of the office of compliance susan. points out of the report that the settlements could also relate to you know other issues that a large portion of the cases originate from. going offices in the legislative
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branch other branches other than the house of representatives and the kind of phrase that like the washington post and other o.b.o. of the like oh well that's like it's not just sexual harassment but still seventy million dollars of like a complaint cinematheque settlements for god knows what it's like we thought it was odd that they have a couple million dollars lying around and you know who's running the some asian economy handicapped discrimination i mean there's a million different things that workplaces settle for right right so connor is allegedly paid twenty seven thousand dollars in public funds to a female employee staff member that included part of it was this. request for special favor contacting. that transporting other women with whom he believed connors was having an affair caressing their hands sexually and rubbing their legs and back in public all totally inappropriate you're completely this is why women have a hard time in the workplace because when you have people like that who for years
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and years and years this behavior is like oh that's just how he has he's just hands you're he's just grab your he doesn't mean anything by it what it does is keep talented people men and women out of the workforce because they don't want to be in those situations it's hostile they don't and they are bringing i mean i think they're going to bring a major ethics you know investigations. who's a democrat from new york and zoe lofgren another democrat from california are those senior democrats on the house judiciary committee zoe lofgren actually the committee on the should take up this matter immediately with a goal of probably assessing the validity of the news account this report of behavior cannot be tolerated in the house of representatives or anywhere else. so we'll keep an eye on congress because a prayer we have to know they could we could leave alone to just play amongst themselves. or wonder just how racist prison sentences are in the united states well according to a new report the united states sentencing commission african-american men on
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average serve sentences that are twenty percent longer than their white counterparts this is even after the contrary they controlled the data for factors like age education and prior criminal history even more disturbing the disparities have gotten worse in recent years our t. america's actually banks has more on any given day one in every ten black men in his thirty's is behind bars that's according to the sentencing project a new report published by the united states sentencing commission finds on average black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive twenty percent or longer prison sentences according to the commission report over the years of black white sentencing disparities have been increasing from one thousand nine hundred eighty and between two thousand and and eleven. sixteen the percentage remained about the same around nineteen point one the commission said sentence lengths increased after the two thousand and five supreme court's decision and the united states versus a booker case bugger gave federal judges more discretion on sentencing alternately
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leaving it in their hands to impose harsher or more lenient sentencing however before the decision federal judges were required to abide by the commission's sentencing guidelines the commission cites this as a reason for why blacks are facing longer sentences the nights mark meyer executive director of the sentencing project says quote what we see is that the charging decisions of prosecutors are key whether done consciously or not prosecutors are more likely to charge african-americans with such charges than whites and this time the united states holds the title of housing the world's largest prison population according to prison studies dot org the u.s. incarceration rate is six hundred sixty six inmates per one hundred thousand people among whites the rate is four hundred fifty inmates and that's compared to the black incarceration rate said twenty three hundred inmates per one hundred thousand
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people which is five times higher than the incarceration rate for whites. the commission's report finds of sentencing disparities were eliminated at least at the federal level this would reduce the number of black men and prison by nine percent saving taxpayers at least two hundred and thirty million dollars a year for watching the hawks actually banks are to. good we just finally admit as us citizens living in this society the let's just admit that basically every when you see numbers like that it's staggering yet can we just admit that like ok maybe we abolish slavery maybe we abolish jim crow but did we really know everyone you're seeing this many incarcerated african-american men and women in jail at twenty three hundred out of one hundred thousand compared to what's four hundred something or what that yeah that's agree and it's this and it and it's disgusting it's totally disgusting as i budget money not all those twenty three
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hundred to one hundred thousand truly deserve to be in jail of course not i mean that's the problem is that we have not only terrible sentencing we have no rehabilitation and the truth is from a lot of levels i just don't think that our justice system is equipped to be putting people behind prison behind bars for anything you know because they get it wrong so much you're look talking to me earlier today about how the death penalty gets it wrong i mean you would think that we would get death penalty right no not at all someone to die we better get those cases right no no that's wrong well since october seventeenth hour as of october seventeenth twenty seven thousand one hundred sixteen people in this country have been exonerated from death penalty from death row. a number of executions have taken place that there's a very strong evidence of innocence on the part of a person and according to one study this was not about pam a levy of newsweek one out of every twenty five people sentenced to death is
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innocent. that's death there's no turning back once you x. . you get a person you can't go back on that you can't let them out and give them a check and say sorry and to me you've got this thing and what's worse is the same people are pushing for longer sentences and more harsher harsher and harsher sentences for drugs and now retired american communities these are the same people cry about how african-american men aren't there or their misery what's interesting to go before we go to break but i want to drop this one on you women of all races still actually received shorter sentences than white men yeah so hey when it comes to getting thrown in jail lisa bloom got a little bit of a leg up on the rest of us a little bit but the thing is it's based on very sexist ideals because the idea is that they think oh a women should be at home with baby is or whatever the had they been doing so they tend to give us lighter sentences because well more harassment lighter sentences that's the even out there i just doesn't refer to as we go to break hard watchers
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don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics that cover the facebook and twitter see our full shows that are dot com coming up sean stone steps down with the famed historian peter cosmic to discuss the fifty fourth anniversary of the assassination of john said those that you can confirm music is quite easily. to keep in mind no assets i mean there are places.
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in america. college degree requires a great deal. a decades long dead. study so hard it requires. going through humiliation to enter an elite society. and. sometimes quite literally. want of the true colors of universities in the u.s. . on november twenty second this week the united states mourns the death of thirty fifth president of the united states john fitzgerald kennedy assassinated during a motorcade in dallas texas fifty four years ago kennedy's death still haunts the
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country to this day not only for the tragic loss of a leader just beginning to fulfill his promise but also for the mysterious coverups bizarre characters and official secrecy that continues to surround his death to this day sean stone recently sat down with famed historian peter couche next to discuss the anniversary of the assassination as well as the documents and materials pertaining to kennedy's murder that the government is still keeping secret to this very day. it goes back to one thousand nine hundred two and all of his movie and the assassination records review board in the congressional legislation that said that all the files except for a handful that somehow threaten national security interest have got to be released in full by twenty five years so i think we are told we're twenty six twenty seventeen the government had twenty five years to prepare for this. the trumpet ministration in its unprecedented incompetence was not ready to release
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them they didn't have enough and vance notice twenty five years was not enough time for the intelligence agencies to make their case so trump was supposed to release the last of those thirty one hundred documents on october twenty sixth. and stead they did not release them they released fifty two or fifty three new documents others were heavily redacted some of them were now less redacted but the key files of key people involved in assassinations involve that other very very questionable operations that people wanted to see for a long time did not come out the assassination records review board that was set up in one thousand nine hundred two my friend and a nelson with a talk with me was going to the five people on that and they released. norma's eighty eight percent of the documents were released hundreds of thousands millions of pages of documents were released but there was twelve percent that were held
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back some were deemed to not be relevant and others were too sensitive but they were supposed to all be released by i might never be released them and this cia and the f.b.i. so two thirds of these files i was supposed to be released last week were cia and f.b.i. files those agencies have been putting a lot of pressure on the trump administration to not release those files so even though not to release these files all over this movie j.f.k. came out saturday night live on the news said that they would have got to important document about the kennedy assassination and it showed that every word on it was blacked out except lee harvey oswald and the comment was well this proves that lee harvey oswald acted alone you know if that's what these documents are. now there are still covering up that we should we should know this we're not going to ever
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get the definitive answer to the kennedy assassination there's not going to be a smoking gun document there's not going to be something saying that edward lansdale or lyndon johnson or howard hunt or anybody conspired to kill kennedy although some of them have made deathbed confessions that they did but so we're not going to get that kind of document but we are going to get more insight into some very very murky areas we're going to find out more about what was happening in mexico city when oswald was down there for a week six weeks before the assassination we're going to find out more about what was happening in new orleans when i. was working both with anti castro groups and pro castro groups we're going to find out more about howard hunt than harvey in some of these ideas and some of these other people who are of special interest to the people who are sas the nation buffs and researchers but we're not going to ever get i don't believe the definitive truth from these documents but we will learn
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a lot that we should know by now after fifty four years. well you mentioned the role of l.b.j. in the assassination what's interesting is one of the documents presents that the k.g.b. was very suspicious of johnson's role in the assassination. yeah johnson i mean we know that johnson is on record as saying he doesn't believe that lee harvey oswald acted alone he doesn't believe the shots came from behind a lot of things that johnson himself has questioned over the years as have robert kennedy and jackie kennedy and a lot of others. but i never thought that there was any possible johnson connection till after one of her and my screenings of untold history were meeting with officials from the newseum and they and they said that the next week there was going to be a scandal breaking out about johnson and it was going to happen the week after
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after the assassination and it was going to mean that johnson would be very likely off the ticket in nineteen sixty four when kennedy ran for reelection so that's that that seems to be very dubious and worth looking into and i did look into it and there were several major scandals brewing around lyndon johnson that were going to come out does that mean that johnson was behind the assassination no of course not i would never say that i don't have any evidence to suggest that but we know that johnson was involved with some pretty questionable characters and so he's one of many people who possibly had a motive to kill kennedy and that's what oliver is trying to show in his movie j.f.k. is that kennedy's assassination was a tragic turning point in american history that had kennedy lived as even back to america knowledge the world could have been very different after the human missile crisis he and khrushchev were working together to certainly limit and possibly end
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the nuclear arms race kennedy wanted to pull. u.s. troops out of vietnam as he told more than a dozen people all those public statements were somewhat do be contradictory kennedy wanted and the space race and cooperate with the soviets a space exploration his amazing speed commencement address that he gave in american university in june of sixty three calls for an end to the cold war we had kennedy lived the world would have been on a path toward peace much greater democracy and international cooperation. but kennedy sadly was cut down as the following year was khrushchev and their vision for world peace doesn't die but it's clearly going to be set back by the johnson presidency by some of the leaders in moscow over the next few years and so then we have the tragic not the tragedy but the crime of the american invasion of
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vietnam which fifty eight thousand two hundred americans died i'd like to make the point that all my students have been to the vietnam memorial walls here. the message of that is that it's got fifty eight thousand two hundred eighty americans who died listed on there in the tragedy of messages the tragedy of vietnam is that fifty eight thousand two hundred eighty plus americans died i asked them what would it mean if that monument also had the names of the three point eight million vietnamese who died one over a million cambodians laotians the brits the aussies everybody who died right now the vietnam memorial is four hundred ninety two feet long if it had the names of everybody who died in that war it would be board that eight miles long and that would have been a fitting moment oriole to the vietnam war and then that's what oliver and i've been trying to show. so and that's what kennedy was
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could of happened with kennedy and oliver pointed out and they say you have two sixty three there's a chase and it's a especially if you've got the anti castro although they had missed southern segregationists who hated people who had a motive linda and john never dies and hopefully won't die. in the last half century it's been said by many that earthquakes simply can't be predicted but in your scientific paper from a team a geophysicist posits these stunning hypothesis that the earth down right before increases in earthquakes around the world see about every twenty five to thirty years the earth's rotation slows down by a few milliseconds per day for about five years it is in the fourth year of the slowdown that seems to possibly trigger an increase in earthquakes now science suggests that the slowdown occurs when the planet's outer core of liquid metal which creates our magnetic field sticks to the seven hundred seventeen hundred mile
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six silicate rocky shell of the mantle which sparks a disruption in the force so to say ultimately causing more earthquakes of course these theories are based on data observation and we'll need a lot more evidence to prove it but and less than a year we could know one way or another if it is that since twenty eighteen c. is the third year of the current rotational slowdown so we'll just have to wait and see if we can take the pressure but are for the earth was flat. sheridan's. all right well that was our social groups remember if we want in this world we are not told real love enough so i tell you all i love you i am i robot i'm down the wall of people watching those auction every great day and night everybody.
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has. to breathe. just observed in months from now to the independent of the the. i went up at a meeting there. with mr sort of my lemon who speculate him to me or here now we share we have a hunk of the room. now at the five the last scene but because hello you have known him for that never. see let him make the point you have made or the only measure have gone folding clothes are gearing up to grab me as he so see you so when i looked at.
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the political crisis inflicted upon lebanon by saudi arabia appears to receded at least for now is this a sign of things to come as the saudi royal family changes so to saudi arabia and the region is it time to buckle up for a stream. team years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better a lot better and i think it's fair and hurting when i buy my baby says my book was published in the year two thousand more than hoffa a million americans have been killed by falling into the u.s. i thought to me as i did this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was
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