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tv   News  RT  November 22, 2017 4:00pm-4:26pm EST

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with islamic states on the back foot in syria the leaders of iran turkey and russia agree to host an all inclusive syrian talks to take stock of the country's post-war political process. lebanon's prime minister announces he's putting his surprise resignation on hold off to the president asked him to reconsider the pm spawn to reach a political crisis two weeks ago when he said he was stepping down. and the international olympic committee makes another ruling in the russian doping scandal banning full russian skeleton athletes for life.
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you're watching international live from moscow studio with me in a day or two to welcome to the program with the tide now turned against islamic state in syria there's renewed hope that a political solution can finally bring peace speaking at a summit on syria attended by the leaders of iran turkey and russia vladimir putin said that syria now has a real chance to end its six year civil war at the summit in sochi it was also agreed to hold inclusive all syrian talks has been following the trilateral talks. with syria becoming almost completely terrorist free or eyesore free i should say we were all curious what is going to be decided and what was going to be said when the key regional players the leaders of turkey and iran type word on the house or
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on e arrive and saw archie we saw happy faces as they were meeting the russian president vladimir putin all three leaders looked quite determined and when the camera men were asked to press their off buttons and leave the room we heard the leaders confirm their assessment the syrian conflict has entered a new stage the era of active fighting is over and time has come for a new settlement opportunities much so we. do not scale military actions against terrorist groups in syria are coming to an end i'd like to note that thanks to the efforts of russia iran and turkey we have managed to prevent the dissolution of syria stop it from being captured by international terrorists and avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. if you want our joint efforts over the last eleven
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months have helped to prepare the ground for a political settlement to the syrian crisis and their meeting today symbolizes the start of a new stage in this process. the trilateral meeting today has uk most important is the final stage in putting an end to the bloodshed in syria we have achieved success thanks to the union of rand turkey and russia so after roughly one and a half hours of talks all along with the foreign ministers and the heads of militaries when the three presidents came out to say a few words to the journalist we finally heard about the number one decision for the new stage the creation of the syrian national dialogue congress it will be an unprecedented platform for. inclusive all syria talks and all kinds of political ethnic religious groups are expected to be involved it is going to convene here and saw it she but the date and the specific list of
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participants hasn't been decided just yet the leaders say that it should pave the way for a new constitution in syria and new elections and it all looks good on paper i can tell you that ankara tehran and moscow all are really genuinely looking forward for the plan to work on the ground on monday we heard the president of syria bashar assad telling vladimir putin that he is ready for new rounds of dialogue reforms and the new elections that i mentioned mr putin tried to convey this message to the leaders of iran and turkey and when it comes to the syrian opposition they are always in close contact with anchor up so the hope is definitely there we discussed the importance of these talks the science mohammad marandi from the university of tehran he believes a syrian national klyce process is being moved who is allowed to participate in what is what is very positive is that these countries seem. to be determined
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obviously all three of them have their own opinions but i think the very fact that they're getting to get they're getting together and they're making the statements public show that there is a strong degree of determination. the lebanese prime minister has announced he's putting his surprise resignation on hold after the country's president asked him to reconsider. i'm still. together and we shall carry on to you. we are a nation of moderation a nation of stability the political crisis began when the lebanese prime minister announced his resignation in saudi arabia's capital riyadh the decision was televised and was met in beirut with disbelief with many suspecting it being pressurised by the scientists then france's president micron invited terri and his
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family to paris where the french leader assured him of his political support off to paris hariri flew back to lebanon for independence day though not without paying lightning visits to the president of egypt and then the leader of cyprus on his way and now he's back in beirut having made his surprise announcement artie's maria brings us the latest from the lebanese capital. it was a surprise but a relief things time prime minister hariri has been speaking from beirut for the first time on the lebanese soil in the last twenty days that has been a very turbulent time for lebanon more than two weeks ago mr hariri left the country and he announced his resignation in his televised speech while speaking from the capital of saudi arabia and i was kind of crisis here to elaborate on and today is speaking after the official part of the independence day celebrations you can see now there is to continue here in beirut mr henry has said that he agrees to
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put his decision on hauled off to be disgusted with the lebanese president and he stressed that the major goal right now is to get and keep lebanon away from any arab conflict he didn't give any further specific detail but i have here earlier mentioned the attempt by some iranian backed military and political forces to meddle into affairs here in lebanon and throughout the arab range and as the major reason behind his decision to resign his today's speech was understood by many as the l.t. made him that this iranian influence should be diminished i have been able to speak to people here on the ground and they have told me that given how influential iran bag forces are this could be a difficult thing to do but it is also clear and mr hariri made it clear that if it's not happening he might come back to this cause his visit nation decision again so i guess this is the challenge that lebanon is now facing
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a professor of history and international relations jamal wakim believes societies are using hariri as a tool to put more pressure on iran. i believe that his figure got damaged a lot here received as severe blow specially the. public think prime minister probably was humiliated in saudi arabia we need to admit that. his father ideally. a long time representatives or sold the influence in lebanon under it is a widespread believe in lebanon and how did he was forced to designate by the man at the time where the crown prince of saudi arabia. is trying to increase the tension in iran especially in lebanon they lost their influence in.
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syria. the international olympic committee has handed lifetime bans to four russians skeleton athletes to the athletes have also been stripped of their winter olympic medals the i.o.c. says it disqualified the athletes for violating antidoping rules at the twenty fourteen games and this castle professor of sociology at aston university says there's an atmosphere of fear among russian athletes still hoping to compete i mean it must be dreadful i can't even get myself into the mind of an athlete to imagine that if if i'd prepared for four years maybe longer and was still waiting for the outcome of the deliberations to know whether i'd be allowed to compete for what is after all lifetimes go i mean it's unimaginably difficult for them you know in a properly run world probably so this should not happen let's think of an analogy it's as if moscow city center for the past several saturday nights that been a high number of driving under the influence of alcohol or arrests you would expect
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that the offenders would be tried individually their cases evaluated and they would be. accordingly we wouldn't expect everyone who holds a driving license in moscow to be banned but that is affectively what is being contemplated at the moment on new cases should not really material impact the material impact the decision on whether to disqualify russia as a nation but i think in the real world though probably will. the former bosnian serb army commander ratko mullard it has been handed a life sentence for his role in atrocities committed during the bosnian more melodic she's found guilty on ten out of eleven counts including war crimes genocide and crimes against humanity he was sentenced by a u.n. court in the hague mullard it was in command of the bosnian serb army at the height of the bosnian conflict between one thousand nine hundred two and one thousand nine
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hundred six taking part in the siege of the bosnian capital sarajevo he was also found responsible for ordering a series of persecutions and exterminations across many other bosnian towns including beliefs where thousands of muslims mostly men and young boys were slaughtered by his troops saying is that anybody to special project tailored exactly to the government's needs jacking explains. the line between political business and commercial business is getting thinner by the day especially when it comes to internet and tech giants let's start with amazon which has just announced a new deal to provide a tailored cloud service to the u.s. intelligence community this secret region yes that's really its name comes on top of amazon's existing six hundred million dollar contract with the cia and other agencies and the cia chief information officer couldn't be more excited about the partnership that we named commercial club services or so to us for a reason because we want to be like commercial would want to be like government we
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want to the best of breed that's what we partner with amazon and they aren't alone just last month microsoft announced a similar partnership over a dedicated cloud for the u.s. government and their partners microsoft is partnering with the u.s. government in the journey to the cloud providing both infrastructure and platform offerings to digital transformation meanwhile a treasure trove of connections were uncovered between u.s. politics and internet heavyweights after last year's presidential election in which some of them seem to have sided with hillary clinton now take google clinton's campaign chair john podesta had his emails hacked and published at the end of two thousand and sixteen they contain several references to eric schmidt the executive chairman of alphabet google's parent company and schmidt seemed eager to help with that which meet tonight he's ready to fund advisor recruit talent it's clearly wants to be had out side advisor but didn't seem like he wanted to push others out one of clinton's digital advisors noted that schmidt had
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a team working on important products for the campaign and a memo which also mentioned that discreet conversations had been initiated with google facebook and apple to understand their priorities when it came to the election and their priorities were quickly made obvious especially when it comes to facebook there was a sense of deja vu when facebook's chief operating officer was also revealed to be in communication with protest expressing her hope and willingness to assist clinton in the race for the presidency i still want hillary clinton to win badly i'm still here to help us i can. look forward to working with you to elect the first woman president of the united states with such an intricate web of partnerships between internet giants politicians and the government perhaps it's time to worry about our online freedoms getting tangled up in them it should be mentioned that hillary clinton's former campaign chair suggested some of the leaks there's something to worry about. notionally government and the way that
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independent. i think the reality is that there are overlapping interests and. in terms of the global reach and i think that you have these corporations and a continued behest of the u.s. government i don't know increasing drive people to leave them and go to our platforms which are under the same kind of influence. there are still six months until hungary goes to the polls in parliamentary elections but things are already getting heated the governments claiming the billionaire george soros is trying to interfere in the country's internal policies but soros who was born in the country is fighting back so we can has the story billionaire george soros versus hungary and prime minister viktor orban well the two seem to be at war. marched to large bodied predators are swimming here in the waters children's juices the trans world are employers george soros language in terms of money and
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international hellier till it. with hunger is health care and education systems in distress and corruption in the current government has sought to create an outside enemy to distract citizens the government selected george soros for this purpose. well orban once received a soros grant to study at oxford so what made him turn against the billionaire and why can't the open society foundation's founder and the hungry and leader stand each other. first soros funded n.g.o.s in two thousand and sixteen alone his organization spent three point six million dollars on forty six different groups in hungary and here are the findings of a few of those groups stated quite clearly in their reports now the refugee crisis is another reason why orban dislike soros the billionaire has called on europe to accept a million refugees annually something the prime minister believes will only make
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things worse organs party has even accuse soros of masterminding the e.u.'s entire refugee policy disease before a recent immigration decision in the european parliament shuras was meeting with the rapids on the subject as well as five different e.u. commission is i'm not a conspiracy theorist but this hold some clues now soros denies the allegation calling it a deliberate lie and the third reason soros has been very outspoken in his criticism of the hungry and government. all of that courageously john kerry and people have resisted dissent. and craft. of the mafia state that all but as established. because of all that orbit has a personal battle against soros launching a nationwide television and billboard campaign against him back in july and his
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opponent was quick to respond accusing the hungary and prime minister of anti-semitism. the campaign is room in this interview ups darkest hour as the n.g.o.s there are some good ones but there are very many of them that act as a fifth column to undermine the stability and integrity of the countries they act as sort of. an internal intelligence agency that it is always there when the time comes to overthrow a government you can count on it that there will be an immense amount of money that will be spent against prime minister or bond and against his party
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well the feud between orban and soros seems to be turning increasingly ugly as hungry as april general election edges even close in a mosque one french woman more than she bargained for it was only when she got to come home that she made an interesting discovery. sixteen beautiful pictures. black and white pictures which were all about a boy. apparently an important moment of his life so i've got found him to find him to to give is photos back to him. yeah i was at the airport when my friend sent me a photo of a little boy who looked very much like me with a caption saying looking for
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a russian boy there were so many questions where do these photos come from and why is someone looking for me who is this elizabeth and how did she get those photos. found me really. i got her what's up with sage from dimitri saying i was a russian boy you are looking for. in the end i decided to call her by skype and we talked for two hours about everything she turned out to be a very nice woman. but it turned out that my uncle had given it to his friend to sell at the market but he had forgotten to remove the film. elizabeth is planning to come here in february to visit all those places in the photos she has written an amazing film script for the story that's going to be turned into a documentary i will do my best to help or the idea would be to use
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a camera illiterate camera which is a key object in order story and use it as a character and really follow in her past of the camera and go back to the places where her picture was taken. i'm not looking for fame i just want to share this amazing story with other people so that others might realize that our life is not just about politics and death but includes room for small everyday pleasures. roundup of all our top stories for now on the back at the top of the hour with more so you stay with us.
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the political crisis inflicted upon lebanon by saudi arabia appears to receded at least for now is this a sign of things to come as a saudi royal family changes so to saudi arabia and the region is it time to buckle up and brace for impact. what politicians do. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or something i want to. have to go right to the press that's what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always
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in the was about our. last question. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decade's long debt. studying so hard and requires strongest. going through humiliation to enter an elite society. and paci to death sometimes quite literally. wants other true colors of universities in the us.
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which i asks. we're not in the literally. the only moral sovereign on decay you're labeled listing but. simpatica. you made a day. now at a. loss in part because you're like i'm only important other i got important lucille sinhala spectacular. i think are. the last bits when i say. this either standing in the policy but.
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i. me no restaurant. story ideas. he. gave up because of me as. i. should. say saying. that. when all the women did was among goodwill. my heart was young lean billion. years later it was the most cookie in. volume blow. that was observed a mile from. the brandenburg. let me go here because i was
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a little like you. know the political simply being too much. i let me know when i've no idea. and i would check on and monday they'd sit there and then. it went to your story and then you massena. me was over this is it within me a little bit almost killed visit gillis bill ayers i would be. the orkin or does does all this because. they are all based. on who can withstand the rays modernise the said about his ghostly you'll. see when.
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any pulling he will decide we can use each other there is a limit then you simply to. be prepared to say yes enough for the case you know when you know that you never are.


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