tv News RT November 23, 2017 6:00am-6:29am EST
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with islamic state driven knowledge of syria the leaders of iran turkey and russia move to help the remaining sides and bring an end to this six year civil war. or a sharp reversal in lebanon's political crisis seize the country's prime minister is resignation weeks after he first. google admits tracking droid smartphones even when users have switched off their location setting. for a new children's book in sweden featuring a horse who claims to be a dog barking fierce debates about teaching transgenderism. about trying to.
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young people who don't feel. you have to separate your imagination and play from objective scientific facts and the fact is that your agenda. to me. live from moscow to the world this is r t international my names you know neal welcome to the program the prospect of peace could be edging closer for syria the syrian army in cooperation with the russian military continues to liberate villages pushing islamic state further towards the iraqi border meanwhile the leaders of russia turkey have been taking the initiative to bring the remaining parties in the conflict to the negotiating table with largely out of the picture and he has
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been following the talks in russia's black sea resort of sochi. with syria becoming almost completely terrorist free or eyesore free i should say we were all curious what is going to be decided and what was going to be said when the key regional players the leaders of turkey and iran type word on the house or on any arrive and saw all three leaders looked quite determined and when the camera men were asked to press their off buttons and leave the room we heard the leaders confirm their assessment the syrian conflict has entered a new stage the era of active fighting is over and time has come for a new settlement opportunities why should we. not scale military actions against terrorist groups in syria are coming to an end i'd like to note that thanks to the
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efforts of russia iran and turkey we have managed to prevent the dissolution of syria stop it from being captured by international terrorists and avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. if you want our joint efforts over the last eleven months of how to prepare the ground for a political settlement of the syrian crisis has been our meeting today symbolizes the start of a new stage in this process. the trilateral meeting today has not most importance is the final stage in putting an end to the bloodshed in syria we have achieved success thanks to the union of the grand turkey and russia so after roughly one and a half hours of talks all along with the foreign ministers and the heads of militaries when the three presidents came out to say a few words to the journalist we finally heard about the number one decision for the new stage the creation of the syrian national dialogue congress it will be an
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unprecedented platform for inclusive of all syria talks and all kinds of political. ethnic religious groups are expected to be involved it is going to convene here and saw it she but the date and the specific list of participants hasn't been decided just yet the leaders say that it should pave the way for a new constitution in syria and new elections and it all looks good on paper i can tell you that ankara tehran and moscow are really genuinely looking forward for the plan to work on the ground on monday we heard the president of syria bashar assad telling vladimir putin that he is ready for new rounds of dialogue reforms and the new elections that i mentioned mr putin tried to convey this message to the leaders of iran and turkey and when it comes to the syrian opposition they are always in
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close contact with anchor up so the hope is definitely there on the list politics professor syud mohammad marandi totalist the idea of a syrian national congress would be a positive move but i think questions over hollow it would function still need to be altered. the very fact that for the first time. this process is being moved forward largely without the united states and its allies i think is one reason why it has achieved so much on the talks as well as the current talks in sochi have. pushed the process a great deal for the force things have shifted and change of normalcy on the ground and hopefully these talks will help pave the way for. the conflict to come to an end but i think that it looks good on paper but it i'm sure it's going to be very complicated in the weeks and months ahead one of the difficulties is what about
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those groups that align themselves and continue to be allies of our qaeda world the united states out of syria the americans have occupied significant portions of syria without the permission of the syrian government this is a violation of sovereignty there's a lot to do and it's not clear that the americans and their allies are going to help this process move forward or whether they are going to improve impeded. the political crisis in lebanon has taken an unexpected twist after the country's prime minister put his surprise decision to quit on hold. we. announce my resignation from the post of prime minister i discussed my resignation with the president of the republic he wants me to wait before submitting it to put it on hold and to allow for more consultations and for the reasons behind it i
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complied. well after harry announced his resignation from saudi arabia he took a small detroit before returning home to lebanon visiting leaders in front egypt and cyprus here's a quick look back at the on certain period for lebanon and its p m. saudia prime minister xanana really was forced the resignation was not his desire nor decision a limb. and
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a hard look at him i am here in the kingdom as of him as a free man. on the lebanese prime minister's return a number of the supporters right on show in the capital beirut while some of them believe her very was camped forcefully by the side and they still can't predict what's next. i hope that all the other countries in the region will leave lebanon
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alone so the lebanese people can decide their future for themselves it's unprecedented that saudi arabia held the lebanese prime minister by force and pushed him to resign while he was outside his country and that is a lot that we have to tell ourselves we want our country to stay out of regional conflicts when it comes to the. saudis meddling should continue and it's not only reality interference into lebanese affairs many other countries are doing it too i'm sure he really wants to help this country i think that the way saudi arabia treated him is very wrong sociology professor. explain to us how lebanon has become a battlefield for a political standoff in the region there are two alliances emerging in saudi arabia some gulf states without. pushing a game is iran and again this has been law on the other hand you have syria.
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person then the prime minister and hezbollah again is this alliance and so you have this polarization the saudis feel that one way. or the mind the power of. hezbollah is to create a political crisis in this way you will be able to create havoc a storm inside the political system to clash with hezbollah or at least neutralize it for not intervening in syria again or doing anything and in this way you will be cutting the hand of iran. google has confirmed that it's been collecting location data from phones even when users have disable location services and remove the sim card the practice was discovered by the news website quartz google insists it neither stored nor use the information but has agreed to stop killam up and
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explains how the tracking works. now your cell phone will often ask you annoying questions like would you like to share your geo location data well if you answer the question no you would assume that your geo data is safe and well it turns out you're wrong cell phones operating on android are sharing information with google even if you take the sim card out the android phone will start gathering the addresses in any new year by cell phone towers i'm standing not far from one right now. generally what you need is a few pieces of information you need the unique identity of the phone itself which every phone has and in this case they're using cell tower locations and so if you have a single cell tower then that will only tell you something about a radius around which the phone is somewhere but if you have what's
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a three cell towers that all have different distance locations then you can try and get a late pretty coldly to where the actual phone is so you're only referring to the phones identity and the fact that it is on the a telephone network so what it's doing is it's pinging cell towers nearby and by the way all phones do that google admits that they've been keeping to an easy way to suddenly come up with new rules that will take care of these things most of the time. the the political bodies aren't as technologically savvy the silicon valley is so they don't even really understand what this stuff is doing some google says that android phones will stop tracking the locations of users without their consent by the end of november that sounds like good news unlike the fact they have been doing it without consent for many months ala mopp and r t.
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washington d.c. . a children's picture book published in sweden that promotes transgenderism has been widely criticized and even branded as dangerous propaganda the story features a man who dresses as a woman and his horse who wants to be a dog the author say's it's meant to show children they can be whoever they want to be here some of the reaction that we've heard. when you're an adult when you're over eighteen you're in told to do what you want in the privacy of your own home and i don't think anyone would disagree with that but propagandizing this kind of thing to children who can damage them in their natural development as boys and girls in nature is binary nature creates male and female there are boys and girls and we hear you know as well as the book moves to try and ban the words boys and girls men and women mothers and fathers in primary education and this is a time when children really need to be in their identity is who they are and this
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is just something that's far too much too young it's going to confuse people it is part of the natural spectrum of life for all animal species human and non-human this book is not about promoting or encouraging transgenderism it's about trying to affirm young people who don't feel they fit neatly into the male female roles and trying to tackle bullying and prejudice you know children are imaginative they play they pretend to be all kinds of things they pretend to be footballers they pretend to be aliens spaceman unicorns they may be pretend to be men and women as well but you have to separate your imagination and play from objective scientific facts and the fact is that your gender or your biological sex is defined by your anatomy and by your chromosomes and that's the science that we need to be making sure that children know and the science that we need to be teaching children
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and affirm the been growing up in no one's going to change their mind just because they read a book it's something that comes from within and no amount of propaganda or proselytizing can make someone transgender i think our starting point has to be the welfare of the child and my concern is that we know in countries all across the world. pupils who don't fit the gender stereotypes who are trying. gender variant they suffer teasing namecalling threats and bullying and that is truly shameful that is not good for the child welfare so what we have to do is to create an atmosphere in understanding where it's ok to be different in britain it's in the last two years it's grown sixfold the number of children who have this gender confusion and it's because they're being exposed to these materials if they weren't they would just happily go on their own way being boys and girls yes there are differences in people who are boys and differences in girls and their temperaments
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do. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president entry. into going to be this is what before three of the more people are. interested always in the waters of our. friendship. you're back with our to international hundreds of students i've been protesting in central park against educational reforms being proposed by president police were forced to step in the polling tear gas to disperse the crowds.
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the university and secondary school students shouted slogans and threw eggs at officers protesters plan the march in opposition against higher education reforms that will change university admission rules no injuries were reported. well in neighboring germany the collapse of coalition talks in the country has plunged into its worst political quagmire in years now the leader of the free democratic party whose walk to rail the negotiations has ruled resuming talks once again christian littler blames partner parties of betraying their principles to secure power. the threat is don't take it personally when conservatives enter into false compromises with socialist and don't stay true to their core beliefs now the greens are no socialist and the christian democrats are no longer a conservative party but you've got to watch out regardless. but there is more
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optimism from the party secretary general who says there is a chance of further talks but only if christian democrats and the greens change their stance now those three parties would have formed what's the scribed as a jamaica coalition based on their local scullers and it was seen as uncle america's only viable chance to form a majority government neither germany's in limbo awaiting either a minority government or another election yourself a former german ambassador to russia describes the impasse. this is a situation which we didn't have so far any time in post-war german history we always had a stable government and now we have to look at is the parties of the which have been newly elected to the wouldn't stock federal parliament in september they
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have somehow to sit down and hammer out a new government and that can only be a coalition government because there is no party which has an absolute majority. with the greens alone she couldn't do it and this is why it was a triangular negotiation period with the liberals in addition to that but as a matter of fact this has found it so now when has to look out for a new possibility and there are very serious discussions now going on in the social democratic party and they will announce ritually immediately after the election result came out that they were not willing to continue in government but they wanted to go into opposition now there are strong voices within the social democratic party that they should reconsider and that is the option of the grand coalition is not off the table.
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presently the game is open to for renewable of negotiations between the christian democrats and the social democrats as i am convinced that in the end new talks between the social democrats and america's party will at least be started what will come out of it one cannot say yet. from hollywood to westminster and the flood of sexual assault allegations is seeing more and more victims feel they can finally speak out about widespread abuse but there are still big hurdles to in the battle to be believed a senior attorney explained. defending women's rights is surely a noble cause and those who defend them are upheld as moral eakins yet recently some of these defenders have fallen from grace lena dunham a feminist icon is now being vilified as a hypocrite she's repeatedly argued that we should unconditionally believe women alleging harassment but when accusations were leveled against her co-author and
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friend she changed her tune while a first instinct is to listen to every woman's story in this accusation is one of the three percent of assault cases that are misreported every year following a public backlash down of apologized but the damage had already been done someone else with a now damaged reputation is a los angeles attorney lisa bloom who made a name for herself advocating for women's rights but that didn't stop her from representing harvey weinstein when the storm of sexual harassment allegations broke i thought i had a chance to make a difference here on the other side he wanted to be respectful to women and he still wants to be respectful for two women bloom left weinstein in october amid widespread outrage saying it had been a colossal mistake and then there's new york times reporter glenn thrush a self-proclaimed advocate for female journalists when harassment claims were leveled against prominent political journalist mark thrush was vocal in his
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condemnation young people who come into a news room deserve to be taught our trade given our support and enlisted in our calling not betrayed by little men who believe they are bigger than the mission and now it turns out thresh himself stands accused of sexual misconduct so it seems that the higher your professed standards in public life are the further you risk falling in private all these celebrities are going to say what makes them popular and what makes them more progressive but in private and in their own life when their brothers get involved they're going to be like every other person on the ground here who realizes he wants matters in her case she said things women lie about their watch things women don't lie about where i'm not uncertainly. if someone close to you they are accused of rape suddenly all that brahmanism crap goes out the window every single perfect cabinet is to use the. perfect progressive person you see no one there is no perfect and you're all of these people are hypocrites. telecom giants in the us are set for
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a major victory if washington goes ahead with its plan to repeal so-called net neutrality rules and that's likely to have a direct impact on internet speeds in the united states you're so it works currently internet providers have to give equal access to all on line content told so it all really loads up the same speed now if net neutrality scrapped the us federal communications commission will allow the telecom firms to prioritize connections to some companies more than others now the f.c.c. chairman argues that the rules in place now are preventing trillions of dollars being invested into web services by the private sector but the dollar inside for consumers is that it's going to mean some web sites and streaming services will work much faster than others essentially creating a digital slow lane for firms who can't afford to pay to get their speeds boosted we discuss the potential impact with political activist george barda. under the
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current rules in the u.s. . internet access is framed as a public utility and i think most people given the huge significance of information traveling on the internet to you know most live to more than lives it is very very important that the available to everybody freely you know just as much as all to access to energy to heat homes etc this is very much a crucial part of modern life what this means in practice of course is if this moves ahead there isn't favored that can't pay the huge fees to get faster access to the internet and then anyone who goes to a site and wants to watch a two minute video could end up sitting there for fifteen minutes and it's buffering and so they give up a century and they move to another site that has paid the huge fields so this does have enormous implications i think for the integrity of the political conversation going forward. more programs right behavior they pose.
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welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin my body gets and support is that it cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity no one does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that it bursts the plasma or burning or put the money on your car immediately after you get done half of all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plasma as most are provided you know a motor car computer no one of the risks of pay donation in it then is proof that the frequency of pathologies is much higher in paid donations and it. if i was lying when i. was over two years old he will go get the money from the
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that. when no in the literally even a meter with the name will solve it in on the case you'll be able to see but you can kill. him but the counselors represent one up but it's all now we'll need a perfect. lot of guillotine but because your lies are not important other eileen portal seeds analysts pick the cool of. the last but one has entered in. our received a standing in the per se but the council.
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