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tv   Documentary  RT  November 24, 2017 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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and i'll continue to voice my continue to speak. i'm in good company. years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better life better and i think they are and hurting whatever my my babies says my book was published in the year two thousand more than hoff a million americans have been killed by far olds in the us we had a thought to me as i did this this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit. on the saudis to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who had met and photographed those years
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ago i don't know this but we are not. welcome to sophie and sophie shevardnadze germany is an unprecedented political limbo with coalition talks collapsing the country maybe had it into a snap election with uncertain results what happens next well i ask bad tricks phone still remember old bundestag and deputy leader of the alternative for germany party. political crisis some folding in germany after the breakdown of coalition talks the country staring at the prospect of
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a snap election and months of political uncertainty how can germany carry on this look a motive of european politics with instability at home. gratian reform in jeopardy with question marks over on to america's future and when will the deadlock be broken bird. patrick's welcome to the show it's great to have you on our program now it's been eight weeks since the election and chancellor merkel still can't form a government this is the first time this has happened in seventy years is this crisis is the result of politicians putting their personal ambitions about national interests or is the chancellor to blame for failing to broker a compromise while it it's all up to merkel this is true it's a government formed together with her and the greens and the liberals this is what was her idea is only go for merkel it's to save her job but it's bad for all of the
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other parties so this is why it failed in the very end. i think it's a very good decision for germany not to have such a coalition it would have been a very bad one so we are happy that they did not succeed and we will see what comes next now one of the ways out now is calling a new election but a rain you know that arranging the snap election is hardly snappy there is going to be a vote in the one to start and then another vote and the vote except for us is may drag on until spring how's the country going to go without a government for so long. we still have a government we learnt from our history and it's not good to have a situation with it where there's no government so this is not possible we're having a government the whole time through this process which is the government which is still in place so this is not the problem the question is what what will be the outcome of this whole process will there be a government
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a new government being formed up on the last election all we have new elections have never saw what will happen if the snap election produces to same result we have now could there be a never ending political deadlock. this is what we're saying and this is i think the answer also to the other parties that they are not going for a new election i don't think that the outcome will be completely the same i think it will threaten us so all of our votes or our our current support is going up at the moment in the polls and christian democrats and social democrats are going down at the moment so the outcome of a new election might even worsen the situation so i think they will overthink it and come together and form a coalition within the framework which is given. so why are they losing votes and
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why are you gaining votes. because people see they're not taking responsibility and they're just making up something which is not there it's there is no argument there is no political argument why the christian democrats and the social democrats cannot go together there is not a political gap between them if you ask them what are the differences in your policy making what are the different issues you are tackling why can't you go together what are the differences they can name them there aren't any this has only to do with with the power of merkel and the ego the the wishful thinking of the chanceless candidate of the social democratic party marching shills who said no we won't go together with them he wants to save his party he doesn't want to go into any more come from why this with a christian democratic party because he's afraid of losing even more support for his s.p.d. so these are all arguments which are not which are not supported by the people that
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people say there is no difference between you both so go together and form a government this is your duty now of all possible scenarios a new election is why angola merkel prefers why do you think that is i mean she lost many of those in the september election now that she failed to form a ruling coalition she may not get a needed majority what is she looking that. well the whole country is wondering what is moving merkel to do have politics there is no reasonable argument for everything she's done in the pasta specially in the last few years to us maybe when it comes to migrant crisis we're wondering what is she doing she's not doing this to serve the country this is very clear no one really doubts it so it's very difficult to understand what she has going for what is her a and the only thing what moves there obviously is to save her own power and maybe to the country
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into something completely new she's the first i would say the first green chancellor we've ever had she's putting all the left together and so it would be it should be very easy for her for her personally and in the meantime also for a party to go together with a social democrats and the greens and then they would have to majority now you want for the country a your party alternative for germany which pulled a surprising percentage in the september elections how big of an improvement exactly kinny count on if another vote is called well we're seeing the polls at the very moment they're going up we we we're in now up to thirteen percent we have the third biggest party already in the parliament and our numbers are increasing so we don't we're not afraid of a new election but we don't think it's good for the country and again it will not it will not change the situation what we're in at the moment it will make it even
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more difficult for the us to come up with a new idea well all the uncertainties surrounding the coalition talks break down are you afraid the german people will want a more stable scenario in their full vote for established parties this time well people i think want to have a political change. we we cain't lot of support we one almost six million votes from all over on the other parties and from the nonvoters. so this is and even though the public pressure up on us was very strong so. people are what willing to have or they want to have a different political direction now even those who are voting in favor of the christian democratic union they're not so many who are really supporting the idea
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of where america is pushing our country to but my question is did the germans want to stable government or do they want to change. which one is it of course every country once a stable government a needs a stable government what has to be the answers out of this situation is that the christian democratic party and especially mrs merkel start to understand that they have to move their political direction if they would move to what our policy towards our. point of view in terms of euro of migrant crisis off the european union of the ever closer union and all this these very important issues if they will move towards our direction we would have a stable situation in germany because there is a majority a clear majority together with the christian democratic union the liberals and fifty us so if because because that's just the question of numbers so the
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f.d.a. is the third largest party in the bundestag but it's still viewed as political outcasts by this stablish main parties how do you plan to influence the current situation well we're we are what we what our responsibility is is to change the political direction what germany is going to and this is our success we have reached this already to some extent because there is not. a coalition the so-called coalition from christian democratic union liberals and greens and this has not come together because of fifty so this is this is already a huge success for the country and that this is a success. we are responsible for this success so we can claim this as our success that this has not come together and this means that we that we change the direction
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a little bit at least with the country knowledge not going to what it was it was heading towards of. the very left or right. and now we're moving it a little bit more to the middle when it comes again to a grand coalition between s.p.d. and see do you so this is this is why resay this is sick this is in some some point already a success but it would be a even bigger success if the maca would step down take responsibility for what she has achieved and then have at least the grand coalition come into power again it's also not a good solution for our country of course it would be better to better to have christian democratic union liberals and a.f.d. to form a government but this is not possible at the very moment not at least possible because the say to you is such a left a left wing party or a green party which is even worse we're going to take a short break right now and when we're back we'll continue discussing germany's political deadlock with bad tricks still
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a member of the german parliament and deputy leader of the alternative for germany party stay with us.
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i would not be surprised if ideal is made selling fannie mae and freddie mac. people's bank of china so that it's actually china becomes america's biggest landlord and keeping prices down and jobs and global harmony and this is i think what we're can expect in the next few years because the u.s. is the world's biggest debtor china is the world's biggest creditor so you put those two together you have the biggest creditor taking on some of the u.s. debt like government guaranteed fannie mae freddie macas all the people who borrowing money on those games and they've got chinese landlords that so. simply. still have ten months from now to the independent we need to put that statement to. that because. i was up at
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a sort of meeting day. i was there sort of my limit was speculation to me or you know with jamie as well him going. now it's up by the because he'll i got money but that never. seemed like you could make it for you i mean for the. up to grab me if.
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i were back with bad tricks phone store a member of the german parliament and deputy leader of still trying to do for germany party discussing germany's failed coalition talks and what consequences does may have for germany and europe as a whole now germany is symbolic president frank walter stand by or suddenly holds real sway right since he has the power to appoint and she has or he wants campers to have his former party the social democrats to enter in a grand coalition with merkel to prevent calling another vote. so it just true that the president now is in a very strong position because. the stock cannot be finished and we will not have new election without his the president's decision so he's the one to take that decision he cannot appoint any cut any chance like he wants to this has to come from the polman but still he could he could keep the current government in power for a long while so he's in
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a very strong position and he is now pushing the basically the big parties the biggest parties is a christian democratic union and the social democrats together into talks because he is he's not willing to easily have a new election year election a very expensive if it will not change the political majorities so he knows that this will not be the solution of the problem so says he's going for something which is more reasonable and this us get those together who have no political differences and to to to found. a government so can he do it can he push them to form a new government. yes by the law he can because if he does not call for a new election there won't be a new election and we have a government in power so germany is not without government not at the moment and it will never be this is our constitution so he can he can just leave the current
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government in her place so he is in the very strong position and i think this sort of put the pressure up on the others to come together and really the solution would not be very difficult if merkel would take responsibility for everything she has done in the past on the outcome was the worst result for the christian democratic union in a federal election ever after the war she would step down and if she would step down it would be very easy for the democratic party to go together with the c.d.u. and form again and new grand coalition i think the very center of the whole problem has only one name and this is. so do using this whole thing the election coalition talks crisis basically their results of the chancellor's decision to open germany's doors for refugees. well that different
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this is also one reason it's not the only one because the difficulty to form a government again is only because a ifti is there our party is there the third biggest new third biggest party is in is in the parliament now and this is what causes the difficulties and we are not only there because of the migrant lysis crisis and the issue of islam and we are we were founded on the grounds of the euro rescue policy we were founded on the grounds of of having the ever closer european union and we will see all those problems to come if it comes to the ideas of the macaw how to really form the european union into basically a federal state and so there are different reasons why we're there and we are the reason for them to have so so big difficulties to to to come together forty nine
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percent of germans want merkel to remain chancellor and at the same time forty nine percent of germans support holding a new election germany really know what it wants i mean it's all a bit confusing no. well the debate just started it has not been so long ago that they could have talks were stopped so i think we will have a public debate we want half technically a majority for a conservative liberal policy together. the christian democratic union the liberals and our party there is a majority within the society within the parliament for this. or that direction but this is the christian democratic union under a chance a miracle does not want to participate in this so this is why we have the problem the only other solution then would be for for a stable government a grand coalition and this is not happening at the moment because the social
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democrats don't feel they want to support it they might go for it and so this is why we will i think follow the public debate another few days and even even weeks and i think this will change now when you have someone like chancellor merkel in power for so long i mean it becomes hard to imagine the country without her there is just isn't anyone with universal appeal on the german political horizon right now are germany's just really used to merkel are they afraid of her leaving. i think she's just the problem there will be there there are other they mean she's governing the country in such a catastrophic way she's really doing damage to what country so i would say anyone would be better than habit but maybe i would say most other solution and any other solution almost would be better than merkel so there's no reason to stick
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to her because she has damaged our country in a way no one ever did after the war in germany so to say there is no one who can do it as as. as good as she can this is to be to be very polite not true i mean she's the longest ruling chancellor in germany she must be doing something right for people who choose to choose her over and over again right now she's very she is she she she she manages power this is what she's doing but she has not the interest of the country in her mind but she's she's very professional and how to to to to keep her her place safe how to stick to the power how to not take any opinion i mean no one no one knows what they think what she's thinking she's not coming with a vision she has not a vision for the country she's not taking any decision she's not sticking to values
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she is not a program for the fall country the only program she has is the program to safe her political power that's all and this is this is why the country is suffering so much and this is also the reason why it's so difficult to to get her out of the way and of course within her party she was very aware of not having anybody around her who could take her her seat this is a this is this is true again she was very powerful and then she manages everyone who would be who would be able to take her seat to just you know destroy them politically and this is again not good for the country so everything that's going on right now this whole situation does this mean that germany's are really ready to keep carrying the burden of being one of the global leaders in the war when you were a member of the european parliament to expect any reluctance from your former colleagues in laying germany dominate decisions now. i think we have
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a very important role to play in the water we're not doing so because we're getting weaker and weaker and we are not driving the whole process we are focused participating in it but we are not the decision making party in the near east or anywhere else in the wall we're just we're just one or two steps behind and i think germany should play a role but we are in a week where we are in a weak position and we don't have a i don't want to have even germany influencing even the the european union with the visions of our chancellor we want to have someone in place who has visions who wants to change the system of the european union how it works how it functions and then take a more responsible role but not the chancellor so the european press is losing it over merkel's failure to form
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a government was headlines in columns claiming that the european unity itself is in danger. that the european project has become synonymous with merkel's persona. is it in danger now whoa what means and danger if the european union stops going for an average closer union i wouldn't call it a danger but rather lp to unity a chance we should take because we don't want to have that close a union yes chancellor merkel is i think at least partially. responsible you could you could say for breaks it one could say she supported it which is good because with her policy she made it easier for those advocating to leave it to leave because they see that they see how we are struggling with the with the policy of merkel and with the with the millions of of migrants coming into europe and then in the end also maybe coming to u.k. so mocha is also responsible for mcinnes responsible of course also she supports
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he's one of our biggest supporter for our way of tea because if she would not do such a such a bad politics and if she would do everything right there would would have not been a need for a new party so she's really responsible for for sheetz political shift because she's moving to the wrong direction and then there is a move back into the right direction and whoa this is so of course what we support so i don't merkel and french president michel have been pushing for reform and you commission had john close care says the german classes will not stop it but can the franco german reform project effectively come to fruition now that germany is being politically weak. we very we really hope that this direction of what merkel and mccraw going to you will not succeed but because this is this is quite the contrary of what we think is good they really are going to the united states
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wants they are moving towards the united states of europe they want to stop the nation's serenity and we are going against this specifically we do not want to have the united states of europe we are in favor of europe but we want to have with sovereign nation states we don't want to have seven democracies and we want to have good relations with our neighbors we want to have. if possible very free trade and even free travelling if that's possible we don't want to pay for it with our safety but if they if it's possible to have a free exchange of goods let the people at travel very very very easily from one country to the next but we don't want to give up ourselves we do not want to handed over little by little to other european institutions or all at once we are not we do not want to have a european union army we don't want to have this this currency european
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the euro so common european currency which makes us tend to pay for our neighbor steps this is everything we do not want to have we want to have the europe as it has been a european union as it has been founded and the idea was to have good relationships free trade free travelling within our neighborhood within the within europe and this is what we do support but what merkel and mccall move into something completely different and this is what we oppose strongly and if they're moving more into that direction we will see other countries to follow the brits and leave the european union. tricks thank you very much for being with us to. they were talking to a. member of the german parliament and deputy leader. for germany party it's. the coalition talks in germany and it's. that's it for this latest edition of
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6:00 pm
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