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tv   News  RT  November 25, 2017 3:00am-3:17am EST

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the immediate. modern day slavery and human trafficking from libya sees protests in two major european capitals we look at the root of the problem and why the anger is being directed at the e.u. . in a rock and a hard place washington apparently promises to cut weapons supplies to its kurdish allies who are fighting isis in syria but the exact details of any move haven't been forthcoming from the white house. to the moon and back to the full scale space trip simulation that's just concluded here in russia. if you're watching this weekend it's r.t. international news with me calling for
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a saturday morning at eleven am here in moscow first up for you this hour protesters in paris and rome are blaming e.u. policies for the emergence of modern day slavery and human trafficking coming from libya. with her. human trafficking was part of the discussion when the french president met with the leaders of guinea and the african union on wednesday and despite the warm welcome they were clearly at all over who's responsible for the humanitarian crisis. that is what has been revealed to be and everything we have said to know about the situation in libya definitely falls into the category of trafficking of human beings it is a crime against humanity so france denunciation has been immediate it is indisputable you know russia's you hear a pin union cannot choose
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a developing country and ask that country to detain refugees when it doesn't even have the means to do so the refugees are in terrible conditions so our european friends were not right ask libya to keep the migrants the european union is responsible and france blames the current u.n. backed libyan government for its handling of the human trafficking problem next jacqueline vogel looks at the current blame game and how it all started. some of the harshest condemnation thrown at libya over the appalling treatment of african migrants is coming from france it is called an emergency meeting of the u.n. security council and has gone as far as to threaten libya with sanctions libyan authorities have decided to open an investigation into the fact we wanted to go fast and if the libyan justice system cannot carry this procedure through then we should open international sanctions those threats are being leveled against the very government that the u.n. endorsed and helped form after the fall of gadhafi let's rewind back to two
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thousand and eleven. thank you as. he let it be. western leaders said libya was on course to democracy yet it turned out to be a rather gruesome process here's what came next this video purportedly shows libyan rebels torturing groups of black africans they've been locked in cages with their hands tied behind their backs and many of them appear to have the old libyan flag stuffed in their mouthes these men were said to have been targeted by rebels after rumors emerged that gadhafi had hired black mercenaries the national transitional council seems to confuse black people with mercenaries or black people or mercenaries for them they're killing people ordinary workers mistreating them so huge section of the population was being singled out and mistreated or even killed and yet human rights groups noted at the time that the plight of those very migrants was being all but ignored unlike today syria solidarity movement things washington's playing both sides. the only thing consistent here between washington
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and tehran is the inconsistency washington of course has laid out late at dual role here so so we're going to have to see how it what do you know to be trailered that kurds are just going to do. this over is going to be. on washington. and of course early on is is is basically he's he's shown him still so to be very adept at opportunistic opportunistically and began seeing his interest however how are you know it's not just a by the way it's not it's not a war against. terror so or is that kurdish communities and really a war against the whole progress of community with it turkey. to join us in the u.s. are reportedly on board with helping to widen the surveillance net for the country's immigration authorities who are said to be planning even tighter vetting of visa applicants social media accounts details of that emerged after
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a tech conference where government officials said that they're searching for algorithms which could help them assess potential dangers his kind of hope and. the information revolution and the bloom of social media have put the world at our fingertips but they've also created some very convenient tools for the government so is the i.t. sector still what the users want us immigration and customs enforcement has asked tech companies microsoft included to help them screen the social media of people holding or applying for american visas in order to make that happen the government is aliens and millions of people coming every year and subsequently departing so we have to be smart about it and i'm sure there are tools out there that can help for microsoft this won't be the first experience they've had working with u.s. authorities last month microsoft released a program called as your government a cloud service of classified information customers with secret requirements can expect to gain access to technologies that scale including services such as
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cognitive capabilities artificial intelligence and predictive analytics amazon will also be helping to stock the government's tool box last week they released a cloud computing region that will be helping the cia and other intelligence agencies the a.w.l.'s secret region is a key component of the intel communities multi fabric cloud strategy and u.s. senator mitch mcconnell has been one of the people should be careful with the private foreigners of people abroad it has implications beyond you know just whether or not the u.s. in these private industries are working together they're definitely working together whether it's for profit over something more nefarious we don't know at this point but i would say this is something more people should be paying attention to there's always been private industry working for governments that's kind of a standard practice but i do think that what we're seeing is this relationship between big business corporate america and the u.s. government it's getting further and further and meshed in till they're becoming
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just one single entity. u.s. regulators say the plans to revoke so-called net neutrality rules have widespread public backing it's a move that could lead to a two speed internet where some side pay to get their traffic prioritized over others but it seems that not all of the public feedback was genuine seeing this is pretty annoying and if net neutrality is rolled back in the us people we seeing a lot more of it here's how it works at the moment internet providers have to treat all online traffic equally that means that they can't block or slow anything down but or thirty one that's the end they think the private sector will invest trillions of dollars into web services if their plan goes ahead they even asked the country what it thought of the move urging people to submit comments and twenty two million replied the majority in favor of repealing net neutrality problem is some users started to complain that they didn't write the comments then approved by the new york attorney general revealed some feedback to the f.c.c.
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plan was actually fake hundreds of thousands of americans were likely impersonated to drown out the views of real people and businesses this was a can to identity theft on a massive scale. but the scale won't be even bigger than that one data scientist claims he's found at least one point three million fake pro repeal comments he noticed repetitive language looking as if it was generated by a computer program meanwhile the national tracking poll shows that the majority of americans actually support net neutrality as to who is definitely against it the telecom corporations who stands and huge profits by charging more for faster connections and by the way the current head of the f.c.c. used to work for the biggest telecom operators in the u.s. well as for who might be behind the feedback pushing for net neutrality to be scrapped a few maybe a been quick to pointed russian hackers. the notion that russia may have rigged yet
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another debate over a topic does that begin to sound a little repetitive to you as often happens over here now in the states is when one gets close to the heart of the issue think issues emerge and this fake issue of bots possibly connected to the russian federation i think is a fake issue as you rightly point out it is very difficult to actually pinpoint where these parts may have arisen after all they are indeed called bots and it certainly possible the people over here could you know attribute could create a bot and falsely attribute it planted in a way to make it seem as if it's russians. he has asked the federal communications commission to comment on the new york attorney general's investigation concerning fake net neutrality comments and allege for a meddling as soon as we hear anything back we'll let you know what the response is . new this hour police in pakistan have used force to remove a group of islamist activists who have been blocking key routes into the capital for nearly three weeks twenty seven people were injured and dozens detained now
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would have warning that the following video does contain distressing images. up to. the moment go forward with the draw was it to buy it already know what the attack means the it are very angry and so this is becoming a religious war inside of islam that has implications way beyond egypt itself but but to the wider sunni middle east. an experiment simulating a seventeen day mission to the moon has just finished in russia six participants spent their time isolated and confined to a mock spacecraft for the duration the project's named serious and it's been supported in part funded by nasa.
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you. know what the first stage of these experiments complete now they'll be extended
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over the coming is twenty eight in the project will see participants spend about four months in a simulated space environment then in twenty nineteen the isolation will last for eight months the final stages planned to start in two thousand and twenty and thought well last for about a year and it could pave the way for anyone to travel into space in the not too distant future. soon normal citizens will be able to spend time in space it's going to be something that not just astronauts and not just highly trained personnel can go to so it's a very important that we take normal citizens are normal scientists that don't have an astronaut background we see how they're going to work on these environments there are a lot of qualities that people generally have that could be used very efficiently in space exploration so i think that it's a good thing to have these sorts of programs of space collaboration and exploration that do not require people to go through this kind of formal you know nasa or
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russian astronaut and cosmonaut training and go kaufmann who's from nasa as human research program here in russia told us that cooperation between the united states and russia brings a wealth of experience to both sides. so nasa has a long standing collaboration in the research arena biomedical research with the russian space industry particularly with i.b.m. p. institute for biomedical problems in russia we have been doing that for years. we bring a great deal of experience both sides. a lot of experience in this area both sides have been conducting this type of research studies as well as spaceflight studies on. the international space station for many years so it was only natural for us to join forces and. allow to take basically leverage each other's
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abilities and it's only in the only makes sense to increase or efficiency in joining our forces and going further together. finally for now if you think navy seals sound fearsome how about the soviet battle news they've certainly me getting the media in finland fired up although a little basic journalistic fact checking might have saved them from all the worry .
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initial april fools article was published in the russian magazine popular mechanics has the man behind it but i think of the photos used in this article partially rio the photo of the moose was taken by a friend of mine that's a moose farm one of the red army soldiers is me i'm standing with my back towards the camera on the right having taken this photo we later combined it with a photo of the moose a museum has been opened in fill in this year which is dedicated to the winter war and there is a hole there featuring the combat moose i was really taken aback because there is a line at the end of our article saying this is
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a joke and the story was disseminated on the internet with no mention of this this is not even about fake news this is just an april fools day joke. is you'll see will do so far this saturday thanks for watching check out our apps get twenty four seven news alerts on your phone your next update from a right here in a half an hour or so you have it. but whole existence to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to.
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have to do like to be for us this is what the before you can't be good that i'm interested in the waters of. course. welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation out.


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