tv Keiser Report RT November 25, 2017 5:30am-5:58am EST
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the obama administration like instead like let's project our military let's take control of the south china sea that's build more military bases let's show these people that we can keep. so here i think i think maybe china's one belt one road or one road bomb belt policy has actually up the game and that the way china has operated across africa is like their advance and so rapidly not only because of past trade deals from the united states sending all our manufacturing over there and getting nothing in return is that they can basically take all the resources and of africa but by not taking them but i do trade deals and commerce and setting up operations there rather than building military bases whether neas air or anywhere else in africa and here he's now focusing on trade and he's actually speaking publicly being tough about this what he said is that if by a lot of trade and investment agreements with the region's countries are pursued as
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vigorously as promised us asia relations are likely to be unusually contentious even as defense ties are sustained while every administration calibrates between security and commercial relations the trumpet ministration emphasize and commerce over defense and that's a significant change and it is no political bluff or negotiations postures on no other subject has the president been more details are passionate about thirteen hundred of the three thousand five hundred words of his than a speech were devoted to u.s. asia economic relationships and so he's saying from now on you know the u.s. is going to get something back out of these trade deals we're not just going to send you all our jobs what i mean obviously the u.s. corporations do quite well out of it he's saying like it has to trickle down into the u.s. trade has to come back these wise to help manage the transition period where the global. superpower becomes china and the us falls into
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a second or third tier bracket so he's wise to manage that transition and to do it peacefully and everyone can work out as a winner in this kind of transition obviously china has got the resources they've got the money they've got the long term plan they've got political stability so they're the twenty first century winner so i think you know making a good move and helping the us transition to that well of course everything in the us is about the next election and the next elections aren't twenty eighteen and we've already covered this many times we're talking about what the democrats are doing and what they're looking at and they they seem to still think from what my reading of the media for the democrats so let's look a little bit more at what his talk in asia and how that might. play with people in wisconsin or michigan or other places where they used to have jobs president trump declared that from now on we expect that our partners will faithfully follow the rules just like we do markets will be open to an equal degree
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on both sides and that private industry not government planners will direct investment only fair every sip of coal bilateral trade agreements will be acceptable he said he rejected large agreements that tie our hands surrender our sovereignty and make enforcement practically impossible presumably referring to the trans-pacific partnership from which the us has withdrawn and wished remaining eleven countries agreed at the same summit to pursue so those large biological trade deals in which you know these it's basically like a large tax code it's like only the insiders only the only only the multinationals only the very very wealthy in the the connected know where all the loopholes are and they get their own you know just the system separate and the ball of our own for example you know a softening the ground for a deal big deal i've said this for a few years then i would not be surprised if a deal is made selling fannie mae and freddie mac. to be. bulls bank of china so that especially china becomes america's biggest
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landlord and keeping prices down and they'll do it in the name of jobs and global harmony and this is i think what we're going to expect in the next few years because the u.s. is the world's biggest debtor china is the world's biggest creditor so you put those two together you have the biggest creditor taking on some of the u.s. debt this is a quasi government guarantee fannie mae freddie mac. but all the people who love borrowing money on those games they've got chinese landlords. who move global economy now he did also you know upset the democratic partisans because he basically went soft on the south china sea he didn't press you know there of these territorial disputes between philippines and japan and china well here's another headline relating to that. regarding the philippines trump makes friends by putting america first and ignoring
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human rights in asia president donald trump did not press philippine president to tear it on human rights issues in the philippines where thousands are believed to have been killed by the police in a raging drug war instead trump raised the terror today and stressed that the two were friends so i mean the interesting thing about this is forget like our own drug war here and how many people are incarcerated and thrown into prison industrial system but you know they're pressing on the philippines and it looks like he's following the philippines lead so basically the u.s. relies on the philippines and their bases in the philippines to project power and their region but the philippines because of its location in the south china sea and in the pacific and its utility as a host of massive u.s. military bases serves as a reason stronghold of u.s. influence which many see as having declined in comparison to a rising china but in twenty fifteen the the philippines were handed a world court they said that they have the right to the territorial just. their
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china laws but their tears came into power and now he just said he basically why waste time even trying to take that position just do deals open golf courses get the trade flowing and this will you know temper down their jihadi is on because they'll be too busy on the back nine you know with a double nasty bet against their friend mom a winner in a few bucks so they can go downtown and smoke a pipe they don't need to be warrant on each other and we can all get along on trump's golf course this whole focus since that whole third way tony blair bill clinton sort of politics where everything is about this notion of human rights and our perception of what human rights are our perception of how people should run their culture and blah blah blah but in the meantime i want to turn to this chart from the economist and perhaps this might actually ultimately be more important because what about the respect and dignity in of your own population long live and prosper the economists thirty five rich countries u.s.
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versus south korea but all these little blue lines are other rich developed nations and what it shows that orange line is the u.s. the blue dark blue line is south korea female male and what you see is that the u.s. for women women's life expectancy by twenty thirty will be the lowest of these thirty five like the second to lowest of these thirty five nations richest nations south korea is eating our lunch that's these people are prospering and living longer why are we when we're the ones banging on over and over about all these everything but . the economy and that's what people want to be able to talk about not that human rights are obviously important but you know maybe releasing these three million people in the prison system here is you know is an issue that should be addressed by human rights but the fact is we see in the results that you know the declining life expectancy of americans should maybe be addressed life expect next. life
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expectancy palling birth rates declining birth fatal fatalities mortality rates only man giving birth he asked. all across the board you have these key metrics that aren't calculated by various world organizations are declining in the u.s. and we don't have kimchi yet you know i don't know what's intention but apparently the south koreans eat this stuff it's like dinner girl that's gross no it's not robust good times good for you i think currently makes you own invigorated i'm going to get some chemistry and live another ten years you know but you know in those last few moments i want to say that while we're banging on about human rights this seems like if you were right so it's true that americans are living not as long and i don't know what i missed this is a human rights issue i was floating around in the dark looking at these charts thinking about kimchee and i missed the point your point is this is
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a human rights issue people in america are dying early they're dying in childbirth they're under educated they can't go to school they can't get health care what the further we do lecturing to other countries when they can't even have the stuff here why why why so just to deal. maybe to look at yourself rather than projecting about what other people are doing wrong maybe it's time these charts would suggest that maybe somebody has to care about us you know in america it's like we're always busy worrying about everybody else maybe look at ourselves that's my final well very well for it. much more can we way of public.
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scene years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with a gun if the bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with that i don't i think they are inheriting whatever my my baby says my book was published in the year two thousand more than holds a million americans have been killed by the us how does the team yes we did this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit by the plane and i just saw i did to return
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to the subject to track down each gun owner who i'd met such girls those years ago . but we were not. welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin that my body gets and some bodies that i cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity no one does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that in this applies more bribery to put the money on your car immediately you don't have all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plans much smaller companies you know a motor car and. one of the risks of
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a donation. to them is proof that the frequency of pathologies is much higher paid. for to say if i was lying when i. was over two years old he was. in the money using the drug and who runs the blood business. she'll be. set up have been miles from the independent with me just for that day with. a lesson but the counselor is a placenta i was up at a sauna we were meeting they. were sort of my love and respect to let him get me or be here now with jeremy has a hunk on the roof. now at that but
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a good lesson but because hell i've known him for that matter i. see let him to make the boy or me or the in the marrow have one thing closer he got because of me it's because he is so c. he said no when i would. this footage is unique because there's a tribal lands are normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's listened to his personal doctor. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous son always on the move sailing yacht son flying aircraft kept. topped.
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up he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening amazon. allergies so says going out of the busy when nothing is going to do the population nothing much is going to people from momma's on. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm ask as a timeout to go to shanghai and speak with dan collins of the china money report dot com dan welcome back to the max all right dan call it hasn't he was treated like royalty here i mean as announced he got this diamond forbidden city i think it was a really good visit you know last time for the g.
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twenty summit you know they forgot to give him the staircase at the air force one and he did royal already red carpet so it was it kind of a really big contrast in terms of presidential visits here so damn times popularity in china is china is the number two or number one biggest economy in the world right now the u.s. media likes to slam trump does it really matter if the u.s. media slams trump because trump is the global negotiator and shape he's cutting deals with china and other countries around the world doesn't really matter what the u.s. media thinks this point down. i don't think it does i don't think it does or the chinese or the the policy makers shared that there was a a good article that came out by a professor from renmin university who said. and also an advisor to the chinese you know leadership he said china is no use united states is the divided states and you have to realize what we're dealing with and he went on to mention he said the pro
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establishment elitists and united states their criticism of the president trump is is completely irrational and non-logical and we have to view that from the perspective that was quoted in the even in the china daily here in english so but it's quite interesting reaction years and i guess if americans want the benefits of the china trade they have to stop they they they they objection asked are they the folks that are getting in the way. with all that you know and washington are creating a problem there so now a viral video in china trumps granddaughter sounds pretty interesting i didn't care about until recently she's a media star in china fam. yeah her video went viral it probably had four or five people that day asked me about it did you see the video it went all over the social media platforms like we chat basically her singing in a traditional chinese song and she was wearing a traditional chinese cheapo when she when she sang it but that was kind of the big
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takeaway of the business in the it was kind of. you know the chinese was very very favorably really really. endeared to trump family i think the chinese you know dan i have a theory i want to comment on it it's a pretty you know out of the out of a. roar mle thanking type of fairy but america is the biggest debtor in the world china's the biggest creditor in the world is it possible that we might see a some point a deal where the u.s. government under trump sell fannie mae and freddie mac. to china and therefore china becomes america's biggest landlord as a way to address the debt problem the currency problem the dollar problem except me and i realize it's a bit of an idea i put the five put us on huffington post about six years ago i saw the future. if you think this is a wild idea or does it have some possibility down. well particular to fannie and freddie i think i don't think cheney's want to take on that kind of
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a bankrupt outfit however as you mention the economy wise the economics positions have already flipped to china's the world's largest creditor. there's a report surfaces week which i've been talking about here on the show and also writing about it china has cities now there are large is countries economically speaking you know you have shenzhen now is equal to sweden term to g.d.p. chung do the call to norway you know the three hundred six billion dollar g b cities people have never heard of tongue shown as the g.d.p. that bigger than new zealand so if we saw the single day that just happened i mean chinese we talked before on the show digital payments are fifty times larger than the united states but now they are online retail is six times what united states did ali baba and j.d. combined this week on the singles day holiday here eleven eleven it forty billion dollars in sales compare that to last year's black friday and cyber monday combined were only six point eight billion so you literally i see you know china has become
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a consumption powerhouse not only to support auction power also the economic scripts have switch the united states has been that has been industrialized it's constant it's just living off of debt and printed the currency and everything has been turned over to the banking system so the. you know what's in store in the future is just going to get more of this unless us can certainly get smarter all right so the policy in china for years was a self-imposed middle class austerity because they pegged the the currency to the dollar as a way to make sure that all of the products that they were export into the u.s. didn't come back to them in the form of inflation as those dollars and yet hit the chinese economy they recycled those back to america and kept the contrary. on a starvation mode for a few years to kill the american manufacturing capacity now that america's
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manufacturing capacity and dead sounds like they're hitting stage two of their policy they're now going to allow some inflation they're going to allow this middle class to rise they're going to be the world's biggest consumer now the deferred the deferred gratification if you well as out kicking into the gratification of now becoming the world's biggest consumer this also means we're going to start saying world beating chinese brands you know we haven't seen chinese brands really the chinese coke the chinese nike the chinese and that's like always a system we're going to start seeing world beating chinese brands now that they're going to be the world's biggest consumer market then i think of it eventually you'll see that i think the first time with the way is really just going to really well china is coming into the base to enter this phase one was all about catch up learning how to you know make all this stuff and do that china in china hear him talk about has a reputation for quality everybody loves foreign brands i mean because the foreign
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countries like make we're just selling billions of dollars here you know every year to me they're just booming so. so the brand wise here they're not so strong but you see that attempt to get a job what they do now is they buy brand so you saw a jeely bubble and now they're selling hundreds and hundreds thousands of bowls in china using a form rand of sell in china into their own markets so we're seeing we've gone through a stage where they're buying foreign brands would continue to try to do that and to take all those trade surpluses and buy anything left in europe and united states that is economic belly then tell us about you know trump's visit of course also some of the deals that he did what does it say about u.s. soft power i think ways to cover that a little bit but can you tell us about some of the actual deals that took place with trump and china. yeah there so they're talking about the deals two hundred fifty billion dollars and deals. in boeing airplanes and running a five hundred meter to trade surplus with the united states importing oil makes
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a lot of sense because you can quite quickly bring down that trade deficit so i think that was the most interesting one it took but yeah there were a lot of deals announced or it's at the billion and they trump announced three hundred billion all to asia a month that day so yeah i think it's just the start troubles that we're in for a long trade fight we've got to match up to you rates we can't continue to have zero percent duty rates for your product and you have forty percent duty rates for ours those chinese economic miracle miracle has all been behind the strategy of the mercantile of the qana me where they do things for themselves first they have had big high tariff duty well you can just come in here and set up a car plant you have to have a joint venture partner or you can just come in the banking sector is close to oil and gas is closer than the telecom business is closer so many businesses that are off limits and so they've grown their economy behind these huge tourist trade walls and non-tariff barriers meanwhile the american economies are still over there
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sucking their thumbs talking about free trade when free trade doesn't exist and i would point i would challenge all american economists and policy makers how many more detroit do you need before you wake up that that point is well now dr paul craig roberts and others have come on our show and other shows and talked about america sacrifice manufacturing capacity to china and china has clearly been packing their car saying to the dollar no and this mark and tell us to grab for a global manufacturing domination but you know we're in now phase two and so they're going to get some inflation in china. they've got this program called made in china twenty twenty five which i guess speaks of that. but what are they going to do about the dollar as the dollar is still the world's reserve currency and they need to escape the dollar to really try and take over the global economy what's the people's bank of china the p.b.'s say killing i know they're buying
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a lot of golf it would suggest they might be setting up for a gold backed currency maybe aligning with russia to do that which is what i'm here what do you hear over them. as you mentioned golders i think there's multiple strategies on that string standpoint number one is they're going to internationalize the rim and be they've been doing the put the barbies the new thing they know the deal sometimes currently just under or about twenty and china simply walks and say yeah you know all right well this can hang on for a second segment. you know absolutely no right all right all that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me guys are as they say here would like to thank our guest dan collins of the china money we report dot com generates on twitter at kaiser report when i found bio.
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in america a college degree requires a great deal. a decades long debt. study so hard it requires trust to. go through humiliation to enter an elite society. and. sometimes quite literally. want other true colors of universities in the u.s. . everybody i'm stephen ball. hollywood guy will suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max the famous financial guru just a little bit different. though no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully
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start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. senior years ago i traveled across the united states exploring america's deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with that better and i think it's fair and hearty when i buy my baby. since my book was published in the year two thousand more than hoffa million americans have been killed by the u.s. . team yes we did yes this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit. on. the subject to track down each gun on
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a. golf those years ago i don't know that but we are not. obvious. modern day slavery and human trafficking from libya sees protests in c. major european capitals we look at the roots of the problem and why the is being criticised. between a rock and a hard place washington apparently promises to keep world cup weapon supplies to its kurdish allies fighting in syria details of any moves having been forthcoming from the white house and the moon and back to full scale space trip simulation has just concluded here in russia.
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