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tv   News  RT  November 27, 2017 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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team rushes for the twenty eight dean winter olympics continues in the balance with struggling for clarity in the face of a possible blanket we hear the latest verdict on the doping scandal from sports to . claims it doesn't prove they want to. give them some time in. turkey makes it clear that it expects washington to stop arming syria's kurds it comes after donald trump apparently gave assurances that weapon supply to the p.g. militia would be cut off. and germany could be on track for the same coalition
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government before september's election three way talks with other parties collapsed last. forever you're tuning in from around the world this hour welcome to moscow and to our international i mean o'neill our top story right diets are being raised over whether the mcclaren report's findings are strong enough to ban the entire russian team from the upcoming winter olympic games and accuse russia of state sponsored doping but the head of another global sporting body ethics committee doesn't believe there's sufficient evidence of state involvement to justify such a move we have a mclaren report. in the mclaren allegations. we need a real clear evidence. and only with an evidence i can make
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a decision. but only for a very sick of since this never would. i wouldn't do that. russia denies the allegations of the maclaurin report meanwhile investigations into individuals are continuing on over a dozen cleats have received on priestly dented lifetime bombs in the past month the international olympic committee says it will release the evidence against them in june course my colleague under former discussed with jacqueline bukas. well the problems really circle around the fact that ever since the mclaren report came out in two thousand and sixteen with allegations of state sponsored doping in russia different monitoring organizations have looked into that searching for some sort of evidence to back up those claims but all we've seen is a noticeable lack of proof to back them up that we spoke with the water president who says well it hasn't been found yet it's just a matter of time let's take a listen keep saying it was news to each phone should go ping. the other most of
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the other evidence. claims it doesn't prove no one to. give them some time so there we have him conceding that it's just been hinted at the idea that a state sponsor scheme was in place and saying just give us time but the question is how much time do they need because just this month we've seen fourteen russian athletes banned for life from the olympic games and they weren't given any evidence as to why just the remark that they violated doping rules now the violation of doping rules could be anything from missing a test to being compliant in somebody else using doping to actually using doping yourself so there's a lot in compass there and there's just no transparency as what they're being accused of and those banned l. plates have actually voiced concerns that there's a possibility that a political motivation could be behind these decisions and again going back to the water present he conceded that it's impossible to divide the worlds of politics and
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sports. seemed to me to be a sign of additional you've played golf from the start of the to me to be unlikely that politics should stop at one o'clock and start again want to finish it five o'clock the politics rules everybody's life savannah so they are to be involved in some way in trying to clean everything we do in school just part of what we do so this point we're only three months out from the next winter olympics and it's important to remember that the whole russian team is under review at this point on the summer if it will be announced whether or not they will be able to participate in next year's games in south korea and even if the team is clear there still the fact that over a dozen of the teammates have been banned for life at this point and will not be participating. russian footballers are also getting caught up in the doping scandal with just six months to go before their country hosts the world cup finals grigori rudd cenk off the former russian doping official turned whistleblower says he has
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plenty of evidence of players doping however a fee for investigation has been ongoing since june this year on the footballing body ses there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. well sports journalist alan moore thinks that the new allegations are not attempt to discredit the world cup in russia think that six months later would be very very unlikely simply would turn up we probably will see more of this because this is making a lot of noise to take away from the russia world cup there is still a chance in their minds that the war could be stripped from russian there could of course be a chance that somebody will fail simply at this stage it looks very unlikely russian football has been tested. in seville could we go through to players or take taken from them testing. random testing is taking place around the russian premier league of course can always be better we know that it's as good as it is anywhere else in the world better and in most cases so. this is just time to sort of like
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you know take care of roche's sales shall we say before friday all thirty two nations playing the fifa world cup are known but who they will be playing in the group stages will be decided in moscow on the first of december prior to the final draw fee for president gianni infantino shared his expectations for sport's biggest showpiece event we are expecting smooth operations everything has been done for the fans to come to russia and to and to enjoy the world cup for instance a new concept with a fan ideas being put in place by the russian authorities or by the russian government fan idea which will allow visa free entry which will allow free transportation by train between the host cities and many other benefits for the fans we have already seen that the stadiums stadiums and eleven host it is absolutely state of the art that they were in tears are very welcoming the country is welcoming the people want to see people from all over the world to come and
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discover that maybe they don't know and they will be very very positively surprised . moving on turkey has reiterated its call for the us to stop arming kurdish why finders in syria use a terrorist it follows on the part of plates from donald trump to stop supplying weapons to the militia which has played an instrumental role in driving back islamic state the we will not give weapons remarks from a u.s. president for the first time is important but it will lose value if it's not implemented it would be deceiving the world if washington does stop supplying
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weapons to the kurds it's likely to go some way to easing the current tension between the u.s. and turkey has been highly critical of washington for arming what it sees terrorists and using them to fight islamist extremist groups america for its part has sided with the various kurdish groups when it needs their help despite turkey's protests with more and all the similar account kurds the largest stateless minority in the world the kurdish population is in turkey iraq and syria and it seems for the us it's more about where they are rather than who they are. let's start with turkey on one side and cora washington's regional and nato ally on the other on cars sworn enemy the rebellious kurdistan workers party fight against the dash terrorist organization should not be left with another terror organization
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we want to believe that our allies would choose to stand beside us and not on the side of terrorist organizations well the choice is obvious and the us lists the p.k. k. as a terrorist group we support turkey in the first fight against terror and terror groups like isis and the p.k. k. . over in iraq the kurdish peshmerga were crucial when the us fight against the islamic state washington put up money and provided all the weapons they needed but with most of the fighting over so is america's benevolence iraqi kurds are losing the oil wells they fought out of terrorist control and the reserves are now going back under government control the us ability and baghdad the kurdish push for independence has also received the cold shoulder with secretary tillerson stating that the referendum and its results lacked legitimacy and the us supports a united iraq disappointment is very good it although we have
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a long and negative experience with i maybe wrong size these in talking to our buddy so they have a strong. position against that if encourage. the iraqi government. comes or strong. one and opposition they think they can even leaving it status of for their oil is a man called the start. off to neighboring syria where the kurdish why p.g.a. also got everything they needed from the u.s. in their fight against eisel money weapons training and praise we should be using recruiting which we should be looming to date proven to be the biggest miners really proving to be the most real do it and we should be working with them much more suitable. but they managed to hang on to the oil fields that they liberated
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with no questions from their american pals washington claims that it seeks a unified and sovereign syria but it also wants a syria without assad i think the united states will continue to support the kurds we heard general mattis and the secretary of defense say only a few days ago that the united states would remain in northern syria or in order to give traction to that you need of process and that means that the united states wants leverage they want leverage against us against russia and against iran and of course the kurdish troops that the united states has been arming now own about twenty five percent of syria's territory in the north end up somewhere around fifty percent of all the oil and gas in syria so this gives the kurds quite a bit of leverage well that's unless turkey gets its way they're saying that mr trump clearly stated that he had given clear instructions for not to provide the
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white b.g. with arms and that this nonsense should have ended long ago. the german chancellor and her party's leaders have said they would be willing to return to the same coalition that govern the country before september spoke. we are ready to engage in talks with the social democrats in a serious dedicated manner and of course aiming for success. following that invitation from chancellor merkel. of the social democrats accepted and said that his party would take part in coalition talks with representatives of anger merkel's christian union and the german president prime politician in berlin on thursday for mr schultz though this announcement but it represents a real one hundred eighty degree turnaround on how he viewed the grand coalition just a week ago. you know we're not entering a grand coalition we said this clearly in this room after the elections and we
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still stand by this. but i forced on the s.p.d. party has confirmed that i should accept the invitation from the german president to take part in talks with the chairman of the c.d.u. c.s.u. passes next thursday. somebody far more insightful than myself once said that a week was a long time in politics and certainly does seem to be true for angle in the call as well seven days ago she was picking up the pieces after jamaica coalition talks broke down she said looking at the two options that would look like the only ones available to you are a minority rule or new elections that you would actually prefer new elections over ruling over a minority government well she has changed her mind on that somewhat saying that it wasn't a good idea right now to put the decision on who would govern germany back to the german people that they'd already made their minds up back in september and it was
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up to the politicians to try and hammer out a coalition so where are we right now two months on from the general election in germany lots of late nights lots of debate lots of of talks failed pork spending more talk on the horizon and as it stands at the moment it looks like we could be going right back to the grand coalition that ruled germany before that you had people voted back in september those talks taking place in berlin on thursday i'll be back in the german capital then and bring you all of the latest as it emerges from those coalition talks here on out in. the deeply and welcoming sign outside a polish hotel by trade lamb the owner in big trouble more on that right after this . it's. from.
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what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line to get accepted over and checked. so when you want to be president and. somehow want to press. it's going to be press that's what before three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters about how. question. here's what people have been saying about redacted and exactly. the only show i go out of my way to revive it is the really packs of oh yeah john oliver of arc to america is the same. apparently better than. see people you've never heard of right down to the night president of the world bank very.
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seriously he sent us an e-mail. a hospital in western poland is under fire for installing a far from welcoming and provocative sign of its entrance it say's the entry is forbidden to jews commies and traitors of poland the hostel is run by an ultra nationalist who was sentenced to three months house arrest earlier this year for burning an effigy of a jewish person during an anti migrant demonstration local authorities are now looking into whether to charge him with incitement because of the bomb or what some locals make of it. well this is his opinion some day he will be hung for things like this banner. i oppose such banners as i'm not a racist i reject such propaganda anyone complaints whatsoever the ones on the
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phones but it's not the way for people to behave one can do such things when this is just part. of their lives i think we should be tolerant you cannot ban certain groups of people from entering and no one may come to our village the main thing is that they behave well and respect the law. the world jewish congress has made it clear accusing polish authorities of failing to prosecute their hostile owner is really jewish studies professor jeffrey walther told us there's a worrying rise in anti-semitism in poland. the jewish population is very very concerned they find it very worrying i spoke to a number representing a number of representatives of the community today but on the other hand they know how much good work that has been done and is ongoing between the jewish community in warsaw and and elsewhere in krakow and the jewish community and the the general community for example the fact of the matter is that rabbis are now teaching about
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israel in judaism in the public schools not just informally so you're talking about a very mixed actuation but this is definitely a throwback and the rise of polish nationalism appears to be going together with an increase over rebirth of anti-semitic feelings and. actions. the church of sweden has been forced to respond to claims that it's ruled gold must only be referred to in gender neutral terms now that story was spread by a number of international news outlets of course the traditional expressions of christian faith remain in the new worship book however some gender neutral ways of addressing god have been added in some prayers in swedish there is nowadays an official agenda neutral pronoun. this one it is not used at all in the worship book well the church is in fact introducing just a few updates at the beginning of services it will be deemed acceptable to use
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three different ways of describing god one of those will be gender neutral and the holy spirit will also be referred to in the female grammatical gender. well the talk about significant changes are or not we're joined by political activist kate smyth with the leader of the christian voice of the group steven green you're both very welcome to the program stephen can we start with you. is this a sign that the christian church is modernizing for the better and perhaps adopting values that could see more women for example join the ranks. i think we have to understand that there are people today who had other negative experience with their own fogl no experience at all no father the we do turn to. understand go to the father through our own experience of a father and so it's a loose research i mention none of us is going to understand. the godhead the holy trinity us as we should you know having said that the bible is perfectly clear
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people toss in a neighbor the father the son of the holy spirit and jesus christ referred to god as his father no fewer than sixty two times of the gospel in the fifty nine separate verses so i couldn't use because of the word of god so as a is the reality are things perhaps moving too far to fire could this be seen i suppose as an unnecessary move just to appease the liberal elements within the church and swedish society as a whole. well there's a sense in which it's unnecessary insofar as you know god is not male god is not female what god is is entirely fictional and so we're in this world of updating and out stated institution when in actual fact you know the easy and obvious solution is simply to scrap it the truth is that the history of organized religion and you know christianity no exception is absolutely listed with a horrific trail of mythology and also you know homophobia and racism and all sorts
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of other nasties and what we need to do is to get rid of that now you know to me the sort of like switching to a gender neutral pronoun it feels like slightly real. arranging the deckchairs on the titanic it is not that long ago that you know the church taught that women were essentially the property of their husbands and i think in the twenty first century you know yes we could go back and start trying to revise that but what we should do that is the more sensible thing to do is to just accept that it's a nonsense that means you know it meant nothing then it means nothing now and choose to live our lives by our own you know choice of moral values you know including equality which seems like the most fundamental one where there are millions of swedes that will of course disagree with that sentiment the followers of the church of sweden you know stephen in terms of what kate was saying there is it sensible to stop using gender specific terms when referring to an end to be a day to gawd. what i mean first of all i don't. recognize
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the caricature of the just be painted of the of the church wondered whether it's coming from that strange season because you or your wife said that you. can even really wanted we're going to that you want to respond to the allegations that you don't know why but if you're so good and so she was relating with regard to the more i think it's kind of more important if i might be quite frankly saying yeah ok let's take you back here and we're seeing a lot of debate at how even if you're confident death penalty. now you are talking we're talking about here ok i was going to church it's not as you know it's just a whole lot of speculation of the question even at that point just like gender specific terms with for him to go. oh great opportunity. this is not what we're talking about it's not gender specific gender clues of language general use of language is for example when it says blessedness a man who was not in the counsel of the young girl he will understand that the man that means men and women when we talk about mankind it is just me but to the
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exclusion of women all of us so reject this divisiveness this setting men and women the future of the real in real life we have to get on with each other but you see in real life you were at your. wife's throat won't use even you beat him with a piece of wood until she bled and then. of course i mean any of this come on. let me put this point you're going to the subject here ed. on life stance even you can't sit there and tell me that the church doesn't have a history of sexism when you yourself are notorious for it stephen. getting the nerve cells trying to turn this i really really want to get your thoughts on i do you understand how we can have a case about gender and not address the fact that we're talking to our wife and ok we do not need to get personal and this we have enough to get busy with ok hold on could this problem this is a point i really want to bring up to you kate perhaps other churches the catholic church possibly the church of england seeing something that this happening and then deciding to double down on their conservatism seeing that we don't want something
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new to seep in to our beliefs. well it's strange isn't it the idea that some sort of sense of gender equality would see into our beliefs it suggests that our beliefs are bedded on some rather nasty issues of gender inequality and you know and to know i talk to a traditionalist myself as to what i'm talking about you listen through. yeah oh i'm not i'm not i'm not arguing with you there i mean i agree that it is traditional but the traditional history of the church is deeply deeply sexist and you know it it's interesting that you suggest that oh you know if we move forward too quickly there'll be a backlash that the truth is whenever we we move forwards there is always a backlash there are haters out there one of them in your other studio having this conversation there are haters out there and they're going to hate and that's no reason to stall the progress of greater equality going forward absolutely none stephen does the church of sweden refers to itself from other churches in other
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countries is it going to be you know almost a pariah in this. but if you need to tell you could be. the lessons for those who are christian for you for the. the the to the fact is that god is depicted in scripture as as male and jesus christ came to us as a man and you know mature people are going to be simply understand what it is and you know and it's it is is pointless you know driving through the you know through the gutter press about about things this is just adopt not getting it anyway you know we need to be i think mature and talking about the issues which are how do we present the christian face to people out there and i believe that we do that by being faithful to the scriptures faithful to the to the witness and the and the ministry of the lord jesus christ. kate. well i mean you know if we want to look at it like what the actual scripture says the scripture says all sorts of horrific things if you know you go back to the old testament and and this god of yours
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stephen is killing people left right and center and and if you look at the new testament the most perfect woman is presented as a virgin who had a baby it's not really an achievable life goal what we need to do is for the church needs to modernize or you know better still that's short and simply get rid of organized religion which has done nothing for women for centuries and indeed millennia not just across christian faith but a whole across a whole range of faiths and you know and and ditto what the church is saying about you know gay people in some quarters what the church is saying about disabled people they're all sorts of nasty out there and to suggest that the people hating on the christian faith well you know i'm afraid that there are people out there and i very much include yourself stephen i mean i mean do you deny stephen that you called for the death penalty for gay people. we know that you do not but i can. no ground are certainly good or good looks at
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what the will of course is and the fact is we're coming up to christmas work over time we're going to be celebrating that god became man in christ jesus i did that in order to go to the cross to pay the penalty for your sins of the mind and to advance the truth of the christian faith and all this. you know your should still. think of about it if you're with that justifies killing gay people would it stay for a reason to kill gay people in your opinion is that is what you've said you call you know you've called for this thing i want to go back to it's not going to replace i'm not going to do an ad hominum attack this is what you've said steve and you get back it up or attacked it you know simple you and i go for it even i want to get back to the tell me here hold on stephen a second i want to put this point kate was talking about as well the christian church is struggling in numbers across the world we know this is it the fact that. continues to hold on to certain regressive antiquated values part of the reason why it is struggling. when others think it is struggling at all the. places
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where the illness. in places where the word of god is preached for it's fully in africa in asia there are so you in russia the christian faith is former secretly deliberateness you know that actually is controversial problem is that we don't we don't know how much to go to bed with society and accept the mores of of the day when somebody said that the scene in the ship is great. the ship in the sea is great the scene the ship is bad and if the church is in the world that's good if the world comes into the church then the world would do for those for the church and same to see dose of the ship i'm afraid so we need to stay faithful to the scriptures and we need to you know we need to have. a loving approach to the ministry because which is the gospel of forgiveness from sins about that's my sins and that's yours ok we're just coming to the end we've got it but a minute left thirty seconds just to summarize your views on this topic if you would please. well yeah i mean the bottom line is that of course churches should
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not in eyes of course all religious organization that indeed all organizations to continually seat to modernize and to promote greater equality between the sexes and also you know between different races and between people from all sorts of different backgrounds and different life experiences and you know but the church has a very poor history on this it's not it's not a question of it catching up with the times it's way behind the times it has a history of treating women pretty horrifically you know the best plan would be to get rid of it and frankly also you know to get rid of those people advocating for it who have a history of violence horrific homophobia themselves such as i think you know who i mean stephen thirty seconds. this isn't about the church christmas is about the person of jesus christ that's what it's all about the reagan going to. to forgive us our sins or do. you know but it's a question with us or we also want to didn't really there's not much evidence to suggest seems pretty clear that that i mean fictional also the discussion must be
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conducted in in a childish way of course of course there is overwhelming evidence of the loss of course not least in the gospels and that's where i'm standing. well i appreciate both of you coming on the program and sharing your views with such vigor political activist and comedian kate smith weighed on the leader of christian voices another secret in the u.k. steven green thank you both very much. a lot is your news for this hour i'll see you in exactly how often ours time with more global news from r t h q in moscow. i says was it to. americans by the.


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