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tv   News  RT  November 27, 2017 1:00pm-1:21pm EST

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ok. winter olympics continues in the province with a struggling for. his verdict. give them some time. turkey makes it clear. that weapon supplies to the. would be cut off. germany
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could be on track for the same coalition government before. talks with other parties. every hour of the day this is international my names you don't know me and welcome to the program our top story this hour die to serve being raised over whether the maclaurin report's findings are strong enough to ban the entire russian team from the upcoming winter olympic games and accused russia of state sponsored doping but the head of the ethics committee of another global sporting body doesn't believe there's sufficient evidence of state involvement to justify such and. we have a mclaren report and. we need.
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real clear evidence. and only with an evidence i can make a decision. or not but only for very simple since it never would pan anybody but you wouldn't do that. russia denies the allegations of the mclaren report while investigations into individuals are continuing and over a dozen leads have received on pre-set dented life time bombs in the past month the international olympic committee says it will release the evidence against them in due course my colleague andrew farber discussed with jacqueline bouvier all the problems really circle around the fact that ever since the mclaren report came out in two thousand and sixteen with allegations of state sponsored doping in russia different monitoring organizations have looked into that searching for some sort of evidence to back up those claims but all we've seen is a noticeable lack of proof to back them up that we spoke with the water president who says well it hasn't been found yet it's just a matter of time let's take
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a listen because keep saying it was news to each phone should bill ping and the other most of the other evidence. clearly. with the new teams it doesn't prove they don't want to. give them some time so there we have him conceding that it's just been hinted at the idea that a state sponsor scheme was in place and saying just give us time but the question is how much time do they pay him for life from the olympic games and we try to clean everything we do in school to spark up what we do so this point we're only three months out from the next winter olympics and it's important to remember that the whole russian team is under review at this point in the summer if it will be announced whether or not they will be able to participate in next year's games in south korea and even if the team is clear there still the fact that over a dozen of the teammates have been banned for life at this point and will not be participating. well russian footballers are also getting caught up in the doping scandal with just six months to go before their country hosts the world cup grigori
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red chunk of the former russian anti doping official turned whistleblower says he has plenty of evidence of players however if investigation has been ongoing since june this year and the footballing bodies say there's no evidence of any wrongdoing . or sports journalist alan moore thinks that the new allegations are an attempt to discredit the world cup in russia i think that six months later it will be very very unlikely simply were. we probably will see more of this because this is making a lot of noise to take away from the russian world there is still a chance in their minds that the russian there could of course be a chance that somebody will fail simply at this stage it looks very very unlikely russian football has been tested. in seville could we. take a random testing. random testing is taking place around the russian premier league
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of course can always be better we know that it's as good as it is anywhere else in the world better and in most cases so you know this is just time to sort of like you know take care of roche's sales shall we say before friday. all thirty two nations who will participate after twenty first world cup and to see people from all over the world to come and discover that maybe they are and they will be very very positively surprised. but fortune ten does stop supplying weapons to the kurds it's likely to go some way to easing the current tension between the u.s. and turkey has been highly critical of washington for arming what it sees as terrorists using them to fight is the missed extremist groups america for its part
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has sided with the various kurdish groups when it needs their help this spike turkey's protests in europe brings us more. kurds the largest stateless minority in the world the kurdish population is in turkey iraq and syria and it seems for the us it's more about where they are rather than who they are. let's start with turkey on one side and cora washington's regional and nato ally on the other and cars sworn enemy the rebellious kurdistan workers party fight against the dash terrorist organisation should not be left with another terror organization we want to believe that our allies would choose to stand beside us and not on the side of terrorist organizations well the choice is obvious and the us lists the p.k. k. as a terrorist group we support turkey in the first fight against hair and terror groups
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like isis and the p.k. k. . over in iraq the kurdish peshmerga were crucial when the us fight against the islamic state washington put up money and provided all the weapons they needed but with most of the fighting over so is america's benevolence iraqi kurds are losing the oil wells they fought out of terrorist control and the reserves are now going back under government control the us ability and baghdad. the kurdish push for independence has also received the cold shoulder with secretary thorsten stating that the referendum and its results lack legitimacy and the u.s. supports a united iraq the disappointment is very good although we have a long negative experience with america and the wrong size the sand talk to our buddy who they have a strong. position against that if rondo encouraged our body and the iraqi
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government to come so strongly the one in the position by that they think they can even cancellara really mean it the status of it for the right is a man called the stop. off to neighboring syria where the kurdish y p g also got everything they needed from the u.s. in their fight against eisel money weapons training and praise we should be using recruiting we should be looming the kurdish they've proven to be the biggest murders really proving to be the most real do it and we should be working with them much more suitable. but they managed to hang on to the oil fields that they liberated with no questions from their american pals washington claims that it seeks a unified and sovereign syria but it also wants a syria without assad i think the united states will continue to support the kurds we heard general mattis and the secretary of defense say only
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a few days ago that the united states would remain in northern syria or in order to give traction to that you need of process and that means that the united states wants leverage they want leverage against us against russia and against iran and of course the kurdish troops that the united states has been arming now own about twenty five percent of syria's territory in the north end somewhere around fifty percent of all the oil and gas in syria so this gives the kurds quite a bit of leverage well that's unless turkey gets its way with. mr trump clearly stated that he had given clear instructions not to provide the white b.g. with arms and that this nonsense should have ended long ago. the german chancellor and her party's leaders have said they would be willing to return to the same coalition that govern the country before september's vote. we are ready
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to engage in talks with the social democrats in a serious dedicated manner and of course aiming for success. following that invitation from chancellor merkel schultz of the social democrats accepted and said that his party would take part in coalition talks with representatives of angle of merkel's christian union and the german president frank. in berlin on thursday for mr schultz though this announcement but it represents a real one hundred eighty degree turnaround on how he views the grand coalition just a week ago and you know we're not entering a grand coalition we said this clearly after the elections and we still stand by this. time for shut out the s.p.d. party has confirmed that i should accept the invitation from the german president to take part in took with the chairman of the c.d.u. c.s.u.
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passes next thursday somebody far more insightful than myself once said that a week was a long time in politics and it certainly does seem to be true for angola merkel as well seven days ago she was picking up the pieces after jamaica coalition talks broke down she said looking at the two options that would look like the only ones available to you were a minority rule or new elections that you would actually prefer new elections over ruling over a minority government well she has changed her mind on that somewhat saying that it wasn't a good idea right now to put the decision on who would govern germany back to the german people that they'd already made their minds up back in september and it was up to the politicians to try and hammer out a coalition so where are we right now two months on from the general election in germany lots of late nights lots of debates lots of of talks fail pork spending more talks on the horizon. and as it stands at the moment it looks like we could be
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going right back to the grand coalition that ruled germany before but you haven't people voted back in september those talks taking place in berlin on thursday i'll be back in the german capital then and bring you all of the latest as it emerges from those coalition talks here on l.t. . so a lot of unknowns a lot of questions let's try and answer some of them and bring in reiner ruppert reiners a publicist and former german intelligence officer and very welcome to the program you are too a writer it would seem that this so-called grand coalition is a possibility once again what would that mean for germany. it would primarily it would mean the social democrats do lose the last remaining crew credibility with their voters who are too many it would mean four more years. of the system america.
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depending from your point of view. the next i mean there are no she can't look back to barry. successes where the last four years at least you mention the social democrats how would you account for martin chill says apparent change of heart and that he wasn't going to do that. i think he's. got me out of mental. he's come under tremendous pressure even from. a tournament president who is a member of the. p.d. . i mean the social democrats and you both swim in the corners as in the grand coalition just a few months ago so. that the that's the other venture that had been
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exercised on the social democrats was that the conservatives not the coalition jamaica paradise. has a failed. that the conservatives you need. all the main media. are putting pressure on the social democrats impeding to was asked a political responsibility because in europe needs a strong germany therefore so strong. so that the germans can lead europe it good. not another aspect to this sorry for interrupting right now to what extent do you think that. now the. miss america has. been if if. their only option for her is to try to force the issue but just at one point i get concerned
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about this state. that child's think that members with. the bomb making unsecured. with the famous. we can all middle of the room see. the room. done and is on to their money in the us remember this is a very important thing. refrigerators
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and coffee makers and every other thing people buy has a computer in it and these things are always talking to each other and that's what they call the internet of things i'm sure this is a much more sophisticated version of that but almost every device especially something as dependent on computers as a fighter aircraft is always is talking to somebody and exchanging all sorts of data especially with the manufacturer well as always lots more news views on our website why not leave a comment there and if you second oldest live in there even this is our team to.
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this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public erik's allowed in because he's lived there is personal doctor. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich and famous some always on the move sailing yachts and flying aircraft that. was all. off now or is all. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening and was all. our
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souls just going out the busy way nothing's going to do the population nothing was going to people go on was on. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last bang turn. you're at right up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly
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promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters my mind gets consumed with the death of this one just as i speak to now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker.
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welcome to sophie shevardnadze the nuclear agreement between iran and the world powers is being thrown into jeopardy by u.s. president donald trump. how is iran preparing itself for a potential throwback to the days of sanctions and confrontation and what will it mean for the already troubled middle east well i ask public all that on. in saudi arabia going against it you know flow in every corner the middle east iran finds itself in uncertain waters is still aiming for the role of regional hegemon can't afford to run the risk of international isolation again and how can it gain the upper hand in the standoff began the state's. punjab attacking a welcome to the show it's a pleasure to have you on our program now president trump has been talk is on the
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obama they have changed their body so many articles of the. have been. ignored by the americans and. fourth time being united this. is insisting for a negotiation or some new. topics fish they are raising are not related to the. that's why the officials in iran insisting that the is not renegotiate. issue americans at the very beginning of my sister.
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