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tv   Boom Bust  RT  November 28, 2017 1:30pm-1:58pm EST

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it's risen over eight hundred percent from the beginning of two thousand and seventeen. speaking of crypto currency one canada based company is hoping to create its own coin to disrupt the global remittance market but right now the firm has die on cuba and the greater caribbean region to hear more about this we're joined now by steve marshall c.e.o. of cuba ventures corp steve your company just announced the creation of the block chain based mobile app were valued paid to target cuba's three point four billion dollars remittance market including its own crypto currency so how is that supposed to work when only a small portion of the population in cuba has decent access to the internet. well that's one of the fallacies with regard to cuba right now what you have is a situation would the the national telephone company has a. network which is internet capable and we also have the
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situation was the having installations in homes. so we know there's a lot of competition now western union seems to be the kingpin says but other companies like pay pal and money gram are emerging as competitors to so what's the advantage of volume paper says any of the others well the first thing is that we have blocked. we have lower costs because of that we have security we have speed and one of the most important factors of course is the c.c.u. coin which is our internal crypto currency and so what that means is that the the actual structure of our room in system is both fast and cheaper the average cost to send money to cuba right now is around about twenty percent and we are sure that we can do this for eight percent which is
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a massive difference and also it means that most people send the same amount of money when they send remittances so actually more money will arrive in cuba and our estimations are three hundred forty million dollars more if we have a quick uptick of all the pay. well regulators aren't always keen to peg crypto currency as to central bank backed currency as though so how do you plan on navigating that issue. while we have is simply a structure whereby the currency is deposited in the digital wallet by the remittance send and then those funds transfer via crypto currency and then the changeable back into the local currency on the island and whichever island it may be as you mentioned earlier this is going to have a roll out across the caribbean there are eleven currencies in the caribbean which is which is a mess for travelers and there's also the other aspect to revolver and that is that we will empower all of the entrepreneurs in cuba with
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a revolver they will allow them to be able to sell their services internationally just like any of the other companies you mentioned previously pay pal and these these entrepreneurs need help and the current us administration is pushing for these cuban entrepreneurs to be empowered and that's what our company will do well we have learned over the past year or so that not all blocked change based technology is hack proof so do the risks of hacking still outweigh just keeping there were mittens process the way it is. well we are sure that our system is secure and we guarantee through our clients that their emissions will arrive so you know we don't see that as being a problem going forward. ok well i know you just briefly touched upon this but president trump has obviously made some changes to u.s. cuba policy since he entered office most recently regarding who can and can receive
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remittances so how big of an impact could that have on the remittance market and the businesses involved. well i don't the only restrictions that we have seen are those that were in place previously which limits remittances to people who work in the cuban military the security forces or the intelligence divisions and so our business will obviously not focus on those markets at all but literally the other aspects of this particular theme which is remittances remains unchanged and as you mentioned at the start of the interview there's three point four billion dollars per year at play here. ok so even at this app is meant to civically for remittances could it have an impact on other industries like tourism. well as i mentioned it will have an impact on tourism because right now there are seven hundred fifty million dollars moving in to the hands of cuban entrepreneurs and what i mean by
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cuban entrepreneurs it's the private homeowners it's those that drive the classic car taxis it's the famous paladar restaurants which are the private restaurants these businesses most people don't know this but these businesses don't have any methods to charge clients at a distance so if they have a couple coming in from miami and then this couple would like to rent the bed and breakfast they have a tough time getting the money to the actual homeowner with rivaldo pay installed on their forms they can charge this immediately so again we're empowering the cuban entrepreneurs and that that is one of the major bases of this particular system. cuba is on schedule to elect a new president in february or so do you think we should expect the same approach to the economy and foreign relations or could we actually see some changes. while we've seen again if you analyze the air of fidel castro and then the era
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of of raul castro you've seen a gradual change i mean all of these private businesses that have been permitted over the last couple of years based upon changes that were made by raul castro and we're confident that these changes are going to not only continue but increase to allow more private businesses to operate more licenses issued and it's going to be a billion dollar business it's already seven hundred fifty million dollars per year so you know depending on the type of volume that business is looking at as far as we're concerned that's a very interesting market indeed and especially considering that there is they don't have any method right now to charge credit cards or charge for anything at distance and anybody who is visiting cuba would like to pay those those things in advance of course ok steve marshall c.e.o. of cuba venturous corp thanks so much for your time. thank you very much.
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it's been well over a year since the u.k. voted to leave the e.u. but the british economy is still adjusting to the pending changes in fact it wasn't too long ago that analysts cut the region's growth estimates for the next five years to help combat the resulting challenges the government announced details and a new industrial strategy that will target construction life sciences automotive an artificial intelligence sectors and it's intended to increase productivity officials also said they've secured major investments including one from u.s. based mark to open a research facility in london the news comes just a week after the european medicines agency announced it will move its headquarters from london to amsterdam. to be on the m a there are a few other firms and agencies preparing to leave london after brock's it to that includes the banking regulator which could foreshadow which city will become the blocks new financial hub r.t. correspondent peter oliver has more on that from berlin. with sixteen months to go
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until brags that the european union has already decided where it will be moving its london based agencies with votes from the twenty seven remaining e.u. states tied to. slovenia abstained in protest over representative saw as a bias against eastern and central european countries. to be drawn from above and the witness would be the new home of the european banking authority or. not could give the french capital an edge over of the e.u. five senses should we see something of a bricks that exists and banks looking to relocate the french president said he was very happy with the decision so what about frankfurt the whole of the european central bank seems to many like a natural choice but there is this vote couldn't have come a day would time for germany. old lots left and in no position to offer other
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countries anything in exchange for their votes but enough about those that didn't win the other when it was the dumbbell play host to the european medicines agency all the m a despite the fact that the dutch capital's office buildings won't even be ready in time for breaks that they were at least the top of a poll by a stuff of where they wanted to relocate so weeks they'll be happy anyway for the u.k. this is a sign that breaks it is happening and that the european union is making plans for it and taking with them a thousand well paid job to paris and saddam but with less than a year in a hall for the full britain exits the european union how many more will follow peter olva. time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return a former u.s. trading commissioner part chilton and i will talk about changes we can see to the consumer financial protection bureau and our cheap correspondent alex beheld that
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he joins us to talk about a worrying report on nafta on the right that. is doing an actual job it's like basically it's like the ticket cost euthanasia clinic tromp is the euthanasia doctor america is being euthanized and he's doing in a way where it's the least amount of pain but that's not that's not cruel i mean these doing as a good euthanasia. he's doing things in the cruel free way. to
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the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin that my body gets and support is that it cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity and does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that i did this surprise burn it put the money on your car immediately you don't have all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plans might as well come from you know the murder of your girl what are the risks of a donation. then it is proved that the frequency of pathologies is much higher in paid donations i mean it. if i was blind when i. was over two years
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old. in the money using the drug and who runs the blood business. on friday the director of the consumer financial protection bureau resigned and named his acting replacement a president trump also named a new director setting up a court battle over who will run the agency here to tell us more is former u.s. trading commissioner bart chilton part the sea of paper has been up and running for a little more than five years now but before we get ahead of ourselves why is it important. hey bianco well i mean they were created in the wake of the financial collapse that was based upon. the financial collapse you know based upon these bogus mortgages that were that were out there
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and if you remember the movie the big short where steve corrals character in decides that you know he's got to go down to florida and figure out whether or not there really is a housing bubble and he looks around and figures that there are some problems and he's finally meeting with a woman at a gentlemen's club who's there entertaining the gentleman and he says you don't realize that your mortgage is the the interest rate could go up two hundred to four hundred percent at any time they want and the woman says on both of my loans and she says you have all of my loans rather he says you have more than two loans he says i've got five houses and a condo and it was at that point that corrals character knew he wanted to short the housing market well the c.f.p. be bianco was set up to guard against these deceptive mortgages where they give you a teaser rates and then balloon up you know after
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a period of time and it was things like dealing with disclosure you know if anybody's ever done a mortgage you get to. well a couple of things one because of these things that were put in place that we talked about but overall all of the regulations not just at c f p b but at the office of the controller of the currency the federal posit insurance corporation my old agency the my futures trading commission the skerries exchange commission and even at the federal reserve all of those financial regulators have new rules put in place to deal with consumer protections that cause the financial calamity that we witnessed now the president does say that these pesky regulations are slowing down financial profits in the sector but quite frankly bianca they've never done better i mean you know show me per the law his chief of management and budget director mick mulvaney a former congressman. who voted against creating the consumer financial protection
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board and has been opposed to it from day one and continues to fight against it he says that fellow become the acting director so they both show up at work today and motivate me brings a bunch of donuts and wear some colorful socks and said let's get together but i tell you what it remains to be seen what's really going to happen because the act the woman who little or a english the former chief of staff and she says she's the acting director filed a case last night in the district court in washington d.c. to see to say she should be the director of the acting director the bottom line is all these director positions all the president has to do is nominate somebody that he wants to fulfill this position permanently be confirmed like the senate like a bunch of people like me had to do and then there's no problem but for some reason he's one of the do this sort of palace coup taking
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a white house political appointee in mr mo vanny and putting him into the statutorily protected independent position it's something i've never seen and quite frankly i just don't get it except for they really don't like this consumer protection watchdog let's backtrack for a second candidate trump campaign that he was going to be a champion for average americans now get that hillary clinton would be a captive of wall street but we know that wall street doesn't exactly like the c.f. people and senator durbin who has had a big role in dodd frank said quote wall street hates it like the devil hates holy water and they're trying to put an end to it so how does this action square with candidate trump's campaign promises. it's you have to do it you know ahead flip real quick to to make it square beyond that it doesn't sit you know average americans are benefiting from this agency you know wells fargo who. last year and they're still in the hot seat a stablished
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a bunch of these fake accounts sham accounts for their own customers was fined hundreds of millions of dollars by c f p b you want these people on on the on the case trying to ensure the protests protection for consumers remains but it doesn't square with what president trump said during the campaign he's certainly not being a champion of average folks by trying to gut these rules and regulations at the consumer watchdog how do you think allonby director mick mulvaney will approach or what approach current consumer protection. slash and burn burn totally dismantled destroy torch the earth the consumer watchdog will be in the doghouse for a long time with mick mulvaney as the director. on monday who showed up for work and the c s p p general council said that's fine but that there will still be a legal challenge so what do you think will happen next. well i
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mean it's unclear at this point bianca when the district court judge will make that decision i hope it's soon because it's got to be a mess for these employees there you know having two people show up there six hundred ploys at c.f.p. b. and those people you know they're there like i was in government for a real purpose they believe in what they're doing and they certainly don't want to see all their good work dismantled they believe in protecting consumers and so i hope it gets resolved rather soon there are two outstanding variables one the the judge that is going to oversee this case is a trump appointee who was confirmed by the senate and so the judge kelly and so that goes into it secondly there is some legislation moving through capitol hill and there may be those on the hill in the senate and house who try to stick on writers addressing c f p b so it remains to be seen but hopefully will be worked
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out in the near future bianca well of us have to keep an eye on that on that one but now i want to turn to a different story a report on nafta after five rounds of talks between the united states mexico and canada little has been accomplished towards creating a new nafta deal according to analysts at the bank of montréal it's in goshen don't take a turn for the better and nafta dies both the u.s. and canadian economies will be hit with what the bank is calling a totally unnecessary cost artie's alex the hell that joins us from toronto with the latest alex what grim predictions are we hearing from the bank of montreal the angle of five rounds of talks no movement whatsoever that not talks are not going in the right direction everything was supposed to be said and done by spring two thousand and eighteen it doesn't look like it's going to happen that way so bank of montreal a baker we call b. mo up here in canada there's predicting that things would not look good if these negotiations don't change direction sooner than later when what i mean by don't
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looking good. well you look at the american cannot khana me would look at a drop of love point two percent over the next five years as for the canadian economy drop about one percent and that's the grander picture then when you break it down into industry some industries would be much harder than others and that would be a big part of that would be the fact that we'd have to drop into a world trade organization tariff system so any agreement we have right now is gone once these tariffs kick in the supply chains that we have now between canada mexico and the united states defacto fall apart in a way because we are seeing tariffs everytime something crosses a border so the supply chains we have especially in the automotive industry on our confidence are an envy to nations around the world i mean it's something that you can't really find in many other places in the world billion gallons i should say millions of jobs have been created billions of dollars cross the borders over from the states to mexico and canada to the states each and every day so this has been
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a success the nafta agreement now it's just a question of what is the next step. look at president trump and he's saying you know it's america first i think he wants to bring about eighty five percent of all auto manufacturing that includes parts into the state that would be up from sixty two point five percent but the fact of the matter is there will be a trickle down that because you're eliminating the supply chain that works so well of course of somebody would have to pay for these changes and that will come down to the consumer once the consumer has to pay more for american built cars or north american built cars that means that money will start going someplace else so there is a lot of aspects that we have to look at here it's not just about an agreement about trade when we look at sort of macrocosm it goes down to the microcosm it goes down to each individual every individual in the three countries that make up nafta what would happen if nafta goes away everybody would eventually adjust but as it stands
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right now. many analysts are saying especially in those people in the mall as well that nafta really has done wonders for north america and it's something that we need to make work. alex it's part now you know it seems to be that there is some some advantage maybe from the trumpet ministrations perspective of continuing to make these demands on the negotiations but ultimately is what the most saying is that as a a pact as you know mexico canada and the u.s. together that will just not be as strong when competing for example with the asians who are in the middle of working on this trans-atlantic transpacific partnership is that pretty much that would be most message alex but you know that's a big part of it really is and the fact is that canada the united states we lose nafta while we lose our competitive competitiveness when we compare ourselves to
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the e.u. or to the asian trade pact that exists right now also the fact is that the united states right away it does not as good as a negotiator when it comes to talking to china where if there's a trade war ever kicks in there because it's sort of standing on the slower podium but it is with nafta nafta brings a lot of money into the u.s. it's just the way it is and within this it also just from an optical perspective the optics look good we work together we were work as a strong mass together and we survive on the face of this planet so i mean this is the thing with the united states it really has a lot to lose in the global global perspective as for canada i mean we're looking east and west already justin trudeau our prime minister is going to be in china next week talking about more trade with that country already exists which is our trade agreement with the europeans as as for a t p p i mean without the united states that things are still moving along although it seems to be at a bit of
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a slower pace and it's. doesn't exactly look like your old agreement but everybody else is talking a rail but you are so for the us now that is a good thing and i think it really places it on a level when you look at it internationally that it wouldn't be if there afterwards gone r.t. correspondent alex mahela veteran formatting it all exciting right commissioner bart chilton thanks so much for your time that's all for now be sure to catch boom bust on direct t.v. thanks for watching the next time. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your
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last wrong turn. you're out to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it's one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this would like to. speak to you now as there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. the village of collect she has been nicknamed sleepy hollow because for some reason
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unknown. if local residents have found victim to sleep to to make. charles move. over it was just daniel to chilkoot if she would use a few chance to how do you think your bishop. would seem with the concern that's it but also initiating a sort of but i'm also going on with the question are stored on peaceful people or it's a super thin you've got to go with them have to put in the position motifs what. exactly granny grass from where did you do what we have i don't want to. see the wall fuck this. this with all. the while his music. from my sil in there did your boss tells you off the guts. and he will let you know first of all it and i think.
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this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public erik's allowed in because he's listened to his personal doctor. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move sailing yachts and flying aircraft that. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening amazon. hours sosa's going to busy doing nothing is going to do the population because he's going to take people on his own .
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suspects under the age of eighteen face tera charges in two european countries as young people become radicalized. me to tears of possible terror attacks during the upcoming holiday season european authorities use discretion when it comes to beefing up security. and there could be more american soldiers in syria than officially claimed that's according to new findings from the u.s. think. this is our.


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