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tv   Keiser Report  RT  November 28, 2017 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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it is funny yes decision was made in the executive level of the kaiser report to go to where it is sunny and to shoot our show in the sun because we got to like that home staying in fact there is quite a bit of construction going on in the bay you might hear some song or something going about some new mansion i'm building it's a forty seven bedroom mansion with my bitcoin profits that are now exceeding the gross national product of some european countries it will be dwarfed in this entire landscape with a multi story multi pool multi chopper enabled multi battleship equipped safe house vault mansion bitcoin mansion i thought she was a multi queen mostly i see oh well i want to have any big going cash that's the devil's currency but i just love this out looking over our shoulder i was a little bit surprised by that but starting about potato chips i don't know why as soon as i think of somebody looking over a shoulder i have this headline here because i know the second half you continue your interview with dan collins of the china money report and here's
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a headline america just can't match china's exploding super computer power if you want to crunch the world's biggest problems head east according to a newly published ranking not only is china home to the world's two fast a super computers it also has two hundred two of the world's fastest five hundred such devices more than any other nation meanwhile america's fastest device limps into fifth place in the charts and the nation occupies just one hundred forty four of the top five hundred slots making it second according to that metric so the world's fastest supercomputer is called tycoon light how is that the national supercomputing center and what she china this is a very important because computing power and speed are the defining characteristics of a superpower it's not about weapons it's not about infrastructure so much it's not about. having cultural soft power it's about having really fast super computers one
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obvious application is that china will be in a position to dominate the crypto currency market in crypto currency market is the defacto twenty first century economy and in finance and currencies so this is part of the chinese twenty first century programme china twenty twenty five by their take us is now second tier country down trump is helping america ease into being a second tier country which is what i think the most responsible thing you could do i'm going to put this into context about how much faster this supercomputer in china is compared to the fastest computer available in the united states capable of performing ninety three quadrillion calculations per second type who like is almost three times faster than the second place town he too also in china the department of energy's fifth place titan supercomputer how is that oak ridge national laboratory performs seventeen point six quadrillion calculations per second making
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it less than a fifth as fast as light well i think how might this protection when you divide a second into quadrillions of parts you are bending the space time continuum in an interesting way that we will and this is paralleling discoveries in quantum physics as well and astrology. that should say astronomy. horoscope faster than the speed of light i think that what we're going to see here in the very near future is time travel especially when you're uploading your consciousness into virtual reality and then you won't be able to differentiate between the present past and future anyway in a purely digital grid and so people are going to become immortal and my other prediction i made on the show many times is coming true humans are dying as
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a species giving birth to their digital avatars just like the god who created humans died giving birth to the universe that is the. mother and father of us humans so it's we're at the end and the beginning ok so here we have a supercomputer situation happening in china they also have a quantum satellite it's the first one they have a quantum cable that they put a lay down between shanghai and beijing so they're like rapidly advancing spending all their money in infrastructure build and technology and things that you know will leap frog them into way ahead of us in the future meanwhile here everything is the lack dated and maybe our weapons systems are the only thing that's like better like that we spent a lot of money on but here the american government is painfully aware that is now a laggard in the supercomputer space and a two hundred fifty eight million dollars funding injection into the department of
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energy's excess scale computing project is supposed to ready a system capable of performing one queen tilia in operations per second ten times the capacity of tahu like by two thousand and twenty one or china reckons it will achieve the same feat as soon as twenty twenty right now then china has america's super computing industry to beat this gets back to my theory of the holy dial tone . the linear concept of time traveling forward is going to be shattered and we'll be living in a permanent ether except the currency will not be the theory i'm. because it'll be discredited by the founders toward remarks recently and we will end purely on the coin when trump was in china of course you had those three aircraft carriers the nuclear powered aircraft carrier battle groups were brought to the pacific this
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is the first time it's been there they're all there and they're showing their military might. well there's also now calculations coming out about how much all these wars in the middle east and asia have cost america basically over the last decade or so the change in warfare from a decade or so ago could scarcely be starker in the aftermath of nine eleven america's conventional military capability was narrowly focused on a handful of locations primarily iraq and afghanistan the resources plowed into them were stupendous five point six trillion dollars so far academics at brown university estimated this month that would imply a cost per individual u.s. taxpayer of more than twenty three thousand dollars including future care for veterans so again like you have contributed twenty three thousand dollars to this i
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have contributed twenty three thousand our camera people have contributed twenty three thousand this is. this is why we're unlike in the meantime we're lagging behind. china in the super computer space we're lagging behind them in so many different ways but we have three nuclear powered aircraft carriers in the pacific. that same twenty three thousand dollars if you invested it but going twenty eleven for now be worth over fifty million dollars. and if you control the supercomputers and you control crypto and you control time and space and you control which way we're going on the log scale into where you run the world china is again tromp is doing an actual job it's like basically it's like the dignitas euthanasia clinic tromp is the euthanasia doctor america is being euthanized and he's doing in a way where it's the least amount of pain but that's not that's not cruel i mean
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he's doing as a good euthanasia just he's doing things in the cruel freeway so again you know here we are falling behind rapidly not only in life expectancy the increase in mortality rates in for mortality rates are falling way behind all of those you know other rich nations the top thirty five nations as we recently showed. we are spending more and more not only on this military machine but wasting human capital their human resources deploying people around the world to try to maintain this empire and it's an embarrassing sort of spectacle at this point as even the u.s. army war college has recently said that we're fraying at the edges is the empire stephanie fraying at the edges so at their height those wars that cost five point six trillion so far dominated u.s. military thinking planning and workload in
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a way that is hard to overstate working from pentagon figures the brown researchers estimate that some two point seven million american service personnel pass through those two countries in that time more than half of them deploying more than once officially however these conflicts were never seen as endless wars the hope was always that one last surge of troops would win the day and allow a larger withdrawal so it's always like one will assert. one more surge was thirty years the super surge here's the measure over super surge chunk of course offer the best surge ever this is the best the best definitely the greatest surge ever trump surge is a next to trump steaks trump surge is my best product ever but i blame of us are still on. because of the rambo films that attempted to rewrite the vietnam
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war and make america the winners. and this was the eighty's and reagan trying to rewrite vietnam war as if america did lose that war because if we had meant that america lost the war we would have to ask ourselves why and the obvious answer is because the military industrial complex as it has been called decided perpetual war was profitable for them and they didn't care if they killed fifty eight thousand americans they were just interest in the mill they were just disposable but instead of coming to grips with that really harsh reality we said oh america never lost a war and therefore we're never going to lose a war let's just keep sending americans into the processing power plant and get them executed and stick them in arlington cemetery and salute thank you for making these contractors rich you poor potts you know when we drive across america we drive across poor states poor areas poor counties and we see a graveyard graveyard graveyard populated with dead us servicemen for why because
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of the north lock lockheed martin. indyk cetera got rich on these dead americans who knew we don't want to admit it well here and finally this last quote here about the actual cost finally on what have we actually achieved with all this well the ever increasing demand for military resources and a growing number of places causing increased concern in the us military in june a report by the us army war college described america's military clout as fraying and bluntly concluded that the era of u.s. global military primacy that followed the fall of the berlin wall was over america's armed forces have a variety of strategies to tackle that decline but the truth is that coming wars will look very different from the sort of military deployments taken for granted in the recent past let's put a link to that underneath the video so people can read that very important. don't
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go away much more coming up after the break. welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin my body gets and somebody is that i cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity no one does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that it helped this applies more book burning to put money on your car immediately you don't have all plasma based drugs today come from
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private companies and are produced from paid plasma small compromise you know a motor car and. one of the risks of pay donation in it then is proof that the frequency of pathologies is much higher in paid donations in it for to say at all if i was lying when i. moved over two years old he will go in the money using the drug and who runs the blood business.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to return to our conversation with dan collins of china money report dot com dan welcome back. i want to make a point from the last show which i failed to make and that is that donald trump the president of united states on his visit to china he has pivoted away from national security economic issues another words previous administrations have been focused on national security and how china might or might not be a upturning the global geo political landscape with various war and initiatives but he's saying we don't care about that we just want trade did we want to make peace they want to make money how is that playing in china i think it's very good i think good compared to the last administration as you said the asian pivot we announce we're going to move fifty percent of the naval and air force assets that are outside united states into the egypt region with the idea that we're going to create this kind of barrier. stop china from going oh we're going to work with the
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philippines we're going to work with malaysia we're going to work with indonesia and japan and korea and try to him china and the problem is china so dominant no economically you've seen these countries start to fall like dominoes into china's lap as we talk as i mentioned you know both the philippines is already going over korea we put the fan missile system in green business you're in china. and you're going to see the south korea even stare to me. maybe better relationships with china in trying to go away from the u.s. because he could all over asia do that just out of economic necessity china is their largest trade partner now not the united states we have no formal leverage to keep those relationships outside of a military which which china is also quickly catching up to so i think so because you know trade in economics in first taking care of the american economy is actually the race by the president all right so the china pivot is dead. let me ask a hypothetical philosophical question herr donald trump's aims to pay doing the
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right thing and helping america transition to a new world where they are no longer the big global economic or military superpower and china is so is he doing a good job helping america transition to the twenty first i framus wipe down yeah yeah absolutely we have to get the jobs back we have to get the tax rates down so companies will stop leaving the united states you know china killed us was zero percent tax rate i mean i've looked at twenty years they made it all the american multinationals in zero percent tax rates for three years after that you get another four years of fifteen percent then after that you get twenty five percent so all these multinational signal k. i'll do that with low cost labor and a skilled workforce or i can stay in the u.s. and pay out forty percent of the federal government x. to the states and local you know own local sobek and basically we have to get the economy from in terms of a manufacturing base restarted and china makes more steel in six weeks than we make all year so in order to continue the soviets learn our weight you cannot continue
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the military military machine for that many decades past your economies of complete failure you know for the soviet union last about fifty years and then finally the illusion broke down you know in the eighty's and late eighty's and night or early ninety's the united states is heading in that same direction we can't make anything for ourselves we're completely dependent on loans from china and then to into print money and the buy goods from china and other countries so trump is right he sees a radio on the wall we have to get that hundred million people of work we need the united states that don't have a job we have to get them back into work or we have to get the skills of and we have to compete real economic you know under real economy basis and to compete going going going forward in the future and as we talked about before our most of america g.d.p. a lot of it is state you know in the in the health system seventy seventeen twenty percent of the of the g.d.p. you know it's because you get overcharged a little cut your finger. chop an onion and it's a three or four thousand dollar bill for a few stitches illegals into american g.d.p.
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that's all nonsense you know same with the growth rates so we don't get the real economy restarted we're never going to be able to maintain the military machine with gentles shows signs of a lot of waste in abuse and just general negligence but you look at some of the recent military contracts of one trillion dollars on a fighter jet that nobody wants he's going to need the idea that america needs to put those hundred million people back to work and there needs to be a reconciliation of the trade deals etc we have to keep in mind though dan that china was coming out of a agricultural society where people were self subsistence farming in the countryside and living on a dollar a day you know remember china was in the third world people were living on two dollars a day so in sum i put my point is that if america is going to try to get back in
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the race air then americans are going to have to sacrifice they're going to have to pull up their boots after the say we need to understand that if we're going to pay down these debts and avoid being taken over by china we're going to have to start living on you know make do on three or four thousand dollars a year per family otherwise just seed. to reality and given to their new chinese lords overlord said well you know i was like america is not going to make us it's not going to make it happen then. yeah i mean there's big changes coming i think you know the current once a dollar finally gets to great reckoning all of that importer product is going to skyrocket and praise you see a lot of inflation people be living on thirty to forty to fifty thousand a year except it will feel like three or four thousand dollars a year so that you know that's definitely in the cards but the you know if you look at the workforce culturally know america's slipped so far down the ladder the
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opiate braces the i mean the divorce rates you basically look at any social system you know some of the biggest i.p.o. was in china that have launched this year have to do with home tutoring home education you have three year olds here that that read write better english than american three year old i mean i've seen or textbooks so it's saying they learn english here the same time they learn chinese now so i mean there's just such a cultural as you said and you're totally right makes china was starting to make sixty's you know i mean that's how it's been an absolute complete three hundred sixty degree change and but they remember those days the guys in the fifty's here remember not having money you know not be able to do anything being you know wanted in have no basically no life and you know i we're twenty years myself it's you know the change i've seen it was hard to explain but yeah so there's a. you know economically can see we're who are shifting access your honor and us are going to big changes coming into training so again to your point. about this
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dollar and the role the dollar play and it's once the dollar reflects the reality of the global economy and purchasing power for americans is crushed and as you point out it will be like living on four or five thousand dollars. a year in present dollars if gas us out. twelve dollars a gallon fifteen dollars a gallon food has doubled or tripled in price because all the support from the dollar's been removed and. let's talk about the one about one road you know policy which is becoming here. as as a as an alternative to the u.s. dollar based global economy dan talk a little bit about that well this is what america used to do isa going to build infrastructure eight bridges power plant this is what china is doing in central asia they're already they've already got rail lines connecting directly from china
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to europe this is a bow growing the economies in their neighborhood so to speak you know all the way from from the west you know kazakhstan uzbekistan all the way to europe you know the one built one road ends in places like serbia you see eastern europe not china has a lot of influence you know in places like the serbia where you know they get promised to come into the e.u. they get promise all this and that but actually nothing happened and now china has come in and you know greece will build your port restart it will it will buy a port restructure serbia we're going to build a high speed rail line for you from belgrade to budapest so this one built one road is introducing the r. and b. it's going to it and it's going to be introduced chinese technology which is really quite good now high speed real high speed rail in china they have more rail line high speed rail lane than the rest of the world combined and they went from zero to that in like six years imagine the united states trying to do this so this is the type of forget even trying to catch up at this point. and then you mention greece
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very interesting situation there because greece was allowed to die v.a.'s of a the troika the e.c.b. the e.u. and the i.m.f. and we now know that john paulson the hedge fund a new york along with insiders in the greek government were petting and playing games in the credit default swap market they made billions of dollars on greece's destruction. and the government in greece it looks like they were totally complicit in their destruction for a few pennies then we had. you know russia offered to step in and restore order you know some economic lifeline essentially to greece we know that from the records didn't go anywhere according to yanis varoufakis is talk to me about this russia offered a lifeline. and then you're saying china so what's the status because greek the greek economy is still more
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a bond it's still completely toast. what's the status of there is china offering a lifeline to greece so what's going on there dan you've opened a pandora's box tell us more why i know more on the the projects they're working on in eastern europe not so much on greece i do know the port they bought in greece the out the you know the throughput on the port is up to three hundred percent it's doing very well and it's managed managed by the chinese shipping you know the port company here and they've got their people over there so they're you know they restructured and it's working well terms of eastern europe is the big player china has had it peculiar meetings getting everyone together from poland through serbia czech republic everybody trying to build out infrastructure you know whether it's electric whether it's high speed rail and eventually factories moving there i mean people in serbia know for instance give you an example make half of what a chinese worker would make. this is this is the world we live in now i mean we've
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totally flipped. so yeah i mean you're going to see a lot more to chinese power projection all over the world east europe definitely central asia and also the philippines in southeast asia and you'll you'll see that and it's going to be through the economy you know people want business they want the their livelihoods they don't need you know look at africa trying to build schools the hospitals the bridges and they're putting plants and he's in europe and we bring grown bases i mean so which one where do you get more benefit what are the risks for china that could a ral what's happening there obviously people talk about a housing bubble that could be a problem but are there is that a problem or not and are there any potential you know that you say risks that could pop up and what's that look like them there's always risks you know since we've been been coming on your show max probably six seven years now james g.d.p. is double you know the china bears have been talking about
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a collapse since two thousand and one guys like gordon john. what a book on it was really a childish book i mean it's nonsense. china does have risks they know that they address at the local but government debt issues which they're trying to work through a lot of these one bill one road projects we're going to have to see if it turns out really you know that you're going to need as the economy has to become better to actually have will pay off so trying to put the lot on the line is a go global but they have to watch their debt but in terms of you know it overall the terms of you know their debt levels aren't so high yet you know nationally they have huge effects reserves so i would just watch the economy's been through much worse than they are you know that would then be forced in a way i think there's a risk but i would say it's probably ten years away well during the nineteenth century a lot of chinese fog south america build its railway system maybe it's time for america if they ship off to china and help them build their railway system down collins thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thanks max all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser as they say
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i would like to thank our guest dan collins he's a must read guy at the china money report dot com you can reach us on twitter a cause or report intellects on bio. this really just collect she has been nicknamed sleepy hollow because for some unknown reason it's local residents have formed victim to sleep to make. trolls move. or just include. the whoosh of the chicken soup how do you. want to live with the concern that simple things you can sort of but i'm also going on with the question you're still talking. to go back to the fish and want to switch. to growing grass from where did you do what we have are developing. the wall
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thought there's. this with all the name all over the. floor washington he says. my feeling there did you have both styles there of the guts. and he will let you know first of all that i think. this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's the seller his personal doctor. people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying aircraft that. conflict cause.
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he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening amazon. allergies so says going out to visit when nothing is going to do the population much because he's going to people on his own . i. i.
4:00 pm
can use north korea conduct ballistic missile test japan claims that it came down just two hundred kilometers off its coast. british government is to receive a helping hand from the media facebook and twitter it's a look into alleged russian interference in last year's. i got really. mad the. president met with protests in turkey and. over the presence of french troops in the country. for joining us to see the money you're watching on international.


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