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tv   News  RT  November 30, 2017 7:00am-7:30am EST

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reporters without borders try to council or press events critical of a controversial syrian rescue group the white helmet something slammed by the organizers as an attack on free speech. very disappointed to see the job is to. ask you for the kind of censorship. the french president sees military action in libya as the best way to combat human trafficking in a country already devastated by war. north korean television releases the first images of its most advanced missile to date reportedly capable of reaching washington after the u.s. ambassador warned that pyongyang its leadership would be destroyed in case of new.
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info or welcome you're watching r.t. international with me thank you aaron good to have you with us this hour. on a controversial white helmets group is again causing divisions now it's off to reporters without borders urged the swiss press club to cancel a conference critical of the syrian activists the request was rejected by the head of the organization as modern day censorship. if you were challenging our support for this conference with the name of our organization appearing on the list of media members we turn only dissociated ourselves from the savant and do not wish to be associated with the conference we invite you to abandon this project which will damage the image of this race press club it was very surprising and very disappointing to see the journalist association asking for the kind of censorship
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that was my first reaction and so i decided to reply writing your letter and asking them to respect the freedom of the speech constitution more a guy who previously conducted his own investigation into the white helmets on the ground in syria has more details on what caused the split between the journalist organizations. so far almost everything you've been told about the white helmets is stuff from their press releases and review productions not from locals or civilians no know from white helmet sponsors and p.r. agents that's great and all but let's against here from the people they say they're saving shows them helping the people but they only help rebel fighters they really it is those close to them the last thing they cared about was civilians. whenever
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food aid was brought into the white helmets and rebels would take it after themselves to give us nothing not even bread and he us what there were many people buried alive would come to save them and if they found civilians they might help and they might not know that's a huge surprise what a shocker the white helmets aren't perfect who would have thought they were just regular people with their own shortcomings their own agenda just like everyone else so why on earth would reporters without borders want to censor this absolutely obvious fact calling it russian propaganda i think it was the topic which was this disturbing this disguise now having described. as an. organisation cannot admit they were wrong and yes they
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didn't even admit to here are the people who are criticizing the white tournaments has it was a taboo to speak about them that's impossible for a serious journalist or simply hardest person to admit such so. it's the first time in the twenty years of the existence of this response that we are. give such demons from a journalist association which is supposed to support to to support the press freedom for whatever reason it is taboo no one in the mainstream media or in western governments says anything remotely critical of the white helmets you remember ever hearing anything unflattering. reporters without borders has all but taken sides let's not forget in two thousand and sixteen they named
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a syrian rebel activist and the journalist of the year he is taunting syrian conscripts buried under rubble he says he wants them to taste a slow death the swiss press club has made the point not to judge for me i cannot see myself in the mirror or if i am good big censorship or deciding you have the right to speak you have not to speak because you are representing the bab the supposed bad part and it is paid off they've received an outpouring of support internationally and they value to continue doing what they do irregardless of pressure also received many people criticizing russia. for gary kasparov for businesses named sarah who quit is criticizing russia so i am open to everybody even people who are
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supporting russia and not criticizing that's the goal of the real person and not the politically correct. association. of former croatian general who fought in bosnia has died after taking poison and a ucas law of war crimes tribunals the hague as the verdict was being read out at an appeal hearing he unexpectedly produced a small bottle and drank from it right in front of the judge. well i'm proud that we are internet ignorant of what the stock piece adult. should. look like. or if we. have taken poison. slow down probably
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a general of croatian forces during the yugoslav was he was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to twenty years before the war was a theatre and film director and writer. the yugoslav was the bloodiest conflicts in european history since the second world war tensions between a complex mix of nationalities forming the state of yugoslavia erupted into a bit civil wool originate yugoslavia included six republics with different nationalities and religious groups. the communist revolutionary and statesman tito who established the federal republic of yugoslavia managed to suppress nationalism bets off to his death in the one nine hundred eighty s. relations among the republics quickly deteriorated with each of them seeking their own independence is soon turned ugly old cites the nine hundred ninety five
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genocide in tripper needs it is one of the bloodiest pages in yugoslav history the massacre of more than eight thousand muslim both the acts perpetrated by units of the bosnian serb army resulted in their commander ratko being jailed for life by the un special court in the event of the twenty seventy. but atrocities happened on old sites in one thousand nine hundred three sixty nine so being civilians were killed by both the it and herzegovina army forces and the scale and a massacre in the docs church in a cemetery the ground. overall despite much evidence of war crimes conducted similar tenuously by different forces the cia eventually declared seven minutes and were responsible for ninety percent of the crimes including genocide. tonight and they took those into action against yugoslavia it is indeed tragic that diplomacy has failed the nato is now intervening in that war in
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a sovereign country. and eventual nato air campaign conducted a number of operations to undermine the military capability of the boss and me. to this day the un special court is still investigating war crime cases from the comfort. now says the tribunal was launched a total of one hundred sixty one people have been indicted for war crimes in the former yugoslavia this was a tease were committed by all sides a majority of those defendants of the sixty percent in fact. others are croats both albania and macedonia now in light of the unequal way things across different ethnic groups critics have slammed the tribunals as unbalanced some of the rulings of the tribunal have been criticized as politically motivated and on top of that several people have died while being on trial with questions raised over the circumstances of the death also the trials have dragged on for years in some cases
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even decades political analyst on both doubts that anyone can get a fair sentence at the hague when we talk about the whole war itself the united states government tried to force the croats and the muslims to become allies of course they did not want to be allies they fought each other but whenever the muslims in the courts for each other america sided with the muslims and you'll see that this croatian general is one of the victims of america's policy of muslims first everybody else later nobody got a fair trial neither the serbs nor the croats nor the muslims. some people took their lives into their own hands rather than become. puppet players you know play scripted directed and run from washington so they could cut this region up and colonize it. the french president has proposed military action
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against human traffickers in libya he says it's the best way to combat migrant slave trading. we are proposing to treat here from the police and military action to war this is a country political transition. well of course live to our correspondent maria phenomena for more now good to see you know what prompted me to make this proposal . well human trafficking has been topping the agenda of european union african union summit that is right now and to go in africa mccrone has been taking part in this summit. although this is not a new problem international immigration organization released a report earlier in april alarmed about what they called more than slavery
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surprisingly has just started being discussed in the media recently but again this is almost nothing new of course france's president has talked about human trafficking in africa a lot he is right now in africa with his first official tour to the continent he before going there has described the aim of this tree as attempt to build new bridges between africa and france africa's former colonial ruler and to reset a nice a relations and he is right there. right now at the time when tensions are rising and discontent of the public on the ground also on the rise with now france's policy that many complain is all about supporting local corrupt governments but it's no surprise that emanuel
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mccall has commented on human trafficking and he has said. that he has come to africa showing that he cares about people in africa and he is representing the country that is ready to help. local people live better i mean i come back to normal life as you know you like northern africa has been suffering a lot in the conflicts of recent years but this is what i mean the real mccoy has officially announced as the end but the commons he has made during his trip. is talking about traffickers putting blame on local people for these problems and also. saying that african people are not thankful enough for french troops while they have to be made many die
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out wars are actually real targets of mccraw visit and this is what people used to talk about that. mccrone is the new face of france colonialism it was france among other nations that supported need to bombing of libya creating the chaos that led to current slave trade of african migrants i'm getting very tired of my consing kinking can exert moral authority over africa and so many countries pre-colonial tax to france fifty plus years after their independence he's making neocolonialism greed again. well france's president did many really mcallen's comment and proposal actually. i mean has been quite a surprise a do you remember front was among the country's plane crucial role in leaving crisis in two thousand and eleven it was one of the country's borman
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lever that led eventually to the rule changes in the country and then later to disability station dramatic a disability nation on the ground and of course it led to cure all to consequences including human trafficking so this is why i now may be asked the question whether more military actions now would help bring the balance bat back to you a story for national speaking to us live from paris there thanks maria. now it's already been more than sixty years since the assassination of the former libyan leader muammar gadhafi and the western incursion into the country we spoke about the current situation in libya with gadhafi is a former top assistant but shares sunday bashir was the former right hand man of moammar gadhafi he chairs the eighty billion dollars libyan african investment
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portfolio and to manage the gadhafi family's private funds we asked him whether it was fan now to call libya a failed state. for the one for the hardest it's not right to say gadhafi better to say the libyan government the libyan government left about two hundred billion dollars in various banks abroad and the un has frozen the money in accordance with the security council resolution and when it comes to the money inside the country those who came to power after his after he claimed there were one hundred sixty tons of gold billions of dollars in libyan dinars in the central bank when gadhafi moved from tripoli to search he took nothing with him and. an accomplice of the older than i was government official not was how i dealt with sarkozy as an official the french media part another me drought let's claim that some people met with me and then there was a decision taken to pay fifty million i said i have nothing to do with that.
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allow i'm one of the few that nothing is known about that there are taffy statements and sarkozy statements now better believe because after all. i don't know this person and i never met him if he says he would recognize me if he sees me that's a lie he has taken money from someone he should reveal from whom exactly but anyway that's a french problem not libya's. journalists have been barred from the capitol hill press poorly can find out why after this short break. what holds and which to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president if you. want to. get it right for
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us this is what the. real big. interest the reason why. they should. thank. you. thank you thank you. thank you thank you. thank you.
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thank you. thank. god welcome back north korean television has released the first images of its most advanced missile to date reportedly capable of reaching any tollgate in the u.s. thanks according to both the north and south korea pyongyang's latest missile reached an all to shoot ten times higher than the orbit of the international space station experts say if directed differently the missile could reach both washington and europe following the missile tests the u.s. ambassador to the united nations warns the leadership in pyongyang that it would be quote utterly destroyed in case of war the threat came at an emergency session of the security council where countries were discussing solutions to the korean crisis . the dictator of north korea made a choice yesterday that brings the world closer to war not farther from it and if
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war comes make no mistake the north korean regime will be utterly destroy those that would use to its difficult to move towards any supplements as long as north korea fears that its security is threatened in a current situation we urge them to call on all parties involved to stop escalating the tensions that accompany each new cycle of reactions in response bashers we all eat to pause and think carefully about the consequences of such steps the u.s. president donald trump denounced the north korean launch and he later broke off a speech on tax reform to take a jab at kim jong il will be rocket fuel. with . little rocket man rocket fuel for the americans because.
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he is a sick puppy. besides that president trump tweeted that he had discussed the launch with china's president i think that major new sanctions will be imposed on north korea however russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has suggested the u.s. could have a hidden agenda. because of those i'm sure the americans should start with explaining their intentions to us all if they are really looking for an excuse to destroy north korea as the u.s. envoy to the u.n. said it's a security council meeting let them spell it out clearly and let the u.s. leadership confirm it then we will decide how to react if it's really concerned about north korea's nuclear program it would again dialogue but the only way to resolve the problem and north korea said many many many people if they're not willing to give up a nuclear program unless the united states rough and tough policy i think like a reasonable request to me the more the united states wants to punish north korea
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the more they convince north korea that they need to develop nuclear deterrent protect themselves so has the opposite effect. if the united states were truly interested. ramping down tensions it would engage in dialogue with everything not to engage in dialogue. a u.s. congressional committee has barred our journalists from reporting from capitol hill by revoking that accreditation is sites r t america's new foreign agent status that's despite early assurances from the state department that this status would not stand in the way of our reporting here's the letter r.t. america received from congress the executive committee of the congressional radio and television correspondents galleries exercised its authority to withdraw all the news credentials of the r.t. network this action was taken in response to the registration of the r.t. network as a foreign agent. when the united states tells someone
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to register under a foreign agent requirement we don't see impacts or affect the ability of them to report. news and information we just have to register it's a simple as that seems to be the opposite of what heather nauert said because as of the moment we've received this letter which is essentially telling us that our ability to operate as a news agency and function and report on events on capitol hill a vital place in the us political system the legislative branch of the u.s. government that ability is now in question now at the moment we have this letter telling us that we need to turn over our credentials now this comes in the aftermath of r.t. being pressured and forced to register under the foreign agents registration act now this is a law that was passed in one nine hundred thirty eight to combat the influence of
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nazi germany and efforts and propaganda efforts by the nazi government back in the one nine hundred thirty s. now it follows months and months of pressure that have been placed on our see recently artie's status in the united states with you tube and their ability to do premium ads in the united states was taken away without any real notice twitter has banned advertising by r.t. and there's been a series of hearings on capitol hill directed at r.t. which are g.'s a name has come up people are calling this atmosphere a witch hunt so this is yet another move another amount of pressure making it harder for reporters like myself to do our job in the united states we lost media experts how congress is actions that tally with the principle of freedom of speach . the united states government cannot because of the constitution openly censor a news organization so that going around the corners here they're doing it in a different way they started by pressuring you to register as a foreign agent and now we've seen the consequences of that that in fact your press
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passes were pulled on capitol hill so they are good step to systematically step by step trying to shut down our t.'s operations in the u.s. why are they trying to do this because u.s. corporate media is routinely suppresses news critical news particularly of u.s. foreign policy while i a proud member of my republic i asked the question how does this look like to the world in the nation's capital the bastion of free speech the first amendment where scores hundreds thousands of people from every conceivable form of press that there is they get a badge but r g o o o o vero foreign agent they're different be gone our tea has been in the new in one way or another as this forbidden fruit this outlaw roe good news
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organization and you know what happens in this country when you tell americans you can't do something or other when you were a kid your parents said don't listen to that music. with all the latest headlines i'll be back in about thirty minutes time with them. when the make its manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round to listen to that one percent. time we can all middle of the room six. million more you'll need to.
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apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money killian erroneous and spending two hundred twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chance with. the thinks it's going to. come.
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greetings and salutation. so today show host matt lauer and mr prairie home companion himself garrison keillor are now the next two major media figures to fall in the vitally needed in law overdue purging of major us institutions at the hands of the me too movement but while the corporate news media reacts and dissects and holds back tears of shock over the latest to dragon slaying of the sexual harassment alter of just as there is another group of victims that have been conspicuously absent from all the television news coverage since bravely coming
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forward and telling their stories of harassment and assault they are the over two hundred women who work under the very large umbrella of national security here in the united states who jointly signed and published a letter on november twenty eighth declaring that they too have been victims to various forms of sexual harassment assault and abuse a lot of the job working to protect the united states of america in their letter to in their letter entitled me to nat sec the women state that quote this is not just a problem in hollywood silicon valley newsrooms or congress it is everywhere these abuses are born of imbalances of power in environments that permit such practices while silencing and shaming their survivors one of the co-authors of the letter retired ambassador nina hachigian stated assault and harassment are just as much as a problem for women working the night shift cleaning offices as it is for diplomats . you know from the navy's tailhook scandal in one nine hundred ninety one to the
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marines united social media scandal last spring i think it's about time the national security state and the military industrial complex that feeds it finally be forced. answer furred sexually abusive past and present so that we can better protect the future of women in service of our country now let's start watching the hawks. good looks like. it's like. the plot of it. looks. like you know that i got. the please. please. please. welcome everyone to watch the hawks.


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