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tv   Boom Bust  RT  November 30, 2017 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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x. facial recognition system proving that even biometrics aren't hack proof to talk more about this we're joined now by todd shipley president of euro software now todd to be clear this company has spent time beforehand making a face mask to help them get past the system and the user had to be present to unlock the phone each time that mask failed so with that in mind how big of a deal is this really well thanks for having me on today it's it is a big deal because they did it within two weeks of the i phone ten coming out so the fact that they were able to actually fabricate something that was to get around it needs to be a concern for everybody if they can do it that quickly. well over time our faces can change whether it's because at the age or make up or in some cases plastic surgery so why don't we just stick to fingerprints what is the allure of facial recognition technology. well i think the lure is that it's the ease of use and a lot of people like you believe you that they just look at the phone the phone pops
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right open but this is not the all the vietnamese cases not the only time that has been broken in that since there's been several if you look on on you tube several twins that have been able to bypass the security with their own faces themselves so we have to look at this as an option but not a you know one hundred percent security feature that we have to rely on most of the time the most secure feature still is actually putting in a pass code and not relying in any of these biometrics because almost all the biometrics have been hacked in one form or another there ian market research estimates that the biometric sensor market will grow at nine point seven percent in the next seven years reaching nearly one point eight billion dollars in sales so what do you think is driving this market more safety or convenience. convenience it is all convenience most people don't really know anything about the fact that this stuff is hackable in one form or another and it does take a little bit it's not something that you can easily do it takes
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a little bit of effort by people to do it although when we look at these things and whether it's a fingerprint it's an iris or your face there are things that can be done to get into the phone and so we need to be thinking more about the security of these things and these companies are working on it the algorithms that they're using initially have been minimal in the sense of how many points of the face or the fingerprint that they use they'll up the number of those so it becomes more and more secure but as it becomes more secure they may not work as fast or as quickly as so there's a balance that the consumer is going to want the ability to get into the phone quicker based on these and the companies are going have to figure out how they're going to be secure and not allow all these things to be hacked as quickly as they have been as a former police sergeant what are your thoughts on law enforcement using biometrics technology given the risks of hacking within the agencies themselves
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i think that there's always that risk and they have to be concerned about that but they're turning around and using these same acts against the targets to the suspects they're getting search warrants and using your own fingerprints to be able to get past fingerprint scanners so they're buzan it both ways and i think that is as the technology changes all sides have to realize that security is a risk well some experts say that biometrics could give the retail industry opportunity to reclaim itself since online retailers have an easier time understanding and tracking customer behavior so do you think it can really have that big of an impact down the road. well i think the impact it's going to have down the road is the fact that who's holding our biometric data that always ends up being the problem with any of the personal information that we give out to these companies who's going to hold that information and how are they going to bring vente other people from getting it if i have a biometric data stored with
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a third party and that you know iris fingerprint or whatever it is is there and it gets hacked and stolen now somebody can access my devices using those kinds of things so i think we have to be concerned more about the privacy issues then the convenience that customers are going to get out of some of this stuff well even with the best security technology in place our computers and our phones can still get hacked so what can we do on our own to protect ourselves well outside of not using them i think which is not realistic we have to be consider the fact that security is a real function when we buy these products we have to look at what the security features are in those products and do they actually work in ensure that we understand how to implement them correctly and make sure that whatever these features are that they're actually doing what they say they're doing so in that's tough for the average citizen to understand how these things work because we rely on these companies to be that security function for us in understand what's going
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on and oftentimes they don't well as we become more dependent on mobile devices and access to why i am the cloud and so forth how much harder does it become for companies to protect mobile users from someone hacking accounts or jailbreaking a phone. well those are two different things jailbreaking requires a physical access to a but the security itself when you look at the fact that most of the up and coming in third world countries don't have an infrastructure of wife i they've got their cellular telephone infrastructure most of the rest of the world outside of the western world is using cell phones to contact the world through the internet and so there is going to be a huge requirement that security become a more and more you know larger function of what they do to protect what's going on and so as we start to look where mobile devices are going they're going to be the big piece of where the technology is because everybody now has one particular in
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the western world and the statistics are that one person out of three in the world has access to the internet and that's primarily through a cell phone so security is going to be a huge part of that in the future todd to play president of euro software thanks so much for your time. the will is facing massive legal action in the u.k. after a group says the tech giant collected personal data from millions of users at the odds are not in google's favor the company could be forced to pay out billions of dollars here's our t. correspondent ashley banks with more. a group called google you owe us is taking google to court according to media reports the group led by richard lloyd says the california tech giant allegedly unlawfully collected data from five point four million u.k. users and ordered to deliver targeted ads by bypassing privacy settings on their i phones the group claims google place ad tracking cookies on devices belonging to
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people who use a fari so far is a browser that blocks cookies abida fault so the group claims through doing this google would be able to identify web sites as a user uses frequently according to lloyd's google use the cookies to collect information that it could use to deliver more targeted acts the group is alleging this took place for several months between two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve affecting millions of users on a variety of devices however this u.k. case will focus solely on i phone users lloyd said quote and all my years speaking up for consumers i've rarely seen such a massive abuse of trust where so many people have no way to seek redress on their own through this action and we will send a strong message to google and other tech giants in silicon valley that we're not afraid to fight back according to media reports allude claims and google said he asked to go to california to pursue legal action so he responded saying quote it is
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disappointing that they are trying to hide behind procedure roland jurisdictional issues rather than being held to account for their actions the case is scheduled to be held in court and the spring of twenty teen. sounds like google could be and a lot of trouble if this group wins the case what could the users in the u.k. get right so richard lloyd he is the leader of the group google you and he says users can get as much as several. hundred hills which would equate to billions of u.s. dollars now back in two thousand and twelve the federal trade commission they brought a case against google somewhere to the issue we're seeing and the u.k. and in that case federal trade commission won and google had appealed more than twenty million dollars which is a lot of money but in this case and google says that if annoyed does come to california they will first to legal action and they're looking to contest these
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claims however if google does lose once again experts are saying they're going to be out of pilkins of dollars so this essential is a major deal. r t correspondent ashley banks thanks so much for that story. time now for a quick break but stick around because when we were turned the tax cuts and jobs act is getting closer to reality but it still has a few hurdles to past and former u.s. trading to mr parker chilton reports on the best way to protect yourself against holiday scam artists as we go to break through the numbers at the closing bell.
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this footage is unique because there's only a tribal lands on normally off limits to the public erik's allowed in because he's the so is personal don't. the people here know him simply as dr eric he's rich famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying aircraft that. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening almost all. our souls is going to busy doing nothing is going to do the population because it's going to keep people on.
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the bankers are jumping off buildings and jumping off ears out of the world and being crushed by crypto so much and special magic you can fish for the bankers i used to dead bank get a good. because dead bait right here and you can go fish or dead banker. i was born and go full time it was my home for twenty five years to fire when the forty two but i hold in a world. now that was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen in my life it was not it was beyond traumatic you know we will felt by the state before and often a file. changed everything we talk politics now and how we can take power. if we continue to make noise and people out we can change this community. we need to realize that collectively we have real power where we will real power to
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shape our destinies and to be. so we need to seize these opportunities and organize my. peers will people been saying about rejected in the senate it's the law and. the only show i go out of my way to lunch you know a lot of the really packs a punch just leave it is the john oliver of our country americans do the same we are apparently better than nothing. and see people you've never heard of lo jack for the next president of the world bank so very. many seriously send us an e-mail.
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by the end of the week senate republicans are hoping to have scored a big victory with the tax cuts and jobs act but even if it's approved congress will have the entire month of december twork out differences here to talk more about that and more is conservative commentator steve malzberg steve president wrote on twitter that the only people who don't like the tax reform bill are those that can't comprehend it or the quote obstructionist democrats but what about the analysis from the tax policy center that shows taxes would increase for a quarter of americans in the next ten years isn't that a reason to not like it. well i don't think so first of all i think these projections about ten years from now are ridiculous of people don't pay a very much attention to a ten years i mean that's a lifetime when you stop and think about who knows where they're going to be in ten years but having said that most of those projections are based on the fact
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especially for lower income people that they're going to lose their health subsidies because they're not going to be required to take obamacare or face a fine a penalty and so because they won't have to take it they won't be getting a subsidy for it which makes no sense because they're not going need the subsidy because they're not taking it so i think that's a red herring to be honest with you look now we find out today that one of the people who doesn't understand the bill donald trump's language is john mccain john mccain is on board lisa murkowski is on board it looks more and more although there are a few issues to be ironed out it looks more and more like either late tonight or more probably tomorrow the senate will pass this bill well g.o.p. senators corker and langford want to include a so-called trigger and the bill that would increase taxes if growth follow sort of expectations but why are some of their fellow republicans like dean heller of nevada against that well because it causes a lot of uncertainty and let's say we enter a recession and certainly in
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a recession it's not going to you're not going to have the growth that you would need to make this revenue neutral so what are you going to do raise taxes on everybody during a recession that would be a disaster so i'm hoping they could get enough votes without you know corker and langford and they could we could afford the republicans could afford to lose two votes but i think they're going to put some kind of mechanism in there but i just think it's a terrible idea and hopefully in conference with the house that will come out eventually because i just don't see it does being fiscally sound idea. new data shows that the u.s. economy grew three point three percent in the third quarter of the year which trump took credit for at least on twitter but some economists are expecting the economy to slow in two thousand and eighteen south that happens will he take credit for that. well we'll probably have an excuse for but this is the trumbo my goodness three point three percent in the third quarter as you mention you have consumer
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confidence at a seventeen year high and you have the stock market today closing way over twenty four thousand it was it eighteen thousand four hundred on the day that trump won the election it's gone up over thirty percent the s. and p. is up thirty three percent this year i mean this is incredible what we're seeing appen to the economy in this country well trump is also taken credit for record highs in the stock market as you just mentioned but how does that help the middle class which has promised to help out because we know that a jump in the stock market. mostly benefits the wealthy and the united states well i think a lot of people are for a one k.'s in retirement plans and i certainly think that you know when the market goes down people say oh don't look at your four one k. well now i want everybody out there middle class in or not look at your four a one k. and see where you are since donald trump has won the presidency i think the stock market affects more than just the very rich i think there are average people in there who
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use it to to plan for their future conservative commentator steve malzberg thanks so much for your time my pleasure thanks for having me. but the holiday season upon us in the spirit of good will in the air it's best to be on guard and ensure you aren't the victim of the holiday scam to get send tamps on how to do that we're joined now by former u.s. trading commission report chilton. hi bianca the holiday season is here and there is a lot of good cheer and pleasant spirit in the air but be careful there are scam stores out there as a government financial regulator i try to do all i could to alert people about financial frauds and scams stirrers it's sad but true that there's no more important time of the year when people in need to be on guard so here's some practical advice to protect you and your family last year i penned an opinion editorial about the billy bob thornton movie bad santa too horrible movie don't go
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see it don't rent it but my point was that there are real bad santas out there around the holiday season these real bad santas are a far cry from santas original namesake the fourth century bishop nicholas who was generous and anonymous for a long time as he repeatedly dropped bags of gold down the chimney of a poor man in order to finance the dowries of the man's three single daughters on the flipside after he died after he passed st nicholas his bones were actually stolen by thieves proving there were plenty of creeps criminals and crooks out there and they are still out there. for example we often see charity fraud that is costume saint nick impersonators with a red bucket in the bell seeking to collect cash from holiday shoppers be careful and ensure these santa clauses are the real deal by looking for a name of the charity they'll often have their own name tags there too similarly we
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also see people soliciting directly for cash or asking you to purchase a ticket for a supposedly raffle potentially for a fake charity including sham colleges bogus fraternal organizations and even phony churches and be careful about packages which are left at your door or leaving packages someplace where they could be stolen around the holiday mail and delivery folks have a hard time actually fitting things in mail boxes so the packages containing presidents might be left in an unsecure location i'd be careful also because some folks have been don't been known to even dress as delivery people perhaps a brown hat and a brown outfit brown brown slacks and a shirt just watch out for imposters and never never ask anybody into your residence unless you are the one who originally asked them come to come to your address also be alert to online crowd funding on sites like go fund me or
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a viral fake news because post that's posted on facebook which seeks to raise money for a seemingly worthy endeavor it could be used to simply fund of fraudsters personal bank account look for details to add to ascertain the authenticity and also online we not only have seen fake news and fake websites but now we see fake airfares hotel rooms tours and even fake holiday rentals last year one family showed up at a home they thought they had rented for the holiday season only to find out the home was never even listed as part of any road or program so protect yourself and. sure the name of the website or the company is in a look alike and discrepancies should be a rudolph like red flag generally just be more diligent than ever about on like online shopping sometimes these scam sites are simply looking to obtain your name and credit card information buyer beware big time and finally be careful about
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coupons and seemingly good deals like counterfeit gift certificates or coupons just this warning my wife showed me an e-mail she received and i want to read it so that i'm careful and you haven't exactly so it comes with an amazon logo in the email looks legitimate and in it it says your latest activity qualifies you for a new promotional gift she was excited it says access your fifty dollar reward and then below in print it says only until eleven fifty nine pm and then it said click to see details but she looked a little more carefully and the e-mail address was not from amazon at all it was from some long convoluted e-mail address and when she looked at the actual address on the not on the email address the u.r.l. but below it it had p. o.
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box and the box was spelled with a small b look for these little in the discrepancies and you'll find out the pretentiously a fraud and even if you discover that it's a fraud in this one below it said click here to unsubscribe if you click to or to unsubscribe or you click the above to see the details you could get malware on your computer not only could they potentially get all of your contacts and all your friends etc but could also get credit card information anything on your computer so just be super careful and any online gift card by the way it should have a scratch off security code they help stop would be thieves from copying down the card number from those checkout line display racks and exploiting the card after they've been purchased you know there's the one eight hundred activation phone number once that dial somebody could steal it if they had the original number so be careful. it is so very sad that at this time of year when most of us are feeling
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giving and generous that there are scams toure's and fraudsters out there who would take advantage of us in our good will just be diligent it's a must do this time of year do more than your usual quick size up of the store come stances and remember beards bells buckets or cups are things that don't always add up happy holidays bianca. hard tilton former u.s. trading commissioner thanks as always the pressure on congressman john coyne pointers to resign from the congress continues to mount multiple women have filed sexual misconduct complaints against conyers and today leaders from both sides called on the michigan lawmaker to resign no one should have to go through something like that let alone here in congress so yes i think he should resign i think should resign immediately i've just been briefed on. the torrent of allegations and i think you should i said she should resign and. i'm saying to you right now conyers has been admitted to
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a detroit hospital for stress related issues he's eighty eight years old. moving now to something later back in april of two thousand and fifteen michael trang and tina lam bought a residential street in san francisco for ninety thousand dollars they made their purchase at an auction after residents with homes on the street hadn't paid a fourteen dollar a year tax bill in decades once the neighbor heard learned of what happened led to a lot of drama by the time they heard that chang and lamb planned on charging them to park on the street some residents hired attorneys and even a p.r. firm to fight the sale it turns out they put up a pretty good fight because on tuesday city supervisors voted seven to four to overturn the purchase the chuang said he had a feeling that was coming telling reporters i don't get the sense that they're very keen on backing the state law and the tax collector on this. that's all for now the piece for to catch the bus on you tube at youtube dot com. thanks for watching see
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you next time. welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation the outcome here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin that my body gets and some bodies that it cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity knowing does this because it helps people it's just one of the side effects is that it this is the plasma burn put the money on
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your car immediately to keep going half of all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plans much smaller compromise you know murder and. one of the risks of pay donation in it then is proof that the frequency of pathologies is much higher in paid donations and it borders sado if i was lying when i say it's moved over two years old he will go get the money from the federal and who runs the blood business.
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i was born and grew up with our it was my home for twenty five years the fire in the four easy to hold in our world. now that was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen in my life it was cited was beyond traumatic you know we will felt by the state before and after the fire good food changed everything we talk politics now and how we can take power. if we continue to stand and make the noise and people out we can change this community. we need to realize that collectively we have we all power one we real real power to shape our destinies and to be able to
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we need to seize these opportunities in organizing once. he. could win the caribbean who are who respect the environment who protect the environment who respect the rule of law being punished for it because no one don't . probably look into it other ways there's always doing care when states will say that a country doesn't have a right it's a responsibility to protect its citizens and what have we to determine but what you're seeing is the actions that you were taken in your countries are impacted on all countries in the caribbean in negative we.
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all see we have a great sea but we need to strengthen it before the free flow world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r.c.c. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last world cup action and that starts are as three. thousand zero zero zero zero he hated russia. on the left left left more or less.
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the french president calls for military action against human traffickers in libya. the disastrous legacy of the last french intervention in the country against the former gadhafi government. the special relationship between the u.k. and us donald trump controversial tweeting. also this hour reporters without borders tries to counsel a president that's critical of the controversial syrian rescue group the white helmets something. on free speech. very disappointing to see the.


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