tv News RT November 30, 2017 8:00pm-8:26pm EST
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the french president calls for military action against human traffickers in libya that's the disastrous legacy of the last french intervention in the country against the gadhafi government. the special relationship between the u.k. and u.s. . trump controversial tweeting. also the reporters without borders tries to cancel a critical of the controversial syrian rescue group the white helmets something. on free speech. very disappointing to see the.
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global news every hour you're watching the live from moscow. tonight great to have you with us this hour the french president is proposing military action against human traffickers in libya claiming it would help but then migrant slave trade. we are proposing to. police and military action we're not waging war this is a country a new political transition well human trafficking is a huge problem for northern africa but it's not a new one for years numerous human rights and immigration organizations arming the public about what they call the. member that after the democracy. he leaves micron's playing europe shows in the middle east. trees over the immigration crisis years now since the former libyan leader moammar gadhafi was the pows then killed following the western incursion into the country
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in libya with gadhafi is former top assistant. the billion dollar libyan african investment portfolio he also managed to get half the family's private funds this is what he had to say. to him from the heart of how it's not right to see it get better say the libyan government the libyan government left about two hundred billion dollars in various banks and broad and the u.n. has frozen the money going according to the security council resolution and when it comes to the money inside the country those who came out after because after playing their one hundred sixty tons of cold billions of dollars in libyan dinars in the central bank when gadhafi moved from tripoli to search he took nothing with him. and. i was government official now it was how i dealt with sarkozy as an official with the french media pie another major outlets claim that some people met with me and there was
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a decision taken to be fifty million i said i have nothing to do with them. nothing is known about that character few statements and sarkozy statements not better believe me. i don't know this person and i never met him if he says he would recognize me that's a lie if you tweeting the number of or retreating a number of tweets from the controversial anti muslim group britain first. those three tweets that he retreated purporting to show muslims attacking non muslims and one of them proven to be a fake by dutch journalists and so he's come in for criticism for retreating those and that's created a political here in the u.k. with many m.p.'s calling on the government to criticize mr trump for doing so and in fact that is what downing street and the prime minister did in
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a statement through one of their spokespeople it's run for the president to have done this british people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents decency tolerance and respect president trump criticizing to resign may actually and saying that the focus should be more on militants and terrorist groups who are attacking the u.k. and not on what he is tweeting but of course this. special relationship between the two sides goes back many years the relationship between america and britain will be strong our relationship is very special special relationship that exists between our two nations our people forge friendships together that is what makes this relationship special i hope to have a good relationship with them as he has been a special relationship but it would appear that under the thumb strain with mr trump mrs may looking decidedly awkward on their first meeting together in
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washington there have been many calls today in parliament for the u.k. to take back their invitation to donald trump for a state visit the home secretary amber right here repeatedly saying that the invitation has been. tended and accepted but a date hasn't been set but there have also been reports that that state visit has been postponed artificially somewhat indefinitely by mr trump himself who says that he only wants to come to the u.k. if he has a warm welcome while in this latest raw it's unlikely that the road that the reception here will get any warmer for the u.s. president. the international federation of journalists has slammed the stripping of r.t. america's press credentials on capitol hill the decision was made on wednesday by a congressional committee that site of the channel's new foreign agent status the spot early assurances from the state department that no such restrictions would be
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imposed here's the letter r g america received from congress the executive committee of the congressional radio and television correspondents galleries exercised its authority to withdraw the news credentials of the r.t. network this action was taken in response to the registration of the r.t. network as a foreign agent. when the united states it tells someone to register under a foreign agent requirement we don't see impacts or a fact the ability of them to report. news and information we just have to register it's a simple as that seems to be the opposite of what heather nauert said because as of the moment we've received this letter which is essentially telling us that our ability to operate as a news agency and function and report on events on capitol hill a vital place in the us political system the legislative branch of the u.s.
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government that ability is now in question now at the moment we have this letter telling us that we need to turn over our credentials now this comes in the aftermath of r.t. being pressured and forced to register under the foreign agents registration act now this is a law that was passed in one thousand thirty eight to combat the influence of nazi germany and efforts and propaganda efforts by the nazi government back in the one nine hundred thirty s. now it follows months and months of pressure that have been placed on our see recently artie's status in the united states with you tube and their ability to do premium ads in the united states was taken away without any real notice twitter has banned advertising by r.t. and there's been a series of hearings on capitol hill directed at r.t. which are g.'s name has come up people are calling this atmosphere a witch hunt so this is yet another move another amount of pressure making it harder for reporters like myself to do our job in the united states now we've got
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some reaction from media expose about how the actions of congress tony with the principle of freedom of speach. well it's monstrous really they are closing down free speech in the name of free speech they're closing down freedom whilst posing as the champions of freedom it's monstrous because it was a pack of lies when the four started to register as a foreign agent and then said the that would not affect the r.t.m. blois doing their job as reporters only know to make it impossible so it's part of this witch hunt while i a proud member of my republic i asked the question how does this look like to the world in the nation's capital the bastion of free speech the first amendment where scores hundreds thousands of people from every
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conceivable form of press that there is they get a badge but r j o o o o no they're all for an age on r t has been in the news in one way or another as this for a bit in fruit this outlaw news organization and you know what happens in this country when you depart for this conference we do name of our appearing on the list of media members we turn to leave to see it with the conference we invite you to abandon this project which will damage the image of the space press club it was very surprising and very disappointing for the kind of censorship that was my first reaction and so i decided to reply writing their letter and asking them to westpac the freedom of disputes and disrespectful situation. well as he's more.
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of these spent time in syria and done his own research into the white helmets has more details on what exactly caused that split between the two journalist organizations. so far almost everything you've been told about the white helmets is stuff from their press releases and video productions not from locals or civilians no know from white helmet sponsors and p.r. agents that's great and all but let's at least hear from the people they say they're saving shows them helping the people but they only help the rebel fighters their realty is those close to them the last thing they cared about is civilians have to sit and whenever food aid was brought into the white helmets and rebels were taken after themselves to give us nothing not even bread and here to us what there were many people buried alive helmets would come to save them and if they found civilians they might help and they might not oh that's a huge surprise what
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a shocker the white helmets aren't perfect who would have thought they were just regular people with their own shortcomings their own agenda just like everyone else so why on earth would reporters without borders want to censor this absolutely obvious fact calling it russian propaganda i think it was the topic which was this disturbing this disguise now having describe. as an indie organisation they cannot admit they were wrong and yes they didn't even admit to here are people who are criticizing the white tournaments has it was a taboo to speak about that that's impossible for a serious journalist or simply hardest person to admit such.
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but it's the first time in the twenty years of the existence of this response that we are. we've such demons former journalists association which is supposed to support to to support the press freedom for whatever reason it is taboo no one in the mainstream media or in western governments says anything remotely critical of the white helmets you remember ever hearing anything unflattering. reporters without borders has all but taken sides let's not forget in two thousand and sixteen they named a syrian rebel activity and the journalist of the year is taunting syrian conscripts buried under rubble he says he wants them to taste a slow death a swiss press club has made a point not to judge for me i cannot see myself in the mirror or
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if i am good big censorship or deciding you have the right to speak you have not the right to speak because you are representing the bab the supposed bad part and it is paid off they've received an outpouring of support internationally and they vow to continue doing what they do irregardless of pressure i also received many people criticizing russia from gary kasparov for business who criticize criticizing russia so i am open to everybody even people who are supporting russia and not criticizing that's the goal of the real person not the politically correct. association a north korean television has been so casing
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a powerful new weapon will have that story and more after this short break. everything today is about the individual so it's so nice to be a little bit different and it's all about the team and i think it's. a quality that i study football players have maybe because we come from an amateur the environment . so we know that the all the nations have that individual and more individual qualities than we have so we have to be collectively better than another. local blog selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle going. to new socks try to tell you that gossip and tabloid lifestyles of the most important news today. off the bat i think you are not old enough to buy. all the
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hawks that we along the border was watching. welcome back to r.t. international north korean television has shown the first images of the country's most advanced missile to date reportedly capable of hitting any part of the united states. according to both north and south korea opinions latest missile reached an altitude ten times higher than the orbit of the international space station experts say if directed differently the missile could reach both washington and europe following the test
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the us ambassador to the u.n. warned leadership it would be utterly destroyed in the case of war the threat came with an emergency session of the security council. dictator of north korea made a choice yesterday that brings the world closer to war not farther from it and if for comes make no mistake the north korean regime will be utterly destroyed that would yes it's difficult to move towards any subtle moment as long as north korea fears that its security interests of threatened in the current situation we urge them to call on all parties will evolve to stop escalation of the tensions that accompany each new cycle of reactions in response versions we all need to pause and think carefully about the consequences of such steps as their cereals and donald trump meanwhile has denounced the north korean lot she broke off
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a speech on tax reform to take a jab at kim jong un will be rocket fuel. i . little rocket man rocket fuel for the american. he is a sick puppy. i resize that president trump tweeted he discussed the launch with china's president and said major new sanctions will be imposed on north korea and the russian foreign minister though so i get out of office questioned whether there's a hidden agenda. because of those two the americans should start with explaining their intentions to see if they are really looking for an excuse to destroy north korea as the u.s. envoy to the u.n. said it's a security council meeting let them spell it out clearly and let the u.s. leadership confirm it then we will decide how to react if it's really concerned about north korea's nuclear program it would again dialogue but the only way to
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resolve the problem and north korea said many many many people are not willing to give up with their program. united states. i think like a reasonable request to me the more the united states wants to punish north korea the more they convince north korea that they need to develop nuclear deterrent protect themselves so it has the opposite effect if the united states were truly interested in. ramping down tensions it would engage in dialogue with no reason not to engage in dialogue. and russia and other leading oil producers have extended a deal to gradually reduce production until the end of next year that follows talks between moscow and opec members in vienna the agreement was struck a year ago to stabilize the global oil price under those terms russia and opec agreed to cut surprised by one point eight million barrels per day this is the cuts began the benchmark crude price known as brant has risen by thirty percent to
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around sixty dollars per barrel. we spoke to an energy expert who told us further all production cuts will have a significant impact on the world economy the influences of the russian role in the arctic execution t.m.c. reporting is more more significant. before. nation and although you can if you can that part and i think that's so that if you understand why there are significant also influences of reducing. the production level that's a green means it will be more significant in the next campaign all of the x. to nine months that's think the brain mind stormy had been done today in v.n. . that's all headlines for this hour we're back of course at five am moscow time for more global headlines do check out any of our stories on our website dot com also show media.
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but with the caribbean for respect the environment protect the environment full respect the rule of law being punished for it because the one dog who sold it probably going to iowa other ways it's always think when states i will say that a country doesn't have a right it's a responsibility to protect its citizens and what have we to determine but what we say and the options out there are taken in the country are impacted on all countries in the caribbean and they get if we. pay everybody i'm stephen baldwin task hollywood guy you'll suspect
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a very proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different i'm not a good one no no no doubt with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the good have fun every day americans call it. quits the start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill which. make its manufacture consent to stick to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round lifts and be the one percent.
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the room sick. greetings and salutation us here in the united states hawk watchers many in the press and on capitol hill are not brave enough sadly they do not have the guts to admit that our political system here in the us the one we love to flaunt so much to the rest of the world is deeply and tragically broken and like most problems and complex machinery it's not the mechanical moving parts that are at fault but good old fashioned operator error that's causing this rube goldberg machine that is our government to falter. for evidence look no further than the us congress who in
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their short sighted fast food version of political discourse have gotten so caught up in political infighting and media grandstanding over the republican corporate tax breaks sorry republican tax reform bill that they have forgotten or at least appear to have forgotten a rather important date looming on capitol hill calendars december the eighth and what happens on december the eighth you ask well that is the deadline by which congress must approve a new spending deal for the twenty eight hundred this school year and if they fail to pass this by next friday the government runs out of money and we got ourselves yet another government shutdown now more than likely they'll end up ramming through some haphazard short term funding patch to buy some time but is this really the best we can do i mean if your child constantly gets bad grades because of always waiting till the night before to cram for a test wouldn't you as a parent say enough is enough with both democrats and republicans bailing on
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immigration and health care to the multiple sexual harassment allegations being thrown around to flaking on important deadlines that have now left nine million low income kids without health insurance maybe it's time we in the press start revoking the press credentials of congress rather than our fellow journalists. at least until those in congress start working for the rest of the american people and not just the top one percent now let's start watching the hawks. to. get the. real thing we. need to pull out of it. like you know that i got. the.
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welcomer on the watch the hawks i am the type of role to talk about this government malfunction earlier today i was joined by senior writer for regular politics ryan good dusky and i started by asking ryan with another government shutdown looming is it now fair to say that we need a massive congressional reboot on both sides of the political aisle here is what ryan had to say what i would say certainly the leadership needs a reboot i don't know if it's everyone and i have as all of you in congress i really do like i really like thomas massey really tells the gathering if just now if you will but know this you are in leadership and never probably will be and that's just because leadership has a tendency to protect their own ends that they are and you know that no one no newcomers and. i will say though that i think that when it comes to the spending thing i do think that it probably will make it only we're not a government shutdown i don't think that there's enough democrats who want to go into twenty thousand election year feeling really good in the house and decently ok
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in the senate being like we shut the government down and for what it's going to be for daca and i think that republicans from what i've heard from my sources inside the white house and from inside the senate the republicans have a deal right now to give some kind of protection to the dock as an exchange to end chain migration and there that deal is there and lindsey. just on n.b.c. forty years ago saying he supports a deal like that and lindsey graham is one of the biggest open borders people mcconnell was saying yesterday lower ingram so i think of their saying it then the deal has to be there and it's moving progress and follow and if that happens and there's a protection whether be green cards or some form of an amnesty i don't know if.
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