tv Documentary RT December 1, 2017 8:30pm-8:53pm EST
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i'm joined by my guest mitch firesign in new york he is a fund manager and author of the book planet ponzi in atlantic we have jeffrey tucker he is director of content for the foundation for economic education and in cambridge we cross to garrick hileman he is a research fellow at the university of cambridge gentlemen cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciated gary let me go to you first in cambridge explain what is going on with bitcoin i mean i'm of the age and i used to work in finance ike i can remember the dot com bubble and then it's melt down here and not being very well versed in bitcoin what is going on here is this just speculation or is this the new shiny radiant future go ahead in cambridge. i think i think a little bit of both to be honest and certainly we've seen you know some aspects of this story before as you mentioned you know after the dot com bubble exploded in two thousand two thousand and one there were
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a number of winners that emerged from that area and a number of new companies that were born after that have done quite well you know big has already been declared dead several times in two thousand and eleven wired wrote an article saying the rise and fall of we saw the crash in two thousand and fourteen yet it keeps coming back so wouldn't surprise me if we have another crash maybe a few more in front of us but it does seem that there is something important happening here with regards to the future of finance the future of money yeah well at least a small number of people have become at least i guess technically in the cloud somewhere fabulously rich it's really an amazing story jeffrey i mean kara called this i think in an article a minor miracle is that it would you use the word miracle here let me go to jeffrey in atlantic. i read that article and i of i appreciate that term actually it kind of is nobody ever thought anything like this was possible before two thousand and eight before the white paper of two of october two thousand and eight we didn't really have the means to do what the block chain does today just for background to block changes the real underlying technology of decline in the real reason for its
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value going to show is an expression of that a logical value. chain allows us to do something we've always wanted to do with something actual but never had the ability to do it thanks to these distributed networks and cryptography we can do it now you know mitigates against jeffrey kind of put it in the same cli for me because you know i was in finance for a number of years and there's always you know what's it backed up by you know you know what are the assets you know you know you always look at that and then but would jeffrey just said they're kind of explains it it's the technology is the safety that's what backing it up here do you buy that because you know you can say this is a scheme it's a get rich but i mean there's something to it and people are making money here and you have to makes everyone interested to get involved in it if you have the means go go ahead mitch how do you explain it all. well i mean we need perspective i think bitcoin has come about in a time where the central bank's reckless central bank policy around the world has
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distorted every market and too much credit too much debt and too much leverage have created instability in the financial markets so we need to add perspective so we need to look at risk versus reward with bitcoin and the bitcoin trade so bitcoin has gigantic volatility you're seeing thirty percent moves either way in a day or forty percent moves for so it's not for the faint of heart so you know my perspective from an investor and being in the banking community internationally for thirty eight years you look at the iconic figures like jamie diamond who said it's a ponzi scheme and it's going to zero he's totally wrong but the establishment banks and the way that the fractional banking system works people want to escape from that people want to escape from the establishment but what we've got going on here just to be clear is we've got inflation in every asset class stocks are trading at stratospheric valuations apple has a market cap approaching eclipsing one trillion dollars facebook at six hundred
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billion so if you look yesterday a couple sorry if you look. recently you saw a poll back in the nasdaq the fang stocks facebook apple and all the technology issues they lost sixty eight billion dollars in market cap in a day where the market cap of bitcoin is what around one hundred sixty million dollars so on a relative basis it's a much smaller move and it's a very emerging market so i think we've got to look at where we are in this in alternative asset class i mean you're looking at are a leonardo da vinci painting trade that running one hundred fifty million dollars so i mean we need to put it into the proper historical perspective now stocks are way overvalued so are bonds and so is property so people are looking to get out of the dollar system and i happen to agree you need to diversify but i think you should also get. some precious metals gold and silver which have been currencies for some hours and years i mean dollar is backed by fundamentally not nothing ok
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let me go back to cambridge carol i mean there's a lot of people are saying that. large investors are getting involved in trysted in bitcoin is that distorting the price because they have the deep pockets that this price level to get into the market is there something behind out there that you know that because i having been in finance i mean this is this is speculation ok i mean that people are not buying on facts or buying on speculation right now go ahead in cambridge. right i think certainly the hedge funds the big whales that are coming in the billion the billionaires we read about you know are certainly influencing the price direction but i think there's still a lot of money on the sidelines i was at a hedge fund conference recently and less than twenty percent of of the funds in the room there are some pretty big funds in the room have taken a step into this space and i think the ones that have a lot of them have done so as individuals rather than putting their funds in because you know it's still very difficult to short yet there's major counterparty
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risk a lot of the exchanges cryptocurrency exchanges will do things like reveal their financials or audited financials to fund so things that you know hedge funds are used to having in typical markets they trade in are not in place yet here but they're coming if see i mean nasdaq do come into the market with futures platforms you know if things like e.t.s. and you know other things roll out bring more regulation to the space then i think you will see even more hedge funds come in the price you know could go either way frankly i think the investment playing field has been a bit lopsided in favor of the bowls and that could level and a lot of the hedge fund guys are passionate about crypto and frankly they would probably i think from a psychological perspective prefer to make money if crashes on the way down the well that would certainly help them rationalize their lateness to the bartunek you know market you know jeopardy is very interesting is that it's i think one of the interesting phenomena about big calling is that it's a lock of regulation and going back what mitch had to say here and we have to
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remember this phenomenon came into being after the financial crash crisis of two thousand and eight which the banks were responsible for and so it's an element of that here is because that the freedom of here but the go ahead jump in go ahead . yeah you know this certainly is the i think of the success of becoming part attributable to the fact that it has not been managed from the center is not been. late and that allows a lot of innovation and for people to try out things you know you want to talk about market caps you can talk about one hundred fifty billion for a big client but really you have to look at the whole class of crypto assets right now and you're looking at last i checked about three hundred fifty billion once you include all of the various tokenize block shans that are out there all the various the ferry m applications the various all coins and we're just beginning to see things we're going to see things coming up within the next year like these
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lightning networks that are going to be used for small transactions that are going to fix the prevailing problems that exist in bickley and which is that the networks are vastly clogged right now and it's very expensive to send and receive bitcoin it's going so hard so fast as almost become unusable just by itself for regular small transactions that. are looking for things like oh yeah that's the reason why i never really got into it because it's not easy to move around lease i'm not adept at doing those kind of things or you know mitch another the other people are saying that this whole thing with a big point it's really just an investment it's not really. a mechanism to buy and sell it is to park your money somewhere and leave it there because you don't trust the banks i mean it for it to be really universal you have to be able to be able to use your wallet as they call it you know and buy things and sell things it's not that easy to do it's not widely accepted to the many more innovative people do say
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they accept the go ahead midge. it's part of you know it's part of a diversification strategy where you'd have some big going to just sit on it not worry about what your basis was and whatever losses are you're going to eat the losses and if you get a profit out of it fine but you know it when you have that much volatility you know i disagree that the big hedge funds will get involved in this when you have a thirty percent volatility swing each direction so from peak to trough and back up again down and up again i mean no investor wants to tolerate that kind of volatility and how can you manage that kind of volatility becomes very difficult so are the hedge funds and the banks going to jump in head first up at these levels probably not if we get a more bit a bit more stability into these markets you'll see more investment but also from that risk reward perspective you've also got to keep in mind that this is a non regulated market that's the attractiveness from people but governments have overreach like we're seeing in the media right now the deep state runs america
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they're trying to rewrite history here with these statue wars and that's always a dangerous time so if too many people get on the bitcoin train and get on the crypto train the government could come in one day and say it's illegal in this country we're cracking down on everybody because right now when you open up an account they they demand the k y c know your customer information and they they will when it becomes bigger they will try to regulate it and they will try to control it it's difficult for the government to let anything come out of it's you know come out of its grasp the federal reserve prints willy nilly trillions and trillions of dollars since we went off the gold standard backed by nothing now that this is a ponzi scheme the government that's what my book is about the government debt globally is a ponzi scheme the governments can never repay this debt and we're about to hit a wall so should people invest in alternative asset classes absolutely is a leonardo da vinci painting we're painting worth half a billion dollars is an apartment in midtown midtown manhattan worth six hundred million dollars i would argue no it's not and i would agree we should prices from
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when i went to university have gone up to. thousand percent yeah where real wages since the one nine hundred eighty s. are flat so how does that work out when i got out of school i could've bought it you better make sure they let me let me jump in here in fifty thousand gentlemen no i have to go to a break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on bitcoin staying with r.t. . this
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claim from a call it's more than just money it's more than just revolutionary it's affecting black call that sucking and every asset class known to the history of humanity into one glorious up to who knows where. the village of collect she has been nicknamed sleepy hollow because for some unknown reason to sleep growin grass from where did you do what we have i do agree . though with. my children there did you have both those that you have the guts to voice your old you right here with us today the first. welcome back to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter remind you
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we're discussing bitcoin. let me go back to you in cambridge while it is fascinating concept these cryptocurrency is there is the concern of accountability illegal drugs arms and other kinds of illegal activity can stay under the radar of the authorities i mean i think that's a kind of a downside also you know when people talk about it is being a new fear currency one day i mean you know people are buying big ticket items because they are avoiding taxation and things like that so i mean it kind of cuts both ways here i guess really the most important question will be if this kind of crypto currencies are successful what is the temptation of governments to step in to regulate it and would regulation kill it go ahead. right now it's been very interesting to watch the migration of regulatory interest across this space mean
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first we have law enforcement with the rise of the silk road in the online dark web so use of big coin take an interest in the sector more recently securities regulators and with the up swing in prices i'm sure tax authorities are kind of next in line to to start getting involved with regards to law enforcement question you know it's a it's a double edged sword for law enforcement because on the one hand you know you know these these currencies do enable privacy on dark web transactions but on the other hand law enforcement when they catch a criminal who's been using big quiet and they get ahold of their wallet software they get effectively their books and they may have a good chance of recovering some of the funds and that's not something you get with the cash criminal where there isn't record keeping so you can use the block chain to prosecute cases and that has been done and law enforcement i think at least in some jurisdictions is steadily becoming more open to seeing crime committed with
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with watching technology does give them an advantage over cash crime ok it's a very transparent technology that sort of amazing plus for a jeffrey earlier this week there was a san francisco judge putting pressure on a company that trades in these commodities and these currencies here they want to see their books they want to see names they want to see transactions here what kind of threat is that tube it going or can bitcoin evolve with this kind of supervision and regulation from the outside because my sense is or maybe you can correct me if i'm wrong the people that started this whole thing don't like the state they don't like authority that they really want to be on their own here we're going to see it encroachments on this on these kinds of a currencies and you know alternative financial mechanisms go ahead you know the regulation of the exchanges began in the spring of two thousand and thirteen so far as i'm concerned it was a disaster. we would have been much further along without these regulations this is
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the main way the government can control because it's not actually controlling because what they're doing is controlling the traffic between national monies and crypto assets coming and going they can control that and the u.s. has some of the worst regulations in the world. crypto assets right now on these exchanges well you know but why is that you know jeffrey why is it markets are global why is that what a lot why is that situation exists in the u.s. well because the regulators are trying to force a modern digital technology into an analog old world style regulatory framework and it's not working and all this doing is driving the innovation out of this country and other places you know you can buy because much easier and a place like israel then you can unite in the states or in brazil you know i've i've i've been to exchanges all over the world most of them are very free and easy
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and there's a lot of entrepreneurship there in the u.s. it's all about command and control it's a huge mistake for american regulators to be taking this direction because they're just going to drive the innovation and the capital outside the borders but he went and crypto assets in general are global technology if they don't care about the nation state ok mitch you know address that issue there because i mean the all mighty dollar it's a threat to a bit calling it all these other things are a threat to the the global domination of the dollar and it's obviously something the u.s. doesn't want to have happen i mean you're. right we're talking about u.s. dollar germany and you know my view is us the days of u.s. dollar germany are our very limited look before the united states became the reserve currency i think in one nine hundred thirteen when they created the federal reserve which is a disaster that should be shuttered. we had the british sterling was the reserve currency of the world for three hundred years now was the united states responsible
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with the petro dollar and going off the gold standard in the nixon era i would argue no i would argue that this is caused market distortion i would argue that the central bank policies in the last ten years have been more destructive than the good that they've provided because i don't see that we've created a growth for the trillions of dollars in debt that we've created now the as we saw in the last administration in washington big government is in right now so are our government is gargantuan and they want overreach with everything in every part of people's lives in america and to do that if you get an iron fist on the banking system and make people take away cash like one of the professors at harvard wrote a book to get rid of all cash make people put their money into the bank this is this is a very dangerous thing that's why people are migrating to other platforms so we're at a point in time in history that could be very pivotal pivotal as to how we move forward with this but you know the media is controlled and if you look at regulation they
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don't regulate companies like amazon that dips their fingers into everything and every different business or facebook or google they have become oligarchies oligarchies and basically these are they're controlling the content the everybody sees and this is where the regulatory agency should be looking not to control people's currency movements or whether they want to buy gold or invest a bit in bitcoin they should look at controlling the facebook's the googles and looking at news the news and it is because news in this country has become opinion and political advantage see and this is a way for the liberal left to read. history which is extremely dangerous if we look mark thompson who ran b.b.c. during the jimmy seville pedophile scandal snuck out of london and came to run the new york times and people have forget about history and where people are and how they move around but the same establishment figures are running things well one hundred sixty companies used to control the media now it's down to six in can one
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of the things i can cambridge one of the things i find appealing about bitcoin and i'm i can't say that i'm an expert on it by a long shot it seems to promote entrepreneurial ship which i think is a really good thing again you know people that want to get out of the system away from the system the way from regulation is it fair to say that this script of currencies would be good for innovation. i think absolutely i don't think anyone doubts and i think actually you know it's you know i think people can argue about how bad the regulation is but but in certain markets there's been a very pro cryptocurrency attitude because of the innovative aspects of it and people are taking a much lighter touch in switzerland in the u.k. even in elsewhere because of the amount of investment that's coming in because of the you know faster cheaper better ways we can do things with this technology and not just the technology itself but also the new funding channels that are opening up i mean the i.c.a.o. phenomenon which we haven't really talked about is is on the one hand scary because
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there are some projects out there that you know clearly are fraudulent but out at the same time you're also opening up access to early stage technology to seed stage technology to anyone around the world with an internet connection this used to be something you had to be a rich v.c. be able to do now if you have a computer have a little crypto currency you can invest in early stage technology that has a lot of risks and it also has a lot of opportunities it's personally for me i think an exciting part of the story in an image you know i'm glad you brought that up ok ok jeffrey go ahead jump in yeah i just i'm glad you brought up this point about the i.c.a.o. because they've been kind of smeared in the financial press as being discussed and it's true there are some there's some rackets out there but the truth is that this is an amazing innovation yeah that allows people to raise any business to raise raise money from anybody without using any financial intermediaries i mean who they are the amount of innovation the capital that's going to unleash on the planet earth is beyond belief i mean it's inconceivable what the i.c.l.
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market could do to transform these nature of capital markets themselves over the next ten years mitch go ahead jump in. the issue the issue with the i.c.a.o. market as i see it it's an exciting market but it's the wild wild west in early days and what's going to happen is that the the propaganda bullhorns of the media and advocates for the j.p. morgans and the goldmans who are being infringed upon when these offerings come out and they're not going to get their fees so what will happen is they'll make an example out of one that fails like the media does the have you know blow it up into a epic proportion this is bad you're going to get ripped off don't do this give us your money only invest through something that we vet for you so there will be winners and losers and you have to keep the perspective like i said at the beginning there's perspective and risk and reward and don't you know don't go out mortgage your house and put everything in into bitcoin or i.c.a.o. but look you look at this is as a portion of your portfolio and have
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a diversification in your portfolio and when you when you go into a high risk thing like an i.c.a.o. do your due diligence do your own homework and like i say in my book don't ever invest in anything that you don't fully understand if you don't fully understand it and you invest in it then you deserve to lose what you lose but you know if you give it your best don't put all your money into it don't put all your eggs in one basket diversify put a little bit into it and if you take a loss on that and you make a profit somewhere else then you can balance out but your payout with some of these is going to be exponential as we witnessed before the problem comes in when you try to harness the volatility ok gary as we go back to you came in to give you the last word here what does big calling and similar currencies what do they have to do to create confidence in people that just see it is too risky what may be one or two steps they need to install. well i think you know similar to the mid to late ninety's during the dot com. we're in the infrastructure building phase for crypto currency crypto assets i mean yesterday we had three major exchanges experienced
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significant problems two of those exchanges are going to be relied upon by c.m.e. for their futures market that simply can't happen you know on a regular basis like it does for this market to be taken seriously by institutions to be trusted by a broader class of individuals so more capital markets infrastructure is needed the right balance of regulation is needed and i think people absolutely need to understand that this is a you know it's still very early stage very volatile i agree with you know the comments that have made about only put into this what you can afford to lose because it is still very high risk ok well it's been an interesting ride i'm sure we're going to see a lot more ahead that's all the all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests a new york atlanta and in cambridge and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. you next time and remember. this
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footage is unique because there's a tribal lens on normally off limits to the public erik's allowed in because he's this is personal don't. people here know him simply is don't to eric he's ridge the famous some always on the move saving yachts and flying aircraft that. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening. already so. busy doing nothing is going to. the population because he's going to people on the zone.
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welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin my body gets and support is that it cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity no one does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that it helped this applies more burn for it put the money on your car immediately after you get done half of all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plasma a small compromise rohmer of. one of the risks of paid donation in it then is proof that the frequency of pathologies is much higher in paid donations in it. if i was lying when i. moved over two years old he
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was. in the money using the drug and who runs the blood business. and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos him in-built it was dismissed it to do if you like you know that this isn't my cup of tea is going up to study hall maybe. you know john. the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think some of those ruined the vision did not only could give us. and the earth is all of us not just the heart of this lady in the most of it i don't even.
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national security advisor michael flynn pleads guilty to making false statements to the f.b.i. probe into russia links. to live from moscow with. thanks for joining us this hour. the draw for the twenty. completed we now know who will be playing who exactly in the group. have been following the draw for us tonight. welcome to the last two decades and moscow it might look like
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a winter wonderland snooze the snow gently floats down it was a blizzard earlier but we didn't notice thanks michael long sought me because of all the excitement of the draw was fantastic wasn't all that joyous kept as warm on . the view is fantastic but it really really is cold here in these products and joe was incredible it was not as are supposed to bring up the dollar seventy five a look at it very briefly say russia saudi arabia but i really really good group draw saudi arabia in the olden game and then egypt in europe who are so really good for russia and europe i would say without but the kickers and group b. that spain portugal you know thought was going to be some game by the way and then obviously the two to my heart denmark we thought join against france australia and peru and also you know keeping you became your own on the sort of the ones close to the hall will do a bit more specifically in a few moments but the four of i want to see didn't go smoothly or whether any massage here are the highlights of the draw.
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i see on russia and they are still thinking well thank you france in france. good enough. to way. a cheaper. life journey by the saudi arabia. and i think. again saudi arabia also in that group egypt and europe was that group a brazil switzerland costa rica and serbia group after germany mexico aside like your principle first stay with us and you got some things not just president but
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practically it was a who's who of will win isn't the greatest football of the whole time so is about that experience well for president tuesday was holding a reception for for basically every legendary football who's who's in moscow for the job and and you know the world it was incredible to see this many guys who stand so much for football and you know basically are the big superstar here are legends in the game and even when you are a huge name yourself do you still feel slightly intimidated to be entering with you know an album or don't know yet i think the big thing for me was. really pele is not having a good the best of time at the moment he was in a wheelchair and golden bangs and him they were having a conversation about which which joints they've replaced but it was quite a crowd you could write a sweet sort of moment vehicle marathon it was a post from alderman dean you. kind of our guys who's lifted the world cup trophy
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and i was quite proud to be part of the group of course you were a nun but there were a few of them going in the piece michel is in here don't think during you know so you're so sure you know everybody that was it was a big name star and for a very good reason they can install this stun collymore here we saw a threatening manner frontin all on the red carpet as you can see not much action at the moment but chose to take a big take breath we've been here working the room last night so i was having dinner so the quote four hours are over an argentinian had the upper hand. no no there's enough that in the main thing is we just have to keep training is this the tournament well you know messi replicates the incredible achievements of diego maradona and lifts the world called missy doesn't need to prove anything he's been the best in the world for the last ten years whites in for a person martin is the belgian manages to come out because belgian. england and panama are in the same growth and obviously been our golden generation just as
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a fun thing we've got a group of players that. country of eleven million to produce the sort of footballers are something to be proud of the biggest job we have to be able to see the players working hard for each other but enjoying the responsibility of being seen as one of the best generations of belgian football has ever had we have this because belgium who we know everything about them so. yeah i think that game will capture everybody's imagination we feel an exciting thing a team that are only going to get better but we are a team some experience of those big matches so we decided to iraq but yesterday we met some truly legends. which two or three teams the feel of the favorites to win the tournament golf course. german team of the spanish team and. the brazilian
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team but i think is a time for messi to do something new even more because he is that the last is the last chance for him now it's only for the first time since nineteen fifty i disappointed or you as a as a former captain i'm so sad because you know for us he was a. big disaster but now to be honest with you is a good moment to come back stronger than before. will england all shape you know perhaps if the world cup next year in russia well the last couple of games of showing that they don't look for terrific korea has been putting some youngsters in you know which didn't put it to them go experience you know nothing i think the need to experience badly when when you're in a in a tournament lot is.
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not you're a boy who's winning the world called. i would put a four foot for my i think it points of view like i said france england may be getting not the favorite because you have to choose someone but the view i think spain using a great moment have to because bastille is playing really well we know germany will be there again germany's general they are always there they believe they are not winning the cup they are in the second place it's in the if semifinals they are always fighting. to be given one spot if not to support it so i think is a. big a petition you know to do the walk up is a very nice computers and people be destroyed by seeing i hope the weather will be better homebrew or. theatre production because it means so much to so many people
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who have got the results now so let's we have a look at the in the full draw in its entirety let's cherry pick some of the games now less about the host nation because it's not i don't mean to put any of the teams in russia down but saudi arabia agents and your aquash surely the russia team will settle for that at the start of the day by court i mean i thought in the end in time we've sort of been off looking at the the media around the world and everyone agrees that russia they've had a fantastic draw and i. but it is a world cup there's a lot of pressure on russia there on the home homes or you know the expectations not having played competitive football for so long it's going to be difficult regardless but the first game is against are you regret i did that is a good good game to start with and a sly double edged sword in the sense that now if russia fails it's an absolute disaster because the expectation now is that there's a very good chance to go let's keep it positive argentina ice and so that's what's
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great day and i will take place here in moscow at this stage and so iceland have already proved their ability to upset the apple cart and i wanted senior not at their greatest in our lights were seen as good and better i mean they had a terrible start to their qualification campaign and as we talked about enough those programs they sneak through they are the greatest to the last game city i think of in genesis and excel were able to last guests great they think the last day that they had a convincing win in the last yeah and when you look at how they qualified that actually looks quite convincing but that's because of other result argentina will always be you could offer little more opponents in the world cup on the don't forget they go arguably the best player in the world messi he was the best player in the last world cup and i don't think he's gotten any worse it's a fascinating color contrast there because you've got really a global names like i say and then how you could actually name the iceland players
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but a very effective get both that's it i mean it's a proper football team this is all about the collective and and the whole squad has been used let's move on to now bases and exciting times so many ways spain against portugal and i just want to say because i've been to the fishtailing pick stadium in sochi and it's going to be really warm sunny beautiful down by the black sea is the perfect setting for spain against which are worn out i think this is probably the pig of. the whole george this is the result of i mean spain portugal you just think about ronaldo against spain he plays in spain he makes his living he plays for the drinker i mean and then such as well coming spain spain i think it's out of the form but they are on the way up again and maybe one of the dark horses to win the whole show in my opinion sold this is to one and this is i mean this is the pick of the bunch absolutely yeah almost anything could happen
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let's not talk about the world cup as world called everyone has to work really hard over the last sort of eighteen months to get to the work of and to get to the jaw today you know all these teams are good incapable it seems don't forget so anyone can really beat anyone on the day ok let's move on to. england these are this is a much the involves so many players don't know each other because of all the bells and seen play in england in the primary were not many surprises there now and not many surprises but i can attest to one i think i think they would be very very happy with the joy they've got. but again you know so many belgian players play in the premier league so you know it's going to be very familiar and you're not too happy and i don't mean building a really good team but remember two teams go through them but you told me that you weren't too happy with the draw well i want the hardest possible group because that way you know if your team is really capable of winning a know you get a really tough group and you get three you know there's a reason to get excited in england the media in the fans get very excited about
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beating anybody and if they qualified i think we're going to win the world cup they tend to get ahead of themselves ok let's head over to our space. believe has stops or to speak to that a british morlocks. i still cannot believe the fact that i'm standing in the draw hall here in moscow and it's actually happening and now we have all the teams lined up there obviously you've talked plenty about the big names the favorites the belgians they are they english and all that but let's talk about the teams which can be considered as dark horses and. one of those teams maybe costa rica which as we now know has been drawn together with the likes of switzerland cost brazil and serbia and now i have here the player former costa rican national team player former west ham united and manchester city player the one shot we thank you so much for joining us so brazil again for costa rica your your team actually did very well in brazil yeah excited are you. the last world cup to be honest i mean when i
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when i saw brazil you know in the same group. you know very bad memories because. the first time that we would play against brazil was nine hundred ninety immediately and then in two thousand and two we play against brazil and the score was you know five forty two to wrestle but now. they're very strong as always. we're looking forward to you know to the great challenge and switzerland we have a common friend who says switzerland. i mean it will be tough for costa rica with the phone it in does the last work you know we were with the euro why we leave with england and still we we went through you top the group right here so you think any chance of this has to you know you know no world cup is this the beauty of football this is what live t.v. is all about the whole slurry snow just for my head and the reason i mention that
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is because even seemingly simple things like this come with houses so i wanted to ask if it's you know we think the draw it's very easy to just pull balls out of pots you've been involved in and do you get nervous that you can mess this terrifying it is. i was hosting the champions league joe and we had every hustle and one of the bulls popped off and went inside the table right now imagine if that happens life that's no way you can redo the joe but imagine what the repercussions people will be calling fix. exactly i tell you or you are telling you your hands are shaking in some of the pull in sometimes it's difficult to sort of open them up and you know you're like oh my goodness so it's a simple thing and it's powerful and subtle thing with huge consequences if it doesn't go well and of course had a very major tournament so much potential in the infrastructure in the preparations unfortunately russia had a chance to test out some of the stadiums that were used in the world cup but this is confederations cup and the fans themselves from all over the world came to
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experience what it was slightly check out what they thought. we would do much mexico russia we thought maybe the like going to have we want to match it completely obvious they were still like really friendly russian people are so friendly friendly they're still beating me was a beautiful guy there and we would come back from work. by making it. so that said done and
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dusted the draw is settled we know who's going to play here and where they're going to be now we move on to the action itself and peace you're going to be back in much warmer weather next year i'm going chung's will be in sochi on the beach and it is lovely that ana and i'm really looking forward to this because we're going to travel around russia together and experience some of the host cities check out some of the stadiums get a feel for the life there you're looking forward to this really looking. consorts experiencing the us. to deliver stories. of course with football surrounding football but also with the culture and now really on the good fortune and hopefully we can give people a feel for what the country is like and you know maybe interesting to watch the game himself and will be going to the games as well i am sure it's been great to have you on board peter. assumes i'll see you in a few months see this in months. everything
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a little bit different and it's all about the team and i think it's. it's a quality that i study football players have maybe because we come from an amateur the environment so we know that the all the nations have better individuals and more individual qualities than we have so we have to be collectively better than the others. welcome back to the program a suspicious device has been found in parts of the german city's christmas market with police immediately evacuating the area peter all of us across the story. well police in the city of port stomach urgently investigating whether a suspicious device that they were called to in the afternoon on friday was
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a viable explosive device that had been placed or certainly to live it to an address nearby to the christmas market in the center of the city now this all started around two thirty local time in which this package was delivered to the pharmacy which is very close to the central square where that christmas market is located the bomb disposal department determined that it was a cylindrical object containing cables batteries and nails but it said that no ignition device was delivered currently police are investigating whether this could have been used as an air as a viable explosive device whether it could have been used to target the people that were gathering at about christmas market just in october of this years that just a month ago we we saw a nineteen year old syrian national being arrested and charged with what's being described as planning to commit
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a serious explosive terrorist event but this also isn't the first time that germany has been the target of real terrorist attacks. now in other news the former u.s. national security advisor michael flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the f.b.i. over his links to the vent russian ambassador to the us. with the latest details
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here's artie's more pay. we have michael flynn pleading guilty to charges of making false statements to federal agents now this is a guilty plea and it's been entered in court at this point he's facing a sentence of between zero and six months in jail as well as a possible fine of up to nine thousand five hundred dollars now of course the mainstream media is in an uproar there's talk about the rush investigation all kinds of things are being made in the press this is being treated as a very big story on a very earth shaking event but it's quite interesting let's recall how michael flynn stepped down as national security adviser let's remember donald trump's explanation to thing is he didn't or vice president. properly and then he said he didn't remember so either way it was a very satisfactory to me when he was serving in the trumpet ministration mr flynn
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misled vice president pence and now it appears that he's pled guilty to misleading federal agents now at this point you know the white house has come forward and said look this charge doesn't implicate anyone other than michael flynn he himself it looks like he's pleading guilty to misleading federal agents now it's been well over a year since the u.s. presidential election investigations have been going on for months and yet there seems to be no sign of this vast plot involving donald trump and rush this vast conspiracy that mainstream media seems to be so determined to find hasn't really come into fruition we've had several indictments at this point individuals who misled federal officials made false statements are now facing criminal charges but as of yet the collusion story isn't really materializing. yemen is on the brink of a new war a new deadly epidemic that's in the past three months hundreds of cases of
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diptheria have registered in the war torn nation many people have died the world health organization is calling for millions of vaccine doses to be sent to the country where yemen is already suffering the world's worst cholera epidemic amid the saudi blockade on. aid groups are struggling to live a vital supplies the red cross has been buying emergency fuel to power water pumps providing drinking water a coordinator for the group spoke to r.t. . close reading. because we want to reiterate essential as anybody can know and. that is new view that the pumping is not working that it is no wonder did it comes. to issues polarize one of them if it is actually impacts in that needs to be. repeated it's not only one shark or five years old need to be vaccinated as soon as possible and that's why it's important
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that all commercial shipments need to resume and to enter again to get a saudi warplanes have been bombing given since twenty fifteen claiming thousands of civilian lives and leaving much of the country in ruins according to the united nations yemen is now suffering the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
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than just money it's more than just revolutionary it's affecting black hole that's sucking in every asset class known to the history of humanity into one glorious up to who knows where. the definition of the state is jewish i think in my opinion thought of that citizen self as it is a jewish state for the jewish. citizens said the state this is how it goes is that i like so usually equal it says to the companies what it is that they are talking about the economy but when. they want only compared with out of work. welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to
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get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin my body gets and supporters that i cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity knowing does this because it helps people it's just one of the side effects is that it bruce. they put their money on your car radio where you know you don't have all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plans much smaller number you know the murder of your girl what are the risks of a donation. then is proof that the frequency of pathologies is much higher paid in the nation's. borders sado if i was lying when i. was over two years old you will go over the money and that's the drill and who runs the blood business.
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the total. this is boom bust broadcast around the world from washington d.c. i'm far children filling in and i'm coming up will sit down with the father of financial futures to talk about the latest endeavor of the american dream and full exchange then we'll hear from melissa our mo of stocks we wish to talk about the latest retail numbers and sales plus china is still fighting for market economy status in the world trade organization but first let's get to the stories that are topping today's business in financial headlines. bitcoin has had quite the week at
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one point the cryptocurrency soared past eleven thousand dollars which is a ten thousand dollars jump from the start of the year eventually the price started fluctuating leading many to assume that it was on its way down but it's rising again following news from the u.s. commodity futures trading commission the f.t.c. chairman christopher john carlo announced that the agency approved it. in futures trading on three u.s. exchanges in a statement he said a virtual currency is a commodity unlike the any of the commission has dealt with in the past we expect that the futures exchange is through information sharing agreements will be monitoring the trading activity on the relevant cash platforms for potential impacts on the futures contracts price discovery process including potential market manipulation and market dislocation it's due to flash rallies and crashes and trading outages. by friday morning republican senators said they locked down the fifty votes required to pass the tax cuts and jobs act they spent the rest
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of the day hashing out other details before the final vote however members of congress have the rest of the month to continue debating what should and shouldn't be included in the bill so far i want to turn to you and ask you some questions about this most notably about the outdated the analysis from the tax policy center which said that in the next ten years a quarter of americans could see their taxes increase they also had some questions about the growth projections included in the bill so what are your thoughts on that what do you think members of congress are going to do what couple of things one you know not only that group but the congressional budget office which is run by a republican appointee but it's a nonpartisan in the staffers and that the person a guy named keith hall used to be the top economic council advisor for president bush so he's a republican but he's a public servant and a good fellow widely respected so they've also come up with these numbers and i
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don't know if we have a woman on the chart but they did this analysis and if you take a look at you know what people over a million dollars will be making twenty nineteen they will get a nearly sixty thousand dollars tax benefit and if you go all the way out to the to be out years to twenty twenty five twenty two. money seven they'll get twenty five thousand dollars and then ninety one hundred dollars in a benefit on the flip side if you go and you look at the least fortunate among us those making less than forty thousand dollars a year in year in twenty nineteen the full first full year they will essentially be paying be paying the onka not a lot but seventy nine bucks forty six book bucks then if you look at the out year go all the way to twenty twenty seven they'll be paying five hundred thirty dollars seven hundred eighty eight dollars now these are my numbers these are based upon the congressional budget office run by republicans and the weird thing is is that
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both stephen minucci in the treasury secretary and a lot of republicans have said look we want this whole tax bill to pay for itself but that's not what's going on according to their own analysis so it's befuddling to me bianca right well as you said they're not your numbers but you can't work on capitol hill for a very long time sell what do you predict will happen by the end of the year i mean we only have a month left now right so i worked on capitol hill for way too long maybe a part of the problem but i worked in both the house and the senate and the bottom line is that i've always said that they could get tax reform done but i didn't see it happening this year if it occurs they're really putting politics above policy and more importantly people because this is not what president trump said it was going to do this isn't helping average folks this really is shifting the balance and making it a wage change and by the way they haven't even seen the text of the bill that never
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happened in the fifteen years i worked in the house and senate never seen where the text wasn't available i look they don't always read every page members didn't read it staffs read a lot of it but to not even have that it's crazy and there's no reason they have to do this by the end of the year other than saying they want to get an early christmas present so i hope they just take their time and get it right as opposed to getting it done fast. spoken about any entrepreneurs on this program but we haven't focused on market entrepreneurs and there's no more accomplished market on your than the father of financial futures and the father of environmental markets and carbon trading dr richard sander we're fortunate to have him join us from chicago sir richard doc sanders thank you welcome and please with us you know i want to ask you a couple of questions before we get to the main thing which is your newest
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entrepreneur endeavor the american financial exchange but first you have all this wealth of information and can you tell us what you think about the markets going up they were up over twenty four thousand yesterday down past that a little bit today then that up just a little bit i mean it is the dow on a path to continue what do you think's going on dark. well i think that we have a very strong economy bart and that looks to be the case for twenty eighteen equally if not more importantly this system is awash with cash the europeans obviously are still in the mode of very easy money as the japanese are so while it's hit lofty levels and i wouldn't be surprise if you saw a correction i think as long as the economy stays strong and there's no exogamous
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political events the you don't fight the tape and so i think. you may have a correction and but i don't think that will in the long term stop the upward movement and till the economy turns down and you know doc we talk about the u.s. and certainly every time there's another record like there was yesterday we see the president tweeting about the record we've had more than fifty records of the dow jones industrial average this year but frankly if you're a guy who watches global markets and all markets around the world that you indicated are doing pretty well so it is not as anything should perspex schol going on in the u.s. i mean it's great the economy the numbers are good except for growth is good but other markets are doing well too right. yeah we have world why growth for.
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a period we haven't seen in some years bar europe is really emerging japan showing positive signs china and india so i think we're in a period of world why prosperity and growth and certainly the us is experiencing that as well with its rebound the and europe will catch up and japan will continue to do well and i expect china and india to do well so i think you know other than being cautious and not get caught up in buying new wise a patient didn't invest or will be rewarded. are right let's go to the new kids on the block to block chain and an electronic trading a little bit but i know we know we've talked personally about this before doc but
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you're coming out with a new book my favorite richard sandor book is called. derivatives what is it richard the about derivatives good derivatives good really really that good at theory of it and that's sort of the bible but this this book at this brand new card coming out rather beginning of the year tell us a little bit about that and what your take on block chain and the bitcoin would seem to be busting prices every couple of days what's your general view doc. well my viewpoint is that the block chain is revolutionary guard as you well know electronic trading which we spoke about academically forty eight years ago in a paper i wrote when i was teaching at berkeley was a roadmap for how futures could become more efficient and liquidity vastly increased to benefit hedgers and market makers.
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i believe that the block chain is the next big revolution not for trading per se but first settlement clearing we're opening up a trust net we're thats really not hack a ball and i see enormous potential for it in the environment the book speaks about that i've got david tap scott don tapscott writing a chapter dan wilson writing a chapter blith master's doing the forward and we talk about from everything from medical records to catastrophe bonds withdrawal ready exist in a block chain form that smart contracts in the syria will be evermore present in the economy in this book suggests that the revolution in electronic trading will be reinvented with the block chain which is
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the block chain is just nothing more than a simple accounting ledger except it's distributed worldwide which means it can't be hacked and if at some point bart chilton decided to sell richard sand or one hundred shares of apple we could theoretically do. on a trusted public network so i don't know what it'll happen barred but i do believe we are well into it and there will come a lot faster than electronic trading ok. before we go i want to get to the juiciest part of all of this i want to get to the american financial exchange this is your a series serial entrepreneur or doctor entrepreneur and what tell us about f.x. and what's going on there. a fax was born in two thousand and twelve as
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a concept that was based on the fact that london as live bore europe as you're aboard china even has jibe or there's no american interest rate and the benchmarks were all polls as opposed to real data so we set up an exchange where banks and non-banks could borrow in lend from each other over night and this would be called a marable or that particular rate would serve mostly small to medium sized banks bar you and i know that the small to medium sized banks have an important role they lend disproportionately to small businesses they finance the equipment that the farmers use the inventory for the small dealer in arkansas for the small manufacture wisconsin these six
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thousand small to medium sized banks have an important role and we wanted to be a platform for them and for them to have their own interest rate benchmark that they could key commercial loans to credit cards and mortgages we started with six banks that were ready about twenty months ago as of this morning we've got sixty seven members fifty nine banks broker dealers and cm's be d.c.'s life insurance companies to come and we're hoping that we can be a source of liquidity for these banks to borrow short term and therefore be a key engine of job creation doc i know if anybody can do it you can i after going through the live or thing a bunch of times from a regulatory perspective i'm so excited and proud to know you and really look
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forward to your success with a with a marable or an f.x. doc saying interest really thank you for being here appreciate it. thanks bard always good. appreciate your friendship keep up the job you are doing bart thanks. time now for a quick break but stick around because when we were turn argentina ricin is the credentials of dozens of activists that are planning to attend an upcoming trade meeting then we'll take a look at how retail industry has been doing since black friday and cyber monday as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell. it was my home for twenty five years. the fun to hold it all well.
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now that was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen in my life it was so it was traumatic you know we will fill it by the state the full. p.c. politics now and how we can take power. if we continue to stand and make the noise and people out we can change this community. we need to realize that collectively we have real power with real real power to shape our destiny and to be of all we need to seize these opportunities in organizing.
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everything today is about the individual so it's so nice to be a little bit different and it's all about the team and i think it's. it's a quality that i study football players have maybe because we come from one amateur environment so we know that the the all the nations that are individual and more individual qualities than we have so we have to be collectively better than the others. there's been a lot going on at the world trade organization recently the u.s. government has informed the w t o that it opposes china's request to be recognized
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as a market economy if the decision is up held it would allow washington to keep high anti-dumping duties and chinese goods the statement was made in a brief which said the evidence is overwhelming that w t o members have not surrendered their longstanding right to reject prices or costs that are not determined under market economy conditions and to turn. comparability for purposes of anti-dumping comparisons meanwhile argentina has banned overthinks the activists from a w t o meeting in buenos aires scheduled for later this month the decision applies to members of n.g.o.s that had originally been accredited to attend the meeting. analysts and investors are pouring over the data and details from black friday and cyber monday black friday sales posted a big increase before six point six billion dollars in sales made cyber monday the biggest shopping day ever but is making retail history to get the sector as you see
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these things back in black to find out i spoke with melissa or mo founder of stock to take a look at what she had to say actually i found this really interesting information i thought i'd share with you the other day i saw tell the viewers black friday it sounds like something ominous but actually it's not back in one nine hundred thirty nine it was right after the great depression and retailers were struggling for sales so they asked the president to extend the holiday shopping theory which would mean moving thanksgiving up and he actually did it a couple states fought him on it so it was half and half to about nine hundred forty one when congress passed a law that thanksgiving that would be the fourth thursday in november so it falls differently on a different day each year but it has extended the holiday period and the reason that it's called black friday is because it turns retailers into the black going from red to black meaning positive in sales then towards the end of the fourth quarter and actually goldman sachs came out this year and said that you know this
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year two thousand and seventeen is is going to be a big year for retailers and thirty five percent of the ranya revenues may be in this final quarter of the end of twenty seventeen so it's going to be a big shopping purity just you just gave the number and it's huge six point five nine billion it turned out to be for the holiday weekend that we've just started super think thank you for that. really enjoyed it and i know our viewers did to the little historical so look while black friday and cyber monday sales as we talked about are you know really great the foot traffic the in-store traffic lee traffic is basically fat flat or falling slightly according to shopper trak what's the real state of retail for the holiday season going forward now and going forward melissa what's the big picture that fits into both of these figures we've been talking about. well it's kind of interesting looking at the statistics people are doing more online shopping now on black friday than they had previously we're
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moving towards a trend again it's twenty seventeen going forward twenty eight hundred twenty one thousand by two thousand and twenty it may flip but raza right now you're still seeing more people in the store in black friday friday than the shopping online but on monday on cyber monday you are seeing about sixty six percent of the people doing online shopping on cyber monday waving not shopping on black friday online waiting to see if they can get a better deal on monday through sales and social media advertisements all that kind of thing one of the statistics i thought was very interesting though is that more people in the age group thirty five to forty five forty four actually shot more online then people eighteen to twenty four which i thought was really interesting because i was a big apple was like fifty percent to sixty two percent so i thought younger people shop more online on the apps on their phones then people's thirty five to forty
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four but that wasn't the case and the numbers that came out in the report so i was a little bit surprised by that the other thing was surprise about. you'll find this funny part but more men go into stores and more women shop online yeah that does surprise me and was not more but i do recall a couple years ago most of my wife and i went shopping after midnight on the morning of black friday and we got some really great deals but now with seems the sales are starting earlier in your earlier even before thanksgiving focusing less on black friday or cyber monday so what what's the strategy of the retailers here and how big is this trend to sort of stretch out these retail shopping days and did you have to give a retail shopping day a name to make it a success. i don't think so but i think it helps because people have in their mind black friday now people have cyber monday which actually has been going on for years now it's cyber week like this whole week a cyber week i didn't notice this year actually for the first time more so than
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even last year although there were a couple sales last year even more sales now before thanksgiving day it doesn't have a name maybe we should come up with a name bar to call it something but i will tell you that there was a lot of sales discounts off and gift cards and different free shipping offers right before the thanksgiving and even before the holiday weekend you know one of the reasons that ad was on stocks keeps blowing out their numbers so they just had a earnings the stock just made brand new all time highs in the last week one of the reasons is because they've had a success with the online business they sell so many things online plus now they have they purchased whole foods are selling things there you can get some of the nice discounts it offers in the store one of the reasons that amazon is so successful the stock is so successful is because they're really doing everything right with the free shipping the same day shipping the next day shipping with the online sales so all these other retailers have to come up with new ideas to compete
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with the amazon so they're doing the sales right before they're doing everything they can at any type of thing if they can to try to get people in the door to again go from red to black because a lot of these stocks a lot of these retailers are in downtrends macy's is in a down trend you know there you've got the kohl's which stock which is in a down trend bed bath and beyond is in a down trend a lot of the stories that people like unfortunately the stocks are not performing in two thousand and seventeen super interesting you know another thing i thought was interesting melissa's a dhobi analytics says that you know over the shopping weekend mobile devices either a phone or a tablet accounted for about forty percent of the total revenue and that's a big increase of forty some increase forty percent increase or so over last year so you know is this trend going to keep growing at that sort of a rate or are we reaching sort of a plateau with mobile device purchasing. well i don't i don't think it's plateaued at all i mean i don't think that's going to be the case at all i think it's going
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to be a growing trend we're going to see a shift and that is really the real challenge for brick and mortar retail stores how are they going to compete with the amazons in the world of the world because it's challenging it's hard to do it and you know it's kind of sad it's a shame i mean years ago used to go to the store and they used to have a fun day out shopping on black friday but nowadays you know people don't want to deal with the hostel and you get so many offers online the thing with having your phone with you is you can you can look only at you can go into the store and say listen i've got everything right here on my up and amazon cart let me check it out and see which is really cheap or stand right there in the aisle at the store before you get in line before you put the items in your car and you can price check it and say and if you can get a cheaper price you just press buy and you buy it online if you can anyone take the time and you want to get in line and you want to wait through the crowds then you do it but a lot of people don't want to deal with the hassani more about it and that has been
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the challenge for a lot of these stocks and then we were also talking about that macy's they had a credit card problem and friday black friday the biggest shopping day of the year their systems went down in the stores and that was just not really a good thing and so the only negative about i will say this about shopping online is say you put something in your cart say you want to get a pair shoes and you plop it in the cart it says it's available but when it goes to check you out or when you go to ship it they go to ship it may be gone there may be limited inventory when you're there in the store and you've got that pair of shoes and you put them in your cart that's it you've got them you go check out you've got it so that's that's a negative about shopping online you might think you have something and then it might be gone like that and then you don't have any you can't get it you know i was wondering about that i mean a couple of things you said were picked my interest one i know there were some. credit card you shoes which may. and so that was unexpected and two when you say you know the people who prefer to go wait in line it reminds me of that was
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a television commercial now where they say you know for people who like spilling coffee on themselves we're people who like revolving turnstiles who just up you know i don't know who really likes to go and just get stuck in the lines so it's the bottom line melissa's it's not too late is it for people who haven't started shopping yet this year to go out there and get some deals before the year and you know it's not too late at all and that's that's the whole thing i mean these retailers are really going to keep doing discounts and specials and office between now and pretty much christmas eve because they need the sales this is got to be a big quarter for them some of them they need this quarter to be huge and you know imus on just going to keep going to at a tremendous pacers nothing that can stop it and no one that can stop it but as far as brick and mortar stores i believe they will continue to do specials and offer us from down to the end of the holiday season you wait to the last minute you may get even a better offer who knows however you may not get exactly the size or item that you
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want so you take a chance and that's the that's the one thing the one other interesting statistic that i noticed too from the most recent consumer report was that more when people were buying stuff the top number one item was clothing which i was surprised because talking about the phones i was going to say it was going to be electronics but that was number four so i was really surprised about that that close was one electronics was for in fact books and c.d.'s and music was three and twenty's was two which is typical for holiday but i was really surprised that phones televisions all the tronics was for actually talking about that in reference to stocks that's another good stock best buy is in a strong uptrend two best buys and a strong uptrend walmart's and a strong trend amazons and a strong upturn those are good retailers to. oxen are strong the other ones that i named are doing so well target's not doing so well right now either so all of that
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bucket of stocks the retailers that need this big push look for them to have all kinds of deals like coles is doing the coles cash it basically it's just like real cash where you get the cash off the item or the discount off the item if you have a cold cash and target's doing free shipping up until the end of the year as well up until the holidays so that you know the source of exactly what you what are you may not getting your size and that's the chance to take thank you so much most our most for being with us with stocks who is helping traders tridge smarter thank you again thank you thanks for having me and have a great holiday. that's all for now be sure to catch bill bastone you tube at youtube dot com slash boom bust archie thanks for watching the next time. this footage is unique because there's
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a tribal lands i'm normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's this he's personal don't. the people here know him simply is don't to eric he's rich famous some always on the sailing yachts and flying aircraft. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening. all over you so this is. going to be busy doing nothing is going to do the population because it's going to people in the zone. going from to cause more than just money it's more than just revolutionary it's
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affecting black call that sucking in every asset class known to the history of humanity into one glorious up to who knows where. the village of collect she has been nicknamed sleepy hollow because for some unknown reason its local residents have found victim to sleep with him. over the course just being able to actually. move you should you chance you how you train your nation. what to do with the good of some that sympathy also his sharing the sort of going to also go along with the question or story for peaceful people or it's a super thin you've got to go back there more deeply the position of so. gradually grass from where did you do what we have i do agree. with. this with.
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the way his music. might feel when they did your boss tells you of the good to me. and he will listen to the first. thing. all the fun we all have in the draw for the two thousand and eighteen world cup finals pates mike alongside me the results are in place all they tell me it was russia got russia's console you're a good teacher but you're go on lots of analysis coming up john is that if you want . a full scale triggers must evacuate. a christmas market in the german city of.
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u.s. national security advisor michael flynn pleads guilty to making false statements to the f.b.i. as part of a mystic a ship into russia links. here in moscow these are global headlines live. thanks for joining us this hour. the draw for the twenty eighteen world cup has been completed and we now know who is playing who in the group stages next summer. will have been following the draw. welcome to the last few decades of moscow it might look like a winter wonderland snooze the snow gently floats down it was
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a blizzard earlier but we didn't notice speech michael long saw him because of all the excitement of the draw was fantastic wasn't all that george was warm on. the view is fantastic but it really really is cold he and his party itself and joe was a gravel it was not as exposed as bring up the troll seven have a look at it briefly say russia saudi arabia really really really good group draw saudi arabia in the opening game and then egypt in europe who are so really good for russia and europe i would say without but the kicker is in group b. that spain portugal you know thought was going to be some game by the way then obvious the two to my heart denmark we got joy against france australia and peru and also your keeping you came here out on the sort of the ones close to the hall will do a bit more specifically in a few moments but before about melissa see didn't go smoothly or whether any massage here are the highlights of the draw.
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but she russia and me are still thinking well i think he plans to branch. out again you know. to a. life journey of saudi arabia. and i think. again saudi arabia also in that group egypt and europe was that group of eight brazil switzerland costa rica and serbia group after germany mexico side like your principle first day with us and you got some things not just president but practically it was a who's who of wilco when isn't the greatest football of the whole time tell us
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about that experience for president tuesday was holding a reception for for basically every legendary football who's who's in moscow for the job and and you know the world that was incredible to see this many guys who stand so much for football and you know basically are the big superstar here are legends in the game and even when you are a huge name yourself do you still feel slightly intimidated to be in the ring with you know an album or don't know yet i think the big things in me was. telly pelleas not having a good test of time at the moment he was in a wheelchair and golden bangs and him they were having a conversation about which which joints they replaced but it was credit card you could write a sweet sort of moment vehicle marathon it was a post for now the road and the new car food the kind of our guys who's listed the world cup trophy and i was pretty proud to be part of the group of course you were
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none but there were a few of them going in the piece michael is in here don't don't don't you know sell yourself short and for very good reason we can install this stun collymore he would solve a threatening manner up front he's all on the red carpet as you can see not much action at the moment so i chose to take a big take breath we've been here working the room and second dina so the quote far as are over an argentinian had the upper hand. no no there's enough that in the main thing is we just have to keep training is this the tournament well you know messi replicates the incredible achievements of diego maradona and lift the world called missy doesn't need to prove anything he's been the best in the world for the last ten years whites in for a person martin is the belgian manager to come out because belgian. england and panama are in the same growth and obviously been our golden generation just as a. country of eleven million to produce the sort of footballers are something to be
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proud of the biggest job we have to be able to see the players working hard for each other but enjoying the responsibility of being seen as one of the best generations of belgian football has ever had we have of course belgium who we know everything about them so. yeah i think that game will capture if it is imagination we feel an exciting thing a team that are only going to get better but we are a team some experience of those big matches so we decided to rock up here but yesterday we met some true legends. which two or three teams you feel are the favorites to win the tournament golf course. german team of the spanish team and. the brazilian team but i think is a good time for messi to do something new even more because it is the last is the last chance for you know it's only for the first time since nineteen fifty i
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disappointed all you as a cause you know for us was a. gentleman on the view i think semifinals they are always fighting. to be given one spot if. not supported so i think is a i. be good be competition you know do the walk up is a very nice job it is going to be can be destroyed and i see i hope the weather will be better drawer it's been a theatre production because it means so much to so many people who have got the results now so let's we have a look at the in for the full draw in its entirety let's cherry pick some of the games now less about the host nation then because you know it's not i don't mean to put any of the teams in russia down but saudi arabia agents and euro go i surely
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the russian will settle for that at the start of the day all my cards on the night are in the in time we've sort of been off for looking at the the media around the world and everyone agrees that russia they've had a fantastic draw and i agree with that but it is a world cup there's a lot of pressure on russia there on the home homes or you know the expectations not having to play competitive football for so long it's going to be difficult regardless but the first game is against all your review i did that is a good good game to start with and a slight double edged sword in the sense that now if russia fails it's an absolute disaster because the expectation now is there's a very good chance to keep it positive argentina ice and that's what's great day and i will take place here in moscow. stadium so iceland have already proved their ability to upset the apple cart and i wanted senior not at their greatest or lights or seen as good and better i mean they had a terrible start to their qualification campaign and as we talked about enough
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those programs they sneak through they are graded on they don't forget they go i'll give you the best player in the world messi he was the best player in the last world cup and i don't think he's gotten any worse this this is all about the collective and and and it's going to be really warm sunny beautiful down by the black sea is the perfect setting for spain against portugal. i think that this is probably the pig of of the whole george this is a result of i mean spain portugal you just think about ronaldo against playing the plays in spain he makes his living he plays for the trickle i mean and then such as well coming spain spain i think it's out of the form but they are on the way up again and maybe one of the dark horses to win the whole tour in my opinion sold this is to one and this is i mean this is the pick of the bunch absolutely yeah on the day anything could happen ok let's not talk about the world cup as world called
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everyone has worked really hard over the last sort of eighteen months to get to the work of and to get to the georgia today you know all these teams are good incapable it seems don't forget so anyone can really beat anyone on the day ok let's move on to. england these are this is a much the involves so many players don't know each other because of all the bells and seen play in england and in the primary were not many surprises there now and not many surprises but i can attest to one i think i think they would be very very happy with the joy they've got. but again you know so many belgian players play in the premier league so you know it's going to be very familiar if you're not too happy and i don't mean building a really good team but remember two teams go through them or you told me that you weren't too happy but with the job well i won the hardest possible group because that way you know if your team is really capable of winning a know you get a really tough group and you get three you know there's a reason to get excited in england the media the fans get very excited about beating anybody and if they qualify they think we're going to win the world cup
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they tend to get ahead of themselves ok let's head over to our space. here believe has stopped or to speak to that a british morlocks. there i still cannot believe the fact that i'm standing in the draw hole here in moscow and it's actually happening and now we have all the teams lined up there obviously you've talked plenty about the big names the favorites the belgians they are they english and all that but let's talk about the team. which can be considered as dark horses and one of those teams maybe costa rica which as we now know has been drawn together with the likes of switzerland united against brazil and the score was you know five forty two rescuable now. they're very euro why we leave with england and still we we want to you talk to group right here so you know any chance of this happen or you know you know no world cup is this the beauty of football this is what live t.v. is all about the whole slurry snow just for my head and the reason i mention that
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is because even seemingly simple things like this come with has it so i wanted to ask if it's you know we think the draw is very easy you just pull balls out of parts you've been involved in and do you get nervous that you can mess this terrifying it is. i was hosting the chairman's the joe and we had everything and one of the balls popped up and went inside the table right now imagine if that happens live that's no way you can really do the job but imagine what the repercussions people will be calling fix exactly exactly i tell you or you are hands shaking in and some of the pull in sometimes it's difficult to sort of open them up and you know your life my goodness so it's a simple thing and it's powerful it's a little thing with huge consequences if it doesn't go well and of course had a very major tournament so much attention on the infrastructure in the preparations for some of us had a chance to test out some of the stadiums that were used in the world cup but this is confederations cup and the fans themselves from all over the world came to
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experience what it was a lie check out what they thought. we would so much mexico russia we thought maybe the like going to be bad we want that completely obvious they were still like really friendly russian people are so friendly friendly he's been nice it was a beautiful gathering we would come back from work. maybe.
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make them. sit down and dusted the draw is settled we know who's going to play here and where they're going to be now we move on to the action itself and peace you're going to be back in much warmer weather next year i'm going chung's will be in sochi on the beach and it is lovely that ana and i'm really looking forward to this because we're going to travel around russia together and experience some of the host cities check out some of the stadiums get a feel for the life they're looking forward to this i am really looking for i'm looking forward to experiencing russia. to deliver stories that are of course with football surrounding football but also with the culture and really on the good fortune and hopefully we can give people a feel for what the country is like and you know maybe encourage them to go watch the game himself and will be going to the games as well i'm sure it's been great to have you on board peter many thanks see you in
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a few months see this in months. here's what people have been saying about redacted and i suspect it's full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to you know we live in the really packed a punch. yampa is the john oliver of marquee americans do the same we are apparently better than. the c. people you've never heard of love right back to the night president of the world bank take. me seriously send us an email everything today is about the individual so it's so nice to be a little bit different and it's all about the team and i think it's. it's
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a quality that i study football players have maybe because we come from an amateur environment. so we know that the all the nations have that individual and more individual qualities that we have so we have to be collectively better than the other. two are to international a suspicious device has been found and next to the german cities christmas market police immediately evacuated the surrounding area. is across the. well police in the city of port stomach urgently investigating whether a suspicious device that they were called to in the afternoon on friday was
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a viable explosive device that had been placed or certainly to live it to an address nearby to the christmas market in the center of the city now this all started around two thirty local time in which this package was delivered to the pharmacy which is very close to the central square where that christmas market is located the bomb disposal department determined that it was a cylindrical object containing cables batteries and nails but it said that no ignition device was delivered currently police are investigating whether this could have been used as an air is as a a viable explosive device whether it could have been used to target the people that were gathering at that christmas market just in october of this years that just a month ago we we saw a nineteen year old syrian national being arrested and charged with what's being described as planning to commit
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. where the latest steve tells his arteries kayleigh more than. we have michael flynn pleading guilty to charges of making false statements to federal agents now this is a guilty plea and it's been entered in court at this point he's facing a sentence of between zero and six months in jail as well as a possible fine of up to nine thousand five hundred dollars now of course the mainstream media is in an uproar there's talk about the rush investigation all kinds of things are being made in the press this is being treated as a very big story on a very earth shaking event but it's quite interesting let's recall how michael flynn stepped down as national security adviser let's remember donald trump's explanation to thing is he didn't or vice president. properly and then he said he didn't remember so either way it was a very satisfactory to me when he was serving in the trumpet ministration mr flynn
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misled vice president pence and now it appears that he's pled guilty to misleading federal agents now at this point you know the white house has come forward and said look this charge doesn't implicate anyone other than michael flynn he himself it looks like he's pleading guilty to misleading federal agents now it's been well over a year since the u.s. presidential election investigations have been going on for months and yet there seems to be no sign of this vast plot involving donald trump and russia this vast conspiracy that mainstream media seems to be so determined to find hasn't really come into fruition we've had several indictments at this point individuals who misled federal officials made false statements are now facing criminal charges but as of yet the collusion story isn't really materializing. of the u.s. government has to plan to outlaw all outdated plus the bombs the weapons were due
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to be by and from twenty nine team the pentagon released the statement explaining the move the department to return cluster munitions comically in inventories until the cop abilities they provide are replaced with enhanced and more reliable munitions. of course the munitions are designed to kill military personnel and destroy all made vehicles due to their lack of precision though the vast majority of victims tend to be civilians because of that they've been banned in one hundred eight countries let's take a closer look at what happens when a cluster bomb goes off multiple bombers are dispersed over an area as large as a football field around twenty percent of them actually failed to go off and remain on the ground years after a conflict is over they can be triggered accidentally often by children political analyst paul martin told us that the us has no legitimate reason to continue using such weapons i don't see the legitimacy as far as in the moral
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sense i'm sure they're legitimate in the pentagon's eyes as far as if you were a war maker or a war profiteer but the in the eyes of most of the community the world community that is there is certainly not legitimate some of these weapons were which has about a twenty percent failure rate so there's twenty percent of these little bombs that stay on the ground. that unfortunately children and other people end up picking up they are unexploded and they could be left there for years and clear the countries who have large militaries want to have as many options as possible so they're less likely to want to to ban them and specially the major powers those are the ones that tend to be less likely to ban weapons systems and that includes russia china the u.s. sometimes india and others and so i had allies that are to international for this our thanks for staying tuned you can check out any of our stories on our website or social media of course as well we're back at five am moscow time with more
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headlines see the. they call me a useful idiot i mean you called me a useful idiot a useful idiot useful idiots go expressing my opinions on t.v. there's two things missed doing it behind this record is the same strategy we attack persons instead of talking about the arc of what's next why stop there you'll ban me from getting this close to the white house i'm with a group code pink why not ban the color pink one or stretch me on the right i should be sent to the town one because i'm going to try to break me on the wheel but out with a long time of this sort of nonsense you don't scare me and scare us and i'll continue to voice my opinion i'll continue to speak out in good company i'm in good
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company you're going to use me you want to do this because we're free thinkers. been calling for some it's the perfect marriage of technology and finance for others it's a get rich scheme so no one can deny its market value was soaring and becoming an attractive alternative to the current global banking system is bitcoin revolutionizing the world. it's going from a cost more than just money it's more than just revolutionary it's affecting black call that's sucking in every asset class nouns of the history of humanity into one glorious up to who knows where. it was my home for twenty five years the fun to hold it all well.
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now that was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen in my life it was so it was traumatic you know we will felt by the state before and often a file. changed everything politics now and how we can take power. if we continue to stand and make noise and not stop people out we can change this community. we need to realize that collectively we. wield power with real real power to shape our destinies and to be authors that's of awfully so we need to seize these opportunities and we're going to as much.
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to do tonight so this past sunday cuba had their parliamentary elections and next year raul castro will step down ending the for dell and raul castro reign that dates back to the one nine hundred fifty nine revolution in which cuba throughout the u.s. backed government and honestly we've been been heard ever since we've never really you know it's it's like a girlfriend that dumped us and we never got over it we try and act like we're over we're like one herd no i don't ever even i never even think about her. have you seen or she has you do issues you look at our surprise again way right a way. to say as you get your way she's looking good she. don't have to remember. as you'll recall president obama ease the blockade
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on cuba a couple of years ago but now trump is bringing it back in the blockade has has a huge impact on cuban life in a lot of different ways because not only does the u.s. not do business with cuba but we punish any country that does do business like if you would see talking to cuba. if we see a text or them on your phone you're you're screwed anyway i i went down there a couple of weeks ago to get to the bottom of this so that i could write the trip off as a business expense. take a look. welcome to the evil empire cuba which looks strikingly like good laid back caribbean country where all the people are pretty damn nice i don't know i guess the evil stuff is hidden deep underneath deep down below friendly people showing you where they like to drink one of the things americans love about cuba are the old cars the nineteen fifties cars it makes us
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feel like we're back to the future one although i've yet to see a still or even. a running together now the reason they're still on the road is because juba has had to make do with what they have because of the aboard go the blockade of goods cuba has been stuck with a lot of the material they had before their revolution however this proves that these cars were built to last nowadays everything we own is built to collapse into a thousand pieces in two weeks this is called planned obsolescence ok economists call it that because economists calculate is a they talk funny but in human terms i'll break it we break it it's just something to break so that we keep buying and buying and consuming and consuming keep spending money and also it's far more sustainable for the planet to keep using the things we have than to just simply throw it all away every two weeks there's been a hundred cia attempts on on sick children see this since cuban officials
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there were many attempts to assassinate fidel castro including such things as giving him exploding cigars at one point the cia wanted to put poisonous fungus in his timing suit. where the man's a hobby. you don't really trying to screw up ronald reagan's movie night at the white house poison john f. kennedy's marilyn. donald trump's gold in the book lamps the newly released john f. kennedy papers that just came out show further proof of operation northwoods where the joint chiefs of staff stamped under kennedy wanted to create false flag terrorist attacks on u.s. citizens and blame it on cuba that got all the way to kennedy's desk before he told
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them not to do that. so why the anger why the fury against this. this far fewer cars on the road. you'd see in a big city in the u.s. this is no l.a. traffic or new york traffic we believe that says a lot about the economy right our economy bustling people got to got to get there let's go man we're all in our cars forty four hours a day rushing to our jobs but you've got to think about rushing to we're rushing to watch yeah we're all we all got jobs but a lot of that is because we can't survive without each member of a family working nine to five or worse we are being paid minimum wage off people struggling to get by then you know our economy is going great it's a success we should revel in it i fish guard two hours a day and again it did i. get a car to go to the saw the week at. great dan. you may notice that
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a lot of. cracked buildings and you know a lot of buildings that are in need of repair the united states were collapsing from the inside out we may look good on the front a nice paint job will cover up all. lot of pain and misery you just throw some aluminum siding over that it no one will know the difference oh yeah you worked your entire life for a company that is now stalling your pension you know may be thrown and show white over there oh you've studied for seven years and now can't find a job better than starbucks for easter so you're trying to pay off student loan debt with frappuccino for the next hundred thirty years of your life how we recommend coral pink or maybe you're just not seeing the cracks in our buildings because they're covered with massive billboards where the huge billboards get coca-cola get to support for runners to try and gods that just want to
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manipulate you know where we don't have health care in our country but we're proud that we have ten different forms of manipulation to choose from look i'm not saying they have a perfect society they don't i don't know that any society is perfect but from what i've seen here i feel like a lot of their society is based on. cooperation. making sure everybody even the least among us is taking care of whereas i feel like the united states were increasingly an awesome warns like bad we're increasing. our society to consumption it's a consumption based society which if you look it up in the dictionary the second definition is a wasting away just sees. maybe we could at least learn a little something from what's going on here. oh.
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my trip to canada. what what it comes down to is this why do we give us how they choose to set up their society whether it's socialism or capitalism or are there who have. i worship woodland creatures and wiffle ball and give every raccoon its own golf cart that it drives around in from garbage bags of garbage back when i can serve you go for her ours or yours what they have is to push socialism or hurt your life that's like saying simply knowing that someone out there has a genital piercing is hurting your marital status. i just can't i can't get it off in van because i know that's going on and nothing to do with you and i don't tell me it's because you're concerned for the cuban people every american is that we're all wearing clothes made by children and torture again if we vacation in gundry's
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where gay people are executed we use a light tronics that are that have metals in the mind by teenagers lowered into the center of the earth on a rope made out of twenty by our car phone can have a battery life that's ten minutes longer but you have saved your true concern for the cuban people you know. cation and guaranteed food they have over there you know this that's why we need to continue economic war against them so that they get miserable enough to realize they need us. it's true there are many problems in cuba they have problems like all countries there are a lot of things that are lacking for example flamen hot mac and cheetos all right nary a one nary a one developed country my ass. but you know what else they don't have homelessness and they're all out of lives destroyed by health care bills and they're woefully low on agree just what would you a crushing wealth in the hands of
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a tiny number of and they're completely devoid of an endless parade of veterans coming home with with traumatic physical and mental injuries so things. libya where reports have come out this week that things have gotten. so bad that there are open air slave auctions going on people actually selling human beings in public and while the mainstream media has they they have reported the story a little bit they seem to have forgotten the bit of history where we along with nato brought down libya because moammar gadhafi got all uppity and you know wanted to create his own currency and started dressing like lady gaga we could never be good as an example but that's our corporate media works you know they are they act like everything just came out of thin air there's no context they're like oh my god the americans are poor. it was. the banks collapse where did that
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come from we don't understand the country is really angry angry enough to elect. orange supremacy asked where is the. clear to the come from they don't you think taxed something else they do and don't do is report on terrorist attacks that killed nonwhite people in egypt this week three hundred five people were killed in a bombing led to a massive terrorist attack that only got a small you know small mentions in our media could you imagine if that happened in france or england or even somewhere and just small and we're like the loft in islands off norway even if it happened in a white part of the world and they're being twenty four hour coverage for weeks everybody would change their facebook thumbnail to the loft and islands flag and people would be posting stories about how a friend of a friend of their aunts visited the loft and islands it but she's ok she's ok you
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know i don't think it was recently she was there back in the seventy's but still john k. so ok. point is you may not heard from our innately racist media that there was a huge terrorist attack in egypt so you have to get that information from the internet right but the f.c.c. is getting ready to destroy the net neutrality in a couple of weeks and most of the country is opposed to this corporate power grab but the f.c.c. is simply telling us to go sells i don't care and worst of all if the f.c.c. gets its way under the chairman smile mixed. guy. if it gets its way this will ruin internet porn all right. we won't even be able to ourselves appropriately. with any enthusiasm and care that the job requires. and yes poor knob and uniform are actually trying to protect your rights
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more than the at fees t. and congress is right now that's what's happening in our country but it leaves people again angry about this that's good to have more on this in the second half of the show but speaking of getting angry the a limpy a blockade in washington was cleared by police two days ago for over ten days activists succeeded in blocking a rail line that delivers the sand needed for fracking so by stopping the trades they stopped fracking which means they stopped earthquakes and methane lakes and brain damage and all the horrible the goals with fracking they're heroes for doing it all right but. but the reason i really like these guys is because they kept a sense of humor about the whole thing with you know so many activists are humorless at one point that one boy this group released a list of demands because everyone was asking them what their demands are here were
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some of them number one make the port of beach again ok. this doable is done likely but it's doable not. to blow up the sun. that's. little harder to achieve on a few days notice let's get the number eleven compos to the police. now agree with that. because you can't put them in a landfill do end up in the ocean and get stuck in a wells blow hole it's terrible for the vironment there's number twenty that steve hall fight a banner. i'm all for that one even though i have no idea of steve wallace but. i think what they're trying to say is they didn't need a list of demands because they were sixty ting at blocking the shipments needed for fracking that was their demand ok. that was.
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speaking of blocking shipments u.p.s. says they might strike during the holidays because their corporate overlords are guarding their health care plan and i think they should i think they should because when there aren't any gifts under the tree on christmas day it will be good to be good for parents across the country to to explain to their kids about the o.b. use corporations serve out to their employees like so many christmas he'll have to explain it in the kids sorry but santa sells refused to deliver your gifts this year because santa cut back on their health care if they were paid overtime for him for years on and so she got elves with the go fund me pages to raise the money to get a liver transplant it's outrageous ok it's outrageous and the yells were fine. so that's. why is there. was no present this year anyway
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a big strike now and then is a great thing because how long will we all be exploited by the corporate state before we stop playing by their rules go to a quick brag buy. redacted night has live shows coming up in portland oregon richmond virginia salt like steady washington d.c. a convert to test well be right back a lot more are. all t. we have a great team we need to strengthen before the free world calls and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that much more to fight for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that winning spirit to the r.c.c. . recently i had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best
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fall since my last will come in the stores or three. thousand zero zero zero zero zero rush on team from when i'm a tour in why we have to be collectively better than. this with all of. the williams music. from my seat in there did you have both styles we're off to bed soon. if you're willing to listen. well. as i mentioned earlier net neutrality is back on the chopping block the f.c.c. of voting on december fourteenth to eliminate title to net neutrality rules and deregulate the broadband industry listen f.c.c. we've we've we've been through this before all right we the people demand
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a free many of us also demand free bottomless followings my dad said a matter for an. dot com but i turns out now horizon has a lifetime online petitions a bag a form of arisan lawyer throw it all away i'm done you can't be done that's exactly what they want they want your frustration to turn into apathy well i'm sorry to say it's working i'll be back on board when we have a paradigm shift. which is oh i have to i have to say what it is ok i thought i could just say paradigm shift and everyone would start cheering again i realize the paradigms yeah raul was a god i said yeah i don't know anything alright alright that neutrality can only really be protected by a revolution and who owns the infrastructure and networks we have to end our
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dependence on big telecom but now please and bill decentralized affordable locally owned internet infrastructure i'm talking about municipal broadband good voice. but sadly the major i ask fees are suppressing it to cities currently pushing for municipal broadband or seattle in fort collins colorado and they deal with all sorts of dirty tricks from companies like comcast who want to maintain their monopoly over the well what are you kidding me i mean that's this crazy i mean we need a call to action this is ridiculous fine i'm coming to the thing as you. walk and trade a bucket of my and be invited to sleepytime juice and my special heroine greed pill straight from india thank god i have told you i was fresh off a thanksgiving i think it's fair to say we here in the us sometimes gloss over our
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truly history a little bit and now our real past redacting correspondent allen mcgill on earth a disturbing new trend as she filed this report. breaking. my best friend just got married. not so great news there's no open bar or. even worse news the wedding is on a plantation. and i'm the only black person here. yeah. look. i love my friend but for a black person getting an invite for a wedding at a plantation is like getting a postcard in the mail that says you're invited to celebrate our love on the site of a mass grave. i wasn't sure whether to bring the blender she wanted on or registry
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or can draw a map to that nor while your friend swears up and down her picture arrest wedding venue with a line of trees and first some reason has nothing to do of slavery whedon's are just one example of how the tourism industry embraced the plantation life capitalizes on the pain and suffering from slave labor that made them thrive hundreds of years ago all while breezing over the actual details of slavery with the intensity of a twenty two year old man getting a surprise apartment visit from his mom after a series of bong hits people who tours find speaking to the cliff's notes version of slavery works best since the very mention of it makes the mint juleps and lemonade you can drink on the grounds taste like sadness the secret ingredient is the lime infused hears sites like plantation parading louisiana by combination of
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words and images that will make you forget they sound like a school assembly that could get a teacher fired. once a month on the main. story book world. you know you can't use the platform of hollinger video and call slavery just the struggle. that home is reserved for p.b.s. documentaries and oprah film roles parit words like storybook ending romance to this. bribe the south in code words like struggle or working farm only political wars of slavery. and and fortunately got me this close to winning plantation bingo at this wedding. the irresistible charm of the three civil war era was also music to the ear specifically eric and develop in the mississippi delta beginning
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with a four star one hundred room hotel originally designed to replicate an ante bellum plantation and of course the trump business partners are now reconsidering that layout i mean i'd like to think they had a change of heart because designing something that looks like a symbol of oppression in a mostly black the salad barely acknowledged the atrocities of racism we are exploiting the labor of its people all over again. so before you fork over the cash for a tour or pay or deposit for a wedding joining two families ask yourself how much of that money is going to the ancestors of slaves families who ripped apart. only. don't ask that here because i did that like twenty minutes ago and the staff politely asked me to leave. which you don't have to ask me twice at a wedding when nobody bar. ok you can carry
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are. all the fun that we all have in the draw for the two thousand and eighteen world cup finals thanks mike go alongside me the results are in place all they tell me to do with the rest to go rush is not so you're going to get your looks of analysis coming up soon as if you know. a bomb scare triggers a must evacuation near a christmas market in a german city office. also this hour a u.s. national security advisor michael flynn pleads guilty to making false statements to the f.b.i. that sounds possible probe into russia.
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