tv Keiser Report RT December 2, 2017 7:30pm-7:59pm EST
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in other crypto solutions and now the old gold mutual fund you know those become the new crypto fund. mid-layer nailer leyland is now a convert i'm sure jim rickards is yet to fall peter schiff will fall all these names open those skeptics will get sucked up into the big coin vortex and black hole and they will become converts and that's the way it's going to happen i'm guaranteed going to happen before i continue with the story the fact that you mention the old becomes the new we are in don't do you are em as they pronounce it here that's why i get the derm shirt their arm north carolina and of course this is the city that duke built tobacco the great american tobacco sort of companies built this city. it is now one of the hottest cities and all of america for millennia was to move to it's actually like a a lot of tech jobs are in this research triangle more so than say silicon valley
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and new these and all the new jobs are coming to this sort of area and in fact google fiber this is their last place that they're building out their fiber things so you know it's reinventing itself as this new tech hub it's an old fashioned monopoly of tobacco industry making you know new with we're talking a new gym with some flop in the second half he's a third generation north carolinian and he's accepted guru early adopter getting ready for ten thousand we're going to have a big ten thousand crypto bitcoin party right here in durham just so tell us what's the name of the soto the derm the dermal itself jamieson lop about that the big party the ten thousand party he's got a lot of friends so wild yes we actually sat in the reception with him and everybody knew him it was pretty crazy but going back to this big point story naylor leyland an old name in the u.k. the united kingdom an old. friend sam. arrian you know this family i think was make
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in the cars leyland automobile or some old ancient historical non-sensical no longer you know relevant industry if you sit behind his desk lose glasses of this line you know savile row tailor suit and tie sure with the conflicts talking to our friend the brahman the very prominent name jaitley and there sipping over there at harrods and they're discussing gold and economics and we want all of you got to get a big going now for five or six years of the book cool cool movie way old boy who won't rule well now they're waiting to buy it's going to take a thousand. they've been doing their research and everybody should do what a geriatric submit to their amazing i can't do it let's move on to the story back to the story because here are some quotes so i think it's interesting here this you know old mutual gold and silver a fund there they have gold and silver investors older money people interested in
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gold and silver and they have a plan and that is as he mentioned you know to take as much as five percent invested in cryptocurrency s. take their profit stay at five percent as the profits as the prices continue to rise and buy more gold and silver with it it's an interesting unique plan for their investments i don't know. ok well you know everybody has a different portfolio tolerance and whatever but here he is what he says decline was explicitly designed to be digital gold said naylor leyland so if you're going to have a small proportion of a fund and bitcoin it should be in a gold fund because that's exactly the point it's about bringing the ownership of disciplined money into the modern world paving the way for the reintroduction of gold as a global money so you had said this for us i. stole it from me so let's let's talk to a lot of our audience might not know. oh nanae leyland so you know they might not
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know the backstory to this but let's you know let's talk about this notion of bitcoin paving the way for gold to be reintroduced as global money you know the. net a nice guy and he's a you know he's a gentleman and you know you have to be when you're under performing to the mag and say i know it and let me get it ok if you're too sick gold back into the global currency yes because i've said this i'm glad someone else is picking up on this goal but cohen is helping goal by shattering the matrix of wall street that is incurring the naked short selling and the financial manipulations going on in the futures market of gold sense you know you've got t zero you've got the settlement is the trade day of the contract cetera that we see guys like patrick byrne pioneering over there over stock we're going to obliterate all the machine and machinery that's killing the gold price this will open up like part of the sea of
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derivatives like because moses parting the sea of derivatives and through the gap will gold price will finally get to two three four thousand dollars an ounce thanks to a big point ungratefulness of the peter schiff of the world and the and the jim rickards of the world who don't understand what we're doing for it to make them look good. so let's move on because into his this his come to jesus moment how he studied it like he has been slow thinking about it watching it studying bitcoin and again i do implore you you know one can look at the hyper mania of max keiser you know where it might have been clean as a mini or you know and just pile it on everything you've got or you slowly you have to study and understand what you're getting into what you're the reason why you want to point the reason why you want to get involved in between and that's a good sensible healthy thing to. do but here he's like why he likes
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bitcoin and the blace what he has studied as a gold investor as a long term gold investor. says bitcoin and resolve gold's problems of divisibility ownership and speed of transmission said naylor leyland who's investing through a swedish listed exchange traded fund we're going to revert to sound money he said if you imagine sound money and block chained together there's quite an exciting potential outcome his fund has about eighty percent in gold and silver equities and most of the rest in physical metal for him to aristotle for conditions of money scarcity sons ability portability and desirability clinton fills all of those has since day one anyone who's just a student of gold should have picked up on the five or six years. yes it does to fill all the conditions aristotle pointed out all sound money the gold is qualifies
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so there's klein and he's correct it's instantly divisible it's portable it's scarce and it's desirable the condition of scarcity is the one that people have trouble with they don't understand how you can have digital scarcity but this is the genius of the protocol that creates for the first time ever in the history of digital scarcity that's scalable immutable and fills all the characteristics of money and there were i mean peter schiff had a valid argument and concern when he was looking at it and seeing that there's. then this bitcoin cash then there's bitcoin gold then there's ether then there's debts then there's you know all these crypto currencies all these i.c.a.o. is in their notion was well this is infinite inflation and yet what we've seen is that despite bitcoin gold despite big cash the price continues to rise i think all in it so it's like over well. over ten thousand dollars at this point if you
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add in all the four but the peter schiff argument is nonsense because you know there is gold and then there's silver there's bronze there's diamonds there's collectible are there anything there's a division chief that sells for one hundred fifty million dollars anything that scares people want to buy and it goes up if they are looking to preserve their acid values so the fact that there is more than one trip to go out there hasn't doesn't diminish the argument for bitcoin whatsoever just like gold is the perfect element on the periodic table that attracts the physical attributes according to royce a bug makes a genius an argument for the same thing can be said about the protocol for big coin it's unique in this way entrenched it's a monopoly it falls metcalf's law it's expanding exponentially it also follows there is law for all you fricken couch commerce out there where you've got good money pushing out bad money plus it's got the effect of the other effect i might want to say also in the last minute here that it's been basically an analysis has
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found that a million four million bitcoin are missing how you speak of given cheat they found a different she after hundreds of years it's worth four hundred fifty million i reckon those four million big point might be found in another hundred years two hundred years somebody might find the keys find them access them and it will be worth four hundred fifty million for one bitcoin that is in my sock drawer i know less than a sock the left or the right i think it's a left sock it's a christmas sock that i had with little santa clauses and christmas truce and many of the four million missing between are there about three point eight million and it's in a laundromat somewhere in sixteenth street the last thing i put to the paper wallet in there and i went through the wash so yeah it's like three point a million times ten thousand you do the math you know it's worth maybe investigating but don't go away much more coming your way right after the break.
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palestine is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos m.m. billfish dismissed it like you know. this isn't my cup of tea is going up local study hall maybe you know chon going to tell her they should be the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world under the oak vision not only could get it.
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and know it is a laugh at that as to how to display any of the muslims to have an identical tedium of doesn't seem to do more the most awesome but results. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. done some is not so is not i can quit place is not a good country. because it is the minister. among us well just. as you describe it as a disco that is. just over the co-chair. of the cult of less sure of the secular suggests. just
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a little unbiased in the arm of the muslim school for bin laden. mostly albums fossil. play almost anything for the numbers for the base ten dots very kind our data john said on based on our prototype no one can absolutely not the last word mr wright is from catholic matter how anomaly came. from michele not. true from a canal himself i'm almost feeling now we're going to fuckin on the cuckoo since richard nixon offered bush argued with a cigarette only to go to the cities in the micron. voices in his or the lot of the street the. cinema of our government allows us. to see others who are supposed. to.
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but i'm back to the kaiser report imax guys are time now to turn to jamison lop james and welcome back great to be here james a lot of you are in a big calling space have been so for a long time you know i've been in the space a long time and it's hard to find wisdom in this space it's hard to find people with a level head to have a certain suzanne quality i would say you're the only one that i have found that actually has a even perspective so we're talking about bitcoin and you know one of the things you say about bitcoin is that you know we don't really know yet what this is all about you know people are theorizing is it a replacement for money is it the new money is a going to take is it is it evil is is great you know you you feel that there are some things on the horizon still to be discovered and can you just talk
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a little bit about this philosophically before we talk about prices and stuff absolutely i mean we're learning more about this system every day you know nakamoto created this thing in two thousand and nine and people have been joining this open collaboration of this project and they've been arguing they've been building they've been you know tearing each other's ideas apart sometimes tearing each other apart and it's it's this weird sort of new type of human consensus is crypto anarky it is a system where no one rules and as a result it's very hard to decide who we saw decide what the rule methodology is most of the time then we keep poking the system and trying to understand to figure out how to govern in a seamless come together you know from their phase to the agriculture all village phase the domestic phase you know you have to have some kind of social contract as we call this and they trade between the governed that was being governed and here
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because it's in the dick consensus is completely distributed and it's frictionless and you don't need a government. it's all wrong on game theory and in the case of big coin we say it seems to cleave down sociologically speaking to the community and it's gotten rid of people like my current for example who is part of the cool or a bit coin group developers and then had a rage quit and flew the coop because he wasn't happy about way things were going then we had another major break with us roger vampire bit coin cash which is a fork of bitcoin and along ideological lines and who have the truth to toshi vision it's quite interesting cycle sociologically psychologically can you speak a little bit about what bitcoin cash is what people should be aware of it if they own it before august eighth they own it except era and then
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a little bit on the on the on the on dissociate logical aspect of it that i think you do well because cash is a hard fork of bitcoin and so there was a snapshot taken at the beginning of august where you know whatever number of coins you had on because when you know have on because in cash and all you have to do is get the wallet software that supports that load up your private keys and now you can transact on this new network which is ninety nine percent the same rules as bitcoin just a few changes on the back in of transaction formats and block sizes and whatnot and so really what we found here is there's this ideological split between the technical. changes that people think should be implemented in order to scale bitcoin to get it to reach more people so the main thing is people arguing about should we scale mostly on the block chain or should we scale mostly off the block chain personally i think you know we need every type of scaling we can get but the the on block chain scaling to you know potentially infinitely large block sizes has
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a lot of ramifications that will impact the ability for the average user to retain some. efforts into really decide for themselves what bitcoin is and you really do that by running a bit coin node and using that to secure your money i really didn't roll that back a lot of bad guys know it to unpack way of talking about their south day large block size correct me if i'm wrong but would tend to put power into the miners and it would be a move against a total decentralization of this protocol of the stat work and this is against what would be the ethos of this totally decentralized protocol and we've seen that with the parents conflict of interest between those who sell mining chips like over there in china at bit me or for the big blocks and and they would be the direct beneficiary of this so this is not a direct conflict of interest over one it will your thoughts there so i would say
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generally speaking and i hate to you know put anybody into a box but it seems like a lot of the proponents of big quake cash believe that because we miners are kind of a trusted guardian of the network and they're happy to have nodes that are very expensive to run and only large enterprises and miners can run them because they believe that the sovereignty really comes from having your private keys and being able to transact from that standpoint but the miners of course are potentially a fairly centralized entity i think the proponents of bitcoin cash would have a counterargument that. core is a centralised entity and they see you know their trade off of one versus the other is not being particularly a big deal so you know we could argue my new show all day long but the the proponents behind you know doing hard forks and changing bitcoin faster they're willing to make trade offs in order to try to get mainstream adoption as quickly as
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possible or so to get back to our first point here there seems to be something bigger. a force is larger than anyone can account for operating here and that is partly accepted to game theory some of the words while this political camps are battling it out you have potentially the whole thing being a moot point because as far as mining goes you now have japan getting into mining with the seven micron and seven half micron sized chips you've got something dragon mental it just hearing about which is a mining initiative so in other words good old free market capitalism is going to still play here and could trump any political party in any political party so for this try to coalesce has been blown out has been wiped out is that a fair statement and what is dragon meant i've just learned about it last week or so i think it's brand new it does what do you know about it tell us about the i think there are actually a multitude of initiatives going on behind the scenes because this whole ordeal over the past year or two with miners like blocking segregated witness activation
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and kind of acting like bullies in various ways has really put a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths and the people who got into between early on tend to be very anti-authoritarian and whenever they feel that any particular entity or group is beginning to amass too much power they dig in their heels and they say no you know we're not going to go along with this were rejecting you so i think that they're actually many more. initiatives on the mining side where people have gotten frustrated and they've said you know what we're willing to put in the capital to help further decent allies of mining to make it more competitive market i think we're going to see more announcements coming in the coming months and that in general mining is going to become more competitive and the miners are going to lose a lot of their kind of bargaining chips of their hash power so the dragon it from my understanding is really backed by dracula's between core developer and i think he's working with some shit fabricators and they're just trying to get the most
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efficient miners out there on the market to get them. in as many hands as possible to further do you centralise maybe d.c. track and what's his twitter handle i think it's b t c jack i believe so what's your twitter handle just luck l o p t and also if you go to la at twitter you have links to fantastic resources every bit of a library of of what the white papers and other you know documents that people if they want to learn i say to people that they ask me should i buy a big point i say you've got to put in the work to learn about it first because otherwise when the correction comes and we know that there will be a correction you need to have an intellectual foundation you don't want to panic sell once you've panicked thought like you need to know what's going on here a little bit talking about price ok let's talk about price for as we speak here now we're flirting with ten thousand and what are your thoughts on the price i mean you started in under a dollar i believe i was always in you know single digit territory in the single
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digits as we were. so what were do you see that going not to hold you accountable to it i mean as you know you sleep it's a bit of a speculation but what do you wear your thought is and you know people come up with with various calculations of you know if it replaces so much of the gold market or so much of stock or bonds or other commodities or what have you. as i kind of mentioned recently actually people were asking me about buying low selling high type of stuff is that it's easy to buy low or buy the dips because we know where the floor is you know it can only go to zero to go any further below that but where is the ceiling nobody knows where the ceiling is one hundred thousand dollars because it sounds preposterous but i mean we're ten x. where we were a year ago i'm not saying we'll do another ten x. another year but in terms of like global wealth in global money supply you know six six digit point is certainly possible in the not too distant future now there's two
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concepts hyper bitcoin is ation and now hyper big clint ization i believe was coined by the fellow who runs this a toshiba instance it was his name that appear a short i believe now so the guy is even is kind of a root reclose but we'll get it i'm sorry it's who are missing their name but so hyper because it is asian essentially means that that is not going to happen until at least we fix the scale ability problems so you know that's what we're really hoping these second layer solutions will do and and really that's going to continue to be an experiment of we're going to see a lightning network come online and possibly even other second layer networks and then bitcoin as andrea's antonopoulos has said it's going to continue to fail to scale and so we're going to hit road bumps we're going to have growing pains people are going to complain about this or that and then we're going to fix the problems i mean it's all software and so the software engineers are going to see the problems
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fix the problems and we're going to move forward in the because i'm black call this is something i thought of just recently that essentially the money starts to dijon away from the stock market so if you have a stock market crash because people are buying bitcoin unlike the two thousand and eight crisis that was met with a wall of money from central banks there is absolutely no way to stop a. it a black hole a big point sucking all the world's capital if this thing us one hundred thousand plus and a global panic buying if if a sovereign wealth fund like abu dhabi is saying yeah they're going to be buying bit coy if you have game theory applied to the sovereign wealth funds and this thing goes to three hundred thousand slots and the stock market crashes is there any force in the universe that can stop this jamieson law oh well i guess nation states with enough nuclear capabilities to blanket the world and e.m.p. isn't shut down the internet for a little while might be able to put a bit of
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a blip in the road in the markets but as soon as we go beyond the eller and james bond thriller is and why big coin cast attracts so many would be james bond evil characters like john mcafee you know roger fair rick lucky these guys could be the evil doer in a james bond movie they say is that what attracts them to it the the the sense of unlimited power you know i mean there may be some some of that i don't think that any of these guys are evil i've met pretty much all of them i think that a lot of it just has to do with frustration and you know they believe that the very conservative slow process that because corps and the vast majority of users subscribe to is just not fast enough and that something else is going to subsume bitcoin the unflappable jamieson lop ever of the diplomat thanks for the segment absolutely well that's going to if this is the cars are parked in my skies or stays or what i guess jamieson line up you can find my twitter at assen twitter
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account. at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of them waving spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will come on the road so as we. both are in the euro zone. left left left more or less ok stuff that's really good that. this footage is unique because the zoe tribal lands are normally off limits to the public eric's allowed in because he's lived his personal. people here know him simply is dr eric he's rich and famous some always on the move sailing yacht some flying at croft.
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now. he's considered one of the best neurosurgeons in brazil. that's happening amazon. allergies so says going. to busy doing nothing is going to cause the population nothing much is going to people on his own. there is no center in the united states political discourse it's all center right ever since the clinton people came into power the center right has become the right and there is no peace party that exists in my country and i don't see any evidence of it except this third party that has so criticized the green party.
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moscow after a former aide pleads guilty to lying to the f.b.i. . art exhibition on martyrdom gets mixed reactions as it displays martin luther king jr alongside terrorists. are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our chief international john thomas glad to have you with us the government of has given the u.s. permission to use drones in anti terror operations in the west.
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