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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EST

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look suspicious. the russian ministry of justice placed american media outlets on a foreign agents. regarding america. also ahead this hour the former yemeni president is killed by rebel fighters close to the capital on fighting in the country and the united nations is now calling on all sides to and hostility. for t.v. rochelle's the international olympic committee prepares to give its verdict on whether the country can compete up to twenty eighteen winter games but most questions the political nature of the doping investigation.
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between the u.s. government and the intelligence community the f.b.i. and justice department are given ultimatums by republicans to. investigations. they welcome to our two international my names you know neal good to have your company this news hour we will get headlines stories in just a moment but we begin with a developing story from ukraine the former president of georgia. is currently standing on a roof of a residential building in kiev he is reportedly threatening to jump if searches are . in his apartment saakashvili was appointed a governor of odessa region twenty fifteen. his georgian
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citizenship but a year later. resigned from his post we are in fact just hearing news coming into us that the pictures you're looking are from some moments ago that he is now being led out of his flat by police officers. these are developing pictures these are the latest pictures we but we will try and get the the new ones for you he is a party being led all. at the moment while the government had no interest partly in fighting corruption is what he had been saying in september he was stripped of his ukrainian citizenship after it was reportedly found he had filed in correct information in his application a year earlier there we are with live pictures now from the scene a lot of people gathering there on the street the building where he had believed to have been living at least taking him all the apartment block of course it's very
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difficult to see if he is there at all maybe he is still in the building but the latest reports we have is that the former president of georgia former ukrainian politician governor in country saakashvili was threatening to jump off a building in kiev he's now according to reports we cannot verify but according to reports he has been taken off the roof and is being led away just in the right of your picture doesn't look as if there are police and police cars there a lot of police are right in that so we will keep up to date with this story it's on full time perhaps get a little bit of a clearer picture of what has turned out there in kiev and what is the fate of the former georgian president. then moving on yemen's former president ali abdullah saleh has been killed close to
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the capital finding in the country intensifies the escalation has led the united nations to call for an end to the conflict. we find the events unfolding there to be deeply disturbing with ground clashes and airstrikes having dramatically escalated in sana and surrounding governor it's our humanitarian colleagues are receiving desperate calls for help by trapped families but are unable to reach those who have been injured we are in your call on all warring parties for an immediate cessation of hostilities in sana. well saleh was killed by rebels as he fled the yemeni capital please be aware that the footage we are about to show you is extremely graphic it purportedly shows the former president's body until recently allies have been fighting alongside the rebels against the current saudi backed president however on saturday he made a public break from the shia opposition fighters that were seen as
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a betrayal by the. local journalist in gave us his view on. this surge and to turn back to the domination of saudi arabia has a good many yemenis to pressure the. saudi rule has led to the killing of. thousands of civilians and also it's a devastating impact all over its blockade of the country. such. saudi arabia to open a new chapter with little fruit with. such news also had been. yemenis. ali abdullah saleh led yemen from nineteen ninety until twenty twelve and was the country's first president that came into being after playing a key role in the merger between a scythe yemen and north yemen he was from power during the hour of the spring our
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pricing well since twenty twelve yemen has been riven by civil war an intervention by a saudi led coalition has triggered a major humanitarian crisis riyadh and its allies have stepped up strikes in recent days the u.n. fears for the lives of civilians it's a our trial in the city where one hundred twenty five people have been killed since friday alone it also states it cannot confirm the safety of its own stuff in sun a political analyst omar in a sharpie told us he believes the situation in yemen may no get even worse. it's not the first time he switches sides this shift has been part of his political career it's not the first time that he changed his political position and his alliances this time was a drastic failure the people of yemen after so many years of saudi bombardment i don't think they were ready to see and talk with this as if nothing happened there
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was a statement by the saudis actually where they threatened to bomb the night so there's going to be more bloodshed this failure in this conspiracy perhaps will push the saudis for more aggression more destruction and that's very unfortunate for the yemeni people. just some news coming into us rebels all sort of portly dozens of journalists hostage a t.v. station in among them is a freelance correspondent working for the sputnik agency on your screen right now is the sputnik notice all of that saying what is happening we will of course let you know more about this we'll be keeping a very close eye on the developing story of journalists being held hostage in. yemen. rushes ministry of justice has announced it is placing us media outlets radio free europe voice of america
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a foreign agents list to discuss this further we're now joined by. a media this is something we've been expecting haven't we but tit for took measures what has been annoying in particular here. exactly were you aware is saying mero measures now in taking coming from the russian government and that's just just as you mention nine media outlets have been registered as foreign agents by russia's justice ministry now that is a move that follows the recently passed law here in the country a law that targets a foreign media operating here and russia but that is financed from abroad now voice of america radio free europe or radio liberty as well as its regional grange along with six other media outlets were recognised as agents now this move comes in response to r.t. america being forced to do the same to register as
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a foreign agent in the us now this a manager will mean that. says well a soul of there. will now need to market their content as being produced on behalf of washington they will also have to disclose all of their financial data and provide these reports to lawmakers here in russia now earlier this week russian lawmakers also voted to blog foreign journalists access to the parliament and that was another miro measure that we saw as just last week artie's america created taishan on capitol hill was revoked now as for the russian lawmakers they say that a failure to register as a foreign agent made lead to some severe consequences as the case with america operating and the united states. i mean the question of bring us right up to date on not latest development thank you very much for the. us republicans could hold
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the f.b.i. under department of justice in contempt of congress both agencies have been given all tomatoes to provide key details from two investigations into u.s. russia collusion on hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server while acting as secretary of state the deadline which was until the end of monday house of course not passed and it would seem the intelligence community hostile and compiled with the demands artie's killam up and has more in what we know. house intelligence committee has made clear that it wants answers we've heard from devon noone is the chair of the house intelligence committee saying that if the department of justice and the f.b.i. did not come forward and provide the information that they are requesting they could be facing charges of contempt and taken to court now i'm at this point the intel committee the house intelligence committee wants information about what
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happened regarding the firing of an f.b.i. agent peter struck who is investigating donald trump there are rumors that he was fired because he had a clear bias against the president and was supporting hillary clinton now they've given december fourth monday as the deadline for when they are demanding that the f.b.i. comply and provide this information we have heard devon newness the chair of the house intelligence committee describing frustration with the department of justice and the f.b.i. saying they're stonewalling and holding back the investigation not providing the information that is needed by hiding from congress i'm from the american people documented political bias by a good investigator for both the russian collusion probe. investigation the f.b.i. and the engaged in a willful attempt to thwart constitutional oversight responsibility now donald trump is spoken up on twitter he's spoken out against the f.b.i.
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said that their behavior is disgraceful that the reputation of the federal bureau of investigation is in tatters he's definitely spoken up and quite critical of the f.b.i. now at this point the f.b.i. has not provided the information requested by the congressional committee so we're waiting to see will they be taken to court will they be hit with the contempt charges as was threatened. well agencies did a lot for two witnesses to be interviewed on the clinton e-mail on alleged russian meddling cases i asked foreign policy attorney jennifer braden if that was sufficient. if course it's not enough because you're talking about this this does this person peter struck has actually he was caught having multiple phone conversations with a mistress of his who was also a lie and so there are multiple not only ethical violations but legal violations here which probably cross the desk and paths of many people not only within the department of justice but within the f.b.i. having two people here is certainly not enough they have to furnish more people on this island all in these facts and they're going to continue to do that you know
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back after nine eleven we had this wall of separation between the intelligence community and the department of justice and congress and so by by withholding this information by withholding what it is that congress wants to see they want to see how many people that are politically biased against presidential and pro in favor of hillary clinton have taken part in some of these quote special investigation or independent counsels and if the intelligence community refuses to hand over this information i mean it's going to show that this wall is still remains between the congress who is the voice of the people of the united states and between the intelligence community and the department of justice today is the day when the decision on whether russia will participate in the upcoming winter olympic games inside korea is to be made we'll bring you all the latest on that and more after this.
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like too many clubs over the years so i know the guy even so i got to. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch or the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the super manager billionaire owners that spending two to twenty million why. it's an experience like nothing else not to be true so i want to share what i think i know about the beautiful guys agree to transfer. the case going to.
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a quarter of an hour into the program welcome back the fate of team russia the upcoming winter olympics in south korea is to be decided later today choosing the international olympic committee is june. switzerland to assess the findings of two commissions into alleged state sponsored doping in russia and the i.o.c. is considering a number of options for russia's pleats the most severe would be a blanket ban on the entire team another possibility would be for the committee to pass responsibility for disqualifications on to the relevant sporting federations it could also allowed russian uk leads to come pete but instead of as a team as neutrals that would mean russia's fly its national anthem would be missing from the global event but a month before tuesday's i.o.c.
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meeting there were growing calls for a total bomb on team russian doping officials even updates from other countries the mounted a full suspension of the country the allegations against russian athletes were triggered by the mclaren report published by a canadian lawyer which accused russia of creating a state sponsored doping system however there are still a number of questions left unanswered in the evidence being used to bomb athletes. the damning mclaren reports on alleged state sponsored doping in russia has led to many athletes being stripped of their meadows and others prevented from taking part in major events including the elim pics however a few things in the report just don't add up before we break them down it's worth noting that the international olympic committee itself was not satisfied with the evidence in a letter to richard mclaren the i.o.c. ostrom more conclusive proof the document was covered with the phrase how to
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demonstrate that almost every athlete's name moreover it was admitted by wada but in many cases the evidence provided may not be sufficient to bring successful cases of dr richard mclaren's findings were issued into pogs they claim that over a thousand russian athletes were involved in a state sponsored doping program let's meet the report's star witness. the former head of a moscow anti doping lab he's facing charges over destroying test samples. and the e-mails presented as proof of state involvement come from his own computer. russian sports officials deny the allegations but did richard mclaren consider to get their side of the story i'd made a decision that for fifty seven days to do my work i didn't have the time and they didn't seem to have the interest so i didn't do that that came after the first part of the report issued in july twenty sixth. the second came six months later so the
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investigative team did eventually meet with some russian officials but not batali. the sports minister at the time of the alleged undercover doping scheme. with. the central allegation of mclaren's report is that positive year in samples were systematically swapped for clean ones on top of that it describes how so. nest cafe granny was added to clean samples to make the match dirty ones and trick the trash to. that information came courtesy of. another question this raises how do you swap the samples of a high security parcel which is swiss manufacturer guarantees can't be tampered with richard mclaren doesn't have an answer on how the russians did it he just says it can be done and that's enough seen it i've seen it done and i'll be inspected if
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it can be done and can be reinserted we don't know how the russians did it but we know that it can be done but despite all the questions and doubts over mclaren's evidence russian athletes are being punished on an unprecedented scale the we will be able to see some evidence to what they are being punished and that is not that there are some marks on the bottles because then i would be terribly afraid of giving samples. well so far twenty five russian athletes have been banned from participating in i.o.c. events after the commission examining their cases presented its findings just twenty four hours before the fate of the rest of the team will be decided an interview with a key figure in the doping scandal was released at this stage we have been unable to independently verify the video it has been looking into the entire story for us . as the investigation continues the man who was behind all the end to work in accusations and the first place the former head of moscow's anti-doping laborde
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three grigori watching call of keeps coming up with more things to blame the russians for just to remind you mr raja in call of is wanted over criminal charges in russia after he fled the country and disgrace he is called a whistleblower by the western media and the i.o.c. calls him a credible witness well ahead of the international olympic committee's verdict a video interview with mr watching called surface and the russian media where one of the things that he's talking about is apparently his motivation. but. the
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minister. when mr rashid coverage is referring to the documentary film he's talking about the curse film which brought up the russian doping scandal and he was one of the main contributors to it but it looks like from what he said that there are always folks that are ready to offer plenty of cash for what the doctor says or what he allegedly has how this affects his motivation you can decide for yourself but let's move on and listen to another bit of that interview sushil going. east. yeah. there is.
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actually. so once again in a nutshell grigori watching just refer to his all lab as one of the two almighty laborde it is allegedly capable of cheating both ways to clear the russian team of positive doping tests or to destroy the russian sport and entirely for a few years so you might as well bear all that in mind when you listen to the international olympic committee delivering its verdict on wednesday evening when you hear words like credible witness trusted evidence the international olympic committee stands by all that evidence but remember that mr raja said it out loud that he received a whole lot of money for that evidence we must krikorian to comment on his claims made in the video but he hasn't responded as he had to clarify its authenticity we
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also spoke to the president of the european olympic committee's e.c.s. a blanket ban would be the wrong move. i think that it is very bad you follett extrude will decide. i do not think that we need to do sports or any of that as. the field of called water there is one and the other side but you should be able to work in even under the condition of but i think that you should examine the facts. to go on my point of view we should punish old those who may go people phases but not. proven dog because this is and you should allow the participation of all the clean sport this. big day ahead and we will be following the meeting in lausanne right through right to
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choose the on our correspondent of the i.o.c. is headquarters will be keeping us posted on that final decision for russia's winter olympians. an independent u.k. press watchdog plans to stamp twenty five hundred of the country's newspapers and websites with its own special seal of approval its new logo is to show that it deems the publications reputed will not they are not producing fake or misleading news. but i strongly believe that i.p.s. so membership helps our publishers distinguish themselves from the unregulated thereby demonstrating that they choose to hold themselves accountable to higher standards some of the publications they're eligible to show the stamp of approval have been pretty juby is reporting in the past the daily mail for instance back in two thousand and sixteen had to publish a retraction after releasing an article suggesting donald trump wife was working
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for an escort service and the sun newspaper has also had to admit to publishing factually in accurate articles in the past one story it ran which drew controversy claimed that one in five british muslims sympathise with islamic state that was found to be false by regulators stating the article was significantly misleading political activist george barr to say yes these examples are just the tip of the iceberg it's very much up for grabs in so many ways what what is the truth these days now what i would say from my point of view is that there is still a role for you know media organizations that have some kind of framework around them some kind of. behind them that can do it in proper investigations and you know reveal important things daily telegraph for instance which is signed up to this self-regulation body is responsible in my opinion for enormous amounts of fake news over the last few years and about climate change and many other things that are
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huge and important issues we end up with this ridiculous situation where. newspapers like the sun the daily mail etc that many of us on the progressive side of spent decades critiquing and essentially trying to expose the the manipulations of now holding themselves up with this nice new kind of brand about press freedom and responsibility as the truth it seems. live from moscow every hour of the davis is r t international and join me again with an update on the stories affecting your world this tuesday in iran half an hour's time but more programs right ahead no. i. i i i.
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i i. was. i i. am
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. liz liz. liz . max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know america is becoming one big ghetto with heroin there nodding out everywhere across every socio economic plane of existence every group stacey well max the thing you're trying to bring up is the
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fact that if you tune in to the news where you go to look for an analysis of what is happening in your economy what is happening in your culture your politics to understand the world around you. it's all russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia in the meantime i think russia is like five or six thousand miles it thousand miles from here well if you count the whole country it's like thousands and thousands of miles across russia but right here in this country i saw this image it's a video. of these corks at a gas station shop you know we've just driven across the country and there are many of these gas stations little convenience stores on the gas station and here are these two women nodding off while the customer is trying to pay for her goods and it just me me feel so sad for. the fact that this is happening
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here in this country and nobody is talking about it or putting into context what is going wrong how what is what is wrong well it's called the get off the cation of america and if you listen to gil scott heron one of the seminal street poets spoken word geniuses of our era. you know you would know that this was coming. basically a man. erica doesn't want to deal with the fact that it's been abusive toward its minority population and put them into economically disadvantages ghettos which have led to drug use heroin use and all kinds of problems and as a result of the necessary.


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