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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2017 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the russian ministry of justice places american media outlets on a foreign agents list mirroring a move made by libi us against r.t. america. the former yemeni president is killed by rebel fighters close to the capital some fighting in the country intensifies the united nations is now calling on all sides to and hostilities. decision day for team russia the international committee prefers to give its verdict on whether the country can compete at the twenty eight thousand winter games moscow questions they political nature of the investigation into doping offenses. and also ahead this r t news hour if there is an unprecedented standoff between the u.s. government on the intelligence community the f.b.i.
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and justice department are given ultimatums by republicans over details of key that's the case. today here in moscow this choose the the fifth i mean you know this is our international we will get your headline stories in just a moment but first a former president of georgia. has been arrested in kiev he had been standing on the roof of a residential building protesting against the search of his apartment he was reportedly threatening to throw himself off it if law enforcement came anywhere near him saakashvili was appointed as the gulf. adesa region and twenty fifteen
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after a nun seeing his georgian citizenship but a year later resigning from the post he claims that ukrainian government has no interest in fighting corruption in september he was stripped of his ukrainian citizenship it was reportedly found he had filed incorrect information in his application. earlier. russia's ministry of justice has announced its placing the us media outlets radio free europe voice of america on a foreign agents list all of this because this all further and we're joined live from program by r t's medina. just bricked on what led to this and what it all mean . well we know that nine media outlets have been registered as foreign agents of russia's justice ministry and that is a move that follows
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a recently passed along here and russia law that targets of foreign media operating here and the country but which is financed from abroad now voice of america radio free europe or radio liberty as well as regional brains along with six other media outlets were recognized as agents now this move comes in response to r.t.m. america being forced to do the same to register as a foreign agent and the united states and this measure will mean that all these media outlets as well as their subsea teres will now need to mark their content as being produced on behalf of washington they will also have to disclose their finances and to provide these reports to a lawmakers here in russia now tomorrow a lawmakers say here in the country will be reviewing a possible blog awful flooring during
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a less access to the parliament now if that happens that's going to be another miro manager to the move that we saw last week when artie's america accreditation on capitol hill was revoked and asked for the russian lawmakers they say that failure to register as a foreign agents may lead to some severe consequences as in the keys to whether america operating in the united states live from downtown moscow this or medina caution of a with the explanation thank you very much. yemen's former president ali abdullah saleh was being killed close to the capital so the fighting in the country intensifies the escalation has led the united nations to call for an end to the conflict. we find the events unfolding there to be deeply disturbing with ground clashes in airstrikes having dramatically escalated in sana and surrounding governorates or humanitarian colleagues or receiving desperate calls for help by
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trapped families but or unable to reach those who have been injured we are your call on all warring parties for an immediate cessation of hostilities in sana solly was killed by the rebels as he fled the yemeni capital please be aware that the footage were by to show is extremely graphic it purportedly shows the former presidents body until recently sally's been fighting alongside the rebels against the current saudi backed president however on saturday he made a public break from the shia opposition fighters that was seen as a betrayal by the a local journalist in some of us his view on what has happened. to this surge and to turn back to the domination of saudi arabia has a good many yemenis to pressure the. saudi were has led to the killing of thousands
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of civilians and also it's a devastating impact over its blockade of the poorest of the country where right. it's such a decision that the. saudi arabia to open a new chapter with wilfred luncheons with. such news also had been welcomed by the yemenis. well ali abdullah saleh who led yemen from one thousand nine hundred ninety until twenty had twelve and was the country's first president that was after playing i could rule in the merger between south yemen and north yemen he was from power during the spring uprising well since twenty twelve yemen has been riven by civil war and intervention by a saudi led coalition who. triggered a major humanitarian crisis riyadh and its allies have stepped up earth strikes in recent days the u.n. fears for the lives of civilians it ses are trapped in the city where one hundred
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twenty five people have been killed since friday alone it also says it cannot confirm the safety of its own stuff and some political analyst omar in the shopping believes the situation in yemen. worsen. it's not the first time he switches sides this shift has been part of his political career it's not the first time that he changed his political position and his alliances this time was a drastic failure the people of yemen after so many years of saudi bombardment i don't think they were ready to see and talk with this as if nothing happened there was a statement by the saudis actually where they threatened to bomb the night so there's going to be more bloodshed this failure in this conspiracy perhaps will push the saudis for more aggression more destruction and that's very unfortunate for the yemeni people. will hoochie rebels have also reportedly taken dozens of journalists
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hostage on a t.v. station in. among them is a freelance correspondent working for the sputnik news agency when we have more news on this situation terrible for families involved as well we will of course get it to you. the fate of team russia at the upcoming winter olympics in south korea will be decided later on tuesday sports officials have arrived in switzerland for the international olympic committee meeting to assess the findings of two commissions investigating alleged state sponsored doping in russia the i.o.c. is considering a number of punitive measures against russian athletes the most severe would be a blanket on team russia another possibility would be for the committee to pass responsibility for disqualification to the relevant sporting federations that would allow russian athletes to compete but as neutrals meaning russia's fly again the
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national anthem would be absent from the games but even months before the decision there were calls growing calls as well for a total ban on russia and t. topping officials even athletes from other nations were demanding a full suspension of the country however russia denies any systematic nature to the doping violations calling the on preceded actions already taken by the i.o.c. politically motivated the doping scandal was triggered by the so-called mclaren report published by a canadian lawyer however the document meant to prove widespread and state doping violations is still being questioned due to the supporting evidence. the damning mclaren reports on alleged state sponsored doping in russia has led to many athletes being stripped of their meadows and others prevented from taking part in major events including the olympics however a few things in the report just don't add up before we break them down it's worth
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noting that the international olympic committee itself was not satisfied with the evidence in a letter to richard mclaren the i.o.c. ostrom more conclusive proof the document was covered with the phrase how to demonstrate almost every athlete's name moreover it was admitted by wada but in many cases the evidence provided may not be sufficient to bring successful caseys dr richard mclaren's findings were issued into pads they claim that over a thousand russian athletes were involved in a state sponsored doping program let's meet the riposte star witness. the former head of a moscow anti doping lab he's facing charges over destroying test samples. and the e-mails presented as proof of state involvement come from his own computer. russian sports officials deny the allegations but did richard mclaren consider to get their
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side of the story i made a decision that with fifty seven days to do my work i didn't have the time and they didn't seem to have the interest so i didn't do that that came after the first part of the report issued in july twenty sixth. the second came six months later so the investigative team did eventually meet with some russian officials but not by. the sports minister at the time of the alleged undercover doping scheme. the central allegation of mclaren's report is that positive year in samples were systematically swapped for clean ones on top of that it describes how so. annex cafe granya was added to clean samples to make the match dirty worms and tricks attached to. that information came courtesy of. another question this raises how do you swap the samples of a high security which is swiss manufacturer guarantees can't be tampered with
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richard mclaren doesn't have an answer on how the russians did it he just says it can be done and that's enough to have seen it i've seen it done and i've instructed it and it can be done it can be reinserted we don't know how the russians did it but we know that it can be done but despite all the questions and doubts over mclaren's evidence russian athletes are being punished on a non president to. the we will be able to see some evidence for what they are being punished and it is not that there are some marks on the bottles because then i would be terribly afraid of giving samples. to russia acted swiftly with a number of strong measures after the world and the doping agency laid out a road map it reform the structure of russia's own anti drugs agency and allowed international experts to take control of its tests it also made doping a criminal offense punishable with a jail sentence a law only imposed by
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a number of european countries currently the spike last month while others still fund the russian agency non-compliant reseller met eighteen out of twenty criteria saying it couldn't meet the final two as it denies any government run doping program ever existed what so far twenty five russian are being banned from participating in i.o.c. events after the commission examining their cases presented its findings in just twenty four hours before the fate of the rest of the team will be decided an interview with a key figure in the doping scandal was released at this stage we have been unable to independently verify the video but leave the tranquil has been looking into the entire story for us. as the investigation continues the man who was behind all the end to work in accusations in the first place the former head of moscow's anti-doping lab or tree grigori watching call of keeps coming up with more things
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to blame the russians for just to remind you mr raja in call of is wanted over criminal charges in russia after he fled the country and disgrace he is called a whistleblower by the western media and the i.o.c. calls him a credible witness well ahead of the international olympic committee's verdict a video interview with mr watching called surface and the russian media where one of the things that he's talking about is apparently his motivation if you. just let us deal. with. the minister is that are seeing this. in the existing. one mr russian cover is referring to the
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documentary film he's talking about the curse film which brought up the russian doping scandal and he was one of the main contributors to it but it looks like from what he said that there are always folks that are ready to offer plenty of cash for what the doctor says or what he allegedly has how this affects his motivation you can decide for yourself but let's move on and listen to another bit of that interview sushil going. east. you know. there is. actually. school and i feel. so once
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again in a nutshell grigori watching cover just referred to his own lab as one of the two almighty board theories it is allegedly capable of cheating both ways to clear the russian team of positive doping tests or to destroy the russian sport and entirely for a few years so you might as well bear all that in mind when you listen to the international olympic committee delivering its verdict on wednesday evening when you hear words like credible witness trusted evidence the international olympic committee stands by all that evidence but remember that mr raja in call of said it out loud that he received a whole lot of money for that evidence we have asked. to comment on his claims made in the video but he hasn't responded as he had to clarify its authenticity we also spoke to the president of the european olympic committees he say's
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a blanket ban would be the wrong move. the for the c. of e. dinesh community and the international olympic committee is zero tolerance to doping but on the other side the basic orientation is protection of clean sport in sport just so little my point of view should vanish old those who may go play golf as us and we should be allowed to put dissipations of all the clean sport distant expect the executive committee of the international and be committee bills deal of is the problem and just is the balanced approach really put a. report was a report. in a certain stage but as i said. one thing the legations and the other seems
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proves the gulf as a skiff to be put over. to basic produce the purpose of olympic movement out of one universality the additive on the best quality in the world and continent see a possibility the big games would be uni was the top level of the quality result the biggest country in the world. due to my knowledge due to a lot to be helpful to participate and i would appreciate it i think that it's the dopey govt as in any county including you can do without the collaboration of the country itself and i think that i should really be community international authorities did a lot to conduct or nest and just investigation.
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the basic principle principle of football on the all sport of course politics but social life and to relieve circumstances we have to take in the political approaches but i think that it is very bad used to be decisive in sports and i do not think that we need to do sports or any of that as. the most beautiful of the water. yeah big wide ranging evening ahead we will be following the meeting in which month to the day our correspondent headquarters will be keeping us posted on that final decision for russia's winter olympians i'll be back with more news right after this.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see you. hey everybody i'm stephen both. proud american first of all i'm just george bush and. this is my buddy max famous financial guru he's a little bit different. with all the drama happening in our country on the road have to be every day americans. to bridge the gap this is the great american.
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hello again us republicans could hold the f.b.i. and department of justice in contempt of congress both agencies have been given ultimatums to provide key details from two investigations into u.s. russia collusion on hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state but deadline which was all until the end of monday. that it would seem the intelligence community house and complied with the demands and can tell us. house intelligence committee has made clear that it wants answers we've heard from devon noone is the chair of the house intelligence committee saying that if the department of justice and the f.b.i.
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did not come forward and provide the information that they are requesting they could be facing charges of contempt and taken to court now at this point the intel committee and the house intelligence committee wants information about what happened regarding the firing of an f.b.i. agent peter struck who was investigating donald trump there are rumors that he was fired because he had a clear bias against the president and was supporting hillary clinton now they've given december fourth monday as the deadline for when they are demanding that the f.b.i. comply and provide this information we have heard devon newness the chair of the house intelligence committee describing frustration with the department of justice and the f.b.i. saying they're stonewalling and holding back the investigation not providing the information that is needed by hiding from congress i'm from the american people documented political bias by. investigates both the russian collusion probe.
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investigation the f.b.i. and the engaged in a willful attempt to thwart constitutional oversight responsibility now donald trump is spoken up on twitter he's spoken out against the f.b.i. said that their behavior is disgraceful that the reputation of the federal bureau of investigation is in tatters he's definitely spoken up and quite critical of the f.b.i. now at this point the f.b.i. has not provided the information requested by the congressional committee so we're waiting to see will they be taken to court will they be hit with a contempt charges as was threatened. now if you're a driver and what you think your car tells people about your personality while research is in the usa they can determine almost everything about you even your political allegiances and all of that using just google maps expect. scientists have been poring over google street view images eager to know what cars
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are and what neighborhoods why because apparently that's how you can reveal troves of demographic information about the area including race income and most importantly political persuasion sounds like blatant generalizing based on stereotypes but it turns out it's actually backed by statistics stanford researchers took over fifty million images in two hundred cities from google street view and compare the results of the presidential voting data it appears that if a street has a greater concentration of pickup trucks people there are more likely to swing to the republican party whereas those streets filled with trusty sedans are probably casting ballots for the democrats using easily obtainable visual data we can learn so much about our communities on par with some information that takes billions of dollars to obtain via sense of surveys so now you know what your car is saying about you behind your back but it doesn't stop there apparently certain food choices also give away your political leanings one study concluded that hamburgers and mozzarella sticks appeal to republican taste buds while veggie burgers burritos
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and avocado salads are democratic foods and heaven forbid we leave out man's best friend apparently poodles and yorkshire terriers are the perfect companions for the democrats leaving boxers and border collies for the republicans that's also not a joke but an actual study well there are usually grains of truth in stereotypes this may just be pushing the limit how much science is there in political science or even economics it's not really hard science so yeah this study is getting a lot of attention it shouldn't so you really don't need to do this type of study to conclude that there's a high likelihood somebody who owns a prius my democrat or somebody who owns a pickup truck might be a republican i mean it's really i think give them an overkill it seems to be to be really in the barest and piece of in quotes scholarship or fake scholarship. an independent u.k. press watchdog is encouraging twenty five hundred newspapers and websites in the
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country to display a new logo that it has designed the mark is to show that the deans the publications reputable enough there are not producing fake or misleading news but i strongly believe that i.p.o. so membership helps our publishers distinguish themselves from the unregulated thereby demonstrating that they choose to hold themselves accountable to higher standards. some of the publications that are affiliated with the so which will be eligible to use the seal of approval have pretty good u.b.s. reporting records however the daily mail for instance back in twenty sixteen how to publish a retraction after releasing an article suggesting donald trump's wife was working for an escort service and the sun newspaper has also had to admit to publishing factually inaccurate articles in the past one story it run which drew controversy claim that one in five british muslims sympathize with islamic state that was found
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to be false by regulators stating the article was significantly misleading political activist george barda sees these examples are just the tip of the iceberg . it's very much up for grabs in so many ways what what is the truth these days now what i would say from my point of view is that there is still a role for. media organizations that have some kind of framework around them some kind of. resources behind them that can do it to proper investigations and yoona reveal important things daily telegraph for instance which is signed up to the self-regulation body is responsible in my opinion for an enormous amounts of fake news over the last few years in about climate change and many other things that are hugely important issues we end up with this ridiculous situation where. newspapers like the sun the daily mail etc that many of us on the progressive side of spent decades critiquing and essentially trying to expose to the manipulations
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of are now holding themselves up with this nice new kind of brand about press freedom and responsibility as the truth. live from moscow every hour of the day this is r t international join me again in thirty minutes with an update on the stories affecting your world this tuesday more programs right ahead no stay with our team. but not everybody. that i'm. about.
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i'm just going. up on our. plate for many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spend the city to the twenty million and one player. who it's an experience like nothing else want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will more chance with. a nice it's going to. level one off selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the
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chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle of the. new socks by to tell you that the picasa tablets my file for the most important day. of the office of advertising tell me you are not cool enough to buy their product. on the hawks that we along with our audience will want.
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