tv News RT December 5, 2017 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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new war. between russia and the. market. well. as usual i will ask my right question zain in french to write. me a promise. what do. you want him control. yet. we ask of. the victim but do you assume the direct responsibility of the russian government when these. decision by the i.o.c. executive board has been taken by consensus these these decisions by. which we can better go on toward. regarding responsibility one has to point out that. responsibility is in
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gauged in several areas and there are also contract will responsibilities that are engaged there is the host city contract which is sign of it. and this contract indicates very clearly the responsibilities that are shared this is something we have examined in all cases and we found that. one cannot simply. deny things or say we didn't know anything were responsibilities that had been undertaken by name an issue and had been undertaken with regard to the staging of the games. and every failure had consequences. and in the is is these
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incidents have been examine and have been included in the report so every single case or incident was examined we. call dude in all slung. at the sports culture involved in trying in a decree where the various responsibilities and lines of responsibility are also provided for a while so. however becker is from the new york times why don't i has said that russia must publicly accept the evidence of its systematic cheating do you require the same is an admission important to you. we have issued. today after having given. russia the or put you on the russian side russian officials who's the opportunity to be heard
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we had. a russian delegation there are today in the i.o.c. executive board gave them again the opportunity to express their most selves. in these. meetings after an order. president of the russian olympic committee apologized. there are those things you. see there are there are a complete and full decision of the i.o.c. executive. order. mr buffett you said. that you were attacked in the center of the games in sochi.
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the ground only a few meters away from the athletes will it. you personally spend some nights during the games. russia as we heard still denies that they cheated ruthlessly. in your opinion could you could you hide. that when belling seeing the sanctions and a little wish could you please also answer the question in your native language thank you. very clearly that these represents an unprecedented take on the integrity of the olympic games. what i have said. when the first allegations were coming up and there we said if it's proven true it's unprecedented to take on the into equity of the olympic games and with the report it is. proved true.
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i think maybe what's in german if you would. what is unprecedented in germany. isn't. needed actually loads good well. never seen anything resident it's your. money placement of the system. by origin antidoping laboratory during the winter games in sochi two thousand and fourteen an unprecedented. integrity of the olympic. that is why the executive board of the. view and dimension and. has reacted today weighs the appropriate and relevant sanction and measures. if.
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he comes mark for. sink your question from c.c.t.v. i saying after this decision so the government of russia maybe they want can play its kind of political intervention so would you mind telling me one hundred percent and this is very clean justice decision made without any political intervention thank you. the answer is yes. i think the political leaders in the world as well as our or sponsors. right olding broadcasters. have understood. the i.o.c. is politically absolutely neutral. and. we would not allow her to be influenced by any kind of political
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considerations. such as sporting matters. and these are in your trailer t. has been respected by everybody. one. of the two inside the games cost when i can or. don't come a kind i think i'm. president barchi do you think that he craved radium or an apology seeing as your members at the rio session here and. orchestrate a campaign to try to discredit what is evidence. and. which . of those. i really do not understand the question what. are several i see members at the session in rio and
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also at the kendall assembly and in doha. repeatedly criticise the craig rating and what his role in this investigation trying to undermine the evidence that i had gathered. as far as i remember. the comments having been made where with regard to the recommendation. there issued before the olympic games or year two thousand and sixteen. for a blanket ban of the russian team there. the i.o.c. and. the there was majority of the national olympic committees many more. made it very clear that before any saying. their due process has been followed.
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that it's not cheating that. for a specific. before such a due process has been followed and before mr schmidt and his colleagues the opportunity to issue their report and no. we have these two process we have. the report and. now you see the sanctions are having been issued by the i.o.c. . after months of going to a. question to both of you. could you go to the option of. evidence even russian football talking cases so what would you advise to free for half a year before the. world championships started to go into this evidence of
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sex very much. to refer to mr schmidt with any new evidence. there which or may have come up during his. investigations and his hearings. were made which we could not very far this does not mean however those of them because we were only able to prove that they were correct of. it wrong to say. insinuated in question. before you were just to get a minister that is not correct and our report does trade this office of my wild and. we found all sorts of things and facts in the. analysis of professor mclaren that we could make use of.
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corroborated. if you have read the. file you will also. with regard to the timing practices in russia. not much more stringent analysis in the first report than in the second. but often discussed this number. and what we were able to filter out there. is all this doesn't change. with regard to the fact that there is this administrative responsibility about it is real. and that is really court has to be honest now understood that all of them. made an effort to make
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a correct. impartial and says the almost. in the light of the discussions that we've had so far. i would say from the analysis is clear enough and watertight the flaws for good omen as a conclusion. you know you can. see they speak a very clear language to these conclusions mr president rachel erickson from usa today the decision here delegates the decision making about the eligibility of the russian athletes to a specific panel i'm wondering how the e.p.a. arrived at that decision that they would be decided that way and why it decided to include the provision that if an athlete had previously been declared ineligible for anti-doping that they would not be included when that was something that was not able to get through cas the last time around. we have come to the composition of the panel because. these
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target. working group are very difficult to target. these groups. they have for the best expertise and the best knowledge. about all the pre-game said testing program. there are think this has been explained by dr budget there are. no one time today and. you see that there were. remember very well that there were from april to end of november almost seven thousand tests. on a four thousand athletes from sixty two countries and. that these represents an increase of fifty percent. compared to the same period in two
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thousand and sixteen and out of these tests. one thousand two hundred forty tests have been performed on a russian elsley it so these group. before making the recommendations which athlete should be tested in which way was gathering all the intelligence on the fleets and all the data and therefore we think. these are group case the best we can we can find to take these to take these thirty seizures. with regard to your second question. i do not want to enter into a tree diggle details about the cause decision you may remember how disappointed.
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there are. not only i.e. but we all where. there are. the i.o.c. in a real. participate but. legally speaking these decision is a different one here we decide whom we want to in white. this is not about exclusion or about sanction this is about of the discretion. of the i.o.c. with regard to to the invitation of. clean athletes. ok we're going to take a question from tass i think wanted to ask a question. and then we're going to come back over here for
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a bit. mr buck does your city sell like tosca russian hockey team curling teams always russian players will dissipate and this can get in. there the decision says clearly that. the clean rusher in leeds where the individual team competitions. can take part under the name olympic athletes from my russia with the acronym are. ok gentlemen has been waiting a very long time since the game thank you very much can i was going to russia yes you can if you just give us a second to. one. quarter you can also use the world. does not mean. and we know are we not receiving.
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should be on channel one. ok let's let's quickly go to another question we'll come back to you so yeah down the front here the russians say ok. just a gentle and elephant morrow. back to you to see if we can get that sorted out in a second yes. i've been so i mean for me the i just wanted to quickly return to something you said previously when you said a member of the russian delegation apologized what specifically was the apology for for orchestrating a state doping system or for wrongdoing that occurred and subsequently have you had any direct dialogue with president putin on this issue thanks. again you know this was. hearing a confidential hearing in the i.o.c. executive gotten. into. more details in the wording of.
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the russian olympic committee wants to publish are these to statement it's up it's up to the. i think it's not up to me to report. on their statements in the more detail the on the answer to the second question is very clear. discussed. the issue with. the president of the russian federation. let's try gentlemen again here see if the translation was. ok we're listening so try. again there's going to. college you go to russia ok there's. many people who rush of worried about evidence because there seems that the it's only words of. known people for
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example have a bottle of. open maybe you'll have some experiments how how the bottle was opened exactly and why storage so needed because of russian people. and boats and some some place of the additional for all. this figure which. we. see legend. a very dumb things but you can find all the figures in the report and in the onyx is on the long since stopped. the figures flood of trade because the analysis is the examinations the investigations are still ongoing and every week twenty three additional cases that are added as far as i know we have now reached thirty five of thirty six however the samples are still being
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analyzed call me feel more fall to the asphalt commission. continue its work. and the appropriate decisions will be published by the in due time. they tell you. as to the results in detail the analysis. solves and. some samples contained to concentration in salt. so high that it would be unable for a human being to eliminate. that salt concentration on the bottle was then analyzed forensically and it was from that they had been tampered with. all sorts of signs were found
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that indicated different types of manipulation it's possible. some of the bottles were not closed completely so that they were easier to open and others were closed so tightly that. comically opening. the glass. incision. all sorts of details into the forensic reports and examinations and i certainly do not wish to go into the details and. keep i do not wish to divulge too many details however the fact remains that. we can ascertain that there has been there was many and tampering thank us go to. press. and we come back over here one or two more
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questions and i think we are running out of time so yes. president coming back to the subject of actually prime minister mark of. a member of the olympic family do you think it's appropriate for a fee for to go forward with working with mr mudd co as the world cup organizer and as the the i.o.c. president would typically be invited to the world cup probably the final would it be appropriate future accept the invitation if mr mulcair we still had a few organizing committee. i think you are you know the you know the answer to that because i respect their your your professionalism but you know the answer that i will not respond to to. question. the invitation there and. when the invitation will come will
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decide. the i.o.c. executive board today made its position with regard to the responsibility of mr would call very clear. ok what happened. thank you so much from the president. thank you for clarification in the situation before rio and this time around but can i understand it as had been the case that schmidt commission report as well as what commissions activity. for rio games then i.o.c. might have taken a similar course as a decision as today and do you think by today's decision and what would going to
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happen. possibly in. the integrity of sport and olympic competitions are better restored thank you. again the first question is a speculation. of these decision. the decision of the i.o.c. has been taken after following the due process we need to follow before taking any kind of these sanctions. in place now and this is why we are taking this decision here and now. with regard. to the integrity of the competition. very confident there we have made. progress
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with. the. also on president it pre-games testing program. you know with. making. the testing system independent from. the sea by delegating again the sanctioning power. to cause all these. measures. which should greatly contribute to the credibility. of the competition in. china and the determination of the. u.c. . to protect the clean athletes and to take care
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of the injury gritty of the competitions ok final question i think gentleman over here. talking ok c'mon to you a question goes to mr schmidt after your investigations are you under the impression that let me put you could ignore what was going on in the sports system obvious country. carbonation monique if. i don't have to express my feelings here i have to put in my report my knowledge. and with regard to this question i must say that we had no evidence of implication at last as leave my leave feelings to you so ok thank you very much indeed that's it thank you. ok we were just listening there for about an
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hour or so to a press conference from the i.o.c. that was into allegations of state wide doping among russian athletes to sum up the president of the i.o.c. said that there had been a systematic manipulation of anti doping in russia the anti doping system and he described it as an unprecedented attack on the integrity of the games and laid the blame pretty much at the door of the russian sports ministry and also the russian olympic committee so what does this mean we'll just remind you the international olympic committee says that russian athletes now can only compete under a neutral flag this is for the upcoming winter olympics at the start of next year in south korea those athletes will be able to participate under the name elim picked athlete from russia with the country's flag and symbols banned from the games where we've had no immediate response from russian officials yet but earlier the russian olympic committee said that russia would not accept this option and
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president putin said that such an outcome would be humiliating for the country. there are two options either forcing russia to compete under a neutral flag or not letting it go to the olympics at all either is a humiliation for the country. ok let's get more details now familiar frank who's closely following that press conference to a lot to discuss their aliya what with the k. takeaways while the press conference lasted for about forty minutes and the man we heard from was the president of the international olympic committee thomas spock and also samuel schmidt this was the man whose job was to produce concrete findings on the claims that russia organized a system of state sponsored dog being so mr schmidt was the person who took the floor during that press conference he began with saying that the decisions and his report that he presented to the international olympic committee executive board
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was based on scientific proof testimonies and correspondence status something that his team was trying to gather for several months he went on to speak about different levels of responsibility by the russian side during the saatchi winter olympic games according to mr schmidt the ultimate responsibility for the failure of the anti-doping system that's what he called would basically happen during saudi twenty four ting lies on the miller ministry of sport in this case but mr smith also said that russia's national and big committee shares that responsibility the ultimate conclusion by his team was that manipulations with tobin test samples did take place and the responsible parties and once again that is the russian ministry of boards and russia's national olympic committee must be
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