tv News RT December 6, 2017 2:00am-2:30am EST
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president of the world bank very. seriously send us an e-mail. our headline stories this team russia will be absent from the twenty eight winter olympics that was handed out by the international olympic committee after a two year long doping scandal however the remains no concrete evidence to back the claims of a state sponsored drug probe. so will. be individual or team complications. from russia well this may be disappointment it's clear that the visibility of the russian athletes as the i.o.c. and none of its headquarters in switzerland had no house to make the decision on whether to boycott the games entirely. also ahead this r t the us president prepares to recognize jerusalem as the capital city of israel
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a move likely to provoke fury among many in the mideast. live from moscow every hour of the day this is r.t. international mining's you know neil welcome to the program our top story this hour the russian winter olympic squad has been banned from competing at the twenty eighteen games the international olympic committee announced it's the sit in on a years long doping scandal on tuesday night resorting to want it earlier called the nuclear option however individual that can prove their plane will be allowed to participate in neutral flying named as olympic athletes from russia. these you know i did ask lee so will participate be to an individual or team competitions under the name olympic else lead from russia.
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they will compete with a uniform bearing this name and under the olympic flag. the olympic anslem will be played in any sort of. no one thought about what it actually means for the athletes to go to the olympics under a neutral flag and simply in murder of our national sport. russian athletes won't give up on their country or their flag as this is always in their hearts. on the situation has been following the results of the i.o.c. meeting in switzerland and can tell us more about the measures being taken against russia. but do know that it's been announced that russian officials from the sports ministry will not be credentialed for these upcoming games also the minister of
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sport at the time of the sochi olympics in two thousand and fourteen as well as his deputy will be excluded from any participation in all future olympic games the president of the russian olympic committee is going to be suspended as an i.o.c. member and all of these factors taken into account it has also been said that the i.o.c. may partially or fully lift this is spent on of the russian olympic committee from the commencement of the closing ceremony of these upcoming games provided these decisions decisions are fully respected and implemented by russia but let's hear what the president of the russian olympic committee had to say we still believe that all restrictions on russia will be canceled on the final day so that our athletes can march under a russian flag together with other teams from the rest of the world still this decision will be discussed further and the final decision will take place later well given that these winter olympic games are just two months from now we'll see
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how the events will unravel moving forward but it's safe to say that this announcement here has been a huge blow for athletes and sports fans in russia but we'll see what happens next over the decision to police follows on the investigation by an i.o.c. bar commission headed by the former head of the swiss department of sport and former president of the country some real schmidt to discuss the issue further and i don't live in the studio by kate partridge well this is what happened after eighteen months of investigation. the thing here that really gets me is that we're just months away from the winter olympics this is all coming you've been preparing for salute years for this perhaps your first opportunity but you know the is implemented what is this actually me well it doesn't give them a great deal of time to to appeal again. this because first of all let's look at it in a legal basis for athletes who have been banned the b twenty five have been banned
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already anyone looks like on the basis of this decision they're obviously going to be looking at other medal decisions that we we heard from thomas about they're saying that not only are we going to be looking at the medals that were one inside let's let's not forget that russia topped the medal table but also the fact that some of those medal ceremonies are going to be repeated again in pyongyang you know because when we looked at whether or not these these cases then go through if these athletes are banned and their medals gone that's a lot of that's a lot of appeals to go through and after that you're looking at athletes then as you've been rightly saying who've been preparing for ever and concentrating on sport and then got to go to the distraction a source of the legal case of going through appeals and also waiting to see whether or not they'll be able to take part or we just saw their faces before we just came to the dismay the disappointment as they were watching live the other nodes been by the i.o.c. you could just see their hopes being these are people who have never field a doping test in their entire careers that's correct and that's right but the whole point about what's happened it's subject to the to the report says it's all based
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on what they consider to be at the basis of probability this isn't a this is a presumption of guilt rather than. because the idea is that it's all about levels of probability they've gone through the they've as you said there's been a seventeen month investigation subsequent to what was the most our report of the material report that to be came out and claimed that there was state sponsored doping by russia then after that it went into the details of how it was done and also the athletes and thousand athletes they believe from russia across thirty different sports this is not just the winter olympics this will have other ramifications as well they said were implicated in this then after that it was a case of going about proving it what happened was in the meantime you had the rio games so the initial reaction was ok we're going to stop the russian track and field athletes competing in rio and then there were there were so-called clean athletes and other athletes who've been not what they said part of the system and trained elsewhere in the world were allowed to take on. under a neutral flag then of course then you have the long term investigation and up until a month ago it was looking better for russia because they weren't able to to effectively
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back up what they believe were the claims by gregory roche and the who'd run the lab in moscow to say what had been happening then about a month ago you had the world anti-doping agency said what we're looking at the russian system again and it looks like restart of the russian anti-doping agency is noncompliance that was a bit on minutes for russia also in the meantime as well you had a commission saying that the claim was that bin this is systemic this means of doping this in the positive doping results by that elaborate system and what the i.o.c. commission said was they were able to replicate that and they are game of argument was is that they've gone through the system is that we found variations of scratches on bottles and also salt in various samples we've been able to replicate what the russians did and based on all of that plus rod chain co's diaries we're able to say that on the balance of probabilities that this is we can effectively say that that's happened but then of course you've got the question of doubt and transparency the i.o.c. in their investigation to claim that because we could replicate the system that the russians did therefore it's
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a chance that it happened but you've got some athletes like only i know beyond are and who's a biathlete saying well if it's a case of it's based on stretches of bottles then actually i'm a bit scared and we can hear from here now. there we will be able to see some evidence for what they're being punished and it is not that there are some marks on the bottles because then i would be terribly afraid of giving samples. well as we heard then it's a case of athletes in fear because we need i think more transparency on this if you look through all the reading for alexander like cause which was the basis from from all these effect to be what's come to this decision has come from that in it they gave the. their reasons for this particular ruling all those levels of probability and it's this whole kind of presumption of guilt by going through this system that's created a lot of fear really we need to be able to look at those scratches on bottles i think it would help everybody if we were to say ok the i.o.c. said we replicate the system let's have a look at it then what if you don't show us the five times show us the film show us
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how it was done then and therefore that would effectively sort of calm a lot of fears and also give a more credibility to what as i said the basis is presumption of guilt and that's the thing is that because you're talking about seeing some kind of evidence that's never been put forward on any kind of tampering with we have to take out really being proof of the we can't see it so you've got thousands of outlets cup according to this from twenty twelve to twenty fifteen and future their careers are not being based on that we don't know about and also some is going to that if you look at. former speed skater and is now in the duma she's really concerned about the fact that young athletes who are outside of this so-called system in twenty fifteen are also affected by this sort of blanket ban and if they are then given the opportunity asking nothing to go forward they have very little time to sort of prove their case so this is the problem is there's not a lot of time and something as well it seems to me just from hearing reactions to
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other athletes that even though they're given this opportunity to compete in the games under a neutral flag not free many of them want to take that opportunity because they are thinking the games aren't just for me they're for my family my friends this is my country this is who i represent i've i've heard some criticism saying why not just go and compete under a neutral flag but that doesn't take into account you know. how much pride be hard in a nation for which they're competing or which they've trained their whole lives to do so absolutely i think really the flag is cause more problems than anything else and more fence because it's a presumption you're looking at the prison the presumed guilty idea of that it's an entire country that has been implicated but underneath that you have the i.o.c. saying effectively clean athletes are then allowed to take part while we've got a blanket ban but also saying clean athletes take part so in a way if there is an overlap here isn't that and you've got one side of athletes who are effectively people who are involved in sport saying very much they want people to take part and then of course you've got other people arguing saying this
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is become politicized and this is where it's caused a lot of problems and particular controversy ok let's take a listen. four years ago there was skepticism that russia's first winter olympics would go without a hitch due mungo's predicted not enough flights not enough hotels and not enough snow concerned about socially squaller in sochi double toilets and missing door handles the water that came out of the tower problem with the door of the house cables went so well even critics had to admit they were it we think of an amazing it's running like clockwork and everything's just going really really well as i'm being really present everything russians and so forth so much they care but it's really so far well organized and the people are really friendly here having a good time through our accommodation our food almost four years later and russians who triumphed in sochi and now being stripped of their medals and given life
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a live picture bans why twenty sixty in the middle report explosively claimed russia used an elaborate system of state sponsored doping athletes officials and the ministers were implicated like the plots of a cold war novel the attitude to russia a return to skepticism then retribution as its track and field team and entire paralympic team with damage from the rio gave which left the train athletes wondering why. about how the russians completing it so they adopted the right policy but sure they are a clean nation never mind cleaned out they ought to be a clean nation. the i.o.c. and i p.c. have now definitively backed up mclaren supporting the claims of former lab boss cricketing don't think of who's under criminal investigation in russia and saying that infamous sample swapping system has finally been replicated but questions
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remain the i.o.c. standard of proof is not beyond any reasonable doubt but rather the balance of probability the presumption of guilt is enough it was rajan called who was the original and only source of so-called proof against russian fleets this evidence has been grossly overvalued we can see we are seeing the results of a proper legal process it's a question of faith to believe broaching court or not is looks more like a religious inquisition. less than full bottles had no visible scratches they were presumed tampered with as the russians must have perfected their technique and left no marks and no argument basis for an on mass ban to clean condemned without any guilt no presumption of innocence for team russia what we see here is actually a violation of the olympic charter which is. which stands against political national racial discrimination so it appears that in the name of
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protecting clean athletes they are actually taking away the rights of russian clean athletes and in my opinion the mclaren accusations are on from good and they are very politically biased. surely any athlete should be denied a medal and banned from competition if he or she cheats it undermines others' lifetime's work as does abound slapped on the innocent who are simply presumed guilty. well yes the key point there is is presumed guilty and it's also a look back about some of the other crimes that have come up about double standards here i mean happy now other athletes who've been effectively sure that i've done for justin gatlin tyson gay as well the american athletes i mean they've received bans as well and subsequently been able to compete which i thought was actually contrary to what the i.o.c. had always believed in the fact that effectively we were always told as we were growing up is a case of if you have those bans it goes against the law just americans came back and won a silver medal at the twenty sixth in rio games lately yes that was that was something
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where it was. a kind of different standard that was applied there so this is right a lot of thanks very much keep part of it the comprehensive updates. while some western uk leads have heartfelt messages for their russian counterparts who we've been speaking about are no set to miss out on the games that was in contrast to some of the gloating headlines i suppose it's safe to say in parts of the media's news all of the broke well those number of international police expressed sympathy on twitter with some pointing out that the scandal has become a political symbol and that the move likely ignores punishment for those who have actually dropped the doping scandal was triggered in twenty fifteen by the mcclaren report as we have been speaking about he was that can be a lawyer who put forward this document in two parts it claimed over authorities not least were involved in the state sponsored doping conspiracy with positive samples being swapped for clean ones although it was meant to prove widespread on state
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doping violations it's still being questioned over its supporting evidence well the international committee itself says it's unclear who was behind the doping efforts the investigations highlighted between twenty twelve and twenty fifteen the i.o.c. its report also mentions it was unable to find evidence to suggest the russian government was responsible outside of the sports ministry. nevertheless the independent and impartial evidence do not allow the i.o.c. d.c. to establish with certitude either who initiated or who headed this scheme on many occasions reference was made on the involvement at the minister of sports level but no indication independent or impartial evidence appeared to cooperate any involvement or knowledge at a higher level of the state you know we've been getting lots of reaction to this story including from alan moore host of moscow's capital f.m. sports he believes the i.o.c. a find a profitable strategy in demonizing russia the sport and
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a simple simply is there is no fair play in sport i mean at this level the simple truth is that in order to compete at the highest level you have to do something to stay there and when you have a very well paying job at the level of mr packer and mr reedy and travis tiger and so on they need to do to kind of stay on top i just do a living and you know she is very useful to keep this is very very unfair in russia under doing this there is of course a political drive behind us the wanted to take a question that i have my mind is ok so russia's bond and so on is it was completely beyond what next who else will go after like my my money would go on nobody because they want to keep beating or sick a piece of new drum say russia's bad russians bad because if russia is the only bad one and all do the right things are clean and then as my athletes from our inner clean your artists new character in it was so we can sleep well at night thinking are we ok the russians or the bad guys in the case we don't know for the case that
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there's a lot of bad guys everywhere. you know it's just it won't change and now with this it will change even for the. well the world anti-doping agency laid out a roadmap for russia to become compliant after the allegations with moscow taking on pre-season measures to help and the possible doping among russian police and the structure of russia's own drugs agency roussel and i was reformed allowing international experts to take control of its tests doping has also been made a criminal offense punishable with a jail sentence only currently imposed by a full of european countries. eighteen out of twenty criteria saying it couldn't meet the final two that denies and the government run doping program ever existed but last month while i still find the russian agency non-compliant the head of water denied the decision was political but did say sport cannot exist without politics it's just sort of. impossible dream isn't it because the fate.
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of the. people's lives at such comments may very well be at odds with perhaps the most important document in sport the olympic charter it clearly states there can be no political or commercial abuse of sports cleats. will tell us back the president of the international committee gave his assurance the decision was not politically motivated this is what he had to say. the i you see politically absolutely neutral we would not allow her to be influenced by any kind of political considerations in. such a sporting matters just listening to the press conference and they did exactly that question and they said this isn't a political decision but of course the world knows that it's exactly that this has
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been a controversy that has been clouded in political judgment and it's impossible to separate this particular decision from what's going on in the rest of the world regarding fake news and the allegedly intervention of russia into britain's bread vote and even the american presidential election so there is a lot of this kind of stuff swirling around the world at the moment a lot of it is beyond belief frankly but people are accepting some of it so i don't think you can disentangle the two things. moving on donald trump is expected to recognize jerusalem as the is really capital later on when it's taken a major policy overhaul we'll look at the potential ramifications of that right after this. here's what people have been saying about redacted and this is. the only show i go
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out of my way to find you know what is the impact of. yap is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we have apparently better than. see people you never heard of. jack tonight president of the world bank. you sent us an e-mail. from a war zone you on the idea that dropping bombs brings us to the. going to walk forcing you to buy the battle. that you thought to try to tell you that the because of the public. option hasn't tell you enough by product. of a hawk that we. will walk.
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again senior u.s. officials say president trump is going to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel he's also said to kick start the process of moving the american embassy to the city the white house says the decisions which are expected to be announced later on whedon's they will be in america's best interests i'm not going to get ahead of the president's remarks that he'll make tomorrow he did speak with a number of leaders this morning and he's going to continue to have conversations with relevant stakeholders but ultimately he'll make what he feels is the best decision for the united states jerusalem which is considered holy by christians muslims and jews is not recognized as these really capital by most of the international community that's the spite the country's government claiming the
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ancient city as its capital from sanaa has been when made will be a landmark decision a likely inflame tensions in the mideast they use diplomatic chief has already responded she say's the issue needs to be discussed with the palestinians who also claim jerusalem as their capital. a way must be found through negotiations to resole the status of jerusalem as the future of the states so that this creation of both can be fulfilled donald trump is once again at the center of controversy he is now talking about moving the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem president of the palestinian authority has already denounced the move saying that it could have dangerous consequences for the peace process we've also heard from hamas which has talked about the possibility that they would revive the intifada a longstanding u.s. allies in the region such as turkey and saudi arabia have also criticized the move
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turkey has even talked about the possibility of cutting off diplomatic ties with israel the u.s. state department has sent out a cable warning people at american embassies around the country about the heightened the need for heightened security furthermore we've also heard that the u.s. consulate that is already in jerusalem is at this point warning u.s. citizens living in the city this seems like a dramatic move and it seems to fly in the face of an earlier statement that we heard from donald trump let's take a listen to what he said so i'm looking to state and one state and i like the one that both parties like and i'm very happy with that one that both parties are going one party the palestinians and their allies is already deeply offended and there's a possibility of retaliation and if that retaliation materializes then the other party could also be suffering it seems that there is indeed many people that are
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far from happy with this decision from the white house. r.t. new york. said in the past he believes he has a good shot of bringing peace to the region but journalist mark. told us he doesn't think that's really in the president's agenda. the bigger picture is not a peace process that doesn't even really exist nobody really expects that to happen what's really happening is the region is being flooded with arms trump laughs when he talks about the tens of billions that we're selling around the world not only in the middle east but now in asia let's not take trump at his word this is a tremendous mistake and it's even a waste of time the real policies are trump needs to keep himself in office and needs to pretend that he's president and that different constituencies should not a poser. well this news for now i'll be back in around huff and time with more on
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american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. . this is my buddy max famous financial guru a little bit different. with all the drama happening in our country and i'm hitting the road to have some fun every day americans. start to bridge the gap this is the great american. if you trust the mainstream media well then you're in the minority sadly a great deal of media today is not designed to inform but rather confirm political biases this approach of the news is not only polarizing but it's also lowering journalistic stand this is why readers and viewers seek their news. elsewhere.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guys. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super manager killian erroneous and spending two hundred twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great one more chance for. the base this minute. greetings and salutation. in the quiet canadian city of montreal this week a fascinating and potentially future altering conference is taking place the ad hoc
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technical experts committee and synthetic biology may sound like just another brainy working group of the united nations convention on biological diversity but this year's debate and putting a moratorium on the controversial gene drive research has implications that could not only change the face of the natural world but the future of warfare as well you see gene drive or genetic extinction technology is essentially the ability to manipulate the d.n.a. of a species in order to control its population or or ultimately even in sort of genetic kill switch and wipe a species off the face of the planet while many scientists see this as a potential breakthrough in the fight against overpopulation of invasive species or even as a way to eradicate a mosquito mosquito carrying diseases like malaria which unicef estimates kills over one million people per year and many in the community the scientific community are still very nervous about this according to one u.n.
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expert who spoke to the guardian he said quote you may be able to remove viruses or the entire mosquito population but that may also have downstream ecological effects on species that depend on them and other words ecosystems in nature are a lot like jenga the more blocks you are move the more you know everyone's played jungle. but that's not the only appears on display at this year's conference because like flies on feces whenever words like manipulation mass destruction and extinction are thrown around you can bet your bottom dollar that the pentagon is not far behind he has the guardian has uncovered that the depends advanced research projects agency or darpa you know the good folks behind the creepy backflipping robots and other such horrifying things we've seen online well darpa has invested roughly one hundred million dollars into genetic extinction technologies making the us military.
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