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tv   Boom Bust  RT  December 6, 2017 7:30pm-7:55pm EST

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things are going gangbusters per bit coin we'll see how that goes and we'll talk about it very soon. but first the walt disney company is in talks to buy parts of twenty first century fox however fox is also in talks with comcast twenty first century fox is run by the murdoch family as most of us know if the deal goes through with disney it could possibly split up the family but reel in billions of dollars and if the deal with comcast goes through the department of trust the tarp department of justice their entire trust division could stop it here's our t. correspondent ashley banks with more actually if the deal is a reach it will be the latest in major mergers and could be worth more than sixty billion dollars it would reshape the media landscape giants like it disney and comcast are trying to compete against new players light not flex and fox is under
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pressure to shrink and focus on specific businesses under this deal does the would buy big parts of fox is in pyar including its movie and television studios international assets like the star cable and media company n n g m a stake in the british broadcaster sky and a big stake in the hulu streaming service as a result of the deal between walt disney and twenty first century fox the murdoch family could potentially split with the james murdoch leaving his father and brother to work for disney according to reports of murdoch who is currently fox's chief executive could possibly take a senior executive role at disney he'd be overseeing the sky and star companies although he would possibly be leaving fox several highly profitable operations would be left under twenty first century fox and polluting the fox news channel and the at as one sports channel which would be overseen by rupert murdoch and his
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other son both executive chairman of the company the steel would agree. greatly benefit disney by giving the company more sources of content on a time when it's rolling out its own sky and star companies would also help give disney an international broadcasting presence however this deal could face some trouble experts say shareholders who have consistently criticized the murdoch's over corporate governance may not support the mirch these talks come amid a series of sexual harassment charges at fox these allegations have even triggered the competition and markets authority and the u.k. to follow an official in korea and a plan to buy the rest of sky these talks are happening as eighteen t. is in the midst of an eighty five billion dollar takeover of time warner however this merger may not have it serving video service to challenge companies like netflix and amazon the u.s.
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justice department has sued to block the deal last month of the department's argument is the deal would substantially lessen competition resulting in a higher prices and less innovation for millions of americans the deal is now heading to court to eighteen believes the justice department stepped in due to president donald trump's comments of time warner c.n.n. generating fake news now in two thousand and nine comcast was heavily criticized by u.s. officials during that successful bid for n.b.c. universal according to reports regulators are concerned about media mergers i can buy and content films and television what the livery cable and satellite. thank you actually really interesting now tell us a little bit more because. you know they're also in fox is also in discussion with comcast right that's right yes fox is in discussions with khan cast but if iraq strikes this deal with that disney then it might pose fewer risks than it would if
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it were to merge with comcast now according to experts a deal with comcast could be it could bring about similarities to the eighteen t. and time warner merger where the justice department is trying to block that from happening and experts are saying that could be the same case when it comes to comcast and fox now although fox of course is negotiating with comcast experts are saying that we could get an announcement as early as next week that disney and box have merged time warner and talks to fox and disney they're coming out of time where the pressure is on for cable for cable subscriptions and competition for assets so this is potentially something we may continue to see over the over the next few years what's to keep an eye on it and i'm particularly interested you know when the president makes a comment that maybe the civil servants in the agencies don't necessarily had planned on working on the n i trust division at d.o.j.
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whether or not they're impaired banks thank you so much. just resources more efficiently to be even on foreign policy we'll get some of the facts that will harvest from the author of bet the farm how food stop being food fred kaufman joins us from new york fred thank you for being with us the department of agriculture released a recent report which documents that the cost of food for families is about seventy one hundred dollars per year that's only up just a little bit over last year and that has really impacted iowa and south dakota where in the second quarter of the year the g.d.p. the gross domestic product which actually neg. of but as important there are twenty three other states so you combine that solve all of those that's half the states and the nations are being impacted negatively by these food prices because of the commodities that they grow obviously and many people don't realize how many states of the unions have
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a role in producing this food that makes us really the most plentiful nation in the world with regard to food at the lowest cost but what does that mean for these rural communities fred well it's a it's a real hit part because one of the things that we're looking at that that grocery bill and we're looking at bread and crackers for instance which are coming from the grain from those from those states really when you're buying a ritz cracker most of that cost in the grocery stores for the packaging is for all sorts of other subsidiary costs of the grain itself grain is tanking in a much more drastic way and this is going to spell tree auction really there's got to be some intervention here right and you know it's tanking you're absolutely correct and you know this stuff cold but we did see this huge spike back you know two thousand and ten eleven where all commodities were were on a tear and one of the things you know people don't actually understand that these
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cost of production are actually tied to the commodity be it corn wheat beings or hogs or live live cattle so we produce all this food fred but how much of the prices actually get back to rural communities at the same time the question just real quick at the same time fred we've got hunger and malnutrition all around the world how do we deal with this problem. we've got eight hundred fifteen million people around the world who are hungry we have all this excess wheat in this country so much access that the price is going down in terms of the spike you have to realize that even during those years one of the reasons for that spike was the unbelievable influx of wall street money which is just been sucked out of the commodity sector because this overheated stock market so this is actually a really old problem this is not something new since the beginning of civilization farmers have come to market all at the same time with an oversupply of their grains
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and the prices have tanked and there's a really old and simple solution to this from mesopotamia to egypt to ancient china up until the present day this is the moment for government intervention either to go in there and set price floors to. buy the grain and put it in a grain reserve and what will happen is you will stabilize that price you will bring it up food is too important to be messing around and driving farmers out of business now some might ask well what does the government need to do with their grain in fact every country on earth except the united states has a national grain reserve to guarantee food sovereignty why doesn't the united states have this it's absolutely absurd so once we have that grain what can we do with it well there are a number of things we can do with it either put it in that grain reserve or do the traditional thing we've done with foreign relations and use a plow shares in swords diplomacy and start getting that food out to the world
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where it's needed most which also happens to be places where we need to get some political clout places where terrorism has been breeding in eastern africa and places like that where the united states can really come in and do the savior. fantastica but do you think this is ministrations able to comprehend and get on that task fred that foreign policy component of commodities this administration is . is particularly unable to understand any of these subtleties they've been events aerating the diplomatic corps they have no sense of the of the pushes and pulls of how foreign diplomacy works and they also don't understand foreign trade i mean they're putting up all these tariffs and barriers and what's that what's that doing it's making the e.u. and france in particular putting up their own tariffs and barriers to protect their own farmers so they're not put in the position of well really the farmers let's say in a country like india who are losing so much money that farmer suicides are are very
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common people are drinking the pesticides which were meant for their crops it's a global shame fred thank you so much you know i've heard there's a vacancy through the state department middle try to smuggle you in fred kaufman offer of bet the farm how food stop being food our gratitude for your time. time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return peter schiff the c.e.o. of euro pacific capital joins us to talk about that rise and bitcoin which is surpassed over thirteen thousand dollars today as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell. done some is not so is not i can quote place is not
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a good country and. yes it is the minister there but some of us well above the storm. if you get this but this is the this is. the statement that the co-chair. of the cult of less sure of the checkers yes. just a little unbiased from a fellow muslim of themselves to be doing that i'm. able to sleep on the phone still. play almost anything for the members of the base the not a second hour battery john said on my stand on my show just how tight no one can i do not in the last couple weeks to write this contract with matter how on the money to. run the show. the fucking on the canal he was telling one must feel now we're going to fuckin on the. road since richard nixon enough i was going to show you the suv i don't want to go to the snooze in the my car. was
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a miserable one of the stoop over the snowmobile i gather you know that a lot of this. is going to. be everybody i'm stephen ball. test hollywood guy. you'll suspect every proud american first of all i'm just r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru he's a little bit different i'm the one calling you know with those up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have fun meet everyday americans. and closely start to bridge the gap this is the great american to.
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here's what people have been saying about redacting the night with us actually just full on awesome well the only show i go out of my way to launch you know a lot of the really packs a punch out of this league yampa is the john oliver of harvey americans do the same we are apparently better than food let's see people you've never heard of love redacted tonight my president of the world bank kate because we're. seriously he sent us an e-mail. it's. just so.
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the european commission is looking to propose deeper euro zone entered patient on wednesday the commission is hoping that the plan would unite the broader european union than just through a single currency area this decision comes just a little under two years before britain is set to leave the block and twenty nineteen the decision is part concern as eight and nine year old countries fear that it will relegate them to second class members of the u. while the commission hopes to allay fears that some of the ideas clashing with some of the eurozone what with what you want one of them with the eurozone leaders what somewhat euro zone finance minister types like french rather than having a single pan-european minister instead who would oversee both finance and the economy the idea will be discussed in depth on december fifteenth when e.u.
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leaders gather for a euro summit and now let's get back to bit coin and bring in one of the experts on the subject peter schiff the c.e.o. of europe acidic capital peter thanks for joining us i assume you're the one guy who knows exactly why we've just busted thirteen thousand and you explain this all all to us go right ahead. i don't know if people is consider me an expert in crypto currencies in fact a lot of people think i know nothing about them and they claim that's why i don't believe in their ultimate potential i do believe that what we are witnessing is a gigantic speculative bubble why is the price going up people are buying right i mean that's was always going to drive the price up and you have a lot more people buying now and i think it's kind of across the board you have a lot of individual interests you have taxicab drivers who are putting fuel in there and a bigger way than they were a year adds up but of course the increase in the market cap of these crypto
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currencies is much bigger than the amount of money actually going into the space because it doesn't take that much money to move the market as long as the people that own the currencies don't want to sell just a small amount of money can create an enormous amount of paper gains as far as what the market cap is and and that's what's happening do we have any sense of what the i mean you cite the coin based numbers but do we have any sense of what the actual liquidity is on an exchange like client base which is the largest digital trading platform and do we know how many people are in there. i don't know exactly numbers i mean but there's there's certainly liquidity but to the extent i think of it if there was a significant amount of selling i don't know how much liquidity there would be i mean sometimes you see the currencies swing i mean bitcoin just like a week ago when it initially made a new we've had some vibrant today you know comparing warchest the continental only
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last night. well i mean look i had a client today that wanted to take half as a half his ira and put it into an ira with crypto currencies i didn't think it was a good idea especially with that amount of money in your retirement account but i'm getting most of my clients is just a small fraction although who knows them and i could have clients that are on their own just putting money into the cryptocurrency and i've been talking about it for a long time but you know i don't encourage people to buy it because i'm not going to encourage people to gamble and i let people know that i think eventually the price is going to crash but it could go up a lot more first i have no idea i mean the price could double triple quadruple i don't know but i do believe that whenever it stops rising it's going to implode but i don't know exactly when that's going to happen and so i think anybody who's involved in that space is taking a lot of risk and the question is are they going to get out before the music stops
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some people well most people won't so it's not something that i encourage people to do even though i recognize the fact that on paper people are are making money in this space and obviously some people are cashing out and are actually making money in real real money they're not it's just not on paper are to make sure i'm clear are you doing are you investing for them or is this they do that part on their own . well they would know they would do it on our own i mean i don't have any way of buying somebody's bitcoin in their account with me as they have to pull the money out although i am involved with a company called gold money and gold money in a bull's customers to buy crypto currencies and they stored for them so to the extent that i am a shareholder in gold money that company is facilitating transactions and bitcoin but my broker dealer or by asset management company at all gold did you know when i first started talking about me group offering a futures contract chicago board options exchange offering one i think starting one
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on monday or twelve or one sun sunday night and then even nasdaq saying that they're going to get in the act next year with the futures contract do you think that's also helping to push the price and will that two part question one is it helping to propel the price and to will this bring in some sort of regulatory transparency we talked about you can't know the liquidity you don't have the transparency will that be a good thing that will ultimately keep this going this little bit coin run or big bitcoin run for the forseeable future well the first part of your question is probably likely that the more buying reason is a lot of the people that work well now it's going to have one and so that is gold and potentially more that is a bad thing for bitcoin because part of the appeal is the lack of regulation the fact that governments are involved but of course we've already moved way beyond the original appeal i mean the whole idea that coin is going to be
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a digital currency is pretty much been abandoned i mean everybody now concedes that it's too expensive and too slow to actually use it in commerce and of course much too volatile now they're trying to say well it's digital gold people are just going to buy it as a store of value and so we've kind of moved into that stage and so i think a lot of people were buying it now i couldn't care less why the people were buying it originally they just would just leave it out of the area people. peter schiff i want to buy or get half going up i mean so sorry so much got it got to split but i want to get to gold next time peter peter schiff thank you for joining us yeah as we head towards christmas one hot item is no longer available shoppers the so-called peace diamond from sierra leone has sold at auction in new york for six point five million dollars the government which own the diamond had previously jack rejected a seven point eight million bid for the seven hundred nine uncut rock seven hundred nine carat uncaught rock the largest ever found in sierra leone and the fourteenth
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largest in the world they thought they could do better but analysts say that the high end of the diamond market has already passed and so now they're a little disappointed at that sales price compared to what they could have received anyway the villagers in the region where the diamond was actually found donated it to the government rather than selling it to smugglers or others and they've earned a public thanks from the president and now the auction management firm rep says that half of the sales price will go into a fund for infrastructure including schools road and a quarter wall so go into to the group of diggers who actually found the rock and the remote. you called me a useful good type person so instead of talking about your what's next why stop benny from getting this close to the white house i'm with
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a group code pink why not ban the color pink one hour stretch i should be sent to the town one because i'm trying to break me on the wheel but what a long time that this sort of nonsense you don't scare me won't scare us and i'll continue to voice my opinion i'll continue to speak out i'm in good company and i'm in good company here these two years this is real freezing cold. if you trust the mainstream media well then you're in the minority sadly a great deal of media today is not designed to inform but rather confirm political biases this approach of the news is not only polarizing but it's also lowering journalistic standards this is why readers and viewers seek their news elsewhere. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were a south and taken your last to bang turn. your at the top to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry for these last wired feeling started to change you
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talked about more like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral on the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one different person to speak to now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos remember wolf it was dismissive to do it loving you like a million chiles isn't my cup us appears so go it out no possibility i'll leave it there no charge without a job or they should be the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterpart i don't think this is about those who endure under the oak
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bush and the no one who could do this. and that is a laugh at that is to have this lady of the muscle that you had i not going to continue in the doesn't seem to do more commitments last time but this often. refer me. to. our god. donald trump officially recognizes jerusalem as the capital of israel the move is already being fiercely criticized across the muslim and arab world. and after years of terror i sold no longer holds any territory in syria the russian military says the group has been defeated there. plus after months of speculation president putin officially announces his bid for reelection in two thousand and
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eighteen. going to broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r.t. international i'm john thomas but have you with us.
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