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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  December 8, 2017 7:30am-8:00am EST

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who didn't do this who did who did what better and the truth is i feel like we're in this position where as americans we're supposed to have this we could have done it better we could have bombed and displaced people so much better than you do bird good barbecue business and i'm like where's the more what's the moral highground you can't i don't agree with military action as much as i you know i don't have a magical answer to it but. while i don't agree with military intervention and bombing people as what the russians did i also don't want my country or the you know i don't want the united levied saying this argument over what's the best choice of a horrible situation it's also with at least the russian military was invited to that syria that's the difference the syrian government said look please help us fight isis here and right you know to an extent the us you know that when they were doing just air raids and things like that ok but then we started putting troops in there and we started helping you know the rebels trying to overthrow assad and getting our hands dirty and look at the end of the day isis is that they're pretty much on the run that everything that they created is pretty much falling to pieces
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. and now there's that question that we have to look at ourselves and say well why is the u.s. military still in syria if isis is no longer a threat there and that's the problem that they're running into legal legally because look the syrian the prince mystery is called the presence of u.s. troops and other foreign militaries not deployed with the syrian syrian government's consent they called it an act of aggression and attack on the sovereignty of the syrian arab republic as well as a gross violation of the charter and principles of the united nation is exactly the big that's the big question on the wall right now tab is that a byelection are is military are u.s. troops there and even bases there our presence there is a violation of the u.n. of the u.n. rules which we i think it was and i also think it's against the spirit i think it goes against the spirit of the the united states our constitution our values i
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think it goes against us for us to be in that situation because yes it is a violation there are very basic rules for a reason if we expect other people to respect our sovereignty and the sovereignty of people around the world who don't have standing armies to protect them then we have to show that ourselves and in this situation the united nations has a very strict policy about these things there are only three. clearcut justifications for use of force one as the un security council un s e resolution providing chapter seven authority hasn't happened to a self defense against an act of aggression by the territorial state syria has not attacked us or number three and in the invitation by the legitimate authority of a sovereign state for foreign troops to act within its borders quote can send territorial stay. and watch the un secretary council resolution twenty two forty nine does call upon member states to take all necessary actions against uses in syria and iraq it's listed at least stated this was no no accident explicitly
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stated that any measures have to be made in compliance with international law which we cannot it requires those in rwanda has endured oriel say oh that's the thing that's where it becomes that whatever you feel about assad whether you think he's repressive and fair or not which is not my choice to make that is the syrian people straight to make and to be there in a military hospital capacity and not in a well let's help you get back work here to help you build things no we're just going to sit on the border with guns and wait for something the excuse that they're using is to why they're there now little this kind of like whoa ok so you know we need to mop up the remnants of vices so they might rise up again that's not our business i mean new and it's not as if there's no other military forces legitimate military forces anywhere around that it was interesting because they were you know raises other question with as far as troop levels because like with the military november that the official to comes through is about five hundred three people five
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hundred people but now we're going to less than a month later the spoke for save the pentagon will pursue that of the it's two thousand and the number does not represent an increase in troop levels in syria but reflects a more accurate count so look i understand that governments can't give out like how many people who could be dangerous to say look we have this man. people at this particular region at this particular time because that does give information to them but when you're making jumps of like five hundred one month to two thousand and one and then saying well that's not a that's not a rising in the number of troops. and here's where it gets read this is the part that you have to remember is the the we're being sold on a certain idea that oh we just didn't know which means you don't know where our armed services members are at any given time you don't know how many are in syria in harm's way they are. that's not a good that's just a bad answer for a. protest supposing that well back in net neutrality are taking place today both
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of horizon stores across the country and here in washington d.c. at the annual f.c.c. chairman stener activists are mobilizing i go into what they claim is a corporate takeover of the internet facilitated by an f.c.c. chairman and they claim is much too friendly and beholden to corporate lobbyists and the very industry the f.c.c. is meant to regulate for the latest on this we're joined by our team is david miller live from the chairman's center in the nation's capital hello david. net neutrality supporters are gathered here tonight is the annual f.c.c. chairman standard this is all in protest of the chairman's plans to roll back protections of net neutrality this action is part of a day of protest where thousands of protesters gathered at more than six hundred horizon stores across the country i did get a chance to catch up with some of those protesters earlier about why all americans should feel concerned about this issue. it's really important just to have the
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internet be free to everybody regardless of who you are where you come from or how much money you have and the repeal it's honestly in my opinion it's just a cash grab by what's happened already is that they tried to drive a service before and limit and they were fined by the f.c.c. because they were breaking the rules for eyes and so one of the ones that was fined thousands of dollars for breaking that neutrality rules once the rules are unfair it's a scare play for them. is dinner is being attended by many cable executives and obvious all in a plan to support the chairman and his activities to roll back the restrictions on that neutrality and more than two hundred tech companies have sent a letter to the f.c.c. in protest of these restrictions being rolled back the democrats do plan to as to the way that vote is scheduled for december fourteenth reporting from washington d.c. david miller r t america. thank you very much david. you can hear the people back there you know and i like that i like seeing people out there protesting i think
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that's a good healthy thing you know and you need to know i mean are they going to ultimately listen to the protesters probably not people could argue as futile you know part of them already got their you know their hands greased up from their hands in the cookie. chop. but we still have to make the voices heard yeah that's the key you still have to cause a little bit of a ruckus you have to cause a ruckus when it comes to something like this i mean here's the thing we have to have a fairer system when it comes to access to communication and a free and open internet just isn't about for me it isn't just about whether or not the cable company or whoever i'm getting my internet from throttle and make certain things like oh these smaller blogs and sites i won't be able to get to or they'll to start banning certain things because you know they're whatever. subversive i want that's all i like a subversive stuff so then what's either going to end up happening is the upside to
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this is that smaller internet companies and smaller broadband companies will pop out of this to serve a part of the community that doesn't want to be that does want to protect that but does want to be on the be in that world also i think that you're going to see a lot more cities and municipalities and vesting and it you see a lot more actual talk a little bit about minnesota in the next in the second and the second half that show is that you know the deputy one of the things that the governor of minnesota has been a big proponent of has been rural broadband internet access and once you start giving people the ability to have that free act having that access not just free as in freed to pay but. free of restrictions it changes people's minds and perceptions about it and suddenly they don't they realize they don't have to be beholden to the big you know the big cable providers and all of that and you know what however they want to divvy it up if it's in like ok well give me fifty dollars and you get this
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amount of speed in this amount of websites or give me twenty and you get the lowest rung which is really what all this is it's a cash grab at the start of day and i do believe that the internet is a public utility you cannot survive without it resumes communication with your potential jobs of everybody it is a public utility at this point much like running water and electricity gotta get out gotta get absolutely. back in twenty fifteen rowan county kentucky clark kent davis refused to sign a same sex marriage license to resident david arnold on the grounds it violated her religious beliefs after much ado a few days in jail and allow regarding a meeting with the pope her constituents are growing weary of her activism on the job c. davis recently spent nine days in romania lobbying very government to outlaw gay marriage not her first absence is becoming a folk hero for hate which is why among other things her seat is being challenged in the next election by the very man who she denied
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a marriage license to david or and jim davis had been filed to bring her work suit democracy still works because hypocrisy can never hide from karma. and you cannot hide from this break that we have to go to our borders don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we cover the facebook and twitter shows on our t.v. dot com coming up we welcome the host of our team of the big picture holland cook into the office less to discuss the end of al franken time in congress and finally we find out that last has actually invented the wheel the what a mistake to move it to watching the whole.
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palestine is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and nimble fish was dismissive to do it looking like a million pieces and my complicity is going up so phil saviano may be a bit. old john without a doubt. the only palestinians is who gets the most help from his jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world under the oak vision could not only go through this. and the earth is a laugh at that as to how to display any of the most of this god i'm not going to compete in the doesn't seem to do more of the most awesome don't piss off. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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when you all know it's coming to inspect. if somebody would've been told me that i'm going to spend my life trying to plan committees are allowed to destroy kosovo solti was clearly see. my every night we were attacked by the arabs oh really we'll attacking them and we will extremely shocked and saying but that's not possible oh me doesn't do such scenes and then the soldiers and myself and the sniping that there is both wampus in the house with all the prisoner we've all dealt with every day i. believe much second class citizens in the on going. to strike and i think in my
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head that there is no way to be able to live together without. the snow plow. another day rolls biden other scout for the me to movement but is rising progressive star al franken promised to step down in a twelve minute speech before spello senators one is left wondering what what to make of this particular battle in the war against workplace harassment for anyone who missed his speech it can basically be summed up in in this you know how about under ten seconds take take a look i'm going to help people because i'm good enough i'm smart enough and doggone it people like me. you see darko al franken may be resigning but his accusers are liars the ethics probe he himself called for is just too much of
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a burden and it's really unfair he has to go back home while fellow alleged miscreants president trump and soon to be senator bore enjoy the perks of government welfare not walk watchers because today we are joined by our colleague ali cook to try to make sense and get a little bit more insight into the bigger picture of these developments thank you so much fallen for coming out of the let's get an office pool going how long it takes him to show up on saturday night live real quick real where. reagan's resignation comes at a time when the democrat party is basically bleeding support like a like a stuck pig and you know elite establishment dems in office like palosi and the hill and conyers of blatantly put politics over people when the issue of sexual harassment is so is this another sign that the democratic party needs new leadership new direction yeah there's a generational thing going on when bernie sanders is the cool kid on the block and
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i think he is personally but demographically where is our justin trudeau right you know we don't have that character yet but don't pigeonhole this in one party or the other because i think this really sends two messages the dems got to posture that our house is clean and it sends a message to the voters of alabama that your own party will show you the door if you're unfit and that's a none too subtle message with the judge roy his resume and in the case of al franken sacrificial lamb i guess timing is everything it's a last ditch hail mary to the folks of alabama and the polls are now too close to call it out there but i think it's also to keep the devils from getting beat up yours i mean if you're even throwing out alabama i mean are they just having someone anyone there now under that brush is going to be the most inoculated shot yeah you know. let me ask you this frank good speech as a woman was
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a roller coaster of conflicting statements for me because first. the first he says this which is giving us the impression that he understood the serious. accusations. we were finally beginning to listen to women about the ways in which man's actions affect them the moment was long overdue i was excited for that conversation and hopeful that it would result in real change and made life better for women all across the country and in every part of our society but he turned tail on that so fast i think we all got a little a little with the law. i think that was the right thing to do. think it gave some people the false impression that i was admitting to doing things
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that in fact i haven't done some of the allegations against me are simply not true . others i remember very differently. paul and why do you think it seems like a very dangerous political tactic to me where he already did apologize he asked to be investigated to see if these things and now to sort of turn tail and go well some of them are a lot what why do you think he would do that this is not a happy man number one star and you know it was interesting from radio if you watch that with your eyes closed it was different than if you had your eyes open and if you read the speech it might have come off less in dignity then if you heard it and there's a parallel to this because nixon kennedy in that first debate they said if you heard it on radio you thought nixon won if you watched it on t.v. jack kennedy was a rock star so it was tough to watch i thought it was well written he delivered it
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without choking up but. i don't know that i'd call it real gracious the guy's in a tough spot and you know what he couldn't say let's leave it to the voters of minnesota and let's leave it to the ethics committee because had he thrown down the gauntlet there he would have had zero support for anything going forward spirit from his own party as a virtue i just think let me ask you this because of the both of you because i'm a person just i don't like political parties i don't i think that this and this is one of those perfect example exactly why couldn't he just one day have been better for him to stand up for his principles and do what he thought was right rather than throwing himself under the bus for the party because don't people of minnesota lose he was gracious to the folks back home and it's the kind of thing trump might get away with you know al franken could have said come right down here to the well and save face don't hide by book but he didn't and that's the kind of thing that trump's peeps cheer oddly but nobody else pulls off. well never struck me as
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the person who's going to get up and say that could. but they're going to i mean we were talking about earlier today even with our colleague ed shoulders and sure you have the same conversation and one things i want to ask you is you know minnesota governor dayton released a statement and the first line of date in the statement was i extend my deepest regrets to the women who've had to endure their own wanted experiences with some of the franken they then went on to point out the good work that frightened franken has done in his time in office and i think is the biggest question we need to start asking ourselves you know can we start separating the politician from their personal life bad acts you know that's what's tough about this you know you mentioned paul well stone three times al franken indian affairs committee i mean he's got a record he can be proud of but. tis the season even though these are old photos from before he got into politics like howard stern and other people who make
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their living horsing around there he was horsing around i'm sure there's hundreds of those pictures for all of the not ready for primetime players but you just can't reinvent yourself and in the seventy's dan rather wrote a book titled the camera never blinks and that was before social media yes that's a great point i just want quick out into is that i think the other problem too is too many politicians today i think they you know they parade their families out they parade their moral values and their family values and that allows them to then be targets of one of the things my father did was one of the government he never paraded me and my sister out he said family is personal what i've been this is my job if i screw up my job then hold me accountable sure whatever happens in my private life that's my private life and let me and my family and things like that deal with so there is an argument to be made that if you're asking for it if you run on this kind of morality take it i just hope this doesn't scare people out of public service entirely because who among us doesn't have
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a polaroid somewhere. but i'll get it i never i would i wasn't. so i also hope we get a cream of the crop because you know what do you hate about the reagans got to go with the boers got to go to get this kind of old guard out who believe that it's ok to do things that are great let's get the little people were pendulum swings our parents preached civility and manners which in the last couple decades has been dissed as political correctness maybe there's a political correction happening yeah i think that's the thing there's a pendulum so that's where everybody starts you have people that will argue against something and then search using it for their own agenda and everybody becomes a hypocrite who is who is not a hypocrite this is on some level for us level one of the things i find interesting is sort of the democrats using what about us on which they've been so so hard on everybody talking about russia and interference and well what about islam you can talk about that but this is been a very clear case of what about and he said it and that speech of saying they always bring up yes but trump is still there but we're more right what is the one
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you know what does that do to the democratic party's ideology and their and their sort of clot form as democrats if it's going to be like will they do it so why do i have to you know i have to be here to fight i think excuses for it also doesn't mean doesn't really point to a need for more progressive younger candidates and that people like closely and conyers and all and franken are just you know it's a generational thing and there are a lot of gestures being made right now the cover of time magazine and in senator franken speech today when he alluded to his successor as yet unidentified he said she. i think will be the deputy governor probably everybody and she's got a really good record yeah. yeah but you know i think really at the end of the day i think i think we all i think it's good what happened i mean people can debate whether or not it was good or bad things like that yeah i think it's a good book where do you see the democratic party going from this point forward
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what what is what's the future hold for the sport i don't think they know but. these bernie fans are on daunted and he can preach it out i don't know that we've seen the last album and he does have a quality that we call presidential and is the opposite of trump and we were all thinking i could out of. election night because the polls were telling us he would have beat trump so short answer question who knows but stay tuned yeah and you know the thing is too is al franken himself was being kind of rumored as being one of those kind of theirs to go up against trump in the next presidential election but now he's gone you know at least over the right i mean what but what i'm saying as a woman one it is going to be harder i feel for men and politics and it probably will keep a lot of men out of politics because it is a very scary time to demand you have to sort of free and learn a lot of to realize this stuff but as a woman i think it's it is
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a really good thing if it sucks but sometimes you got to lance things off and you leave a little scar but you don't mind it we did good but we did that for a reason we got some are better we cut out something that was bad and i think al franken will do good work on his own outside of the law and there will be a rising stars i wonder if gavin newsome is ringing that's a good look at the end of the day i mean you know we can we can be did disgusted with what but still i mean you also still have another guy out there running for office rebels accuse the pope you know and the fact that like you can't see that going on a rally going of like ok i don't care if the accusation is real or not that's pretty heavy you need to sort that out before you finish this race no matter what side of where i was thank you so much for coming on be sure to join us for having no yes pretty pretty sure every friday night at seven and ten thirty eastern right here this is a trade show and i don't see much on. the wheel there are few would that have impacted the growth and survival of the human race as much as the creation of the
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wheel back in thirty five hundred b.c. now the good folks at nasa have reinvented one of man khan's greatest in all of this inventions to help. drive us into the future the brilliant engineers at nasa as glenn research center in cleveland ohio truly have reinvented the wheel and effort to combat the tire destroying terrain that exists on the angry red planet of mars like a mad max version of rufo pillows would be really is risible new tires or a nickel titanium woven mash that allows the tires to bend and it just to the rough contras of mars but then immediately bounce back and their regional shape without destroying the tires leave it to the good folks at nasa to remind us that no matter how far our politics and believes may divide us humanity is ingenuity creativity and thirst for knowledge and adventure will keep the circle. going to probe those tires where massive i want them brought a cars are that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we're not told we're above the bumps or tell you wall i love you i am tired world winter i'm
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top of the wallet people are watching those talks have a great day. why i was president how did they didn't return to london why it's a liberal city why they miss it is a cool one the more important. than the islands the plants the airports in the south and invisibility percent of the in many liberated spent and why why do think you have to be sure as. credit is one of the basic instruments to drive the economy but it can also lead to tragedy i didn't i took a line in the hole just i came to god and lived in the day time i came to god and in the starry night. many lives have been broken bleak since. the banks
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got you through what i would. big bankers go big. or go on the banks but i just didn't think of the. last morning through the back. creditors people see new future about face and how you know you become ill you due to job your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is due to a nice long trip or is there a way out of those actually going to bed or know would be right to do to build more risk more. often some is not so is not a quick place is not a good country. because if the minister philipp bunch. of scum. visited us but this is the physical. stuff
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the culture. of the. less sure of the charge of christmas. polling is just little and biased from a fellow muslim muslim school to be the middle. mostly albums fossil. play almost anything for the numbers for the best the last record our better john said i'm based on are much less qualified no one can i do not cover mr rogers from crap mcnabb how on amanita. from michele bachmann cannot. confront him on the cannot move he was almost feel no words could fuck him on a cool cicero from a sort of not hard to go show you go to steve i don't want to go to the susan though micra voice is innocent of the lot of the steve. a lot of this. series was close.
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some explicit everybody out there is wants to be a success in life is too lazy to go you can either be. no magic and if you can do that by yourself go to the new york university website of the gallatin division and get the syllabus of the book list of all gals of the vision students after i was in the delta division with their conversative project two hundred fifty talks starting with aristotle read those books now you're educated the second way you can be a success in life is you got to know three things bridge golf tennis circuit for things and speed. donald trump's decision to move the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem signals washington now deems this to be israel's capital reaction was easy to predict various degrees of dismay the law of unintended consequences surely inflamed.
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ah ultimately the. violence leaves more than one hundred palestinians injured as a day of rage is declared in the region tensions spilled over off to donald trump's controversial decision to recognize jerusalem as the israeli capital. a major breakthrough in the direction talks is reached as both sides agree to move to the next stage of talks though senior officials will know that things will only get tougher. and there are a downside of aware that team usa will compete in the upcoming winter olympics in south korea with american all started giving out mixed messages i think on the streets of new york the same.


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