tv News RT December 8, 2017 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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i. want palestinian dead and more than two hundred injured as a day of rage is declared in the region tensions have spilled over since donald trump's controversial decision to recognize jerusalem as the israeli capital. position on jerusalem around be criticised by the international community and an emergency meeting of the un security council. plus a major breakthrough is reached in breaks it talks as both sides agree to move to the next stage senior officials are warning that things will only get tougher.
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for getting me to you. this is r.t. international. one palestinian is being killed more than two hundred people injured in large scale protests according to palestine's health ministry tear gas rubber bullets even live ammunition was used by israeli police as they clash with demonstrators to dissolve escalated following u.s. president donald trump's decision recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel. clashes between protesters and israeli police have been seen across palestine in jerusalem people have been gathering near the damascus gate but there's
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a massive israeli security presence on the show that didn't skew how small. bottles were hurled at the security services and the journalists who were trying to get out of the way and then the police in turn were pushing those protesters away and running off to them some on the back of horses as well trying to steer them away from damascus gate but this is just an indication a small indication of some of the scuffles that we're seeing across the israeli and palestinian territories today and over the last few days we've been talking to israeli citizens and palestinian citizens this is what they had to say. they will not be back of the questions that consequence of. a ramifications that will lead for another intifada or another our revolution it's going to be interwoven i think so you know but this is this time is not going to be short one you know i hope things them outright but i doesn't look right you know policies or look for any
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excuse they can't call for delivery and. they don't they're not going to help us is to a significant move i think it's going to cause trouble why jerusalem is to be the capital of israel i don't know it's here is in palestine it should remain in palestine there is the sound of call home horns in the end that sort of people showing support for the small number of demonstrators who are here they've been chanting things like this is our capital these are palestinian demonstrators who. unhappy with that announcement by donald trump but this is not just a small scale scuffle this is already become something a little bit wider with the i.d.f. actually launching two strikes on gaza in the last few days they say that that was in retaliation for a rocket strike which they blame on hamas in gaza however that has since been claimed by another group and there is fear that this could lead to even big attention as you heard one of the people i spoke to there saying this could be
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a third intifada and that is actually what the leader of the islamist group hamas in gaza ishmael honey it has called for in the last few days describing this alliance between the u.s. and israel as being sick tannic and meanwhile on the other hand the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has described this is being a great decision and has thanked john will trump for recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel. the israeli army says it's intercepted two rockets launched from gaza or alarm sirens sounded in several israeli border towns this friday was declared a day of rage in palestine with a mass calling for a new into foreign armed rebellion against israel but the violence the u.s. is boosting security in the region has issued a travel alert for americans. protest against her position in stage the cross the world many people rallied in front of u.s. embassies in support of palestine and straight is burned american and israeli flags
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as well as posters of trump. i twenty four news correspondent mohammed seem briggs is the latest from bethlehem. then bethlehem there is a large deployment of israeli forces on the ground and also demonstrations palestinians have been demonstrating president johnson's decision to declare a jewish one capital of israel they take into the streets and we have seen now hundreds of them just here in this one location in the northern part of the city of bethlehem in the west bank tear gas has been used over bullets by the israeli forces in return with the palestinians are using molotov cocktail bombs as well as stone throwing it has been on and off throughout the day but it's extremely dangerous here.
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we've seen also where the force of clashes on the borders between gaza and israel just to the south of us. a senior palestinian official that you believe others do said. alice than ian president the house indian officials will not be meeting with vice president mike pence when he arrives here later this month in the in the region he will be visiting israel and was supposedly scheduled to meet with president morsi up bass in the city of bethlehem where we are he said that he is not will come in palestine . palestine says he will now reject any u.s. led peace negotiations it also says u.s. vice president mike pence will not be welcomed when he comes to the region later this month and discuss the implications of troops decision. he's project director for the jerusalem center for public affairs and with now bill sha'ath foreign
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affairs advisor to the palestinian president. now for the peace process it actually paves the way to peace because israel will be called upon by the same trumpet ministration to make concessions to its palestinian neighbor which it will be much more ready to do now that a basic wrong has been corrected which is to to rightfully acknowledge that they drew sloan is the capital the possibility is really seem blocked by what mr trump has done gruesome is a very very sensitive issue to the palestinians to the arabs to the muslims and to the christians of the world and what what he has. created a serious situation not only of mistrust but of instability and potential for explosion in this part of the world the palestinian authority looks and the hamas is of course they look for any excuse to call for
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a day of rage so you know that the hamas is in business to kill israelis and to kill political opponents like the fatah and the p.a. uses the day of rage as an excuse in order to avoid making any headway on the peace process and word intifada really means a popular uprising and the popular uprising continue varieties of ways what is going on today is an intifada what went on three months ago in jerusalem was an intifada but it was entirely peaceful and that's what our authority really aims at a popular uprising that is nonviolent is the best way of expressing the feelings and the rejection of the palestinian people of the drum and israeli occupation well if the palestinians want to wipe themselves off the face of the bat politically they should continue in this in this line of political violence as well as threats of physical violence i would suggest that they go back to the table and where they
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have israelis with open arms and open hands willing to negotiate with them but this is something they're going to have to learn to do and stop calling for days of rage and for terror and violence. i'm joined in the lineup by former pentagon official michael maloof and i speak to michael why do you think nikki haley had to repeat terms claim that his decision would mean a change of borders for jewry slim you think the u.s. president's words weren't enough. by thank you just trying to reemphasize what the president had to say the president's comments were very calculated they were designed to. keep the peace process the keep any negotiation between the israelis and the and the palestinians as very clear but the decision to make to to recognize jerusalem i think was a political was a was a strategic one and politically timed because the fix was already in
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with netanyahu jared christian or and the saudi arabian prince crown prince solomon and if he were going to do anything toward something that netanyahu has been pushing for quite some time now now was the time that this whole thing was orchestrated by netanyahu the israeli prime minister it seems like the u.s. is trying to try this is nothing in particular the controversial but you know the protests we're seeing around the will be suggest otherwise i mean he's got this right well. well i think that there was expected violence expected protests but the key is watch saudi arabia all that they said is they hoped the president wouldn't do it but but there has been no outward. outrage or anything from either from. saudi arabia or from jordan for that matter simply because those countries have made a determination that maintaining relationships with the u.s.
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and their national interests is probably far. more important than the palestinian issue for now and i think that now that netanyahu was able to get his alliance with the saudi arabia and with the other arab countries he probably felt that timing that this was good timing just to implement this aspect of what he's been looking for for quite some time and president trump who campaigned for this. during the campaign has decided to implement. as i understand the again i think again sorry go ahead mike. i was there say i think the u.s. policy toward middle east right now is completely being guided by netanyahu the been direct threats against u.s. soldiers in iraq coming from shia militias that was that was an immediate response to some speculation i mean that just threats at this stage i think there will be confrontation though in reality. ultimately there might be some
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skirmishes but i'm looking i'm looking at the reactions on the streets in lebanon for example. they talk about it i mean there are twelve palestinian official twelve palestinian camps in lebanon and they're not uprising and even though i think can print solomon wanted to do that against against the israelis are against the i'm sorry against the iranians the whole think that all of this is calculated this this whole alliance of. a christian and trump and is aimed at one thing consolidating and making an alliance that's aimed at being against iran and that's what this is all about. good and now and the whole issue the whole issue of jerusalem was was let's let's grab it while we can type of thing. michael goodspeed do so for interrupting you there full pentagon official michael moore and here is
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my guest ok meanwhile washing does the season on the status of jerusalem prompted an emergency session of the u.n. security council this go to new york now we can speak to our correspondent. caleb a significant meeting what was said. well at the emergency session of the fifteen members of the united nations security council fourteen of those members stepped up and criticized the united states for its decision regarding recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital and announcing that it would move its embassy this is what we heard from the fourteen members of the security council we regard east jerusalem as part of the occupied palestinian territories. we therefore disagree with the u.s. decision to move its embassy to jerusalem and unilaterally to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel before
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a final status agreement. we regret the decision announced by the president of the united states to recognize jerusalem as the capital of his room clearly disagree with the recognition of groups of them as the couple of israel in the room would have to miss a lot of the arab republic of egypt denounces the us decision to recognize jerusalem as the capsule of israel while we can china is one of the concerns about the recent developments regarding the status of jerusalem was. meant washington's decision with serious concern. now at this point after we heard from the fourteen other members of the security council we then heard from nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the united nations and she argued that the decision was correct and that it would further the peace process this is her words defending u.s. president donald trump's decision regarding jerusalem the united states has not
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taken a position on boundaries or borders the specific dimensions of sovereignty over jerusalem are still to be decided by the israelis and the palestinians in the negotiations the united states has not advocated changing any of the arrangements at the temple mount hareem. the president specifically called for maintaining the status quo at the holy site finally and critically the united states is not predetermining final status issues we remain committed to achieving a lasting peace agreement now during her remarks nikki haley argued that the united nations was not treating israel properly and she also went on to say that the because the united states side facilitated previous agreements between israel and egypt and israel and palestinians that they had been signed on the white house lawn
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this show that the united states maintained credibility within the both sides those were her words the usa maintains credibility with both sides now we then heard from a representative of the palestinian authority and he seemed to strongly disagree with what nikki haley had said. the u.s. has to do it is that the use impunity undermines essentially disqualifies its leadership rule to seek peace in the region now in the aftermath of this announcement from trump we have seen quite a bit of chaos and fire throughout the region at this point one person has been killed in a protest the israeli army has announced that it is intercepted two rockets from gaza protests are taking place not just in palestine but also throughout the region with various various supporters of the palestinians protesting
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a lot of anger and the days of rage that have been called by palestinians and others so quite a bit of a strong reaction to the announcement from donald trump which was discussed at the u.n. security council. open line from new york many thanks kate. britain's prime minister treason main said that all sides of the briggs it negotiations are now ready to move on to the next stage of talks however there are still many obstacles the u.k. is expected to face as artie's anis to see a chicken explain. certainly the breakfast deadline is looming time is ticking at what we've seen so far is that these breaths of negotiations have been anything but very simple especially maybe according to those who expect to things to move forward much quicker we've seen a theresa may and european commission president john clarke humor basically pot themselves on the box for breaking through with this first round of discussions
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when it comes to the issue of irish borders now they're looking forward to moving on to issues such as trade however we have seen the european council president donald tusk come out and say that they're going to be really some different harsh realities he's talked about specifically the transition period that the u.k. has put forward saying that britain wants this two year transition period on tuesday has said that this is going to come along with some pretty serious conditions he has said that not only will decisions be made without the u.k. in this time but he's also said that the u.k. is going to have to respect the laws in that time including new laws including budgetary commitments as well as judiciary oversight let's take a listen clearly was in the transition will you do you can withdraw. your decision making group continue among. the. states to
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do. it. seems to be dilutive reasonable solution well low following these latest developments reaction including some negative come from the likes of former you keep letter leader and pioneer nigel farage who has basically described the way things have been going a sort of an embarrassment so let's stay tuned to see how these negotiations will now continue to move forward. since the briggs's vote the european union has stepped up its efforts to bolster the bloc the latest push came from the former president of the european parliament german politician martin schultz who proposed the creation of a united states of europe i want to new constitutional treaty to establish the united states of europe for europe that is no threat to its member states but a beneficial addition the convention should draft this treaty in close cooperation with the civil society and the people its results will then be submitted to all
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member states any state that won't ratify this treaty who automatically leave the e.u. a number of other measures to boost your opinion if you have previously been proposed among them the creation of european army a european version of the international monetary fund and having an e.u. finance minister earlier i discussed this with the head of belgium's peoples party michael moore director man who says that europeans are worried by the prospects of the united states of europe. if you look at all the polls today from cities and from all over europe they don't want two more severe and four for the e.u. they want to the contrary that the member states get back more seventy they want to take their first futures back in their hands particularly taking into account that the e.u. looks to be a very undemocratic you know an elected official taking decision today in brussels
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that many citizens oppose and more to read the incapacity of the e.u. to tackle the major issues in europe and certainly one of the major issue for example is migration a lot of european want the borders because and we know today that proximately six million people are waiting. to get into europe and europe and want to block that and you see that the e.u. . is to younger for example saying that we need more migration we need to open the borders this kind of ideas are totally rejected so i see that a lot of. european citizen will be concerned and worried by mr shore's plans. aeration. the e.u. has blacklisted seventeen countries as offshore state sit in effort to come but tax avoidance but according to the charity oxfam some countries were left off that list
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thanks to political pressure the blacklisting process has been surrounded by secrecy putting citizens in the dark and leaving tax havens free to use their political and economic leverage to get themselves the e.u. blacklist. what fun claims that for you members are little luxemburg netherlands and mom to should be on the blacklist of tax savings if the e.u. applied its own criteria to them and oxfam also points out that some e.u. members not only use so-called conduit offshore financial center they actually act as them and they do this by being an intermediate destination for money that's transferred to tax havens they also provide favorable tax policies to ensure a quiet funds flow that enables mediators to protect the reputations of their client countries and actual commentators charlie boyle that thinks that the e.u. is made in effect surely attempts to clean up its image after the twenty sixteen palomar paper scandal it was a an attempt to be seen to be doing something internationally about the offshore
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havens the problem is inside it's inside the london as one of the biggest financial centers and it has the the this this transfer pricing policy which which makes it. virtually zero percent for the big corporations in terms of corporation tax and it's also. a saving in big saving of the eighty as well so again it's totally on. what i've found the most interesting is the palomar papers and the paradise papers and the leaks to do with that there's a lot of uproar but i'm amazed at how quickly it's died down it doesn't matter who's on the list or who is not on the list it's a case of the the existing. business practices in those countries as well but it doesn't address the wider problem of the tax policies an individual western countries are all across the world including the e.u. . an unusual foreign visitors been causing
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a stir in the capital of sweden russian ambulance that was helping somebody in need in stockholm many asking why was there. a string given there must be a movie being filmed according to the number plate came from from petersburg could be something like a russian party bus and bunch of people who hired an ambulance and went to sweden to party is it putin's guys whose goal is to kidnap someone on the streets and take them to mother russia. well here is the real reason why russian ambulance was in stockholm. the slope already asters for a patient first weekend to st peters for. the last while we're passing stockholm we don't just another patient in the street and
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a crowd signaling to us. the people to passing by our vehicle asked us to stop and pointed at a man lying on the ground. it turned out that he had had an epileptic attack we did all we could to give him first aid. we waited for a local ambulance to come and handed the patient over to our colleagues. as artificial intelligence integrates itself ever more into our everyday lives a growing chorus of criticism is highlighting the dangers of trying to control to machines that's now
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a super computer that's able to create an artificially intelligent child that can recognize objects such as cars and people in real time while outperforming any human made algorithms another system made by google has created a machine that took just four hours to learn the rules of chess and to then beat a world leading program meanwhile tech giant facebook says that its program can detect suicidal behavior and lies in user information and facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg believes that this is just the beginning. in the future i will be able to understand more of the subtle nuances of language and will be able to identify different issues beyond suicide as well meanwhile in russia artificial intelligence could be taken to a whole new level that is if it wins the presidency there has been a call for a lease or a virtual reality assistant developed by russia's tech giant young decks to give putin a run for his money in next year's election she's already a familiar voice to many russian gadget users and she's promised to make use of her
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logic skills and says the fact that she is not influenced by emotions would make her an ideal candidate for russia's top job to get the most thought out when you work hard to make our lives better i am already doing this don't you see that do you think you're fit to rule the country i've solved more challenging tasks i leave elise or i suggest you run for president when you participate in the election i can try thank you alisa when the going gets tough to get going. my colleague bray discussed artificial intelligence with a panel of experts. well i don't understand the fear part of what we need to understand with artificial intelligence is that we're just at the beginning this is just the tip of the iceberg what's going to happen in your future is that you going to have predictive analytics which will allow ai to predict your desires before you
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even know what you want just the thought of machines telling you what i want it already makes me uncomfortable in what we see that happening you know in our lives twenty getting recommendations from these systems and they're constantly intervening in ways that we don't expect that we didn't ask for the future is technological so we need to start understanding it everyone it shouldn't be left to a couple of people in industry or in government to dictate how this goes we all have to be a part of this. process of moving forward in the future with ai i think that we need to be careful about the idea that the future is technology and we have to adapt to it people are talking about implanting technology in the body. in question and saying the technology itself is human or is the successor to community even this is this is very dangerous i should this is where the line has to get drawn doesn't it really because on the one hand we all demand our devices know what we're doing where we go and make these decisions for us we carry them around in our
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pockets all the time and then we the first ones to moan when tech companies have information on us and seem to be able to predict our behavior we then find that creepy. and it tends to have political impact as well the people suggesting that for example the american last american election in the british vote was in poland formed by complex analytics manipulating the images that people related to for the very first time on this planet we're all going to have an enormous amount of power not just a few people every single one of us is going to have an enormous amount of power through the power of ai and we have to decide as individuals and societies how we want to process that ability that that amount of power. not too comfortable with the idea that. we are going to be powerful i don't know the technology is out to enslave us but i do think that
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technology is upset in the social balances and the economic balances and ecological balances that if evolved over millions and hundreds and dozens of years and this is the great danger you can blame the technology but it's not the technology it's us and so i disagree with the fact that we are we are separate from the technology it is a continual separate technology and humanity is i think the most dangerous thing to do because when self-aware machines finally arrive is that going to be the new enemy if we continue this narrative so the new narrative has to be and technology is a part of us it's a reflection of who we are that is the narrative we should be thinking about. before the latest news headlines at the top of the hour. donald trump's decision to move the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem signals washington now deems this to be israel's capital.
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