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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2017 5:00am-5:30am EST

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look suspicious. i. recognized. it follows days of rage in. syria claimed free of islamic state military groups. in the twenty. two years ago despite the i.o.c. saying there's no concrete evidence supporting. with drug program.
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makes his announcement he will run for reelection in the. presidential race. joining us here on our international on sunday we do start this hour with breaking news and we can show you live pictures as well from right outside the u.s. embassy in beirut. the building of a rally in the lebanese capital. as israel.
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all right for more now let's get some details from beirut crossing live now to local journalist martin j. joining us here on r.t. international martin good to see you today you are in the area what's the atmosphere like in the lebanese capital. it's it's getting to a certain point the tension in particular i'm getting to believe because you know what will happen with this demonstration which seems to be gaining momentum trying this started at eight o'clock this morning supposed to start a little hundred or so palestinians arrived at the embassy stormed a few managed to get into the inner perimeter of the embassy and that's when really all the violence started they were met with water from the security forces and then from that point on scuffles broke out. and more people now arriving
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on the scene that something like a fifty fifty mix of lebanese and palestinians let's not forget that so in lebanon there was something like four hundred fifty palestinian refugees living in dire poverty and refugee camps as you know martin this is all coming in the wake as a reaction to the american president donald trump recent official statement to recognize that jerusalem is the official capital of israel just for a moment martin stay with us have a listen to what he said one more time. therefore i have to term it that it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel martin do you believe the u.s. leader wouldn't have foreseen the decision of would call what was he expected. i think he was i think he's been very naive and i think he's he's literally taken everything israelis have given at face value and not really looked at the
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implications i mean the thing that stands out for journalists like me in the region is how he is not. gages beforehand with the regional arab players and of course a lot of great there's a great deal of anger and resentment from from turkey from jordan from from each of because he didn't do that so i think he's been a rather naive i don't think talks to question really expecting anything like this tool he thinks that you know that they can just put all this trust in israel and more or less we can move forward but clearly that's not happening but we were speaking in recent days with one of the top palestinian officials eric out and he was frustrated by saying that donald trump at no point i made a move to discuss any of this with the palestinians and as as we all know now that the move has been condemned by a number of arab countries which have seen a large demonstration stand by for a moment it's a quick look at this. no one has a right to play with the feet of millions of people for the sake of one's personal
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ambitions. the kingdom of jordan refuses the recognition states jerusalem as the capital of israel. to make the decision by the united states in its context it's legitimate recognition for occupation and the allowance of the de facto status using fees. so condemnation from the united nations condemnation from the arab league and many other world leaders as well and what kind of impact it's going to have on the region. it could be a very dangerous one i mean. the sort of disturbances that ripple across the middle east caused by western leaders who meddle in affairs which they don't really understand you know it could have dog consequences if you just look back a few years spring you know a similar thing
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a lot of elites in the region and i think this is what governments powerful leaders around the region now be worrying about the. we're looking at this and seeing asking themselves can this escalate can this actually turn to something that we can no longer control it's very interesting that yesterday lebanon's former minister of the arab league suggested some sort of sanctions against america which on the face of it sounds very far fetched to me how do you have a small country as of a have a relatively small amounts of trade of the other direction with america are actually pretty punitive measures in place but i think it probably wouldn't happen on a formal level but on the informal level you got to put yourself in the place of some of these elites in the region if the if there are people demonstrating on the streets trying to burn flags starting to do what these palestinians and lebanese are doing here in the capital today against just against american embassies let alone anything else that is going to have an impact politically of some of these elites will be forced to look at measures possibly putting ourselves on hold with
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america possibly putting some sort of measures in place to slow down trade just to show some sort of that they're prepared to make some sort of reaction just to keep people happy in this region because you know this could escalate and i think that sort of some real worry will mark your perhaps i did into the we know that lebanon now has proposed sanctions against the united states how the tables have turned how unprecedented is back. it's completely reversed i've never heard of anything like that in the past but as i said i think lebanon is a tiny country it doesn't really punch above its weight in the arab league but i think some leaders will have to look at that and they'll have to at least create some sort of token to keep people happy you know because we can't carry on with this escalating i mean if if if american embassy is starting to come under attack and what's next after about is it american personnel american companies are people
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angry people going to look at present trade deals in place or are integrated i mean it's it's something that is beginning to escalate now. i think if you look at the riots today at the american embassy in beirut i think that's quite a good indicator of what we can expect nobody here but also in other countries in the region the security forces here were taken off guard this is these u.s. embassies in eleven or one of the highest security embassies in the entire will and the fact the protest is going to break the first perimeter and actually get into the calm shows the security forces here in the americans are really not prepared for this at all is that indicative of trump himself not being prepared remotely for what he's done i think so i think trump has been awful lot more than he can chew what he needs now to talk to his people and to actually put together something where we can scale back and actually back pedal slightly on this issue will announcing that jerusalem is the capital of israel i think he's certainly taken on
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more than is prepared to be able to have. very little time at this very quickly if i can before i let you go oversleeping you made it and yahoo was well pleased by our announcement here a question that's being thrown around left right and center is why has made this announcement why is he calling for jerusalem to be the official capital of israel. it's difficult to nail it but i mean one of the theories i'm hearing from a lot of analysts that i listen to is that if you look at what's trump's achieved in one year of office both a good journalist and a few weeks are going to start really writing those articles you know what is an american president sheaves in three hundred sixty five days in the middle east you can't really write anything on the cheap anything other than foreign a few tomahawk missiles or the syrian regime will space there's no real there's nothing really to take in the box is no real achievement and i think. he's standing rule a lot of confidence a little face was placed in him to kick start the middle east peace process i think
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we can assume but that hasn't happened and i think what trump likes to do is he likes to. created a crisis create a chaos which places him at the center of it which allows him to feed his twitter timeline on an hourly basis which distracts american journalists from actually doing the job of reporting what's really happening the reports on the latest crisis the latest moves i think this is a last ditch attempt to try to be relevant in the middle east peace process you know and if this one is a position of failure rather than of success. based journalist martin jay joining us live here on r.t. international thanks for your time and thank you for your insight. now in response to palestinians declared three days of rain which ended with several people killed in clashes with israeli.
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unfortunately a u.s. president makes a statement on the israeli citizens will need to pay the price for dangerous days are coming to jerusalem. and. he were actually stood by damascus gate but they seemed to be scuffles that between the police and some local palestinians he'd been shouting in the streets people shouting that this is the capital of palestine this is the capital of the arabia and that the u.s. is the head of the snake. the locals throwing rocks bottles of cloths at not just our selves but the police as well under security services in fact that we put on some protective gear because one of those bottles actually came close to hitting this in the head when it smashed.
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it's going to be in default i think so here in bethlehem there's a large deploying mentor for the horses on the ground as has been used to. well it's callous and these are using molotov cocktail bombs as well as stone throwing at. anger is demanded of the palestinian streets especially after the airstrikes launched on the gaza strip we were just now on the buffer zone and there were a lot of confrontations between the palestinians and the israelis so we're here on the middle of. as you can hear we're having some tear gas that's being shot on. us and jack we're in the middle of pressure sometimes you have been shooting against the fact that president trump is saying this is really capital. you. get.
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a number of european cities of also staged protests in support of palestine also in the motor city session of the un security council was also convened and during the meeting of the fifteen members fourteen were united against just one that holds the united states. ok we regret the u.s. president's decision to measure washington's decision with serious concern these decisions i'm hopeful for the prospects for peace in the region are actions reflected and honest assessment of reality it is fuelling tensions and increasing instability in an already volatile and turbulent reach of israel like all nations has the right to determine its capital city you know that drill actions attempting to change the status of jerusalem respect for its in the long existing foundation the system of of these really palestinian issues the united states will not be
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lectured to by countries that lack any credibility when it comes to treating both israelis and palestinians fairly the israeli prime minister praised the assertion calling it historic but as i explained so that should come as little surprise collusion is a popular accusation to throw around these days and a lot of what we're hearing working with a foreign government receiving money is what the trial team did with israel like undermining the policy of the current administration in favor of a foreign government michael flynn trumps former national security advisor it mitzi called russia and asked them to delay a vote at the un security council that israel didn't like. on or about december twenty second twenty sixteen and very senior member of the presidential transition team directed fully into contact officials from foreign governments to learn where each government stood on the resolution and to influence those governments to delay
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the vote or defeat the resolution. flynn informed the russian ambassador about being coming administration's position to the resolution and requested that russia vote against or delay the resolution now we don't know who engineered it but take a look at this video of hi i'm savin the israeli billionaire and jared christian or trump son in law seriously you and your teen. were taking steps to try and get the. united nations security council. not go along this crowd and myself want to thank you for making that i will thank you very much and then there are sheldon adelson now he's an israeli billionaire newspaper owner and he's also a top contributor to israeli lobbyists bankrolling their activities well he threw in five million dollars to contribute to donald trump's inauguration now there is
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money and also personal chemistry the trump family is quite close with benjamin netanyahu according to the new york times netanyahu even borrowed the bedroom of jarrett cushion or when he was sleeping over at his mansion in new jersey now the relationship is no secret even his even bragged about it can i review how long we've known you. oh it was never small it was always big. always told but. i've known the president and i've known his family and his team for a long time so where is all this close and sometimes not so open cooperation gotten us well donald trump has now recognized jerusalem as israel's capital now this move is very pleasing to israelis but it's quite explosive for the region but no one is keen to shout about this blatant teamwork unlike some other country that's constantly in the headlines. artsy new york. on
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tuesday russia was banned from competing at the twenty eighteen winter games elliptic cheaps reached their decision on the findings of an independent investigation into alleged state sponsored doping however individual athletes who can prove they are clean will be allowed to compete under a neutral flag these. so will produce. individual or team competitions under the name olympic elsley from russia. no one thought about what it actually means for the athletes to go to the olympics under a neutral flag and simply the murder of our national sport. the probe headed by the former swiss president samuel schmidt found evidence of quote
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the systemic manipulation of the anti doping rules and system it also led to the suspension of russia's olympic committee and a fifteen million dollars fine however the schmidt report says it's unclear exactly who was behind any doping efforts it also didn't find evidence to suggest responsibility higher than the russian sports ministry nevertheless the independent and impartial evidence do not allow the i.o.c. d.c. to establish with certitude either who initiated or who headed this scheme on many occasions a reference was made on the involvement at the minister of sports level but no indication independent or impartial evidence appeared to cooperate any involvement or knowledge at a higher level of the state the simple truth is that in order to compete at the highest level you have to do something to stay there and when you have a very well paying job at the level of mr parker and mr reedy and travis tygart and
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so on they need to do to kind of to stay on top of us and are doing and you know she is very useful to keep this the wanted to take i would question that i have my mind is ok soros has been so long as it was completely beyond what next who else will go after like my my money would be on nobody because they want to keep beating or sick a piece into drum say versus bad russia is bad because it is the only bad one in order i think for clean in the case you know not for the case that there's a lot of bad guys everywhere and you know it's just it won't change and now with this it will change even for the. when claims of state run cheating first emerged there were widespread calls to hit russia hard with many now welcoming the i.o.c. his decision however a number of international athletes have expressed sympathy on twitter claiming the scandal has been politicized. what a sad and complicated situation i feel seek for the clean affected to athletes and
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fully sympathize with whatever emotions they may feel. this decision by the i.o.c. is just a political symbol but really there's nothing to punish the actual cheaters there is still a large number of days yet please competing issues opens the door for them to continue through the olympics. it's a victory that only officially cleared and clean athletes will be able to compete in china but it's so sad that russian banks weren't be able to compete under the flag of the country that raised them. this week the russian military announced syria has been completely liberated from islamic state military groups but it warned that although no particular area is anymore held by jihadists there are still small pockets of resistance the russian operation in syria began in september twenty fifth when i still held more territory in the country than any other faction
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and u.s. led coalition has also been involved in the northeastern part of the country and with the liberation of the area to the west of the euphrates river it means that the caliphate no longer exists and during the russian operation in the country correspondents were given direct access to the conflict. this is the ad based in love hockey from which russian jets launching this against this law mixtape targets here in syria. that the way it's. type the part it's ready to go it's a moment's notice. in
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this amphitheater laid down by the romans almost two thousand years ago that isis staged one of its sickest massacres the russian military considers it the crown in jewel of the operation here in syria. you can see had just some of the impressive military hardware that isis have in the possession that has made the battle for palmira so tough when extremely close to isis positions less than two kilometers away in. the. words a syrian artillery position overlooking the industrial quarter of their resort the battle is said to be fear isis fired back as we filmed shells
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began falling all around. we ran but the syrian batteries kept firing life indeed as order is still far from normal but at least they will be starving to death and the more. lot of my putin has announced he will run for the presidency in the elections set for march twenty eighth teen. air and house details it was widely expected that flatmate putin would decide to run for reelection next year however he has played call on the topic so many times i in recent months and one can help but wonder whether he was genuinely conflicted on whether to run. for the presidency again or whether he was just being really good at keeping a secret and playing the media nevertheless we were put out of our misery when he said this but seagrams
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a prank you for your support yes i will present my candidacy for the president of the russian federation. but you barbara sure frank you for your reaction but first of all for you. and i was rumored that this big announcement would come earlier in the day when he attended a volunteers for and here in moscow in fact i was here ready and waiting to bring you the breaking news of his decision however he played quite a once again and also seemed to seek validation from the audience there and they seemed very clear on what decision he should make years you're going to show you if i make such a decision. and the people close to you support it. but it still should prove to be an interesting race over the coming weeks and months
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with quite an eclectic mix of candidates throwing their hats into the ring one of the most prominent being persone a stop child who's been gaining headlines around the world she's a former reality t.v. presenter she's also posts for playboy amongst other things that she's considered to be the russian paris hilton and what's also quite interesting about her is that she and t. putin she's attended opposition rallies and she's promised to unite people against vladimir putin one of all the other interesting thing about her is that she happens to be the daughter of the former mayor of some petersburg a man who vladimir putin himself has referred to as his mentor in those early days so that should prove quite interesting but it goes aside there are an unprecedented number of women entering the race for the press. didn't see next year which is quite extraordinary because it's the first time we've seen any woman into the race for the presidency in russia in fourteen it is and of course there are the usual
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suspects as well including the liberal democratic party had a bloody media she would know ski of the communist party's get on t.v. zyuganov on the liberal yabloko party's grigori yavlinsky upside from not also business own but sman boris tito of his from the policy of growth he has pledged to champion the rights of entrepreneurs so quite an eclectic mix that for the russian people to think that teeth into the head of the elections in march next year. well it's been a pleasure having you with us today for the weekly here on r.t. international on this sunday my colleague kate politicians here and i hope that i'll continue to continue the weekly program. altie we have a great we need to strengthen before the freefall world and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back.
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in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be the best fall since my last will call him that. in the euro zone the russian. tryst right. left left left more or less ok stop that's really good so there's no the all important as a person but he is a boredom as far as is leaving good goals or. riskin the regime falling apart so indeed the americas are americans so much less to have him leave the old oil from time to time they keep saying at the go so in the end i think most
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countries are accepting that they will stay. read it is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also lead to tragedy i did it i took a line the whole gist i can be got and that that the debts ty came to and in the spiral not. many lives have been broken really excessive to the banks going to control. big bankers come. on the goldman the banks but i just didn't think of. the lost money through the back done by creditors people see no future bad things happen you know you become ill you turn to job your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is dead a life long trip or is there a way out of those actually come to
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a bit of know would be right to ditch been for so much suspicion. previously on the great american children. and this is just a normal is the bigger additional chillies two inches are images i ave in the kitchen to do a flat when i was young i start this looks about. where we go there night out of fear of. everybody i'm stephen baldwin gosh what a task hollywood gun usual suspects a favorite movie proud american first of all i'm just a george washington and our v.m. producer just uncle steve to me is a good stride to big boy because this is my buddy max the famous financial guru and why. she's a little bit different i understand you're abraham lincoln i know that there well no one knows the last but not least my larger than life. the night an aspiring star
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rio. with all the drama happening in our country i'm hitting the road to have some fun. every day americans feel nice profits but here when it's cold frosty but who knows. what's america to our ancestors suffered the most and see how things got so crazy i was naked to keep my finger on hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill which.


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