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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2017 1:00am-1:30am EST

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well u.s. officials insist the recognition of the israeli. peace. brought riots clashes and arrests. a terrorist suspect believed. in explosion in central bus station injuring. hundreds of protesters scuffle with police. orders the transfer. to another. residence. to go on hunger strike he's failed to clear a make shift. in their area. morning
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here in moscow thanks for joining us on r.t. international the news team here preparing your latest world headlines. there has been yet more violence more injuries the latest israeli palestinian clashes over president trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. meanwhile the israeli army says it's hit back at hamas posts in retaliation for a rocket launch towards israel locals describe for us what happened. does it worry
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you or the. fact that the best you can still be there and i think trump was wrong this time he made a mess with israelis almost that jerusalem is a concept so we don't need him to say well despite strong objection to trump's decision voiced by within the arab world in europe the us ambassador to the u.n. still insists the move will bring peace to the region. and assesses how likely that is. u.s. leaders seem to believe that if you repeat something over and over again it becomes the truth take a listen to nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the united nations defending trump's recent jerusalem move which caused violence and chaos throughout the region we are living in the reality that jerusalem is the capital of israel clearly disagree with you this is your hope that this is a regrettable decision the most the capital of israel. this decision in the gates
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of. it's the right thing to do. it is absolutely the right thing to do jerusalem is the capital of israel these decisions helpful to the prospects for peace in the region the announcement has the potential to send us back puts to even darker kinds we are living in the reality that jerusalem is the capital of israel when both parties recognize reality peace comes repeating mantras happens to be a thing in washington d.c. especially when it comes to controversial foreign policy decisions take a listen to the no regime change just a no fly zone montra that we heard regarding the libyan intervention the security council has responded to the libyan people's cry for help this council's purpose is clear. to protect innocent civilians the task that i assigned our
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forces. to protect the libyan people from immediate danger broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake pretty soon nato cruise missiles were flying in order to back up fighters armed by western countries then eventually the country's leader moammar gadhafi was brutally executed here's hillary clinton retelling her version of the events yes we came we saw that he died there and then there was that whole weapons of mass destruction routine performed at the united nations by call and powell even brought props less than a teaspoon full of dry anthrax in an envoy shut down the united states senate in the fall of two thousand and one iraq declared eighty five hundred liters of anthrax we have no ambition in iraq except to remove a threat so the weapons of mass destruction weren't actually there and now iraq was left in shambles the main reason we went and you're right it's
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a time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction turns out he didn't well bush was forced to admit that he was wrong about iraq but nikki haley is certain there will be no retractions about jerusalem it will move the peace process forward i'll come back and tell you i told you so now if any that peace nikki haley is promising ever shows up it's certainly going to make people across the globe quite delighted but until then it looks like simply saying things doesn't make them so caleb oppen r.t. new york president trump decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel has sparked a wave of protests across the globe and top european politicians haven't shied away from also expressing their disapproval. he can keep his expectations for others because from the european union member states side this move will not come other european leaders such as german chancellor angela merkel as well as british prime minister to resign may have made it clear that they don't support this latest
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decision that trump had taken seeing it as something that could potentially reverse decades of foreign policy attempts from so many involved in this process around the world and it's clear that netanyahu has had no luck getting the support that he had potentially been looking for now in a separate incident we have seen in london metropolitan police and emergency services had conducted a training exercises for the first time in a foreign embassy and this was done involving the israeli embassy in london these exercises were deemed to be in preparation for a potential chemical attack although officials did make it clear that this was not something that had to do with these latest developments on jerusalem and other episodes around europe really passions flying when it comes to the issue of jerusalem we've seen a couple of hundred of protesters come out in sweden chanting anti israeli slogans
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we also know that in the netherlands there was and an attack carried out on the israeli restaurants so really certainly this latest decision from trump has so far been stirring more trouble than anything else we've discussed jerusalem move with various guests some of whom expressed serious concern with this decision. what is absolutely clear is that trump's movie is an incredible provocation to what is an incredibly unstable situation a lid kept on it by. the pretense if you like of of the idea of a two state solution with the u.s. as a broker of peace. but that i mean that is a more ridiculous claim than it has been for a very very long time whether the saudis the egyptians and the u.a.e. in particular can put pressure on the americans because those are the three main allies of the u.s. in the arab world so if they can put pressure on the u.s. i don't think they'll be too many implications it's just something that the world
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will have to get used to this by the animosity towards the decision the united states and shot themselves in the foot everything they do at the moment backfires. they're losing ground. there no longer be effective players of the middle east so very few countries in the region seriously they don't see them as. partner in peace but rather they see someone a president or a government that's very reckless and cannot be worked with whether it be the arab israeli peace process or in other conflicts like syria and iraq the row over jerusalem was discussed during vladimir putin's trip to muslim states. takes a look at what else was on the agenda. four countries in one day is no mean feat imagine it wake up and russia breakfast in syria.
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vladimir putin's surprise trip to syria was as much a statement as anything else why say you've won when you can show it it was his first trip to the war torn country which he obviously believes is now stable and safe enough to visit. syria has been saved as a sovereign independent state refugees are returning home and the conditions have been created for a political settlement under the auspices of the united nations. i sells caliph that is done jihad ists a food now contained next then lunch in egypt. not just them who among the timing of this visit was also rather interesting because it had been planned well in advance but the themes weren't there's no planning for things like this. almost.
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trumps disarray could nies jerusalem as the capital of israel has set the muslim world on fire america betrayed us they say q putin should we believe it is counterproductive to take any steps which can pray determine the outcome of negotiations between the palestinians and israelis we believe that such moves destabilize the situation would not help to resolve the conflicts in the country they provoke conflict putin is cashing in on washington's blunder from trade to nuclear power plants and deals the russian president as winning favor taking market share in egypt while america's standing is weakened will that buy lunch dinner is in turkey.
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actually below where you can still get an atmosphere two years ago russia and turkey were in the brink of a conflict this was the eighth meeting between vladimir putin and president edouard to boost the relations ties between the two countries are getting stronger every day they also discuss the whole hoost of issues syria of course was right up there . with if terrorist hotspots reappear we will take action but now we. focus on reaching a political settlement for syria at the russia iran turkey meeting on november the twenty second agreements were reached on the issue and now we need to implement them in full yet jerusalem trumpets all here while putin was more measured. no words. that russia and turkey think that the u.s. administration's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital and move the
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american embassy there doesn't help the progress in the middle east process on the country it destabilizes the difficult situation in the region in fact it could ruin the peace process altogether. the american decision to relocate the israeli capital led to a huge wave of criticism for protesters against these decisions were killed by israeli soldiers nearly two thousand were injured three. it's using this wave of protests to oppress palestinians trump has all but sacrificed goodwill with the muslim world now is russia to take the reins and if the day is anything to go by this is an opportunity that putin simply will not miss more i gather. from ankara turkey. new york has suffered an attempted terrorist attack police have detained one suspect who along
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with three other people sustained non-life threatening injuries in the next promotion close to times square and the state governor says the man was influenced by extremist groups including islamic state now surveillance cameras captured the moments before and after the blast which happened in an underground passageway during the morning commute and you can see a flash followed by a cloud of white smoke and people fleeing that took place below the port authority terminal said to be the busiest bus to a bus stop in the world and the suspect had made a homemade pipe bomb and attached it to his body. when we hear of an attack in the so why is he probably unsettling. and let's be also clear this was an attempted terrorist attack. thank god the perpetrator did not. result to make goals or the explosion wasn't nearly as powerful enough to blast out any shrapnel if it was then the situation could have proven far more serious the bombing is the second
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terror attack in the city in just six weeks at the end of october a man plowed a truck along a pedestrian path in manhattan killing eight. i'd still like to. see . this happening i never did before this happens often to me. he went this way and i think you just like to look at that i think it's kind of normal for these times were particularly in new york city which is targeted many times and it's the new normal. new york police identified the suspect as twenty seven year old. he emigrated from bangladesh through a visa program for people with relatives who are u.s. citizens who was reportedly radicalized online and inspired by i stole christmas attacks in europe. well donald trump has issued a statement calling for tougher immigration rules terrorism expert doug weeks believes the trend of lone wolf terror attacks is here to stay. string attacks
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are happening with increased frequency in the us and certainly from what we've seen in europe. are perhaps not directly. wrecking by us but certainly have an affiliation came down in terms of sympathy with them. in iraq and syria it's not surprising i think the. networks either as knocking them and security. think that needs are going to probably continue to happen for some time in the future and while the attack brought to a standstill the president took to twitter reacting to a c.n.n. report wasn't exactly what everyone was expecting.
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a new york times report gives fascinating insight into president trans t.v. viewing habits the paper says the president watches at least four hours of television a day and drinks twelve cans of diet coke and just i know you're standing by with breaking news so i may have to cut away from you. another full story this time in the failing new york times tonight watch for that eight hours of television a day wrong i seldom if ever watch c n n b c which i sit in a queue. well
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i think donald trump's strategy of using twitter to speak directly and go over the heads of the filter of the mainstream media is a brilliant strategy. as a guess and i'm just guessing vents are still being evaluated at the at the terror attack with and i'm quite certain the trump has put the resources required. ample resources to get to the bottom of what actually happened with this case to make sure that our various security forces in the cities across this country are prepared for any copycat attacks here in new york and elsewhere he's got to sign his priorities himself and he can do more than one thing at a time and i think it's absolutely correct for him. to attack people rejected in the. early show i go out of my way to. the
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really. john oliver of. the same. parents better than. i see people you've never heard of. the president of the world bank. sent us an e-mail. requires a messaging app first store of value and a. third as a messaging this is the history of economics the history of money the history of trade the history of evolution the d.n.a. in our cells of our body suggest that bitcoin will be a lot higher because we as a species want to connect and it's monetization of our unconscious it's the monetization of our collective unconscious.
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twenty past the hour here in moscow just a month after its unsuccessful move for independence the spanish region of catalonia has once again been struck by violence hundreds of protesters scuffle with police in the city. but this time it's relics seized by spanish authorities that are again inflaming separatist sentiments. that was a. leak . like. what is happening i've been using and the leader has nothing to do with dart of it's just since it is the spanish government and their forties and aragon they came
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to the museum looking for war. we've already seen the marks against democracy and human rights today we also saw them make no cultural values. us economic solo the. artifacts are enough in this in effect a placeholder for a number of other issues going on here i think the thing that is really done at this time is that this is a long running controversy people. poser imbue these artifacts with perhaps greater actual value than what they have because they speak to
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a larger set of tensions between the two parties but with the intervention of the catalogue of the catalan government by the central government the central government has in effect basically ended the litigation they've said we have the power now and we're going to end this issue once and for all and i think it's that that authoritarian approach on top of all the other authoritarian approaches that the catalans have been subject. that makes this particular case so important. locals living in a district of power us have written an open letter to president demanding a makeshift migrant camp be cleared from the area threatening to go on hunger strike if the situation is not swiftly dealt with. it. is supposed to solve this problem we need to end the system of temporary camps for asylum seekers it is ruining our district and destroying the image of the right to asylum it should be transformed into
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a distant system to help people return to the contras normally if this is not happening by the end of this year a group of us will go on a hunger strike. migrants have been descending on the tenth district of paris where an asylum center is located and they've been hanging around on the streets while they wait for the applications to be processed with the procedure proving lengthy a tent camp soon sprung up and began to sprawl. how we gauge the reaction and the opinion of the migrants the volunteer aid workers and locals. and don't help me out because look look at me. what if i guess i'm here but didn't have us some time in the door and i don't have to be just some time i don't have blank you just stick our digital look on their work up you would have to nudism and if you don't like up there would you spray it on. and then we come here every week summer and winter to bring food and not some to the homeless and with the influx migrants there are more of them now the government is doing nothing well first year of our own two years to
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receive nothing from the government i want to we had to build this fence to protect our communal carpark from all these people urinating this obviously cost money it was the only solution we could come up with but it's not sufficient over the past two years paris has seen a number of makeshift migrant camps take root before being demolished and the number of cases migrants put up resistance when the earth already has moved out and clashes. now president micron's office has responded to the open letter saying all thora he is are aware of the difficult situation in the district but it's up to the interior ministry to find a solution political analyst and nicolette not a covert says the government is not learning from past mistakes. two hundred thousand migrants from into france. come over and was they arrived in france well there's no strategy to. integrate them to the shelter and what happens is you see months ago on the beaches of kauai now this summer they were on the beaches of
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normandy and now they're on the streets of paris in this situation at the small. local residents say that over court t thousand migrants have been sleeping in makeshift facilities or anything on the streets. creating and of course from that stance the local residents are very unhappy at the same time the french authorities are doing if you know the situation continue as before tally so this is a never ending story. the times newspaper has hit out at this network over our coverage of the great and felt our tragedy in london this summer in an article that says r.t. attempted to ignite a class war over the tragic event it claims the channel miss reported that millions have been spent on cladding just to make the building less of an eyesore to wealthy
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residents nearby the hosts afshin rattansi and max kaiser were also accused of peddling conspiracy theories just to remind you the grenfell tower fire took place in june and claimed the lives of seventy one people the building burned for sixty hours before it was extinguished the tragedy sparked outrage in british society with many angry at the perceived failings of the local authorities. sputnik host and former m.p. george galloway believes the times article is actually offensive to the victims. the very idea the disaster in which seventy one at least seventy one poor people men women and children were burned to death as a result of the failure of their landlord which is the richest bar in england the royal bara of kensington and chelsea failing to make proper safety
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provision for them and clogging they are building in austin i'm not making that up the cladding was made of arsenic which poisoned those who are not actually burned to death the idea that british and this is the responsibility of our feet and of the russians is beyond offensive it is obscene. and we are back here on out international in about half an hour.
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credit is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also lead to tragedy i did it i took the how just i came to god and meant that the debts ty came to god and he was far enough to follow. many lives have been broken my excessive test of the banks got you into trouble on only big bankers got big. on the government by the banks but i just didn't think of the ordinary men who lost money through the back under don't buy credits as people see no future bad face from happening you know you become ill you do to job your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is debt a lifelong trap or is there a way out of those actually come to bed or know would like to ditch been for so much a few of them would. apply
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for many clubs over the years so i know the guy even so i got some. football isn't only about what happens on the beach but a funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spend the city to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else on it because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so what will chance with. the thinks it's going to. pleasurable.
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this is believed was broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm barred village and then beyond that coming up a conference committee is working out the differences between the house and senate tax bills and woomera have been running rampant about some key elements that could impact individuals and businesses will ask steve malzberg for the latest intel on the net if you go she asians plus gold dropped to a nearly five month low on friday and some so you could stay down for some time west peter schiff for his take on one silver and gold now let's get today's top business and financial one. following an exciting couple of weeks bitcoin futures launched on the chicago board options exchange on sunday the price at the futures contracts which will expire in january were trading eleven percent higher at seventeen thousand eight hundred thirty dollars this allows investors to bet on the
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future price of the cryptocurrency and track it on gemini digital currency exchange founded by the winklevoss twins in just another week the chicago mercantile exchange will begin trading its own futures to it will you.


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