tv Keiser Report RT December 12, 2017 7:30am-8:01am EST
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hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. it's a. wonder when they hit it big i cover the city admitting. they blew it i knew nothing the multiple fields a. little. just a row reserved in your right channel following them in the mall the mental wreck a friend with a foot on the cliffs in from another up on the u.s.s. a local little kid on the wanted us and the feeling to see all. of those.
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thousands of dollars a lot of stories emerging you know stacy it's amazing going back to the two thousand and eleven era when but going was a dollar two dollars three dollars of course we were reporting it here on the kaiser report a lot of people would give me bitcoins at these conferences i gave a lot of people a lots of bitcoins i distinctly remember giving russell brand a thousand bitcoins when they were i think maybe two bucks a bit coin that's not worth sixteen million dollars i wonder if he still has them some of them were these to say shows coins and i don't know it's just a lost track is like giving away candy at the time of course they're worth something yeah we're going to as we approach the end of the year and do our retrospectives and look forward to the new year we're going to talk a lot about the history of bitcoin what's going on we are recording this quite a few hours before the futures markets open in chicago. has become a huge massive international story everybody's hearing about it we're getting
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a lot of tweets and a lot of e-mails asking how to buy it how to buy it people are panic buying and you're certainly seeing that i saw a chart of verses and it's all buy is no selling there's nobody selling so you're seeing quite a basically a melt up and then rollercoaster down in those very volatile you we're going to see a lot of volatility in decline prices as these futures markets unfold there's going to be multiple futures contracts multiple banks all these banks are getting into it . we are again recording this right before the futures markets open in chicago so what's your prediction by the time this errors it will have already happened what's your prediction. for how it will have impacted the price if anything late sunday early monday i think we're going to see upward trend because the business futures trading needs at their core a lot of inventory of coins so that i think as i've been saying get
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a inventory of coins on the books so that specialist and market makers can do their job in creating a price structure and price discovery but you need to have an inventory to do that remember i invented the virtual specialist technology number five on five zero one seven six i designed trading technologies and specialist technologies going back to one nine hundred ninety seven and before that of trader on wall street traded options i was the third biggest options producer in the shares of lehman hutton system for many years and so now they're coming into my you know my parents and i would tell us what you want to say i mean at my house so what do you think the futures markets a lot of people are in from the precious metals market who have been watching our show and what they always say is that the futures markets the paper markets and during down the price of gold and silver what do you think is going to have an impact or not on big queen suits up in gold and silver is that capitals fleeing gold and silver and going into bitcoin capitals fleeing fear money going into bitcoin capital is fleeing all these other desperate last asset classes and into
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this new emerging asset class and therefore they've got this upward buying pressure people don't understand that at its heart bitcoin is a messaging app first a means of know a store of value second and a medium of exchange third the toshi white paper is a bit misleading because it leads off by calling bit coin digital cash that's kind of misleading it's not really digital cameras and so first it established itself as a messaging app money and economics are the history of communication and trade it language that's language explodes onto the scene tree it explodes onto the scene messaging apps explode and. exponentially onto the scene because similarly it's unique in this way it's an emerging asset class is not quite a currency it's not quite a commodity it's not quite a technology it's a combination of all these things happening in this beautifully cartesian elegant distribution of interests called the bitcoin protocol and it's eating the world
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eating the commodity world eating the technology world and it's going to one hundred thousand two hundred thousand three hundred thousand a coin because there are lists which go to a sort of saying what's been going on relation to gold in other words of a trade of four hundred thousand dollars a coin it would be roughly equivalent to the total above ground gold stock in the world you have to look at in terms of bitcoin as related to global debt it's not seven trillion in debt like seven trillion in gold there's three hundred trillion in debt i did the calculations and that would imply because the price of over two million dollars according to monetize it to get rid of that it ok we're going to be going just a we're going to lose our experience why we're flying through space of hundreds of thousands of miles per second why don't you know light this is speed of light you know how can we discount that how can we be little that we put a man in the moon we can put going to a million ok as you said many people called bitcoin gold two point zero if
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just as that just as operating as a gold you know proxy or gold of its own digital gold as bitcoin investor novogratz has said that would equal four hundred thousand dollars per bitcoin just to equal the size of the gold market which is over seven trillion dollars to the point years ago because yes this is what he determine the price would be is for exactly four hundred thousand dollars watches or so i get it ok i'm still asking you however what do you think the chicago futures markets we have c b o e the on sunday and then right after c m e and then there are going to be that cantor fitzgerald who you sold your technology to your company. hollywood stock exchange what do you think the impact will be on the price can they will it provide more liquidity will it bring in more money will it cause more volatility will provide less volatility which you think will happen it will create
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a bigger pipe for more money to flow into bitcoin right now the pipe is about like this is a relatively miniscule market compared to the bond futures the currency futures stock futures you know five trillion dollars worth of forex per day is the market because in that arena is a pipsqueak by expanding these contracts futures contracts derivatives and bringing wall street chicago into the mix you're taken that small straw which is an on ramp for fear into bitcoin and you're making it massively bigger and that on ramp is going to suck in what i call the bitcoin black hole it will suck every piece of debt ridden carcinogenic bowl. central bank wall street bank jamie diamond will be sucked through a straw i mean imagine jamie diamond being sucked through a straw what he end up on the other end is a pulp of snotty general you know theory of it is the river to imagine lloyd blankfein being sucked through a garden hose what ends up on the it's a string theory is to block the coin black hole you know if you enter
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a black hole if you get string of five spaghetti you get spaghetti fide imagine jamie diamond alone blankfein beings but get a five is there sucked into the big coin black hole and they just turn into you know atomized pieces of deceit in the hamptons looking for matt lauer and some underage chick you mention the size of the four x. market and that's foreign currency exchange the foreign exchange markets so all that's the biggest market in the world probably by trade volume per day five trillion a day dollars versus euro versus yen versus you know british pound i forget the name of that little country there. stead appendix that appendage on the end of europe that's run by. three some may so that's five trillion dollars a day one the very very first big day is everybody's preparing for these futures markets open a big coin they saw twenty eight point seven billion and bitcoin volume that had that was up from like five and
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a half billion over the summer so now we're at twenty eight point seven billion but just a tiny tiny tiny blip compared to the whole four x. market a five trillion dollars a day at the time saying it but so isn't the overwhelming see this of people to understand is that this are big going is a messaging at first store value second and a medium of exchange third as a messaging app this is the history of economics the history of money the history of trade the history of evolution the d.n.a. in our cells of our bodies suggests that bitcoin will be a lot higher because we as a species want to connect and monetization of our unconscious is the monetization of our collective unconscious is to modify what i call the psychic equity conversion the p.e.c. we're converting our our our consciousness and unconsciousness into a monetary medium of exchange through the the magic if you will as steve jobs would
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call it of a messaging app the metcalf's law of exponential growth and essentially ferrers law if you want to talk about economics for all you economic quantz and and hacks out there look up there is a lot see h i r s law of good money pushing out bad ok the fear of money is going the way of the dodo this brings me towards the end of our show the last two or three minutes here before we go into the second half we had finished your second part of your interview with randy bowler i do want to say max will probably be on r t. talking live as these are between futures start trading yet but well or other news i don't well. hopefully or probably you're going to basically see a lot of live news about the futures markets because it's going to be a big impact on the big news and it's a big story but before that i want to turn to an interesting story that also happened on the very day that every but the market started going wild and big point futures you know prices up
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a five thousand down three thousand up six thousand down two thousand when it was very volatile it was immersed that saudi crown prince painting that sold for a record breaking four hundred fifty million dollars so is wall street journal they got this information from the u.s. intelligence community that it was the saudi crown prince the same guy. rating those hundreds of princes and to pay for the banks some exactly but you know this is very old school old world everybody is like wow that's the crown prince this is four hundred fifty million dollars for adventure painting just to put that into context that's. that is three bitcoin pizzas. this is the current price is this three big point pete says we were ten thousand big queen were spent for two pizzas at the very first ever bitcoin meet up right here in new york back in two thousand and eleven only two or three weeks later there was that prague conference where you and i attended but that was just a mere three big pizzas. for this defense the painting you know absolutely and you
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know the entire market cap of crypto currencies is about four hundred fifty billion now approaching the half a trillion mark cryptocurrency market will of course top the trillion dollar level and hit the multi-trillion dollar level again because it's this amazing. quantum effect of polling in all the fi out money into the into the crypto and bitcoin black hole of store of value used to be the only person calling for i remember there some headlines back from twenty twelve or whatever max kaiser says because the market will go to one hundred billion how wacky how crazy but now i tunes the news or read the headlines and it's nonstop also seems this guy says go four hundred thousand four billion four trillion everybody's like calling this well you know like do you spend was talking about bitcoin in terms of the consonantal which is that i got to go all right well stay tuned for the start going to have a lot more coming your way even george galloway i gave george galloway free but
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going like in twenty eleven he's a millionaire multimillionaire george do you know that statement. be fent like on your own i was coming through and spoke proper if somebody would invent for me to come down to spend my life to plan committees and i'll talk to scott person of the sultan was clear. every night although we were attacked by the arabs oh are we will attacking them and we will extremely shocked and saying that's not possible i'll make those move
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to such scenes and then the soldiers and myself. there is both wampus in the house without a prisoner of our brooke baldwin of the day ali. billy much second class citizens in the long haul. most likely and i think in my head that there is no way to be able to live together without tearing down the strip club of. a fight for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the shape of money just killed in a loneliness and spending city to twenty million all one fly and. it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game my great so we'll all chance for.
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around him back on right great to be buck first amendment yeah let's get into it rooney volar if you are still officially advising the democratic party how can they reach take north carolina in two thousand and twenty. well first of all you know we've got to put good candidates on the ballot and you've got to run someone in every race one of the past problems has been a failure to run candidates in all one hundred twenty legislative races max where do you find these good candidates like the democrats seem to be obsessed with chasing the russian hoax ghost like they don't realize that dog don't hunt is a southern expression well that really has no bearing on what's going on in local regional and state races what they need to do is focus on candidates that connect with their district but you and i have talked a lot about germany yet all the people about this well gerrymandering is the ability for a general assembly a legislature to draw the lines after a census for the districts and so what's happened and there's been numerous court
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cases in north carolina as the lines have been drawn were the politicians are essentially selecting the voter and not the other way around you know people say to me well randy you know you're partisan your arguing now that you're out of power we're empower the republicans give us our time and i say look if you're if your values and your ideas and what you believe actually you know can in or worth something then just make all the districts equivalent and let the chips fall as they may meaning that they're you know fifty fifty races if our ideas aren't good the voters won't vote for us but right now you have legislative and congressional districts that are way out of balance for instance if you have a dean next year name in some districts you're going to win no matter who you are and same with an r. and frankly that's just un-american it's not fair it's not right he said something there that is really good well said he said that instead of people choosing their politicians the politicians are choosing their voters yes in other words
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gerrymandering to get together in a room and they say if we divide up the voting blocks in this way we know based on demographics and psychographics that we'll get x. number of votes and that's it's vote reg. so again it does russia gate house is all about fake vote influenced by a foreign entity and yet gerrymandering is a clear cut example of vote rigging right here it's happening all over america it's of specially agreed to sarah north carolina why don't they address that if they're so concerned about voting because people when they get into the power they want to preserve their grip on power right now north carolina is a purple state it's roughly a fifty fifty state we've got thirteen members of congress it's ten republicans and three democrats it should really be seven republicans and six democrats or seven democrats and six republicans right there you can see how egregious it is go to other states like pennsylvania and you'll see the same effect these districts and
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been drawn in a way where the politicians are picking the voters with technology as it is now you can literally draw a line right through a bedroom and if the husband votes republican on the wife democrat that's what you get now is not fair if said in the past that north carolina is really a petri dish day american political landscape it is a whole and you have for example the wealth and income divide i believe is very sharply expressed to the largest degree of any city in america in charlotte right yet if you look at the indices that the talk about social mobility we've got a couple areas in the state that are at the top of a very bad chart you know you do you mention mecklenburg charlotte also i think greensboro the greens for a winston salem area are both areas where social mobility is particularly tricky now you know it doesn't take a genius to figure out that industry was wiped out in this state first you had the civil war yes just decimated much of what was happening here decimated wealth most
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of the wealth was actually in property and what was the private property slaves right there went off the books and then you had the rise of some corporate industry . with tobacco agriculture sweet potato is number one seed potato producer in america is north carolina i get calls or i think it's eighty three billion dollars a year in exports don't quote me on that but i think i saw that number when i was watching the local news over thanksgiving and what other or some of the other dynamics that are part of north carolina as you see it from your perch as a political well we lost textiles we lost furniture making we lost a lot of industries that were outsourced overseas whether they went to mexico or whether they want to southeast asia and that really gutted parts of the state that were dependent on those good manufacturing jobs and of course when big tobacco went down and we lost that too i mean we're in durham durham was built by big tobacco
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duke university was built by big tobacco people don't want to actually square that circle but that's the truth randi the model democrats and a radically different ethos to the baby boomers. far more left wing and far less suburban and more smart city soothing loving hipster localism as a mayor former mayor how do you attract this new generation who generally millennial are interested in a sense of place they're interested in locality so you know. farm to fork type of things or some people say you know tied to table you know locally sourced fish instead of getting it from a salmon farm and it's about quality of life it's about creating experiences as opposed to living in the mansions i think we're going to have a real tricky thing in our country is the baby boomers are downsizing and trying to offload some of these make mansions that were built in the eighty's and ninety's that were not very energy efficient were the buyer is going to be i said it what do
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you think they got here that i love a trout right with it with cans. that's good really good let me ask you the question so the corporate democratic party is claiming victory with the recent virginia elections but many of the winners were bernie style rights are are the millennial is well and truly going to end the reign of the neal liberal democrats like hillary well i think the reign of scent of centuries in the liberalism is already on its way out i mean sometimes the patient doesn't know it's dead yet really you think that hillary is dead well you know haven't you seen a body in rigor mortis can still kick. so it seems as though we are in a post clinton era i think we're moving especially with the issues with the sexual rant rassmann the scandals we're moving into a post era for an awful lot of that generation not only in the republican party but
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the democratic party as well were you know i'm saying two thousand and eighteen is going to be the year of the woman there going to be a lot of incredible women on the ballot and i think that women are going to play a role in the polls and reshape this country say no it lives seen evidence of this already we have there is a huge economic caught a tsunami of women participating in politics as a result in part due to this wave of sexual scandals women are saying i feel i've had it and nuff this is our opportunity everyone speaking up finally we have unity the problem with the women's rights movement in the past is they didn't have enough unity there was some shiksa ready to sell out her sister to become a supermodel but now there's so much sexual perversion out there particularly in hollywood that there's a unity with that sense not sensed they suffered movement you know rights for women to vote have we seen such unity no more rape no more army weinstein's and this is
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going to create a wave of political activism in females in politics randi well you're seeing it by the election of donald trump i mean had hillary won i don't think you would have seen such a virulent backlash but i mean his victory with his baggage connected to the other issues that you bring up i mean weinstein obviously was a big player in the democratic party as far as a donor and all these others across these industries are being exposed and women are saying it's our time we're tired of hitting the glass ceiling we're tired of you know pay inequality we're tired of being a single mom trying to make it on two and three jobs and having a master's degree and not being paid i see it showing up at the ballot box. you know i applaud that the yeah i mean it's not the man who had the ball for a long time it's time to give it to the women it's time to see you know what women can do if i have learned to stand it's only correct the men have had quite some time to time to give those to the women it's time to let the women get their share
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of the power because we certainly have made a fine mess with it absolutely and it can't be worse than it already is no it is not in our waves it in you are entering in age in the economy that demands less actual physical strength because everything is digital so it's more about thinking of the cloud cloud thinking women are good in the cloud they don't have the whole art of thing linear thinking like women can't really think linearly you know the show up at the you never notice this at a toll booth and they don't actually look for the change to pay the toll until they arrive at the poll both i mean for a man that's very frustrating for a woman that's the way they think but i think now's the time to let that kind of thinking take over when i first got into politics i was the youngest some i boarded h thirty six and everyone i think of the time was between ages fifty and eighty but they were all do it was only one woman it was enough for american women and i helped elect are the first african-american woman ever in the history of pittsboro and the town is almost two hundred forty years old as i moved on in my career and
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got more women elected to the board you could see a difference in policy so having inequality of people on these decision making boards across the country is important you can't have it all one gender or one class it's important to have people from different areas to provide insight in your community and i see that happening in twenty eighteen twenty nine hundred twenty twenty and you already saw it in virginia in twenty seventeen more women on top that's what i say more women really are again ready that's going to do if it is addition for the kaiser par with me nice guys are in states ever like to thank our guest randy vall or do you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report into next time.
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credit is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also lead to tragedy i did it i took i lined the hole just i came to god and meant that the debts ty came and in the spiral nothing from. many lives have been broken like excessive to the banks got you into for a walk and all the big bankers got big. new government by the banks but i just didn't think of the ordinary men who lost money through the back under don't buy creditors people see no future bad things happen you know you become ill get into a job your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is debt a life long credit or is there a way out of those actually come to a bit of an old michael to ditch bill for so morphed sysco from what.
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well u.s. officials insist recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital will bring peace but now it's only riots under arrest. a terror suspect inspired by islamic state is arrested in new york after a blast rocked a central bus station injuring three commuters. hundreds of protesters clashed with police in catalonia or off to madrid alters the transfer of only alter facts to another spanish region in the wake of the independence bid. from some residents in.
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