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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2017 3:00am-3:10am EST

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the number for iraq is fifty fifty two hundred and the number for syria's two tatts well there were surprises a couple of months ago to win the white house figures on troop involvement of broad mentions soldiers stationed in this year several u.s. lawmakers actually had no idea that they were there former u.s. congressman ron paul told us the level of transparency is unsurprising but i didn't know there was a thousand troops in niger you heard senator graham there he didn't know we had a thousand troops uneasier did you know i didn't know it well i'm fortunately we don't get like surprises it's sort of the routine especially with the new administration because the president has stated that he wants to keep everything under. the best vets because he doesn't want people to know and he believes that's proper policy but it's not good good law because the constitution says he's not a lot of send troops around the world without the people in the congress knowing about it is we get very difficult especially if they say well this is
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a secret we can't let the people know we can't let the enemy know where our troops are meanwhile as many as forty four thousand american troops are stationed across the world and not being tracked by the pentagon according to the u.s. military in all stars and stripes and it claims to you that around three hundred thousand u.s. personnel are operating in more than one hundred and fifty countries we got in touch with us defense department which told us that some personnel are marked as having an unknown location because they may for example see adding that its data center may not accurately reflect the current force tell you tools ron paul again says that explanation one. that's their excuse but that should not happen in a republic i mean people are supposed to know what's going on most every country in the world is imperfect including ours but our immediate goal should be to improve ourselves and not pretend that we can tell other people how to live and who should
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run their countries even though there are plenty of problems around but i don't think other people like us to take this role of secretly putting troops around the world and interfering in saying well we're we're going to improve your governments and we're going to tell you what to do if you don't do what we want we're going to put sanctions on you. meanwhile donald trump will unveil his national security strategy next monday and russia is likely to be listed as a top threat to you according to the president's national security adviser we are facing a threat from russia but involves so-called new generation wolf these are very sophisticated campaigns of subversion and this information and propaganda separately a former u.s. vice president has published an article accusing russia of supporting separatist movements in a number of european countries joe biden who served under barack obama specifically
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mentions russia backing italy's populist and euro skeptic five star movement as next year's election ling's party deputy and then pay the the phone a says it's easier for rivals to blame russia than face the facts. i think that it's just the way to change argument in the public discussion that russia is there will win situation you can always say it's russia so they will use this argument but the reality is that that once you get ten eleven million votes it's not possible that they are just. managed by some foreign power so people are understanding is understand in the this is a big big theater where everybody's acting a part so or when they lose they lose cause they are not good there so. there is a lot of discussion around the idea of populism arising in europe and they call us
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for example we are the only party that living in a two or a program and you can already find it on our website so we are the opposite of what bubble is true. so we have to circular ideas we are doing what we say we don't want to destroy anything we just want to get to read of the bad things that the we we add up to now. there is a lot of rage against the system and if we don't there democratical party like the five star movement in italy you. try to find the best you can have so inside in such country this is that and that's only sparty we have to investigate why people are true is choosing these people despite it's probably because you are please not doing what it's supposed to do they're just buying their time talking about banks and financial institutions. finally this hour high tech event in moscow has seen
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a machine working in perfect harmony from new devices to next level face recognition software that hawkins takes a look. innovation in practice congress' web business science and some of the brightest young minds in will showcase what they have to offer. there's a real emphasis here on the virtual reality and anything digital force of russians drive for a high technology economy yuri i find it so what is this operators here that. each can detect your emotions and reality it and what can it actually be used for in real life it can be useful for events for marketing. projects but i'm hungry because about breakfast salvi do we can do it well maybe in the future maybe
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. from virtual three d. simulators and sports psychology software to robotics some rough terrain vehicle prototypes there's something here for everyone and even the opportunity to try some in practice now it's hard to believe but my hand is actually now moving pretty much of it so of course for me this is a really strange reading books somebody who might have a spinal injury will be paralyzed this machine which only has one of the i love it the whole world would be a life changer and the latest technology is used for mind as well as matter like this system which reads body signals to identify and tackle psychological pressures were used to do this is a stress test we can train a person to lower their own stress levels to control of the eventually to get rid of their own phobias this particular device has already been put to use while others if they impress enough you may soon see use oen day to day lives i know
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wilkins r.t. moscow. fascinating stuff that brings you up to date don't forget you have a couple of minutes or so have a look at our social media pages and you tube channel plans to enjoy. to. make its manufacture consent to stick to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round if suddenly the woman said. we can
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all middle of the room sick. anymore you. really. hate everybody i'm stephen ball. hollywood guy will suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different i'm honest. though no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. moment and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american killed.
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it. i. this is the last broadcast signal around the world from washington d.c. i'm willing and i'm beyond the bikini coming out we'll hear about the number of security breaches the government has faced and what it's doing protect itself what's going futures trading started out rocky but you know will they succeed we'll take a look now it's good to day's business and financial headlines. on tuesday oil hit a two year high trading at almost double its two thousand and fifteen price brant crude oil futures for january jumped to sixty five dollars and twenty four cents
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a barrel a zero point five two percent increase this follows the recent deal made between opec and non member states to extend production cuts into two thousand and eighteen but it also comes just a day after the north sea forties pipeline system shut down for repairs according to an operator spokesman it could be weeks before it's back up and transporting four hundred fifty thousand barrels of oil per day again that's a problem to about forty percent of the u.k.'s total oil production and since october nearly one million barrels of oil a day have been wiped from the market due to production disruptions in the u.s. u.k. venezuela and iraq.


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