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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2017 4:00am-4:31am EST

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it's. a mystery international says e.u. countries bear much of the blame for the cruel treatment and short by migrants in libya. we believe they know we complicity in the system of using torture all refugees and migrants setting p.b.x. also from congratulate jewish people on one of their biggest holidays is recognition of jerusalem is israel's capital sparks yet more violence in the region . and right now i'm thinking about what's going on and the love that's all over israel and all about jerusalem and from take is to jail is an american boy's heart felt video about being bullied at school sees an outpouring of sympathy swiftly drive his mother's picture with the racially provoke
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a confederate flag. day here in moscow you're watching international now our top story this hour international is accusing e.u. governments of condoning the detention and abuse of migrants trying to reach europe from libya. we believe they are knowingly complicity in a system of abuse and torture of refugees and migrants in the back because they know exactly what these going on there and they have chosen to support. a system of detention and their view of migrants without. in place any safeguards what. gave me more details about those claims. that report was released yesterday
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and it essentially calls out e.u. countries for actively supporting a system of exploitation and abuse of refugees and migrants by the libyan coast guard now since twenty sixteen even the states of implemented a series of measures aimed at cutting off that essential migration route to europe through libya and one of those measures includes and they bring the libyan coast guard to intercept people at sea and they do this by providing them with training with vessels and other assistance and it's onboard these rescue ships which are aimed it essentially saving people's lives that it's claimed refugees and migrants are being subjected to abuse and they have video to back this claim as well one of the videos allegedly shows a refugee being thrown overboard and then being towed a long while other pictures came to show migrants being whipped with a rope and we're going to show you a video you might find upsetting or it
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were or. were not as on one of these particular boats that we just saw in the video that amnesty says this was donated by italy back in april not so long ago in fact there's a whole ceremony is handed over to the libyan coast guard it was attended by the italian interior minister now another way the report says e.u. countries are actively supporting supporting such abuse is their support insistence to the libyan department for combating illegal migration otherwise known as the d.c. i am now they were in detention centers so after these migrants and refugees are rescued from see that they're taken to these detention centers where they're held and amnesty says in these centers that people are exposed to what it calls the soul destroying cycle of exploitation we can now listen to one person who was actually
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held in one of those to ten. incentives and also research from honesty international either to cause for. thought up losing all our producers for business or to cure some people this would be something we will do to put it. before to. use going to be tossed out. because if. you give us sort through water to drink for limited your o.c. the. level of abuse. these people leaving. duties nor want to do provided that unless you can pay for it we've interviewed several people who said that the way to reach the white families where and before and in order to extort money for the torture to stop and for them to be released. and this is just the ordinary daily life in
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the sand so in light of these findings amnesty international is calling on european governments to rethink their cooperation with the libyan government and they're saying that if even members continue to supports them on this with the libyan authorities essentially trapping people in libya that then european governments are really showing with their true priorities where their true priorities lie and that being the closure of the central mediterranean region stopping people from getting into europe rather than prioritizing these people's welfare mccarran their meanwhile the report by the european commission on the blocks programs in libya stress the need to shut down smuggling and human trafficking in the country he went on to say that the u.s. efforts have a strong human rights component and are being conducted in cooperation with the u.n. refugee agency well r.t. has our several institutions to comment on the allegations against the you government's we received this reply from the deputy spokesperson for the u.n. secretary general and he expressed concern over the situation in libya and stressed
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the need for the proper research element of migrants a view shared by international relations professor last sunday. because you're getting a number of reports from credible sources including u.n. agencies that there are systematic abuses that that is and and i think it's clear that there are italy has to then and the european union has to say well we're not going to send these people back to libya and we're going to find some way to give them a safe haven whether they're whether or not they are economic migrants or refugees isn't is not right their country's major powers. the stable a situation and then later on complain that. there are a mass migration movements from some war and other difficulties. now promoting paints that was the declared purpose when donald trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel but so far there's been nonstop violence across
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the region. or trumps decision has been heavily criticized by your pain and arab officials but that doesn't seem to trouble the us later this kind of mopping expects. well it's now the time of year in which israel celebrates hanukkah and this comes after donald trump's dramatic decision on jerusalem which may seem like a huge gift and we wish you a very happy hanukkah. and i think this one will go down as especially special. and right now i'm thinking about what's
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going on and the love that's all over israel and all about jerusalem a love that's all over israel trump one is far is actually praising himself for the all but controversial move his point his predecessors only made promises where he actually delivered. jerusalem is still the capital of israel and most remain unknown divided city accessible mr design take office i will begin the process of moving the united states ambassador to the city in israel and shows. i continued to say that. jerusalem will be the capital of israel so why is tom so gleeful about his decision as the international community praised him for it nope dangerous decision we do know and agree clearly disagree these decisions i'm hopeful from the european union member states sites this move will not come so is it what the american people want well not according to this poll taken ahead of trump's
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decision sixty three percent of americans say that they oppose the move but it's popular in israel right well not with all israelis they think of only friends leave in years and they. are in much greater risk than they were with i think it will because of. people day and. violence i think it was a reckless this season and. trying to announce it is like a man who was playing in a coma defeated or in the. end. thanks there for. soldiers taking us through storm suddenly. oh my friends tell me it's a day he announces that they're pretty much scared to to go but the drizzling because they don't know how it's going to be and they're scared to leave the house says so just who is happy with the move well there's the american israel lobby there's christian evangelicals and there's the guys over at that all right web site
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breitbart now that's not the biggest group of loyal trump east but trump did win over some of his harsh critics in the democratic camp. jerusalem is the capital of the state of israel something the united states congress has reaffirmed the fact of history that cannot be tonight. i support the decision to recognize jerusalem as the eternal capital of israel and to move the u.s. embassy that this decision is long overdue and help correct a decades long indignity there may be benefits for him personally may be a tipping his hat to his base and saying you know this is a campaign promise that i made it's the same as what he's going to a lot of areas he's pushed much much further than where the public wants to go or what is in the interest of the united states. that's the homework of the trump. you know and. i think that's the real reason he sees it more important for his
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personal legacy for his supporters to do this regardless of its effect on world opinion regardless of its effect on the united states or the world opinion and regarding this of its effect on the palestinian. people the world is not happy with the move america is not happy with the move but donald trump thinks it's terrific a year ago at his inauguration donald trump said that from here forward it would be america first well it's starting to look like maybe it's trump first. r.t. new york. now it has been exactly a month since artie america had to register as a foreign agent in the u.s. after being pressured by the authorities at the time the state department assured us it wouldn't affect artie's ability to cover the news but a couple of weeks later we had a press credentials revoked by the u.s. congress so amerikana asked the state department to clarify the situation. when our
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t. was forced to register as a foreign agent and you said that it would inhibit our ability to report when the united states tells someone to register under a foreign agent requirement we don't see impacts or affect the ability of them to report news and information we just have the register it's as simple as that just a couple weeks ago our press credentials were revoked so doesn't this contradict your earlier statement i think i think press credentials may have been revoked by congress and not necessarily the members of congress but rather the association of reporters that handles who gets to come in and cover congress after basically directing my question to congress she played the russian card a representative of the russian government in fact the fact that you are here as a representative of the russian government is
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a perfect example of how we do not not restrict any type of freedom of the press this all comes after r.t. america was forced to register as a foreign agent stripped of their capitol hill press credentials only after russia was accused of meddling in the us presidential election after washington's measures russia actually designated several media outlets funded by the us government as foreign agents but it seems after this whole exchange that the state department is unwilling to keep its word and is now trying to just shift blame it to avoid taking responsibility so american reporter will media and legal analyst law in all things that he was targeted as part of the blame game against russia. what does that mean well it wasn't necessarily revoked by congress or members of congress but the association so elected by the members of congress to determine who covers congress why does this is double speak you know exactly what the question was why did you
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revoke our press credentials why that was the question russia t.v. our t.v. was yanked because it's russian whether your russian own eighty percent or their russian media it's that teach you a lesson it's part of this nonsense that started where people were trying to figure out a way to explain away that hillary clinton lost the election i want they don't have anybody to blame they picked russia so it just kept building and everything that's why she and the foreign agent this is an espionage statute from ny state thirty eight whatever what is you know what you're right it is trench coat with a newspaper with holes in it like a spy oh come on this is embarrassing. now an american mother has learned about internet fame the hard way after sharing a video of her eleven year old son tearfully talking about being bullied at school
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went viral and did see celebrities rally to support him but the tide turned when photos of his mother emerged. as the story they make fun about noah and i hope i'm not going to. write before letter dear friends don't criticize the bad. and it's not their fault this heart wrenching video of an eleven year old boy from tennessee speaking out about being bullied by his classmates took the internet by storm keeping story got a millions of views and it up trending on twitter under its own hash tag of support a fund raising campaign was set up in keaton's name almost sixty thousand dollars in just two days he became a center of attention with actors athletes and showbiz stars wishing out to him keats and the bullies were when i'm with you. well those punks at school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world how would you and your mom like to come to the avengers premiere in l.a.
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next year this boy is incredibly brave and they do really go to me before he knew it keaton himself had turned into a celebrity something he hadn't expected in the least. making a difference in the world give them a voice. but as more attention was focused on keaton the once inspiring story turned sour as his mother kimberly was shifted into the spotlight as people sifted through her facebook profile they uncovered photos featuring confederate flags and unsympathetic prince and just as quickly as support had initially flooded in backlash against kimberly hit accusations of racism and possibly using her son's pain for profit became the center of the story i feel pretty stupid or enough people i was pretty moved by keaton jones's video so every show is mom and she just wants money she just wants me to share her go fund me account responding to the outrage kimberly tried to shift the focus back to the issue of bullying by saying that the photo of the confederate flag was meant to be ironic it was ironic it was
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that any good nobody to do was no racist and no no absolutely not after i've said i spent most of my life being weighed and and judged because i wasn't racist but that didn't seem to work social media right now is mostly buzzing about how she's using her son to get cash as for the account created to support keating it's not clear whether he'll get the money or not it's frozen at the moment so look or so a few days the internet went from supporting a victim of bullying to condemning his allegedly racist mother oh how quickly the tables have turned. the reporting that now is still ahead. why the white house stance on how many american troops are stationed abroad just don't seem to add up we'll have a look after the break. seemed
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wrong oh well just don't call. me. to shape out just to educate and engage with equal speech radio. when so many find themselves worlds apart. she says to look for common ground. to put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and should. somehow want to be rich. to be close this is what before three of them or can't be good. interested in the waters of.
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the ship. here with us a nice person trump has been telling congress hi many u.s. troops are stationed abroad but the biannual white house report has left some cage figures in the sections on afghanistan iraq and syria not a single number was given to treat numbers were disclosed for jordan and lebanon you might think is a something of a surprise given that the pentagon did apparently reveal them a few months ago. we have approached troops in afghanistan and noted sheen in our edition of over three thousand u.s. troops arrive you know in the coming months the number for iraq is fifty fifty two hundred and the number for syria is two tatts there were a couple of surprises a couple of months ago you see when the white house figures on troop involvement
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a broad mention soldiers stationed in the seven u.s. lawmakers had no idea that they were there former u.s. congressman ron paul told us the level of transparency isn't surprising but i didn't know there was a thousand troops in niger you heard senator graham there he didn't know we had a thousand troops an easier did you know i didn't know well i'm fortunately we don't get like surprises it's sort of the routine especially with the new administration because the president has stated that he wants to keep everything under. the best honors there is because he doesn't want people to know and he believes that's proper policy but it's not good good law because the constitution says he's not a lot of send troops around the world without the people in the congress knowing about it is we get very difficult especially if they say well this is a secret we can't let the people know we can't let the enemy know where our troops are meanwhile there's many as forty four thousand american troops stationed across the world are not being tracked by the pentagon according to the u.s.
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military nor stars and stripes he claims that around three hundred thousand u.s. personnel are operating in more than one hundred fifty countries we got in touch with the u.s. defense department about this which told us that some personnel are marked as having an unknown location because they may for example be seen data center may not accurately reflect the forces total ron paul again though says that that explanation. that's their excuse that should not happen and in a republic i mean people are supposed to know what's going on most every country in the world is imperfect including ours but our immediate goal should be to do improve ourselves and not pretend that we can tell other people how to live and who should run their countries even though there are plenty of problems around but i don't think other people like us to take this role of secretly putting troops
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around the world and interfering in saying well we're we're going to improve your governments and we're going to tell you what to do if you don't do what we want we're going to put sanctions on you. so the news today be you should take action to stop the construction of a russian baltic gas pipeline according to the u.s. state department officials at a congress hearing they describe the nord stream to pipeline as a political project saying it goes against the blocs interests it's not in europe's interests it's not in our interests it's also a political rather than a commercial undertaking there is an existing framework in place for the e.u. to take more aggressive action on north stream two and similar projects if it wished to do so politically well that hearing there did come the same day as europe narrowly avoided an energy and energy crisis after a huge explosion at a major gas in austria essential quezon through energy markets with fuel prices spiking at a four year high gas flows superhumans but the incident was still enough to prompt
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italy to declare a state of emergency the baumgarten gas plant in austria distributes natural gas from russia and norway all over europe including germany france and hungary the blast there is said to have been caused by technical faults killing one and injuring more than a dozen others a day earlier hairline crack shut down a k north sea pipeline network. economists keep boys feel things that by calling for restrictions on russian gas supplies the u.s. is only trying to seize a larger share of the european gas market. u.s. producers are looking to their own bottom line and that they would like to you know export. l.n.g. liquefied natural gas to europe because they see a commercial opportunity there so you could argue that their strategic. sort of view about the future gas supply in europe are also
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have a certain commercial incentive as well or but they're certainly look looking to increase their exports of liquefied natural gas and looking at their own fracking capacity and so they're looking across the world including europe to export that gas that they're producing in the states. finally this hour a high tech event in moscow has seen man and machine working in perfect harmony from new devices to help people with disabilities to some next level face recognition software hawkins takes a look. innovation in practice congress where business meets science and some of the brightest young minds in one of moscow's top universities get to meet leading figures from academia the public and private sector n.g.o.s to brainstorm their ideas and showcase what they have to offer.
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there's a real emphasis here on a virtual reality and anything digital all part of russia's drive for a high technology economy yury high so what does this operators here to. eat can detect your emotions and divert it to eat and what can it actually be used for in real life it can be useful for events are for marketing the. project but i am hungry because i have a breakfast. be do we can do it or maybe in the future maybe. from virtual three d. simulators and sports psychology software to robotics on rough terrain vehicle prototypes there's something here for everyone and even the opportunity to try some in practice now it's hard to believe but my hand is actually now moving pretty much of it so for for me this is
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a really strange feeling but for somebody who might have a spinal injury will be paralyzed this machinery which only has one of our battle over the whole world would be a life changer and the latest technology is used for mind as well as matter like this system which reads body signals to identify and tackle psychological pressures or to do this is a stress test or we can train a person to lower their own stress levels to control them and eventually to get rid of their own phobias this particular device has already been put to use while others if they impress enough we may soon see use in our own day to day lives i know wilkins r.t. moscow. clever stuff that's a new site that i hear not say more from me in just about.
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believe. it's a. wonder when they hit it big i cry the city of new day. it burned when i knew nothing then we took on just a. little bit of. this i wrote reserves in the right channel or in the media in all the men to make a run with a foot on the cliff it's a moment up on the us as a local look at them they want us and the feeling to see a little. of those. settlers help
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us out it's just a thought that they'll fall. i'm after newtown see we're going underground here at the playhouse theater in central
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london coming up in the show there's a terror attack in the heart of the u.s. a financial capital have something to do with washington's decision to move its embassy in israel to jerusalem we investigate the dangers to make donations because of their government's policies in the middle east with a former vice chairman of britain's ruling conservatives. and. we talk to the director and stars of a west end revival of david mamet's play glengarry glen ross about real estate and the savagery of western capitalism the headlines and deafening silence as paulding steps up for a peace prize while we get down to the last war right here at r.t. all the more coming up in today's going underground. but first early speculation even in british mainstream media about monday's pipe bomb attack in new york centered on donald trump's decision to move the u.s. embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem connections between national security
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and major nation middle east policy are often drawn in britain but not in the context of years of nato nations support for islam missed militants in syria to take down the government of president bashar assad no one appears to ask how wise it is to use u.k. taxpayer money to fund militants who can do us harm here in britain but when it comes to british military support for a persian gulf war talk receives like bahrain and of course saudi arabia it is national security that is often actually invoked take this prime ministerial response to a question about u.k. arms sales to saudi the security of the gulf is important to us not. simply also reminds right on the gentleman that actually saudi intelligence the counterterrorism links we have with saudi arabia the intelligence speak it from saudi arabia has saved potentially hundreds of lives yes minority government u.k. leader to resume now in defiance of a european parliament arms embargo.


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