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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  December 13, 2017 7:30am-8:01am EST

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that brilliant biscoe responsibility that misplaced six point five trillion of our tax dollars is that the fiscal responsibility you're speaking about mr pedagog spokes person white hell according to a new report by the defense manpower data center our friends in the pentagon apparently can't even keep track of their actual physical soldiers stars and stripes is reporting that forty four thousand known military personnel are stationed around the world forty four thousand they don't know where they are they just know they're somewhere around the world they don't even know who they are. let's break out the calculators and pocket protectors ladies and gentlemen as the department of defense gets its much needed audit as we start watching the hawks. get the. real thing. as it gets to the bottom.
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of. what the like you know that i got. this. week so. welcome everybody to watch the harks i am sorry robots are up and on top of the wireless. attack the man's account over at the pentagon and that man is coming down the pipe going to hit the pentagon we hope we hope that this is not smoke and mirrors though it could be but we hope that it's not well to carry out not to cut you off but i want to throw this number of two so you can kind of react to this to have to carry out the audit this is how screwed up the pentagon's books are and how vast a department i would even call it that but a corporate corporation the largest. player in the world's largest environmental
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terry which is under that they will deploy twenty four hundred auditors to go over the records and examine the bases property and weapons all of the pentagon's assets everything that the part the war department has here in the united twenty four hundred it's not enough. it's not us i'm asking me i'm more than most small towns i mean people are it's twice the size of my hometown and imagine of everyone in your hometown have to go just to audit one thing that starts there you be in trouble do you wonder why we complain that the pentagon and the defense budget so big and that they don't want to grassley a republican out of iowa actually he's for the auto what did point out these auto which are targeted as the largest ever undertaken could top two hundred million spending so much money and audits that are doomed to failure would be a gross waste of tax dollars do you believe that he has a point i mean you know if it's going to go two hundred million to audit this thing
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wow it costs over one hundred fifty dollars for most people to have their taxes done so for me that we're spending two hundred million dollars to find any of the trillions that were lost by the pentagon that we can go in and save i mean if we say if anybody saved two hundred million and one dollar it's worth it and i'll tell you why because we have soldiers in the field for years since nine eleven who were not properly equipped we have equipment that does not keep them safe we have contractors making billions off of stuff that does not keep our people safe so at the end of the day we need that money to better handle it makes them less safe you know it makes our soldiers less safe for us not to know where seven hundred billion dollars is going every year and that to me is it's a small price to pay for something that should have at our long time ago and could absolutely balance our budget we could handle the deficit issues and they need to figure out where they're wasting money. six point five trillion i think you said.
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was how much was lost they just lost their just just could not account for twenty six twenty sixteen report the defense department's inspector general stated that they are meat meat two point eight trillion and wrongfully adjustments to the county we talked about on the show a little bit and the army it in number states they lost their resilience is what they're saying they didn't have invoices or receipts to back up the numbers or they just made it up one quarter alone the accounting entries and one quarter alone and twenty fifteen six point five trillion. the snow on the congress is still giving them pile he says are afraid because the guys across the street are the defense contractors and they're the ones they have to get those contracts because the guys up on the hill are getting money from the defense contractors and everybody says just keep it quiet bags of cash however you have to do it but you're not you're not taking care of the problems you're given money to keep us safe to defend us here
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with but we have to keep america safe and that's kind of their ultimate excuse give us more money we need to persecute that's kind of what they say they sell it but the fact of the matter is is that when you have the pentagon not even able to figure out you know putting on no next to forty four thousand names of work troops should be around the world that's a big deal i mean that hurts and that puts people i think that puts people in danger of think that not knowing where your personnel is i understand you can't tell everybody you know who's station where for security reasons but kind of misplacing or not knowing where forty four thousand troops are that's a big deal big deal that need that needs accounting and auditing right away. murder and violence are no stranger to the colonies now known as the united states of america from the moment white european settlers landed in plymouth harbor murder by gun has been the case in sixteen twenty four and nineteen year olds. soldier
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named george harrison was killed by a merchant in a dual in the jamestown colony by sixteen thirty mayflower compact signer and my great great great great great great great great grandfather true story john billington had been tried and hanged for the shooting death of fellow colonist john newcombe in reportedly over one hundred dispute but it isn't the one who died of white crime of the colonists that caused the most bloodshed nor did the right to bear arms come out of a fear of tyranny but to assure white supremacy of the new world is challenging but eye opening analysis by native american historian. ts in her new book alluded to disarming history of the second amendment loaded walks you through the halls of history and reaffirms that the right to bear arms wasn't really about having a well regulated militia turns out if you actually look at the founding documents already administered protections for the founding of militias against government tyranny in the fifteenth century it is estimated that over ten million native americans lived in what is now the united states but in one thousand nine hundred
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there were less than three hundred thousand a british british traveler remarked in seventeen eighty four that white americans have the most rancorous into the thing to the whole race of indians and nothing is more common than to hear them talk the talk of extra providing them totally from the face of the earth men women and children in fact most malicious formed in the colony and after the civil war were either completely focused on native american genocide or catching runaway slaves one fact that supports the theory is the sixty one thousand law passed by the virginia house of burgesses making the transfer of guns to native americans punishable by death across the colonies similar local laws were instituted that criminalize gun ownership not just by native americans by slaves or even indentured servants they also restricted ownership by catholics who were considered disloyal to the crown or the colonies and the prevailing notion that the british limited gun ownership by it's limited the. gun ownership of its
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subjects is not entirely correct either colonial statutes show that nearly every colony was expected to have firearms and ammunition with adult men available to use them but despite many lawyers using it as a talking point in second amendment cases there's actually no evidence historically for otherwise the colonial colonial militias were forced to keep their firearms in a central location what this all means is that the idea of the second amendment was originally written or intended to be used against the government is fully best and complete misinterpretation of u.s. history the native americans were a threat to british expansion but when the american revolution pushed british out colonists turned to rule over the native americans brutally stealing lands and killing them with disease and guns colonial law all the way back to the seven hundred gave people permission to quote kill savage indians on sight and at will and the ugly truth is that the right to bear arms has been used in the united
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states for the oppression and elimination of minorities and native americans far more than it was been used to protect ourselves from tyranny as dunbar ortiz attests in the book loaded the united states is not unique among nations and forgit foraging origin myths but only one of the few in which its citizens seem to believe it to be exceptional by the grace of the creator and this exceptional us ideology has been used to justify genocide appropriation of the continent and then domination of the rest of the world and. bore those powerful words that a very very i think controversial take on the circular movement because we hear over and over again that the second amendment was created to protect us from tyranny that we have the right to burn our arms to you know basically keep government because of the government knows the populace is armed they're much more viable to. try to tyranny on the populace but this. is
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a very very different take on it is a very different take and i think that idea that the british rule the british kept all or you know all of the american colonists before they were american colonists that they'd only made them keep them in one place that there's all these stories that it was the british that did this it was the british that did this and in truth they didn't there really isn't proof but there is proof is that the colonists themselves on the local level were restricting use to white men and the most of the time if you look at these militias that were around at the time they were there to kill native americans and get them off their land or. ok so maybe a little something that didn't involve people that is what i don't know my prime is you can grow your own misery you know but you know i'm i think the i think the thing that i kind of want to you know put in people's minds just to think about is remember the constitution i think the best way to use it is to not hold true fast to what was true of the seventeen hundreds but let it be
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a morphing document with holds true over the years and learn from the mistakes and its greatest accomplishments and let it be that living document but also also report up really interesting book that i think we do we want that we check it out and i would end all right as we go to break our quadruped don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we cover the place because for the full shows at archie dot com coming up we welcome congressional candidate and former video game designer brianna woo with the docs and us to discuss how facebook may be tearing our culture of apart and the cia's role of the creation of google they tell. you when you don't. see the teacher. then take what they need.
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to what they need not through only ten space you. may. let them know you. said. something to you know somebody did not see that. you speak french. most of you. will send them all to new. jersey let them. credit is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also lead to tragedy i did i took a line the whole gist i can be got and that that the death star game began and it was spiraling out of control. many lives have been broken by excessive debt in the banks got you into trouble and all the big bankers got big. on the government
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by the banks but i just didn't think of the ordinary men and the rush morning through the back under don't buy creditors people see no future bad face and have become ill get into job your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is debt a life long trap or is there a way out of those actually come to a bit of an old right hook to ditch bill from so much fluid or. join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. if anything is undeniable in our digital society these days it's
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a more and more events in our lives tend to turn into spectacles of social media gluttony first it started with the in your face showmanship of the carefully crafted tropical vacation photo album for all to see and be then as political candidates and activists discovered social media twitter and facebook quickly turn into a no go zone any time during a major election and with the holiday season booming many are reminded once again of the less appealing side of social media as we are bombarded day in and day out with endless pictures of our high school classmates thanksgiving turkeys and over the top christmas gift bounties as society falls deeper and deeper into the social media business some insiders are beginning to openly decry the trend such as the former facebook executive who this week said he regrets playing a part in creating a platform you now believes is literally destroying society and in the meantime more and more questions are surfacing about the unfettered access silicon valley now has for deepest and darkest secrets and who exactly they may be sharing it with to address some of these concerns we're joined today by brianna would tech and
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cyber security entrepreneur running for congress and massachusetts welcome brianna . it's going to be here you go most ugly as always a pleasure to have you on the thing today was interesting because we saw this dose of rare self reflection from a former face would be. probably helpful to you admitting he feels tremendous guilt about playing a part in helping facebook or kind of as he said tear up our social fabric this is even prompted the i think it's good this is even prompted the social media giant destroyed back a century slamming their former executive including the bush the bad old facebook that he worked with and certainly not been through in life and one other browser does this ring true at all as as well. the social media industry really become much more socially responsible all the sudden was it bad before knowledge better was it ever was it always was a good what are your thoughts. so you're definitely seeing so many cases of people
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coming forward and saying you know what we need to think twice about this monstrosity that we've created but as far as true self reflection or accountability no we're not even close to that you know it's a part of human nature that you know everything we create oh it's fine the problem is always those other guys so i have to say this story that came out in courts this is tremendously tremendously disturbing kind of looks at the creation of google and how a lot of it was funded in the early days and it was very much a pipeline with our national security agencies saying you know what we want to get our hands into big data we want to know what people are thinking we want to be able to link people by interests and i think like george orwell would be very very impressed by the society we've created kind of amazing ip if you like that ever since the you know the election it's ben suddenly people realize that and with all
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of the spotlight on those platforms according to that quartz report the company was in its early days and partially funded by research grants from the cia and the n.s.a. looking to develop mass surveillance tools which is essentially welcome to go and facebook really are is a matter of very convenient one can we really expect silicon valley giants to show independence. at for their customers and for their fellow citizens against the intelligence out. of course not i i'm going to tell you a story i'm not going to give you the name of the company but this is a game company this is a major game company that sells software an i phone and i was touring their company a while back and they are just showing me like any employee the information they can pull down from facebook to look at what you're interested in what articles your posting you know all this just wealth of information and this is
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a game studio has unfettered access to this so if you think that like you can trust silicon valley to take self report with you know the cia and you know all these national security agencies you're just living in a fool's paradise i know these people they're my colleagues and they're just there this isn't a level they're operating on you know we've created this sense of the internet that it's it's kind of like in this alternate space where it doesn't count and engineers we'd love to build things you know we're not the best and sometimes seeing the consequences of what we do build that's a really interesting point you mentioned like your fellow engineers and they you know when you and i can ask you to speak for all of them obviously but when you kind of char involved and seeing the behind the scenes and then seeing the people building these social media sites are really games are they you say they're not
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really aware of kind of what they're building but they've got to be aware of like from edward snowden on they've got to be aware of the dangers of the information that's being shared or do they just have a completely radically different look at that the like john q citizen would. he don't know it's it's very interesting because if you go down to san francisco in you're talking to the average engineer you're going to meet someone that's one hundred percent they say there hundreds are. percent on board with like women's rights and wealth inequality in the like a stance of lee they believe in these very liberal causes but in my experience when you start having difficult conversations about well who has oversight over who is getting this information why can't the public look at all these requests that the government is putting in for your data how do we get oversight it's just the shields come up very quickly and i just truly think we've created
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a monster without really thinking through it. ever since the twenty six days are you i wish i had better not oh i think it's very much yeah that sounds about right . i don't think we can we can expect anybody to be our savior but at one point or another on some level congress this for us to be looking out for this and since the election there seems to be an obsession with social media being used and cable news being waged a largely for their value as political tools but why isn't and i feel like this is kind of in the way of the gun debate about why they would you know we couldn't study whether guns routines arrests of people. is it almost the same way like we're not looking at the societal the psychological effects of what's happening we're not congress is doing nothing to look at how do we mitigate the damage is that where they should be looking next. i think you're dead on and look at the financial incentives so google the way they originally got stock piles of money is by making
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it very very easy for anyone to buy and sell ads that is how they became one of the most powerful companies on earth and now that they are this powerful you know you have to start asking difficult questions about the people that are allowed to come in and by targeted ads on facebook so i think you're dead on who we say no one has really thought about the consequences of you know the ads that we are exposed. to the art fact checked or the kind of videos that people watch on whether children are watching we have this lawn stress psychological experiment that's going on and we see every day how adults are responding to it now i have to be really honest with you i am terrified about what this is going to be able to take for the next generation how do we how do we break how do you believe as an engineer designer and some of the work in this world all your life how do we break that loop out of like let's say a facebook break that kind of social feedback loop where you're only really seeing
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stories that play to you because that's how the algorithm is designed but all you see is one side of a conversation that reinforces your beliefs rather than challenges you how do you break that loop is that new algorithms or the just educating people on how to read and use social media how do we do this. well i think congress has a responsibility which they have very clearly abdicated the congressional committee i hope to serve on is the science space and technology subcommittee which it holds it writes all the laws is the gatekeeper for net neutrality it is the gatekeeper for all of these issues and what is so depressing you know verge had an article on this this week that showed the pittance that these people on this committee are paid by by comcast to get their fealty and my belief is that we have got to have some people running for office that understand
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these issues like value net neutrality that understand that facebook is kind of a public utility we've got to have regulation and we've got to have people involved in this that are actually understand the issues. oh you know where we find those that yes there were when we looked at the oil refining i think that really amazing thing do you think those people are coming i mean as people like you that understand this wave. because as we talked about before on this show people in congress do not even they don't know how to program their v.c.r. clocks we can't even get past that right so you can there are people that can do that i mean i remember the days of live journal and that and it's just a very different world than we lived in so i think we're seeing i think we're seeing an army of well let me a women that are very interested in running for office can tell you i was getting my tires changed today and i am having like
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a half an hour conversation with the young woman that's thinking about running for office you know there are six great thirsts there but what is really important for me is you know there are certain things that are beyond party like i am i'm a liberal i'm a very very far left liberal but you know these are issues that aren't right versus left issues you know these are cybersecurity is not a right versus left issue so something i am really hoping is that will have some republicans out there that care about net neutrality republicans that understand that it's not good for us to be getting this much fake information and have some people there investing in these problems because we're we're seeing our society literally ripped apart i couldn't agree with you more brianna and i also think it's important. it's important to point out how you know look people like you are getting into office you're running for office you're trying to win you're trying to get voices out there and i think it's at the that you're it nailed it on the head of also putting that on the backs of republicans to it that
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a libertarian republican would also believe in those two out of magine as well thank you so much for coming on the day it's always a pleasure to have your insight and good luck in your office. thank you very much always a pleasure. charles robert jenkins passed away peacefully at the age of seventy seven this week at his home on satellite in japan he was affectionately called chicken son by locals and is famous for making what he called the stupidest. cision of my life in one nine hundred sixty five u.s. army sergeant charles roberts then twenty four years of age was stationed at the demilitarized zone along the border between north and south korea. one night he decided that is imminent deployment to vietnam meant his certain death that's when he knocked back ten beers and walked into north korea and a strange attempt to eventually make it to russia where he would hate of course he spent the next forty years living in pyongyang as a political prisoner english teacher and cold war pawn in the one nine hundred
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eighty s. he was married to hitomi so go a japanese woman who had been abducted by the north koreans in one nine hundred seventy eight with help from the japanese government so god eventually jenkins and their children were allowed to leave north korea and locate to japan charles robert jenkins was a man who ran from an untenable situation into the arms of the enemy and while many still consider him a traitor his involvement made the issue of the japanese abductees in the seventy's and eighty's by north korea a global issue ten beers will give most people are a terrible headache for jenkins it gave him a place in history it loving wife and children and a reason to always hope for a little bit of light in the darkest moments and that was our show for you to bury remember everyone in this world we're told with love the bumps or tell you all i love you i am a rover and on top of the world watching those hawks in every race. all
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to see we have a great team we need to strengthen before the free float world and who better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that mark forty four for the european championships at the very last minute. no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last world. thousand old joe. russia. left left left more or less ok stop that's really good.
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be first like when you all know it's coming through and spoke. if somebody would have been to spend my life to play in committees or a little disco kosovo solti was clear. every night we attacked by the arabs we will attacking them and we will extremely shocked. saying that's not possible. and then the soldiers and myself and. the host with all the pools of war we've all go. they all. believe much second close citizens in the.
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most like and i think in my head that there is no way to be able to live together without. allah. the. trust in the mainstream media is an all time low but no one should be surprised in the media has itself to blame for this sad state of affairs is a self-inflicted wound and actually a conscious business model the media no longer has an interest in holding news media today propagates ideology. and.
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it's. coming up this international describes eve countries as not only complicit in the abuse and detention of migrants trying to reach europe from libya. turkish president today urging the arab world to stand against donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital as the violence continues across the region. and seems to me. and let's. talk about the weather if you will that the u.s. is set for a u. turn on north korea as america's top diplomat says washington is ready to enter talks with pyongyang without any preconditions.


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